Saturday, September 02, 2006

"Bonds issued with completion of Watson plaza."

From a story this week in the "South County Times." Please click on the header to be directed to the publication, and the story.

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reference to this comment:
"Sales taxes from the businesses in Watson Plaza are paid to those accounts, rather than to the city and school district, until the bonds are paid off. The sooner the bonds are repaid, the sooner the tax revenue will begin flowing into the city and other taxing entities."

Who is evaluating how much our Property Taxes are going to go to make up with this lost of real estate dollars for our Public Schools, Police, Fire, and Public Libraries?

Can you afford a triple rate of your Property Taxes every year to fund these TIF projects?

A retired real estate commercial developer for Crestwood stated "TIF's are Welfare for the Rich".

Our citizens of Crestwood will have to make up the lost of property value from these TIF commercial property values being assessed at 1/2 or less than they are worth.

Your house is appraised and assessed at a current market values. Your property real estate dollars support and pay for our public entities like our Public schools, Police, Fire, and Public Libraries.

A TIF is Tax Increment Financing which allows the property value to be appraised and assessed at a blighted value. If a $5 million commercial property was blighted for $500,000, the real estate dollars are reduced to the $500,000 value apprases at the current market value like your house is by St. Louis County.

So who makes up this difference?

You do! Save your pennies for your higher real estate dollars.
My prediction in 2001 is coming true. How many years in a row are we seeing an increase in our Property Taxes in Crestwood? The increase will continue if you blight all of our Commercial Property.

By the way, a TIF is allowed to increase their property for 23 years.

Find out what the State of Illinois and the State of California did to protect their public schools.

You can only spend a dollar once!

4:35 PM, September 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


In reference to this comment:
"The project developer is Gary Grewe, who had already owned all the property except the old Service Merchandise building. His development company, Watson Plaza LLC, acquired that building in September 2004 for about $500,000, which will be reimbursed as part of the bond issuance."

How rich is Grewe?

Who are his relatives?

Grewe received $500,000 from the Kohl's TDD to access the Watson Plaza. The $500,000 check was sent to the St. Louis Circuit Court to pay off a lawsuit with Service Merchandise. If you review the ordinances for Kohl's, you will see how this increased from $50,000 to $500,000.

4:40 PM, September 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How many TIF's, TDD's, and CID's have we given to Grewe?

Our former public officials wanted to eminient domain the Creston Center.

Is these government bonds only allowed to Grewe and not to the rest of our businesses in Crestwood?

4:43 PM, September 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are the Grewes a member of the swim club?

4:55 PM, September 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Davy Crockett served four terms in the U.S. Congress from 1827-1835. In 1835 he joined the Whig Party and ran a failed attempt for the Presidency. Immediately thereafter he departed his native Tennessee for Texas to secure the independence of the "Texicans." He lost his life at the battle of the Alamo and forever secured his legendary status in history as "king of the wild frontier." The following story was recounted to Edward Elis by an unnamed Congressman who had served with Colonel Crockett in the U.S. House of Representatives. speech from Colonel David Crockett

"...but as members of Congress we have no right so to appropriate a dollar of the public money."

"Well, Colonel, where do you find in the Constitution any authority to give away the public money in charity?"

Is our former and current Board of Alderman and Mayor giving out charity money to only Greewe?

We need a Davy Crockett in Public Office for Crestwood to prevent a monarchy.

4:57 PM, September 02, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I reeally don't think the finances of Mr. Grewe, or his family are any of our business. He is a business man, plain and simple, and as such will always strive to get the best deal he can. Since when is it a crime to prosper in America!

Let us not go down the road of "the rich", V the rest of us. That sort of thinking is right out of the Marxist / Lennin handbook (or the DNC, take your pick.)

Whether the rest of our businesses should have this type of funding is not my call. But just remember, every time we do this sort of thing, we will make up the difference, one way or another.

There is no free lunch folks and there is no Easter Bunny (for one of our Alderman,inside joke,) so let's take a very strong look at these so called "economic benefits" in the future before it's a done deal.

That's one of the reasons I have been so adamant about removing the 850K from the Kohl's TDD! The other is because my Grandchildren are now starting school in the Lindburg district, and I don't wish to see them short changed because of some "sweetheart deal" for a company that can afford otherwise.

