"Crestwood Mayor to put pressure on Westfield, for mall improvement plans"
Please click on the header to be directed to the story in this week's Suncrest Call, "I-Call" on line.
Tom Ford
No. 213
Tom Ford
No. 213
News and views of the City Of Crestwood, for and by the citizens of Crestwood! "Most of the news, with none of the paper" "The heart of the wise inclines to the right but the heart of the fool to the left." Eccleiastes 10:2 "Sic Semper Tyrannis"
While I am sure that the mayor has Crestwood's best interest, again we have so called experts (not named of course) that only the mayor has conversed with. Didn't we hear the same type of dialog regarding meetings with "knowledgeable citizens/ people" prior to him being elected into office. Sounds like the same to me - no name, just experts. I have not seen ample progress since the mayor has been in office. Were they really "experts" or "knowledgeble"?
As far as putting pressure on Westfield, progress moves slow. To have 2 other mall upgrades already on the schedule, I doubt if any pressure will be put on them. Inquiries, yes; pressure no. Wonder if they are watching how the city deals with the current developments? (TDD, TIF, CID, etc.)
I am disappointed in Mayor Robinson for not stating his experts. He looses credibility by "mouthing off" an expert's opinion without a name.
By the way, is there a way of asking him to stop using bad words when being interviewed by the press. He can take a deep breath and refrain from all of these bad words.
Our Mayor is an example for the youth!
"I just believe that if Westfield would just take some overt action to improve, that mall would be revived — but never to maybe being like the only one in the community or in the area." by Mayor Robinson
Overt means Open and not secret or concealed.
It is such a paradox for the Mayor to use the word "overt" when he has "secret" experts. I thought our Mayor was open and honest.
Did Roy drive his pick 'em up truck over to the mall offices and put pressure on the staff there to improve the mall? I am sure that was very effective.
The mayor is pressuring Westfield? Sounds like hunting elephants with a BB gun. Well, he can always say he tried but he ran out of BB's. On the other hand, politically I guess he can always claim credit if Westfield decides to do something inspite of his hunting prowess.
To one of the bloggers above: I saw the "word" the Mayor said (in the paper)which wasn't exactly fitting, but not a cuss word. My shorts are not in a knot over this. But, I would agree one must count to 10 sometimes in cases like this. Usually, however, a good editor would skip this minor infraction, at least once.
Now --- actually more troublesome and worthy of your concern was when the former CA was having an affair with the FO, some of which was IN the city offices? Also when 2 Crestwood female police officers were "SH" by a male officer, whose hands were not even slapped? Also, when an ex-Mayor resigned to "spend more time with his family" with "bottle" in hand, which ultimately caused an internal lawsuit and lots of legal expense to the city? Also, when an alderman called another alderman a not very fitting "name" at a public meeting?
Sometimes we have to let by-gones be by-gones, and chose our battles wisely. I would hope the Mayor would be sorry he slipped; but I am still wondering why there was no public outcry over the things I mentioned. They were not made up.
Let's pretend we are a large national retail operation looking at the St. Louis market for new stores in the local malls.
Or, lets say we are a company that buys, operates and sells mall property for a (gasp) profit.
Does anything the Mayor said in this article make you want to open a NEW store in Crestwood mall? Would anything the Mayor said in this article make you want to buy the mall from Westfield?
I know, its all Greer's fault and the Mayor kept his promise in getting rid of Greer.
Excuse me, last blogger, what exactly has been your contribution to bringing in new business? Or are you just another one of those who lives to criticize. Is it possible you are the President of the Scrooge Club,Swim Club, or Martinni Club? The clubs which just can't let us thrive because of deep seated negativity and failaure to grasp reality.
It is unlikely small municipalities and their Mayors and Aldermen will ever have the
Donald Trump" capabilities. But apparently you feel that your two cents worth of criticism does. If you have the credentials and expertise and want to spin your tale, step on up, the waters fine. Let's hear something besides the marbles rattling around in your head.
Pflash! most of us would like to think a tad more positively. Good ideas and suggestions welcome. Constant criticism and your continual beating on the city officials have met their expiration date.
constant criticism of the TDD and the swim club is tiring as well and it does not move the city forward. It also shows the complete ignorance of all the bloggers regarding real estate development.
Why is not the CA Crestwood's spoke person? That was voted on by the BOA. Would not another vote need to be taken to overturn that decision? I believe the new CA would be better versed for public interviews. Especially if asked questions around budget time. He definately would have much more knowledge regarding that subjest.
All city employees hired by Greer should be encouraged to send out their resumes and move on. We all know why they were hired. The mayor and the CA should replace a few of them with qualified employees and save the city tens of thousands of dollars to get us out of debt.
I just love the vigor and rancor in which you constantly go on the defensive about the private swim club in the city of Crestwood. It's as if no one has the right to question the questionable way it was given a second birth. Why do you think this is a non-topic? Are you the Great Declarer? Sorry, but it is very much a major topic. This is not your call. Furthermore, anyone who thinks differently from you, you call ignorant. Man, are you intollerant or what!
Apparently you are the be all, end all of real estate, government, public speaking and law, so why are you living in Crestwood?
It seems your type seems to think city officials, especially the Mayor, should be created in the likeness of J.P. Morgan, Gordon Gundaker, Rev. Billy Graham, Walter Cronkite and of course Donald Trump.
The last time I checked, we are a town of 13,000 and 3.5 sq. miles. You know, a burb, a small burb. The last I checked Crestwood was a Democracy. The city's officials are an elected body which represets the average resident. Each participates in our form of government and expresses themselves as best they can. In fact, I sense they are, of late, and due to many different circumstances remembering that a "government divided will soon fall." I commend them all for doing their level best to work together as best they can. The eyes of all us "ignorants" are afterall upon them.
