The traitor from within, or food for thought!
A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious, but it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor, he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men, he rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear."
Marcus Tullius Cicero
A nation, a City, or a Community, all the same my friends, think about it!
Tom Ford
No. 208
Marcus Tullius Cicero
A nation, a City, or a Community, all the same my friends, think about it!
Tom Ford
No. 208
Memo to Tom: you might want to reread this little posting regarding traitors and see if it does not apply to you:
All of your whispers about the "pool people" or the "elite"--which is typically mispelled by the way--talk of Breeding's check and the incompetence of the City attorney. YOU think about it.
I agree wholeheartedly, except Roy does not speak in accents familiar to his victims.
You can't point the finger at Roy or Tom on these issues. The swim club was a hot button issue long before Roy took office and long before Tom started this blog.
Breeding's check-I don't think Tom started that discussion. I believe participants started that one. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Again, correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't recall Tom saying anything about the city attorney except to ask him two questions.
Tom feeds the rumour mill every day with this blog..both with his odd ramblings and poorly disguised facts as well as with the existence of the blog.
To the 9:45 Am blogger! Read the 3:58 bloggers remarks If you please.
In those remarks, and on the blog, you will notice that the blogger correctly states that at no time did I ever call the competence of the City attorney into question (but you just did,)Nor did I start the thread about the check.
Now, the "pool people", well yes I have, and I still do question the deal that got them moved to the new location. However, now that THF Realty will not be paid back for the monies given for the lot by taxpayer money, I am fine with that.
It should be noted that a person willing to sign their name to a post is not "whispering", they are SHOUTING! As for the mispelling of the word "elite", thank you, I am going to work on that, but for now, how does "hoy-paloy" sound?
Traitor? No, just a citizen like you, but with the courage to sign my name, and put a picture to it!
Tom Ford
5:46 blogger, Tom gave you the chance to write your comment's, and I will do so in the future!
There is plenty of room to start anothe blog, go for it!
Tom Ford
1. I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day but I couldn't find any.
2. A man woke up in a hospital after a serious accident. He shouted,"Doctor, doctor, I can't feel my legs!" The doctor replied, "I know you can't - I've cut off your arms!"
3. I went to a seafood disco last week...and pulled a mussel.
4. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh.
5. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. One turns to the other & says.... "Dam!".
6. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit a fire in the craft. Unsurprisingly it sank, proving once again, you can't have your kayak & heat it too.
Let's lighten up a bit!
Tom Ford
"However, now that THF Realty will not be paid back for the monies given for the lot by taxpayer money, I am fine with that."
Once again I guess the "elite" know the facts. I don't believe that THF has submitted their supporting documentation? or have they? Has the TDD Board eliminated that portion? Please tell the average citizen is not in the know.
I believe that mayor Robinson was the mayor when Alderman Breeding received his advance. I thought he was there every day? Certainly something of this nature would have to be passed by the mayor? Why is it said "You can't point the finger at Roy"?
Regarding pointing fingers at Roy, I was referring to the pool issue.
The swim club relocation became an issue 2-3 mayors ago.
Is it a rumor or fact that Breeding got an advance?
9:12 PM blogger, I have it on good authority ( see Crestwood work sesson, THF has been notified by the law firm we hired that they may not be elegible to be re-imbursed for the pool purchase.
If that turns out to be the case, and they are not re-imbursed for a pool that is private, by tax monies, however collected, then "I am fine with that".
If, however they are, then I feel the pool should become a public pool (as was stated by the law firm on their web site before they changed it,) as taxpayers money will be used to fund it, and the taxpayers should have the right to use it without buying into it.
I believe this has, and will be an ongoing topic on this board, and it may take a review by a State agency to resolve it, we shall see.
Tom Ford
Who cares whether Breeding got an advance on his pay. I am not a real fan of anybody's, but give the guy a break. He is human and if he needed an advance, what's the problem? Personal problems that people have in their lives are not what concern me. It's how they act while they are representing me and how fair they are. Get off this kid's back for Gosh sakes. Is that a criminal act that he committed? He is a man with young children and a wife to support. Say something that means something not crapola.
And Roy is an ordinary man who stepped up to the plate and wanted to be mayor. Anybody who has a problem with his decision can run against him next time up. And I guarantee you that if you defeat him, you, too, will be up for grabs on every level. In this town, and the way people think and act, any mayor better get used to it. Someone will make a big deal out of every thing a mayor does, says, acts, etc. and so on! If they disrepresent what they see or hear, people have two options, to believe it or not.
