Tuesday, September 12, 2006

The Crestwood Independent is back!

Ladies and gentlemen, the blog was "interrupted" at 19:49 (7:49PM,) by someone under the E-mail name of "ftpout.blogger.com". We were off line for some time, but as you can see, were back.

I have not only the name of the culprit, but also the signature computer number of the person / persons who disrupted it. I will forward it on to the FBI for further investigation under the computer hacker laws.

Sorry for any inconvenience you may have experienced, and I will post the name of our "hacker" when it becomes available.

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Found this on the internet on another blog. Maybe it will help:

Quick followup to my tags experiment. Since writing the last post, Blogging Tags and Meta Keywords, I haven't seen the Technoratibot visit the blog section of the site by looking at the web server logs. However, I have seen other blog bots visit. Here they are (IP address + User Agent): Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html) BlogsNowBot, V 2.01 (+http://www.blogsnow.com/) Java/1.5.0_02

This BlogsNow site looks interesting so I've added it to my Blog Resources section in the Blogger template. Looks like the Java/1.5.0_02 User Agent is the Blogger software itself hitting my blog since resolves to ftpout.blogger.com. I'll see how long it takes for Technoratibot to visit. I have turned on the public listing feature of Blogger so I didn't anticipate needing to ping manually. I did so, anyway, just to be sure.
posted by Richard at 9:36 AM

10:45 PM, September 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What was the purpose of Alderman Chris Pickel asking the following question to Mayor Roy Robinson:

"What is the strategy for having Alderman Miquel on the Kohl's TDD and CID boards while Alderman Miquel is other city boards. I don't know if this good or bad."

By the way, Alderman Miguel is the Board of Alderman president.

Who else can be on the Kohl's TDD and CID boards?

If Alderman Chris Pickel, Alderman James Kelleher, Alderman Duwe, and Alderman Breeding are or were Rosebrook Stockholders and Crestwood Swim club members, what is Alderman Chris Pickel strategey or agenda for asking this question.

By the way, was our Mayor Roy Robinson ever a member of Crestwood Swim Club and Rosebrook Real Estate stockholder?

If so, then maybe Alderman Roby or Alderman Nieder or Alderman Bland could take Mayor Roy Robinson place on the Kohl's TDD and CID boards due to the conflict of interest.

11:38 AM, September 13, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I a not sure why Alderman Pickel would want to be on any other board than he is on now, if thats his thought.

We know for sure that he, Alderman Duwe, Kelleher, Breeding canno't be on the TDD board as they are members of, or connected to the swim club by family. To be on the TDD board would be a clear conflict of interest!

I do not know whether Mayor Robinson is, was, or connected by family to the swim club, but if he is, he will also have to recuse himself.

As you stated, were down to just a few folks that can serve on that board (other than THF,)so I guess we shall see.

If Alderman Pickel want's to further serve Crestwood, he should tell us what boards he wishes to be on. I believe Alderman Miguel would be happy to let him get his feet wet, just not on the TDD commission.

Tom Ford

6:44 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is this a conflict of interest? Can you explain how any pool members have actually benefitted from the new pool? Have their financial statements actually improved? Do you KNOW this for a fact? Do you know ANY of the facts? Or do you just THINK you know the facts. Or do you just ASSUME the facts. Do you know what they say about making assumptions.....In this case it is true because you are making an A*S of yourself with these misinformed statements.

7:39 PM, September 13, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

How is it a "conflict of interest?" Well let me count the ways.

1. Do you hold stock, or does a relitive hold stock?

2. Do you stand to profit from the stock increasing?

3. Is the stock more valuable in an $850,000.00 pool, or a $88,000.00 pool?

4. Is there any benefit you might gain, however so slight from a new pool?

5. Read the State regulations on "conflict of interest."

The problem is that I do know most of the facts, and so do many other people in Crestwood. This entire project is going to be under some very close scrutiny by a lot of State and Federal officials if the bonds are sold, plain and simple. The question then will be, do you know where it will go from there?

