Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Ways and means committee report from the Call!

Please click on the header for a report by Burke Wasson on the meeting. As Paul Harvey would say, "and now the rest of the story".

Also please note a new addition to the links called "He's got the whole world in his hands". A lot of interesting things on that site.

Tom Ford

No. 198


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ways and Means committee should be getting actual financial statements, along with the BOA. To my knowledge this has done been provided in 2006.

According to the State Audit:

"The Board or Aldermen continue to closely monitor the financial condition of the city, including reviewing budget to actual financial statements on a periodic basis."

Also stated:

"The sales tax funds are restricted funds and transfers should only be made to the General Fund to reimburse for specific related expenses."

How can combining all funds into one comply with the State Audit? How can the monies be used for the line of credit for the General Fund?

Is the Ways and Means committee suggesting that if all funds were combined, projects/needs should not be completed as to save money for the needed line of credit for the General Fund?

Those restricted sales tax funds are to be used only for the purpose that the citizens voted for - NOT to be used for any other purpose.

11:24 PM, August 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The City is not talking about combining all of the funds. They are talking about combining checking accounts. Simply having sales tax money wire transferred into one checking account is not a violation of state law. The money needs to be accounted for in separate funds.... there is difference. Go to for an excellent article on funds.

The state statutes governing the different sales taxes: Capital Improvements, Park/Storm Water and Fire etch. say nothing about checking acounts. The statute for the Fire sales tax (RSMO Section 321.242) says “3. All revenue received by a fire protection district or municipality from the tax authorized pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be deposited in a special trust fund and shall be used solely for the operation of the fire protection district or the municipal fire department.”

In short, you may have many different funds for accounting purposes, but only one checking account.

11:05 AM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One checking account means that all funds are comingled into one account. I can see where this helps a mayor who doesn't understand the numbers and finds the numbers "confusing". The solution is not to mix the funds into one account but to get a fit and qualified mayor who as head of the Ways and Means Committee understands the numbers like some of his predecessors did.

11:50 AM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When payments are made out of the checking account for expenses in the General Fund, the assumption is that the other positive fund balances will be covering those expenses. I guess no Capital Improvements will be done to ensure that monies will be available to pay the expenses of the General Fund. I don't think that is why the public voted to extend the tax.

12:33 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why this discussion is even taking place. It is a done deal. Think about how the BOA will be voting, and who always votes the way the mayor wants. Done deal whether the public likes it or not.

12:35 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Am I the only one bothered that the mayor says in this week's Suncrest Call that he doesn't want voters to have a say in the new debt structure? Myers says right above it that the state constitution requires the city to have voters approve "any debt over 13 months." I read here they are looking for several years. Maybe 5. Or 7. Which is fine.

But then the mayor says because we already passed Prop S for the debt, he doesn't think a new vote should happen. "I'm not a lawyer, but common sense tells you that people were presented that here's the debt and they approved it." Well, if he's so certain the people support a new plan, why not let them DECIDE FOR OURSELVES? Not saying it's a bad plan. I think several years for a debt plan would save the city in the long run. But anything like that has to be voter approved by the C/A's own admission!

One more thing. If the the note with Southwest Bank expires at the end of October and we have to vote for a new one if they want it for more than one year, what happens in that week between the end of October and the election on November the 7th? Is the city broke during that week? Can we get some sort of extension on the note we have now?

This just screams out to me that the city can't get this multiyear note right now and this process for the new note has been poorly planned. Number one, there wouldn't be enough time to get it passed by the voters. And number two, the mayor says he doesn't want a vote anyway! If it's in the constitution, you can't really argue with it.

12:52 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Done deal whether the public likes it or not? Now THAT is disturbing.

12:54 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's say the single checking account idea goes through - will there be any CLEAR designation as to which check (or for that matter, an electronic debit if the city uses these) is paying which fund?

1:59 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry and get up tight about any of this. Remember that the mayor said that he had a plan when he was campaigning for office. Everything is going according to his plan. RELAX.

2:51 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh My! I hear fear and sarcasm from several of the bloggers under this heading. I hear subtrifuge exuding amongst the bloggers on this issue.

