Monday, August 21, 2006

The next Boa meeting, or here we go again with the TIF,TDD,CID'S!

You know the drill, click on the header to review the up-coming meeting. Do we need to be there, I think so. As Mr. Elliot Davis would say "you paid for it"!

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Requesting Mr. Trueblood start coming back to our boa meetings. How could you have lost interest in all thats going on? A lot of people thought you made a lot of sense. It's still a free country you could make a comment at the public comment period. It's still YOUR town.

11:16 PM, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His town? What about the rest of us? Hmmmmmmm?

11:57 PM, August 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Long term debt - Line of Credit - Missouri Constitution

"Page 10 CITY OF CRESTWOOD JOURNAL October 11, 2005
Page 10 October 11, 2005
...Rob Golterman, City Attorney, stated that he does not believe the City is in violation of the state constitution and as far as he knows the State has not done anything in regard to this issue."

1:49 AM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ROTFL Nice to know that the sky is the eternal City debt limit as long as you can find the suckers to loan you the dough.

6:40 AM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city attorney said the loan did not violate the constitution when taken out LAST YEAR. At that time, he cautioned that might not be the case in 2006. Here are the comments of frank myers in last week's call newspaper:"The first legal hurdle is the Missouri Constitution has a requirement to gain voter approval for any debt over 13 months," Myers said. "So to use a fiscal general obligation bond to do this, the Missouri Constitution says you've got to have specific voter approval. We looked at the ballot language Friday with legal counsel on what was approved with Prop S because we've got to meet this Missouri constitutional requirement. So we need to do that.

"What we were also told by our legal counsel is that they're not recommending another .. they have some concerns about us continuing to do what we've been doing with Southwest Bank of just rolling over the debt because with Prop S passing ... we basically created a means to paying all this debt off over time. So we've got to work through this issue."
apparently golterman has been consistent in saying there is a problem this year with multi-year debt, even if the loan last year went through.

2:40 PM, August 22, 2006

2:46 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Could someone please repost the information about the Grewe bond requests that was posted on another thread? I am interested in knowing why he came back with some many requests after the initial TIF in 2004 that excluded PILOT funds and was to be repaid solely from economic activity.

2:47 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Trueblood seems to be one of the only people with the strength of character to withstand some of the bullying many have fled (from citizen attacks and city leadership). Even after all he and his children have been through, I was glad to see he signed his name to a letter to the editor - i know lots of people that will no longer state their opinions because of the attack dogs that immediately come out in subsequent letters to the editor. You have to admit that the vicious tactics that have been employed in the recent past have certainly had a chilling effect. I've heard from several people that they're glad they are being surveyed anomymously so they can say they don't like the mayor or his tactics.

2:50 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trueblood and his wife have certainly not held back their disdain for the mayor.

" You have to admit that the vicious tactics that have been employed in the recent past have certainly had a chilling effect."

Yes, they have and Trueblood takes a potshot at the mayor and others he doesn't agree with every chance he gets.

3:07 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Karen Trueblood mention a lawsuit in regards to the city carrying a debt?

That's really what the city needs!

3:09 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the city shouldn't carry illegal debt if the don't want a law suit. Or maybe the city could use another state audit?
It is the right of every citizen to petition it's government, which includes the use of law suits. That is our legal protection against our government and their use of their "common sense".

4:00 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The same people that talk about lawsuit really complained about the state audit a few years ago.

Interesting turn of events.

4:18 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how would you know they are the same people?

4:24 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Trueblood, please run for elective office in Crestwood again.
Maybe Mayor. Then, you could raise the City Administrator's car allowance so he could afford a Porsche. Then if you are elected a second term, you could work to raise it so he could drive a Rolls - Royce. Then, if you liked your city administrator well enough, you could make him Police Chief, Fire Chief, and head of Public Works and head of the Parks Department. Why not?

Yes, please run for mayor. Then, as debt skyrockets in this city, you could point fingers. Then, you could back additional tax increases as you did so many times when you were an alderman.

Then, your wife could speak at the BOA meetings and take potshots at your opponents.

4:37 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:24 PM, August 22, 2006

I believe that Karen Trueblood mentioned the word lawsuit when referring to the debt. She and her husband were very critical of the state audit.

4:38 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Easy folks easy. If Prop S was not the solution but a partial solution, then what is the full solution? How do we know if the city is violating the Missouri Constitution? lets say it is. Will a bond issue be the solution? Lets go one step further. Lets say it is the solution. What if the voters reject it? What do we do then?

