The Suncrest Call, wed. 6/7/06 editorial.
What a difference a week makes! Mr. Burke Wasson has returned to his former ways of fair and straightforward reporting! For those of you who have not yet seen his editorial on Mayor Roy Robinson, and Crestwood this week, let me assure you that Mr. Wasson told it like it is.
Thank you Burke for a job well done. This is all we could ever ask of you, that you report the facts, as you have done in this article.
Good job sir!
Tom Ford
Thank you Burke for a job well done. This is all we could ever ask of you, that you report the facts, as you have done in this article.
Good job sir!
Tom Ford
From Tom Ford post 157: "Well Mr. Wasson, move to Crestwood, buy a home, raise a family, in other words, pay your dues, and then we will listen to you." How quaint!
eumujpqvHow quaint indeed! When he is wrong like he was last time I will tell him so.
However when he is right, fair, and honest, it behoves me to tell him so also (un-like some other's I have seen, and I did so.
The quaintness comes from people who refuse to acknowledge their mistakes, say so, and move on.
I am not one of thoes people, so I have congraulated Mr. Wasson, as he should be.
Tom Ford
Hi 8:41 A.M.'er gladger back. Kinda missed your sarcasm. It continues to be a light unto me! Makes me realize what a truly wonderful person I and my crowd are. Please do keep it up. It is small people who make the rest of us big. You have outdone yourself. We feel like giants! When I was a child, my great aunt used to say to me about people like you - "oh, dear, they are so common, so tacky! Right on! That shoe fits you perfectly. It was made for you. Wear it in good health. I look forward to your next barb, and the next one after that, you are a real inspiration.
after reading 8:41am 6-8-06 obviously from a writer with no 'real job' OR an employeed person cheating their employeer by doing personal things such as reading and writing on a blog site, I would ask, can you begin to love/hate a person by reading what they write? The smart ass remarks like 'how quaint', how are intelligent people supposed to read that. The writer is self-indulgent? What? What? I'd surely like to know what some others think. I believe I know who the writer is at least 2 possible writers, not that it's real important, the worry I have is "what if this depraved person is one of our leaders"? One in power? It's scary; however I then read what 9:01 wrote and realize others see what I see and then the problem person comes back with 'huh'. I guess we all need to feel sorry for this soul.
Speaking of bad writing, did you see Mr. Duetshman's letter in this week's CALL in response to Mr. Wasson's column last week? The man dug himself his own grave. He deserves everything that's come to him. Total nonsensical rambling.
Previous blogger, Bob Deutschmann is a good man. Whether you agree with him or not, he is always respectful and is concerned about his community. I and many others are glad he is a part of Crestwood.
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Bob Deutschman must have a split personality when he is writing letters to the editor. Compare the style, sophiscation, well wriiten, carefully crafted letter about Rip Van Winkles to the TIMES with his latest incoherent, nonsensical, poorly written letter in the CALL. Ask yourself, "Did the same writer produce both letters?"
Shame on you and your personal attacks. Crestwood would be a far better place with 1000 Bob D's.
To the 10:48PM blogger, your vindictive entry is a reflection of who you are.
Well how 'bout that, surprise surprise! Another name has been added to the 'hit' list. Bob Deutchmann has been added to the honorable list of what we have come to recognize as people who are the top layer of our community. The Patriot List. The layer which most represents what Crestwood is all about. The one which knows what is going on and strives to protect all that is good about Crestwood. The one which continues to provide Malox moments to those in the city, the "other" list which just can't climb aboard the "team" train preferring to be obstructionists.
Now this "other" list is the one which does not yet realize Crestwood is on the move. This list likes cheap shots, snide remarks, mismanaged funds, boorish outbursts, pettiness and writing blogs which show an unwillingness to participate in all that is good about the city.
You see, insults don't bother those on the "hit" list who take the high road. It merely publicly, and by comparison, paves the road toward making Crestwood better.
As you re-read bloggs 8:41, 9:27, 10:48, 7:13 and 7:43, you will notice a pattern of banality which has overtaken this poor soul with poison ivy of the mouth, the pen and the soul. What a sad contribution.
Bob Deutschmann is a great citizen of Crestwood, and a great American!
