Friday, July 28, 2006

The vote in November, reference the "Charter", and what can we do to correct the ballot language?

Ladies and Gentlemen, have you explored the various nuances of the vote on the City Charter coming up this fall? It would appear at first glance that the "proposition 1" has several things packed into it, some you may like, and some you won't.

The problem is that this is a classic "Jefferson City two step" approach to propositions. Why, I wonder do we need to have most all the issues packaged into one proposition? The major problem as I see it is the fact that if you do not like any portion of it, you must vote NO!, else all of it passes.

Now, why would that be? I am not for several of the changes (on seperate ballot issues,) that will be on the November ballot, so why do the remainder have to be "packeged"?

I am going to ask our Alderman, and the City Attorney to see about getting these things separated before the ballots are printed so we can at least have a chance to vote for what we want, and not be befuddled at the polling place.

Failing that, I suggest we all vote NO on the entire proposition, maybe then the next time they can do it right!

Tom Ford

No. 191


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you had attended the Charter Commission meetings, you would know. You could have made suggestions during the meetings to help clarify the language if you feel the ballot language is vague, etc. Why try and go back and change them now? Oh, I guess that is how some work, wait until all discussions and decisions have been finalized and then want to change them!

12:48 AM, July 30, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Nothing is "finalized" until it's at the printer! Why the major push to change the Charter anyway?

Crestwood has worked very well under the origional document, so why change now? Also I have a few questions that you may be able to answer for me.

1. Why was the commission formed prior to the 10 year time frame?

2. Why the term limit's portion, when voters want "term limit's"?

3. Why the "censure" portion when the BOA has that power now (vote?)

As I see it, the Charter has served us very well since it's inception, and "if it ain't broke don't fix it"

Tom Ford

8:38 AM, July 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As I see it you miss the complete reason for becoming a Charter City in the first place. And that was to give the people of Crestwood more say in their local government than they had before Crestwood became a Charter City. No one said it was broke, just as one said it was broke before the City became a Charter City. Now however the citizens have a right of review of the rules and methods Crestwood operates under and if the majority of those who vote agree with you that it isnt broke then nothing will change. That is what it is all about, for the life of me I will never understand why you who come on so strong for the peoples rights are worried about the people doing one of those rights and that is VOTING on THEIR GOVERNMENT!!
Vote against it, run against it, but by GOD let me have my vote, count the vote and then shut up and live with the results.

2:43 PM, July 30, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

When have I ever suggested that the citizens not be allowed to vote? Answer, NEVER!

You and I will have our chance to vote, and we will do it I am sure, but can't we put the ballot in such a form that is crystal clear to everyone?

When the votes are counted we shall see how the electorate felt about the proposal's, until then I will continue to worry about the peoples rights, and I am glad you do to.

Tom Ford

2:59 PM, July 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

crystal clear? What has ever been crystal clear to you and your blog readers? every thing that has been done in Crestwood by anyone other than the mayor and a handful of people has had a cloud of doubt cast apon it by you and others. from needing more time to read something to needing more info from a bank to now the way ballot issues are written, its the same old same old every time and it only reflects the feeling that you and others doubt the IQ of the voter in crestwood.
it will never be crystal clear enough for you because you dont like the commission members who produced the work that the alderman placed on the ballot, that's the truth and you know it!

5:44 PM, July 30, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I don't know most of the Charter commission members, so how could I not like them?

I will admit, ballots written such as the Charter change was will never be "crystal clear" to me, or most anyone else for that matter, however none of that reflects on the voter IQ in Crestwood! That's a very nice try to obfuscate the real issue, that being, why the change to begin with!

Yes, we need more time to read things, and we need more info. from a bank, why? Because the "same old, same old" days are over in Crestwood! Crestwood citizens will never return to the days when no one looked over the shoulder of those who are responsible for spending our tax dollars, nor should they!

As far as my not liking the Aldermen (woman,) who placed this on the ballot, thats rubbish, and you know it! I won't be invited to partake of the "Wassel Bowl", but not like them, that's just plain silly, AND YOU KNOW IT!

Tom Ford

6:14 PM, July 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reason given to justify putting the term limit question on the ballot was that the commission was divided on the issue, and if the commission couldn't agree, perhaps voters were equally as divided in their opinions.

If the commission wanted a glimpse of public opinion, all they had to do was listen to the comments made at the public hearing, where 80% of the speakers where in favor of leaving the issue off the ballot.
The voters 10 years ago wanted restricted term limits; last year, a majority of those speaking at the public hearing agreed, and not a single petition has been submitted to the city to change term limits in the charter, yet this issue made it to the ballot.