4:54 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides the Shop n Save Walgreens property does Grewe own any other property in Crestwood? Has Westfield given Crestwood any kind of date or notice regarding its next meeting or plans?

5:16 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you look up karen trueblood's comments at the boa meetings, she said we should do what the audit said since we paid so much for it. she did not criticize the audit itself- even though it was redundant and used the financials from the forensic audit the city had already paid for. so really, the city has two paid for audits - what happened to the findings? is anyone abiding by them? how will the debt be extended in Nov? is there some reason that karen trueblood is not allowed to speak at the boa meetings as a citizen? I wouldn't tell her that if I were you.

5:26 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

man, are you people the same ones that were outraged whenever anyone criticized faye clark? you are such hypocrites - whenever anyone asks a tough question, you revert to bashing karen trueblood. it's not easy hearing your husband bashed - just ask darryl wallach's wife. you should lay off.

5:28 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, i heard several people at jack in the box asking trueblood to run again and I agree!

5:28 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you that the city should comply with the recommendations of both audits. Karen T. can speak all she wants. That's great. But she and her husband and a few other aldermen were critical of the state audit.

5:33 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:28 PM, August 22, 2006 All attacks should stop. How about some possible solutions?

5:34 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hello, Tom? are you going to just allow the attacks? Karen Trueblood stopped all involvement in crestwood politics when her father went on a respirator in April. people should leave her alone. they are just jealous that she loves her husband so much.

5:37 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:28 PM, August 22, 2006 So it's OK to bash some people and not others?

5:38 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's OK to attack and bash everyone else, but the TRuebloods are off limits! Is that what you are saying?

5:40 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

off the topic but somewhat relevant with the hostility here in crestwood just read where the president of the St. Louis public school board has been given a bodyguard for protection

6:07 PM, August 22, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To the 5:37 blogger, I have asked repetedly for all parties to cease and desist the attacks you mention.

I was told that "it's not democratic", "I have a right to speak", and on and on!

I am begining to feel like a peace keeping force between the Isrealie's, and the Hezbolah! Allow it? you see if you can stop it for a change?

There a a few of us in Crestwood who are automatic "lightning rods" for negitive comments. I read, and still do read negitive comments about me, my dog, my son's, my wife, and my d%&m truck! I guess that's what you get when you place your name in nomination for public office.

People said they wanted this forum, they like to "vent", ETC., so post away, as I stated it's "News ans views of the City of Crestwood", but it would be more credible if you post your name for all to see!

Don't know how to do that? E-mail me, and I'll make it happen.

Tom Ford

6:14 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You are in a tough position. Like the referee at high school football game between two rivals.

I don't envy you, but I thank you for your service. You have been and are a gracious host.

6:30 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bloggers, I think we should leave Mrs. Trueblood and other spouses out of these conversations. This blog is about TIF's TDD's and CID's, not Mrs. Trueblood.

If she has been outspoken, so have we on this blog and at meetings. I, for one, cannot say she hasn't made me angry. But she wasn't an alderman, her husband was and like it or not, she has a right to speak her mind. If I can get upset, why can't she!

If Tim didn't perform well as an alderman in your estimation, he is the one elected so he should be able to take the guff! But I don't think it's fair to throw rocks at spouses. Tim was an elected official and all politically elected people who are are out there and will get bashed for one thing or another.

The only time anyone should get angry, real angry, is when elected officials lie and cheat. Mistakes and misjudgements are different. Those things just show we are all human. What makes a good politician is one who is willing to admit when he has made a mistake. The cheating and the lies are the only thing that should upset any of us.

Spouses are not the ones who make the laws and they are not the ones who should be put under the microscope. When you say hurtful things about the spouses of a mayor or board of aldermen members, you are hurting somone's wife, someone's mother and someone's daughter.

Tim is a big boy and you can either like him or hate him, but let's let Karen Trueblood out of it.

Sandy Grave

8:33 PM, August 22, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The president of the St. Louis school board should be given an a Phyco annalist, not a body guard!

Look at the ammount of money spent in the St. Louis school district, per student, as compaired to the results, and "tell me what's wrong with this picture"?

Tom Ford

9:04 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Besides Grewe, are there any other potential tax assistance packages proposed in the city for other developments?
Is there any word in regard to the Jim Butler property?

9:11 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should we put a moratoriam on TIF, TDD, and CID's?

9:16 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure, scrap economic development and kiss your sales tax dollars goodbye. Was the TDD at Sam's a bad thing? Is Kohl's bad? Shop'n Save? Gordman's? All done with a TIF, TDD, or CID. How about Best Buy and Schnuck's?

