Sunday, September 17, 2006

The plans move forward!!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have just received the following from one of our Alderman reference the City's (and the mayor's plan,) for the future!

"The BOA, Mayor, city administrator etc. Will be working hard to finalize the plan (s), 1year, three year, five year, based on what we have discovered about revenue and expenses, department requirements and desires, and address debts incurred by previous BOA and city administration. We will be spending a lot of time as follows:

September 17th 1:00 pm to 7:00 pm
September 18th 6:30pm to 9:00 pm
Tuesday the 19th All day meeting

All of this time is spent to finalize the strategy to help Crestwood return to a financial responsibility. This is a dynamic process not a static process.

All of those who will not sign their names on the blog are welcome to add comments."

Well, it sounds like there is a plan after all, now aren't you ashamed for saying there wasn't?

Tom Ford

No. 221


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well goodness gracious! Now it's awfully quiet, isn't it? Wait a minute, I hear something - chewing - swallowing - well what do you know! Someone's eatin' crow!!! Is it a tasty bird?

8:59 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't think so. This is a meeting schedule that was due in June, 2005. Most want to know why? Thought there was a plan when the mayor got elected. Oh, and where were these meetings posted? and when? Very publized! NOT

9:44 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't recall the other mayors having a meeting like this, can you? Is that crow tasty?

9:58 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I support the mayors plan and cant wait to see it

10:39 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well good for you!

10:54 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your warm reply of support. I hope it is good for you as well.

11:02 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed it will be.

11:07 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was todays meeting posted anywhere so we could have attended? I think the law requires that.

11:11 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Indeed, it should be.

11:11 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure. I know nothing was posted about the charter revision committee appointments. So much for the Sunshine.

11:12 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For your perusal and information:

To eat boiled crow - from

"It is most likely an Americanization of the English "To eat humble pie". The English phrase is something of a pun — "umbles" were the intestines and other unsavories of a deer. Pies made of this were known to be served to those of lesser class who did not eat at the king's/lord's/governor's table.

At any rate, crow seems to be the distasteful meat of choice because it is stringy, it is carrion meat, and apparently tastes poorly. An old tale passed around amongst hunters advises that, if one runs out of food while alone in the woods, catch a crow, put it in a pot with a boot, boil it for a week, and then eat the boot.

Another dish likely to be served with humble pie is rook pie (rooks being closely related to crows). This may be another clue as to how humble pie became boiled crow.

Another possible connection comes from a short story by Rudyard Kipling. In his story 'The Strange Ride of Morrowbie Jukes' Morrowbie Jukes falls into a place from which he cannot escape. Another man trapped there catches wild crows and eats them, but Morrowbie in his pride declares, 'I shall never eat crow!' After days of nothing to eat, his hunger and desperation finally forces him to do what he swore he would never do - literally eat crow."

11:14 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was anyone at the meeting today that could share with us the progress made?

11:15 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what does the stuff about eating crow have to do with my strong support for the mayors plan? Are crows in season for hunting or something?

11:18 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these actual meetings or planning sessions or strategic sessions?

11:18 PM, September 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are these meetings an admission by the mayor that politically he needs a plan to sell another tax increase? Will stopping the borrowing from the special tax funds and paying back the debt to them so that streets and police facilities can be renovated be a part of the financial plans? I also eagerly await the part of the plans dealing with revitalization of the Westfield Shoppingtowwithout a TIF, a TDD, a CID or eminent domain, There are many questions that the public and the press will have about these plans so I expect that the mayor will need to hold his own townhall meeting to answer the questions about the plans. Now who opposes the recognition by the mayor that there is a need for plans? This brings back memories of other Five Year Plans.

5:45 AM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see anything new here except for the three year plan. Does anyone know if these plans going to be the mayor's comprehensive plans or limited to just his financial ones for the city?

7:44 AM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, no need to eat crow. This is not a plan. These are basically budget sessions. The mayor's plan would need to include how he is going to promote Crestwood, promote business and encourage development without using any of the development instruments such as TDD, TIF and yes, eminent domain that everyone on this blog is so violently opposed to. It slays me when people submit the ideas for new or different retailers to come to Crestwood. When they are unwilling to truly evaluate the demographics of this community. That is what the retailers do. Go check out all the new merchandise at the Crestwood Macy's and then compare it to the Macy's at the Galleria. The stuff at the Crestwood Macy's is positively DOWNscale compared to the Galleria--fit for little old blue haired ladies and folks not willing to part with a buck. How is Roy going to address these cold hard facts?

8:33 AM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the City of Crestwood have an Eminent Domain Task Force?

Please review City of Creve Couer's Plan for their TIF's, 353 Abatement's, TDD's, and CID's.

9:53 AM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm, who at city hall came here from Creve Coeur and would know this?

2:25 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agenda for Strategic Planning Work Sessions, Sept. 17-19, 2006 is not open to the public according to Kim Cottle, City Clerk.