If you think the water divides for you JP, perhaps you would be willing to open a lemonaid stand and contribute your profits to the city's bottom line and the expertise you so often call into play to TIME or NEWSWEEK.
Thank you to the Mayor, the Aldermen, and the city employees of Crestwood, the majority of whom collectively and individually do their best to show our city in a good light. I commend you for the time you take to do this, and for the ways in which you work together to represent fairly the constituancy.
Reading in the paper of late about circumstances in St. Peters, St. Charles, Overland, Sunset Hills, O'Fallon and on and on, makes me realize each city has their own problems and their own way of coming to terms with them. Crestwood is no exception.
You are not all experts in everything, but it is nice to see each of you make contributions which are in your areas of expertise.
I do not expect you to have all the answers,nor be eloquent. But thanks for being ladies and gentlemen and realizing who it is that you represent and why. While we are not yet in the black, the newfound sense of civility promises all the hope in the world for our city.
Please remember, the little newspaper which seems to like to quote everyword each of you mutters verbatim is just that, a little newspaper. But that's okay, all of us did not major in public speaking and most of us understand where you are coming from. But for my part, I could take a condensed and fair version of things which would save on ink and paper.
Today we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who
has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was
since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as
knowing when to come in out of the rain, why the early bird gets the worm,
life isn't always fair, and maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend
more than you earn) and reliable parenting strategies (adults, not children,
are in charge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well intentioned but
overbearing regulations were set in place. Reports of a six-year- old
boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens
suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for
reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job they themselves failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental
consent to administer aspirin, sun lotion or a Band Aid to a student - but could not inform the parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion.
Common Sense lost the will to live as the Ten Commandments became contraband, churches became businesses, and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could now sue you for assault.
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in
her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death by his parents, Truth and Trust; his wife, Discretion; his daughter, Responsibility; and his son, Reason.
He is survived by three stepbrothers; I Know My Rights, Someone Else is to Blame, and I'm A Victim.
Not many attended his funeral be cause so few realized he was gone.
If you still remember him, pass this on. If not, join the majority and
do nothing
Thank you ms. Stock.
Tom Ford
A little newspaper for a little town. Do you think you would receive ongoing information about Crestwood in every issue of the Journal? No.
Who is JP?
poster 1:31, No I will not excuse you.
I spend money($$$) in the Mall, that's what I contribute. What do you, oh wise one, do? Defend the mayor at any cost and attack the pool and Greer. How does that bring new business to the Mall oh wise one?
Open you eyes, ears and mind and think about the question I asked, not the fact that it made you wonder if the mayor had done the correct thing.
How about a dose of reality for once from you and your bunch of last standers? If you read what the Mayor said and were a developer would you feel incouraged to move your business to Crestwood? NO, there fore what the heck did my post have to do with your reply, nothing, as always, nothing but dung from you!
To the 1:37 Pm blogger, "constant criticism" of the swim club? No, I don't think so.
Criticism of the funding, yes!
To end this debate, all THF, or Rosebrook realty has to do is publicly reject any funding from any TDD, or tax levied at Kohls for the pool. If they are willing to do this, it's a no longet an issue. If not, well, people will continue to ask.
Tom Ford
12:59 9/7 Blogger. You hit the nail on the head. I think your comparison is "right on" regarding all of the things our previous CA did on and off the premises and it was all covered up. The mayor makes a "slip" and everyone is ready to criticize him. If the person writing what the mayor said wanted to leave it out, he could have. I am not a journalist, but it would have been good if the word were omitted. However, if you compare your blog comment with what the mayor said in the news, the truth lies before us with your comparison. I wonder, however, how many bloggers can see the unfairness of it all.
3:27 pm 9/7 Blogger. That is so unfair of you to say regarding the employees hired by Greer. The only one who should go, the Finance Officer, is already gone and was only hired so that Greer could do her job, spend more money and if worst came to worst, he could put the blame on her and use her as his scape goat.
Greer didn't want someone smart in that important position. Too many questions would be asked. He didn't want someone asking questions and standing in his way while he built his own empire. Get real?
In order to understand Greer, you have to think like a sociopath. By making Madrid his own personal property was part of his plan and by being inappropriate and getting by with it made him feel even more powerful.
We have a good city clerk and she works hard. We had a good accountant to help the Finance Officer, and she has now found an even better job with another city. We have good people in the Executive Offices. Remember, when they applied for a job in Crestwood, they didn't know or understand what was going on. They just wanted a job. It isn't fair to chastise them. They made more money when he hired them, but that was his call and nobody questioned him about it. If you take away their jobs, you are basically punishing them for something Greer did.
I hope that you are being condecending with your remarks. Nobody ever said that most people he hired were inept. His problem was that the people who were there, were not good enough for him. If he couldn't get his own crew, he had no use for the ones who were ready, willing and able to assist him. He wanted his own people and said so many times.
If you think that these people he hired should be let go, then you are no better than he was.
You should be ashamed saying that.
FELLOW CITIZENS!! This is not about Greer, this is about what our current Mayor is quoted in a paper. It is about if what he says he is and will do will work. Looking at the past will only cause us to lose focus on current and future events.
The question has been asked twice and now will be asked a 3rd time,
If you were a developer of malls or a CEO of retail chain store would the quotes of the mayor incourage you to do business in Crestwood?
Gosh, some of us are so full of hate for Greer we would cut our nose off to spite our face.
The mayor didnt make a "slip", that's his normal way of talking and you know it. Anybody who has been around him when he is off duty knows as much, so stop with the cover up.
I am sure it wasn't an accident that the heading for the thread before this one was:
"We are doomed. This is the most depressing news I have seen in some time"
That should be the heading for this thread.