11:17 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know about the others but tax assistance used for Best Buy and Shnucks?

11:19 PM, August 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Best Buy and Shnucks are the result of the use of eminent domain of the old drive-in theater. GASP. We would never allow that in Crestwood today.

9:45 AM, August 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please, this is a blog. People will be targets who create discention and like to keep it going. If you have thrown darts, you will most likely get a receipt. When your style and your obvious hate are so obvious and well known, you will naturally be picked from among the thorns for comments. Deal with it, and don't expect mercy, as you certainly haven't given it.

2:02 PM, August 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I must be pure-de-stupid, because I read all 35 comments and I didn't catch it that anyone was bashing Mrs. Trueblood. I think some people don't fully understand how to read what is written. Repeating something that someone has said doesn't constitute bashing. I think some of our bloggers got stuck in the sixth grade.

3:02 PM, August 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 3:02 pm 8/23. Mrs. Trueblood has had the brunt end of many conversations on this blog. Maybe not in these 30 plus comments, but if you really know anything about this blog, you should know that all you have to do is mention a name, and it is up for grabs. The comment in question didn't hurt anyone and wasn't offensive in any way. But whose to say what may come next! All someone has to do is state somebody's name, and all the people-eating sharks come out of the water.

The blogger was probably getting ahead of herself by defending Mrs. Trueblood before it was necessary. I can see where that might happen. After all, she has also got herself in trouble by being too vocal.

You bashing someone by saying they were stuck in 6th grade, tells me that perhaps you got stuck earlier than that.

I think you got yourself all worked up for something very petty.

7:44 PM, August 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn! I'm so worked up, I'm falling asleep.

1:23 PM, August 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn! You need to get some rest. I'm worried about you!

8:03 PM, August 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You mean like mentioning Alderman Breeding's tax-free loan last fall when he got an 3 month advance on his aldermanic paycheck so he wouldn't lose his house? seems like a strange person to be voting on the budget of a city.

9:57 AM, August 25, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Why do we care when Alderman Breeding recieves his check? I don't see that as a problem at all.

Remember folks, watch the target not the chaff, or else no joy.

Tom Ford

2:38 PM, August 26, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife."

-- Thomas Jefferson (letter to Spencer Roane, 9 March 1821)

Reference: The Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Memorial Edition, Lipscomb and Bergh, eds., vol. 15 (325)

Wow! sound familiar?

Tom Ford

5:08 PM, August 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we should care when any employee receives an interest free loan because the constitution prohibits it.

9:00 AM, August 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do we care when anyone receives a check???

Sir, these checks are taxpayer's money. I was not aware that prepayment of BOA paychecks was allowed. If these checks were being paid in advance to say Jerry Miguel, how loud would the protest be. How nasty the rhetoric? Let's be real here, please.

Perhaps this alderman should have gone to the bank for a loan to help him out. Our books are way to bungled up to start this kind of charity with taxpayer's money. Obviously someone let this cat out of the bag, but then I had thought there were to be no secrets anymore. May I ask who authorized this practice? Anyone know?

8:06 PM, August 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently there is no rest for the wicked. But it really is time to let the Truebloods work on their lawn or relax. Mr. T. lost all credibility when he virtually blessed every move Don Greer ever made. This continuing relationship is proof that getting over it is not happening. While I am sure he did a few things right along the way, I am a loss to figure out what it was. Sadly this is usually the case when one sticks his neck so far out for someone who messed our city up so badly. This reputation is not going to go away. It will stick like glue. It is compounded by his lack of ability to realize his time was then and we are into now. Crestwood cannot afford any more hero worship which is so compelling that it affects attitudes and decisions.

10:58 PM, August 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Don Greer approve Alderman Breeding's "Loan"? Did Dinan Madrid issue the check?

1:35 PM, August 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this Breeding check story true? Did he receive an advance as alleged by some on this blog? Maybe someone should CHECK it out (sorry, I couldn't resist!).

4:03 PM, August 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What in the world are some of you so unhappy about. So Breeding has a financial crisis and asks for an advance? What is the big deal? You would swear we were talking about a 14 million dollar police station. So the kid got in a jam. Did he flee town? Should he be put in jail? Let it alone for gosh sakes. Shall we put it in the National Inquirer?