So be it for the Sunshine Law in Crestwood!

Are we in Big Trouble?

3:39 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should all of our City of Crestwood officials be on Trail for violating the Missouri Sunshine Law not allowing any citizen to sit in on their Strategic Planning Work Sessions?

What happened to our "transparent" government"?

"It is not wisdom alone, but public confidence in that wisdom which can support an administration." Thomas Jefferson

3:45 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If one was to look up the definition of "desperate" they would see that the blogger(s), intent on packing their "PLAN" plan as a weapon and "using it directly on the forehead" as the ad says, fit this definition. The "repetition" of their postings has brought to light the desperation in this/these individuals and it has nothing to do with civic responsibility. The depths of depravity that this kind of intensity represents is from those whose lives have run amok. Those for whom the drug of hate has taken over and the way to keep it alive is to shoot up with more. Ex-officials or ex-employees, or those with an insular interest which has nothing to do with common decency.

Considering the needs of our city right now and the many and different ways to go about handling them, I don't find anywhere a solid arguement for acidic and fruitless bantor. I would never have imagined, in this community, the propensity for hatred nor the level to which these poor souls have degenerated, as a method of curing our fiscal problems or promoting all that is good about a community; which of course is foremost in all our minds. Far from making a contribution to these ends, they seem to have a cult of despair where they dwell and which they feed every chance they get. Those who have allowed this character flaw to rule their existance apparently thrive within the boundaries of group hate with no thought to property values, city progress or support for our city government; the leadership of which is comprised of 9 individuals, duly elected, and charged with awesome responsibilities.

It would seem a normal, caring, civic minded resident would race to the plate and lend support to these elected officials who are faced with the assignment of uniting in their efforts to get our city on the right track. If this group of officials cannot get the job done, it will be in part due to a lack of unity from constituants. Crestwood officials should not have to walk uphill to find the right path. They should not have to be hindered by spineless reprobates. But by now, I think they realize and recognize the "desperados" that exist among us are not to be counted upon. Most likely they realize their reputations, efforts and accomplishments are what we are looking at, what they will be judged on and relected by, as are their employers and neighbors. Success still spells success. Discention still spells discention. It is all public record. The spotlight in this city burns bright and apparently 24/7.

I have no reason to believe our entire BOA is not doing their best to work for us. Why would they dedicate their time and energy to our city if they were going to let a dishonorable group of petty people rain on the parade. Why would they want to associate with the likes of these people?

You see, if this BOA working together can manage to turn things around, they will have earned all our favor, respect and approval.There will be plenty of kudos to go around. And we will all share in the success. As for the Desperados, you tell me what role they will have played.

3:59 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


America was built on Courage, Imagination, and an unbeatable determination.

What was and is the City of Crestwood built on?

4:02 PM, September 18, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Do you really want to know? I am wondering the same thing myself!

Tom Ford

6:27 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How fortunate are we that America was built on courage, imagination and unbeatern determination. It would seem these are attributes some of our vocal dissenters might want to emulate.

8:18 PM, September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it true that the true roots of Crestwood were gambling houses and lady's cat houses?

Are we bringing in a Casino and massage parlors?

Sounds like we are getting back to our roots.

History repeats itself!

6:30 PM, September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who was invited to Economic Development Commission Meeting on 9/18/06 at 7 p.m.?

Is it true that Lindbergh School District staff was present?

Who do you find out if there are two meetings on one night on the city's website?

6:37 PM, September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What plans were discussed at the Sunday, Monday evening and Tuesday Strategic Planning Work Sessions?

7:25 PM, September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try again Mayor Robinson. I don't think some of you on this blog have been around long enough, either that, or your memories are short, or you don't pay attention.

Let's see, I can remember attending meetings where former City Administrator Don Greer presented 1 to 5 year plans....and jumping even further back, I can remember Kent Lichliter and Pat Killoren presenting the same.

I don't think Crestwood has gone 5 years without a new 5 year plan. Funny thing is, someone new always comes along, those plans are fogotten about, and they announce new plans....none of which ever come to fruition.

Come on people....these are textbook presentations that are taught to anyone getting a degree in public administration (thanks for paying attention in class Mr. Meyers). This is no's simply throwing out what 'might' be done 'if' the monies stay on track as currently 'projected', which they never do.

In other words, it's a lot of talk, a lot of political grandstanding, and no real work being done. That is NOT a plan.

8:52 PM, September 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you attend the meetings? (I'm not challenging you-just curious what was discussed)

10:11 PM, September 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:25 blogger, I did not attend the meetings, but two of my "cub reporters did.

From what I heard we need to take a closer look at what's being cooked up as a "plan!" for The mall, and Watson Rd.

It seems that there was a gentleman there by the name of Lyle Sumck (SP?,)who presented a lot of ideas to the work session, reference the forementioned.

I am given to understand that this presentation was, to say the least, "interesting," but un-affordable unless a "335 TIF" were to be created for all of Watson Rd.

