Saturday, June 17, 2006

St. Louis magazine does a positive article on Crestwood!!

Please click on the header to be directed to the story, and thanks to one of our "blogers" for alerting me to it.

Tom Ford

No. 167


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well would you look at that. apparently crestwood swim club is mentioned as one of the highlites of crestwood in this article... i guess it is true then, that crestwood swim club is
"our favorite summer place, the Crestwood Swim Club."
just look in the 4th paragraph of the article, its all there :-)

8:50 PM, June 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes indeed! It is a real asset to the community just like we have been telling you all along.

10:07 PM, June 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Paid for be everyone, only available to the elite! Yes, a real asset to the community.

10:37 PM, June 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

define "elite" Crestwood Swim Club isnt available only to the elite It always has been open to every citizen, of any city. If you have a problem with that, then find a way to become self sufficent, that way you wont be supporting the "elite", because one way or another, everything gets some government money.

11:48 PM, June 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

REALLY? You say it's "open to every citizen, of any city"???
I guess we'll have to find out won't we:)

12:29 AM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what they ment is that anybody from any city can have a membership there. There is no rule stating that only crestwood resdients can/ are allowed to join the pool. And not only the "elite" are allowed to join the pool.

9:19 AM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's nice to see we are still fighting over the pool when the employee's of the city are schedule to change medical insurance, so the city can save 75 thousand over the next six months.

Never mind the cost the employee's have to assume because of this minium savings. Now there are extra hoops they have to jump through now if they have a major medical expense. All of the co-pays went up and thats just the begining. I hope their spouse's have better insurance than the city. They are going with GHP and leaving Blue Cross, the employee's are the ones who are paying for the mistakes of others. I know they haven't had a raise in a couple of years but at least keep the better medical insurance.

Maybe the quota that has been imposed on the officer's will help them out next year. That's right I was talking to a friend who works at the Police Department. Everyone is fair game. Drive slow everyone and watch out, North County is here.

5:13 PM, June 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

It would appear that your knowledge of Police work is somewhat lagging. Any command officer, sergeant, or shift leader who imposes a "quota" of tickets may be brought up on charges by the State. (RSMO'S.)

I really doubt that our Police department has, or will operate that way. However, some of the so called "driving" I have seen in Crestwood lately could use a little "selective enforcement".

I worked in "North County", and we never had "quotas" there either, as a matter of fact we could write all the tickets we wanted to.

I have a novel idea, how about obeying the laws on the books (no speeding, no running traffic lights, or stop signs, no improper lane changes, and no DWI,) then you will have nothing to fear from any police department.

I know it's amazing, but in eighteen years I never met a driver who was guilty, or for that matter sorry, they were only sorry they were caught.

Tom Ford

6:21 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the blogger at 5:13 pm on June 19th....that "North County" statement gives you away. Doesn't your shift start soon?

7:45 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard this rumor as well, and I know its illegal. With that being said there are many unwritten rules in life and a Police Dept knows how to get around those RSMO'S. I guess those are the laws that get passed. The system can always be by passed. Tom ask your son about the "quota" he would know.

I'm more intrested about the insurance for out city employee's changing. If this is the case and its better for the city and not the employee's I'm against it and it will reflect my voting choice next April. They have to get some benfits that will carry them through the hard times.

9:54 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger who posted at 7:45 P.M.
It called reading the paper and seeing the top 10 Departments for writing tickets are almost always North County year after year.

Its funny how you assume I work in North County or guess I lived there at one time. Its called getting the word out to the good people of Crestwood. They can decide, but it sounds like there is only a hand full of people who don't won't to hear the truth. Why don't you just ask one of your cops or a few of them and see how they answer.

Everybody wants to bash Greer, Robinson, the old mayor's. The swim club, and the list goes on, but nobody can stand up for the City Employee's when they are losing another benfit for a worse one. I was just trying to inform people, but I see this web-site is one sided.

10:06 PM, June 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't bother trying to inform ..people can't listen when their own lips are moving so vigorously.

4:40 PM, June 20, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well you may feel that this blog is one sided, but I assure you it's not, else why would I print all my detractors comments. For a snapshot of a one sided blog, try CRESTWOOD POLITICAL. There you have to go through the administrator, and he will decide if you get on.

To the 9:54 blogger, I agree with you about the insurance. I have had an HMO, and I too have had higher co-pays. Now what to do about it?