Bob excersises his right to speak at a meeting, as well as to write letter's to the paper's, as well he should when he feel's something is out of line.
Your on this blog expressing your feelings for all to see, as well you should also, however there is a difference here! The difference is Bob is not afraid to present his comments to all in person, or to sign his name when he writes.
Bob, and I may not be the most elloquent of speakers, or writers for that matter, but I doubt if anyone on this blog, or in Crestwood can say they don't understand us, or say we do not back up our beliefs by signing our name.
You see Bob and I, along with others on this blog sign our names, or post their pictures so everyone in Crestwood knows who said what, and who they are. As I see it a great deal of the attacks on this, or any blog come from people who hide in the shadows of "anonymous". That's your right, and I will respect it, but I don't take you seriously, and no one else should either.
Bob, a uefull tool? Darn right he is (for Crestwood!)
I for one am proud to know him!
Tom Ford
How do you know that Bob D. has not posted any anonymous comments on your blog?
Justice delayed is justice denied, voting delayed is voting denied.
Bob and the other Gang of Five members were tools used by "you know who". If anyone needs to defend Bob with a post to this blog using their name, it is the man who Mr. Beck said was behind all the actions they took under his direction to delay the vote.
He is the one Sir, that should come out from hiding and defend his troops. Not you, as you have no dog in this fight.
Is that you Tim?
I think the "Gang of Five" as you refer to them are heroes! We need more people like them in Crestwood!
Hooray for citizen activists!
"Justice delayed is justice denied"
You know something about justice?
Then look at the past 6 years of going-ons at city hall and do something about it to clean the mess. While Robertson and Fagan and his remnants were spending, spending, spending, Crestwood was dying on the vine. A 14 million police building while the General Fund was in a deficit.
"Honey, I can't afford to buy you and the kids any food for a couple of months, but I bought this new Mercedes. How do you like it?"
Smart, real smart.
5:09 Blogger who wonders if Bob D. wrote a note on the blog --- now I ask you SIR, how can a gentleman you describe as one with a "split personality, incohenent, nonsensical and a poor writer type" suddenly drum up enough talent to write on a blog. Make up your mind.
By the same token, why on earth would a nice person like Bob Deutchmann even bother.
Get over yourself, guy. Is this going to be your legacy???
Isn't it enough we have had to deal with a mustache with a motor mouth, a bow tie with enormous, did I say big, issues and an ex-city employee with two, did I say big, hands in the pot? You and your ilk are all identifiable.
What is your problem? Not enough pablum or what?
Hey everyone! I'd like to get a Missouri Press Association Sunshine Award. Can I pick one up at a 7-11?
Sunshine award? Good luck, you will need to palce your name out there before that happens!
How about a M.B.A.C. award instead?
I thought they gave away Sunshine Awards like they gave out candy!
Maybe the Missouri Press Association should give out lollipops instead???
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Sorry, but we all discussed not crossing the line when responding to a post, or poster.
The deleated post did just that. Please stay off personalities, keep on message, and you will stay on. There is no room for second grade name calling when you don't even know who it is your calling names!
Tom Ford
Bob Deutchmann stands up and speaks, bad! Dr. Brophy stands up and speaks, good!
I don't understand, please help me understand the difference, oh, wait, Dr. Brophy says what the left want's to hear, now I get it!
To those who have made comments regarding Bob D. that were totally out of line, please listen:
Every citizen of Crestwood has a right to get up and speak at board meetings or write in defense of themselves when they feel they were chastized for the wrong reasons. If it were you, you would do the same thing if you had an ounce of courage.
If Doctor Brophy has a right to call things as he sees them, so does Bob Deutchmann. What's the difference - a right is what it is - A RIGHT to free speech and assembly.
Should we now start taking people's freedoms away from them because they speak against what we believe? Funny! So did some dictators in history.
The real problem here is that Bob D. disagrees with you and so therefore, you rebel by your untasteful words. That's the real story behind your comment.
Everyone who attends the board meetings is given that opportunity whether you like it or not. For instance, if you wanted to say something at a board meeting, we would have to listen to your ramblings. And since you seem to be an authority on things, we would all have to painstakingly listen and consider the source. So why criticize?
Why make a big deal out of it unless you choose to discredit someone on this blog to make your side look good.
