Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Crestwood Mayor reflects on first year in office!

What the mayor said, or did not say seems to be in question here on the blog. So with that in mind, please click on the header to be directed to the article in the South County Journal.

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully year two - minus Don Greer & Co. - will be less eventful!

9:29 PM, July 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"BOGUS"??? HAHAHAHA Why didn't you also post a link to the other newspaper's article??? But there is even more that the public will learn about this as time goes on.
For example, why did "some female from the administrative side of the house had filed a sexual-harassment complaint against me" get him to take sensitivity training and have her office moved away from near his? Was there a lawsuit threatened over this and other matters which caused the city employee to get a generous settlement before going publicly to court to seek redress? "BOGUS"??? HAHAHAHA Boss Hog can sure lay it on. When the whole story comes out, the public will be glad that it "dodged a bullet" involving "millions" but will be outraged to learn how much it has cost taxpayers to cover up for the mayor and how many women are involved. Another woman has said she also endured this behavior from the mayor.
Another woman was subject to public ridicule by the mayor at a BOA meeting when she asked a simple question. The whole dirty story will eventually come out. How many other women are personally aware of just what kind of mayor we have??? The mayor should have the decency to resign now before Crestwood gets dragged further in the dirt.

8:41 AM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it time for another state audit of the Cities books?

8:47 AM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 8:41 7/7. Are you sure you are not getting Robinson's name mixed up with Robertson's. When Robertson's antics are still being covered up, maybe we should start there first.

9:54 AM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Boy. When I saw this new Article appear on the blog, I new that this one was going to be a dandy. Heaven's, we cannot possibly say anything good in a news article about the mayor!

SOooooo! Here we go with more comments which are chock full of unbridled inunendos, confused social gossip, misleading and confused statements and the sins of a previous city official being placed on a new city official.

It is so full of stuff that makes grass grow. The more this manure is spoon feed to you, the more you eat it even when it smells so bad.
All you want to do blogger at 8:41, 7/7 is cast the seeds of doubt to the already dissolutioned citizens of this town when they have already had enough.

What a blow hard and gossip monger!

10:11 AM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A couple of things:

1. You have to give Robinson credit to admit that an allegation was made against him. He brought it out in the open and took care of it.

2. The absolute hatred shown to Robinson and his supporters is fairly thick.

3. I believe The Call will not allow Mr. Ford to provide a link to their articles (Mr. Ford, please correct me if I'm wrong).

4. Can those who decided to bring a lawsuit against Leichliter be held liable for the settlement?

1:39 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Robinson didn't choose to admit this, it came out publicly and he was forced to address it.

Hatred shown to Robinson and his supporters? I think it's more disbelief that a man that took four times to get elected, finally made it only when he had a negative smear campaign to run. Perhaps it was because he had to wait until there were only a handful of us left kicking around Crestwood that remembered what he was like as an alderman.

Mr. Robinson has done the same thing he accused the former City Administrator of doing, although I don't remember any complaints filed against him.

1:49 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree the hatred for Robinson is thick. But if the blogger at 8:41 7/7 has so much factual information regarding him, and there is so much more he wants to tell regarding the mayor, why be coy on the blog? Why the tap dance? Give us your facts? If we, as you state, will be so outraged to learn how much taxpayers paid to cover up for this mayor and ALL THESE ALLEGED WOMEN, why beat around the bush. It's obvious to me why he only tells us a few details.

Me thinks this blogger overloaded his mouth and is doing what many do by making up things to make someone he dislikes look bad. It's done all the time and it really is done to confuse the masses.

The blogger is trying to stir it up because so much of what he is saying was true about the previous administrations. Now he and others are trying to put the citizens on overload.

I think the Yadda Yadda man is the blogger and is totally loosing it.

Once again, people in Crestwood are smarter than you give them credit for; and undermining the intelligence of citizens of Crestwood will come back and bite you pretty good!

1:59 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 1:49 pm 7/7. Go sit on a stump somewhere and do some deep breathing.

Answer me a question? You said this mayor did the same thing that he accused the previous city administrator of doing? What might that be? I would like an answer! What was it? Did he hire and have an affair with his finance officer and pay her 72,000 a year to let him do her work like Greer. How about Don Greer's other acts of impropriety. I would like to know what you mean regarding your assessment of this mayor.