I think if we are going to (save?) $75,000.00 it's a waste of time to make the change. I would bet there are other places we can get that money from rather than pull the plug on Blue Cross.

I have a plan to save the employee health care, and if you all agree, I will present it to C/A Myers, Aldermanic President Miguel, and Mayor Roy Robinson.

The plan is a simple one, if all the households in Crestwood would contribute to a fund earmarked for "employee healthcare" I believe we would have more than enough to cover the costs! Now we all know all the households will not participate, but I think enough will to make a difference.

Our employees deserve the best we can give them, and the health care issue will be a great help, believe me!

If you want to start this I will write a check for $50.00, and I hereby challange our Board, and my fellow citizens to do the same!

We had over 2000 signatures to stop the wasted spending that the last C/A had to have, and by golly, I bet we will get the funds needed to keep the troops in quality healthcare!

Well, it's up to us now, we can bemoan this, or we can work to help our employees, which will it be?

By the way, my son knows of no "quotas".

Tom Ford

6:18 PM, June 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can this be happening when we have such stellar City Administrator hand picked by our even more stellar mayor? I'm certain this was put in the works YEARS ago by FAGAN and GREER! The monsters live!

8:57 AM, June 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For the last blogger, this must be bid by every corporation, every year, so the new administration would be responsible for this choice. It sounds like they are pinching their pennies too hard if the are sticking it to the employees. No raises and now worse insurance. I'm sure we won't have many quality people left.

As far as this quota discussion, I had an interesting conversation with my neighbor who received a ticket last week. The officer that pulled her over explained that there is a new minimum number of tickets required for every officer to issue a month, and that while she would have received a warning in the past, they no longer count their warnings toward that minimum number.

Now call it what you want, but when I heard that, quota came to mind. Also, I don't think this officer would have bothered explaining that to her if he or she agreedw with this new policy.

It sounds like not only are they trying to cut costs by reducing employee's benefits, but they are trying to raise funds through tickets.

4:08 PM, June 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford, I would not be willing to donate to any fund this administation is managing, they have yet to prove themselves. They got their tax increase, let them balance the budget and keep good insurance also.

Last time I checked, St. Louis County Police didn't have a quota. Is this our new chief making these decisions? Does he have a probationary period? Perhaps it's time for Crestwood to start looking at contracting for Police services so we can receive fair service AND offer the remaining employees decent benefits!

4:13 PM, June 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I don't know how to say this any plainer. There are no ticket quotas in Crestwood, or St. Louis County! If your neighbor stated that, get the name of the officer who issued it, call me at 341-2307, and I will ask the officer.

As far as "contracting" police service, I will bet you have never seen what happens when that's done. First the price seems right, then the next year it goes up 40-70%. Meanwhile the quality of service goes down, due to the cars being "out of position".

I once sat in front of a North County Mayors house for over 30 min. waiting for a county car to arrive, and that after shots were fired at the house. They can make it look very tempting what with a helo., dog team, swat team, Et Al, but in reality we will suffer for it.

Why you say? Well the county officers will be transfered each year, we will get new ones (who don't know the local bad guys,)and they don't work for us so there is no motivation to help Crestwood.

You don't know how lucky we are that our police belong here, and have a vested interest in our City.

If you wouldent give money to the administration, would you give it to a bank to administer, or are you just against the idea? If you have a way to do it, please tell us.

By the way, this had nothing to do with the new Mayor or C/A. We were in trouble from the time the old crew fantised about the new police station! I also think we need to get our house in order, but I dis-agree it's the fault of the new crew.

Tom Ford

5:01 PM, June 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 8:57 am June 21. You slay me!!!! If Greer, Fagan etc. didn't make the rotten mess in the first place, we would have had more money. Remember, to the victor goes the spoils. Apparently, you can't see passed your nose and can't comprehend that this didn't happen on this mayor's watch. Get your act together or shut up!!!!

5:32 PM, June 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Now kiddies, play nice!

7:08 PM, June 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we request the new police chief come before the board of aldermen and explain if a certain number of tickets are required each month by police officers?

3:26 PM, June 22, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

You sure can, in fact that would be a great way to put this to rest for once and for all.

Tom Ford

5:17 PM, June 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, this does go way back, and it's embarassing that it went on for as long as it did. For all of you Robbinson vs. Fagan people, try going back to the board that was under Brasfield and when Mr. Lichliter was managing the City.