To answer the question that has been asked 3 times with out an answer, would you do business in Crestwood if you read that the Mayor was to put pressure on Westfield, my answer is:
Heck No, I wouldn't. No tinpot mayor from a one horse town is going to tell me how to run my business in "his City" at the THE "B" Mall. That's great stuff for his supporters to read and believe, fills out the macho image he tries to deplict, but I, as a leader of my industry am not impressed one bit.
Better sit your mayor down and give him a bit of "Business/Local Govt Relationship 101 Training" before coming to me with "pressure".
Good luck Crestwood, you've got the Salvation Army coming soon to your area to compete with your B Mall, and your mayor has 18 months left in his term. Can you believe the Mayor admitted the Mall had a B ranking and then thinks he can pressure anyone to do anything within it?
Love to all
So the mayor is supposed to put pressure on Grewe to fill the vacant Sports Authority property but not put any pressure on Westfield to supply the city with some input as to their intentions for the mall? From the criticisms made on this blog, it looks like the mayor can't win no matter what he does.
Tin Pot city. I love it, I just love it.
Don't have a clue what a mall owner would think in answer to your question. But I would probably be more inclined to work with this Mayor than one who was a known drunk and sexual harrasser, or one who conveniently avoided knowing about "sex in the city." And, bought the fairy tale that we had enough money to build a 14.5 Million Dollar city hall.
Loved hearing from you Clifford. By the way, if you are a leader in your industry, how many eyes do your helpers have?
I don't think that Westfield contributed to the mayor's election or sit on a Crestwood board. I do believe that maybe if financial fines were imposed on owners not filling stores within a certain amount of time (industry time, not our time of course) more stores would be filled with something, rather than nothing. Maybe they could cut the rent for a certain amount of time to fill the space? Or offer short term leases in case that owner decides to change the "flavor" of shops located there? Right now nothing stops them from leaving the stores vacant.
I will tell you that a co-worker of mine heard the mayor on a radio interview and he felt embarrassed for Crestwood. Maybe the CA should be the spokes person for the media like the BOA voted. I'm sure that will never make the agenda, like so many other issues. But remember, we on this blog don't know the whole picture. I guess we don't know the "well-known expert" either. Was the city given the results of the survey conducted? It would be interesting to know the comments regarding our elected officials!
Having a media spokes person for Crestwood would be a disaster. Can you imagine what the poor soul would have to go through? It's best for everyone that as many people talk to the media that want to. People have things they want to say. If somebody doesn't want to talk, fine. If the media wants to talk to whoever, fine. Everybody wins. And yes, the mayor is a big boy. I'm sure he realizes who he's talking to when he's saying whatever offensive word he said. I respect Mayor Robinson enough to not criticize him for that. But don't criticize the media for printing something from him that you may not want to hear. I thought it's a good thing for the media to be accurate. Roy said it. End of story.
I believe the topic is "Crestwood Mayor to put pressure on Westfield, for mall improvement plans"
Why must we turn the topic into the lambasting of FORMER employees and FORMER administrations.
Why must we continue to live in the PAST.
Isn't it time to move-on and use our ideas in a positive manner.
What about some suggestions as to what types of businesses or names of businesses you would like to see in Crestwood?
Personally, I'd love to see more restaurants. There's already the Chevy's and the Houlihan's at the mall. Both are great and attract people from outside Crestwood. But what about something that maybe the area doesn't have? I'm at a loss to think of anything specific. What do you guys think? I also think that the city should continue to think outside the mall. Let's face it. That mall's going to be the red-headed stepchild of Westfield in the St. Louis area for a long time. I wouldn't be surprised if it's sold in a few years or less. Wasn't one of the phone survey questions about a Wal Mart Super store? There's not another one close by. People would come. But it would take a TIF or something similar. In the long run, and compared to what we have now with the unfortunate mall, I think it could be worth the risk. What do you all think?
11/03 9/8 Blogger
Q: Why the lambasting of former employees and former administrations.
A: Well I 'spose it's because turn about is fair play. "you scream, I scream, we all scream for icecream." The so-called "lambasted" seem to get their jollies by constantly inventing barbs about the Mayor. Most of which are so lame as to need life support. They apparently have starched and knotted BVD's.
Q:Why continue to bring up the past?
A: So it is not repeated. You see the problems are pretty much inherited.
Q: Can we move on and use ideas in a positive manner.
A: Great Idea. When do you want to start?
Q: Can we just give suggestions about what to bring into the city?
A: Read blog; there are at least 2 offering ideas this week. We are all ready to hear yours. Bring it on.
What it comes down to unfortunately is that past administrations have had some snags. They don't like to hear this. So, the best way to deal with this is to start a rap sheet on the new Mayor. Now this is not exactly what this city wants to do when it grows up. Many of us have a thick hide and keep hoping we can make lemonaid out of the local pondscum.
I am glad you asked your questions. Perhaps if people recognize the way things really are, it can change and we won't have a sore neck from turning the other cheek.
10:09 poster,a known drunk, which mayor was that? and who knew it and who are you to claim to know who is a drunk and who isnt? and will you be brave enough to sign your name to an answer to these questions or are you like rest of the CCFR, only strong when you hide in the shadows and no one can see you face or know your name?
If everyone is betting on this group of people bringing business into Crestwood, you'd better take your chips off the table. Both Roy and his administrator are in way over their heads with the business situation in Crestwood.
Someone mentioned Houlihan's at the mall. They were closed last night, a Friday night. Looked to me like they've closed up shop???? Don't worry, I'm sure Roy will replace them with a pork rinds stand.
Houlihan's at Crestwood Plaza is out of business. I am sure there are many other restaurants waiting in line to open up in our community. Sounds like Roy did a great job with Westfield. Well played. what does Roy's unnamed expert have to say about that?