I hear that such a TIF was passed by Mayor Fagan, and the BOA at that time, so, is it still good? Can we loose more tax revenues because of it?

I am wondering if the master plan for the county, and Crestwood is to merge with Sunset Hills, and create one city!

It sounds like we have just seen an off Brodway re-run of the "Music man", minus the Trombone!

Call your alderman, call the Mayor, call Mr. Myers, and for once let's find out what the heck is going on here!

Tom Ford

6:27 PM, September 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Watson Road TIF Area is still legally in effect and will remain so until the Board of Aldermen repeals it.

7:49 PM, September 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe if Crestwood merged with Sunset Hills, we could cultivate some business.

I understand the city of Sunset Hills is seeking to annex more unincorporated St. Louis County. It would be great if we could be a part of that annexation.

Perhaps we could get back some of those developers that wanted in the upscale shopping development that fell through and bring Crestwood Mall back.

8:29 PM, September 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Gentle Blogger" please tell us the reasons Sunset Hills would have to merge with Crestwood.

8:41 PM, September 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not the gentle blogger, but I would say that if Crestwood cannot end the critical political civil war, poor management styles, mores not suitable for civic progress,namecalling, lawsuits, harrassment, fund mismanagement, infighting and elementary behavior which reared its ugly head during the last few years impeding chances for concensus, fiscal responsibility and survival, then the reasons for becoming a Charter City become mute and one would have to wonder why anyone would want to annex us. But then, we are not up for grabs, are we? You tell me.

It is up to the current BOA to move us forward. Now is not the time for ex politicians or anyone on our board to encourage divisiveness. There is simply no excuse not to introduce to our city, all the best policies of compatibility and mutual efforts to keep all the nails off the road of progress.

9:04 PM, September 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunset Hills would be committing fiscal suicide.

9:55 PM, September 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well goodness gracious! Now it's awfully quiet, isn't it? Wait a minute, I hear something - chewing - swallowing - well what do you know! Someone's eatin' crow!!! Is it a tasty bird

Does it taste like more GO bonds? Well, now that must have been the plan all along. Agree with citizens to defeat the GO bonds to get elected and then realize that they were needed after all. I guess the past administration did not tell ALL lies!

10:38 PM, September 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see why Sunset Hills would be interested in annexing Crestwood. While we have some positives, there are too many negatives - debt, slow economic development, aging infrastructure. It would only make sense if Sunset Hills was in trouble as well and together, both cities could stay afloat.

11:05 PM, September 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is no "Watson Road TIF". The only two TIF' the City has are Kohl's and Watson Plaza. Given the "outcry" associated with these two, I hardly think there is the stomach for one that encompasses all of Watson Rd as TIF.

Face it folks, we better get used to fewer services, lines of credit and higher property taxes because we don't like TIF, CID, TDD or 353.

10:27 AM, September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know why it would be good for Sunset would just be good for Crestwood. Sunset Hills seems to want to expand and have more square miles. There is only so much unincorporated St. Louis County left, perhaps from that standpoint merging could make sense for them.

Sunset Hills has had great success in cultivating business. Despite the fallout of their planned shopping center, they have still built up the Borders area, Toys R Us, and now the new shopping center across from Growler's.

They obviously know something the Crestwood powers don' to cultivate and KEEP business.

6:56 PM, September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Location, location, location, that's Sunset Hill advandage

7:01 PM, September 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Look it up, there is a TIF in place for Watson Road unless the BOA repeals it. It's just that it hasen't been used yet.

Tom Ford

7:10 PM, September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chapter 353 Tax Abatement passed for Crestwood Mall by our BOA.

Usually a Chapter 353 Tax Abatement is for the size of City of St. Louis.

By using a Chapter 353 Tax Abatement, you can blight all of the commercial zone and rebuild with TIF, TDD and CID bonds.

Payments in lieu of taxes (PILOTS) may be imposed on the urban redevelopment corporation by contract with the city. PILOTS are paid on an annual basis to replace all or part of the real estate taxes, which are abated. The PILOTS must be allocated to each taxing district according to their proportionate share of ad valorem property taxes. 353.110.4, RSMo.

It is welfare for the Developers!

9:55 AM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is time to merge with Sunset Hills and Fenton.

The City of Crestwood is a low middle class neighborhood and has been getting worse for 20 years.

Bring in the white flag and let's start the merging of the cities to save taxes!

If we don't do this now, you will see more foreclosures in Crestwood!

9:57 AM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even the city of Balwin has made suggestions to their BOA regarding sharing services with municipalities. Of course also mentioned in the BOA minutes - "Crestwood looks like a ghost town".

12:47 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sunset Hills did TWO TIF's ($10 Million+) AND USED EMINENT DOMAIN to get those businesses (Home Depot, Bed, Bath Beyond, COMPUSA, TOYS R US etc.)

Crestwood has done two TIF's and not used eminent domain for a fraction that in TIF and about come unglued.