If you read the financial statements and got to the meat of the lawsuits instead of focusing on the fluff, that is exactly how deep it runs.

The mistake being made is everyone is putting their eggs all in one basket again. A huge anti-Fagan sentiment has caused a great deal of blind loyalty and trust in Robbinson and this board.

I suggest you all keep on your toes and look deeper at what is really going on. We'll be looking back in a few years scratching our heads at how we let it happen again.

6:38 PM, June 22, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"trust but verify",
Ronald Reagan.

I agree, lets all keep a sharp eye on the purse strings as well as the goings on in town, after all, it's our money they are spending!

Tom Ford

7:17 PM, June 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that Matt Green has stock in Rosebrook Real Estate and is a member of Crestwood Swim Club?

Is it true that Matt Green voted for the building of new Crestwood Swim Club and never removed himself from the vote even as a Chairman of Planning and Zoning?

"Crestwood's not that conservative anymore," Green adds.

Maybe Matt Green is a liberal because he is in favor of giving government money to his private Crestwood Swim Club by the 1% sales tax from Kohl's?

Has Matt Green read the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights?

I am waiting for an amendment from the Crestwood Swim Club members and Rosebrook Real Estate stockholders allowing more public monies to fund their private parties at the pool events.

Dip in the pool is on the Kohl's shoppers and on the citizens of Crestwood for having two pools in Crestwood!

I think it is ashame that our own former public officials never brag about our "unsafe" Whitecliff Swimming pool. Our own public officicals need their own separate "safe" which "remains overwhelmingly white (95.7 percent).

Our public officials are missing out on knowing blacks, asians, spanish, greeks, italians, indians, and other races and sharing diner with the finest people of the world!

I thought USA is for all mankind!

Do you have to fill out an ethnic background with your family photo to be a member of Crestwood Swim Club?

9:03 PM, June 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did the $750,000 Interservice fund get moved into which cost account at Crestwood City Hall?

The $750,000 was in the account before former Finance Director Robert Wuebbles had his terrible car accident?

How much did former Alderman Gary Vincent say he received for his private swimming pool? Was it $750,000 as stated in the Riverfront Times by D. J. Wilson?

Does Alderman Breeding know the facts and the truth? Has Alderman Breeding told any of the citizens of Crestwood about the $750,000 and how the Kohl's deal was planned from the beginning to benefit the Crestwood Swim Club and Rosebrook Stockholders with their business interests in Crestwood?

What does Alderman Breeding have to gain by talking or discussing the Kohl's deal? Was Alderman Breeding signature on any of the ordinances or contracts as acting Mayor? Is the City of Crestwood liable for former Mayor Breeding signatures on the Crestwood Swim Club since he was a member of this club as a child? Is is true that Alderman Kelleher and Alderman Breeding swim at Crestwood Swim Club?

Maybe the $750,000 will appear back in the books at Crestwood City Hall after the bonds are sold for Kohl's.

It is amazing how the $750,000 is to the penny of what former Alderman Gary Vincent stated publicly.

9:13 PM, June 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your misguided hate is eating your soul. Let this go before it leaves you nothing but a hole in your heart.

7:54 AM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fagan and Greer chose the new health insurance plan AFTER leaving the city's employ? I'll bet they had some thing to do with area 59 too!

8:54 AM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don Greer also knows where Jimmy Hoffa is buried AND the Colonel's Secret Recipe!!!

7:59 PM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is wrong with our Whitecliff Park? How much money did we spend on a beautiful pool for our community?

I guess it is not a selling point for the real estate salespeople because it is not "safe" as quoted by the Crestwood Swim Club.

8:54 PM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am amazed how many Italians, Spanish, Blacks, Greeks, Polish, and Czechovia's that live in Crestwood.

Are they not counted in Matt Green Ethnic study for the City of Crestwood.

Is he falsely advertising Crestwood as a diverse group of people or is Mr. Matt Green trying to promote the German percentage at the Crestwood Swim Club?

I guess it is very important to have those family photos for Crestwood Swim Club membership.

What happens when a family adopts a international child?

What happends when a family has a child of a different race with the same parents?

8:58 PM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After you follow the money train from Kohl's, you will find a buried tresure next to the Water Tanks. You will find buried gas tanks that have been leaking with Benzene, TPH, and ethlybenzene.