A new watering hole and spit is headed our way to replace Houlihan's. Roy's Beer and Bull will save the Crestwood Mall and Bring Back Crestwood. The retiree waitress will save you a place at the bar.
5:34 blogger, is that the best you can do? Why not channel your "expertise" twards the renovation of the Mall instead of Roy?
Think about it!
Tom Ford
7:24 AM blogger, What rest of the CCFR members are you talking about?
Hide in the shadows? I don't think so! All of the members put their names forward, most have had their names in the paper, and my name is right here (ugly photo, and all,) for you to see.
Hiding in the shadows, with false bravado on this blog comes from posters who wish to remain "anonymous", no?
Tom Ford
7:24 am 9/9 blogger who asked a question to the blogger at 10:09 regarding who is the drunken mayor he referred to in his/her
I could tell you his name but Tom Ford said "no more naming names" on his blog. However, as far as who knew it and covered it up, the CA who just left Crestwood covered it up. However, FYI, the lawsuit is public record.
It's like this; when someone does something wrong but has power, it is usually kept quiet. Those innocent persons who would do similar acts but have no power, get burned at the stake.
And what happens to the victims? They are treated as trouble makers and rebel rousers and are stripped of their integrity and honesty.
It's called politics.
10:48 AM While alleged age discrimination is bad, you are wrong about a lawsuit being covered up. From the Call newspaper web site: 2004-12-08 Impact News
Board OKs settlement of discrimination charge December 08, 2004 - Staff Report
"A lawsuit was not filed in the matter that was settled through mediation in which an EEOC representative served as the mediator, according to minutes of a Sept. 14 closed session of the Board of Aldermen." and
"Because ... agreed to settle the matter and withdraw ... charge filed with the EEOC, the complaint is not a public record under federal law."
2:36 9/11 Blogger. You and I must not be speaking of the same case. Oh that's right, the Call Newspaper stated "discrimination" but it wasn't "discrimination", it was for sexual harrassment in the work place by a mayor. So don't get your bootie in an uproar. It went to arbitration because had the person went ahead with a lawsuit, she would have been dead before it got to court. You see, lawyers and insects will inherit the earth and they are postpone and postpone and postpone especially when they are being paid mucho dollars by the city to find a way to clear the perpetrator especially when he has so much power. The employee was just a little fish in a big pond. The mayor was at fault and that is why he resigned his position. PERIOD END OF DISCUSSION.
Big deal, no one can see it because it isn't public record. Only a lawyer could be that sure of himself. Well spoken Mr. Esquire. You got your mind made up anyway so what's the big deal.
Inquiring minds might find on the Crestwood city website under the Board of Alderman > Agendas & Minutes for September 14, 2004 Minutes of Executive Session Approved 11-9-04 and made public record
AND for the September 28, 2004 09-28-04 Executive Session Minutes to be of interest.
Speaking of having ones mind made up, explain your claim that "she would be dead before she got to court".
I think she ment that it would drag out so long that she may not be there for the finish.
Tom Ford
6:48 pm 9/11 Blogger. Yes, she would be dead for the length of time she would have had to wait to go to court. Look how long it took Leichliter's case to come through. When the City knows they are wrong, they can stall a case forever and under the CA at that time, they all did what he demanded. Every time Leichliter's case was set, it was postponed by the city, time and time again.
Incidently, The Call Newspaper did what they always used to do when explaining something. They only tell you part of the real story. The good mayor in question was instrumental in getting The Call Newspaper off the ground when it first came out.
So The Call stated that "a harrassment lawsuit was settled by the city". The Call deliberately left out the word "sexual". Go back and read it if you don't believe me.
This whole thing was covered up purposely by the CA. After all that mayor put the CA in that position in the first place. The CA wasn't going to "bite the hand that fed him." Had it been your daughter or wife, or the CA's daughter or his girlfriend that was sexually harrassed, the name of the mayor would have been splashed all over town.
Also, The charge was filed with both the EEOC and the State. It had nothing to do with AGE discrimination. I am quoting the file in part so stated as follows: "...subjected to a physically and sexually hostile work environment and by being expected to provide sexual favors as a condition of keeping her job, and retaliated against because of filing the lawsuit. It violated Chapter 213 of the Missouri Human Rights Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1991."
Is that enough for you or do you still want to go through this bantor anymore?
I think it's time to leave it go.
Perhaps Crestwood could make money by creating a reality TV show. This is nothing but one big circus. No wonder nothing is getting done. Everyone is too caught up in everyone else's business.
We should not forget what happened in the past because we need to be able to stop it sooner the next time it happens.
Are there any regional leaders that can bring us together so that we can move forward? We are slowly destroying our community that we all have a significant investment in.
We need to put together a plan...any kind of plan, so that we have something to work towards.
Crestwood 2008. This is where we need to be...This is who we need to talk with to help get us there...
9:30 PM 9/12 There is only one article in the Call about the discrimination case in question and your quote about harassment does not occur in it. From the Call's Web site
2004-12-08 Impact News
Board OKs settlement of discrimination charge December 08, 2004 - Staff Report
A former Crestwood employee received $37,500 under the terms of a settlement agreement approved by the Board of Alder-men in connection with a discrimination charge filed against the city.
The former employee, Sandra Grave�, had filed a discrimination charge against the city with the Equal Employment Oppor-tunity Commission. Grave� had been em-ployed by the city more than 30 years as an administrative secretary and an executive secretary.
A lawsuit was not filed in the matter that was settled through mediation in which an EEOC representative served as the mediator, according to minutes of a Sept. 14 closed session of the Board of Aldermen.