Why can't we have another town hall meeting where we can address everything one on one? Why can we have large posters on ezels in the auditorium to show us how it works. Is there a reason why this cannot be arranged? Maybe we should give them a chance to speak and explain. Town Hall meetings have assisted us in the past. Isn't there a way we can get around all these second guesses? I, too, am wondering about a lot of this budgeting. But before I get too upset, I would love for someone to explain it to us. Is that an impossibility? Are you saying the mayor doesn't want anybody to know because you FEEL IT or because you are drop dead certain HE WANTS to keep us at bay?

I would ask the blogger at 11:50 8/10 to answer a question. As I understand your comment, because this mayor isn't a "number" person, than those persons who want to run for mayor NOW AND IN THE FUTURE should not do so, unless they have a degree in Accounting? Is that what you mean?

What if candidates had a degree in community development instead? What if they didn't have any degree AT ALL but had a grass roots desire to keep Crestwood a wonderful place to work, live and play?

So what is your solution for this Mayor since he doesn't fit this criteria. Burn him at the stake? Put him in the middle of Crestwood Plaza and tar and feather him? Since he doesn't meet this criteria, does it make him useless? Come On and stop the nonsense. Look at all the other mayors! Were they better because they were lawyers? I doubt it.

I have never heard that in order to be a mayor, one has to have a degree in numbers. If that is the case, should not all the other elected officials have a degree in Accounting also?

I was just wondering! The previous administration supposedly were people who were very proficient in numbers; The CA and Finance Officer could put any number to any budget to any chart. What makes you think those numbers all matched and what makes you so sure we weren't deceived? People who deceive can make anything look good on paper! Still, look what happened.

George Bush has a whole cabinet full of people who do the State of the Nation numbers. I don't think he has a degree in Accounting. Maybe he does but I am sure all Presidents didn't.


4:00 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: POSTER 4:00, should have know this kind of reply to honest questons and concerns about what our mayor is doing would come to his defense. Is there nothing anyone can do to get it through this posters head that it doesn't matter what past mayors did or didn't do on this issue, the state audit which the citiznes of this city asked for and paid $56,000 for is being igonored by THIS mayor. Not to mention his trying to worm his way around the laws of the state on city debt with out a vote of the people.

4:14 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay poster 4:00, well maybe if we hadn't promoted one of the Mayor's police buddies to be HIS police chief, we could have run the Police Dept. with the acting Chief at no extra cost and used the difference in payroll to hire somebody with an accouting background. I would think that if you admit you dont understand numbers you would hire the people you need to make up for your shortcoming. Like wise if your background was in law enforcement you would need less help in that area.

4:23 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

dear 4:00 poster,
here is my solution (s)

1. Mayor has town hall meeting
2. Miguel asks lots of questions
3. Ways&Means has town hall meeting
4. Another state audit NOW!
5. Petition started for Recall?

then we burn at the stake but only after a 30 day cooling off period

4:30 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know that the comment about the mayor not being a numbers person has been stated, but that does not mean that the numbers should not be disclosed to the BOA or the public. He might be confused about them, but not all will.

5:02 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:00 PM An Accounting degree as a requirement for mayor??? No but how about a reasonanable business knowledge and experience so that you can understand the numbers and not be "confused"??

10:51 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This man won an election (which he had lost 3 times before) because he printed a cute little newsletter showing a man and woman crusing around in a convertible and incensed the voters. He didn't present a good reason for voting for him, he presented sensationalism and scandal, pretty sad and totally lacking tact for our little town.

Given this type of politics, what did you expect you were getting when you voted for him? Professionalism, competence, knowledge? Didn't you attend the debate? Obviously not, because if you'd heard him speak, you couln't possibly have brought yourself to believe he was a good representative for the City.

Yes, and now he has hired a close, personal friend of both he and his wife, not to mention his children, to be police chief, a person who jumped several layers of rank, past far more qualified candidates. That is what you got for voting for him.

I'm amazed anyone expects him to understand the numbers or care what the voters have to say.

Don't burn him at the stake, demand a recall, run him out office, demand his appointments be re-evaluated, demand a finance director AND a state audit. Get involved and open your eyes to what is going on at city hall.

11:28 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do think that the mayor means well but Prop 1 would have been a solution for the city. Within a seven to ten year period we will be able to get out from under the mess we are in and Prop 1 would have been a perfect solution. Oh, now the new CA is stating the same thing. (5-7 years)They are just trying to go about it in a different way - use ALL the funds revenues for the line of credit during that time instead of using that income for what it was intended for.