Interestingly, someone at the public hearing asked why the term limits for the mayor were not being reconsidered as well, but there was no adequate response from the commission.

11:10 PM, July 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAH looks like we finally know where the kabal got its idea on how to block votes of the people! follow this link to a VERY interesting article - isn't it amazing how similar these tactics are to those of that once-upstanding former congressman that resides in Crestwood?

9:56 AM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops - try this link instead

9:57 AM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 5:44 July 30th. The only thing crystal clear to me is that you don't know the meaning of sharing opinions about our city on this blog and our right to see things differently than you.

If you think things were done so crystal clear by the past administration that's your opinion. But if that is the case, maybe you should go to Fairview Heights and take up residence there. I am sure Don Greer will welcome you with open arms.

Wag your tongue all you want. But if term limits are done away with, new people will be afraid to run against incumbents and we will be saddled with people who sit on the dais and do nothing.

People in Crestwood are dang tired of useless individuals who do not give a tinker's dam about their welfare. So, you can think whichever way you want, but don't expect everybody to think the way you do.

10:24 AM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would have to have attended most of the boa meetings and some of the charter meetings to get what I'm going to write here; but, if you go through each of the proposed changes very carefully you will see WHO most would have benefited from such changes. Keep in mind that Don Greer changed the status of the financial director just two weeks before he hired her. He did this so he could give her a larger salary. He said he had not known her before he interviewed her; there's hardly a soul in Crestwood that doesn't know that is a blatent lie. To take "with no recourse" out of the Charter for just the C/A and City Attorney, this was for his benefit. Whether or not you have been made aware of the fact, Don Greer had a great deal of input into what changes should have been made to the charter. Now why do you think that would have been. He was the chief of police at that time. Mr. Greer's greatest talent is seeing where oportunities for his moving ahead and grasping them. He led and our people followed. I'm sure some of them still don't acknowledge this is what happened, perhaps because it is embarrasing, others have come to understand they were fooled and would just rather forget it ever happened. So if we vote Yes for quite a few changes in November, we are doing exactly what Don Greer wanted done. I hope you will all pay attention and catch on to the obvious facts. The charter had everything in it we needed and all went smoothly for the first 10 years and I'll guarantee you, had Don Greer not gotten involved, most of it would have been left as it was. Have you ever called even one of the original charter members? Need to do that!!

11:37 AM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford please explain to me in detail the proposition that you say that you are against.

12:00 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

PS: While you are at it, also please explain the reasons for and against each detail of the proposition you claim to oppose.

12:03 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So, if you disagree with the poster at 10:24 you should move, but yet that same poster states its ok to have differnent view points from theirs. But you better move, if you do, to Fairview Hgts. There is some Pretzel Logic for you!
The the same poster says people will be afraid to run if there wasn't term limits, support that with facts my friend. Didn't Miguel beat an incumbent as did Roy? Dont you realy mean that it is harder to beat an incumbent and most people dont want to work that hard for the thankless job of representing you and your followers?

12:37 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 11:37 support your claim that Greer had a lot of input on the proposed changes to the Charter. Prove it, or admit you just "think" he did.

12:39 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want a conversation starter?
Talk about the Crestwood charter.

One thing about it,
you'll never be bored,
discussing these items,
on the blog provided by Mr. Ford!

12:59 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 11:37 July 31 - Hurray for your attitute comment Mr./Ms Blogger. You are absolutely 100% correct. Had Don Greer not been around, this charter thingy would have been just fine the way it was and nothing would have been done. Boy I sure wish everyone had the foresight to see the truth like you, and realize how we were all duped by this man. He is the reason why so many unorthidox things occurred in our city, and he made sure he covered all his bases with gullable people and appointed people who would not question his judgement in any way shape or form.

Thanks for stating the obvious. Hope it does some good but I doubt it. Those who were duped are too proud to say they were and the stupid will always be stupid.

1:17 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 12:37 and 12:39 July 31st.

Go ahead and let your mouth overload your "you know what". I was on the first Charter Commission. We deliberated on every topic especially term limits. No one on this new commission ever stopped to consult us on anything.

And, you can go ahead and say anything about Roy defeating an incumbent and/or any other defeat to an incumbent aldermen. Mox Nix to me!!!! I remember all too well everything we discussed in the Charter and I am telling you right now that term limits were discussed at length.