If the Masonic lodge was in the way of the Kohl's development and needed to be moved in order for the development to proceed and the lodge received a check to rebuild in the exact same fashion as the swim club...would the masonic lodge need to become public so that it was not funded by taxpayer money?
OK, in your scenario, did the Masonic Lodge receive taxpayer money or did the developer pass the cost to the shopper-taxpayer?
Also, in your scenario, did the Masonic Lodge receive 7-8 times its worth?
Worth meaning its assessed value by St. Louis County?
What is your beef with the pool Tom? Really, it is sort of odd that you seem so fixated on this issue. Where is Elliot Davis? Is he in possession of the DeKathy code binders. What's the deal?
If someone wants a certain parcel of land badly enough, they will pay for it. It's called supply and demand. There was a limited supply of land surrounding the Kohl's site on which to build the required parking lot. Simple.
Mayor Robinson did in fact sign off on a salary advance for Alderman Breeding without public authorization by the Board of Aldermen. FROM A RECENT STATE AUDITOR REPORT: CITY OF SARCOXIE, MISSOURI
B. City employees are paid on a weekly basis with checks issued the last day of the
week. During our review of payroll we noted several instances where former City
Clerk Jasumback received payroll checks early. While it does not appear that the
former city clerk was paid more than her weekly salary, payroll checks were issued one to two weeks in advance of the pay period, as follows: Check Date Payroll Date Amount
11/10/00 11/17/00 $ 329
12/22/00 12/29/00 329
01/12/01 01/19/01 338
01/12/01 01/26/01 338
02/16/01 02/23/01 169
03/16/01 03/23/01 169
04/13/01 04/20/01 338
Total $ 2,010
The payroll advance amounts noted above represent the city clerk's full weekly
salary or one-half of her weekly salary. The city's payroll ledger does not reflect
the fact that payroll checks were issued in advance. Further, there is no documentation to indicate that these payroll advances were approved by the Mayor or the Board of Aldermen. Except for the check issued on December 22, 2000, the Mayor indicated that he was not aware of the advances. The check issued in February 2001 was signed only by the former city clerk. The remaining
checks were cosigned by the mayor or the mayor pro-tem. These payments appear to violate Article VI, Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution which prohibits any political subdivision of the state from granting
or lending money to an individual. In addition, it is not prudent for a city to
compensate employees in advance. Doing so could result in the city paying an individual for services not performed.
These payroll advances were not detected by city officials because payroll duties
are not adequately segregated and payroll expenditures are not properly reviewed
and approved by the Board of Aldermen. (See MAR No. 7) WE RECOMMEND the Board of Aldermen:
A. Work to improve the overall control of city disbursements.
B. Establish adequate controls over the city's payroll function to prevent unauthorized payroll advances.
We have made numerous improvements to controls since this incident, and payroll advances are
not allowed.
Missouri Constitution
Article VI
�Section 23
August 28, 2004
��FINANCES Limitation on ownership of corporate stock, use of credit and grants of public funds by local governments.
��Section 23. No county, city or other political corporation or subdivision of the state shall own or subscribe for stock in any corporation or association, or lend its credit or grant public money or thing of value to or in aid of any corporation, association or individual, except as provided in this constitution.
��Source: Const. of 1875, Art. IV, � 47, Art. IX, � 6.
��(1954) Section 99.450, RSMo, which requires sale of property cleared at public expense at fair value is not grant of special privilege or of public property in aid of private persons. State on Inf. Dalton v. Land Clearance for Redev. Auth. 364 Mo. 974, 270 S.W.2d 44; (1954) Land Clearance for Redev. Auth. v. City of St. Louis (Mo.), 270 S.W.2d 58.
��Missouri General Assembly
IT DOESN'T PASS THE SMELL TEST. Does this mean that Mayor Robinson can grant payroll advances to his 'needy' favorite Alderman or city employee of the month??? What will he get in return???
The Masonic lodge? No the Masonic lodge would never be in that position. The pool was? So what the heck are you talking about?
As you may know most all of the founding fathers were Mason's, as far as I know, none of them were "pool people"! Now, get off the Masonic Lodge, and let's look at the current problem with using public funding to support a private entity!
What's my beef with the pool? Why nothing as long as you pay your own way, you are going to do that, arn't you? If one cent of taxpayers money is funding the project, I, and a whole lot of others want to know why, Plain and simple!
Are you going to welcome me, and the family to the pool for nothing? No, your not, so why would I support any funding, other than your own to support this pool? Please tell us, inquiring minds want to know.
Tom Ford
Hey, there's no beef in the pool, only water!
Did you ever wonder what cured ham had?
