Fairview Heights resident not too happy it would seem!
Please click the header to be directed to a letter to the editor of he Belleville News Democrat. It seems "the more we are different, the more were the same".
As a blogger stated in one of the posts below, the honeymoon seems to be waining! I am wondering when the divorce will be announced.
Tom Ford
As a blogger stated in one of the posts below, the honeymoon seems to be waining! I am wondering when the divorce will be announced.
Tom Ford
Perhaps some resident in Fairview Heights needs to start an anti-Greer blog like this one so they can all share their negative comments, although this article isn't about Greer, it's about the Mayor's desire to see this tax increase, and issues that they've been dealing with long before the 2 months he's been there. However, if they are as small-minded as the Crestwood residents, I'm sure they'll find a way to blame him. I hope there isn't another town like this one out there.
When will the good people of this community get past him? My God, do you need to follow him around everywhere he goes finding ways to criticize him? He's gone, get over it. You are the ones perpetuating his existence in Crestwood, you are all so fascinated with him, maybe he should feel honored by it, I'm sure he's amused.
Tom, you could find an article that begins with any town in the United Stated "Planisville resident not too happy.....", and you know it. We could drag up those same articles posted by the residents in the last town Mr. Meyers worked in, and we found plenty of those! Why don't you be the first to put an end that era and focus on the evils we are dealing with now. Roy won his slander campaign, let's see him perform now without Greer to blame.
Gee, I just read the story and Greer's name was not mentioned once. Maybe the honeymoon is over for their mayor, like Roy's with his failed plain to bring back Crestwood.
Nice deflection effort but the fingers still point at Murphy and Roy as the men in power in Crestwood now.
I write this not because as some claim, I have been put into a trance by Greer, but because what he does in his new job means nothing to me living in here Crestwood. If he screwed this City up as some claim on this blog, then Roy should be able to fix it. He said he would and could. The question is when and how is he going to do that? So far he has raised our taxes, cut our services treated us rudely in public meetings, made promises he hasnt been able to keep (Westfield speaking to the Board is an example)and now admits he is not fit for the job as he doesnt understand large finance. It looks like his supporters feel that all of this can and should be over looked if they keep shouting about Greer. He has no one on the Board stopping him like Trueblood did, from getting what he wants done passed being by these Aldermen, so what is his excuse now?
It is time for the Mayor and his supporters to put up or shut up.
From a fellow blogger!
Anonymous said...
Look's like Greer's tax increase plan on the East Side is getting a wonderful response. From the Belville News Democrat Sound Off Section..."Live within means
Brilliant! After a few months on the job, Fairview Heights' administrator Don Greer comes up with his solution: new utility taxes. Just what we need to go along with Ameren's pending increases in 2007. It that's his answer, fire Greer and hire someone with the management skills required to work with the resources that the city already has."
Seems like the Honeymoon is winding down...
10:54 PM, August 16, 2006
Well this is very interesting indeed! It would seem that we have oposing views, one from the blogger, and one, or two from the East Side letter writers!
What is it, pray tell? Are we to believe that Mr. Greer is the salvation of Fairview Heights, or shall we return him to Crestwood!
You tell me!
Tom Ford
Blogger 8:34 PM, August 17, 2006
So you admit that Trueblood tried to block Robinson? Is that what you are saying?
"Where are the sewers? Where are the storm water drainage projects? Where are the upgraded streets? Where are the curbs and gutters?"
Crestwood will be saying this soon enough after the funds are comingled into one checking account. The funds avaiable in the Capital Fund, etc. will NOT be used for any of these purposes. It will be used for the line of credit.
My question is after one year of "borrowing" funds to cover the line of credit, how is that money going to be "put back"? Is this just a stop gap measure until, what, another loan? One year without a loan to break up the "long term debt" legal MO Constitution stipulation?
Where was this great concern a year or two or three ago about carrying debt and the Missouri Constitution?
The mayor was against Prop 1 remember? The line of credit was put in place to address the deficits in the General Fund. Prop 1 would have taken over and the line of credit would not be needed. After Prop 1 did not pass and the mayor was elected, the realization that Crestwood cannot afford to "pay as you go" set in. After 1 yr and 4 months, I don't see the long range plan that the State Audit called for. People may not have liked the thought of bonds as an avenue but it would have taken care of the needs of the city and could always have been paid off early. The previous BOA saw that more than 2-3 years was needed to get the city back on its feet. They knew Development and filling store takes a long time. This is something that even the mayor says he wished things would move along faster - but they don't and the previous BOA already knew that when putting Prop 1 to the voters.