It was our determination that it had nothing to do with how hard a person has to work to get elected and win from an incumbent. It had everything to do with people who have been on the board so long that forgot what they were elected for and took their jobs for granted. Thank God we got rid of those who are now gone. They stuck their head in the sand and allowed things to happen because they were suckered by Greer, and allowed Greer to take over. They did whatever that man told them to do and Greer made them believe it was their decision. Pretty sharp, don't you think?

In the meantime, the aldermen thought Greer was God. They didn't have to do anything but listen to him. They were all collecting their 300 per month for doing nothing and for asking no questions. And after all those years, you could hardly find a sane one in the bunch anymore. And those who did ask questions were condemned.

And please don't be stupid enough to let Dr. LaBore tell you as he told so many, that Greer didn't want the the CA job in the first place. That statement, my friends was just another ploy. Greer knew he could play "coy" and say "Kent was a good Friend" and he didn't want Kent's job! He played it cool. Heavens he didn't want to show how anxious he was! That might blow it. All it ever was with him was a game, just a big, fat and opportunistic game. Every department head at that time knew he wanted Kent's job. Why didn't the board of aldermen?

The board members and mayor were dictated to by Mr. Don Juan Greer, who by the way changed every law and procedure he could including the Civil Service Rules and Regulations to suit himself and his stragedy. His formula for making out time sheets was different from the ones the rest of the employees used. Who would challenge him? No one could and keep their jobs! No wonder why he ended up with so much time on the books.

Consider this. He never signed his name to many things. He had minnions to do that so if push came to shove, he couldn't get himself into any trouble. He used people just like you and I use tissue paper. He uses it to wipe things up and then tossed it into the garbage.

It's a shame fellow bloggers that you too are being duped. You think things were bad with Leichliter, and then you turn around and glorify Greer who was a thousand times worse. He took this City for all it was worth and yet you have eyes and refuse to see.

The Charter, the Civil Service Rules and Regulations, the financials, and anything else he could change, he did. I was there, I saw it and this whole blog couldn't begin to fill enough pages if I got started.

You poor saps! You think for one minute that things said on this blog regarding Mr. Greer are made up? What do you take me and others for? What purpose would it serve?

But I am sure sick and tired of what he has done to good people who got the shaft because he had all the control and power and the people in charge of this city allowed it to happen. They were so happy to get rid of Leichliter, they allowed the devil to take his place. The board of aldermen paid homage to him, covered up things when he asked them to and whether it be the Charter or any other document in the City of Crestwood, allowed his input to overshadow their own intelligence.

I am so glad I am out of Crestwood. It was once a beautiful place to live. It is also too bad that there are those who refuse to give this administration a chance. No doubt in my mind that Greer wanted the Charter changed and did everything in his power to get it going. As far as dealing with the previous charter commission, Greer wanted nothing that was on the books before he was in control to be considered. That's why we were never asked.


2:25 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:39 7/31 poster:

If you want proof of the former city administrator's involvement in the proposed charter changes, simply go to the city's website and read the minutes from the charter meetings. You will see that Mr. Greer had a few strategic "suggestions" for the commission.

The "proof" is there in black and white, for you (or any others interested in the genesis of these proposed amendments) to read.

3:04 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay so we are calling Dr. LaBore, an ordained minister, a lier and Greer the devil and the citizens saps. You are a very unhappy person.

3:57 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 3:57 - July 31st.

On the contrary, I have never been more happy in my life. You, on the other hand are the one with questionable intelligence. You just falsely accused me of things I did not say. I never called Dr. LaBore a lier, you did. Show me on this blog where I called Dr. LaBore a lier. I want to see it! People like you never get the story right. I said he believed what he was told by Greer when Greer told him he did not want Leichliter's job! Are you that much of an idiot or do you just want to accuse me so others can believe you! Get it right or shut up.

And Greer made saps out of all the board of aldermen members who did everything he told them to do without question. The people of Crestwood deserve better. Got it! Good. Now stop putting words in my mouth.

Doctor LaBore is a man of the cloth so that means he doesn't make mistakes. I am sorry but he doesn't walk on water. When push comes to shove, Dr. LaBore is way too afraid to stand up for what is right, especially when he trusts the wrong people.

You sound like the one who is unhappy if you can take someone's comments like you did mine and totally make up your own in their place.

Tally Ho!!!!!

4:57 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 3:04 PM July 31st. Good for you. People want proof and you told them how to get it. I hope they take your advise but I doubt it. If they do read the charter minutes, on the website, maybe the truth will hurt too much. Greer had his nose in everything and Fagan, and Robertson and the Faganites will never, ever admit that he crushed this city. People in this town need to wake up. Many have but some still have not and stand ready to blame this new administration on everything and anything. It sickens me.