You are making this hog wash sound like some huge, big loan. We worry about about $1000 or whatever he gets for 3 months, for a man who is an elected official but let others get by with building a Kiosk for city hall that we didn't need; now that money is gone, we end up paying for people to work out there. That was another Don Greer deal. There was nothing wrong with what people did before when coming up to city hall. Also, we didn't worry about the $40,000 we had to pay two female cops, when Greer's buddy sexually harrassed them in Crestwood City Hall, and the coneiver had the audacity to cover it up. Now that's what should be putting a bee in your bonnet. Not an advance for an alderman. You people just absolutely slay me. How petty and stupid can you be.

It's not like we advanced the money to Breeding and he is still getting a monthly check on top of it. He obviously had an emergency or whatever. And who cares what it was for. Get off it!

7:11 PM, August 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mayor Robinson did in fact sign off on a salary advance for Alderman Breeding without public authorization by the Board of Aldermen. FROM A RECENT STATE AUDITOR REPORT: CITY OF SARCOXIE, MISSOURIMANAGEMENT ADVISORY REPORT B. City employees are paid on a weekly basis with checks issued the last day of the week. During our review of payroll we noted several instances where former City Clerk Jasumback received payroll checks early. While it does not appear that the former city clerk was paid more than her weekly salary, payroll checks were issued one to two weeks in advance of the pay period, as follows: Check Date Payroll Date Amount 11/10/00 11/17/00 $ 32912/22/00 12/29/00 32901/12/01 01/19/01 33801/12/01 01/26/01 33802/16/01 02/23/01 16903/16/01 03/23/01 16904/13/01 04/20/01 338Total $ 2,010 The payroll advance amounts noted above represent the city clerk's full weekly salary or one-half of her weekly salary. The city's payroll ledger does not reflect the fact that payroll checks were issued in advance. Further, there is no documentation to indicate that these payroll advances were approved by the Mayor or the Board of Aldermen. Except for the check issued on December 22, 2000, the Mayor indicated that he was not aware of the advances. The check issued in February 2001 was signed only by the former city clerk. The remaining checks were cosigned by the mayor or the mayor pro-tem. These payments appear to violate Article VI, Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution which prohibits any political subdivision of the state from granting or lending money to an individual. In addition, it is not prudent for a city to compensate employees in advance. Doing so could result in the city paying an individual for services not performed. These payroll advances were not detected by city officials because payroll duties are not adequately segregated and payroll expenditures are not properly reviewed and approved by the Board of Aldermen. (See MAR No. 7) WE RECOMMEND the Board of Aldermen: A. Work to improve the overall control of city disbursements. B. Establish adequate controls over the city's payroll function to prevent unauthorized payroll advances. AUDITEE�S RESPONSE We have made numerous improvements to controls since this incident, and payroll advances are not allowed. Missouri ConstitutionArticle VI ��LOCAL GOVERNMENT�Section 23 August 28, 2004 ��FINANCES Limitation on ownership of corporate stock, use of credit and grants of public funds by local governments. ��Section 23. No county, city or other political corporation or subdivision of the state shall own or subscribe for stock in any corporation or association, or lend its credit or grant public money or thing of value to or in aid of any corporation, association or individual, except as provided in this constitution. ��Source: Const. of 1875, Art. IV, � 47, Art. IX, � 6. ��(1954) Section 99.450, RSMo, which requires sale of property cleared at public expense at fair value is not grant of special privilege or of public property in aid of private persons. State on Inf. Dalton v. Land Clearance for Redev. Auth. 364 Mo. 974, 270 S.W.2d 44; (1954) Land Clearance for Redev. Auth. v. City of St. Louis (Mo.), 270 S.W.2d 58. ��Missouri General Assembly IT DOESN'T PASS THE SMELL TEST. Does this mean that Mayor Robinson can grant payroll advances to his 'needy' favorite Alderman or city employee of the month??? What will he get in return???

8:11 AM, August 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is Mr. Elliot Davis and YOU PAID FOR IT when Crestwood needs him?

8:16 AM, August 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:11m AM 8/31 Get over your tainted self and stop the music regarding the Breeding thingy. All you are doing is instigating and trying to cause trouble. Your real interest in the Breeding issue is not because he is doing something against the Constitution which has not been proven by the way, it is because you think the Mayor is guilty of "quid pro quo" !!!! by giving Breeding an advance.

The aldermen and mayor are elected officials. You are acting like they were employed by the City of Crestwood by virtue of an application for employment. They are all elected by the people.

You are sitting on your brains and it is people like you who keep the pot stirred up.