Tom Ford

5:07 PM, September 02, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares how much money Mr. Grewe has, I want to know why he is getting all this corp. welfare from the city after he gave money to the mayor for his election and was then appointed to sit on a committee by the mayor?
Am I the only one who reads this blog who is puzzled by that?
This is not the Kohl's/swim club thing, it's Watson Plaza I am asking about that Mr. Grewe is involved with.

8:55 AM, September 03, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The Watson Plaza deal was before the Mayor's election I believe (smeone correct me if I am wrong.)

The BOA and the TIF / TDD commission would have to vote on that, and they did. Call your Alderman, ask why, after all, it's our money!

Tom Ford

5:49 PM, September 03, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

While out on the lake fishing with one of my son's today, we had a few thoughts on how to save Crestwood some money, and maybe pull in some new money.

1. The economic development specialist. Do we really need one, or can the Mayor and C / A fill that job?

2. If we have an economic development specialist, when will we start seeing some development that is directly attributed to the specialist?

3. Why isn't the City taking advantage of the fact that U.S. RT. 66 runs through our town, and in fact is one of the last remaining sections left in the Country that has not been "re-routed"? It seems to me that could be a large drawing card for Crestwood, if done correctly.

4. The new bike trail through Crestwood runs very close to the Sappington House. Will there be any welcoming signs, or perhaps a "side walk bistro" to refresh the trail riders?

5. Why do we belong to the "Crestwood / Sunset Hills" Chamber of commerce, Why not just the Crestwood C of C? Do we really believe Sunset Hills business people want to further our cause?

Simple questions, but none the less possible fund's generating, fund's saving thought's, how about we hear from you.

Tom Ford

6:09 PM, September 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, let's get rid of the competent, well-spoken and experienced development director and replace her with Roy Robinson. I am sure that people will be beating down the doors of Crestwood. Particularly the upscale stores if Roy represents the "typical Crestwoodian." Please.

6:44 PM, September 03, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Please? Well, please when do we see some development directly attributed to our "specialist"?

I am sure she is all you say she is and more, however, I am looking for results, not experienced development directors. Remember, we live in Missouri, so "show me".

Tom Ford

6:56 PM, September 03, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Please check this out for retail development, and "up-scale stores".

Tom Ford

7:04 PM, September 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay...what has Roy done thus far for development. What are his qualifications to be a development director? My hound dog is interested in applying for the job.

9:01 PM, September 03, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To the 9:01 blogger, if your hound dog can produce some new business in Crestwood he / she has the job as far as I am concerned.

A few dog cookies are sureley less expensive than what were paying now!

What has Roy done? Well, what have you , or I done? Not enough it would appear!

Tom Ford

9:12 PM, September 03, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

None of us ran for mayor like Roy did and made promises to return Crestwood like Roy did.
He wanted the job, he wanted to be the mayor, he wanted to be the leader, he claimed to have a plan, you and I didnt. Now lets see if he can product the results he said he would and could.
Like you said earler, "show me".

8:39 AM, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Keep an eye out for the near future, I think there will be some interesting developments coming down the pike.

Tom Ford

8:53 AM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard and seen Robinson's song and dance before. When is he going to start doing something to bring back the business district other than sitting in his office and twiddling his thumbs? He didn't bring Best Buy, Gordmans, Schnucks, Sam's, Kohl's, Watson Plaza or any other significant business redevelopment. Others did these things before he was mayor. He opposes the use of eminent domain, TIFs, etc. He is a year late and mucho dollars short. All that he is able to do is lead in raising taxes on business and residents.

5:28 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 5:28 PM Give Robinson credit for further development of the Value City property with a non sales tax producing senior living facility and an office building. And you must not forget that the Robinson-Miguel dynamic duo brought the non sales tax generating Salvation Army store to Crestwood. Yes, give credit when credit is due.

6:03 PM, September 04, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:28 blogger, As you said he didn't bring them in, how could he? They were here when he was elected!

He is against "eniment domain", and well he should be otherwise what say we grab Sappington House, or the swim club, and make a kid's play ground of of them?

Fagan, Greer, et al are gone, get used to the new way of doing things in Crestwood, or failing that, put up your 25 signatures, and five bucks, and run for Mayor!