If something is said by any citizen at a board meeting, not only Bob D's comments but anybody's, that you disagree with, why not get up there and refute it. Go up to the microphone and say what you say on this blog if you have the nerve.
I noticed one thing that both of these citizens do that you don't do. When they write something they sign it and when they are at board meetings, they say what they think.
If you are so ready to make a speech about a person who has attended almost every board of aldermen meeting for years, is a wonderful, honest and straight-arrow person and just wants to make sure the residents of this community are treated fairly, why don't you get up and tell everybody otherwise?
Better yet if you feel you are speaking the truth about Mr. Deutchmann in what you say, why not sign your name to this blog? ...Me thinks it's because Bob D has more honor than you.
I tried signing my name several times, and the remarks were more than I could take. So I tip my hat to people like Mr. Brophy and Bob Deutchmann, for being open and honest. It's unbelievable that you can take an honest, and straight forward citizen, and chew him up for stating what he believes.
Horray for you Bob D and Mr. Brophy - keep on being good citizens and keep exercising your right to free speech.
I call that mind free which jealously guards its intellectual rights and powers, which calls no man master, which does not content itself with a passive or hereditary faith, [and] receives new truth as an angel from Heaven.
-- Woody Allen
Tom Ford
Golly - you sure can see that people hear what they want to hear. No one said Bob Deutschmann had no right to speak as an American citizen. Seems they said he had no right to deny others their rights as citizens to vote. That, and his letter made no sense whatsoever. Did he actually say he instigated the petition drive to stop the charter amendment vote because Crestwood did not have a balanced budget? HUH? How are those two issues remotely connected? Talk about drinking the kool-aid - I know it's hot out but you guys might ant to lay off a bit. Sometimes even one of your own is wrong.
Blogger at 9:23 am, 6/12. Oh stop your blubbering!!! The charter review committee issue was done spur of the moment and routed right through by Fagan, and you know it as well as I do. It was done prematurely and systematically by our favorite young lawyer mayor who thought he could pull a fast one on the citizens - like lawyers do in a courtroom. But the city isn't a courtroom.
The RIGHT to the voters was NOT taken away. But why in heaven's name should it have been put on the April ballot when people didn't even have a chance to digest it? It will be on the August ballot and now everyone has had a chance to understand everything. NO VOTERS RIGHTS WERE DESTROYED. GET SERIOUS!!! AND WHY slam the citizens for saying so and doing something about it?
You self-motivated people are the ones who tried to shove a 14 million dollar police facility down our throats too. And, once again, the people had to stop it because everything was being done so fast that the citizens were misled and ill advised. Maybe Don Greer and the Board and Tom Fagan wanted it but the people didn't and were left in the dark. As big and enormous as this CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT was, there were no meetings with the public, no architectural drawings shown to the people - NADDA! Everybody doesn't read the newsletter. Something of this magnitude was soft peddled in. At the helm? Don Greer. You betcha! This whole issue was of such a great undertaking that the people should have been brought in on everything. The people had NO WAY of really understanding it because, THAT TOO, was going to be done by the FAST "BE BOP" generation spearheaded by Don Greer and the Faganites. We didn't have two nickels to rub together and by the time the Crestwood employees were going to be shipped off to Westfield while this new fiasco was being built, the mayor, the board and everyone else knew we DIDN'T HAVE THE MONEY.
THE PEOPLE HAD TO STOP IT!!!!! When are you going to realize that thanks to people like Bob Duetchmann and others watching out for us, we wouldn't have anyone from the previous administrations who cared about anything but their own egos PERIOD!!!!
If this city goes down, there are several people you can thank but it won't be Bob Deutchmann!!!!
Well poster 11:01, what other things have the voters of Crestwood passed that they did not understand? Is it because they are not smart enough to understand what they are voting for or is it because they are too old to move with the times, as your post seems to state? Would you say that about the voter's selections for Mayor and Aldermen? Or would you pick and choose which one they knew enought about and therefore vote the "correct" way based on your favorite?
Are you saying that that the voters are only informed when they vote against something?
This lie you keep pushing that the voters didn't know what they voted for is an insult to the people of this City. How do you know what 3000 voters knew or understood when they voted for or against something?