Sooooo tell me again, what did Roy Robinson do? A smear campaign you say? What about the fact that the people in this city were fed up with the previous administration and previous failures to do the right thing for the citizens and allowed Greer's affair to go on. Yes on and off the premises. What's worse is that this isn't the first time. And you compare his deeds with the Mayor's???? My! My!

How about hiring a finance officer who couldn't find a job for many years versus more applicable candidates, of whom Don Greer knew he couldn't control like the one he picked. Oh give me a break!!!! That wouldn't even enter your closed mind would it?

But I want to know, what smear campaign. I would like to hear about it. If you won't tell it, I will just take it as "sour grapes". No need to say another word.

Maybe it's easier to say that the mayor conducted a smear campaign when you were on the loosing side. Can I ask you what he smeared? Can I ask you to elaborate and give us that?

Put up or shut up. Tell all of us why he won the election. Could it be that Don Greer was ruling the city and Tom Fagan and Jim Robertson was more than glad to let him make THEIR decisions. Could it be that birds of a feather flock together and neither one had a problem with a man and women having an affair, working in the same environment having a good time on and off the premises? No professional Mayor would tolerate it, no matter what century it is.

You too think the the citizens of this city are fools and stupid. Get off your high horse. If you think things were better before, maybe you are standing in your own shadow. You are a majority of one. Maybe you should run for Mayor the next time and make things all better and tell the citizens you want things to be THE WAY THEY USED TO BE WITH LAWSUITS UP THE WAHZOO; people afraid to loose their jobs, a one man who thought he would be KING and everybody else letting it happen.

2:40 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is obviously a very loose cannon in our midst. Apparently this goon simply cannot get over the battle lost and seizes upon every opportunity to twist and turn the truth. Talk about a lost soul. Man, this poor sick POS is stuck in reverse. I'd give you very big odds, did I say humungous odds, that the new Mayor in no way deserves the acid being spewed by this pathetic buzzard eaten alive by hate. For starters, no one in their right mind would hit on that ugly, bi-polar, stupid, and morbid mistress in question. Get real! Just get real! Holy cow, get seriously real. Did you get a good look at this heartbreaker?

Now, if you want a story, and please examine your motive here, pal, do your digging in the Mayor who resigned overnight to spend time with his family, the lawsuit against him, and why, what it cost the city, why was there no police report, and hey, have you seen him lately? Where is his civic pride? This digging will get you paydirt big time. Go for it. Hey, this will surely help Crestwood get ahead.

So, Mr. troublemaker, tell us that story first because it came first. Tell us the cast of characters, the cost to the city, the details and who kept it quiet.Most of us already know the facts behind this resignation and the costly resulting lawsuit, but go ahead open that box, flex your muscles, get your tough out. Crestwood could use the publicity.

Since you seem to want to move rocks and let the bugs out, why not start with the first rock and let those bugs out. Then if you still have the stomach for it, tell us more of your fabricated story about the new Mayor. I'm all ears.

Why don't you just join the Chamber of Commerce and see if you can't smear every move the new administration makes, Mr. Putdown. You are the smallest person I have ever encountered, bar none. You have my sympathy.

4:31 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor is God. He can no evil, do no sin, He is perfect. When the sick are covered by His shadow, they are healed.
He can do no wrong and never has, never will, so lay off of Him all you evil minded Godless Mayor haters. I will pray for your souls at the Church of the Perfect Mayor, it is the least we who know the real saviour of Crestwood can do.

4:39 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Awww, good of you to see it my way. Was hoping for a quick response from a "civil" minded soul, but alas, dirtbag replies posthaste. You have just made my point for me. Gold Star coming up.

Was hoping you could be a little more creative with your accusations. Can't you find a way to blame the Mayor on the 3.5 M. $ LOC, the $3/gal cost of gasoline, crabgrass, or the ill fated city hall rehab? That thing about the faded glory chick doesn't hold water. Bad try!

We all want to thank you for making sure anyone who reads this blog regains complete confidence in our city. You are a one man band. But, "when the roll is called up yonder, you won't be there."

Back to the drawing board.

5:05 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if former Mayor Robertson is doing well now, since he had to resign due to medical issues ?

5:27 PM, July 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ah folks! Arn't we getting a little worked up here for no good reason? By the way, I would have linked to "the other story" (The Call,) but I have been asked by the publisher not to link to them so they "can remain objective"!