I wonder how the view from the "cheap seat's" is? So many on this blog can make critical remarks, but I never see any of your names associated with them, nor do I see any of you running for "dog catcher", much less Alderman, or Mayor!

Get off the other guy's band wagon, and let's help the people we elected to do their job's, or would you rather snicker, and hide in the shadow's?

Tom Ford

6:16 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exuse me but I do believe the Mayor was against the GO bonds and I want to know what his solution was when turning against a way that would have helped solve Crestwood's problems.

Don't hand me the song and dance about how he ran for mayor to help the city - I have not seen enough long term visions.

Mr. Ford, I find it interesting how you have singled out the position of the economic development specialist. I know the mayor did not feel that her position was needed when he first came into office. I guess maybe since many of the developements she has worked on have opened, there is no need for her position?

Why aren't things done regarding using the Route 66 as a Crestwood theme, ask you alderman. If the item is not placed on the agenda - then nothing happens. Like using the non-expendable fund for the line of credit during the year and replenishing at year-end so eventually, no line of credit is needed. That never made the agenda and nothing happened

8:47 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor has stated he has had talks with Mr. Grewe about the vacant buildings he owns. He talked about imposing a penalty to owners who leave buildings inhabited (I assume within a certain period of time). What ever happend to that thought? Guess it never made the BOA agenda. Lots of talk and no action. Where is the long term plan that the State Audit said Crestwood needs? It seems we have a long term debt to pay. Where is the long term solution?

As fas as the property taxes, if there is not enough income from the sale tax the bills still need to be paid. Who do you want to pay them? Crestwood wants its own services, and if income besides property taxes cannot, then the citizens should.

9:03 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9:35 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:35 PM 9/4 Blogger - I beg Tom to take your comment off this blog. You have indeed crossed the line and need to keep a civil tongue in your head, keep the booze out of your mouth and the snort out of your nose. Your statement is totally shameful and should be removed ASAP.

I am sure you are under the influence of something. No one can be that cruel. I hope you don't have children so they can follow your example.

10:27 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:35 PM 9/4 You are either awfully immature or off your meds or BOTH to use such filthy language. Nothing surprises me on Tom Ford's blog.

11:18 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the mayor was right when he called the bloggers stupid. At least in the case of one malcontent at 9:35. Thanks for making us look good there, idiot.

11:55 PM, September 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, it's sure nice to see the real majority of the supporters of this blog and the mayor express their true feelings and IQ. Way to go Mr. Ford, just leave the 9:35 post up there for ever, it says so much about you and those who support your positions.
It is priceless!

7:38 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks' like the lid is off on what a blogger can post on this blog. Quality stuff, insightful and using the vocabulary of the hip hop culture.
Telling 3 former elected officals, one current elected offical and one former Police Chief to "F*CK Y**", shows this reader how low those who disagree with the before mentioned people have sunk. Or maybe that is where they always were? You know I never trusted the CCFR holy roller stance that their leaders took. Now I think we can all see why.

8:19 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the same profanity was directed to big Roy, Jerry and the rest of the Dukes of Hazzard, Tom would have the comments off this blog in an instant and would be up on his high horse with an indignant response. Some of the so called community leaders are such a joke. No wonder Crestwood is such a laughingstock. Pathetic.

9:09 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:09 blogger. Oh sure blame Tom for not monitoring his blog 24/7. Perhaps you might give him a chance but since you probably want to use this as an opportunity to condemn someone you already dislike - have at it. Since he has asked people on this blog to use common sense MANY TIMES, is words falls on deaf ears. You sit there and blame Tom for this goof ball's actions and in doing so let the culpret get away with it. So you basically reward the blogger and condemn Tom for giving people the benefit of the doubt that they will do the right thing.

So basically you don't use the bad
language but you still use the opportunity to condemn someone you dislike in the first place.

I say if you feel that way, you, ALSO, SHOULD GET OFF THIS BLOG AND STAY OFF.

You forget that the majority of people do not stoop so low. This has been a big weekend, did you not think that maybe he wasn't home to peruse the blog?

Oh No! It's much more fun to use his absence as an opportunity to condemn. As I see it, you are no better than the person using the bad language.

9:48 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Tom Ford doesn't monitor his blog and thus allows obscenities to be directed at Fagan, Trueblood, Kelleher and Greer. Who will be the next target on this blog?