How many people have Acute Leukemia, Birth Defects, Breast Cancer, Brain Cancer, Bone Cancer, MS, prostrate cancer, and Hopkins Lymphoma on Bali Court, Rayburn Avenue, Fox Creek, Del Crest, Ray Crest, Sanders, Grover, Clover and Samoa?

Why was former Mayor Pat Kiloran having the water testing in Ward 2 from 1972 due to the high rate of cancer?

Why not wait another 50 years like our founding fathers?

9:09 PM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is prostrate cancer something that occurs when one is lying prostrate or does it occur in the prostate gland? Is Hopkins Lymphoma a special kind of cancer unique to Crestwood?

10:15 PM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, 10:15, unfortunately both fall under the disease more commonly known as mispelling. While it is not a fatal disease, it can cause mild embarrassment to those who suffer from it.

10:39 PM, June 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oops - typo on mispelling. It's "misspelling":)

12:10 PM, June 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put the blame on the guy who wanted
Put the blame on the guy who let him do it.
Blame him for this; blame her for that!!!!
Blame seems to be all over this town. When he/she is to blame, the next guy comes in and is blamed for trying to fix it; then that blame turns into a case of so much finger pointing, Sherlock Holmes couldn't fix the problem.

If anyone thinks that their reasons and answers are correct to get to the real truth, people will blame them for trying to seek it out!

And the blame keeps going on and on and on.

If you don't like Crestwood, stop blaming anybody. Just leave.

4:41 PM, June 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's soul will have the larger hole. Yours or mine!

11:30 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you ever look up the legal case of Jimmy Hoffa?

Was it true that a former citizen of Crestwood was an attorney for this case?

11:44 PM, June 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will split your half in equal amounts with Jimmy Hoffa so you will have enough funds with him.

12:44 AM, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 11:44 pm June 26th and 12:44 am, June 27th. It's way past your bedtime. Your brain has shut down completely. Time to say night night.

8:38 AM, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this sound familiar to anyone else? Maybe the federal prosecutor could look into the hiring of our new police chief next!

Prosecutors: 'The fix was in'
June 27, 2006


Mayor Daley's patronage chief and three others ran "a corrupt clout machine" greased with political workers who stole city jobs from deserving candidates, prosecutors charged Monday.

"All of this was a charade, ladies and gentlemen," federal prosecutor Julie Ruder said of a scheme to falsify job tests and hold bogus interviews so that hundreds of jobs went to predetermined, clout-backed winners. "The fix was in."

9:30 AM, June 27, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I don't see anything wrong with our new Police Chief, he wears a Cretwood uniform (Greer didn't,) he knows what's going on on the streets (Greer didn't,) most everyone likes him (Greer wasen't,) he has my respect (Greer darn sure didn't!)

Could it be that he will have his officers enforce the law's, like noise complaint's, speeding on residential streets, or loud parties at wherever?

Crestwood has needed a good Chief for some time now, and I think we finally got one.

Illigitimus Non-Carburendum Mike!

Tom Ford

5:35 PM, June 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

predetermined, clout-backed winners. yup.

9:02 AM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

word on the street he is demoting all of our detectives and bringing in people from the outside. Is that true? If so..what is that all about? That can't be good for morale.

9:45 AM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, how about those accusations and no backup. Who exactly is being demoted, who is being brought in from the outside? Let's play devils advocate here. Maybe we have too many detectives, how big is Crestwood anyway? I keep hearing business is down. How many traffic jams do you see on Watson Road? What about the tax increase and the promise of tightening the belt. Can't have it both ways. Are we in the middle of a crime wave? Do our Dept.leaders like to show muscle and braggadocia with a big department, or do the politicians just like to stir up dust? Perhaps more white shirts need to be in blue. How about more coverage and arresting more crime rather than having to solve so much of it. How about stopping the cars in their welded together positions sitting on lots. There is a huge difference in suburban police and city of St. Louis Police. Think about it - 4 sq. miles here.

There is nothing wrong with honing down or reorganizing a department which has been under the leadership of a political budda trying to play god and reward his buddies. They should have thought of that when they let him clone them. The age of reckoning has come. NO POLITICS IN CITY DEPARTMENTS. PUT NEW EMPLOYEES ON PROBATION UNTIL THEY PROVE THEMSELF. FOLLOW THE CIVIL SERVICE RULES AND REGULATIONS. HOLD ALL DEPT. HEADS ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR DECISIONS. ALLOW NO CITY EMPLOYEE TO PLAY GOD. CUT THE ONES WHO FIND A FULL 'TO DO' BOX UNMANAGEABLE AND FIND CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM A PROBLEM.