From - 7:41 PM, August 30, 2006 re: Audit Report, City of Sarcoxie Missouri - "WE RECOMMEND the Board of Aldermen:
A. Work to improve the overall control of city disbursements.
B. Establish adequate controls over the city's payroll function to prevent unauthorized payroll advances."
Has our Board of Aldermen and/or city worked to comply with the state audit recommendations?
All ya gotta do is bring up the pool and Tom Ford and his band of conspiracy theorists begin spinning out of control. It is hilarious! Did you ever think that you are like a bunch of dumb take the bait everytime. And don't forget, fish can't survive in a chlorinated pool.
The city clerk of Sarcoxie, MO went to jail.
"current problem with using public funding to support a private entity!"
Fact: Kohl's paid for the land the pool was located on. Period.
Fact: THF is in the process of providing supporting documentation regarding the purchase of the land to be included in the TDD.
If the TDD board disallows that expenditure, oh well. Not the pool's problem. The negative comments should be directed towards THF NOT the pool.
"Fact: THF is in the process of providing supporting documentation regarding the purchase of the land to be included in the TDD.
If the TDD board disallows that expenditure, oh well. Not the pool's problem. "
Then whose problem is it? I just don't see THF saying, 'oh well, we'll eat that $800,000.' Do you?
Oh small minded, unsophisticated you know how much commercial property THF has developed? $800,000 is a drop in the bucket you fool.
this is worth stating again:
These payments appear to violate Article VI, Section 23 of the Missouri Constitution which prohibits any political subdivision of the state from granting
or lending money to an individual. In addition, it is not prudent for a city to
compensate employees in advance. At a time when Crestwood is borrowing huge sums of money, not only is one employee receiving an interest free loan, this same employee who cannot manage his own finances is voting on a multi-million dollar budget? Someone should check the minutes - immediately after receiving this illegal payment, breeding began voting with the mayor 100% of the time.
No one cares about this. big deal. how petty. judge not lest ye be judged.
9:16 AM 8?31 You really make me sick!!! You can site the constitution or anything else regarding the Breeding issue. But here is what you are saying to me: You say the City is "lended" the money to Breeding. That is not a constitutional issue. Try it in court and see how far you get. Get Real! He just asked for an advance.
ButI finally figured out what you are doing. I couldn't understand why you would be so upset about something like this that has been done by many people through their employers every so often. THEN, when you stated that he is now voting with the MAYOR, that tells me that VOTING WITH THE MAYOR IS REALLY YOUR BIGGEST GRIPE!!!! You are so small minded it is just pathetic. Before, when Breeding was going with YOUR FLOW, you would have never even mentioned this issue, but now that he has changed his position, THAT IS WHAT YOU REALLY HAVE THE PROBLEM WITH! Stop playing politics. You reek of it.
If you think that no politics are going on - you are misguided. Why else is the BOA nor the public provided financials. Follow blindly I guess is your motto. That was not acceptable before but now it is??
5:28 AM blogger:
"A billion here, a bilion there, beore you know it, it's real money!"
Everet Derkson
I wonder if THF got as big as they are by leaving 800K on the table every time they did a project?
By the way, were not spinning out of control, it's the main roter blades on the black Helo landing in your back yard your seeing.
Tom Ford
During a visit to the mental asylum, a visitor asked the Director what the criterion was which defined whether or not a patient should be institutionalized.
"Well," said the Director, "we fill up a bathtub, then we offer a teaspoon, a teacup and a bucket to the patient and ask him or her to empty the bathtub."
"Oh, I understand," said the visitor. "A normal person would use the bucket because it's bigger than the spoon or the teacup."
"No." said the Director, "A normal person would pull the plug. Do you want a bed near the window?"
And you believe the developer is going away empty handed.
Crestwood badly needs a State Audit.
Posters 10:12 and 10:17 RE: Alderman Breeding payroll advance.
If it is against State law to do what Breeding did, why is it "politics" to bring it up?
Isn't the law supposed to be above politics?
My interest in this affair is why you are so bent out of shape about the event being brought up. I would have thought in reading the majority of the posts on this blog you would be behind the exposure of wrong doing by any offical of Crestwood.
blogger 5:28 AM, August 31, 2006
Multiply 800,000 x 3. That's approximately the TIF and TDD package. You honestly think that THF is going to let 800,000 go bye bye? Yes, they've developed millions and millions of dollars worth of commercial property. They didn't do that by letting $800,000 go here or there!
If you think there is recourse towards the pool, think again. There were no strings attached to the purchase of the old property.