I really think you are starting to believe your own SPIN!
blogger at 12:30 PM. You asked "How do I know what 1300 voters understand"? Because many of the same voters signed the petition to stop the 14 million dollar facility - that's how I know what they understand. You're the one who dimishes our citizens not me. Wake up and smell the coffee! Those petitioners who signed the petition (citizens) to stop it were finally appraised of the information that they were not prevy too in the first place. That's why they signed it!
No thanks to people like you who left the citizens in the dark. The petition would have never gone through otherwise but the citizens outsmarted you and saw what was really going on. There in lies the difference. People who are totally out for their own glory, as you and others on the board and the mayor at that time, did what they were told to do and left it up to Don Greer, the great prognosticator who only had his selfish motives behind everything he did.
You are the one who insults the citizens of this community. The people only know as much as they are told. The people on the board and Tom Fagan marched in step to Don Greer's drum and failed to give us the information we needed. So if you are a board member and think you know everything, you and the others miserably failed and you're being a big cry baby about it. We did their job!
Too bad you are too hot headed and narrow minded to admit you all goofed. The people in this city are smarter than you gave them credit for so stop your bullying tactics.
You're a real crack up and so typical of a hot shot rookie. Your comments don't even make any sense regarding what I said and what I mean. It takes someone like you to give an unintelligent answer and make insinuations that are polls apart from my remarks. You read into it what satisfies your negative attitude.
The people in this city are very smart and intelligent, but when all the cards are not on the table, when they are mislead, therein lies the problem. You and others like you disgrace the citizens. They deserve better so as I said before thank God for people like Bob Deutchmann and others who are old but not stupid and have been around a lot longer than you. You sir are going nowhere with your bantor.
Yes, as a matter of fact, we do believe in the changing "spin" cycle. This one, however, spins clean. A result of good product.
The 12:30 P.M. June 12 blogger is baaaaaaack with his personal blend of spin. The kind which had kept Crestwood spinning for a long time. The kind which blew a water gasket and spun out.
"How do we know what 3000 voters know or understand when they vote for or against something?" Well ya know, I think they applied trust here. They bought your spin. They did not recognize it for what it was, pure bull. They did not know they were being deceived by elected inclined to consider the budget a fairy tale entitled "To Dip or Not to Dip." Great Claus, purveyor of this illusion, was afterall, calling the shots and the vacuous minds of the Mayor/Lawyers and designated Aldermen were oh so happy to oblige. Ever wonder why!! In their joint game of "Let's Pretend," they watched revenues sink and elected to "keep right on spending." Ever wonder why?? Aw, the tax and spenders who provided a chariot, new software, a girlfriend, and renderings for a Taj Mahal for their fearless leader, while wallowing in never to be forgotten debt.
Your implications that we should assume voters were too old or stupid to move with the times is way out of line. Here again, residents thought they were hearing the truth. They were not. Solid trusting residents (led down the primrose path by those pretending to be civic servants) nowdays chose to exercise all options open to taxpayers hoping to salvage what is left. These are the ones you chose to desecrate, not the ones who used city hall as a private stomping ground. Ever wonder why??
Now when these 3000 voters you mentioned voted for a new Mayor, sir, they went to a debate and talked with the candidate which gave them the levity to balance facts with what had been fiction. Then they began to realize the "line" they had been fed. Then they realized it was time to review the "books" and challenge the negligant elected. Then they decided mismanaged funds seemed to be in question. Then a city Admn. and Finance Officer were banished.Then two audits were performed, and the city auditing firm did not renew, and discrepancies were noted. Then they noticed several lawsuits were pending. They they noticed gigantic undocumented legal, as in Lawyer, bills. Then a Mayor left office to spend more time with his family in yet another spin. Then they noticed that city bills were being paid by a line of credit from a bank. Then they realized that this being the case, why was a $14 Million Dollar building being considered. Then they collected signatures to stop this travesty. Then they were told that our city real estate was collateral for a 3.5 Million Dollar loan. Then, after 2 years of politically ignoring his advice, they decided that Alderman Miguel's advice regarding defeasement was, afterall, totally in line. Then having destroyed fiscal balance, they ultimately had to cut city jobs and some services. Then they were told that the replacement Lawyer/Mayor and his majority cronies had been spinning all along, and were now trying to eliminate term limits in a charter change decided as a last minute coup by the outgoing (you got it) Lawyer/Mayor. This realized, residents understood trust had been compromised "long enough" and they reacted. Then, guess what, they decided to elect a new Mayor, and try for some new faces on the board and eliminate Great Claus and Little Claus, chariot and all. Noone can fault the spirit and the cause of this justified voters revenge in this town.