Once again, you are just so darned angry because now Alderman Breeding is using his thinking powers and isn't always agreeing with those of you who still have a big "you know what" against the Mayor.

HOWEVER, had Breeding sided against the mayor, we would have never seen this comment in the first place, would we!?????

How far does your hatred extend against the Mayor? It is soooo obvious to me.

10:31 AM, August 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"using his thinking powers and isn't always agreeing"

I don't believe this comment at all. If you do, then you believe there is no "politics" going on in Crestwood. I guess ignorance is bliss.

10:55 AM, August 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 10:31
If Breeding is now using his brain what was he using before he got his advance?
My concern is Alderman Breeding now sits on the Ways and Means Committee and he was, it seems, unable to manage his own money at home. Is he the right person for the Mayor and the City to rely on in that important position?

Oh and poster 7:11 August 30, I think the sexual harrasment case that cost the City $40,000, was between the two female cops, had nothing to do with any males, IE: Greer. One female cop filed suit against another female cop for sexual harrasment.

12:35 PM, August 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don Greer would have had to authorize the payment to Breeding. He was still CA.

1:18 PM, August 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please, the mayor is at city hall everyday. You really don't think he was unaware of this advance for Alderman Breeding, do you???

3:28 PM, August 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the tax development tools are questionable, especially if you are going to have to pay 8.5% sales tax to shop at Crestwood Mall to support a CID.

Employees at Best Buy will tell you: "Save some money on your big ticket purchases and go to the Lindbergh store where the tax is lower". If sales tax wasn't a big deal to shoppers, then why all the fuss over the sales tax holiday?

I can't see Westfield sinking any serious money in the mall unless they make it completely different from their other properties. It would just take shoppers away from their other malls.

What do you read into the Westfield survey question: Would you support a Super Wal-Mart? I think if enough people say yes, then Westfield knows they would rarley shop at the Mall in the first place.

9:31 PM, August 31, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 3:51
Since you have mentioned the name of the accused officer and have done so anonymously, will you now give us your name so the the Officer of the Law whose name you printed can defend himself if need be in court? Or, are you chicken?
Doesn't the accused officer have a right to the name of those who accuse them? Or is this another example of "hit and hide" tactics so popular with those who dislike Mr. Greer yet with the exception of Ms. Grave, will not stand by what they claim by giving their names?

4:41 PM, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The 3:51 post was removed by me. I told you we will not have names mentioned in attacks that are not substantiated.

Tom Ford

4:54 PM, September 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Westfield Mid Rivers Mall will get 'village' in multimillion dollar expansion.

I guess it can be assumed that Crestwood is not "affluent" enough to get a similar makeover?

9:21 PM, September 01, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

You have to remember that Crestwood Plaza is a "land locked" property that has no interstate near it, thus no new shoppers. You either know it's there, or....

When they make some changes they are going to need a drawing card, like outdoor bistro's, walking areas, and gathering places. If you look at the Kirkwood commons, it seems that it has become the magnet for that town, and Crestwood can do the same thing, only better.

On other post's on the blog I have suggested that we take advantage of "Route 66", put up some banners, add it to our Police cars, put it on the City seal.

In case your not aware of it, we have one of the last complete section's of the famous old highway left in America, so why not us it?

We have some of the best and brightest right here in Crestwood, so let's get toghether and "brain storm" a few new ideas to help Crestwood. We have spent all the time needed to trash the elected officials, so how about spending some time helping them?

Tom Ford

9:31 AM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:35 PM 8/31 No, you are wrong about one female cop against another female cop. No sir! Mr. Greer's buddy (male cop) was the one who did the deed to two female cops. They each got 20,000 and then Greer got his buddy a new job so he could leave Crestwood and nothing was ever said about it.

2:15 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This blog article is suppose to be about TIF, TDD, CID's but it seems that almost in every article, people like to change the subject and we end up talking about other things besides. Therefore, now that I have something to say, I just don't know which article to put it under.

Another factor is, if I decide to sign my name to this comment, I stand a chance of being graded on my grammar, as well as having several bloggers do what they do best; i.e. speak in half truths or break up sentences to purposely misinterpret my real meaning.

If you look at other communities, they too have lots of financial problems. We are not alone! All municipalities are struggling right now, but it's not the end of the world!

Our Government also knows the plight of many cities and has tried to assist developers with TIF's, TDD's and CID's to be used as a tool for community development.

I cannot say that I am in favor of using them but it can be a very important avenue for the developers to utilize in assisting city officials in building up a community.