"And Roy is an ordinary man who stepped up to the plate and wanted to be mayor"...
Excuse me, but the Mayor was against the GO bonds and has not provided an alternate solution. This I believe is wrong, wrong, wrong.
Now the new CA states it will be 4-7 years to climb out of the debt (most of which was prior to Mr. Greer) Oh, the BOA knew this when they wanted the GO bonds.
Where is the alternate solution???? If the mayor was against the GO bonds, then he should have had a "plan" as he stated. 1 year and 4 months and no long term plan as the state auditor said should be in place. Imagine that!
"However, now that THF Realty will not be paid back for the monies given for the lot by taxpayer money, I am fine with that." Tom Ford quote.
Instead of a fact, now you sing a different tune when questioned:
"If that turns out to be the case, and they are not re-imbursed..."
How often do you turn work discussions into fact?
Also, "re-imbursed for a pool that is private, by tax monies, however collected" is an incorrect statement. THF has already purchased the old pool property. No tax monies have gone towards the pool property purchase.
These are just a couple of instances that you have intentionally tried to stir the pot. I am finding it harder and harder to believe there is any substance to your comments. Sounds more like politics.
Please try to stick to facts.
"Now the new CA states it will be 4-7 years to climb out of the debt (most of which was prior to Mr. Greer) Oh, the BOA knew this when they wanted the GO bonds."
SORRY you are wrong, Crestwood's line of credit and promisory note was taken out under Mr. Greer's watch as CA.
Stick to facts? Ok, let's see what happens down the road. I made my point, you made your point, and we shall see who is right after the dust settles.
By the way, you would have more credibility if you would sign your name, Can't do that? Well post away, but I am not going to give you any credence until you do!
Tom Ford
Tom Ford
Have you send a letter to Judge Barbara Crancer, the presiding judge over the TDD Judgement Order?
Has a memo of satisfaction been submitted to the St. Louis Circuit Court on this TDD?
Can a citizen of Crestwood request an opinion by Judge Barbara Crancer on adding a private transaction between THF and Rosebrook Real Estate Company to the final judgment order?
Have you researched why Rosebrook Real Estate labelled their private pool with Crestwood in 1955?
Sure is confusing.
I wonder if THF and Armstrong thought that the Creswood Swim Club was a public pool.
If you look on the Missouri Secretary of State website, you will not see the connection between Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club.
They are two separate corporations.
Why was Crestwood Swim Club created as a not-for-profit corporation and Rosebrook Real Estate Company created as a for-profit corporation?
Why all of confusion of creating two corporations for a private pool within the city of Crestwood limits?
Was the city of Webster Groves in a lawsuit over their new public pool in the 1950's?
Is it true that St. Louis County was asking the city of Crestwood to annex Meacham Park between 1947 and 1955?
Who lived in Meacham Park during this time period?
I am confused why someone keeps bringing up the Masons.
Our Founding Fathers were Masons who wrote our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Isn't it true that a Mason follows the law of the land?
Why, yes a citizen of Crestwood can request a copy of an opinion by Judge Crancer simply by filling out a "freedom of information form" and submitting same to St. Louis County.
Should we do that?
Tom Ford
True, Mason's do follow the "law of the land".
There are those who do not know their history though that would malign them.
Outcome based education at it's finest!
Tom Ford
Meachum Park has been an African American community since before the turn of the last century. It has a fine heritage that continues to this day!
Tom Ford
The question is:
Who voted for the TDD creation,
blighting of Rosebrook Real Estate pool, moving pool into residential area without any existing easements, Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club ordinances, water and parking easements on city's property, and voted for creation of TIF?
Former Alderman Gary Vincent and President of Rosebrook Real Estate
Alderman Kelleher and former Planning and Zoning member
Alderman Pickel and former Planning and Zoning member
Alderman Duwe
Alderman Breeding
Thanks to the shoppers of Kohl's for paying the additional 1% to reimburse THF for paying $850,000 for a blighted property worth $88,000.
Maybe THF thought they could tax deduct the $850,000 since Crestwood Swim Club is a 501-C not-for-profit corporation!
Maybe THF thought this was the city's pool so it was part of the city hall's property so it would be included in the city's parking lot portion of the TDD.
Who would ever think that this is a private pool for "members only"?
By the way, what is purpose of all of this secrecy of publicly stating your membership of Crestwood Swim Club and Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
Thanks to the Kohl's shoppers for paying the additional 1% sales tax to reimburse the TDD to pay for sale of a blighted old pool.
What about the reduced capital gain taxes?
Was the blighting intentionally to reduce capital gain taxes for receiving the $850,000?