Poster 11:38, yup it was Prop 1, the hated GO Bonds that the voters turned down that the Mayor, Aldermen, C.A at that time used to address the long term debt problem. Allowing the people of Crestwood a say in how to end the debt issue within the law. Pay off the debt in 3 months with a sunseted property tax that did not effect the sales tax flow to the city.
But the now mayor and Alderman Miguel convenced people it made no sense to "borrow" money to pay off a debt. Then a year after in office, they both supported the property tax increase this past April, which does not and can not address th debt issue. We arent "borrowing" money to pay off the debt, just have a line of credit due in OCT with no way to pay it off. We were fooled!
Regarding the Missouri Constitution issue, didn't the ballot language for Proposition S mention debt, and that it was a vehicle to pay down the long term debt? Therefore, the voters approved something for long term debt.
Must have been a slow news day.
Please bloggers let's don't mess up this comment category with disses. Who cares about the former Mayors, the former C/A and his entourage? The history they have left behind is self evident. The audits point out mistakes and offer suggestions; the bank balance is low. Apparently no one from the past had any more ability to figure out the financials than our fairly new board. Nor did they have the credentials to get past the hurdles not acknowledged by a politically unbalanced board. Too much politics (maybe), not enough savvy (maybe), not enough research (absolutely). But you certainly should not be throwing darts prematurely until you put your thinking cap on backward. This Board and Mayor were duly elected, they have a job to do. While they are not yet decided on the outcome of the financial matters at hand, they are making it a point to ask the right questions, use the right resources, and get the job done. I feel sure they realize the importance of unity. What they do not need is a contingency of negativity dishing out a plate of "ugly" at every turn. It is counter productive and uncalled for. Besides I don't think this board is all that impressed with you. I think they all have their eyes on the road. I don't think they aspire to be like you at all.
Right now, let's turn budget matters over to the Mayor and our 8 Aldermen, the C/A and the Ways and Means Committee and let's make sure the City Attorney is wide awake. Any mistakes constitutional or audit wise are his jurisdiction. This is the position in which to depend upon for legaleese. He is the one to halt illegal action and keep the whole board on track. This is providing his input is on behalf of the entire city, based on fact and void of politics.
This comment category and several others in August has erected huge barriers against wisdom when its nonsensical namecalling and knife in the back discussion of the important facts pertaining to how things should be handled takes presedence over integrity. There is no gain in portraying those trying to resolve trying issues by planting seeds of hate and mentioning re-call every other paragraph. Not everyone is a Rhodes Scholar nor an accountant. You may want to remember that! What kind of tribute is it to your city, your civic responsibility when you cry foul and pick every nit you can find? How little faith you show in the 9 men we selected to work things out.
One bank account, several bank accounts, the line of credit, the right way to do things. The Constitutional debate and the Audit proclamations, the survey. Why do you dissident bloggers think you can pitch in with your wet blankets and make Crestwood better? Do you have all the answers right now? While you don't have a vote on that board, you do have the ability to button your discouraging lip and encourage and support the entire board to work on this whole matter until it is something we can all live with. If you don't think this possible, what the Sam Hill are you doing living in a town that wants to "Pick Itself Up and Brush Itself Off and Start All Over Again?"
"A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns."
~ Mario Puzo
i guess Mario didn't like lawyers.
Tom Ford
Yo, I think Lawyers and Dentists are among the great unwashed. But, I like my Dentist. Better yet, I trust her.
3:47 PM 8/18 Blogger you have made more sense that all the rest with your comments.
The majority of us bloggers get caught up in the politics in Crestwood. If someone whom we oppose makes a statement, we love tearing it apart. We love to take things that mean nothing and make it something. It spreads like wildfire and serves no useful purpose except to reaffirm the reality that there are two different factions here. Those who hate the new mayor and those who paid tribute to the one who lost the election.
That's all this dog and pony show illustrates. I am afraid that I, too, have fallen into the abyss of it all. Please don't allow unreasonable remarks to bring us down by those who disagree with us. Leave it go.
Some have really been overboard to the extent that wives and families have gotten hit in the crossfire.
If this divided course keeps going on, we will all be shooting ourselves in the foot some day. It's really stupid because basically we all want the same thing for our City.
I agree with 3:46 and 5:47, now how do we get the good bloggers to move tward the issues, and not the personalities?