2:10 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My oh my, cherry pie.
ain't this the pits, the mayor's plan is to sell bonds when he told us he would'nt cause they were such a bad deal.

5:08 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:10PM 9/22

Sunset Hills did use TIF but brought in a huge development of new and different stores.

We used TIF to bring in another department store to compete with Crestwood Plaza's and a TIF for a store we already had - Walgreen's.

8:37 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 8:37 PM... What would you have suggested in place of Kohl's? Please share your development expertise.

9:33 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Garden Ridge (between the homeowners in Crestwood, Sunset Hills, and adjoining communities, that place would have done a huge business)

2. A large scale furniture store such as Rothman's.

3. The original TIF which was approved by the TIF Commission which would have included office space (workers and shoppers) and retail.

4. Combination development, such as a retail store/restaurant.

I would have stayed away from something that was a direct competitor to the already struggling Crestwood Plaza. The thought should have been to add something to compliment the plaza, not take away from it.

There - and I'll only charge 1/2 of what PGAV charges!

10:23 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Apparently no developer felt as you do. That property was vacant for a long, long time. Did you see other developers coming to Crestwood to put your ideas in place? I guess Kohls is better than nothing. Don't you agree?

11:15 PM, September 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Better than nothing but not the best choice. How many developers were contacted? What were the city's attempts to develop it? Did PGAV do the lion's share of the work or the city?

The property sat vacant for a long time for a couple of reasons:
1. The long timetable - the TIF Commission was formed in '97. Kohl's was built around 2004 or so?

2. The multiple ownership issues.

A TIF Commission was appointed. They approved what was put before them. The board of aldermen changed it and now we have a department store competing with department stores in a plaza that is suffering. Don't you agree?

12:56 AM, September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 12:56, what is your point? It seems your saying that elected officals of the City in 1997 should have brought someone else to the corner of Watson and Sappington. If that is your position you need to ask former Mayor Jim Brasfield what happended.
But the facts are the City can not force the types of stores you listed to move to a location or for that matter to even locate in Crestwood. If you recall before Kohls we had an empty National food store, a boarded up Flaming Pit and an office building that was 1/3 empty on it's best months and was falling down around the tenets still in the building.
So if you would have stayed away from a direct competitor of the stores in the Mall, and none of those non-comepetiors had wanted to move to where Kohl's is now located, you would still have an empty, under used piece of property.
By the way, you state the Aldermen changed what was brought to them by the TIF commission, share with us what was changed, that's the 1st I'd ever heard of that and doubt you know what your talking about on that matter! An example is your point on the long stem time for the building of Kohl's, what on earth makes you think the City had anything to do with that? If you think it did, then ask former Mayor Jim Brasfield what he did to make for such a long delay.
isnt Rothman's going out of business?

7:23 AM, September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My point is that the property should have been developed with something new and different - not a direct competitor to the already suffering Crestwood Plaza.

By the way, a couple of corrections:
1. The restaurant was no longer a Flaming Pit, it was a Mexican restaurant.
2. Yes, what the aldermen approved was a bit different than what was approved by the TIF Commission. Even the Lindbergh School District was concerned.
3. A furniture store like Rothman's or Carol House could have been put there.

Read the minutes of the TIF Commission (97-98) and the board and check the facts before YOU accuse someone of not knowing what they are talking about. Oh, and it competitors, not
"comepetiors". Use spell check next time.
Have a nice weekend.

10:00 AM, September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The TIF Commission approved an office building/retail mix. The board approved Kohl's. Some argue the proposal the board approved should have went back to the TIF Commission.

10:19 AM, September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why did the board approve Kohl's?

How many board members were members of the Crestwood Swim Club at that time?

Did the fact Kohl's wanted the land under the old pool, and were willing to fork over money to help them build a new pool influence the board decision?

If so, how did these Pool/Board members vote?

12:27 PM, September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the 7:23AM poster read the final approval of the TIF Commission for that development and read what the board approved. Two entirely different developments.

6:59 PM, September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to ask former Mayor then Alderman ROBERTSON. He played a key role in changing what came out the TIF Commission. He only wanted SALES TAX producing businesses… no mix of small retail/service tenants that would have met your requirement of something that didn’t compete with the Mall. He knew the consequences of this… it drastically reduced the list of tenants that could go in the project. Staff was forced to find a tenant that met the sales tax only requirement AND would also pay a lease rate that would allow the project to work financially WITHOUT any more TIF. Unfortunately, retail tenants pay well under $10/SF, while service tenants pay well above that. Kohl’s was the ONLY retail tenant that came close meeting the lease rate required for the ROI required. However, Kohl’s REQUIRED more parking and thus the Swim Club Buyout that started WWIII in Crestwood.
Don’t blame the staff who had to deal with this mess. They got the best tenant that was to be had at the time and did it without more TIF. If you want to blame someone because you don’t like Kohl’s go talk with the former Mayor, then Alderman, who thought he new than anyone else. Remember, this is the same guy who brought you $10,000 office furniture, $600,000 unwinnable lawsuits and a 2003 Holiday Party that will go down as the most disgusting night in Crestwood City History.