Can anyone write a letter to Judge Barbara Crancer about this TDD?
What about writing a letter to the Judge who signed the petition of creating the TDD?
I got it!
The Crestwood Swim Club was created to be a "safe" pool in case Meachum Park became part of city of Crestwood boundaries.
Oh my! Is this why all of the secrecy?
That was Judge Barbra Crancer for your information!
Tom Ford
Was Mayor Fagan a member of Crestwood Swim Club and a stockholder of Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
Who was on the Kohl's TIF commission?
Is it true that our former Mayor Fagan and city Attorney Golterman was on the Kohl's TIF commission?
Is this a ponzi scheme or a pyramid scheme or a shell game with sales tax money?
I am sure confused with all of the different Rosebrook/Crestwood Swim Club addresses.
904 Rayburn
1475 So. Sappington Road
From 8:21 on, wow! What very interesting questions!
Pray tell, can you enlighten us with the answers? Seems as though this would be of interest to a lot of us "Crestwoodian's"!
Tom Ford
Is this TDD for the crème de la crème of our city to have a free pool?
Are they serving their food in china or crystal?
Is there valet parking?
Answer to question:
904 Rayburn is where the new Crestwood Swimming Club was built.
It used to be tennis courts.
1475 So. Sappington Road is where the old Crestwood Swimming Club pool location plus 40 parking spaces adjacent to the city's parking lot.
1321 RAYCREST is our former Alderman Gary Vincent and President of Rosebrook Real Estate Company recorded with Missouri Secretary of State.
Since you are a Mason, has there ever been a Masonic Hall ever been part of a TIF, TDD, and CID transaction.
I just can't image a Masonic Hall coming up with the same deal as Rosebrook/Crestwood Swim Club because of their loyalty to our U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. I thought Masons believe in fighting for our Life, Liberties, and Properties rights for all.
A former treasurer of Rosebrook/Crestwood Swim Club mentioned how these two business entities operate as one business.
How does Rosebrook/Crestwood Swim Club fill our their IRS tax forms?
How was $850,000 submitted to the IRS?
Which corporation took the loss from the blighting?
Is it true that Crestwood Swim Club purchased the pool house and swimming pool from Rosebrook so that Rosebrook could have a loss?
If Crestwood Swim Club owns the new clubhouse and swimmming pool structures, then the capital gain is zero.
Oh my! Is what former Mayor Jim Robertson was referring to on helping out Rosebrook Real Estate reduce their capital gain taxes by blighting private property.
Is this what former Mayor Brasfield teaches in his management classes?
Where does the government tax free bond money for the Transportation Development District (TDD) actually come from?
Is it true that this is U.S. Federal money loans the State of Missouri money for our state roads?
Is this money designated for TDD state road projects?
If so, who can you submit a request in writing on auditing this TDD at the Federal Level besides the U.S. Securities and Exchange.
IN CONGRESS, July 4, 1776.
by Thomas Jefferson
The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America,
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.
It is time to allow the city of Crestwood to be transparent and open their books to all our city to grow for the good of all.
Our public officials is supposed to evaluate their decisions for the good of the community.
Maybe it is time for our public officials to read the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Wasn't Thomas Jefferson a Mason!
By the way, I thought all of the delegates who signed the U.S. Constitution was a Mason.
No, a Masonic hall has never been, nor would it be a part of a TIF, TDD, or CID.
Loyalty, why yes, it's above reproach, and always will be!
As far as the rest of your questions, I would like to turn them over to the Swim Club president for an answer, as I am not privy to the clubs minutes, or decisions.
Tom Ford
You are correct about the Masons Halls.
It is against the Masons views of protecting our freedom.
Hilter trained his youth groups to vote for in his people by changing the local laws!
Once you allow the word censor in our City of Crestwood charter, you then violate the First Amendment.
To the 8/31 9:30 p.m. blogger:
If you are referring to the proposed charter amendment, the word is "censure" not "censor." Please make sure to read these proposed amendments carefully.
Martha Duchild
FYI Blogger 8:21 PM, August 31, 2006
Per Minutes of a Public Hearing, Tax Increment Financing Commission - July 29, 1998 The following were members of the TIF Commission:
Pat Kapsar Chair
Jerry Bratsch
John Hoffman
Jim Robertson
Marla Dell
Patrick Lanane
Dr. Lee Cannon
Madonna Laws
Coleen Burrus
Rob Golterman
Tom Curran
Sheryl Foster-Gadkari
Please see the Missouri State Auditor's report from March, 2006, regarding TDD's -'transportation%20development%20district'
FYI the city attorney is not a member of the pool.