5:02 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dr. Labore meant well, but I always thought he just loved the sound of his own voice.

6:27 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 6:27 PM July 31st. Dr. LaBore is real good at showing how well intentioned he is especially on the podium. But let a real test come along the likes of what we had in Crestwood and he runs the other way and doesn't want to get involved.

He knew the immoral behavior of Don Greer on city premises, but did nothing! He knew of Mayor Robertson's antics, and showed no compassion to the victim. In fact, when face to face with the victim several times, Dr. LaBore didn't run but galloped his way out of the grocery store for fear of being questioned. So much for doing the Will of the Almighty and caring about people. Therefore, Dr. LaBore can preach the word of the Lord to people, but performing acts of kindness and consideration to those who would have loved one kind word from his mouth, was not forthcoming.

So much for the so-called honorable alderman who took an oath to care for the people of Crestwood. Too bad he would choose to listen to the ranting and ravings of a mad man and turned his back on the victim whom he has known for over 25 years.

Excuse me, but some where it has been said, "by their deeds you will know them".

Thank you.

6:59 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Labore enjoyed the status quo and the microphone, but an agent for change he was not.

7:29 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But, but Dr. LaBore was nominated by Miquel to be President of the Board of Aldermen. And Miquel and Maddox both voted for him. LaBore lost on a 5 to 3 vote. So they didn't know the type of man that they were voting for??? Shame!! Shame!!!! Why didn't Maddox run??? No guts, no glory -- only SHAME!!!!

7:44 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any thoughts as to why Mayor Robinson appointed Dr. LaBore to the Ways and Means Committee instead of Alderman Miquel??? I think it was a deal to payoff a supporter by Mayor Robinson.

8:39 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's Miguel with a g.

The Maddox's are moving to Florida to be closer to their children who live there.

Miguel and Maddox didn't have much of a choice with such a hostile board. Trueblood, Kelleher, and Breeding (on occasion) could be quite hostile to them.

Before you sling your arrows, check your facts and spelling.

How are your friends Fagan and Robertson doing?

9:12 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the spelling correction as indeed it is MiGuel. But why didn't Maddox run for Board of Aldermen President instead of or in addition to LaBore -- not run for reelection and go to Florida?? SHAMME!!! The facts stand as they are.

11:00 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You would have to ask Maddox. I don't know. Probably because the Fagan Five had the majority.

Since you are so interested in SHAME, look at the financial condition of Crestwood from 2001-2005, the tax proposals, the police building, the 2 million spent on design fees, the lawsuits - some of which Crestwood started and that Crestwood had to pay to settle.

11:36 PM, July 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Financial condition of the City in 2001 to 2002? Read the Forensic Audits. Seems like that was the Brasfield, Leichliter and Weubbels team era that caused the City's financial problems.

7:21 AM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:44 July 31st. Shame on you! LaBore was nominated because of his tenure. Once again, another reason to leave term limits alone.

End of conversation.

10:03 AM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:12 pm 7:31 Fagan and Robertson are probably doing better than you since they both live in denial.

You would never get these two lawyers to admit they were wrong about anything. It's just another case they should have won.

Must be nice to have so much self-absorbed loved for yourself.

10:08 AM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:21 am Aug. 1 - And who did Crestwood have to thank for putting the whipped cream on the cake? Robertson, Fagan and Greer. Right from the frying pan into the fire. How many years and expertise did Fagan have to learn and get things right? Little good it did! Both of these intelligent lawyers put the devil in the CA seat and we had even more of the same useless and careless spending. A double whammie! So don't go there please!!

10:15 AM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Financial condition of the City in 2001 to 2002? Read the Forensic Audits. Seems like that was the Brasfield, Leichliter and Weubbels team era that caused the City's financial problems.

7:21 AM, August 01, 2006 "

Possibly. But if that was the case, why did the city pay and settle with Leichliter?
Why did Robertson and Fagan continue to spend, spend, spend?

1:23 PM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:03 AM August 1 LaBore had been Board President and also bcame Acting Mayor when Killoren left as mayor. According to established board practice it was Maddox's turn to serve as board president but apparantly Miguel had some political motive not to nominate Maddox. instead he chose not to nominate Maddox. Maddox himself later said that election was a result of politics.

3:04 PM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:24 PM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blogger from 3:04 PM, August 01, 2006 - you just can't stand Miguel, can you?