11:25 AM, September 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any member of the TIF Commission especially the Lindbergh School District's member had the opportunity and could have challanged the Kohl's project as not being close to what was approved and they all chose not to challenge it.

12:01 PM, September 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe Pat Lanane from Lindbergh came to the board with concerns about the changes. Changes were made after the TIF Commission gave approval and was out of their hands.

2:00 PM, September 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of TIF Commissions, do you recall the recommendations of the Sunset Hills TIF Commission regarding the Sunset Manor Development? Why are these commissions ignored so many times by the Aldermanic Boards?

Why would a Mayor (Roberston) have the single power in a city to state he only wanted "retail" in a spot (Khol's)? Did the board lose its tongue? We need to consider these statements, handicaps, platforms.

What moves did former Mayor Brasfield & Board make to stem the flow of business and retail leaving? What he HAS done is try to change the Charter (which does not need changing) and make no effort to jump aboard the let's get moving train. If we did not have term limits going on, we could well be stagnent in a past we wish to overcome.

What efforts did former administrations make to keep Builder's Square and then K-Mart at Schnuck's Plaza (or Circuit City for that matter)? This was the time of reckoning was it not?
Why did we lose Olive Garden and the several other restaurants that left? What kind of hustle at city hall took place at that time to look for the reasons?

What is being done right now to find a new tenant for the Jim Butler Chevrolet spot and Pier 1? What is going on with the Old Sappington/Watson Road spot? Are you patronizing our local businesses and restaurants? Are you a Crestwood Champion?

What "efforts," if any are being made to fill space at Applebee's Plaza? This developer is collecting rent here until lease expires and rec'd a TIF for Watson Plaza. Sure, I am glad for Shop and Save. Very glad. I celebrate every new business.

We keep talking about empty stores and we are paying a Development person to fill them and never hear "specifically" about her
plan(s). Why? Perhaps we need a more energetic and enthusiastic and communicative person. If the board does not see this, are they satisfied with status quo.

As for our city turning into a low middle class city. Has anyone noticed the fact that on every available lot in the city there is a high end home or development going up? Not an indication of a white flag to me!

I would have voted for a semi-high rise with bank and restaurant on 1st floor at the corner of Sappington and Watson, or even a hotel with restaurant. Now that Kohl's is there, I hope for its success. I had just hoped to step beyond the mundane and go for a way to upgrade the image projected at that time. The office building across the street looks like 1960 and it may be miring down our need to step to the beyond.

Westfield does need to commit itself to some creative improvements to the Plaza. I think they are still wanting to sell and not commit. Hope not. It has all the basics to become an innovative space. Macy's could enhance that idea, but needs MORE "cool" inventory. Just imagine what a Pottery Barn could do. Just waiting for the idea person to come along at the Plaza or a new buyer who will jump start good ideas aggressively.

We need a mini Manhattan. We need a visionary. We need to get past our recent episodes of bad leadership and officials whose idea of governing is self interest. We need to let the bank know we are totally into courage planning and totally out of ever again letting an administration turn over its future to a hired hand whose grasp and need were countermingled, and who served the few and not the many and whose visions of grandeur exceeded sensibility.

We have good people, a pretty city hall for a small town, good housing stock, a fire dept., police dept. and public works dept. We have nice parks, a nice municipal pool and mixed retail plus a Mall and churches. Our school district is amazing. We are close to highways and tucked next to neighboring communities which are the pride of St. Louis. We have the ingredients for success. Our taxes are fair. The needs of our town right now exceed helping with a Ballpark Village by the new stadium and such as this. We need to be up for OUR needs for now. We need to flash BACK to the time when our officials were making good and sensible use of our flowing finances and building our community with the bedrock on which we stand today.

Now you tell me - what can we do to bring this all together? To me it is not squabbling nor grandstandinig nor name calling, nor politics. Take a backward look at what that accomplished!! At the last couple of elections colorful and expensive mailouts and passouts which said the same old same old arrived on the scene. They did not work. Our officials need to take their spare time studyding the best ideas, not the ideas of those who sit in the past and mock the future and contribute to the cannibalizinig of our city. They squawk for a PLAN, but pressed for a Charter Change and a new City Hall. Priorities out of line with reality.

Perhaps some of the blame for retail downturn could be placed on the dynamic which occurred when a Mayor resigned in the wake of some mighty curious behavior, the lawsuits and legal bills - followed by a City Administrator and Finance Officer who were "let go" and 2 audits stating mismanagement plus a replacement Mayor who then forfeited the job to the replacement City Administrator whose management style was a source of divisiveness from day 1. Not to mention that when this tail started wagging the dog, streets and services took back seat to the untimely unneeded push for a $14.5 Million Dollar City Hall/Police Facility rehab whose time had not come. All pushed by a political unbalanced board short on fiscal responsibility and integrity and determined to change the city Charter to advance their political "cause."