So when you see blogs you don't like and call it spin, do you wonder why??? Have you noticed the heavy attendance at the debates, the Town Hall Meetings, the Alderman Meetings? Appears trust wasn't earned while Rome burned, and people are now in "your" face. People want the straight scoop and they are in a position to differentiate between cads and civic leaders.
Perhaps, then, sir, you are the one who is too old and too stupid to move with the times. Please consider this as you continue to spout off negatively about the really good people in this wonderful city who have had enough of your MM quarterbacking. We are in rebirth mode, naysayers not welcome. You had your turn. We won this coin toss.
Three cheers for blogger at 3:57 pm June 12th. I am soooo glad you came to my rescue. You stated it all very nicely and accurately sir/madame. I can't thank you enough for showing the 12:30 blogger that the people in Crestwood are alive and well and are fed up with the spoon fed nonsense of those mayors and board members who want the glory of being a official of Crestwood but don't want to do their jobs. I am so proud of you whoever you are for stating everything in the proper sequence. Please keep writing on this blog because you say it better than almost anyone else. It can get real lonely and scary when I feel like I am the only one who can tell the truth from a lie and know that the citizens of this town know the difference. If the citizens of this town were not smart, we would have never elected a new mayor. It was only because we were honorable people in the first place that we gave them the benefit of the doubt. We never had to deal with people like the previous CA who used and abused the system. We were too good and left it up to the wrong people. Now we see the misdeeds and we don't intend to take it on the chin anymore.
To the 3:57, 6/12/06 blogger. Wow, now that's summing it all up if ever I have seen it!
These holdovers from the previous administrations remind me of the Arthur Miller play,"Death of a salesman"!
Willie Loman stated that "They loved me in Philly". The play, in thoes days was considered a tradgedy. Up until the time we elected this new board, and Mayor, that's exactly what we have had here, a tradgedy!
Those day's are gone (thank goodness,) and we now seem to have a board who really want to do the correct thing for Crestwood!
I say let's get behind them and move our town forward!
Tom Ford
Two days after the re-election of President George W. Bush, London's Daily Mirror published this cheeky headline: "How can 59,054,087 people be so DUMB?"
I guess you would be one of those elitists who know better than the voters. ugh! how un-American!
While we have been blogging away about the true meaning of spin, the issue of the private swim club and its questionable move and financing is far from forgotten. Many points and many paragraphs have been written on this blog site about this private club and its convenient representation on city boards, etc. This brings it way out in the open. Until all questions about Rosebrook Realty and Crestwood Swim Club are answered, it remains high on the list of concerns.
Noticeable of late is that those jervous and nittery members so eager to scream foul seem to have eased off in their snide remarks. Except of course for the quaint one who says huh and a few others! Some bloggers just can't restrain themselves I 'spose even though the group has asked that they ease off and quit bringing so much attention to them.
Since we know the makeup of this group, we are not surprised they have developed new targets, i.e. like good people of Crestwood doing good things they don't agree with. That's okay, it highlights the good contributions of those whose only stake in the city is its revival.
While we have a full plate of concerns nationally and internationally for which we can often do not much more than worry, it has been great to have a zone like this blog to air linen and "try" to identify what we can do BESIDES worry. I think we have figured out where the loose threads are and despite the Filthy McNasties whose participation is lamenting over their loss of influence, we are all benefitting from the airing of our mutual joys and griefs as we look for ways to resolve the city's ails and learn from mistakes.
Blogger 12:54, nice to have you back, where have you been? At the pool?
To whom do you refer when you say un-American?
gee - look at the sentence. elitists that feel they know better than voters are un-american. whether they live in england or crestwood. nuff said. considering that the democrats are the ones that routinely claim to know better than voters, especially when it comes to George Bush, and their penchant for tax increases, I'd say a good number of the CCFR members are democrats! Certainly their little ringleader has been in bed with the democrats for a long, long time.