This is my city. I don't want to keep hearing about morale. Someone is being paid to handle this. I am concerned about RESIDENT morale. I am tired of all the angst and doubt and accusations and the political hot dogs. Crestwood is not Microsoft Corp. It just seems like this city is not big enough for all the big heads and politicians circling around every thing that comes up. If you ever wonder why areas chose not to incorporate, take a lesson from the book of Crestwood. Then bother youself with what is going on and make some noise when the candle in the bushel goes out. Set your expectations high for our city employees, and if these expectations are good ones and they are fair considering our circumstances, replacement buddas just won't come along again.

1:13 PM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem is you don't know the whole story on the new Chief. You may like him as an individual, but he has no business being chief. Just because he isn't Don Greer doesn't make him qualified, and that sounds like the extent of what you are looking for.

This is a man who has been buzzing in the current mayor's ear for years about how bad things were, and I'm sure he convinced him that he 'knew' the inside scoop and has what it takes for Crestwood.

This is the same man that has promoted the thought that there has been bad 'morale' in the police department for the past 15 years. Ask most of the officers that work there....the only bad morale was that being spewed by our new chief. He had difficulty gaining the respect of his officers as a sergeant, he certainly will never achieve it as police chief.

The new chief lives in Jefferson County and shares his Jefferson County philosophy with everyone he encounters. I don't know about you, but that is not a place I care to be annexed to, and that is exactly where this man will take our police department.

2:24 PM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A second opinion is usually what people are looking for providing it is based on fact. Personally, I hold the powers that be responsible for placing the right man in the job. So, Mayor and City Admn. beware, the burden is yours. Residents are inclined to be skeptics.

If the bloggers comments are true, I then solicit a rebuttal.

Is this candidate a crony, and does he plant ideas in the officials heads? Or, are you Sir Blogger, the one planting ideas and perhaps envious and protecting the Greer faction? It sounds like a very unhappy bunch of coconuts up there, possibly not ready to hand down the right decision. And at this time in our town's history, we need right decisions, not a game of whose dog is bigger. I'm listening.

3:36 PM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the blogger at 1:13 June 28th. There should be no gray areas, if employees do their jobs that's great, if not they stay on probation. Buddas not accepted in the city.

Blogger at 2:24 6/28th. The new police chief hasn't even got his new seat warm and you are ready to 86 him out the door. If you feel that way about him and he hasn't even started, I would like to hear your view of Don Greer. Bet you any money, you thought he was GOD.

Now we are going to have to sit a listen to bad mouthing the new chief, when all those years we had Don Greer, nobody said a word, while he was slowly dragging the city into the muck and mier.

Bet you any money, you were one of his foot soldiers cause he made sure he took care of all of you, the rest of us were dirt.

If the new chief falls short of what is expected of him, after a period of time, 86 him too but at least give him a chance.

5:46 PM, June 28, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

We hear and see comments from the Chief's detractors but "where's the beef"?

You say he is not qualified? Are we to assume you have a police back ground, or at least you have been picked up by the police?

I would like to see an evaluation stating he is not qualified for higher rank (there won't be one,)or some proof of your statement at least.

Until then, I suggest you let the man do his job minus your "enlightened savy" of what it takes to be a police chief, or for that matter a police officer.

Tom Ford

5:54 PM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still listening, and watching. And, the first time we see any Dept. Heads heading in or out of Malone's or any watering hole with a city official,the case will be rested. Nuff said.

As mentioned, citizen morale is on front burner now. Take heed.

6:23 PM, June 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Blogger at 6:23 pm 6/28, if a department head walks in or out of Malone's with a city official does that automatically mean it's a "suck up" job or that it's something bad.

Maybe you should take an 8 x 10 glossy and put it in the The National Inquirer and make a story out of it? Is it just Malone's or are their other places that we need to be aware of?

The only bad thing about issues like this is that people will tell stories, cast a giant shadow on who was smoozing who, people who were not at Malone's would be repeating those stories that may or may not be correct or take things out of context, which always happens.

If you don't like someone, and this may be the case, you will always find ways to deminish him or her. If you have an ax to grind, this is your perfect opportunity to stab someone in the back and put their integrity in question.