Yes, it was a result of politics - the Fagan Five.

3:46 PM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger 3:04 8/1 And in the scheme of things what difference does it make who was or was not nominated for President of the board or whose on first, and I don't know on second!!!!

We are still concerned about ballot language and the fact that this whole term limit charter thingy is the big baboon birthed
by the hoosier dink that started his own dynasty in Crestwood, Mr. G. Don't have to believe me but someone else on this blog said it in the previous comments.

So like the bomb, we are still fighting the residue and fall out when he reigned supreme.

So all your wise guys on this blog that barf everytime Greer's name is mentioned, here is your chance to get all worked up again.

4:59 PM, August 01, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Now kiddies let's play nice! Please make all the comments you wish, but leave out the personal insults please!

Show us that all the money your folks spent on your education did not go for naught, up-lift the conversation with comments, not insults!


Tom Ford

6:25 PM, August 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy, a lot of people have a lot to say, all interesting. My two cents: Dr. Labore might be a God fearing man, he doesn't show me that. He has absolutely no guts for getting involved and doing the right thing and probably the reason he was re-elected is that nobody else wanted to ward 1 alderman's job. Didn't Kelleher run opposed? I'm not sure, but what a tragic mistake that was. Ms. Duwe just seems tired and disinterested and probably will be happy to be termed out and Mr. Breeding seems so distracted by something near the ceiling. Jerry has some very good input if you can ever HEAR him talk. The other new kids on the block have yet to prove themselves, all I see so far is that they seem to be paying attention. I too have talked with previous Charter members and they say, they were never called on for anything from the newer group.

1:03 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please, all of you. Attend a board meeting. Jerry Miguel may be a nice guy, but that's the end of his abilities. This man drags his feet and contradicts, argues, and manipulates numbers every chance he gets. It appears he doesn't understand the finances, so he tries to put them in his own simplistic terms to deal with them.

I'm sure he has his neighbor's best interest in mind, but he should've stuck to volunteering for a board that wasn't so complex, say Animal Control?

2:35 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No class previous blogger, no class.

Go to your favorite store, Value City, and buy something.

Or move to Fairview Heights and have a grand ole' time.

2:54 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read this weeks CALL, interesting coments by former Alderman Maddox, Alderman Miguel and the Mayor about both of them and John Foote.
I agree with Maddox on the way the finaces are being reported, sad to say Miguel tryed to straddle the fence, while the Mayor didnt have very nice things to say about those of us who are interested in what is going on with our tax dollars.
Anyone else have a different take?

4:17 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 1:02 8/1/06, Kelleher did run against some one.

4:19 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:35 P.M.
Sir Blogger, you sound a lot like one of those ugly Americans, an ex-Alderman.

The more ugly things you say about Alderman Miguel, the more we respect him.

You lose!

4:19 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:19 Blogger 8/2 Kelleher ran against someone but won because of his clout with the St. E's crowd and the swim club. Pure and simple. Go ahead and say something to the contrary and make my day. Too bad it's been that way since the beginning of time and those two things will always get their person in even if the candidate is void of brains, has no personality, is quick to anger and slow to take anything other than his views into consideration. Must be nice to have a shoe-in!!!!

4:36 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger 4:17 PM, August 02, 2006
I agree with your take and was shocked at what Robinson said - really shocked.

It's the analysis by numbers people that gives guidance and helps this city to get back on track.

I'm not sure what has happened with Roy. His comments lately have left me disappointed.

4:56 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maddox, Miguel, and Foote. These were three people instrumental in getting Robinson elected.

"All these other people out here ... we can sit here and give them the numbers that you all want. And I'm picking out people like Jerry Miguel and Don Maddox and (resident) John Foote and some of these others. Yeah, we can give you all those numbers, and most of them wouldn't know what the hell they're talking about when they left here."
from the SunCrest Call - August 2, 2006 by Burke Wasson

5:08 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

correction: the previous was a quote from Mayor Robinson, the article was written by Burke Wasson.

5:11 PM, August 02, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Boy, you got me too! Could it be the heat that has everyone so up-tight?

I agree, that sure dosen't sound like the Roy I know. maby just a bad day at the office, it happens.