10:38 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 9:48, if that it is how you see it, then you are basically blind as a bat,and as dense as a rock.

10:48 AM, September 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I have deleted the coment made by one of our lesser bloggers! I have told you there is no room for this sort of stupidity or talk on this forum!

I am truly sorry anyone had to read it in the first place.

Tom Ford

10:57 AM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In regards to the 9:35pm 9-4-06 blogger! After giving this some thought, here is what I've concluded! If I really wanted to start some trouble, how better to do it than use profanity at the people I wanted to get sympathy for? For example if I personally wanted to make Tom Ford look bad, I would know (1) put something on the blog after I knew he had gone to bedand wouldn't see it until the next day. (2) and then using reverse psychology I will curse myself in order to make other people think I was being picked on. Not many truly intelligent people did not pick up on this. More than likely the blogger using the profanity was trying to make it look as if somebody else was cursing the named targets where in reality it was he himself trying to fool us. Sorry, buddy, you'll have to come up with something better than this.

12:33 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

aren't you clever, sherlock. Why don't you join the police force?

12:42 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:38 am 9/5 Again, you have shortened your sentence. Tom Ford
"doesn't monitor his blog"? - No Not All The Time! Who can every minute of every hour of every day. He works, do you? He goes potty, do you? He sleeps, do you? Does he have to stand guard 24/7? Could you? Could anybody? Did he ever say he was super human? Get off your sarcastic bantor. You know as well as I, if you truly read this blog, that Tom has asked bloggers over and over again to not go there, but you will always find someone to do just the opposite to intimidate. That's exactly why it was placed on the blog to begin with, and it got the reaction it was intended to do.

It's OK to express bad or sometimes crass remarks on this blog and some express real bad sentiments regarding bloggers. People express their anger and dissatisfaction all the time. But how does one control minute by minute the antics of babling idiots, ingorance or intimidators who have nothing better to do than cross the line??? As soon as Tom found out, he took the comment off the blog; but as far as standing watch over it every minute of the day, you are asking for the impossible and you all know that no one can do that.

Stay off this blog. Why would you pull it up on the computer in the first place? You obviously want to sabitoge it and hate it? You don't listen to a radio station you hate; or a TV program you don't like! Why go on this blog!

12:57 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:33 PM and 12:57 PM Your tin-foil hats are nice looking.

2:04 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Someone waits til late at night to put something so vile and hateful on the blog. Good chance Mr. Ford wouldn't see it til next morning or later in the day.

Then all of a sudden, other bloggers castigate the blogmaster and those who have disagreed in the past with the intended subjects (Trueblood, Fagan, Kelleher, Greer) of the hateful blog. Shame on Mr. Ford. Shame on CCFR. Shame on anyone who has disagreed with Greer et al in the past. Shame! Shame! Shame!

Makes ya wonder. Something smells about this.

12:42 and 2:04 blogger, are you upset because what we hypothesize is true? Oh, and yes, I'd join the police force, you bet, if I got the deal Greer got.

3:29 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:28 PM, September 04, 2006 Blogger

"Others did these things before he was mayor." Those "others" you refer to was Matt Conley. Your buddy Greer ran him off to. Greer then hired the current economic development specialist. She is a very nice person, but what were her qualifications? Can anybody tell me what new sales tax producing business she was instrumental in bringing in?

3:54 PM, September 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Reference the 9:35, 9/4 comment, I felt further comment from me was warranted.

Be advised that my last look at the blog is about 9:00PM each day,and as I leave very early in the morning, I do not see it until 4-4:30PM the next day.

I would love to be able to watch it all the time, but alas I must work for a living. This morning I received a call from a reader who told me of the post, and I stopped at a Library in Illinois, removed it, and posted the short note I left at that time.

All that said, I am very thankful that we have those who read it often enough, and that can tell me about such thing's so I can correct them at once.

While we may never know who wrote it, we do know that it has to be a person full of adult beverages, and a product of outcome education, else they would have been far more elequent than they were.

HELP WANTED: Blog readers who see any of this sort of thing in the future, and are willing to call me and report it. Please call me at 314-341-2307, tell me what you saw, under what main post, and if its that offensive, I will stop again if needed, and remove it!