I am amazed at the so called decient, God fearing folks who spend their time and effort's attempting to bash Mayor Robinson (note:I said attempting, cause it's not working.)How do you justify it to your maker?

Whether you know it or not, Roy Robinson has nothing in his heart but the common good of Crestwood! What you see is what you get, there is no slick packaging, no beneath the radar nefarious plans, just the welfare of Crestwood, period!

Roy may not "hang out with the beautyfull people" sipping white wine at all the best parties, or fretting over a failed queish at the pool, but he is a man you can rely on to keep his word, and that's good enough for me!

I have lived here for some time now (37 years,)and I have seen good and bad administrations, some were "all hat and no cow's", and some were out for themselves, but some were out for Crestwood!

As for my opinion, I would rank Mayor Roy Robinson with the best of thoes who were "out for Crestwood"!

Tom Ford

5:42 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For sure, if you'r called up yonder and you are there, I won't want to be were ever "yonder" is. I'd rather be in the perfect City with it's perfect Mayor and his perfect way above average in IQ supporters. Closest thing to heaven based on the their faith in the Mayor to overturn all evil and to have no sin in his soul. Yes sir re bob!
Crap, even Jimmy Carter admited he had lusted after other women in his heart, but then he wasn't trained in matters like that by the Federal Govt like the Mayor was.
This will bring the crazies out of the wood work like nobody's business!

6:03 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well thank you for all that, TT.

6:34 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the 6:03 blogger, your Village called, they are missing their idiot!

6:40 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood is such a neighborly town.

6:57 PM, July 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

It was when I moved here, and it can be again! May I suggest slacking off on the trite diatribe, and getting behind the Mayor, C/A, Police Chief, Alderman, and working for our common good.

Let the past go, Fagan and company are gone, Robinson and company are here, so why not help them?

Tom Ford

8:35 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three cheers for three bloggers who have commented with above average intelligence.

I love your comments bloggers at 4:31 pm, 5:05 pm and 5:27 pm on 7/7. I was so very happy to hear your views. I loved reading them because they are exactly right on target and show that the people in Crestwood, with the exception of a few dim wits, know the difference between what is right or being "SNOWED".

Blogger at 6:03 pm, nobody ever said that this mayor walked on water and was perfect. Are you?

Nobody is perfect, but some of us are smart enough to see that you and others are so wrapped up in negating Mayor Robinson by fabricating things you cannot prove to discredit him to citizens, that it shows what you say is pure drivel.

The louder you scream and carry on, the more you show your true colors. But you choose to still keep on with your blasphemy, when people keep telling you they don't buy it!

And as you stated in your comment, since you feel it was OK for Jimmy Carter to admit he lusted over other women, does this mean you feel that this is ethical behavior? That statement means you think it's OK. For which mayor is this OK. Am I getting this straight? It was OK for Robertson to be a bad boy? Is that what you are saying, it was OK for the one who previously resigned while everyone covered up the real truth?

So now, you want us to believe that this mayor is suspect of the same circumstances?

Too bad you can't think of something new rather than stick him with the same "shame on you" tactics that our resigned mayor did. Can't you come up with something different? Copy Cat!

9:20 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Tom, I would love to just go on and put things behind us. But it isn't going to happen yet or maybe never.

Most people know that we needed new leaders in this town and knew the reasons why. You would have had to live in a cave not to know how things were mishandled and how much money was wasted, how many lives were ruined because of poor and unprofessional handled of money and the moral issues that some of us still care about.

It seems that some of the things we all learned growing up don't apply anymore. Telling the truth, treating people like people and not like dogs, taking the duties of working FOR a city as a honor and privilege.

All these things we have learned fell in a big black hole and the dignity and pride we had in our city was almost destroyed.

I too am hoping some day we can all be working as one, solid, united city.

But it will only happen, when people remember all those "corny" things that they were taught by their parents and in their schools.

Life isn't like it is in the movies. People should be held accountable for committing unethical behavior and not be honored for committing immoral acts in the work place. If it allowed to continue, we all loose.

We have to make a decision as to what we want in this city. By choosing a new mayor, it would seem to me that everybody was tired of all of the mess and wanted someone to come in a change it for the better.

Nothing further to say.