I have asked, pleaded, conjoled, and eaven deleted to no avail! Do we really hate each other that much? Heck during the 6 day power outage I sae more of my neighbors than I have in 36 years, and you know what that's sad.
I know how busy we all think we are, but are we that busy that we can't take time to visit a bit?
I am going to see if I can't set up a block party in September to meet the new neighbors, and re-aquaint with the ones who have been here for a while.
The posters are right, were all in this same boat called Crestwood, and if she is to make port, we must work as a team. Let's hear some positive ideas for a change, and see if can't implement some of them, who know's what could happen.
How about a softball game, or a tug of war between the "faganites", and the "Robinson" supporters as a way to break the ice? We can hold this at Whitecliff Park, and have a beer or two while enjoying each sides point of view.
Face it folk's we live in interesting, and dangerous times, these "Islamo Facists" have taken a blood oath to destroy us, and they would love nothing better than for us to be fighting each other!
I await your thought's.
Tom Ford
Thank you kind blogger for saying I make sense. We should all be in this together. We should all make sense. The value of our homes depreciate with each slug of war we get involved in. It does not make our city financially secure to trade nasty remarks. It does not make for a proud city when we constantly criticize and find fault. Former officials should not be spear heading civil war and casting dispersions at every turn. They soon become a wart on your efforts. It negates everything they ever did while in office. Certainly if Westfield and other retailers caught wind of this ridiculous "back and forth," they would say "no thanks."
We have a good mix of residents serving on our Board of Aldermen. How 'bout lets give them all a chance. Let's quit clouding their efforts with nonsense. I don't think they are in the least inspired by all the aggressive and hateful rhetoric traded back and forth. I would think they must at times wonder what kind of electorate they are serving.
So to Mayor Robinson, Aldermen: Breeden, Bland, Pickel, Kelleher, Miguel, Roby, Nieder and Duwe, I challenge each of you to bring out the best in our city and in yourselves. It is not an easy job, but you can do it. Each in your own way can contribute your individual talents and appreciate that of the others, use the discretion it takes to sift out the rocks, and look for the right answers. That is why we chose you to serve in your office. We look forward to your contributions to our city. And after you have served your city, I hope you will look fondly back on your hard work and your wonderful city.
I do remember several people asking the board of aldermen to let the people vote on the debt last year. when you say "didn't the ballot say SOMETHING about debt" in april - you overlook that the constitution states the people have to vote to approve long-term BOND debt, rather than a bank loan. so no matter what you now read into the ballot, it never authorized bond debt and that's the only kind of debt cities can carry beyond their current fiscal year. where are the people on this blog who scream that ballots have to state exactly what they mean? are you really going to believe the mayor when he says you voted on what he thinks you voted on rather than what the ballot said in april?
Didn't someone post from a stl post dispatch article about jim murphy being called a racist by a local leader in St. Louis city? please post a link - I am as interested in newspaper reporting about him as I am don greer.
It would appear someone did not read current blogs and try to put their thoughts in perspective. Pray tell, sir, what does Mr. Jim Murphy, have to do with the price of eggs? To my knowledge he has not stirred up near the dust you have. But then, you seem to have a personal vendetta against this man. May I suggest you invite him for coffee sometime and discuss your differences and work on a peaceful resolution. I doubt seriously if anyone would consider him a racist, but in politics, as you well know, name calling is the "chickens" way out.
Guess which state politician followed this rule of thumb: I can fool enough of the people enough of the time to get elected and stay in office by lying.
Wow, that's really interesting. I heard that guy was a former state rep and his party turned its back on him. I'd be interested in reading more about what happened. Did it have some thing to do with the prolife movement? Many, many Christians were involved in Republican politics here in Missouri because of the prolife movement. Was he one of them? I tink I heard he always voted prolife. Is that true? What was the Post Dispatch article about that you mentioned where someone called him a racist? The Post always has well researched stories in it.
If you sir, are a Christian, then why are you being so hateful?
poster 5:26, we have already shot our selves in the foot, when we followed the leadership (Jim Murphy) of the Crestwood Citizens for Fiscal Responablity. They told us all of our problems as a city would go away if we stopped the development at the corner of Grant and Watson, elected this mayor, who would get rid of Greer, that we didn't need fancy computor software, just two clerks with a couple of pencils to do our book keeping,(a real quote of Roy's who now claims he cant understand our budget), etc.