If we are to have open and two sided banter on this blog we will see fool's such as this from time to time, and we will cut them off when waranted. I trust you will continue to use this forum for your ideas, and suggestions, but please as I have asked in the past many times, BE CIVIL!!!

Tom Ford

5:45 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:42 pm - I am on the police force, I didn't give you enough credit. I'm positive I know who you are, are you that sure as who I am. Need more clues? sherlock You see police do profiling and repeated comments quickly leave their own little prints and this blog has been in progress long enough for your repeated manerisms to give you away!

7:08 PM, September 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

And please don't forget that all these "post's" by this "individual" happen beteween 9:00AM, and 4:00PM!

So said individual has no day job, or is a stay at home Mom (or Mr. Mom,) with the time to post.

Something tells me that this "individual" is a very dejected person who identifies with the loosing faction in the last two elections, and as such cann'ot, or will not let go.

"individual", would you like to come forward with your name, and tell us why you feel as you do? No? I didn't think so!

Tom Ford

8:32 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My biggest beef with the tax assistance money is that all of these developments are only good for 10-20 years at best. Once they are paid off we are going to have start all over again and provide more financial assistance because the developer neglected to maintain the property.

Make it a one time deal. Don't reward developers for letting their properties go into disrepair. Put some teeth in your code enforcement and hold these people accountable.

9:36 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Westfield should be included in the last statement. I drove by South County shopping center and from the outside at least, it looks like that mall has really received a great face lift. Have not been inside but it does look more appealing than Crestwood Mall.

11:08 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe that South County Mall received a substantial facelift in 2001 - 2002. Mid-Rivers Mall is next on the list.

11:49 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once more, after what was posted last night, I think all of us owe thanks to our blogmaster, Mr. Tom Ford. We can act like bad kids, bent on wrecking the classroom, but Mr. Ford always shows his patience and gives us a chance to vent, rant, rave, offer ideas, joke around, etc. He has been and is a gracious host and we should not forget that. It's his blog and he is the captain. So once again, I say thanks Tom!

11:54 PM, September 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:36 PM, September 05, 2006 Poster

You are correct. That is why you never do retail TIF that is longer than 10 years. Keep in mind the city is still getting half its sales tax money during the time the TIF is place. Half is better than nothing.

As for rewarding bad developers... I guess you are referring to Watson Plaza. Mr. Grewe did not own the old Service Merchandise Building. It was owned by an out-of-state company that acquired it, along with many other old Service Merchandise properties, from the bankruptcy auction.

1:30 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Mr. Grewe doing to enhance his empty property at Applebees Plaza? He is collecting rent on empty buildings from stores whose lease was not up when they closed, not a bad deal for him, not a good deal for Crestwood. There are 2 large empty stores. It appears no attempt to lease. Why? Didn't we just pay off the TIF for his Watson Plaza? Is the Development Dept. at City Hall doing a search on this? If not, why not. Does Webster U. or Meramec need some space, or a hospital auxilliary station, an aux. APA, or the county Gov't, or a skating rink, Weekends Furn., Dollar Store, another Casa Loma, Craft store,Garden Ridge, Lawn Center, miniature golf etc.

Could we get a Dairy Queen where Jim Butler Chev. sits?

What exactly does the development board do? Do they do the "think tank" thing? I could supply a prod!

Perhaps we must take some big time initiative and prove to Westfield we have some gumption. They seem like they need a push, but seems they don't really think their plans are our business. And, it seems like we can't sit and wait for the doorbell to ring. I think our Mall is uniquely beautiful, one of a kind and I think it could be reborn with some creativity. I personally like to park once and walk in heated and air cond. hallways, but it needs some popular stores in between Macy's and Dillards.

Sure would be nice to get Bread Co. back. Maybe across from the Plaza or in the Pier 1 loc. And a coffee shop like MoCaBe's.

If any of these options have already been considered, I sure would not know. Why is the lid so tight?

Okay, somebody elses turn.

4:45 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 4:45 You really don't know why the dream business and stores you write about arent coming to our mall?