Tom Ford

8:38 PM, September 13, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

P.S. If "Conflict of Interest dosen't matter, why did Alderman Gary Vincent recuse himself?

Swim club member? You bet!

Tom Ford

8:56 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please review the Intergovernmental Cooperation between the City of Crestwood, Missouri and the
Crestwood Point Transportation Development District Dated as of: November 25, 2003

"TDD Board of Directors" means the Board of Directors of Crestwood Point Transportation Development District.

p. No officer or employee of the City has any significant or conflicting interest, financial or otherwise, in the Transportation Project or in the transactions contemplated by this Agreement.

So, does this mean that Alderman Chris Pickel, Alderman Kelleher, Alderman Duwe, and our Mayor Roy Robinson have to be removed from the Kohl's TDD and CID boards.

9:38 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess you people just don't get it. The land in question belongs to THF. THF paid Crestwood Swim Club for the property. They are not involved with the TDD. No BOA member needs to recuse themselves. They are not involved with the property in question in the TDD that THF owns.

Do you really think that the transaction between THF and Crestwood Swim Club included verbiage like "monies for this purchase will be paid back to THF by Crestwood Swim Club if the property is not included in the TDD"? Think about it.

Politics at its best, right here on the Crestwood Independent Blog!!

10:01 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please explain how the original wording of conflict of interest in the Intergovernmental Agreement dated 2003 differs from the Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement dated 2005.

Amended and Restated Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement among the City of Crestwood, Missouriand the Crestwood Point Transportation Development District and the Crestwood Point Community Improvement DistrictDated 2005

p. 8 d. No official or employee of the TDD has any significant or conflicting interest, financial or otherwise, in the Transportation Project or in the transactions contemplated by this Agreement, except as may be expressly or impliedly authorized by the TDD Act and not otherwise prohibited by Sections 105.450 to 105.496 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, as amended.

What was the "strategy" behind these changes?

10:11 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why is the purchase of the Rosebrook Real Estate Land not listed in the Judgment and Order Organizing a Transportation Development District for Kohl's on Exhibit D dated May 15th, 2003?

Can you please ask The Honorable Barbara Ann Crancer, Circuit Judge who signed this order on May 15th, 2003?

10:15 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm wondering how this post went from "hacker" to other matters.

Since this thread started.... Alderman Pickel's question is natural. The mayor appointed Alderman Miguel to other key board positions, knowing the alderman was already committed to others. Would there be more continuity in keeping the same members throughout the whole process? Would that be beneficial to Crestwood? These are questions asked. Why do some always think there are underlying motives? Maybe the "experts" have insight knowledge? Whoever they are.

10:19 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Fommer Alderman Gary Vincent placed the first vote for Bill No. 00-21

which is an Ordinance amending Ordinance 3549, as amended by Ordinance 3959, approving a redevelopment agreement between the city of Crestwood and THF Crestwood Point Development, L.L.C. by Amending Section 2.3 of such redevelopment agreement relating to the sum to be paid by developer to the city for costs incurred by the city in furtherance of the redevelopment project: by amending section 4.1 so as to amend the reimbursable redevelopment project costs; by amending section 5.1 relating to the maximum amount of TIF notes, by amending section 5.23 relating to excess incremental sales tax revenue, by enacting a new article XI providing for a transportation development district. and by enacting a new article XII providing for community improvement district.

On roll call vote, motion for second reading of Bill No. 00-21 passed by the following vote:

AYES: Trueblood, Robertson, Fagan, Breeding, Duwe, LaBore, Vincent, Maddox

10:23 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Which government entity loans the money to the TDD bonds?

Is this money U.S. Federal dollars?

Oh my, we are big trouble!

10:29 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the comment at 10:23 PM, September 13, 2006.