Please see the link for a story on Musilm's in England.
This guy has it right for a change.,,6-2337669,00.html
Tom Ford
thanks for correcting my spelling error on censure.
A person authorized to examine books, films, or other material and to remove or suppress what is considered morally, politically, or otherwise objectionable.
An expression of strong disapproval or harsh criticism.
An official rebuke, as by a legislature of one of its members.
From time to time, Mr. Elliot Davis, is refered to. You may rest assured that Mr. Davis knows the Crestwood Swim Club is a 'safe' pool and that he also knows the word 'safe' in this case means all white. If Crestwood is truly going to survive it will have to get in step with the fact that we are no longer a segregated town and for the private swim club members to believe that anybody doesn't know the facts are only deluding themselves.
6:45 Pm 8/31 Well said blogger you got that right. And the mayor did have a plan for all those who keep harping on that issue! He got rid of Greer. What did you expect him to do in a year and a half, after 18 years of Don Greer getting what he wanted and Leichliter letting him get away with it. You think getting things back on track is gonna happen tomorrow? do you also believe in Santa Clause? Is there anybody that you know that can rectify this mess faster? If so, start grooming him for the next mayoral election.
SORRY you are wrong, Crestwood's line of credit and promisory note was taken out under Mr. Greer's watch as CA.
6:45 PM, August 31, 2006
Wrong again. The budget was in the hole over 1 million dollars before Greer was the CA. Check your facts. Check the budgets. Oh try and check this year's financials, if you can find them. As far as I know they have not been released publically. Let's see, this September. Only 4 months left in the year and the public and the BOA have no idea of the actual income/expenses. Amazing! What happened to trust but verify. I don't believe verifying is going on at all.
8:43 PM 9/4 Blogger. "the budget was in the hole 1 mill. before Greer"? What did Greer do to make it better? Anything? No, he kept spending just like we still had it.
Don't go there with this Greer is the good guy thingy!!!! There were a string of things Greer kept doing to put us deeper in the hole.
You notice he is no longer here.
He kept on hiring people he wanted at higher salaries to built his empire! The hiring freeze didn't apply to him, just everybody else. Look at the books if you are so smart and privy to budget numbers.
8:53 PM, September 04, 2006 Poster
Did you read the statement?
The poster said "Crestwood's line of credit and promisory note was taken out under Mr. Greer's watch as CA" Greer had his chance to reduce spending.. he didn't (He actually ADDED positions... $60,000k Web Guy and $50,000k Admin Girl for Ms. Madrid.) and took out the line of credit and promisory note.
If the budget was $1,000,000 in the whole like you claim when he took over, then why did he add these positons?
Was the Admin girl the current J. Tate? If so, I guess I am glad. If she was not here just think where we would be.
Also, does anyone know when the financial audit for the latter part of 2005 and 2006 be completed and published?
While you are complimenting Justina, wouldn't it be nicer to refer to her in another way...rather than the "admin girl" Just goes to show that the average blogger here is a blue haired, angry white man.
To the last comment, (10:56 AM, September 06, 2006)
If you were responding to the comment just prior to yours (11:01 PM, September 05, 2006) was not sure if Justina was the "Admin girl" referenced above. I believe the blogger at 4:53 PM, September 05, 2006 is the person you should be directing your comment to.
4:53 pm and 11:01 pm on 9/5 Bloggers.
I can answer your comments. When Greer was still in Crestwood, it was not Justina Tate that assisted Diana Madrid, it was another girl, Michelle DePew, who assisted her who has since quit just maybe a month or so ago, after Greer was gone.
When Greer was CA, Justina Tate was Assistant to the CA at that time. Now that Ms. DePew is gone, Justina is probably the Finance Officer and I think also has another title.
Madrid's salary was 72,000/year plus what he paid Ms. DePew who has an Accounting Degree herself, to assist Madrid.
Now, Ms. DePew found herself a new job as Finance Officer for the City of Manchester. So do the math folks. Why did we need both people if Ms. Madrid was so qualified? Between the two, that's over 100,000 per year the city was spending. Another bunch of money doled out under Greer's watch because Madrid needed an assistant.
Ms. Madrid has never stuck with one job and has come to Crestwood several years ago looking for work. Mrs. Madrid's reputation is a joke in some municipalities and that's a fact! What's funny is that Don Greer professes that he has to have top notch personnel and acts like hardly anyone can measure up to his expectations.