In todays market place the TIF TDD CID is what draws these business to a location. from what I have read on this blog and from what I have know of our Mayor's and president of the Board position on TIF CID TDD they are against them.
Why should a retail chain want to open in a "B" mall in a City that does not favor the Mall's ownership use of the tools (TIF,TDD,CID)that cuts cost of redevelopment that would make their store location more profitable in that mall?
It is that simple, regardless of what the 1st poster to this thread said, of if they are right or wrong, that is the climite our mall is facing today. Do you really think Westfield was trying to sell the mall because it was bring in so much money they couldnt spend it all?
Without the mall, the city would have an overnite decline of 40% of our sales tax income. That drop could be managed by either increase in our property taxes or decrease in our services.
A TIF would freeze the amount of sales tax a city gets before the issue of the BONDS, with the sales tax increase going to pay off the bonds. When the bonds are paid off by the increased in sales and the sales taxes therefore collected, then the City and schools get 100% of the tax collected. So to say a TIF reduces our sales tax is false.
But hay, what do I know, I didn't vote for Roy or Jerry Miguel so you can't beleive a word I say, right?

9:42 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to Dennis Hancock (Mayor of Fenton) trying to get the unfair tax distribution calculation reformulated? If the Mall closes maybe we can change our Class status and start collecting tax money from other profitable municipalities :)

10:11 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last year, the State of Missouri had the largest number of TIF's established.

What is the long-term economic effect of having all of these TIF's, TDD's, and CID's?

For the next ten years, you will see a raise in your real estate dollars to make up for the 500 TIF's. Someone has to pay the bills.

11:37 PM, September 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:42 PM, September 06, 2006

You got most of it correct, but...

A TIF freezes sales and property taxes at a "Base" year - usually the last full year of revenue prior to the approval of Redevelopment Plan. These taxes continue to go to the city, school district etc. When the new development opens half of the increase in sales tax, over the “Base”, goes to the City and half goes to the TIF. All of the increase in real-property tax goes to the TIF. All of the increase in personal property tax goes to the city, school district etc.

The City can pledge part of its new sales tax revenue to retire the TIF quicker. This is very common and as the old saying goes half of something is better than all of nothing.

11:36 AM, September 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:11 PM blogger, good point, no mall, no high tax base, and Fenton, Wildwood, Jennings start sending us money!

Sort of a reverse welefare program!

Tom Ford

6:38 PM, September 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, great idea, we would soon look like Jennings and Wellston, but not Wildwood, they have high enough property taxes to prevent that from happing. Oh, do they have their own fire and police dept?
Best would be to close down the city and return to the county.

7:50 PM, September 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget that Webster Groves also gets redistributed tax dollars.

Grantwood Village and Green Park do not have police or fire departments. Crestwood does not provide it's own fire services to all of Crestwood.

9:17 PM, September 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood PAYS for all the fire services to its citizens even when it doesnt provide them.

11:00 PM, September 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:50 PM blogger. Believe me, you know not what you say. Go to the County Fire, and Police? Great idea, but if you like tax increases, just wait till you see that one!

And, furthermore, you will have Ploice protection(?,) from people who couldent care less what happens in your neighborhood.

How do I know that, well because I have seen it first hand. Police cars "out of position", EMT calls that take over five minutes to arrive (try that with a heart attack,) and a fire protection district that will up your taxes by at least $1.00 per hundred!

You want County protection? Well get out your very big check book, and be prepaired to spend a lot for less, much less!

I saw it, and lived with it as a police officer in North County, and believe me I have all the reasons you want, or need, as to why that sort of thinking is just plain silly!

Tom Ford

7:34 PM, September 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many Webster Groves emergency calls does our Crestwood Fire Department assist as a backup within a year?

Are the citizens of Crestwood paying for Webster Groves fire protection?

8:37 PM, September 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone know how many calls a day/week the fire department makes to Sears Electrical Room? I can say they are excessive and it is costing plenty everytime the pumper pulls out of the station. Is there anything they can do to remedy this? I hope someone can answer this. thanks.

8:52 PM, September 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:04 PM 9/5 Blogger. Thanks, your's looks good too.

8:58 PM, September 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in an annexed part of Crestwood. I honestly don't see much difference in the services before and after annexation.

Crestwood pays the higher Affton Fire Taxes resulting in lower taxes. Affton Fire is quite good and it should be for what it costs.

St. Louis County maintenanced the streets more frequently.

County police seemed more visible. (Maybe we were lucky and they liked to hang out in our neighborhood.)

Neither the County nor Crestwood does much to make sure exterior code is proactively enforced.