Under the terms of a settlement agreement approved during a Sept. 28 closed session of the Board of Aldermen, Grave� received $37,500 and the legal firm representing her, David C. Howard & Asso-ciates, received $25,000. The payments were covered by the city's insurance, according to the closed-session minutes.
During the Sept. 28 closed session, Ward 3 Alderman Don Maddox's motion to approve the settlement agreement, seconded by Ward 4 Alderman Pat Duwe, was unanimously approved.
Under the agreement, Grave� released all current and former city officials and em-ployees "from any and all demands, claims, suits and causes of action, of any kind and nature whatsoever, that Grave� may have or claim to have by reason of her employment with Crestwood and her separation from employment with Crestwood.''
The settlement agreement further states, "This agreement constitutes, in part, a compromise of disputed claims on the part of Grave� and Crestwood. However, the agreement shall not be construed as an admission by Crestwood of any wrongdoing or liability.''
Because Grave� agreed to settle the matter and withdraw her charge filed with the EEOC, the complaint is not a public record under federal law. PLEASE GIVE the article title and date of the article which contains the quote which you are referring to. The minutes twice from the Board of Aldermen Executive Session only mention a "Charge of Discrimination" NOT any harassment of any kind.
Please also state where a copy of the file can be obtained that you say contains your second quote.
There is a very interesting article in the CALL this week "Houlihan's closes at Crestwood mall". I bet the business community will find it interesting reading with respect to the mall's attractiveness to customers and its ability to support and keep long time tenants. What has the mayor been doing?
9:23 am 9/13. Dear Mr. or Mrs. Blogger.
I have read with interest your comments and the comments of others on this blog regarding my settlement, and I am hear to tell you to "cut it out".
I have the original documents and you can either believe me or call me a lier, it makes no difference to me.
The communication in question that was quoted by a blogger stating my situation and what happened, is part of the original document that was filed and is correct. I have no intentions of showing it to you or anyone.
But like I said before, the Call Newspaper may have called it discrimination because it was filed with the EEOC but it was also filed with the Missouri Commission on Human Rights and the particulars stated in the filing was sexual harrassment and you can think whatever you want to think or believe whatever makes you feel important. Or come to my home, I'll be more than happy to show you and tell you whatever you want to know, under my own roof.
I was under the impression that the original charge was public record. You say it isn't. Maybe you are right. If you are, then it must have been part of the ruling. I have my papers and know what they say.
The Call and the Executive Session minutes and/or everything else you say was said, or what the Call said - you can go ahead and believe.
In arbitration, you settle. I decided to settle rather than wait until I am 80 years old to get some justice. I did what anybody would do under the circumstances.
Since this happened at the City of Crestwood, I filed suit against the city because an elected official was involved.
Unfortunately, as I have said a million times, some of the board members felt that if I filed it against the City, I filed it against them. Too bad! I don't have to apologize for anything.
Now, back to the present. I received my award last night at the board of aldermen meeting for my years of service. I was looking for a job over 30 years ago and found my perfect career and I have never regretted it.
Sir or Madame. I am not going down this road any longer. I was just a young girl looking for a job in 1973, and I am too dog gone old now to have to deal with people who are out to prove that I am the villan in this whole thing.
Now, I am begging you to leave it go and I beg everyone else to do the same. I do not have to prove myself to anyone that really cares. The people that have known me for many years understand. You and others have a choice. You can believe whatever makes you comfortable. But it's stupid to comment about it anymore because it isn't important in the scheme of things in our city.
SO let's talk about what is really important to Crestwood.
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Sandy Grave
PS: Please note that the City of Crestwood has an insurance policy on all elected officials. The money received was from that policy.
They mayor stated in the article that Crestwood was to be contacting Westfield. Why hasn't there been any follow-up report from the mayor? or maybe this was addressed at the BOA meeting. Anyone know?
Maybe because he was too busy on the golf course with President of the Board of Aldermen Miguel to get the job done.
Just ask them if you don't think that's where they were.
OK, 7:41. I may noy vote for Roy next time, but bashing on him for playing in the annual golf tournament is pretty damn low. How desperate and petty can you be to find something bad to say about the mayor? Just look around. It's SO easy to find something to criticize him for anyway. Why revert to ninth grade pettiness? If you're going to criticize the mayor, find something more thoughtful and intelliegent and not so half-cocked to say. I hear you, 7:41. But it's plain to see to everyone that your post is the act of a desperate man (or woman) with nothing better to do.
9:02 am 9/14 Blogger. I agree with you on this one. However, if you consider the source, you will see that if someone wants to dislike you, they will find any kind of reason to make you look bad.
Yes, Roy has made mistakes, but so do all of us and the previous administrator did his share. Also the previous administrator spend half of his time on the golf course and so did the one who was before him. What's the big deal? I would like to know if the blogger in question ever mentioned those golf games as well?
Getting down to basics, it is like this - if certain people do not like you, they will always find something bad to say about you to accentuate the negative.
Conversely, if you really like someone and this person has a laundry list of things he has done to tear down this community, but you really, really like them, you will defend that person, no matter if they turn out to be a felone.
It's like the mother whose son has done one bad thing after another. The mother says "he has always been such a good boy". Can you ever change her mind? No! Will she hate the people who dislike him? Yes!
Same game, different circumstances.
To the blogger who asks "what has the Mayor been doing?" And, who seems to think driving Houlihan's out of town. OOOOOOOOKAY then ...
... let me (using this parallel) take this opportunity to say thank you to the Mayor for Shop and Save, Famous Brand Shoes, the new Walgreens, Macy's, Las Marguerita's, the phone store, etc.
Please find another stage on which to perform. I am really tired of you running down my Mayor, my City, and what most of us are trying to do to keep Crestwood special. Since you are not part of that group, could you at least give it a rest.