Crestwood needs to maintain the city like a home, you have to perform upkeep and that cost money. Now that the Capital Improvement Fund has money to provide upkeep (police autos, communications equipment, computer software) the mayor wants to not expend any of the money and keep it to use (borrow) for the General Fund's line of credit.

This is not a new revelation - the BOA knew that money was needed in the General Fund due to lack of sales tax.

The State Audit states that those funds can only be used for Capital Improvements - NOT to be kept in the bank to float the General Fund!

11:49 PM, August 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is time for a recall....How can we have a mayor who clearly admits he is not a numbers person. That is what we need now more than ever. How do you start a recall...

8:01 AM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 4:14 8/10 - I was commenting to the blogger at 11:50 am that seems to think that in order to be a mayor we need a "number" person. He also said that the mayor's predecessors understood numbers. That's a crock. Maybe you should read the comment at 11:50 before you get all worked up. Maybe you are the one who made the comment at 11:50 in the first place.

Apparently if we say something that isn't anti-mayor, you take offense. Well, take your best shot or shots makes me no difference. Or run for mayor next time. If you win, you and the blogger at 11:50 can bring the previous administrator and his girl back to Crestwood for a price. That'll solve all our problems won't it?

9:59 AM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For all you bloggers who want Recall, go up to city hall and start the ball rolling and see if everybody else wants the same thing. That's the democratic way. Don't stop with this blog! Get it moving. Otherwise you are just a bunch of words on a piece of paper. But just remember that we could end up with someone a lot worse and be honest.

10:06 AM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, 10:06. I'd rather see Mayor Robinson than Mayor Miguel any day. Recall would hurt the city.

10:45 AM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 9:59, get in your head this is not about former elected or appointed officals, it is about this elected office holder and what he wants to do that in some voters minds will be a big mistake for our city.
Hello, are you there?

12:10 PM, August 11, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

In my humble opinion some of us are placing way to much emphisis on the Mayor being a "number person"' or not.

We have accounting software ($120,000 worth,) to help Ms. Tate, and Mr. Meyer do their job, and so far it seems to me they are doing it quite well.

Some are wondering why we did not hire a finance director, well we had one, and last January she had all the W-2 forms for the Fire Department wrong! I will stick with Ms. Tate, thank you.

As far as a Director of public safty is concerned, I doubt it would work as each department has special needs, and it takes a person familiar with those needs to do the job properly.

There sure seems to be a lot of "bloveating" concerning a "re-call" of elected officials. Why would that be I ask you? Is it that they are doing such a bad job (their not,?) or is it that the political syndrome of hate finally come to Crestwood?

On the National scene "it's George Bushs's fault", everything from the war to the sun going down. I would ask you to examine your heart, and ask yourselves, is it because I didn't like the outcome of the elections, or are you really that concerned, and if you are, why?

Let's hear from you on this one, and hey, if you really want to impress us, give your name instead of "anonymous".

Tom Ford

4:49 PM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:10 PM 8/11 Blogger, yes I am here. I would like to try to explain what I mean, if you will let me. I will agree with you that this mayor may be making a mistake in what he is doing. On that note, we AS CITIZENS only have one choice and that is to tell our aldermen or tell the mayor at a board meeting how we feel. The new board with new faces need our input.

But, you and I both had two choices when voting for the two past mayoral candidates. If you want to understand what I mean, we need to start at the beginning when Robinson won the election against Fagan who was the previous "elected official" answering your comment about "it isn't about the previous elected or appointed officials".

Now let's get hypothetical. To make an analysis, what would Tom Fagan have done that would have made his administration better than this one. First, he made the biggest mistake of his career, he was going to keep the "appointed official" he made CA and Police Chief. Remember, after Robinson became mayor, the board of aldermen voted 8-0 to get the CA/ Police Chief out. Fagan would have left him in.

Now, who was the greater threat to our problems. Robinson as mayor, isn't going to make all the right decisions all of the time, and maybe he is making the wrong one now, but when you see the disaster created by the previous CA and you weigh it against what we have now, that in itself makes me feel we are at least moving in the right direction.

Tom Fagan didn't win the election because he choose to keep the people who took us for all we were worth.


6:03 PM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Crestwood publishes the agendas, but do they also publish the minutes of the Ways and Means Committee meetings on the city's website? I wasn't able to attend, but I'd like to see the minutes.