Those amendments were for the TIF. I thought we were talking about the TDD? Is that revelent?

10:37 PM, September 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10:37 PM, September 13, 2006

The Kohl's TDD will be reimbursing the TIF by 50% of the sales taxes.

Please read the whole ordinance.

The key point is:

by amending section 5.23 relating to excess incremental sales tax revenue, by enacting a new article XI providing for a transportation development district.

Former Alderman Gary Vincent approved the creation of Kohl's TDD acting as an agent or President of Rosebrook Real Estate.

7:27 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Please explain why "We have to give them some money" which is referring to Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club.

What promises were given or is there a legal document between Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club pertaining to past business transactions?

7:38 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is it true that a verbal agreement pertaining to real estate sale is a legal binding contract between the two parties?

Who said what and for what purpose?

Who is benefiting by these verbal agreements?

7:40 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


How about the Rosebrook Stockholders donating their stock to Our Little Haven charitable organization? Then the Crestwood Swim Club can be opened to the citizens of Crestwood.


Board of Directors: J. Adams, D. Bahlinger, P. Barkofske, K. Carroll, L. Dolan, A. & R. Golterman, S. Heck, G. & M. Heitmann, J. Irace, A. Jones, D. Jones, A. & J. Kelleher, P. Klug, D. & R. Meyer, D. Nestor, C. & W. Newbold, D. Ott, B. Paluch, J. Seiler, G. Smith, L. Taybur

Committee Members: Peter Barkofske, Robert Golterman, Glenn Heitmann, James Kelleher, Paul Klug, John Seiler, William Newbold, Don Vietor, Fr. Robert Weiss

8:22 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who are the partners of the THF Crestwood Point Development LLC which stands for Limited Liability Corporation?

Since Kohl's is leasing the land from THF Crestwood Point Development LLC, who really are the land owners?

8:34 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Does property blighting reduce your capital gain taxes?

Which public official voted for blighting Crestwood Swim Club/Rosebrook Real Estate property?


The United States can prosecute schemes to defraud federal, state or foreign governments of taxes under mail and wire fraud statutes because taxes constitute property under those statutes, a federal appeals court has ruled, according to the New York Law Journal.

9:05 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's so amusing to watch all these posts from the FEW people who are apparently obsessed about the pool. Keep focusing on the pool and ignore the problems at the mall. Say good bye to Houlihans now. Ignore the unrest at City Hall. But MAKE SURE that you go after the developer of the KOHLS project and all of those bad pool people.

9:46 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The pool is not the issue.

The key issue is obeying the law.

Why would you want to do business in Crestwood if the law only pertains to a few?

More businesses will be leaving Crestwood until the law pertains to all!

10:14 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah right. that's the problem in Crestwood. Are you saying the pool deal is the reason that businesses are leaving? You are delusional.

10:16 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To me the word delusional, means:
NOT seeing things which are truly there!

10:26 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We only need to open our eyes and our MIND's, and see things, from
a different angle!

10:28 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The key issue is obeying the law."

When salary advances were brought up, it was stated - oh well, what is the big deal. I guess it just depends ............

11:40 AM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is this Mayor Roy Robinson's family business?

If so, who owns the franchises?


If you are interested in becoming a Perma-Jack franchisee simply contact the Perma-Jack Company.

Perma-Jack Co.
9066 Watson Road
St. Louis, MO 63126

12:25 PM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perm a Jack is owned by the Mayor's wife' family, he has no ownership or any say in it's business dealings.

7:38 PM, September 14, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The last Houlihan's I went to (a year ago,) seemed to be just so-so. The food was not that fantastic (to me,) the service was slow, and it was expensive.

Was it just that one time that it happened? I don't know because I never returned. That combo. will kill any resturant quickly.

I doubt that they closed because of Crestwood or any one of our officials, I think they did it to themselves.

Tom Ford

9:55 PM, September 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Was our former Alderman Gary Vincent born in Jefferson City who is an attorney for Husch & Eppenberger, LLC?