5:26 pm 9/15 Good for you fellow blogger. I agree with you. Some on this blog are soooo upset because their mayoral candidate lost, that they refuse to cooperate with anyone else. This mayor could have walked on water, and it wouldn't be enough for those who voted against him.
That's where all the negative comments come from, you know. Sour grapes. The one kid on the board gets all his information from the oldest one on the board because they are both connected with the same company. Therefore, he gets all the wrong advise but loves the company he keeps.
well I know what I am going to do and that is support the Mayor and what ever plan he comes up with. He is the Mayor, he has power, smarts and a brain trust to come up with the solutions to our Cities problems.
Please join me in supporting the Mayor and his plan!
Poster 11:07a.m.
What mistakes has Roy made, I can't think of a single one? None of this is his fault,ever. He hasnt made one mistake, and if he did it was the Alderman's fault or something.
Get your head out, Roy is the greatest Mayor since before Pat Killoran!
If there are members of the BOA who have allowed themselves to be brainwashed by the former administration (whose supporters are one step away from a fit most of the time) that is indeed their business. However, I have really only noticed the one alderman who acts like a vodoo doll and who seems to have no qualifications to serve our city & who also needs anger management. He sorta reminds me of a guy who bums cigarettes and borrows a letter sweater to make an impression. Seems he is absent a lot, too. Ever notice that.
So far it appears the other aldermen are keeping their eyes on the road and showing us their best hand. There is little benefit for them in being a groupie in the red face club. These are grown men/women, who need to fulfill their campaign promises and make their family and city proud. I think they realize that staking their reputations with a foot in yesterday's unruly door does little to gain respect.
There are (7) aldermen up there who seem intelligent and who want what is best for our city/their city. I really don't think they are going to fall prey to the influence from the part of the past which just keeps on rearing its ugly, stupid head on this blog. This kind of stain just won't come out.
Right now the BOA, Mayor and Aldermen are being challenged by many problems they inherited. They are working together to turn things around. The last thing they have time for is playing or promoting Let's Dunk The Mayor. Grown men and women usually outgrow this trait the first year of college.
Poster 8:29, your right on the mark,
join me in supporting the Mayor's plan to bring back Crestwood before it's too late!
Support the Mayor's Plan now!
Will do.
"... let me (using this parallel) take this opportunity to say thank you to the Mayor for Shop and Save, Famous Brand Shoes, the new Walgreens, Macy's, Las Marguerita's, the phone store, etc."
Do you really think that the mayor had anything to do with those developments? You have been drinking the kool-aid!
There was a solution on the table that the current mayor did not like. Now there is no solution on the table. Can't support something that does not exist.
9:10 pm 9/15 Blogger. And what solution might that be that was on the table the mayor didn't like? GO Bonds? Aren't you forgetting, if the mayor didn't like the solution, when put to a vote, the 8 aldermen could have overturned it? I thought the mayor could not do anything without the acceptance of the board of aldermen or a vote from the people.
So if the solution was rejected by the mayor, why didn't the aldermen protest it and vote for this fabulous solution you speak of? Are you saying that whatever the mayor says cannot be overridden by a majority vote from the board?
I think my first answer was the real one - it's just too much fun to blame the mayor.
poster 9:10 What are you trying to infere, that there is no Mayor's plan?
He must have a plan, look at all poster on this blog over the last 10 months who supported the Mayor, they must all support his plan as well.
Oh ye of little faith, I trust our mayor to be a man of his word and he said he has a plan and I support it, why won't you, ye people of little faith?
who's blaming the mayor, I'm praising him for his plan to bring Crestwood back? Don't you support his plan too?
9:08 pm 9/15 Blogger. Sure Houlihan's moves out and it's because of the mayor but several new merchants move in, and let's not give the mayor the credit.
You are sooooo transparent you must be sitting on your brains.
Conclusion: All the negatives are this mayor's fault; all the positives go to the previous administration. Oh Boy, that sounds like a unbiased and fair opinion to me!!!!!!!!!
poster 10:06 Hurray, I can see by your post you support the Mayor's Plan!!!
Way to go and see the light, now spread the word on how we all need to support the plan of the Mayor by making it our plan to bring Crestwood back, and shuzam Batman, its ok again.
Glad you have come to your senses.
Of course the mayor has a plan. He said so. We need to review and learn every detail of the mayor's plan and support and help the mayor as he tries to put it into action. Crestwood will not survive if people deny the plan or ridicule it. Unity not diversity is needed so the plan can be successful.
So what did Roy shoot at the golf outing?
The Mayor's score is not public information. It would only distract the readers of this blog from their appointed task of supporting the Mayor and his plan if we were told what his super great score was.
The focus must be on his plan, it will be his plan that will bring back Crestwood. Those Swim Club members who have opposed the Mayor must be made to pay and I am pretty sure that once his plan is in effect they will be "taken care of".
8:23 - Glad you're not bitter. Have a nice weekend.
10:13 a.m. 9/15 blogger.
The mayor already did what needed to be done in my view. He got rid of the sociopathic previous CA who spent every city nickel he got his hands on as well as a historical salary and car allowance when the city had just found out the money was gone and we were broke.
To bad the previous board of aldermen and mayor knelt down in adoration of him like he was God, and was going to give him the 14.2 million dollar police station to add to the notches in his gun.
For what you ask? So he could maintain his dictatorship that what for.
I will make a comparison. First you get rid of the cancer by cutting it out, then you start chemo and hope you can kill any other life-threatening cancer cells still left in the body.
Hurray for Roy! He did what nobody else could stand up and do.
You can either give him time and support in trying to turn things around, or you can keep acting like a big cry baby along with your other naysayers but we are all sick of hearing about it.