However, if the rules set up by the government are abused, and the process necessary to acquire these funds is misguided by those in charge, we loose! Then, it defeats the purpose and the original intent of why our government put rules into law in the first place and the intent is lost.

Therefore, if this has been done by the pool people or anyone else, it will come to the surface like most things do. But unless all the facts prove it, it's ridiculous to point fingers. Everyone keeps the pot going, and it seems that many on this blog have opinions mixed with suppositions. Others state documents but never reveal them, others feel misguided, and still others have been accused and have been misjudged and are very offended.

I cannot say that I, too, have not had my confidence shattered, but ultimately, I am from Missouri and I need facts and truth. After all, this is a very big issue. We can't just go around and not know the true answers for sure! If we say something profound, we better be ready to put our money where our mouth is.

Under the circumstances, I cannot be 100% sure I have all the facts, can you? Who is willing to go to the top with this whole pool thing. So far, there has been nothing done.

If anyone can make sense of it all, and is able to reconstruct the whole scenario and back it with facts and documentation, until that day, my opinion is just that, another opinion.

If an injustice has been done, there should be some way that this whole thing can come to fruition. However, until that days comes, how can anybody really be sure.

Thanks for your consideration.

Sandy Grave

3:24 PM, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Our next item in November will be the ill advised charter change vote. Please cut and paste this link to find out what their going to try to feed you next!

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it", and it ain't broke.

Tom Ford

6:02 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is landlocked really a problem for the Mall? They can't even fill what they have now? And Interstate access never was problem when Crestwood was the number 1 mall in the area? The Galleria and renovation of West County Mall took the wind out of Crestwood's sails. Someone should have seen this coming 5 years ago.

I never could figure out why Crestwood/Westfield have not tried to attract some of the 500,000+ visitors to Grant's Farm each summer. They are right in your backyard?

It could be done with marketing, signage and some kind of "Quality" exhibit at the Mall..perhaps Route 66 related. Also advertise the Sappington house.

Grant's Farm gets a good deal of visitors from about a 300 mile radius of St. Louis. And don't tourists usually spend more money?

9:42 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Excellent points! To paraphrase Field of Dreams, "if you build it they will come." If you make Crestwood Plaza what people want, they will come regardless of interstate access.

10:38 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I accessed the link suggested by Mr. Ford regarding the Charter Commission Minutes of 2005 when it appears many outstanding residents of Crestwood spoke to the proposed Charter changes. While the many resident speakers were allowed to speak, what happened to their suggestions?In reviewing suggestions; & the ballot language, I see no accomodation of the resident contributions, which were largely outstanding and totally ignored when given over for the ballot. These suggestions from the residents were wisely presented and most were a majority opinion. Pray tell, why were they even allowed to speak to the matter if they were to be completely ignored?

It would seem more time was needed to accomodate these resident contributions and have them reviewed and considered more thoroughly. Why did this not happen?

In fact, I don't believe it was ever thoroughly investigated whether or not the first Charter meeting was even legal. We do know the outgoing (defeated) Mayor determined the board membership and the possible premature date of the meeting. How far did the City Attorney explore in determining the legality of the meeting date as laid out in the CHARTER?

It appears that the changes are primarily political in nature, with the exception of one housekeeping one, however, mixed in its presentation. It also appears there was an amazing amount of haste to get these changes put on a ballot regardless of the fact that some serious tweaking needed to be done to clarify and accomodate the excellent resident input. What was the big hurry?

One thing I would certainly have added to the Charter was the exact Month/Date/Year of the next Meeting of the Charter Commission. This to avoid the serious doubt hovering over the current Charter revision, meeting date,and the Commission's obvious refusal to let residents have any say.

While some of the changes might seem logical, the way they are presented on the ballot is not a proud moment for the City Attorney. They are unworthy. What was his objection to clarity?

The Charter Commission did a sloppy job and I think these changes should have been dropped until such time as all pertinent views were accomodated, presented clearly and void of all political intent.Such a big rush to get these on the ballot and so purposely confusing.

If any information is published prior to Nov. 7,I would insist it be proofed by some of the residents who spoke at the 2005 Charter Meeting so that the clarification can be considered fair. As it is, it is just one more bad reminder of "how things were." More of this we do not need. It continues to be reasonable to assume that certain of the political component in this town simply do not realize that the majority of us "Did Not Come To Town On A Watermelon Truck."