Then when he hired Madrid, people in the Missouri Finance Officers Association almost fell off of their chairs. Her track record was a mess. But Don Greer didn't care. He had bigger plans for her so he just hired someone to help her. But we were broke, remember?
There were 3 more people hired in the Executive Offices while Greer was CA. That equates to a heck of a lot of money, especially when every other department had to cut back.
So, every department head had to go with the hiring freeze, but not Don Greer. Every other department was making cuts, but not Don Greer. It is absolutely disgusting how he got the power and the control. Leichliter may have been lax, but his biggest mistake was giving Greer everything he wanted while Police Chief. If Greer didn't get what he wanted, Greer would threaten to quit. Then after Greer got Leichliter's job, he kept spending just like they accused Leichliter of doing. You remember, the money we didn't have? So what did we gain?
I will probably not sleep tonight thinking of the $72,000/year salary earned by Diana Madrid mentioned in the former blog. Not to mention that she apparently had to have assistants. Why did the aldermen not protect us against this sort of thing? How much other waste was going on? Sure can't blame all our city troubles on lost revenue, blame obviously lies on the shoulders of the city administrator who not only used little discretion, but hired a finance person who was vacant when it came to finances. Then was carrying on with her, while driving a BMW I helped pay for. Were the city officials blind?
I recall going to BOA meetings sometimes and the city employees who sat at a long table on the side of chambers sat there all evening with sour faces, nary a smile among them. Not the most professional looking bunch at that time. They must have been very unhappy. It always seemed like if Ms Madrid was asked a question, Mr. Greer answered for her. I hope things are improving and if there are those there who still have a foot in yesterday, I hope they find a job where they can be happy. For now, I don't think we can afford to give everyone who works at city hall a fancy title and a corporate salary. This is a municipality with a hefty bank loan and sad to say a mess to clean up from former administrations which the more I learn about, the sicker I get.
You should have gone to the 2 meetings a year where Bob Wubbels showed up, he never said a word and if he was asked a question, either Kent answered for him or he had to leave the room to get the answer.
The best was Mark Pakin who was in charge of Public Works, he would come and read a Time magazine at the table while the meeting was going on. This was under Kent, not Greer.
In reference to all of the addresses, what about 1495 Sappington Road?
City Hall's Property addresses
#1 Detjen
904 Rayburn
1475 So. Sappington Road
Where are all of these mailboxes?
"By the way, you would have more credibility if you would sign your name, Can't do that? Well post away, but I am not going to give you any credence until you do!"
I guess there are only a couple of bloggers that have credibility.
I guess the rest of the comments are just worthless. With this type of thinking, why have this blog? Not too many takers signing their names.
9:47 PM 9/7 Blogger. That was because Kent hardly ever instructed Wuebbels to be at the meetings as was protocol. Kent was Bob's boss, and Kent would tell him he didn't have to be there. When he did come to the board meetings, Kent, would never let him answer questions.
Unfortunately for Bob, he never wanted to go against his boss out of respect for his position. So much for respect. When Kent went, Bob went for never taking his issues over Kent's head. Don't go there with Bob. Bob has suffered enough and was too dog gone good for the likes of Kent Leichliter, and had too much respect for the wrong people.
Right now, you can pray for Bob and his family, as he is going through radical cancer surgery and may not live. So stop with the Bob Wuebbels issues. Bob was and has always been an honorable man. It's too bad that he ended up looking like a fool. He was just too good to work with certain individuals that when pulled down, pulled him down too. Bob was way too nice and had way too much good in him to take issues into his own hands. And Bob would never go to a board meeting without approval.
As far as Mark Payken. Kent should have done something about that years ago. But that doesn't sanction ANYTHING that was or was not done by Greer. Greer almost put the last nail in this city's coffin. Nobody ever said that Kent Leichliter did the right thing, but that doesn't justify Greer's actions and how he kept leading us down the same wrong path. Two wrongs don't make a right.
ll:09 PM 9/6 Blogger. I understand what you are saying about signing names. Why didn't you sign yours. There are only a few who do sign because some of the bloggers get real nasty and think they are cute.
Giving an opinion that is not appreciated by some on this blog, can lead to inunendos, brash comments, comments which are extremely wrong and therefore hurtful, and of course, there are a few nuts who do nothing but take up space.
Once these wrongful remarks are on the blog, some will believe them and to refute them puts myself and others in a very dubious light. It is purposely done to make us look bad but people will believe the wrong things said.
There was someone who made a comment on this blog making people believe it was my comment, and someone else answered it making everyone believe I answered it when I didn't. Go Figure!
Sandy Grave
I agree, those individuals are definitely weird! There is enough confusion on this blog without that type of behavior. Don't know why you (S. Grave) did not at least try and clarify.