8:23 AM blogger.Is it true that all the swim club members will be getting a package of fresh spinich over the weekend as a gesture of friendship?
I am not a naysayer, I am a rabid supporter of the Mayor's plan for our cities recovery and can not wait to hear and about it in detail. Surley you dont mean by your post that his entire plan was just to fire the former CA and stop the police station do you? There has to be more than that to the Mayor's plan, to bring Crestwood Back than that? Greer's gone and so is the police station plan if that was his entire plan, then how come our sales tax dollars are not increasing, and our budget is still in the red? There has to be a rest of the plan, I cant wait till he presents it to us for us to jump on the band wagon and support.
How about you, do you support the mayor's plan?
That's right, Greer's gone and the police station with him. Awwwwwwwwww!
As for the "red" part, the lost revenue part.
Locate Greer. Ask him.
If you can get blood out of the turnip he left behind, I will give up Kool Aide.
"For the rich there are shrinks, for the rest of us..... there's beer!" I guess I will head for the store while the pool leadership calls for appointments.
3:44 pm 9/16 Blogger. Are you just stupid or are you just Very Stupid?
Why are we still in the red you say? Because Rome wasn't built in a day that's why.
If you want instant gratification, go to a strip club. You think Roy or anyone else can just give us a new city with perfect credit when it has been financially exhausted for years?
And no, there definitely has to be more than just firing the CA and forgetting about a new police station that the mayor has to do, but had Roy not been elected, we would still be in that same darn place wouldn't we? Don't you understand that the previous administration was going to continue going down that road with the same CA and a new police station had Roy not been elected? Or doesn't that stand for anything at all. You are just like so many other people; it took us years to get where we are now; but you want the mayor to make it better yesterday. That's life like it or not.
Our cash flow started to go down hill long ago and it continued and continued and continued because nobody stopped it.
His plan, his plan, his plan and again "his plan". We have all heard those words a trillion times on this blog "the mayor's plan". And it ain't over yet. Well what was the other candidate's plan. If he can tell me what his was, other than what I saw and heard at the mayoral debate, maybe I would have voted for him. "Keep the same CA" because we were saving money by having him work in 2 positions". Gag my face!! Oh Yeah, we would have been so much better off.
What in the heck do you think this mayor's plan should be? Isn't it obvious? Trying to straighten out the dung left by the previous administrations.
You want specifics? Well, I can tell you right now, the mayor could stand on his head, and give some of you bloggers all the specifics you want, and because some of you didn't vote for him, never liked him in the first place, are angry and bitter because you are all a bunch of cry babies playing politics, it ain't gonna matter what his specifics are, you will never support what he and his new board have to say.
Just that simple. Never have and never will. I would rather beat my head a million times against a wall, than to hope for one inch of rational behavior from some of you stupid, ignorant people on this blog. You make no sense at all and are so full of your own self serving motives, I want to hurl!
I think some of you have a real problem with over drinking or using illegal substances that make you brain dead.
3:44 9/16 blogger
Very well put. I agree, a couple too many trips to Malones for these morons. But, they are doing what they do best.
Is it not amazing that the lowlife's you are speaking to settled in our fair city and preceeded to stink it up?
Their identity is known and with that fact alone, we consider the source and laugh our heads off. EAsy to call their hand.
If the aldermen read this blog, I would imagine they are embarrassed to death to see this pathetic bunch of slugs at work. Our BOA spend their time and efforts to make our city better while having to realize that the demeaning side of our city makes jest of them all. But I think they are smart enough to know these lovelies drag things down and make them more work. People are known by the company they keep. Before long the stink is so bad no one wants to associate with it.
Dirty politics in a small town does not hurt people; it destroys the city. No one pays much attention to these drops outs.
The other candidate did'nt win, so what would his plan have to do with us right now? The candidate that won is the mayor and we want to support his plan and can't wait till he shares it with us.
Why do you have a problem with that?
poster 7:34 so this Board is the Mayor's Board? Interesting insight to the election process in Crestwood.
Oh well, time to ask again if you will support the Mayor's plan? Seems you are a very bitter person from what you have written, I mean calling people stupid and other things. How do you know so much? Do you have a plan? Do you support the Mayor's Plan?
Are you always this mad or only on weekends?
9:09 pm 9/16 Blogger whoever you are, your insight to my words is wrong. I will answer your questions and hope you will understand their intent.
To clarify part of your comment, I realize there is an election process and the mayor and board of aldermen were elected by the people. But doesn't this mayor have to work with these 8 people and vice versa?
By your comment, am I hearing that you are hoping that this board NOT work with the mayor? Is that perhaps because you have knowledge that this board of aldermen has no intention to work with him? If so, I wouldn't be a bit surprised. If you consider the past and how it used to be. I for one can see the honeymoon being over soon.
Another comment regarding my use of words like "stupid". Well if you have been on this blog for any length of time and don't see the stupidity of some of these comments, you must be a newcomer.
And no, I am not mad at all. I just get tired of people who listen to those that have no idea of what they are saying and are so gullable they believe all the garbage and politics like a bunch of lost sheep.
And Yes, I will support this mayor. But anybody that thinks a person should come in like a lion and gangbuster the city with all these specific ideas (Plans) in place before surveying the damage is ridiculous. We already had a Hitler in Crestwood, and it didn't work. Slow and dilberate is better.
You surely don't manage your own money and household by not knowing where you stand first financially and first surveying what needs to be done. Why do you expect the mayor to do it. Because he said he had a plan? Get off that road, would you? Did you expect Presto ChangeO?
Do you not feel that proceeding with changes are better done in a slow, prudent manner so as to not mess yourself up down the line?