7:46 PM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is by law a tape recording made of Ways and Means Committee Meetings by the City Clerk and you should be able to listen to it by making an appointment with the City Clerk. It is to be kept by the City Clerk for one year after the meeting. Minutes however are not posted on the city website, although copies of them may be available from the City Clerk after they are prepared and approved.

8:41 PM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoaaa, Nellie!!! Frank Myers suggesting a general obligation bond issue like Prop 1 is the solution???

9:19 PM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 6:03, when the board voted 8-0 to throw Greer out it wouldnt have mattered who was the mayor. The C/A servces at the alderman pleasure, not the mayors so in fact roy being mayor had nothing to do with greer leaving. although roy likes to take credit for it.
if greer was c/a now do you think we would be having the concerns about going aganist the recommendations of the state auditors like we are with myers?

10:07 PM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, the politcal syndrome of hate has been in Crestwood for some time, just re-read your own blog's postings and comments regarding Greer, Madrid, Fagan, the Swim Club and members of the Board of Aldermen, starting let's say last Dec, 2005.
Fact is hate has nothing to do with this issue. This issue has p*ss*d a lot of us off who supported the Mayor and wanted the state audit to be worth something other that the over $50,000 big ones it cost us.

10:17 PM, August 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger from 8:41 PM, August 11, 2006

Thank you very much for the answer to my question! Have a good weekend!

11:03 PM, August 11, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To the 11:17 blogger. You are right about the hate being there since ? I thought that if I could get folks to think about it, we might change some of it.

That probebly will never work, but I thought it might be wort a try, you know "my Country, right or wrong".

Failing that, instead of wanting blood from both sides, is there not a better way to address the hurt here? I don't have the answer, but I sure hope someone does.

Tom Ford

7:46 AM, August 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 10:07 8/11 Suit yourself. I am still saying that if Tom Fagan would have been mayor instead of Roy, the board members would have never voted to get Greer out of Crestwood because Fagan liked Greer. In fact, Fagan made it very clear at the mayoral debate how much he liked Greer. I heard it and I saw his hand and fist come down in front of him as he stood there saying it. He was so insistent! His board would have never went against HIM. Fagan stated that he wanted the CA/Police Chief to keep those positions because we were saving money by having Greer hold two jobs. Oh Yeah, feeding us bull with one hand, while he had a knife in the other.

I was there and I heard it and that is why I didn't vote for Fagan. His board of aldermen members never would cross Fagan and vote 8-0 to release Greer. And Fagan's followers, still hate Roy for winning. So don't tell me that Roy didn't have any say in getting rid of Greer. The board can make you believe that Roy had nothing to do with it. But if that was so, then why when Tom Fagan filled the unexpired term of Jim Robertson as mayor, did he keep Greer and why did the board members who had a chance of getting rid of him at that time, never did it? They all believed Greer walked on water and did everything he asked?

As I said, at the debate, Fagan made it perfectly clear that Greer was staying.

So now, with Roy, if the board feels better saying it was their decision and not the mayor's good for them. But I know why I didn't vote for Fagan and I know that was also the reason others didn't vote for him too. And if Roy would have lost, Greer would still be here and the board would still be on their knees adoring him.

2:15 PM, August 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:07 8/11 What? The CA serves at the pleasure of the board? So the mayor has nothing to do with the CA? I don't think so. In fact, if the CA serves at the pleasure of the board, why isn't the board telling Meyers what to do regarding the State audit. Sorry but you don't make any sense.

2:20 PM, August 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 2:20 read the Charter and you will see that the does work does the BOA. See Section 5.1 AERICLE V.
Who knows, maybe if enough of us talk to our aldermen about what Myers wants to do they will take action.

4:08 PM, August 12, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Good idea! Get involved, call, write, or speak to your Alderman, and let's get back our "representive government". In case you forgot, we are a "Republic", so, ask away!

Tom Ford

7:12 PM, August 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 4:08 8/12 That's what angers me about these blog comments. It's always the mayor, the mayor, the mayor. We voted and elected 2 aldermen from each ward to represent us. Now we have some new blood and we need to tell them how we feel about things.

If an alderman can't speak at the board meetings and express the opinions of people they represent, they shouldn't be up there. If I were an alderman, I would demand to be heard. I cannot see the mayor not allowing you to do that if you ask professionally and courteously to speak. It's their right. I don't think the audience would let him get by with it.

