Dennis Hancock for Republican County councilman, third district!
I was reflecting on the candidates for the seat of 3rd. District in St. Louis County. As you may know the primary election is August 8th. And we have three candidates running, one Democrat, and two Republican.
The Democrat is not a factor as far as this post is concerned, but rather the two Republican's. We are fortunate enough to have Mr. Dennis Hancock running against an opponent who is young, a lawyer, and has as far as I can tell never managed anything in her life. You may remember her as the lady who wants to investigate utility's for the storm damage response. She has referred to the utility's rate increase, as well as her position on it. Now if the utility's are under staffed now, how are they going to add staff, and materials without a rate increase? No one wants a rate increase, but sometimes it's a necessary evil to get the job done. By the way, only the public service commission has anything to do with rate increases, so the county council would have no bearing on it what so ever.
I guess she has forgotten that many of us (myself included,) spent six or more days in the dark, and I know of no one on my street that has anything but the best to say about Amren! This was a storm, not a "black out", and as such Amren could never have Been expected to "be ready" for it, nor could any other power company! I mentioned that she is a lawyer as well, so she should be expected to know how business works, shouldn't she? Apparently, she does not, or she would not have made her statements. If she does not understand what was responsible for the delays after a major storm, I doubt she will ever understand the workings of the County council!
Dennis Hancock has done quite a few good things as Mayor of Fenton. He understands how the Cities and the County work, and last but not least, he is against the re-distribution of our tax monies to places like Wildwood, and Jennings just because we have shopping centers and they don't!
As for me, I will vote for Mr. Dennis Hancock, and I urge all of you to do the same!
Click on the header for a story on Mr. Hancock!
Tom Ford
The Democrat is not a factor as far as this post is concerned, but rather the two Republican's. We are fortunate enough to have Mr. Dennis Hancock running against an opponent who is young, a lawyer, and has as far as I can tell never managed anything in her life. You may remember her as the lady who wants to investigate utility's for the storm damage response. She has referred to the utility's rate increase, as well as her position on it. Now if the utility's are under staffed now, how are they going to add staff, and materials without a rate increase? No one wants a rate increase, but sometimes it's a necessary evil to get the job done. By the way, only the public service commission has anything to do with rate increases, so the county council would have no bearing on it what so ever.
I guess she has forgotten that many of us (myself included,) spent six or more days in the dark, and I know of no one on my street that has anything but the best to say about Amren! This was a storm, not a "black out", and as such Amren could never have Been expected to "be ready" for it, nor could any other power company! I mentioned that she is a lawyer as well, so she should be expected to know how business works, shouldn't she? Apparently, she does not, or she would not have made her statements. If she does not understand what was responsible for the delays after a major storm, I doubt she will ever understand the workings of the County council!
Dennis Hancock has done quite a few good things as Mayor of Fenton. He understands how the Cities and the County work, and last but not least, he is against the re-distribution of our tax monies to places like Wildwood, and Jennings just because we have shopping centers and they don't!
As for me, I will vote for Mr. Dennis Hancock, and I urge all of you to do the same!
Click on the header for a story on Mr. Hancock!
Tom Ford
Some talking points from Mr. Hancock's opponent, as read from her mailer.
Quotes from her Post card
" as your next county councilman from the third district, I will:
> Propose the County Council begin a through review of the causes and
solutions to storm related power outages
that includes utilities, emergency services and outside experts.
> investigate opportunities to reduce the number of above ground power
lines in the county so that we can lessen
the possibility of power outages caused by wind related damage.
> Oppose any new or pending utility rate increases until the county and
area utilities agree to proactively address power outage issues, tree
trimming and a county wide commitment to harden our electric power
system against weather related outages. "
Weather related outages are just that. This was the worst storm in 50 years, how do you defence against that? If she wants a "county wide commitment", may I suggest the meeting be held in a church, for we shall surley need the Lord in on this meeting, since it's his call as to where, and when the storms hit.
To be "proactive" would almost require all uitilities to have a crew on every block waiting for the storm to hit, and please don't forget the water, and gas utilities.
There is not enough money to burry all the power lines in the county, so lets dismiss this out of hand.
Just how does one "harden our electric power" anyway. Do we send Redi Killowat to the hard body gym?
Ok, I know, enough of the wisecracks, but folks we need leadership in district three with better ideas than that, and that's why I am for Mr. Dennis Hancock, he knows what it will take to get things done correctly.
I hope you will all join me in voting August 8th. for Mr. Hancock!
Tom Ford
Dennis Hancock is opposed by Colleen Wasinger,presently an Alderman in Town and Country who has the endorsement of the current County Councilman, Skip Mange. Mr. Mange, you will recall, is the councilman who is supporting the Grantwood Village residents who are opposing the Gravois/Musick Road Development, which land was owned by a Busch family member and has been sold to a developer for a highly dense development across from Grant's Farm. Colleen Wasinger is the likely candidate who would chose to continue making the good decisions that benefit residents from both parties. She is the candidate most likely to continue the traditions of Skip Mange, who has proved to be a very valuable representative of the people. His traditions need to be continued.