Until we face these facts, we cannot prevent a repeat. Our hindsite must be a red light for tomorrow. Only when this dismal picture evaporates into the past along with the people who perpetrated it and we give the new officials the opportunity to move into a better place for Crestwood can we hope to address the bigger issues like revenue and retail.

Of course, TODAY would be the very best time for this to happen. I would gladly place a sign in my front yard which says "CRESTWOOD IS TODAY - ALL GOOD, ALL THE TIME."

Civic responsibility starts with each address in Crestwood. This IS the idea whose time has come.

1:53 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Builder's Square and then K-Mart went bnankrupt. Olive Garden was closed because it was a franchise and was hurting the company owned location at Lindbergh and Tesson Ferry. Circuit City left and went to the $40 Million dollar TIF called Gravois Bluff. Nothing the City could have done to stop these moves.

3:28 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anything happening - discussions, meetings with economic development committee, or possible sale - with the Jim Butler site?

5:20 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a absolutely correct.

Stuff Happens!

Just wonder why there are some on this blog who get such a rush from blaming everything which leaves now on the Mayor.

5:21 PM, September 25, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I am not so sure Jim Butler is going to move! I have heard conflicting reports, and after all the time they have been in Crestwood I think it would be counter productive.

A retail business folds for several reasons, not the least of which stems from poor service. How many times have you gone to a store to buy something, only to be told "Yea, I think we got one of those, could be over there someplace"

Most retailers hire people for the lowest wage possible, and what you get are people who "coulden't sell pistols to prisioner's!"

Believe me, we can't blame the City, Plaza, Westfield, or even me for a store going out of business in Crestwood, they do it to themselves!

By the way, I see two new retailers opened at the Plaza, so let's take a trip down there and see what they have!

A note to Ms. Dailey, you are going to hype these new businesses, arn't you?

Tom Ford

7:28 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact or Fiction in the News??? FENTON: Jim Butler Chevrolet moving to Gravois Bluffs
Jim Butler Chevrolet, which has been at 9900 Watson Road in Crestwood since 1979, will move next spring or summer to 751 Gravois Bluff Boulevard in Fenton.
The dealership will be on the extension of Gravois Bluffs Boulevard to Highway 30.
The Fenton Board of Aldermen approved a zoning change to allow the auto dealership to move.

7:56 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

By the way, the above Jim Butler Chevrolet news story can currently be found on the St. Louis PD website by using SEARCH

8:05 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mayor will according to his plan to Bring Back Crestwood work closely again with Miquel to bring a Goodwill Industry facility to Crestwood to replace Jim Butler Chevrolet. It will help attract shoppers, anchor Watson Road and compliment the Salvation Army Store which they helped locate across from the Crestwood Mall. It should bring a variety of jobs and merchandise to Crestwood.

8:39 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok then.

8:44 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seem to recall it takes a majority of the board to approve things. This would include the Salvation Army store. At last count the Mayor and Miguel as you call him, constitute only 1 vote unless there is a tie.Did you get up and voice your opinion about this store when it was on the agenda? If not, then I will presume you conclude that there was no way we were going to bring in a Saks or Nieman to that location.

8:46 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what wrong with a Goodwill store?
As Alderman Breding said, this is not West County, I think its a great idea and I support the Mayor's plan for a Goodwill Store when Butler Chevy moves. The competiton between the Salvation Army store and Goodwell store will drive prices down for all of us senior citizens on fixed income.

Why dont't you support your mayor's plan?

10:31 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarcasm will get you nowhere. Don't you feel silly insulting the residents of this city? Talking about blue hairs and senior citizens coming out of the woodwork.

Crestwood is a wonderful mix of all ages. New housing, new young people; people liking to live in Lindbergh School District and senior citizens living in homes they have resided in for many years who choose to stay. I would not change a thing. Unless it could be to ask you to take a hike.

Who really cares about your broken record of insults and insinuations. As for fixed income, hey, if you are so plush why are you here? How do you find time in your fulfilling life to write on a blog? I keep waiting to hear your PLAN. But you are too busy playing the role of sicko. Somehow you just don't fit in around here.

11:21 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sicko??? I just want more cheap tax excempt used stuff to buy like I can get at the Slavation and Goodwill stores. Heck I dont even live in Crestwood, but i sure will shop at those two stores if they both open!
Sicko? you must be confussed or something, I'm a senior citizen and I didnt say anything about blue hair, why are you putting words in my mouth?
Leave, heck I dont even live there but if most of the people in Crestwood are like you, i dont think I'll be moving there soon. There smarty pants, take that!

11:45 PM, September 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poor ellen daily. looks like Tom Ford is out to get her. Taking pot shots at her on his blog, rather than saying something to her face. Just like the pot shots he keeps making about one of the most attractive locations in Crestwood, according to St. Louis magazine. That's right Crestwood Swim CLub. HA!