When judging others, we all need to question the motives of the nay sayers before we all jump to conclusions.

So far, I have heard several different stories about the new police chief. How does anybody know if you or others do not have personal motives and personal dislikes that you are harbouring. That's how propaganda starts.

Nuff said! We will all know soon enough!

1:04 PM, June 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodness Gracious! 8 x 10 glossies. Gotta love it.

Don't think residents in this town are currently all that tolerant considering what they have had to swallow regarding office romance and sexual harrassment suits and the costly expense of politics, legal bills with no backup and the "court jesters" who act up from time to time. Eyes and ears are wide open in Crestwood and so any hint or rumor or sighting just might hit a citywide nerve with the possibility of it being fact, propaganda or fiction. Don't really think it has to do with whether or not you like the person, it has to do with expectations and what we now expect from our city employees and officials. It's a new day. Not a lot of wiggle room anymore and that is not resident's fault. Time to keep the nose clean and as for employees, most likely, yes, they would be scrutinized if their behavior belied poor judgment and came anywhere near that of several very currently former city employees. As of late, the word suckup has moved to a prominent position in the minds of people paying attention. Capability and hard work is a good bet for employees. They work for me and you. We are their bosses and we have opened our pockets. It is not our fault we have no money, for raises and lots of other things. I will let you take a guess who all played a role in getting to that miserable spot. The cast is not a secret. When and if any new dept head does not work out, it is our business to know why. I would say the new City A. had best develop eyes in the back of his head. I like the idea, too, of new employees being on probation until they prove themselves suitable for public service and their job description. Yearly reviews should point out weak spots and a reminder of the job requirements and accountabilities. 3.5 Million worth of debt tends to make one less charitable than usual. Several years of political feuds and embarrassment don't wash away overnight. One never forgets where their scars came from. Same applies to our city.

2:55 PM, June 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it time for another state audit?

4:02 PM, June 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you going to keep asking for audits until the audit comes out the way you want it to? Crazy!

4:51 PM, June 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever it takes.

The City of Crestwood is no longer open for bandits. It has been milked dry. If the hint of a bad smell permeates the "books" and there is any doubt as to how our tax dollars are being spent, you can well bet an audit is not going to be avoided. You don't want to spend the money on an audit, then hold your aldermen and mayor and city admn. under a light bright enough to avoid it. Go up to city hall sometime and ask to see the accounts payable each month.

5:43 PM, June 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of accountability, I read where the board - with Robinson's support - on 6-0 vote gave City Attorney Golterman a raise. His retainer fee increases from $2,750 to $3,000 per month and fees for general miscellaneous services increase from a poverty stricken $205 per hour to $215 per hour. This was done while city hall and the public works property are being held as collateral by a bank.

5:57 PM, June 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 2:55 pm 6/29. Thanks for your explanation and your answer to my comments. I definitely am on the same page as you. And I can see why you feel the way you do about any department head or any supervisor. I also am in agreement with being in touch with what has happened in the past. Maybe I gave you the wrong impression with my remarks at 1:04 PM 6/29. It's certainly a shame what has happened in this city in recent years, and I am just as upset with how things were handled by the previous administration as you.

I guess I just want things to go forward the correct way and I get scared that those who do not wish this new administration well will be all too willing to start gossip based on hearsay. However, I also would not hesitate to be angry if facts were brought forward that have a negative connotation down the line which would lead to more of what we had before, when we in Crestwood have had enough of that in recent years.

I certainly can understand that we have to watch with a careful eye to protect our city from any of the previous events happening again.

I too think the employees should be placed on probation until they prove themselves.

What I worry about are the bloggers who make things up on this blog to make people look bad in order to make others believe things that are just not correct. There are bloggers who use this blog for the sole purpose of confusing us and it defeats the whole purpose.

If you have a grip, that's one thing, but this blog is suppose to be used for informational purposes and venting our disgust based on facts, but people use it for their own self-serving reasons and it can lead to mistrust and obstruction of the truth.

Thanks again as I do agree with what you say and I hope we are both on the same channel now.

10:22 PM, June 30, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

That's what we have been looking for here! Discussion, dis-agreement, agreement, facts, and middle ground.

Please notice the fact that neither of these fine bloggers sought to insult the other. The laid out their case, and came to understand they were both on the same page!

I bet you can do it too!

Tom Ford

8:21 AM, July 01, 2006  

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