I believe the mayor of Shrewsbury recently said something like "annexation would be fiscal suicide for us".

It can't be cheap for all the extra street and sewer maintenance and the additional cost for fire services that Crestwood incurs. And there wasn't much gain in commercial property for Crestwood. Did annexation help or hurt Crestwood?

9:37 PM, September 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:58 PM You're confusing me with someone else. You have been seeing too many black helicopters but at least you know that you're wearing a tin-foil hat.

6:15 PM, September 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:15 pm 9/9 Blogger. The tin-foiled hat you refer to; if it's a dunce cap, you resemble that remark; if it is "the tin man in the Wizard of Oz" as I recall that tin man was looking for a heart. You resemble that remark too.

11:13 AM, September 10, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Kiddies, play nice please!

Tom Ford

11:24 AM, September 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fenton and Green Park have nice large cash reserves, a good housing stock, decent commerical and retail environments and contract with St. Louis County for police services. If the County police are so horrible, why would these municipalities with so much money not provide their own police services? Why are new houses still being built in these communities if they are crime laden because of incompetent County police? Why are property values rising faster in these areas than in Crestwood?

10:10 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last comment - maybe because Crestwood does not have enough staff to enforce ordinances. Have you driven around some of the neighborhoods? Seems like there are many violations out there that are not addressed.

10:41 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our City needs leadership as the last two post plainly point out. No names were used nor was any one person slammed or was there a use of hate speech.
But that does not mean that the Mayor can not avoid this issue as noted by these posters. Lead us Mayor, to greener pastures soon. Why not contract out our police protection and hire the Fire Protection districts if we can no longer depend on the sales tax to pay for these services and there are no more cuts that can be made and the voters will not approve another property tax increase?
Mayor, we need some stand up, don't give a darn about the political fallout leadership on these issues, are you up to it?
If not, then what should we do? Lead us mayor, lead us.

7:38 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger, please list the many and various ordinance violations. Gas is too expensive for me to drive around in search of them.

Also, you might want to list the things you think a city Mayor can accomplish without a board in his corner. This way he can get busy. Usually it takes unity and teamwork, and a strong financial bottom line. Doesn't it?


6:28 PM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure that fire protection from the adjoining munis will be any cheaper.

The City (or it's consultants) had no trouble finding code violations when they were contemplating eminent domain a few years back.

You can't expect people to keep up their properties if the City can't even keep up it's own infrastructure. Take a look at Storm drains, curbs, gutters and bad streets.

6:56 PM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

List one idea of the Mayor that the new board has turned down, there hasn't been a single one. So your claim he needs the board behind one is false, he already has it. List one idea that President Miguel has presented that this board has turned down, again there isnt one.
The board will follow if the Mayor leads. Is anyone else surprised that a week after the Mayor goes strong on Westfield about the Mall, that Houlans closed? Or just bad timing?
Using a Fire District to protect us will not cost the City any thing, it will cost the homeowner, as bill for their homes protection will be brought about with a property tax increase paid directly to the District. This will save the City money, but not the home owners, who will have to pay for the first time the real cost of their fire protection, not others through their sales tax.
Guess this would be when the rubber really meets the road for all those who claim to love Crestwood and want to help Crestwood, would they be willing to support an elected offical who told them this was the only way to save the City?
I bet their will be posts now on how this is all someone else fault, and it may very well be someone elses fault, but how does pointing that out excuse current leaders from leading us to a solution?

7:53 PM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If what you say is correct and the board is supporting the Mayor, then the city benefits. Imagine, though, it is hard to suggest too much since any extra money is to be used to pay off debt. Debt which obviously cannot be blamed on this Mayor.

As for infrastructure (storm drains, curbs, gutters, bad streets, etc. that were mentioned); these did not happen on this watch, they occured over time and should have been addressed earlier. Infrastructure problems, however, are happening all over the county, city and state. Placing blame does not get them up to standards. Money does not grow on trees. It appears the residents of this city voted for Prop S to pay off debt. Prop S was not "created" by the Mayor to raise taxes. He cannot be blamed for raising taxes; it was a BOA decision and heavily pushed by a committee of residents, one of whom put her letter on this blog site asking for its support.