10:14 AM, September 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:45, 9/25 blogger

It is pretty interesting that you say you don't even live in Crestwood yet you are so versed about things like Alderman Breeding's comments,etc. Do you attend our BOA meetings? Wow!

I would recommend if you want to shop Goodwill that you look up their addresses. There are many out and around. Most very nice.

Hard to understand your interest in a Crestwood Blog and the city itself if you don't even live here. Our blogs and so forth are pretty much related only to our city. Surely, you are not being facetious in your comments.

As for other comments you think are blamed on you. Maybe not. But they were on the blog and this is all part of the blog scene.

I got my smarty pants on today, by the way. Got 'em at GoodWill.

5:25 PM, September 26, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To thr 10:14 AM blogger!

"A note to Ms. Dailey, you are going to hype these new businesses, arn't you?"

Now thats a full frontal attack if ever I'v seen one! I am not attacking anyone, just asking a question. If I were to attack someone, I would remind you it's Ellen Daily, and Tom Ford, because I know they would have never let you out of school until you learned to palce capitals in the right place!

Moving on to the St. Louis Magazine, and the Swim Club, it should be a beautyfull place, after all you thought we were going to pay for it with the TDD.


Tom Ford

5:37 PM, September 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe the HA Ha should be directed to THF. Crestwood Swim Club owns their facility and property. They don't need the TDD money.

10:06 PM, September 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said... are the last person who should be correcting ANYone on spelling, grammer and usage. Get thee to a continuing education class ASAP.

8:43 AM, September 27, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To the 8:43 Am blogger.

Well, I knew I wasnt the first, that's for sure, and from what I see, I am sure not going to be the "last".

But it's great to know you read the blog so closely! Keep up the very good work!

Tom Ford

6:07 PM, September 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If Crestwood Swim Club claims around $98,000 a year for the past 10 years, who is doing their books?

Is Crestwood swim Club trully a non-for-profit entity or just a place to move money from Rosebrook Real Estate Company?

10:41 PM, October 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there fraud involved when not disclosing the ownership of the water and easement rights of the City of Crestwood Parking lot to Southwest Bank?

Is this why our City Administrator Frank Myers wants to remove the City's Parking Lot from Southwest Bank loan?

Who forgot to tell Southwest Bank who owns these easement rights to the City's property?

Is this why we have to sell more bonds to free the city from Southwest Bank loan or to prevent a lawsuit?

10:46 PM, October 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did former Mayor Brasfield and former Mayor Robertson block any deals for Kohl's?

Who really benefited from the Kohl's deal?

Crestwood Swim Club received $850,000 for a $88,000 pool.

Grewe received $500,000 fro a cross access to Walgreen's but the money went to the St. Louis Circuit Court. Was this to pay off the lawsuit by Service Merchanise?

What was the total TDD expenditures approved by the Board of Alderman?
$500,000 or $9 million

11:05 PM, October 01, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fellow Bloggers - I agree with Aldermen Breeding. We are not West County and so what? It doesn't bother me one bit. I commend Breeding for not being a snob and knowing his community. So let's not slam him. He is one young man that isn't perfect but has always been down to earth.

If you are upset about Goodwill Industries or any other stores in Crestwood that are beneath you, I think you should live somewhere else.

I have five big bags of clothing that I cannot wear anymore. Many of my clothes have been purchased at high end stores and are like brand new. I am giving them all to the Goodwill. I am a housewife, who doesn't work anymore. When I worked, I had a big budget for clothes; now I don't. I am more than happy to give these things to the Goodwill. You would be surprised at what you find there, but some of you with big egos would have to disguise yourself to go there for fear of someone seeing you. They may think you are poor and we cannot have that, can we but then again, maybe they might just think you are smart.

Just leave it be for heaven sake. Nobody is twisting your arm to shop at any place if you don't want to. But some people don't have to "put on the dog" to make people think we are something we are not. Crestwood is Crestwood. Not to high horse, but not to shabby. Stop your insults.

2:57 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We have a Goodwill store in town now?
I thought we had just a Salvation Army store.

6:54 PM, October 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:45 blogger.

No Goodwill Store, I think the blogger is illistrating the point with obserdity.

Tom Ford

8:41 PM, October 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

when will you share with us the name of the hacker who shut you down a couple of weeks ago?

10:05 PM, October 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to a Grand Opening today at a new Goodwill Store in Harvester (St. Peters). There are others on Olive near Woods Mill, one at Chestefield Commons, one at Manchester Road near 141, one at Lindbergh and Baptist Church Road, one in Fenton just off Gravois, one in Brentwood, one on Morganford.

If you have not been to any of these, then don't condemn them.
No one cares whether you look up or down at these stores. They are however very nice, organized and clean. AND better yet full of nice things priced to sell. It really is a ton of fun to go searching for gold. You would be amazed.

