Crestwood BOA meeting 9/12/06
Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the Crestwood web site showing the next BOA meeting.
You will please note that Mrs. Sandy Grav`e will be receiving a thirty year service proclamation! Please join me at the meeting, and congraulate Sandy on a job well done!
Tom Ford
No. 216
You will please note that Mrs. Sandy Grav`e will be receiving a thirty year service proclamation! Please join me at the meeting, and congraulate Sandy on a job well done!
Tom Ford
No. 216
Congrats Sandy. Long overdue!
Congratulations Sandy!
Are you finally retiring after 30 plus years?
How many years were you an employee of the City of Crestwood?
How many years were you a volunteer for the City of Crestwood?
How many committees were you a member?
1:31 pm blogger 9/11
I started working for the city on my mom's birthday on October 1st in 1973 So, October, 2003 was 30 years.
I started out in the city clerk's office doing the minutes of all the board of aldermen meetings. It was terrific and fun.
Then I was secretary on many committees and did many things as a volunteer especially under the direction of Mayor Pat Killoren.
I can tell you that working for Crestwood, for many years, was rewarding and wonderful. I loved helping the citizens and tried real hard to assist anyone who asked for help. I especially loved the senior citizens very much, and now I AM ONE.
Thanks for your kindness.
Sandy Grave
Congratulations! Great people like Sandy Grave make Crestwood a great community!
Sandy Grave is certainly one woman Crestwood can be proud of. She most graciously accepted her certificate this evening and we as a city are proud of her. I only wish Pat could have been here to share in the moment. Thanks to those aldermen who understood the need for this resolution and made it possible.
Fellow Bloggers. Last night was so dear to my heart and, Yes, Pat Killoren was indeed present at the meeting in spirit.
Today I can feel some sense of peace. There are those who feel the need to be mean spirited when they have no idea of who I am and what I did for the city for 30 years, and that's OK.
All I know is that my resolution will be put in the journal of the board meetings and made part of the history of Crestwood and hung in an important place in my home.
That's enough for me. Thanks so much for your lovely comments.
Sandy Grave
I am sure glad the legal settlements in our past few years have been covered by insurance. But, then, this means that these bills were NOT in the incredible totals of the legal bills the city had in the years of the former city administrator and last 2 mayors. Do you have any idea the sum of those bills and the magnitude of misbehavior??? Maybe you should look into this. While you are at it, notice that the bills list "for services" and "the amount." Not "what for."
Hmmmmmm -
Actually, it is a disgrace to our city to realize what these settlements actually paid for and who the perpetrators were. Do you have a clue the extent of the harrassment that took place? If you don't why are you even opening your mouth? Peyton Place cannot hold a candle to the tacky and disreputable behavior of the last two administrations. Or for the lack of professional skills and unorthodox leadership.
When I think of my wonderful neighbors and fellow Crestwood residents so deceived, I know they deserve better. I am embarrassed beyond measure to think of city officials and employees who thought they were so cute with their deception, sexual shenagigins, and keys to the liquor closet. And, the end result, lawsuits and payoffs. Getting these dudes and dudette out of city hall deserves the Medal of Freedom.
It has been so interesting to me to read the many and various comments on this blog from lawyers who belong to the swim club. And from ex-officials.Their sarcasm and defensiveness is very showing. It makes me realize the benefit of having a new board and our good fortune of leaving behind these people and their traits in the darkest part of our city's history.
You know,Sexual harrassment is not a joke at a city hall, nor is sexual misconduct of any kind. Here, it is fact, not conjecture. Making it go away so the city could mend and move forward cost money, but saved time and more money. No one cares if you want to pretend otherwise. Go right ahead. But it appears that the Lords and Lady of Debauchery are gone, so the choir you are preaching to daily in this blog is shrinking.