Tom Ford

5:39 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am sorry but this isnt the first time Roy has gone over the edge in talking about the citizens of Crestwood. It may be the heat, but I thought the A/C was working at City Hall and his house. It may be his recent time in the hospital. but he claims to be ok.
Or it may be what he really thinks about us unwashed citizens who ask questions, we are too stupid to understand the numbers. Funny thing is he himself is quoted as not understanding the numbers and wanting the budget on one page.
Oh well, just an other mystery of life I guess here in Crestwood

6:22 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real question isnt if Roy is out of line, the real question should be is Maddox right and we should be looking at real numbers not percents?

6:24 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The real questions are both ...

6:30 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When Maddox was in office, I felt that he was really the one on target with the figures, but I also remember the trouble Kelleher and Trueblood gave him. I'm no math major and alth Robinson could have been more articulate in what he said, I agree if you gave me the figures I wouldn't know what the h--- you were talking about, that's why we hired Frank Myers. If he's not as honest as I hope he is, we're in deep trouble, BUT we have to have faith in someone and after what DG did to us, its hard to trust again, like a really bad divorce!

7:07 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:22 PM August 2 You hit the nail right on the head. The mayor doesn't want the actual numbers out because people might ask him specific questions about them and his answers would clearly reveal that he doesn't understand them at all just like he doesn't understand the budget numbers. Look for the budget numbers not to be released to the public this year because someone might ask questions that will show only Justina Tate is the only person at City Hall who has the faintest clue about them. The emperor has no clothes.

8:50 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the blogger at 4:36 PM, August 02, 2006 :

That is called representation by the people. I assume that a majority of the people in Ward 2 have voiced the vote.


10:38 PM, August 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The race in Ward 2 was split between 3 people. Kelleher slicked into office. The people did not know they were releasing a pit bull into city government. This candidate was a bad choice, but as mentioned, his victory was based on pals from the swim club and the Ward 2 church. However this did not come with a guarantee he could perform as a good representative. He has not. In fact he is an embarrassment to the entire city. this too is an opinion voiced by many.

10:30 PM, August 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Kelleher won a three way race in Ward 2 with over fifty percent of the vote. Contrary to his critics he is doing an excellent job as alderman. As for the obvious attempt to assassinate his character on this blod, the majority of fair minded Ward 2 residents who know him and have dealt with him are very satisfied with his character and his job performance. His critics by their use of slurs and inuendo only indicate their hatefulness and their own lack of character.

11:12 PM, August 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to some on this blog, if things don't go their way in an election it is because the voters were fooled, lied to or did not understand what they were voting on/for. Pretty poor opinion of their fellow Crestwood voters if you ask me and an excuse that is wearing more than a little thin.
Get over it.

7:10 AM, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, we won't get over it.

If you want excuses that wear thin, try previous boards that made finger pointing an olympic sport.

I've seen Kelleher in action - on the board and in person. I've seen him disrespectful toward constituents, fellow aldermen, and the mayor. He has quite the record, which will come out next election.

3:43 PM, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if you won't get over, then suck an egg.

5:29 PM, August 04, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:29 blogger, is that the best you can do with all the education you must have had?

I thought we were going to be "nice".

Tom Ford

5:50 PM, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, I won't get over it. And I won't suck an egg. But I may scramble one or have one sunny side up!

7:26 PM, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Questions regarding the esteemed James Kelleher. Since he has such a loyal fan base, I'm sure they will be willing to answer the following:

What does he do for a living?

How long has he been a member of St. Elizabeth's?

Is he or has he been a member of the Crestwood Swim Club?

What strategic plans or ordinances has he helped enact that has helped Crestwood get out of its financial crunch?

That's the first set.

10:02 PM, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the summer of 2004, he did read a note from his wife saying that she wanted the new police station built and that she knew what she was voting for even though the ordinance nor the ballot language mentioned a new police station.

10:37 PM, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kelleher, along with Trueblood, voted against the resurfacing to Ewers Drive in Ward 3.

What was his motive(s)?

Thankfully the motion failed.

11:47 PM, August 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was Mommy out of town? Is that the reason for a "note from his wife"?

7:02 AM, August 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


12:36 PM, August 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwoodindependent The folks are eagarly awaiting your in-depth listing and discussion of the pros and cons of each of the details of the Charter proposition.

4:24 PM, August 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That brings to mind a question: Will each charter proposal be separate on the ballot or will they be lumped together? (there was discussion that all proposals would be put together)

4:46 PM, August 06, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The Crestwood Insependent will be posting an in-depth study of the proposed Charter change in due time. If you would like to, please send me your analysis of this document, and I will put it on for you.

The vote is in November, people (including me,) have short memories, so I will be posting closer to the election so we all don't forget.