9:38 PM, July 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get off the trite diatribe. Okay. Just as soon as you cover up the snake hole that the city busybody keeps slithering out of, trying to plant seeds to demean the city gov't and pepetrating the myth that the former system was above blame and the current one is abhorable. And allowing us a view into a very dark mind. I would think this big mouth would want to let sleeping dogs lie considering the state of their mind and our city before 2005, but noooooooooo, they actually love wallowing in the manure of their mind.Thus allowing such as I and the others the ability to keep the past and all its trials and tribs very much alive with the true facts making the present ever more alive with dignity. Most would throw away burnt toast, but not this low range mind. So flail away funny person, you are the best reason for supporting the new Mayor. Keep it up, you have truly succeeded in making Robertson/Fagan,Greer and their coharts look like thugs. I can well imagine how much they appreciate your dredging it all up with your pathetic and lackluster defense. Do you use Dial, Don't you wish everybody did?

We will be waiting for your coprehensive coverage of the saga of the Mayor who resigned.
Bye, bye.

10:30 PM, July 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Goodness! Are we having a bad hair day, or what?

Stop by and have a drink on me, things arn't that bad, or are they?

"A person who can remain calm when all things around him are failing, may not fully understand the situation"


Tom Ford

6:18 AM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yadda, yadda, yadda yadda!

7:56 AM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three yada's usually do the trick.

Take a deep breath. Focus on all that is good.Ignor the false accusations. If you have any hair and it misbehaves, cover it with a hat. Remember, remain calm, even if you understand the situation.

Come hunting season, remember there is a termed goofus out there ready for goofus stew. Whhhhhhhh!t!

Life is good as long as there is chocolate.

11:42 AM, July 08, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

AHHHH, 11:42 blogger, disreguard what I said about stopping by for a drink, your doing just fine now!

Thank you for that fine submission, and please remember I live on the far south side of Crestwood in Ward 0!!!

Tom Ford

12:14 PM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yadda yadda yadda


yadda yadda yadda

12:19 PM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tis a very fine line between genus and lunacy, be careful least you get too close.

12:47 PM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone who does not agree with Tom Ford et al should probably just stay off this blog. It really is a waste of time to try and have a dialogue with this crew. Anything other than Miguel and Robinson is bad. It is that simple. Let these peope with nothing better to do keep agreeing with each other and don't waste your time.

12:48 PM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need for sarcasm. Plenty of people disagree with you and many agree. If you have a problem with those that disagree with you, maybe you should examine your own conscience. If you are going to get upset because others see things differently, then maybe it's because you can't take opposition. Everybody doesn't have to see thinks your way. If you don't want to have discussion and hate people on opposite sides, just talk to yourself!

1:27 PM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any old sailors out there understand what blogger 12:19 is trying to say in "code"?

3:28 PM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's like a broken record that's stuck and after awhile everybody just stops paying attention to it.

4:43 PM, July 08, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I have no idea, and I spent eight years in the Navy! I can hazard a guess though. It sounds to me like someone desperatly needing a drink, but having to wait till the "sun is over the yard arm" (17:00, or 5:00 PM).

You know like YAD, as in yard DA, as in yard arm, well I told you it was a guess.

To the 12:48 blogger, I am sorry you feel that dis-agreeing with " Tom Ford", or his cohort's is not productive. I tried to set up this blog to do just that, you know a back and forth dialog. I think you will agree that I have removed very little from these pages, and when I have it's been a bit over the top!

If you leave us who is going to tout your side of the debate? Please do not get upset, post away, we may agree to dis-agree, who knows, but at least we will hear from you, and we will all have your ideas. If you and your Bud's bail out now, we may loose some insight we all need!

Your call, stay on the firing line, or?

Tom Ford

4:55 PM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "publisher" of the call must not be very smart if he doesn't want links to his website. That's how the newspapers (and others) make money on the internet...the more hits, the higher you can charge for advertising. Duh.... He'd probably ask Matt Drudge to remove the link if it appeared on

Oh well, the call's website isn't very good anyway. My small business will never advertise there or in the printed edition for that matter.

9:04 PM, July 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There sure are a lot of kool aid drinkers at the Mayor's Kool Aid stand. But there remain responsible people who don't drink any of it.

10:33 AM, July 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Remember, Mr. Sunshine, it was the responsible majority who chose to imbibe.

Cest la vie

3:58 PM, July 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but I'd rather have sweet tea than kool-aid.

4:47 PM, July 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sweet Tea, hmmmmmmmmmmm. Good choice. Imagine that a BYOST quorum.