I am going to be watching for signs from aldermen and employees who may or may not attempt to pick up the torn threads left behind by the distraught losers or resigners. I hope their questions are thoughtful ones and their actions fair and applicable to our city's well being. This is going to tell me who is working for me and who is not. This is a small town, with a big debt, and lots of probing eyes and minds all of which have their eyes on the ball.
So when you try to blame an empty plaza on a Mayor, or diss him for playing golf, or expect him to perform miracles - remember he was left with a sows ear, not a silk purse.
6:18 pm 9/14 Bravo fellow blogger. You are bright, intelligent and right on.
Listen up! We are broke. This mayor didn't do it. We are suffering from the misdeeds of others. You want magic tricks, call Houdini!
Sexual harrassment happens when those in power feel like Superman, think they can fly like Superman and some think they can even drink like Superman. You and I would have been burned at the stake for those same misdeeds.
But things will always be hidden if the powerful want to cover up for their own people. Why? Because they can!!!! And did!!!! Our previous CA pulled Crestwood down until we no longer looked like the Class Act that we once were. We were made to look like the dregs of society where people have no class and have no character and act uncivilized and condone by their ignorance the very acts that made us look like a city of cons and degenerates. Crestwood was never like that.
Then when the caretakers of evil politics want favors, the powerful reciprocate because they owe somebody a favor.
First you get the power, then you get the girl, isn't that what was said by Al Pacino in the movie "scarface"? And then everybody thinks you walk on water, don't ask questions and do what they are told like puppets. This power manifested itself and grew. It grew because people didn't see it coming or didn't want to see it coming.
We do have a chance to make it better, but it won't happen tomorrow. We are still trying to stay above water. If anyone can do any better, try it and see.
So, what is the current Mayor's plan to turn Crestwood around?
poster 7:25 nice flowery words as usual in defense of current elected officals, as you attack past ones. But once again you offer no solutions, put that great wordsmith you have for a brain to work on solutions, and maybe your posts will have some value.
Or maybe you really dont want the problems to be solve because maybe you really hate Crestwood so much that you will do anything to ruin it. Is that possible Bravo Fellow Blogger?
7:59 9/14 blogger
You sure were hard on that other blogger. But,I sense you might be the one who hates Crestwood.
I don't think his/her words were flowery at all. Honest and to the point were more like it. I thought they had great value. They did not attack anyone, they merely stated fact.
Shish - If the shoe fits wear it.
Unless you were in a cave the past few years, you would know this "Bravo Fellow Blogger" was the one on target.
As for solutions. Who knows, when your soapbox quits drawing flies, maybe you could find some time to offer suggestions which create good.
Ya know, it is possible that for an elected official to have a plan, he must have the means to make it happen. If that official takes office and finds that the hen house has been picked clean, it just could mean a major scaleback, a change of PLANS. However, if he says, "Aw Shucks, I'm-A-Gonna shoot for the moon anyway 'cause I have a plan and, afterall, my opposition did business this way," then you and I both know we're a-gonna cream him on this blog.
Do you have a plan. Let's hear it. Every time you chime in, you are the one who attacks - not "past ones" - "present ones" - so what's your point?
6:18 PM, 9/14 Talking about Boss Hog? Or the unproven and unsubstantiated allegations of sexual harassment made by others? Give us your proven sexual harassment claims not drivel which are nothing more than smears.
10 am 9/15 Seek and you shall find it, that is if you really want to find it.
Did you feel safe in your comfort zone in believing what your pals tell you about sexual harrassment? Did you surmize just because someone didn't give you an 8 x 10 glossy on this blog, that you can call sexual harrassment unsubstantiated. Curl up and stay in your little cacoon and surround yourself with those who agree with you. When you want to come out and face the facts, maybe you will see the truth but you need to find it first. Don't expect any intelligent person to tell you all the specifics about a lawsuit on this blog for goodness sakes. Get real! Would you tell all, I don't think so. And if this is your basis for believing or condemning anyone, you are oh so ridiculous. I suggest you stay where you are and believe what you so desire but it doesn't make it the truth. You are doing what a lot of people do. You believe the person with the power and big title because it then makes you feel powerful and important too. To heck with the little guy; let's slam him/her because after all, he/she is just a minnion.