Born: Jefferson City, Missouri

The Chairman of THF Realty, Stan Kroenke serves as a member of the board of directors of Central Bancompany in Jefferson City.

Husch & Eppenberger, LLC Representative Clients for Husch & Eppenberger, LLC: Ameren UE/CIPS; American General Life Insurance Co.; Arch Chemicals, Inc.; Barry-Wehmiller; BJC Healthcare; BP Products North America Inc.; Capital for Business, Inc.; Central Institute for the Deaf; Charter Communications; CIT Group; ConocoPhillips; Dema Engineering Co.; Emerson Electric Company; Ensign-Bickford Industries, Inc.; ESCO Technologies, Inc.; Express Scripts, Inc.; Fleming & Company; Fred Weber, Inc.; General Electric Capital Corp.; GlaxoSmithKline; Globe Life & Accident Insurance Company; Heizer Aerospace, Inc.; Home Builders Association of Greater St. Louis; John Q. Hammons Hotels and Industries; KETC Channel 9; Kodak Polychrome Graphics; Koman Properties, Inc.; Kranson Industries, Inc.; Lamar Corporation; LCRA City of St. Louis; Leggett & Platt, Incorporated; MasterCard International; McDonald's Corporation; Monsanto Co.; National Corn Growers Association; Olin Corp.; Pace Properties, Incorporated; Rockwood School District; Sansone Group; Siemens Corp.; St. Louis Convention & Visitor Bureau; Standard Machine & Manufacturing Co.; Stifel Nicolaus & Company; United American Insurance Company; Westfield America, Inc.; Westfield Corp.

Are these Crestwood Businesses?
Did our former Alderman Gary Vincent vote on any of their issues?

Dema Engineering
Kodak Polychrome Graphics which is now Cenveo Color-Art that is fixing their air pollution
McDonald's Corporation
Sansone Group
Westfield Corp.

9:23 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why is Crestwood Swim Club/Rosebrook Real Estate Company

"untouchable and it is off the table"?

Who is protecting who?

What campaign promises were made to this private pool called Crestwood Swim Club?

9:29 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If it is true that our Mayor Roy Robinson does not have any ownership in Perma Jack?

I thought Joan Robinson is the President and owner of Perma Jack and is married to Mayor Roy Robinson!

If you are married in the State of Missouri, isn't all of your property, assets, and businesses jointly shared by your spouse?

Who are the owners these franchises and who are the investors of these franchises?

10:20 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:20 AM 9/15 Blogger. What business is it of yours to know this? Are you just nosy or are you going to make a federal case out of it as others have? What does this have to do with his position as mayor. I think you are on a fishing expedition. What's next where he shops and where he eats?

10:56 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is it stated that our President of BOA has to be on the TDD and CID boards?

Am I missing another ordinance?

Bill No. 99-36
First Reading 1/25/2000
Second Reading 1/25/2000

Ordinance 3595
11.1.3 Composition of Board of Directors amended in 2000 to remove Director of Public Works of the city. The Board of Directors of the TDD shall consist of the Mayor, City Administrator, and two (2) persons designated by Developer, each of whom shall be elected pursuant to Section 238.220.2 of the TDD Act, who shall exercise the powers conferred on the Board by such Act.

12.1.2 Composition of Board of Directors.The Board of Directors of the Community Improvement District shall consist of the Mayor, City Administrator, Director of Public Works of the City and two (2) persons designated by Developer, who shall exercise the powers conferred on the Board by the Community Improvement District Act, Sections 67.1401 to 67.1571, RSMo.