2:16 pm 9/7 Blogger. I would like to clarify a lot of things said on this blog; things that I know after working for Crestwood for over 30 years. What do you want me to clarify? And, also, I can only clarify what I know is fact. Otherwise, I can only give my opinion based on my years of experience. However, it's a little scary to sign my name. People can say things that are wrong and hurtful. Others believe them! But hopefully, there are enough people who understand that there is nothing to be gained by saying things that are not true.
Sandy Grave'
4:58 PM What is the ratio of male to female Crestwood city employees? Hint: does greater than 3 to 1 seem about right? Does the city potentially face discrimination lawsuits if it does not hire more qualified female job applicants regardless of age? With your over 30 years of experience are you qualified to judge the qualifications of everyone who the city hires? Please clarify why any Crestwood CA should not hire young, qualified women for any position.
6:01 9/7 Blogger. Oh My, My!!!! Do you want me to give my opinion because you have a problem with me?
If so, let me set the record straight on a few things.
In my opinion, the City will never have a lawsuit filed against them for hiring personnel, if they use honesty and fairness in their selection process. That selection process was part of Civil Service and was always fair and I hope that Civil Service comes back the way it was before, so that all employees are treated fairly. Don Greer destroyed those rules just like he destroyed everything else he touched. My opinion, sorry.
Someone on this blog, has already made the assumption that I have a problem with younger people being employed by the city. Maybe you think the same thing, I can't be sure. But if you do, it isn't true.
Just because I worked for Crestwood over 30 years doesn't make me an expert on the qualifications of anyone but I think by your words, you are assuming that I do.
I am only going to say this once more. There are many young woman who make the work place proud to have them be part of it. I have no problems with any young professional and talented women working up at city hall. I don't even know most of them anymore, and have never said anything negative about them or their qualifications. Why would I?
And as far as the new CA is concerned, he can do as he sees fit when hiring people. I don't imagine he would hire someone who is ready to retire! It would make sense to hire younger women. The young women of today are a lot smarter than when I was young. Women can do anything a man can do.
The only person I had a problem with was the previous CA because of the way I was treated and threatened. And I am sure if you were threatened by him in order to force you out of a job you had for years, you might be a little upset too.
When he forced me to work in a different office, did he put it in writing like he was suppose to? No! Did he talk to me like I was a person instead of a dog? No! You see, all those little things that you can do to be nice, Don Greer didn't give a hoot about!
When I mentioned on this blog that Mr. Greer hired all younger women and no men in the Executive Office, I wasn't saying it because I don't like younger women for heaven sake. I said it because it's his preference. That's who he is and how he is. It doesn't mean that women are any less intelligent than men. And I honestly don't really understand the motive for your questions.
But as far as people being younger than me and me having a problem with it, let's face it, most people are younger than me! You think I am so smug that I don't realize that my days are gone?
My dear, whoever you are, you really don't have a clue about who I am. You must stop listening to the wrong people. I had a job I loved, I loved the citizens of Crestwood, I loved all the people at city hall, and I had to walk away from it. It hurt because it was done deliberately, by a man who wanted all his own people to build his own empire, and he didn't care how he managed it. The youth, gender and intelligence of who he hired had nothing to do with what happened to me or my interpretation. So don't judge me too harshly. I loved working there and I miss it every day.
Sandy Grave
Sandy Grave
"There was someone who made a comment on this blog making people believe it was my comment, and someone else answered it making everyone believe I answered it when I didn't. Go Figure!
Sandy Grave "
"Don't know why you (S. Grave) did not at least try and clarify. "
By clarify, I thought you meant other people signed your name to comments that you didn't make. Maybe I was just confused about what you meant. Didn't mean any harm just wondered if that happened, why you would not respond. sorry
10:32 PM 9/7 Blogger. I should have said something to the blogger who signed my name that's for sure, but sometimes I get so frustrated that I just give up.
Defending oneself or trying to explain things to individuals on this blog, sometimes just keeps them coming back for more. I have tried that and I get, "we are tired of hearing it".
If I was sure that it would do any good and people would believe me, I guess I would have said something. However, most of the time I do say something when I feel people are out of line.
But like I have stated previously, signing your name and expressing your views, is not for the faint of heart. People can chew you up and spit you out on this blog.
Anyhow, I hope that I answered your question.
Sandy Grave
6:01 blogger, we have a lot of young female workers in Crestwood! and I think we shall see more as the hiring freeze is lifted.
Stick around, the best is yet to come!
Tom Ford
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