The last time I checked, one cannot get blood out of a turnip. But if bloggers think you can, I am sure the Mayor would love to hear how. And I'm sure we would all like new streets, new drains, new curbs, etc) just as soon as your creative input is adopted. Actually, I am eternally grateful for the civic group in Crestwood, which was wise enough to take to the streets on a referendum to stop a $14 Million Dollar city hall which would now be collateral. Otherwise, we could well be driving on dirt roads.

As for Houlihans closing. Well now does anyone think the Mayor could have gone up to the Plaza and said "I'm sure sorry your business is down, but we just can't let you close, it makes me look bad."

Just as soon as people realize there is room on the bandwagon for all of us, the better we will be. Those whose joy is derived by badmouthing the Mayor and others, are not the future of our city. Gloom and Doom is their pom pom and I think they quit caring about the city when they found out their voice was no longer the loudest. Why they are still living here, I do not know.

9:51 PM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gloom and doom, so what is your solution to prevent it dear blogger?

Cut services, raise taxes, contract out police and fire? Is there another way? Share it with us please because the elected officals currently in office do not seem to have to nerve to stand up and tell us how bad it is.
I know, its not their fault, but they are our leaders and they need to lead regardless of what it costs their policitcal future.

10:17 PM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:51 PM Your staements saying the mayor cannot be blamed for raising taxes are a joke. "Prop S was not "created" by the Mayor to raise taxes. He cannot be blamed for raising taxes;..." To raise taxes with Prop S was the mayor's proposal to the Board of Aldermen and he said so. He led the city's campaign for it. The other tax increases that have been proposed since the mayor was elected were his proposals. Nice try, but you can't rewite recorded history. The mayor is a "tax and spend" leader. Face reality.

9:45 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some bloggers comments really make no sense because their comments have everything to do with who they will not support.

I see people who absolutely loved everything the past administration did, blaming the present mayor for the past. How can you blame the present for the past? Got me!

I see the people who got tired of the past and wanted a change, saying things about the previous administration.

But because the citizens voted for this new mayor, those who voted against him are never, ever going to agree with him, give him and his board time to straighten it out and they will tear him apart like a bunch of sharks.

They expect him to come up with money when we don't have any and can't borrow it. Was that his doing? It doesn't make any difference to the people who did not elect him because for them it's all politics.

Tell him where and how to get money. Tell him how he can do anything or plan anything to improve the situation we are in without it!

When he became mayor, did you really think when he said he had a plan, that it meant they he could make 0 from 0 equal something else besides 0?

First of all, he had a lot board of aldermen members that hated him and he still has at least two or maybe more aldermen who absolutely refuse to do anything but maline him. They will definitely be in favor of changing term limits so they can continue their bantor.

Some of you bloggers will always remain completely oblivious to the truth because you just can't get off of your political soap box. That soap box is still saying that Crestwood would have been better with the previous mayor, CA, and a 14 million dollar police facility with no money to maintain it or keep it going. You are still saying that it's OK to have all the other departments suffer to keep up one police facility since more layoffs and other cuts would have to be made to keep maintaining it. Do we cut off our nose to spite our face? People are screaming now because of the cuts that have to be made.

Citizens of Crestwood, you have to be smarter than that.

What is wrong with some of you?

11:55 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My plan is to support blindly what ever plan the Mayor and or Alderman Miguel come up with. After all, they are the experts, in power and our elected leaders.

12:20 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

to 12:20 9/15 Poster ...

Was not surprised to hear YOUR plan. That you will follow blindly any plan the Mayor and BOA Pres. offer.

Isn't this exactly what you have been doing all along. And just look what that brung ya.

However, since this Mayor is not your cup of tea, your new and revised PLAN includes sarcasm, smear, hate, cynical comments, and the stretching of a lot of points.

Most people learn to deal with lif; to get so over stressed over an elected official in a 'lil burb with a small constituancy on a regular basis seems tantamount to acute indigestion at the least and a heart attack at the most.

Your coping skills are really quite poor. Either you were feeding at the diminished public troth in the last administration or you have an identity problem, or you last vestige of power has faded. Or, the Vodka has lost its zing. Whatever it is, it shows.

I feel so darn sorry for you, but I gotta tell you every time you get out your pitchfork against the Mayor, it enforces my support for him. He has to be a good guy, if you don't like him.

1:41 PM, September 15, 2006

2:18 PM, September 15, 2006  

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