11:05 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Planning Report
City of Crestwood, Missouri Analysis for Designation of the Crestwood Swim Club Properties
As a Chapter 353 Area
April 9, 2001
PGAV Urban Consulting St. Louis, MissouriExhibit A to
BOA Minutes 4-10-01 on page 3

THF Realty (or a subsidiary corporation) would acquire the parcels comprising the swimming pool facilities (Parcel 25M340121) for a nominal amount, or in combination with investments by the CSC, that would allow for new swimming facilities to be constructed on the tennis court portion of Parcel 25M621213. The majority of the current CSC parking area would be purchased by the Crestwood Point Traffic Development District (TDD) for an amount that would be negotiated with CSC.

Was former Alderman Gary Vincent, Alderman Breeding, Alderman Duwe, Alderman Kelleher, Alderman Pickel part of these negotiations between THF and CSC?

By the way, were our former Mayor Brasfield and former Mayor Robertson members of Crestwood Swim Club and Rosebrook Real Estate Stockholder?

11:08 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope our Mayor of Crestwood, Roy Robinson and our Board of Alderman are keeping a journal of all of their meetings.

Please review.


Missouri: Mayor Indicted for Taking Red Light Camera Bribe

11:25 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction to 11:05 AM, September 15, 2006

It was
Bill No. 00-21
Ordinance 3634
First Reading 10-10-00
Second Reading 10-24-00

11.1.3 on 2000
Amended to change to President of
Board of Alderman.

Composition of Board of Directors. The Board of Directors of the TDD shall consist of the Mayor, City Administrator, Director of Public Works of the City (Director of Public Works was crossed out)and two (2) persons designated by Developer, each of whom shall be elected pursuant to Section 238.220.2 of the TDD Act, who shall exercise the powers conferred on the Board by such Act.

Alderman Miguel can be on the TDD Board for Kohl's based on Ordinance 3634!

11:43 AM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Rosebrook Pools
"What Dreams Are Made Of"
543 North Ave.
Libertyville, IL 60048
Phone: 847-362-0400
Fax: 847-362-0448

Rosebrook Pools have been in business since 1943.

Did Rosebrook Pools build the original Crestwood Swimming Pool?

3:24 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask Mrs. Duwe, her family has been involved since day 1.

5:04 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring back Crestwood, support the Mayor's plan!!

8:09 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8/09 blogger

Hello there sweetiepie,

Surely you don't think your cute little PLAN "wave" is going to impress us. Just love the tacky way you post it all over the blog. What character, what amazing character. Mama would be so proud.

You know if I was a Mayor and after being sworn in I found out the cupboard was bare, I would say "hey now" looks like the plan will change and the entire BOA will be very busy formulating a mutual plan together. I, for one, am more than willing to give the Mayor the benefit of the doubt on this one. What kind of twit are you anyway?

Under these circumstances and the fact that you don't have a clue what a mess things at city hall had become, why don't you see if their is another community somewhere that needs you. You obviously have no plan other than to let your mouth overload your bazoola.

Cherrio sweet thang!

9:03 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Under these circumstances and the fact that you don't have a clue what a mess things at city hall had become.."

I beleive you are just as bad at the previous blogger, posting the same comment "all over the blog".

I guess the mayor had no clue. I guess the "professional opinions" received were not enough to bring Crestwood forward. Say what you want about the previous BOA, but at least they knew the status of Crestwood and had a long term plan.

9:30 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Everytime a restaurant or business leaves our prestigious mall, are we going to say it's because of their food/service/prices? I love Tom's comments about Houlihan's. Funny, seems that the places that leave here (Houlihan's, California Pizza Kitchen), do well other places.

I know, it couldn't possibly be because Crestwood has become an eyesore with NOTHING in the way of shopping or entertainment to attract enough patrons to keep these companies in business.

Wake up people, our entire business community has become second-rate. Since residents seem so enamoured with their pathetic little town, perhaps we should forget cultivating business and build more houses for these happy people.

9:49 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am supporting the mayors bare cupboard plan for bringing back Crestwood, why won't you?

10:07 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:30 9/15 Blogger

"Say what you want about the previous BOA, but at least they knew the status of Crestwood and had a long term plan."