Ok then, I have a question for all of you - where do the two candidates stand in regard to the residents of Grantwood Village and the development near Cor Jesu?
Mange backs Wasinger. Mange also backed taxpayer funding for the St. Louis Cardinals and Metrolink.
Check your wallets at the door.
The "Tax Dollars" spent on the Stadium were from the Tourism Sales Tax on Hotel\Motel rooms - paid for by out-of-town travelers. The money can't be spent on anything other than tourism related stuff. Like our not the Stadium and Cards is a tourism magnet.
Not quite. The city gave away half of its income from the Cards to help them build the stadium.
The county gave them a stash as well.
The owners are quite wealthy. Do you like giving your money to rich people?
The out of town travelers argument reminds me of similar arguments made when the Crestwood board proposed sales tax increases.
"Oh this tax will be paid for by those shopping here and passing through." True. But if any Crestwood resident shops in Crestwood, he/she gets hit with the tax too. And now that our sales tax rate is maxed out, up goes our real estate taxes.
Move to Fairview Htgs, if you dont like it here.
You move. Personally, I love it here. I also love to shop at Value City.
But if any more tax increases come about, you can pay them for me.
Mr. Ford,
I support Dennis Hancock, but I am not so supportive of Ameren UE.
The storm hit Wednesday evening, July 19. For work the next day, July 20, I drove to South City, Central West End, North County, and back to South County. I was on the road locally for about 2 1/2 - 3 hours. During that time, I did not see ONE Ameren UE truck! I saw plenty of emergency vehicles and tree removal vendors, but not one Ameren UE truck.
In addition, Ameren has been lax on their tree trimming maintenance. One need only to drive through Crestwood today to see that this is so.
Furthermore, Ameren dispensed a large chunk of their standby emergency crews. To call in crews from other states takes time - from Ark or Tennessee - 3 hours.
From Iowa - 4 hours. Right there, any outage is increased by the time it takes out of town crews to arrive.
I'm not saying we should punish or starve Ameren, but at the very least, we should see what can be done to make them more accountable, accessible, and dependable.
To the 3:40 blogger: Under the gun (as Ameren surely will be over the next few months,) I believe we will see the needed changes to make things run more smoothly.
As I have stated before, we (my bride, and I,) were without power for six days ourselves. Being in the heating and cooling business, I can understand what they were going through. There are other things (parts, transformers, equipment, and yes personnell,) that come into play during a large power outage such as we saw.
Was I happy? Nope, but I do understand.
Tom Ford
There were tree trimmers working for Ameren for 2-3 months last winter working all around Crestwood. We lost power for 9 hours. Big deal. get over it.
Tell that to the people who lost loved ones and were without power for 6 days. Tell that to businesses that were closed.
Tree trimmers from Ameren in Crestwood? Where? On Fantasy Street?
"Big Deal"??? Tell that to the families who lost loved ones, or to the lineman's family who died. To say Big Deal to what happened is shocking and sad. Unreal.
No, I won't get over it.
More to come!
Tree trimmers from Ameren in Crestwood? Where? On Fantasy Street?
Nelson tree was on Villa Crest, Glenwood, Red Oak & Oak Crest to anme a few.
Nice that your neck of the woods got the treatment. What about the rest of the area?
500,000 without power. That's no small number.
By the way, did you have the guts to tell the families of the victims that died and others that went without power for several days to "get over it"?
Those streets are in Ward 2, aren't they?
They are in fact in Ward 2.
Tom Ford
Only in Crestwood and only on this blog:
Ward Envy
Well if it's "only in Crestwood, only on this blog", your correct! This is the only blog active in Crestwood as we speak!
Mr. Trueblood has posted nothing since June, so, who else?
"Ward envy"? Well I admit, I have it, God knows I would like to see my elected representives at the W & M meeting, but they were absent!
Tom Ford
Trust me, it's not ward envy. I know your aldermen, and I'm certainly not envious.
AMEN to that!
6:55 am Aug. 5th Tom, Villa Crest, Glenwood, Red Oak and Crest Oak stated in a previous blog are not in Ward 2.
Are they in Ward 18? or 20?
Nope, 22 or 23!
to the blogger from 8/2 @ 2:42 and 8/4 @ 3:35 -
Why do you ASSume that there are some political undertones to my response?
You posed the question and I replied in kind.
If you ask a question and do not receive the answer that you desire, I do not see where you gain anything in your negativity. (Which appears to be the way a majority of the posts are dealt with. Stop the back stabbing and move on.)
By the way these streets are in Ward IV.
If Ford had been elected Ward 2 alderman, he would have represented Ward 4. Oh well, I guess that it can be said in his defense that an alderman deals with City matters.
Mr. Hancock got his clock cleaned by the electorate.
If Ford had been elected at least we would have had a bit of levity on the board!
And, yes Mr. Hancock lost, no doubt about it! We now have the best politician $100,000.00 (campaign expenditure,) can buy!
But seriously gentle blogger, run for office, serve on a board, or just do something to help Crestwood! Go ahead, impress us, please!
Tom Ford
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