3:22 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I finally figured it out ... the haste was because the ex-mayor wanted to get it on the ballot that election and prior to the following election to avoid coharts from being termed out (in case the term limits were discontinued.) He needed to keep majority control. The censure part was just in case he lost and then he could go to work to get the new Mayor censured. Anyone notice the references to recall on this blog lately? Old habits do die hard don't they? Anyone notice how speedy the one alderman from Ward 2 was made Board President during that time in case term limits were illiminated, the ex-mayor lost and the new one could then be recalled (note the proposed change in # of signatures needed to recall) then this former Ward 2 Alderman could slide into the Mayors seat. "Oh, what a wicked web is weaved." If you think the above is unclear, wait until you see the Charter ballot language.

What was my first clue to all this. Noticing that every move the new Mayor has made has been met with constant ridicule by his opponent's coharts. None of which pass the smell test. Rather than take the high road, unite the city and go to work on a solid future, every effort was made to be disruptive and critical. You had to be there.

However, a monkey wrench entered the picture and the changes could not make that ballot and the plot died in its tracks. So they are trying again.

Already the new board is better. If they keep their head out of the sand, maybe all these memories will fade and we all win. Crestwood, its residents and officials will find moving Crestwood away from the abcess of the past 2 administrations a rewarding experience.

4:28 PM, September 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:22 and 4:38 bloggers, BINGO!!!!

Nothing more to say folk's, that covers it completly!

Tom Ford

7:08 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just curious, has Elliot Davis ever covered a Crestwood related story?

8:17 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the qualifications of the Economic Development person? Has she had previous experience? How many of the new businesses is she 100% responsible for? Who recommended her for the job? Where did she work prior to Crestwood??? How dynamic is she and how aggressive. Is it possible her salary is a little high? Is she accountable to WHO? We are short on money, we need to fill some stores. We need to know this position is in the best of hands. Does she share her agenda - with who and how often? As a concerned resident, I believe this position needs to be less secretive, more available, more open to ideas from others and a good deal more energetic. Not general answers, specific answers. She needs to embrace offered ideas eagerly and remember who pays her salary. When an alderman or a resident, the CA or Mayor want to ask her a question, they obviously deserve an immediate answer. I want to know if I asked her tomorrow what she has "going" right now - would I get a friendly and honest answer? Does she have a follow uup folder, an open office door and does she realize a municipal job means she works at the pleasure of the people.

10:41 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Economic Development Specialist has shown progress during her service to the city. Look around, she was involved with many of the newer developments.

Why don't we talk about when the Ways and Means Committee will be meeting next? Seems to me the individuals on the committee need additional time to review the financials to make educated recommendations to the BOA. Only one meeting in the beginning of August doesn't seem to be right. Also, in the past a budget review meeting schedule was posted on the web site. Have not seen anything of that nature. Aren't the loans with Southwest Bank up the end of September?

I don't understand all of the talk about the economic tools to bring business to Crestwood, when no one is addressing the budget and the line of credit. This should take priority.

10:58 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree, right "now is the hour" for the Ways and Means Committee to dig in on the subject of budget and finances, alternatives, pros and cons, etc. If need be, extra meetings. The BOA needs their input. These are important times in our city. We need to find the best way to deal with debt, checking accounts, accounting methods and alternatives. We need a CONSENSUS. How do other suburbs handle the same processes? How can we make everybody happy? Balancing the budget is not the Mayor's job, it is a joint affair. Reporting on our bottom line needs to be streamlined to the point we can all understand it and done in a way as to allow for comparitive study. While I feel the CA is on top of things, he is only one part of the pie. City Hall personnel work for you and I. It behooves them to make sure our system is a perfect fit for our city and our particular situation. The last two CA's kept our city in a state of incompetance and a cloud of doubt. Perhaps we did not hold enough feet to the fire. This time it will be shame on us.

As for the Economic Development position, for many years we did not have this position. While we do need assistance in this area, it remains an expensive position. The jury is still out on its effectiveness. We need to know of the DIRECT results of this position. We have lost other employees during our budget crunch who made valuable contributions to our well being making it necessary for all employees to be extra productive. What exactly has been added to our retail scene as a direct result of this particular position? It should not be a desk position waiting for the phone to ring. We simply cannot afford anything less than a very aggressive and communicative and busy individual. Spread sheets and clickers are not a substitution for a warm phone and shoe leather AND close communition skills with the CA, Mayor and Aldermen. In fact, this is a prerequisite for all our employees. If we cannot expect to want to know results of this kind of position, how can we gage its effectiveness and its necessity? So, when in doubt - ASK! I have a lot of expectations when it comes to my tax dollars, don't you? And I continue to want to know the background, experience, energy level and vision of all who are hired.