... And that plan was ????????

11:15 PM, September 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the current mayor, he said he was against their plan as he had one of his own that was better, remember?

12:43 AM, September 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, I forgot. He was against their plan. The one where they were going to build a $14.5 Million Dollar city hall to turn over to the bank for collateral.

Sorry 'bout that.

12:51 AM, September 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's why my plan and I hope it's your plan as well, is to support the Mayor's plan. With his dynamic leadership skills, vast business experance, his highly trained background in Federal Law Enforcement and his knowledge of how to work with the giants of retail in our city, his plan is the only thing that can save our city.
The 1st parts of his plan have been enacted:

1. stop the police station
2. get rid of Greer and Madrid
3. raise taxes

Now we must support the final remaining steps of his plan to bring back Crestwood. It is a great day in Crestwood that we have this mayor and his plan for our leader. He, along with Alderman Miguel (President of the Board of Alderman)
have great plans and ideas for our recovery, just you wait and see. Your going to feel really foolish and small when they start their plans and those plans work and you didnt support their plans!

7:57 AM, September 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim, is that you? Tim?

1:36 PM, September 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nope I am not "Tim". Maybe my name is Jim or John or Jack or Frank or Patrick or Linda or Jane, what matter is of yours what my name is when you dont give us yours?

3:32 PM, September 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawner - get some sleep.

I don't recall anyone pressing former Mayors Robertson or Fagan for their 'plans'.

I do recall former Mayor Brasfield putting together a group, Commission 2000, to put together a plan or vision for the community.

The all of a sudden multiple posts/requests for a plan from this mayor seem rather unusual.

2:13 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:13 9/17 blogger. Correct you are. The only people who want a plan from Roy are those who paid homage to the two previous mayors and they of course were infallible and didn't need to present one.

That's what happens when people think you are God; they accept things on pure faith. Beware of false gods!

2:54 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, I dont want a plan from the mayor, I am stating I support his plan. Plus this mayor has been in office longer that the previous two, so he has a plan by now.

Are you saying you dont support the mayor's plan? Then you must one of those who supported the former two mayors and their plans.

4:55 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your sarcasm is a thin veil for your true intentions, gentle blogger.

5:14 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are my true intentions? I have posted that I support the mayors plan, now how could that be bad for anyone or the city?
You really confuse us out here, do you want me to suppport the mayor and his plan or to fight against him? What does a person have to do to become accepted by the elite who post on this blog and act as they are the only ones who can support the mayor?

10:51 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The only people who want a plan from Roy are the ones who pay homage to the other mayors".
So that means that if you are supporter of the Mayor, you don't expect him to have a plan, or don't care what his plan is? If I was Roy I dont think I'd want people with such a lack of interest in our city to be supporting me, would you?

11:09 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm surprised you are still on this subject and haven't jumped to the GO Bonds yet.

11:17 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Life is full of surprises.

7:36 AM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, just ask the Fagan Five!

8:53 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 8:53, how did the mayors meeting go tonite, any news on his plan?
Are you going to take off from work tomorrow and go the meeting so you can report to us on how the plan is shaping up?
I bet the mayor's new plan is a lot differnet than what the Fagan Five would have given us. Why dont you compair the 2 plans for us?

9:35 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd love to, really I would. But I'm going to be promoting additional taxes for Crestwood residents, like these GO Bonds for instance. After that, I'm going to work toward a new police building - let's go for broke - 100,000 square feet, 30 million dollars at least, maybe more. And then after that, I'm going to ask the board to provide a huge car allowance for the C/A so he can buy a Porsche.

So, can you attend the meeting for me? Gee thanks.

10:00 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe that last blogger has a bad case of Wernekes-Korsakoff Syndrome. Only remembers things in the past, can't recall what has happened in the last year...

