It didn't happen over night, some similarities, Crestwood and the National scene.
Please click on the header to be directed to the site. It's somewhat long, but I think well worth the read.
Tom Ford
No. 203
Tom Ford
No. 203
News and views of the City Of Crestwood, for and by the citizens of Crestwood! "Most of the news, with none of the paper" "The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left." Eccleiastes 10:2 "Sic Semper Tyrannis"
This post reminds me of a RINO state representative.
Where did you get that from? Just wondering, cause he dosen't sound like a Democrat to me.
Tom Ford
7:44 PM You must have meant that the post reminds you of a RINO former state representative. Right?
That's a VERY interesting article, Tom. It sure does remind me of a disgraced Missouri rino. He's still using the same groups of people locally.
Keep up the great work of trying to educate our community of the importance of our government.
Liberals believe that our government should pay for everything even their fun!
Once we violate our U.S. Constitution, then we ALL loose our freedoms which are stated in our Bill of Rights.
Life, liberties, and properties rights are our key to our U.S. citizenship. Once we allow an imbalance budget, non-tranparent government, then we are not operating as our Founding Fathers wanted for all.
The beauty of our government is to allow dialog of ALL of our citizens. By conversing our understanding our financial crisis in Crestwood, we may reach an understanding of how to fix our problem.
First, we have to cut back our spending because we are at WAR.
Once our President stated we are at WAR, then everyone has to sacrifice.
As we open new stores in Crestwood, we are really just shifting the sales tax dollars from one store to another.
Economically, we are shopping for cheaper goods which bring in less sales tax or about the same based on volume of sales.
Crestwood has to bring in high dollar items like car sales or luxury goods.
Crestwood needs small business gross receipts to generate more sales taxes.
By the way, gross receipts is from corporate sales.
I agree "dialog" away, but, please be nice.
Tom Ford
Tom, when you said the main feature was somewhat lengthy, you weren't just whistling Dixie. However, what an interesting article. I never hear of RINO until this article so it peaked my curiosity! Poor Murf, they just can't quit picking on him. What they don't seem to understand that he a man of principles and he wouldn't break a promise to a friend. Anyhow, a very good article and my new word for today is RINO! Thanks for your efforts.
GO Bonds or No Bonds or Barry Bonds or James Bond?
Re: Long term debt - Line of Credit - Missouri Constitution
excerpt from city's website-BOA minutes from 10-11-2005
"Page 10 CITY OF CRESTWOOD JOURNAL October 11, 2005
Page 10 October 11, 2005
...Rob Golterman, City Attorney, stated that he does not believe the City is in violation of the state constitution and as far as he knows the State has not done anything in regard to this issue."
What's with our city attorney? He never seems to have a quick or decisive answer. Maybe it's true that you can't have looks and brains both and we all know he has looks. I would like to have seen a new city attorney but instead we gave him a raise! For What?
Good question.
The city attorney said the loan did not violate the constitution when taken out LAST YEAR. At that time, he cautioned that might not be the case in 2006. Here are the comments of frank myers in last week's call newspaper:"The first legal hurdle is the Missouri Constitution has a requirement to gain voter approval for any debt over 13 months," Myers said. "So to use a fiscal general obligation bond to do this, the Missouri Constitution says you've got to have specific voter approval. We looked at the ballot language Friday with legal counsel on what was approved with Prop S because we've got to meet this Missouri constitutional requirement. So we need to do that.
"What we were also told by our legal counsel is that they're not recommending another .. they have some concerns about us continuing to do what we've been doing with Southwest Bank of just rolling over the debt because with Prop S passing ... we basically created a means to paying all this debt off over time. So we've got to work through this issue."
apparently golterman has been consistent in saying there is a problem this year with multi-year debt, even if the loan last year went through.
Did he say that the city was in violation? Or are you splitting hairs?
Mr. Golterman, I have a couple of questions reference you position as City Attorney.
1. I looked at the St. Louis Bar Association membership for 2005 / 6, and did not find you listed as a member, Am I wrong, or did you drop out of the orginanization when you joined your new employer? I was just wondering as you have been listed before.
2. On what did you base your "no conflict of interest" statement, when you advised Mr. Green, and the P & Z board reference the pool C.U.P.?
Thank's for your kind attention to my questions.
Tom Ford
This blog is pathetic and so are all of the small minded comments found here. What a waste of cyberspace. Do you think the city attorney is really going to respond to you here? Just like the little kids on their instant messaging, you say things that you would never have the courage to say say to someone's face.
I would think signing one's name would be the same as talking to one face to face.
8:51 blogger, if this is so pathetic, quit reading it! I asked, he can respond if he wishes, or he can remain silent. Either way, I asked, signed my name (more than you have ever done,) and we shall see.
How can you even discuss "courage", when you refuse to give us your name? Gee, I wish I could be one of the "Elete"!
Tom Ford
8:51 AM 8/24 If this blog is pathetic then why comment as you have? And you are right, the city attorney will not comment on this blog or any other blog. But people should be commenting to him at the board of aldermen meetings and asking questions. Anybody that thinks the City Attorney is going to make a comment on the blog, should know that lawyers are too paranoid to state in writing anything that may bite them in the back later on.
4:20 blogger, I am sure he will not comment at the BOA meeting either. I thought the questions were fair, and I still do. If your going to make a top salary, it seems that answering us is not out of line.
Some on this blog have opined that we need a new City Attorney. I would not back that, but I would like a response to any questions I may have, what's wrong with that?
I know, "he never has, or will read this blog". An amazing amount of people never have, but still "hear about it." I am sure some of you have told him whats on it, no? So, the next time you tell him about it, ask him for an answer, and let us all know.
Tom Ford
The very well paid City Attorney who has been highly praised by the mayor is the writer of all of the ballot language since he became City Attorney while Brasfield was mayor.
We are paying him as a consultant - expert by the hour. Would it not be cheaper for the city just to hire a full-time attorney?
After last years leagal bills it would be cheaper to hire an entire law firm! Last years bills were not all from the C/A, and the cases were not his fault, but none the less we still had bills that would choke a horse.
It would be very interesting to find out what it would cost to hire our own in house council. The fact that we know what were spending our money for would be a plus anyway.
Tom Ford
Based on the bills written by this city attorney, I would have to vote to get a new city attorney. If he thinks he is above reproach, well even more so. I don't happen to think he is in the slightest neutral and apparently he has not covered all the bases as regards legalities. The Charter bills alone are reason to doubt. Good grief, is it not obviouss that 1. Greer helped him write them or 2. He has trouble making sense. Read the darn things then think about it. Either 1 or 2, it is not up to par for a municipal attorney.
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