Now we realize that was all a lie and that we were fooled and used and that things havent gotten better. And any one who brings these facts up has been attacked by the mayors supporters or Greer haters as being under Greer's spell, or a Faganite. And that spins the focus away from the "here and now" that is needed.
The Westfield people dont live in a cave, it is their job to know of the events going on in the City were they have an investment. I doubt they have been fooled by this mayors swagger and country humor that got him elected because that doesnt work in their world of business like it worked on the voters in Crestwood. Now there is nothing wrong with using swagger and humor to get elected if there is something behind it that gets things done and changed once in office. But Westfield, like some of us, now see that the mayor is the man in the empty suit.
If the mayor was really being honest about things he would admit that when he opposed the GO Bonds he was wrong, that he can now see that is what was and is now needed. Problem is he over sold the current property tax increase as the cure all and it is not. I doubt the voters would pass another property tax increase so soon. He and his camp have painted us into a corner and they are now the only ones that should be blamed for the results.
Blogger 2:54 AM 8/19 You can sure dish it out... Somebody get me a shovel. It's over my hip boots.
Crestwood went from 20 million in debt to 3.5 million in debt.
Is that the corner you refer to?
blogger 9:44 AM, August 19, 2006
Did you buy those boots when Fagan was mayor?
what the heck does fagan have to do with the survey going on TODAY? how ridiculous to bring him up.
$20 million debt, back that figure up and then back up the $3 million debt today.
Doubt you can do the $3 as we havent had an audit for last year. But the info we are getting is in PERCENTS instead of real numbers.
11:08 AM, August 19, 2006 My post about Fagan was not in reference to the survey. So, no, it was not ridiculous.
12:16 PM, August 19, 2006 Call your alderman and mayor. Tell them you want actual numbers and an audit. I'm not disagreeing with you. I would like both as well.
During the informational meetings for Prop 1, the presenters were begging to pass this so NOT to have to cut services. They were not kidding around.
Here we are over 1 1/2 years later still in the same boat.
They saw that the income was needed now and that sales tax income would increase in the future to help pay off the bonds, but again, that takes time (hence having a long term plan in place - a recommendation of the State Audit)
I assumed when the Mayor was against Prop 1, he had a long term plan instead. I guess I was wrong about that one.
Now with apparently no cash in the bank, what should be out next step? I don't feel comfortable "shopping around" for our city's line of credit either. And renewing lines of credit year after year is considered long term debt, is it not? That should need voter approval.
Last spring, everyone was on board - literally, the board and the mayor - in favor of Prop S - Trueblood included. Now all of a sudden, Prop S is not the answer?
Re-read the minutes of the meetings before Prop S as far back as 10 months, and you will see every attempt by Trueblood to re-introduce the GO bond method was stopped by the mayor and Miguel and Maddox. You will also see that he was the only Alderman to attempting to do so.
Miguel in meetings stated that Prop S. was a start and more would be needed. Trueblood, unlike Miguel could be counted on to keep his word when it came to supporting an issue. And he did, Miguel on the other hand said he would support the GO bonds (Prop 1) and then worked against them during the campaign, going door to door.
Yes, I remember that Trueblood pushed tax increases. I also remember that Trueblood and Kelleher used to bully Miguel and Maddox at every opportunity. Furthermore, voters, not the board, soundly rejected the GO Bonds in April 2005.
Roy should be able to 'fix' Greer's mistakes? This will be about as easy as it is to take a disfunctional boy who was raised by parents who didn't know what they didn't know, to be fixed by well meaning educated phys doctors. The state Crestwood is in was not just one little accident, it was a well calculated plan, just like Woodriver and now maybe Fairview Heights. I can't figure out how Greer thinks but how could I. I am not devious, selfserving, nor willing to take others down to raise myself up. If you can think the way he thinks, you may be in trouble!
Poster 10:24, so after you slaming the past, what is your solution for the future?
Here is what I would like to see:
1. Stay the course.
2. DO NOT blend accounts.
3. Focus heavily on economic development.
4. Communicate with Westfield on a regular basis
5. Develop a plan for the Jim Butler property since he plans to move.
6. Consult city attorney and the state regarding the debt carrying issue vis a vis the Missouri Constitution. Do not propose anything until an official opinion is given.
7. Establish a citizen's oversight committee for either the Capital Improvements Fund or the Proposition S income.
Anyone have any thoughts? Constructive criticism?
Different ideas?