Literally, if there is or ever has been a Kool Aid stand at City Hall, in your dreams, it is because of the ex-Mayor whose predilection tended toward the liquor cabinet. Which was the ultimate demise. Think maybe the Kool Aid Reform package on target in our city now, is a much better choice. The Mayor's more suitable blend is definitely KOOL!

Yeah, figuratively, I'd say the hypothetical Kool Aid Stand you mention is standing us in good stead. Tell that to the grapevine or whatever it is that has you knarled up.

5:22 PM, July 12, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I don't get it! The mayor has stated his position several times, the latest one being in today's edition of the Call, so where do you get the idea that there is "cool aid" to be imbibed?

Look at the finincials for the City, and you will see that the projected revenue is up from the forcast, and the expenses are down. The man is on the right track, and so is the majority of the BOA, so let's cut them some slack and let them do their job's!

Remember what Ronaldus maximus (Ronald Reagan,) said, "Trust but verify"! If you have a question, ask City hall. I can tell you that it works very well. I asked about the water leak, and got the answer the next day! Trust me the sun will come up tomorrow, and no it won't be Roy Robinsons fault!

Tom Ford

9:58 PM, July 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 4:47 pm, 7/12. You would rather have sweet tea rather than kool aid? Pray tell, who might be giving us the sweet tea? So far, all I have seen is "sour grapes"! And you would be the first one on the list drinking them.

10:48 AM, July 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are reading way way way too much into this. All I said is I like sweet tea. I was trying to inject humor into the discussion, and I failed.

Pardon me, I have to go back under my rock.

3:53 PM, July 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good Grief I haven't read the blog in quite awhile. Some of the statements seem to have come right out of the 'far side' comics. I didn't realize anyone really fell for the 'he looked at me funny'. coming from a girl with a checkered past, I'm not sure what that would mean. My guess is, her boss and lover put her up to doing something to the then 'brand new' mayor to make him look bad. Although I'm not a short fat man lover, I can't believe the terrible twosome couldn't come up with something better than what they did; but on the other hand it sure looks as if a lot of people out there bought it. Incredible!

10:35 PM, July 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real pathetic part is that it was cheaper to pay off the tart than sue her, voted on by the entire BOA. So she was exhonerated and paid off. Well orchestrated by her boooooyfriend, who was also paid off. A municipal Bonnie and Clyde for sure.

Cost or not, I would have challenged her, fired her, and prayed never to see her again. The city of Crestwood is not a bank vault for such as we have had to endure.

Someone surely should advise Clyde's new employer before he bankrupts them. It would be a public service.

11:57 AM, July 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The news media has reported that there are going to be some very large expansions at 'his' new workplace. Imagine that!

2:04 PM, July 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 10:35PM, 7/13. I agree totally. Her lover put her up to it for sure. So don't say or do anything unless he tells her to. Anything to create a stir.

All that kind of tripe does is make it harder for people who really have a sexual harrassment charge to get people to believe them. It only goes to show at what length people will go to plant the seed of doubt on persons they desire to put down because of their own selfish motives. It's just another well thought out plot that this cut throat, self-serving deviate thought up to keep the trough of manure flowing just like he did when he was CA.

I too, feel that they should have come up with something more original. But, people in this city should know by now to consider the source. Everyone in this town has had multiple chances to get the facts and separate it from the drival put forth by our past CA and his followers.

I just want to know if he is paying her 72,000 a year in Fairview Heights to be his finance director, and if so, did he fire the previous finance person yet? I am sure he has already started his on slaught. They better all be prepared to be "beheaded".

7:21 PM, July 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this man is going to try his act for the 3rd time, someone should present some facts to the BOA in city #3. It would be a public service. This creature is not even human. If they went back to the beginning of this blog site,and worked forward and did some reading, they would not sleep nights.

7:50 PM, July 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
For sure, if you're called up yonder and you are there, I won't want to be were ever "yonder" is. I'd rather be in the perfect City with it's perfect Mayor and his perfect way above average in IQ supporters. Closest thing to heaven based on the their faith in the Mayor to overturn all evil and to have no sin in his soul. Yes sir re bob!
Crap, even Jimmy Carter admitted he had lusted after other women in his heart, but then he wasn't trained in matters like that by the Federal Govt like the Mayor was.
This will bring the crazies out of the wood work like no body's business!