11:18 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yes, I remember last year. But did Crestwood
A) Enter into several lawsuits last year?
B) Focus on spending (e.g. police station, new furniture, car allowance) last year?

Did all of Crestwood's problems begin just last year? hmmm??? To understand the present, one must understand the past...or is that just another syndrome?

10:25 AM, September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In this particular stream of notes the former Mayors came up. Also the alleged plans of the former 2 Mayors came up. I remember one was the Mayor who promoted the Sunshine Law and left office to spend time with his family. I remember one as the non stop talker, who never said anything and who leaned on the CA for his every thought. I don't recall any earth shattering pluses in the time he served. I saw no revenue increases, few communications with Westfield and no inclination to admit the city was in financial distress. But rather tried to put the city into a new city hall to the tune of 14.5 M $'s while headed for a 2.0 M. LOC soon to be 3.5 M, appointed a Charter Board with a questionable starting date and buried several lawsuits. Further, his last act was passing the Westfield lease so that city employees could move up there while the 14.5 million dollar city hall was being built. Left behind was a trail of debt which was not resolved, some bad streets and a surplus of employees some of whom were unqualified for their job. We will always wonder why the wiles of his CA were not uncovered. Everyone else saw them. After leaving office, cronies still on the board, took up the sword and likewise, let this CA run roughshod in a secret world of confusion. This lack of intuition will remain a wonderment to the city for years to come, not to mention the arrogance in which the board operated.

So when you keep saying these Mayors had a plan and it was better than this Mayor's, I would have to ask you what it was, if indeed there was a plan, it must have been buried in Roberts Rules of Order (which was hidden until the new Mayor took office at which time it surprisingly surfaced). But surprise, it was not to be used to get order from 2 loudmouthed rude aldermen who were a total embarrassment to their ward - guess whose every word these two obsessed over with book in hand? After this, things could only get better. There was no place else to go.

AS I said, Show Me The Plan. I must have missed it.

7:42 PM, September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The plan was to get the citizens to authorize a bond issue without mentioning the word "bonds". It worked! Now don't you feel silly? Oh, must have been the balot language.

12:56 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok then. Whatever you want to think.

3:43 AM, September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:54 PM 9/17 You are right on. I can't agree more that the only mayor that has been asked for a plan is this one because all the other mayors didn't have one either but they were all protected by their two-faced political allies.

If the previous mayor would have gotten rid of Mr. G, he would have won the election but he listened to him and will never admit that was the main reason he lost the election. When you are infallable as our previous mayor, you would never dare to admit you made a mistake, cause it would ruin the homage he gave himself every day while patting himself on the back telling himself he was "a lawyer" first and a person second.

1:12 PM, October 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:42 PM 9/19 You are so right. We all saw the plan by the previous administrator, and the board and mayor went right along with it. We had no money but they were all set to go along with a 14 million dollar palace. Now, none of them will admit today they screwed up.

I loved what you said because you are so correct. I hope everyone goes back and reads your comment because truer words were never spoken.

Plan rymes with CLAN and I have never seen a more "clandestant" bunch of past board members, most of which were ready, willing and able to throw their city down the road to bankrupsy by allowing one person to get us there, Mr. G.

Why didn't any of them get off of their duffs years ago and beef up our taxes which were (25 cents per $100 assessed value) so we wouldn't be in this mess today? Answer: Because they were too afraid their constituents wouldn't vote for them next time around and we were rich with sales tax so why should we prepare for tomorrow. We would have been so much better off today if they would have made a presentation and had town hall meetings telling us we cannot survive on sales tax alone.

Then in came Elmer Gantry who DID HAVE A PLAN by the way - to become city administrator/police chief and bleed us dry; and most of the previous board of aldermen let him get away with it because they were too lazy to do their own homework and let everything to him. Well One minus One equals ZERO and that's exactly what we have now but instead of putting the blame where it belongs, it's much more fun to blame this mayor.

1:29 PM, October 10, 2006  

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