Yes, thanks, I have a great idea. Let's keep things like your post, front and center. It's time for a cease fire. Those who want to bear arms rather than work for positive solutions for our community need to start another site where they can shoot off all the missiles they want.
Our Board of Aldermen has an awesome assignment ahead of them. It should not include secular war.
Poster 12:56 and 11:56, good starting points. I would add that while your 7 points are being inacted, the leaders of our City prepair for the worse.
Look into cost savings of contractin our Police and Fire Services, the income we could get in selling Whitecliff or Crestwood Park, and if all else fails, run an other General Obligation bond issue on the ballot to replace the increase in Prop S.
I have to add one more thing, point one, stay the course, I am not sure I see us on a course at this time, but am willing to agree to the idea that we need to be on one.
to the blogger at 3:47 - what a lovely sentiment you state "What they do not need is a contingency of negativity dishing out a plate of "ugly" at every turn." too bad that's exactly what supporters of the mayor have been dishing out for 2 years now.
10:22 am 8/20 Love it when you say Greer "taking down others to raise himself". The truth and nothing but the truth for sure. Blogger, you are so right on. Thanks.
2:23 PM 8/20 Guess you liked the manure dished out by the previous administration with Greer at the helm Huh? Manure is manure, if it smells bad and you ate it, so much for your taste.
Jimmy? Is that you? Jimmy??
No, it wasn't, but thanks for asking!
Who dat? Who dat?
"Who dat say who dat, when I say who dat"?
Amos and Andy, circa 1940's!
I loved their humor, as in the time Amos pawned her new coat, took her out to dinner, and upon returning, and turning the main light on, exclamed " Holy mackrel Saphire, Da coat been stolen".
I miss the old humor.
Tom Ford
Anonymous said...
10/06 PM 8/21 "I do not recall saying we should pay for police station improvements on a pay as you go basis." No thanks but I will pass on the Kool Aid."
5:14 AM, August 22, 2006
Hi Don Greer,
Don't imagine you can recall near as much as we do. By the way, the Kool Aid rhetoric is old and tired. Try something new.
7:51 PM, August 28, 2006
*The text this refers to has been moved from the August site prematurely. It is still August, is it not?
10:38 blogger, the text you refered to is in the archives. Every seven post's will move the last post to the archives. To see it, click on August on the side board, and it will pop up.
Tom Ford
8:34 8/17 So you think that Roy is going to be able to fix everything by some magic act and presto chango, he can repair damage that has been going on forever by the person who did the damage, Mr. Greer? And you think that we should get over it because we are so fascinated with him and move on. ONE MINUTE PLEASE. Look at the time line Mr. Greer had to screw this city up, and then look at the time line you are giving the mayor to fix it. His name is Roy Robinson, NOT SAMSON! He made the best and only first move that I saw - that nobody else made, he got rid of the "so and so" named Greer. Who else would have done it! The bird brains on the board of aldermen at that time? Nobody else knew that was the place to start! Nobody else saw him for what he was a sociopathic manipulator! So let's give the mayor that much before we wag our tongues and expect miracles that no one can pull out of their hat at this time.
Excuse me, but the Mayor was against the GO bonds and has not provided an alternate solution. This I believe is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Now the new CA states it will be 4-7 years to climb out of the debt (most of which was prior to Mr. Greer) Oh, the BOA knew this when they wanted the GO bonds.
Where is the alternate solution???? If the mayor was against the GO bonds, then he should have had a "plan" as he stated. 1 year and 4 months and no long term plan as the state auditor said should be in place. Imagine that!
To t he last blogger ... if as you say most of the debt was before Don Greer, then he definitely knew about it. But it sure did not stop him from going for the 14.5 Million dollar new city hall, nor the lease at the Plaza now did it, nor the software program, and the BMW. You just can't have it both ways, guy.
I heard the forensic auditor said the books were so screwed up (deliberately) under Leichliter, it was almost impossible to find out what had happened to the money. No one knew the state of affairs until that forensic audit was completed. It was no coincidence that Leichliter rushed through the vote on the police station and pay package while showing the Board cooked up numbers. Board members who asked too many questions were told rudely it was none of their business what he was doing with the finances. Look back in the minutes you will see it. And before you begin to say he won his lawsuit, the truth is the lawsuit was about his separation agreement and whether it left any room for breaking it for any reason. Even when it became clear from the state audit that he had lied to the board and residents, that separation agreement was upheld by the court - not his lying behavior. How sad that some will gie leichliter and breeding complete passes for shady behavior.
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