6:03 PM, July 07, 2006

Bless you, writer of this article, you can't think like this and write like this and be mentally competent. It doesn't take a psychiatrist to know your elevator is NOT going to the top. We know it's not your fault, so we take no offense. Maybe your priest could help. Good luck.

11:39 PM, July 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 11:39 PM 7/14. Nothing short of a miracle could help the blogger at 6:03 7/7!

I think that maybe he had one too many cocktails before dinner. Nobody said that the Mayor is God but I think the blogger might seek out the Lord to assist him with his sick mind.

What does Jimmy Carter's lust have to do with anything? I think if he goes to Fairview Heights, the man who thought he was God might find a place for him in his new kingdom. We certainly don't need his kind around Crestwood!

12:09 PM, July 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 7:50 7/14. I agree. Good luck to Fairview Heights. I wonder if his leading lady is working there also? After all, he should be getting tired of her by now. I am sure he has another one lined up to take her place.

Oh Boy, I can just see the headlines in that city. First he will have to gain the trust of at least one newspaper like he did in Crestwood, a paper that will print his every word and say everything he wants to be said which mostly glorifies him. He has already got the power. Now he will cast his magic spell on those no-brained individuals to be his foot soldiers. Once he establishes his army, look out. He will be ready to conquer the world.

12:19 PM, July 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

take a look at the yadda's again and you can see the pattern the poster used.

12:34 PM, July 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:34 PM 7/17 An idiot doesn't have a pattern. An idiot does what an idiot does - and has no sense. He just uses up good space with his ramblings.

1:14 PM, July 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes sirreee....good ole' Roy steps out of line with a female and it's HER fault. Glad I'm not a female employee with the City of Crustwood. Roy can do no wrong, can he? Well, he did, and he'll do it again, just wait. Ask some other employees around there how they've been treated, especially some who have recently departed. Yeah, he's a real gem.

I hope she did get paid off well. There were two other harassment suits a couple years back where some nice female employees raked the city over the coals and cost some people their jobs. They got paid off plenty, FOR NOTHING. I wonder who put them up to making their accusations?

9:17 PM, July 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 9:17 PM 7/17 If you think for one minute that I can't smell a set up comment when I see it, you are oh, so wrong.

I wouldn't even dignify that with an answer. You can try to set me up all you want, but if you really wanted the truth, you could get a copy of the whole issue by using your freedom of information. What's the matter, having too much fun spreading rumors?

Don't try using this blog as a trap for me! It won't work. We both know who you are and it doesn't surprise me that you would try to compare this so-called accusation of this mayor, with the truth that you and everybody else knows happened.

So you go and overload your mouth about what you think you know or what you can get others to believe. Suffice to say, you are one of those who spreads seeds of doubt where there is none and doubt where doubt should not be placed. It is so much "your kind of person" to say such displicable things.

Go have another drink. Maybe Devine Carma will come out of the sky and raise you to a higher level than the low life that you are. Or better yet, maybe you can go with your co-conspirators to Fairview Heights. Birds of a feather!

11:11 AM, July 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love is in the air in Crestwood, can't you just feel it?

1:59 PM, July 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about a "Devine Coma"?

7:31 PM, July 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the city's business development person seen recently in Fairview Heights, IL or someone who just resembles this person?

Just wondered! Just curious!

8:27 PM, July 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this is true, then the talent drain at City Hall continues under the new administration. If this is true it is interesting that this has occured right after the Mayor is quoted in the paper that business development is now his prime objective. I guess she can read the tea leaves as well as anyone else, if you are not a male friend of the Mayor, your going no where fast.
With the hiring freeze lifted it will be simpler to hire replacements with the money raised from the increase property tax just passed. Man, were we suckers!

8:45 AM, July 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, you saw where the community went when all friends (male and female) were friends of Fagan/Greer. Blaming the new Mayor on this is a bit premature dontcha think?

However, you are correct in that our tax money is to be guarded and guarded well. Thus, I nominate you to be head-watcher of my money. Please keep us posted on all wasted money.

1:05 PM, July 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 1:05,
suck an egg!

8:49 PM, July 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My, oh my, the blogger at 8:49 P.M. July 19, is a bit testy aren't they?

Probably could use a nice dip in the pool so he/she can relax. Oh, too bad, too busy searching through records and making false acusations to have time to swim.

12:54 PM, July 26, 2006  

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