Tom Ford

5:30 PM, August 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, we have heard what an amazing victory Jim Kelleher won by,but we have not heard the answers to the questions asked by a constituant.

What does Jim Kelleher do for a living? (We know what every other Alderman does or did)
What contribution has he made to the city?
Does his position cause him to be confrontational?
What are his qualifications for office?
If he has a job, how long has he had it?

I noticed you asked Mr. Ford to list all his objections to the charter changes. Any reason your questions should be answered? First you answer my questions about Jim Kelleher. Besides, you know full well what the objections are and soon the public will too.

You know the Charter issue is a total farce. I don't care how hard the board worked. They were illegally meeting, were told to meet early by a Mayor/Lawyer who knew full well the board was meeting prematurely with a great deal of cheerleading from Don Greer, who rode shotgun for that goofy administration.

Don't forget, we are waiting to hear all about Jim Kelleher's career?


9:43 PM, August 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please keep on the topic of Mr. Ford's post which is the Charter.

8:58 AM, August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just go and vote in November to make your voice heard. That's how it works! And I do believe that the deadline for the ballot language has past. If you want to put the discussion to rest, call city hall and ask. I guess that should have been done before the original post, unless this was just to stir up the public????

Personally, I will just go vote.

1:17 PM, August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 9:43 - I agree with your blog comment totally. I am also waiting for answers to the questions you raised. I would also like to know what Kelleher does for a living and why he is so confrontational, why he called MiGuel a snake in the grass at a board of aldermen meeting months ago, as well as other things regarding his political connections with Fagan and Gary Vincent. Also the Charter changes being done by this commission are a total farce and were as you stated spearheaded through Greer. You are so correct about all of it. I hope others will read your blog comment if they haven't already. You really got your details correct and so perfectly stated.

2:05 PM, August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reading some of the more recent posts on this blog it wold appear that Mr. Ford is using it to jump start his run for ward two alderman in april 2007.

4:06 PM, August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He may run, and he may not run. Either way, that is his choice. I for one, hope he does. But if he does not, this blog is an excellent venue for us to discuss and vent the political issues of Crestwood. And we have him to thank for it. As always, he has been and is a gracious host.

4:39 PM, August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As far as what Jim Kelleher "does" for a is quite obvious. He is a landscaper and a snake charmer! How else would he be qualified to call Mr. Miguel a "snake in the grass"? Look at the clues:

1. Bright red face from being in the sun (mowing lawns/wrestling snakes into submission).

2. Often confrontational from losing mowing accounts to mexican immigrant workers who work for much less. Also could be from anxiety of working with dangerous snakes.

3. The bow tie (it makes him charming...get it?)

That should settle the question of Mr. Kelleher's employment. It really wasn't that hard to figure out.

7:50 PM, August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, so much for Mr. Ford not allowing personal attacks on elected offical by name.
"all elected offical are equal. just some are more equal"

8:17 PM, August 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

well, so much for Mr. Ford not allowing personal attacks on elected offical by name.
"all elected offical are equal. just some are more equal"

Guess what kiddies, I have asked, pleaded, conjoled, and otherwise requested that you be civil!

It would appear that some of you do not wish to be though! So, enough of Mr. Ford's request's, do what you will, or I can delete the entire blog.

Tom Ford

8:31 PM, August 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

As most of you are aware the Ward two position held by Mr. Kelleher will be up for a challanger in 2007.

It is rather interesting that since Mr. Kelleher was elected there has been no Bio posted on the Crestwood City web site. We have brand new Aldermen who have found the time to post their Bio, as well they should, but still nothing from Mr. Kelleher.

Several interested parties have posted here requesting the information yet nothing has been forthcoming. Mr. Kelleher, you are an elected official, why not answer your consituants questions?

Tom Ford

8:57 PM, August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somebody out there is very 'jealous' of Jim Kelleher. With his obvious good looks and sex appear perhaps he is a 'kept man'. Men are just naturally jealous of other men whose women work for them and allow them to stay home and play computer games and whatever else men who are home alone all day might find to do to amuse themselves!

9:20 AM, August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sex appear? you mean sex appeal? are you nuts or just blind? women like men for either/sex appleal or personality or both BUT neither?

9:24 AM, August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:20 AM 8/8 blogger. I really could care less about what Kelleher is or does in the privacy of his own home; I am concerned with his views as an alderman appointed to take care of his constituents. But somebody got hold of him, long before now, and has "brain washed" him to the point where he cannot see the forest for the trees and will not under any circumstances change his allegiance. He will never support this mayor, he will always think ill of his administration and you cannot be a servant to all the people when you, yourself are not willing to cooperate with the powers that be. He works against it instead of for it. That's called playing politics and this city is loaded with it. That's why we cannot get things done. There is no solidarity. There are only divisions.