"Do you have a plan. Let's hear it."
I believe that since the mayor was against the GO bonds and during his campaign stated that he had a plan after meeting with "knowledgeable individuals", you should be asking the mayor this question.
My plan to to follow blindly what ever the Mayor and or President of the Board of Alderman's (Miguel) offer as their plan. They are the experts you know.
to 12:16 9/15 Poster ...
Was not surprised to hear YOUR plan. That you will follow blindly any plan the Mayor and BOA Pres. offer.
Isn't this exactly what you have been doing all along. And just look what that brung ya.
However, since this Mayor is not your cup of tea, your new and revised PLAN includes sarcasm, smear, hate, cynical comments, and the stretching of a lot of points.
Most people learn to deal with lif; to get so over stressed over an elected official in a 'lil burb with a small constituancy on a regular basis seems tantamount to acute indigestion at the least and a heart attack at the most.
Your coping skills are really quite poor. Either you were feeding at the diminished public troth in the last administration or you have an identity problem, or you last vestige of power has faded. Or, the Vodka has lost its zing. Whatever it is, it shows.
I feel so darn sorry for you, but I gotta tell you every time you get out your pitchfork against the Mayor, it enforces my support for him. He has to be a good guy, if you don't like him.
1:41 pm 9/15 Great Comment. I support your every word. Please keep commenting. You save me a lot of trouble. I get tired after awhile trying to get these yokels to see things clearly.
Thanks again.
YOKELS? Please don't let these people fool you. They would love nothing better than to be thought of as Yokels!
The fact of the matter is they are the hate filled past lovers of a failed regime, who condider themselves the elite, and who will stop at nothing to re-gain the power in Crestwood.
Please do not let these people pull the wool over your eyes for one second, they hate Roy for winning, and they hate me for putting them on "front street"! I can also tell you they are not too thrilled with any of you who support the Mayor either.
Just remember, given a chance, they will attempt to re-gain their little "Camalot", so if you want Crestwood to prosper, back the BOA, and the Mayor.
Tom Ford
Roy Roy he's our man, if we have a problem, he has a plan, yeaaaaaa
Poster 12:16,
Your plan will be to follow and support what ever plan the Mayor of Alderman Miguel comes up with to fix our problems and supporters of the mayor take shots at you? Just what exactly does a person have to do to get every body on the same side and stop all the fighting?
You sound smarter than most who post on this blog that's for sure! To bad the real hate is from those who claim to support the mayor and the City, yet when given a chance to work together, attacked you. "No, it isnt very pretty what a town without pity can do." Guess you didn't post using the right password that would tip off the Mayor's supporters that you wanted to be one of them.
Just an over sight I'm sure.
7:35 PM blogger, wow, a cheer leader, or at the very least a pommie, I am impressed!Bet you were something before electric lights!
Poster 12:16,
Your plan will be to follow and support what ever plan the Mayor of Alderman Miguel comes up with to fix our problems and supporters of the mayor take shots at you? Just what exactly does a person have to do to get every body on the same side and stop all the fighting?
You have to be sincere for one thing, please don't tell me you thought otherwise!
Tom Ford
On my mothers grave I am sincere, how can you question my motives and my desire to see our City saved. I will support the Mayor's plan to bring back Crestwood, wont you as well?
There was a long term plan with the GO bonds that the mayor did/does not support. We are waiting for the alternate solution. To date have not seen one. I can't support something I don's know about.
The mayor's master plan is the key to Crestwood's future. We all need to support the mayor and his plan. Enough of the smears and the hate. Let us all follow the mayor's plan together.
Hail Hail the gangs all here
What the heck do we care
What the heck do we care
Hail Hail the gangs all here
What the heck do we care now
You see, no one but the mayor has a serious plan for our future, we must support his plan
Oh my gosh, are you serious.