4:34 PM, August 13, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Correct, the Mayor can't vote on anything but a "tie vote", therefore your looking at the wrong guy! A Mayors job at the meeting's is to be a moderator, move things along, ETC. The Board's job is to make sense out of what is placed before them, and vote accordingly.

Believe me, Mayor Robinson cannot influence the BOA as much as most of you think he can (sometimes I wish he could.) If you want to get something done, call, visit, write, or meet with your Alderman, and tell him/her what your ideas are!

The idea that Roy Robinson is responsible for everything that get's through the Board is about as silly as George Bush being responsible for Hezbala attacking the Israelis, it's non-sense, and we all know it.

As the blogger stated we have some new faces up there, most of which are willing to listen, and help, so get with them, and make things happen!

Tom Ford

5:58 PM, August 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whenever he feels so inclined, the mayor shuts off aldermen's microphones and doesn't allow them to speak for their constituents.

10:11 AM, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you believe that there is no "politics" where the mayor is concerned, then you need to open your eyes.

1:20 PM, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the blogger at 10:11 am,
There is a sale on bow ties and sunblock at Gordmans! I think they are hiring too! Hurry on over there and you could have a big day!

2:53 PM, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 10:11 Oh My My - poor aldermen, the mayor doesn't allow them to speak. Maybe he doesn't allow an alderman to call another alderman a "snake in the grass" or gets upset when they get so high and mighty.

But let's just face it and tell it like it is, this mayor is not your style, so he will be criticized for every little thing, the way he looks, his personna, not a good speaker, etc. Yeah well Yogi Berra was made fun of too, but he could hit that ball like nobody else and in time became a real good catcher too. He was the butt of jokes all the time but he proved people wrong.

So have at it you people who want to judge the mayor that way. You people just keep going on and on like a bunch of morons. The solution is so simple. When it comes time for an election, step up to the plate and run for office. Then we will see how easy it is to run this city. You may be in for a surprise.

4:58 PM, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yogi was a much better ballplayer than Roy is Mayor regardless how either of them speak.

9:39 PM, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Ways and Means committee must have been provided with actual income/expense number. Where are they?????? Why don't they provide them to the BOA (if they haven't)? Why don't they post them on the web site or provide at th BOA meetings?

According to the State Audit this information should be provided, since it was not in the past and the BOA needed this information to make decisions.

10:26 PM, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Whenever he feels so inclined, the mayor shuts off aldermen's microphones and doesn't allow them to speak for their constituents."

HUH??? Speak for their constituents, or speak for themselves??? Big difference!

11:32 PM, August 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responding to: "HUH??? Speak for their constituents, or speak for themselves??? Big difference"

If you live in ward 2, have you spoken to your alderman to know if he is speaking for himself or the people of ward 2? Doubt it.

2:36 PM, August 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How can Proposition S be illegal as stated by Frank Myers during the BOA meeting?

Please explain.

7:00 PM, August 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:36 blogger.
The last time a ward 2 alderman spoke for us we got a private swimming pool only we cant use it.

8:13 PM, August 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:00 PM, August 15, 2006

Is Prop S illegal or carrying long term indebtedness without voter approval? I think he was concerned about long term debt - I think but if anyone knows something else, please advise.

6:37 PM, August 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the CCFR know the mayor and c/a now support a bond issue? let's see - he's proposed tax increases, hired a c/a with expertise in getting tax increases passed, and now he's in favor of a bonds. if he woulda supported the bond issue years ago we could have a much lower interest rate on our debt! but then, a numbers person would've known to check the trend in interest rates, and when they are slated to increase it's time to convert to long term debt with a locked in rate. duh

11:05 AM, August 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey don't worry about a tax increase - they won't need it as soon as they convert the three accounts to one and use capital improvement money for general fund expenses. then all will be well and this mayor will have completed the task he was put there to do.

11:07 AM, August 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once the mayor gets his hands on the Capital Improvements money the good times will roll in Crestwood -- booze, broads and buffets for all. The mayor said he couldn't be trusted with millions to spend during the campaign. Aleady he and the C/A Myers are trying to spend the non-expendable trust fund money and leave the city with no backup cash. Let the good times roll.

5:16 PM, August 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Do any of you really believe the Mayor could, or would "get his hands on the "Capital improvement fund"? And if so spend it on B,B,&B?

Boy, you can't make this up! For the sake of all of us, please get back on whatever the Doctor recommended before you start seeing really nasty things under your bed!