What is this "plan" thing. No matter what a person wants to bring to his new position, you have to take a good look at what you have to work with first.
If you ask me, how could a mayor know for sure what plan to make, if he hasn't had a chance to see the problems up close and personal.
You people that don't care for this mayor in the first place are the ones who are bringing all this pressure and nonsense to the table. If this were your candidate, you would be giving him all the time he wanted to make things right.
So, you see, it's still all politics with some of the bloggers and it has nothing to do with supporting who we have up on the dais now. And that my fellow blogger is stupidity!
Poster 11:34
Wow, thanks for clearing the air a bit with your post. It seems to me that your are saying the mayor does not have a plan after all because he didnt know the real problems to be fixed until he got into office. I thought that with all the audits the city went through in the last couple of years before he was elected that he had studied them and knew what needed to be done. I guess your saying that is not the case. I hope you'r wrong on that, with the mayors vast business background he should have been able to hit the ground running after election day, but your saying that's not the case.
Darn, this could be bad news. He did come in like a lion and gangbuster the place with the replacement of people on committes and such with his people and he did get rid of who I guess your saying was a Hitler in less than a yr in office, and did get a couple of tax increase passed real fast, so I just kind of thought that he had a plan like he said he did and like most leaders do.
Are you saying that I was misled by the mayor and he doesnt have a plan for our cities recovery? If that is the case, why would he want to have a Town Hall Meeting to talk to us about it and answer our questions about his plan? I am sure you are wrong on that and he will gladly have a Town Hall Meeting for us to ask questions about his plan.
One last thing, in your post you talk about liking or disliking the mayor and that is why there is all this nonsense and pressure being brought to bare on him for a plan. I thought one of the reasons for our current status was in the past, no one was asking our leaders questions and holding them accountable for results. Well if you disliked other people in our govt. did you bring pressure to get rid of them? Did you ask questions about what their plans were and what they had done to make the city better? Here I am just asking for you to support the mayor and you get all bent out of shape like I was attacking him. Why are you blowing a gasket over those of us who want to support the mayor's plan and are simply asking everybody to support his plan for our recovery? We are only trying to prevent the same thing that happened in the past from happening again and you act as if it was personel or something. I have not said one bad or evil thing about the mayor in this post so I resent your calling me stupid, take it back.
8:19 AM 9/17 I will take stupid back when you take back your assumptions about my words.
Where did I say the mayor had no plan. That is an assumption. What did you want from him, a document with 1,2,3,4 and 5 and stated specifi? Did you want them in writing? I SAID in my previous comments that any person who wants to solve problems first has to assess the issues and go about rectifying them in a prudent, slow manner. There were several things he knew he had to do right away and he did those as I so stated.
But you are assuming that because he hasn't posted a definitive plan in the news, or otherwise, that he doesn't have a plan.
By their deeds you will know them. I saw the deeds of the previous administrator and the mayor who put him there and I said this is wrong and if this keeps going on we are doomed. So I voted appropriately and voted how I felt. But that's all any of us can do.
This mayor is not perfect by any means but with the previous mayor, we didn't have a chance to move forward.
Like I said before, if you read this blog very often you can read the stupidity. Now if the shoe fits, wear it. If not, I don't see why you feel it was geared especially for you.
You asked me questions and I answered them. Sorry if you take offense but the intentions of some on this blog, leave nothing to the imagination or their physological profiles. Enough said.
Have we made progress? I think we have but again it depends on who you talk to. Those who opposed him, will tell you no, he hasn't made progress.
Did I pressure anyone in to get rid of people. Did you? But I knew who should be dismissed and I knew that our city didn't have a chance to be turned around the way it was progressing before!
To the Sept. 17th, 8:19 a.m. poster:
There is no need to wait for a town hall meeting to get answers to your questions. Your town hall meeting is every second and fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. Please take advantage of the public comment portion of the agenda to ask questions of the administration.
Martha Duchild
12:13 PM 9/17 Martha, you are right and I wish that people would go to the meetings. So far, I haven't seen it happening to any extent but it would be nice.
I am an old timer and as such can't seem to make any headway with at least two persons on the board of aldermen.
If I were to ask questions at a board meeting, I have no credence so they would just blow me off too, just like they do to Bob Deutchmann or other seniors that really care. To them, we have no rights any more and we just need to sit down and shut up.
The new ones are still trying to get their feet wet and it would be hard for them to answer some questions.
Maybe a town hall meeting every once in awhile would help. I think that if all the board members could attend, and department heads are asked to give their input, the community development person gives a summary, and Frank Myers states what he sees and wants done, plus the mayor, maybe the people in Crestwood that attend could feel like they are being protected and that our city is being cared for. It may be worth a shot!
Then a question and answer time period could be good. It should be publicized, not just in the newsletter. There should be signs visually posted so people can read them driving down the main streets of Crestwood. Give those persons in charge time to get prepared ahead of time.
But the naysayers, on the board and their supporters, will find fault with it, I am sure. They are still playing games and politics, because they wanted someone else to be sitting in that mayoral seat. They love playing politics and slinging mud when there is no mud to sling, and they make mountains out of molehills.
And while they are busy making mud pies, nobody is taking care of us.
Besises putting pressure on Westfield, what is the mayor's plan regarding Crestwood Mall? Was Houlihan's part of his plan?
14 million dollar police station
Huge car allowance
One man with two jobs
$10,000 worth of office furniture for the mayor
Lots of time and effort spent going after Creston Center while other properties lay dormant
Multiple lawsuits
Under what plan did these items fall under? hmmm?
I sure hope it wasnt under this mayors plan but since we have yet to see one from him how would we know for sure?
The massive car allowance, two jobs for one person, 14 mill police palace, $10,000 worth of office furniture - these items occured under previous administrations.
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