The next time someone decides it is some kind of cute to pretend they are "above this kind of shopping" just ignor them. You see, character is something you can't buy, even at Goodwill.

11:23 PM, October 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, doesn't look to me like the Goodwill stores are in the low rent district to me. Seems Crestwood would be a prime candidate for this kind of upcoming adventure store. You are pretty clueless if you think not.

It is no longer the gilded age. If Crestwood is anything, it is honest, classified as moderate and comfortable. I know few "too big for their britches folk." Apparently, however, there are some out there. Probably the ones declaring we should raise the white flag. Maybe they should move before their property values slide too far. Afterall, they beef about everything in the city including its 9 member BOA. Not exactly good PR, now is it?

If you haven't noticed, there are many Consignment stores in our area, not to mention Discount Stores. Crestwood has its share of Garage Sales, coupon clippers and craft fairs. There are used cars, used CD's and farmer's markets as well. AND, lots of bargain hunters. Times they are a 'changin. Probably should take your kids to the Goodwill store and introduce them to the age of frugality. The lessons learned could help couteract the pinch they will feel as adults when they will struggle with the price of gasoline, the national debt, the cost of medical insurance and medicine, the loss of pensions, stressed social security, deteriorating infrastructure and the cost of spreading Democracy worldwide. Not to mention the cost of education, the loss of jobs to illegals and the export of jobs to India. When practically all you export is horsemeat and jobs, it gets a tad unstable. When you see stores like Deals, Dollar General and Dollar Tree completely stocked with goodies all made in China; and many of your clothes and cars of choice are manaufactured abroad, you realize that slippage is occuring and all the CEO jobs are taken.

Actually, the Goodwill parking lots are always full of cars. Crestwood could use their kind of draw. Go check them out, you would be amazed at the average shopper there and the quality of their neighboring stores and restaurants. As long as Crestwood has Garage Sales, it cannot boast of being elite. People being what they are love bargains.

So, thank you to our officials who have open minds and their eyes on our future. Sometimes the medicine is hard to take, but a good dose of reality seldom hurts. To those of you who poo poo the nature of frugality. You are no fun at all.

12:10 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope that the fact that Crestwood purchased a "used" fire engine from Cottleville, MO and is selling a "used" one does not upset the identity psyche of those who believe a Goodwill type store with the "used" connotation would alter their visions of grandeur for their version of Crestwood.

For example,rather than an elite desk chair for $1800.00 (purchased in the last administration) now used in the city clerk's office, I would rather they had gone to a nice used office supply store and purchased one. It would have made more sense since ultimately jobs and some services did have to be cut. Color that 'prioritizing." But then maybe, our office furniture is not collateral for our LOC as is the building, a result of living a little high on the hog in the past administration. It will continue to be a mystery as to how we could get to 3rd base on a 14.5 Million Dollar city hall while handing over the titles of the Public Works and current City Hall buildings, and in full knowledge that revenue was slipping, sliding along!!!! So, if you keep insisting on getting the oft mentioned PLAN, dream on, your head is in the sand. How can a plan be born with the amazing discovery of a very red bottom line and 2 audits discrediting the management?

Bottom line. Crestwood is a living SURVIVOR Show for now. The tax increase was to be for paying off debt. Now is not the time to ease up on the belt tightening. Rather than lose more jobs and services, doubling up opn jobs comes to mind.

I am still waiting to hear what developments the city development lady has on her prospect list. I don't understand the silence from this department. I thought we were all in this together. This is a high salary for the city. I need convincing it is worth it. Do we possibly have more chiefs than indians? Why. Please remember the size of the burb here and the population. Let's also ask for some inside news on the cost of our legal eagle. Just how bad do you want to move the city into a more favorable spot? Your curiosity and questions are what the Dr. ordered. City Officials need to know your are watching and waiting. "It's your City, you are paying for it." How bad and how fast do you want to move?

4:47 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:47 pm 10/6 Blogger. Hurray for your true words. I applaud them.

8:56 PM, October 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"City Officials need to know your are watching and waiting. "It's your City, you are paying for it."

How do you like the way the current administration spent $8000 NOT included in the budget and without a formal vote of the BOA? That's watching your pennies! NOT!

I guess it depends on who wants to spend the money. And you can't pin this on previous administration.

11:01 PM, October 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Current BOA includes:
Breeding, Bland, Pickel, Kelleburr, Miguel, Roby, Nieter and Duwe, and Mayor Robinson.

Where I come from this is 18 eyes, 18 ears, and 9 brains all who are or are not watching your pennies. Who ya gonna blame?

Unfortunately, you are wrong about blame - the former administration definitely takes the lead. Did you see the bottom line inherited by the current administration? Not pretty. Not excusable. Did someone tell you about our 3.5 Mil LOC? Didn't happen on this watch. Did someone tell you that a 14.5 Mil ciy hall almost happened on the last watch?

Move to Town
Take the Paper
It is all in black and white
and now in RED

12:03 AM, October 12, 2006  

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