Every time you post a statement like that it just ruins any credibility you, or you friends might have had!

Please, show us the intellegence that the good Lord Gave you, and your parent's instilled in you, and quit the imbecilic remarks! I would normally drop this post, but this time I want everyone to see just how rediculous the detractors of the Mayor have become!

Tom Ford

6:02 PM, August 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

who's REdiculous? maybe you're feeling RE diculous for supporting the mayor and now he's raising taxes, merging the funds and talking about supporting a bond issue?

10:13 PM, August 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd feel ridiculous about supporting a mayor who was in favor of a 14 million dollar police palace while the city had to borrow money to pay the light bill. I'd feel ridiculous supporting a mayor, who as one of his last acts, signed a $3,000+ per month lease with Westfield to relocate city hall operations while it was being retrofitted.

11:12 PM, August 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poor Ms. T just can't get off the CCFR thing. How sad is that? :(

1:02 PM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I heard awhile ago that any "loan" from one account to another specifically requires a public vote by the board. if they put all the money in one account, how will we be able to monitor whether this is happening? I say we need MORE not LESS public disclosure of the finances. keep the funds separated!

2:14 PM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a point of clarification - the board did not vote to get rid of greer because of roy's leadership. greer resigned rather than work in crestwood when he realized the extent of the depravity and hatred the mayor was mixed up in. oh, and the reason the finance director got a large settlement was the mayor created a hostile work environment. see, he hasn't worked in the real world in awhile, and he didn't know you can't try to make someone miserable so they'll quit. and you can't pick arguments with them - if you do, you have to pay. and pay we did.

2:19 PM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:19 PM If you are correct about Robinson creating a hostile work environment (including sexual harassment) for Diana Madrid, I can see how she could have sued the City for "millions" which the mayor said was saved by paying for a large severance settlement package for a resigning employee.

2:45 PM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:19 PM If you are correct about Robinson creating a hostile work environment (including sexual harassment) for Diana Madrid, I can see how she could have sued the City for "millions" which the mayor said was saved by paying for a large severance settlement package for a resigning employee.

2:46 PM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:16 pm 8/19 Booze, broads and what???? The only broads in the whole of Crestwood were the ones that Greer had - over 4 that I know of while he was chief. One even quit because of his harrassment in his department. One was a female cop. And of course, poor Ms. Madrid. You look into everybody else's past, look into her's sometime and see if she was worth $72,000 a year. She has been the laughing stock of the finance officers association for many years. Her reputation is more than questionable. The only sexual harrassment I know of was Greer gave out to several girls during his reign as King. You are so off the track it's rediculous.

4:15 PM, August 20, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"who's REdiculous? maybe you're feeling RE diculous for supporting the mayor and now he's raising taxes, merging the funds and talking about supporting a bond issue"?

10:13 PM, August 19, 2006

Two cap's in one word, and your asking me?

I support the Mayor, and the BOA, and I wish you would as well. You see Fagan is history, Robinson is current, and we need to work in the here and now.

Tom Ford

6:22 PM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:46 PM 8/20 Blogger.

You think this is the first time that Ms. Madrid tried to pull that hostile environment, sexual harrassment crapola? She tried it before in another town. Ms. Madrid bases everything on plus is counting on the fact that she thinks everybody wants her for her outer attributes. She plays it up. Why? Because that's all she has going for herself. Women have been doing that for years. That's why we women end up getting a bad rap.

If you look at her past history, you will find out that a finance officer from Crestwood over 10 years ago who left to work in another city, starting dating her, and did all her work for her while she held the finance position somewhere else. Everybody knew it in the city finance community. It was no secret. She uses what she has to get what she wants and as far as I am concerned, she deserves the man she now cohabitates with, who will dump her when he finds somebody else.

OK that's all.

6:59 PM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:19 pm 8/20 Oh Yeah and there is a bridge in Brookyn I want to sell you.

You are just another example of people who repeat what they hear and trust people who feed them a lot of bull and believe it instead of finding things out for yourself.


7:08 PM, August 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, oh Tom
Poster 7:08 is yelling at us again, he typed everything in capitals, make him stop or delete his comment. It's not fair, and so rude. Please make him stop it right now.

7:15 PM, August 20, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Hey, 7:08 poster, tone it down a bit will ya! Goodness, my ears are ringing, and I am a way's away!

How's that 7:15?

Tom Ford

5:05 PM, August 21, 2006  

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