Here we go again with the Liberals versus the Conservatives. Blogger 9:30 am 6/14. Please don't start that garbage on this blog. It's a case of Common Sense over Ignorance. Nothing more and nothing less. All I heard while growing up were my parents and grandparents arguing over which party is better than the other. I got so tired of it and am still tired of it today. One is yelling, the otherside screaming and both determined they are right.
Please don't start!
CCFR members helped to stop spending. If there are any tax loving liberals, look at some current and previous board members. I have never seen so many self titled conservatives push so many tax increases. We've had so many tax increases over the past six years that even Ted Kennedy might blush!
Quiz: How many tax increases has Roy Robinson proposed since being elected?
Answer: Almost as many as the previous aldermen/mayors in the last six years.
I'm not happy about that either. But it still does not change the fact that Crestwood is increasingly relying on its residents to shoulder its debt. It can do that - it's a city, but I would rather have good economic development pay some of the bills.
It continues to be amazing to hear that Roy Robinson is responsible for tax increases. When you inherit debt and have your city real estate as collateral for a 3.5 million dollar line of credit one has to make a move.Roy is not responsible for our debt. You know as well as I do who holds that title. So please try and get it straight.
Please also remember there was a big CITIZEN committee for Prop 1 and another for Pros S.
A city'ys gotta do what a city's gotta do to reverse the disreputable spending patterns of the past leadership.
I am really sorry you are so bent out of shape over the new administration. Have you tried Prozac. We really are tired of your rantings and ravings. You want to live in the past, so go ahead live in the past. It's not a pretty one.
As for Pier 1, they are closing stores nationwide.
I agree with blogger at 11:46 am, June 16th. Blogger at 7:12 PM June 14th blames Roy Robinson for tax increases. Pity his research doesn't go back far enough to know what happened in the last 6 years has affected what we have to put up with now. Pity he sees nothing and listens to a bunch of hog wash and never did his own research.
Go back and read ALL THE MINUTES FROM THE PAST 6 YEARS. TAKE YOUR TIME IT WILL TAKE AWHILE, BUT IT IS INTERESTING. You would be surprised at who you give credit to and who has been at the helm of the atrosocities we bare today.
Roy Robinson as said previously by a very astute blogger INHERITED the spoils. NOW try to redo it all with a partially unsupportive board who still thinks nothing was wrong with the previous administrations.
Why do they blame Roy Robinson? Because it's easier than doing research to find out the reasons and causes for what led up to our new challenges. Because they believe the ones that put us here!!!
For years, Crestwood wallowed in being a city with mucho dinaros because of our sales tax driven city. We even had board members and commission members who thought we were so rich, we could pick and choose our merchants giving them sooo much trouble to come into this city that many shied away.
We were Big Shots! Well look at us now.
NOW the only way we can move ahead is if THIS NEW BOARD, uses common sense. There are a few who will never stop playing politics. There are those who need to stop listening to useless bantor from people who are soooo political in this town that they will not relent or even consider the ideas of the opposition, right or wrong.
I for one am so sick and tired of it all. Will it change? If term limits change, we will never see new fresh faces with new ideas. We will be stuck with the "same old" politicians who need to give it up before they screw it up AGAIN.
If people vote for that same old administration then they deserve higher taxes.
I will vote for the same old board that molded their bottoms on their chairs until after midnight every meeting. I've always enjoyed a good laugh!
What will we do without drunken midnight (and mid-day!) tirades on the blog?
I think everyone knows which Aldermen will have the tendancy to put their boys club before the city. We are all watching closely and keeping score. On all the fancy political passouts and mailings last April, I did not notice them saying they would work with the board as a unit. Even though this is the best course for Crestwood. So all the ties and votes on the horizon are predictable and if the boys want to act like men, they really should give up playing politics. Crestwood is really quite tired of it. Now would be a really good time to become your own "man" and be part of the revival rather than obstructive. It is early on, so there is time to do the right thing and chose whether or not you will be a leader or a follower.
Well said blogger at 8:58 June 16th. Bravo!!!!
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