1:21 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:21 PM 8/5 Blogger. You are exactly right. We did not get anything from the last two CA's or the last two mayors.

People do need to be accountable and there feet should be put to the fire. But we have one big problem. We have had poor management for so many years and it has cost us dearly. But how do we get it back? We can't get it back today or tomorrow. In the meantime, we need open meetings with the residents and we need communication badly. People in this city want to know where we stand. If we don't get that, we will believe every lie we hear, every untruth, and we won't know fact from fiction.

We have naysayers out there that supported the previous mayors and administrations. They will use every tactic they can to inhibit this administration. They will divide this city and keep doing it because they can't work with the people in office now.

We cannot go forward if we can't do it together. That is a big hurdle to climb especially with limited funds.

In the meantime, propaganda is going full throddle. And people are not willing to go forward slowly.

The first step I think is City Hall meetings for residents. Questions and answers noted and received and unity.

3:34 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean by city hall meetings - those other than twice monthly BOA Meetings? Residents do get to speak there, but first they must show up and secondly present reasonable questions in alloted time.
Do you mean like towhnhall meetings?
I think right now it is extremely important that residents know the residue behind the Charter Amendment issue and the politics involved in it. Then a full explanation of each issue, not presented by the Charter Commission which I am sorry to say had an agenda which was given them by the ex-Mayor and his CA. This is commonly known. The explanation must be presented by neutral parties and at no expense to the city. The Charter Commission is now defunct anyway. Perhaps speaking with some of the members of the original commission of 10 years ago would shed some much needed light. At any rate, you are correct - unity without politics is essential to our future and progress. Sorry, but it is getting harder and harder to place any trust in anyone allied with the former administration. They throw stones and do little to enhance our community, keep our home values stable or leave the bank with good vibes.

3:49 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:49 PM Yes, I mean town hall meetings. And yes, meetings other than board of aldermen meetings. There is so much on the agenda at aldermanic meetings that issues brought forth by residents, don't really get too much air time.

I, too, hope that the charter issues are explained. When the first charter commission came about, this issue of term limits was hashed and rehashed and agonized over. It was decided then that term limits were a good idea because it gave new people a chance to run for office. Many residents who want to run for office are hesitant when they have to go against an incumbent because the incumbent has the edge. So they shy away from it feeling they will loose.

Now all of a sudden, it's back up for grabs and put on the ballot. The trouble is that when things are put on the ballot, if ballot language is stated in such a way that if you are caught off guard, you may say yes when yes means no and no means yes. Why on earth, after all the trouble the first charter commission went through, would they ever even try to change term limits, I will never know.

There are other issues also that lead me to believe that this whole idea of changing the charter and putting it on the ballot leaves one dubious. Also the timing of theten years has us scratching our heads.

There was no reason to change anything in the Charter. The first charter commission worked extremely hard and eveything was well thought out. But unfortunately, there was hardly anything that our illustrious former CA put his hands on, that wasn't changed including the civil service rules and regulations. He wasn't about to leave the Charter alone. There had to be some way he could get that changed and along with the former mayor using his clout to get it done.

People get angry when bloggers complain about how things were changes by Don Greer so that he could take control of everything. But he did it, and I think that he was at the helm of this Charter issue just like he was in control of everything. He had a way of getting what he wanted from almost anybody especially with the previous mayor.

We now need communication with the residents. I certainly hope that they have another town hall meeting and explain to the residents what and how things will be stated on the ballot and explain any other issues we need to know about before we get to the polls.

The other administrations were lax about it. Now is the time to show the residents that they are part of this community and without us, they have nothing. We are the ones that should count. We don't need people with ulterior motives, super egos and eccentricities leading us. We are all good people in Crestwood and deserve respect and consideration.

5:53 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are some very provocative thoughts on this blog site. Would that the Mayor would form a think tank for these forward thinking bloggers. Hope he knows about this blog.

8:05 PM, September 06, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Believe me the Mayor, and the entire BOA are very familiar with the Blog, and they do read it.

Whether they will form a "think tank" reference the idea's posted here is anyones guess, but it would be a good idea!

Keep the ideas coming, and if you so desire, call your Alderman, and the Mayor, and ask them to get the "tank" going!

Tom Ford

8:18 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think I read in one of the local papers that the mayor stated he does NOT read this blog. Even if he was to view occationally, there is no way he would be able to "catch up" and read all the information/comments. Was he not telling the truth?

10:48 PM, September 06, 2006  

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