I think not only the Mayor, but the entire board of alderman have a serious plan for our future.
Kudos to them all. I support them all.
Yes I am serious, arent you? This is serious stuff this plan stuff is, and without a plan our city is doomed, like the Pittsburg Steelers were/are doomed.
That is why ALL the Aldermen, led by President of the Board of Alderman, Alderman Miguel, must support the mayors plan. That's why ALL the citizens must march to the same drum beat of the mayor's plan, it is our only hope for the future. It's the Mayor's way or the highway!
We all have read on this blog how all the problems of our city were caused by former administrations and their leaders, none of this is our mayors fault. If the mayor can control all those who still disagree with him and his plan then his plan will surely bring us back to our former glory, just like he planned. That is another reason why it was so important to have his selection for Police Chief accepted, it helps control any one who is against his plan.
Anyone who disagrees with the Mayor and his plan must be delt with accordingly, as enemies of the City, as criminals, as rabid dogs. They must be forced to either flee Crestwood or be moved into small easy to control re-education neighborhoods. All media reports on the city must in the future be clearedld by the Mayor. Only the Mayor will be allowed to be quoted by the press.
Yes, it will a super great day for the greater Crestwood homeland when the mayors plan is put fully into effect.
But I may have gotten ahead of myself for now, just support the Mayor's plan, it will be better for you if you do. Trust me.
UH, the Steelers won the game 28 /17! So their plan worked!
We elected the Mayor and the BOA, so may I suggest you give them the support needed to win for Crestwood!
Tom Ford
To the 8:15 am blogger! Take a look at Mr. Myers Bio (from the City web site,) Could it be he is a bit samarter than most of us?
Frank L. Myers
Mr. Myers holds a B.A. Degree in Organization Development from Ottawa University and a Masters Degree in Public Administration from the University of Kansas. He has 22 years of local government experience including 17 years as a City Manager/Administrator. Mr. Myers brings with him some unique experiences which will immediately assist Crestwood with the challenges we currently face.
Mr. Myers’s first City Manager position was in the St. Louis suburb of St. John, Missouri. In this position, he was successful in gaining voter approval of a major tax initiative by a 3 to 1 margin despite organized opposition. He later wrote an article on the successful steps of this tax initiative which was published in the Missouri Municipal Review. With this experience as a foundation, Mr. Myers continued to be successful in gaining voter approval of a number of other tax initiatives working with elected officials, employees, and community leaders.
Mr. Myers also has relevant experience restoring fiscal order to financially challenged communities. Prior to becoming the first Town Manager of West Warwick, Rhode Island, this community had accumulated large amounts of short term debt resulting in the Town’s bond rating falling to “junk” bond status and the Governor of Rhode Island appointing a State Commission to oversee the finances of the Town. In his first year as Town Manager, he was successful in stabilizing the Town’s financial condition and strengthening management control of departmental operations resulting in the restoration of the Town’s bond rating to investment grade (Ba to Baa). A second bond rating upgrade (Baa to Baa+) was achieved one year later. While serving as this community’s first Town Manager, he was profiled in the International City/County Management Association’s professional journal, Public Management for his efforts in rebuilding public trust and confidence in this local government.
Mr. Myers also has extensive experience in retail development/redevelopment including experience revitalizing aging shopping malls. As the City Manager of Trotwood, Ohio, Mr. Myers worked closely with Elected Officials, Staff, the Business Community, and County, State and Federal Officials to begin the process of transforming an 88 acre dying shopping mall into a $70 plus million, New Town Center Development called The Landmark.
Mr. Myers has also been an active member of the International City/County Management Association where he currently serves on the ICMA Taskforce on Civics Education Programs. He has also served on the ICMA First Time Administrators Taskforce and the ICMA Conference Planning Committee. In addition, he has served as Vice President of the Rhode Island City and Town Management Association. In his capacity as the Town Manager of West Warwick, Rhode Island, he was asked by Governor Lincoln Almond to serve on the Governor’s Commission to Study Taxation of the Telecommunication Industry.