12:24 PM, August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the last blogger is making ASSumptions and speaking ill about an elected official. Why was this not removed????????

I guess it is who you are commenting about! hmmmmmm

2:55 PM, August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:55 pm 8/8 I agree that the few comments from bloggers are lately really cutting it pretty thin while speaking of an alderman. But if you are into those kinds of games, calling the mayor boss hog leaves a lot to be desired too. You see we have two opposing sides here and unfortunately people that play politics, cannot keep a civil tongue in their heads so they name call. Back to first grade.

3:21 PM, August 08, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

You guess it's who your commenting about? Good grief! Why don't you go back and read the lame comment's about "Boss Hog", or Magiuel, or?

I asked everyone to be "nice" Lord knows how many times, but factions from both sides don't wish to be.

"All politic's are local": TIP O'NEAL, now if you wish to understand the Middle East riff, well just read the blog!

Tom Ford

5:56 PM, August 08, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:20 AM blogger, I can fully understand the problems of "sex appeal", having been cursed with it all my life!

Why, only five years ago I was a candidate for the "Chippendale dancers" before a scar from a cancer operation ruined my career.

A bow tie may bring me back though, as I see they have named a stretch of I-55, 270 as the Paul Simon road resplendent with a bow tie on the sign.

Alas, but I can only wish!

Tom Ford

6:04 PM, August 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Ford: You seem very concerned about Alderman Kelleher's BIO. crestwood independent�said...
As most of you are aware the Ward two position held by Mr. Kelleher will be up for a challanger in 2007.It is rather interesting that since Mr. Kelleher was elected there has been no Bio posted on the Crestwood City web site. We have brand new Aldermen who have found the time to post their Bio, as well they should, but still nothing from Mr. Kelleher.Several interested parties have posted here requesting the information yet nothing has been forthcoming. Mr. Kelleher, you are an elected official, why not answer your consituants questions?Tom Ford
8:57 PM, August 07, 2006 It is very interesting that you single out Alderman Kelleher for criticism about the lack of his BIO on the City website, yet you are strangely quiet about Alderman Miguel's lack of a BIO on the City website. They were both elected at the same time and both are eligible to seek reelection at the same time. They have both already subjected themselves to scrutiny by their constituents when they ran for election. I wonder why you singled out Alderman Kelleher in your concern about aldermanic BIOs. I think I and others know why.

6:04 PM, August 12, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, I am glad "you, and others know why". We all know who Alderman Miguel is, and what he believes in, as well as where he is going.

Alderman Miguel has been a breath of fresh air on the board, while Alderman Kelleher has contributed little, or nothing to many of the deliberations.

I have met Alderman Kelleher two times, and both times I came away feeling that he "couldent care less" about my comment's.

I know you will say, why should he? Well, I may write for this blog, but, hey, I am still a consituant of Ward Two, no?

Mr. Kelleher, please put your "BIO" on the City web site, that would answer a lot of questions!

Tom Ford

7:31 PM, August 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I disagree that we all know Alderman Miquel or his background or what he believes in or where he is going. Alderman Miguel has been stale air on the board and often has to be reined in (by the mayor no less) in his endless, meaningless, questioning diatribes which most often result in no action and which accomplish nothing except the waste of time.
Kelleher is well prepared beforehand and has the talent for short, insighful questions and contributions to the discussions by the board. Your continuing request for Alderman Kelleher's BIO but not Miguel's demonstrates that you have a personal vendetta against Mr. Kelleher -- probably because he did not endorse and work for your failed aldermanic candidacy. Sour grapes. The flyer which Mr. Kelleher handed out when he was campaigning for alderman including walking door to door (which you were too lazy to do) provided ample biographical information including his employment.

5:43 AM, August 13, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I am truly sorry that I did not walk "door to door", but you see, I can't! I have two bad knee's,and lung problems that cause me to be short of breath.

Your right, I did not win, but I was there, when will we see you out there my friend?

"Personal vendetta"? I believe I told you I have only met the man twice. How could it be personal? None of this is personal, just Crestwood business.

I guess we shall have to agree to dis agree, but isn't that what's great about America?

By the way, if you have one of thoes flyers please send it to me, and I will post it here for all who have questions reguarding his "Bio".

Tom Ford

7:22 AM, August 13, 2006  

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