Mr. Myers has been married for the past 25 years to his wife, Carolyn, who holds a PhD in Political Science from the University of Kansas. She is presently a Visiting Assistant Professor at Wheaton College and is actively pursuing college teaching positions in the St. Louis area. Their son, Mark, graduated as valedictorian of Trotwood-Madison High School and is now an Honors Student at Michigan State University where he is in the James Madison School of Public Policy.
What say we give the leaders a chance?
Tom Ford
"To lose money is nothing, but to lose hope, to lose nerve, to lose ambition - that makes men cripples."
~ Herbert N. Casson
Food for thought!
Tom Ford
To all bloggers listen up. Without the support of the board of aldermen, no plan can be passed, so don't make it sound like the mayor is the ultimate dictator. We just got rid of him when our previous CA left.
Like I said before, a mayor has to first assess the damage before he can have a plan. Nobody knows going in all the problems that exist. You may think you know the problems, but there is much more to important issues after they are assessed. So, why keep harping on a plan. I just don't get it. The person who keeps going on and on about a plan, is stuck in 2nd gear and sounds like a warped record.
"Like I said before, a mayor has to first assess the damage before he can have a plan"
The past BOA knew of the problems facing Crestwood (long term) and initially all agreed that the GO bonds would be the way to go. The mayor was against that solution and said he had a plan. Now 1.5 years after being in office there is no long term plan for Crestwood. (or short term for that matter) The loans are due to the bank is due end of October.
As far as the GO Bonds, the voting public did not share the same point of view.
I don't recall anyone pressing former Mayors Robertson or Fagan for their 'plans'.
I do recall former Mayor Brasfield putting together a group, Commission 2000, to put together a plan or vision for the community.
The all of a sudden multiple posts/requests for a plan from this mayor seem rather unusual.
2:08 pm 9/17 Well maybe after Oct. 1st we will all know what the plan is. What was the plan for Fagan? To keep the CA in as a King wearing two hats, giving him more than the city could afford and later to build a police facility? I x'ed his plan as soon as I heard it at the mayoral debate. I wasn't sure what was in store with this mayor, but I sure didn't need to know his plan when I knew that his opponent's stunk.
So am I starting to read on this blog that there are posters who so hated the former C/A and mayors that this mayor doesnt have to have a plan? Just as long as the other guy didnt win your ok with this mayors actions?
Now think about what your doing, your giving this mayor a free pass to do nothing because your happy he won and the other guy lost. Yet you have no expectation of what this mayor will do nor do you hold him to any level of performance. I think we have more coming from our leader and I thought most of you would feel the same way based on how many post were written damming the former mayor and c/a. Is this a double standard?
Gentle blogger that is calling for a plan, what is your name? Come forward and enlighten us with your wisdom.
"Gentle Blogger " here, my plan as I have stated all along is to support the mayor's plan. Why is that such a problem for you? Why dont you give us your name if that is what is required to be taken seriously by you?
Keep it up and I may just retire back into my "I dont give a darn" state of mind about the mayor, his plan and our City, if this is the way you treat people.
5:02 9/17 Blogger
Surely you jest. You mention "this Mayor" - "free pass" - and "level of performance" in the same blog.
Funny, I thought there were 8 votes on the BOA. This does not spell "free pass."
Were you of the thought that when a Mayor wins, it is not because many agree with his management style and disagreed with his oppositions? Or, do you just think it okay to berate him constantly which then lowrates your city and its employees. Unless you were on the take formerly and now the gravy train has dried up, well then you must be a truly unhappy wretched individual with a need for greed and a lack of ability to chose better and more competent. friends. You or your candidate must have lost.
As for level of performance. Have you ever put your thoughts in gear long enough to evaluate the performance, the contribution and the ability of the alderman with the anger management affliction. He has become an urban legand. A very untidy one with a obvious need to improve his level of performance.
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