Friday, September 22, 2006

Vote NO on amendment 2! Why? Well see the attached.

Ladies, and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the Missouri Life site which will answer most all of your questions on "stem cell research".

It looks to me as though this amendment will do nothing for keeping the un-born safe, and quite a bit for the pharmaceuticals companies. I am against anything that would allow a living fetus to be taken, and used for "research purposes"!

Abortion is bad enough in it's own right, but giving false hope to patients by telling them that "it's right around the corner", is despicable!

So far, adult stem cell's are producing the best source of workable materials, and there are plenty of "embryo stem cells" available in the umbilical cords of new-born's to give the scientists the materials they need.

Please let's have your comment's and ideas on this subject, as next to the ill founded idea to change the Crestwood Charter, this is going to be a large debate.

Tom Ford



Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

See letters to the editor, Webster Kirkwood Times, for both sides of this important issue. Just cut, and paste to your browser.

Tom Ford

9:35 AM, September 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One wealthy couple in Kansas CIty, James and Virginia Stowers, who own a huge research company have almost singlehandedly funded the effort to pass ammendment 2. They supplied at least 16 million dollars - that's the last number I saw - it has been increasing for a while. A quote from someone in their company in the post dispatch was something like - just because a few religious people think a few cells in a dish is a person does not mean we should not proceed with this research. This ammendment would set a precident even worse than Roe v. Wade regarding the sanctity of human life. But regardless of the "religious" side, there are 2 types of stem cells - and the ones that are NOT controversial are the ones that they are using to treat over 70 diseases and 9 actual cures (These are called adult stem cells and they come from umbilical cord blood or the bone marrow of anyone). The stem cells that they want to get their hands on more of - the embryonic cells (from human embryos) - have not treated or cured ONE thing despite 25 years of animal research and almost 10 years of research with the available embryonic stem cell lines.
People who are voting for this are being suckered in - there may never be any cures from these cells - and if there are it wouldn't be for decades. But some people will make LOTS of money. AND - human embryos would be created for the sole purpose of killing them for their parts. Vote no!
(ps the opponents do not have anyone giving them 16 million dollars - so get the word out!)

1:07 AM, October 08, 2006  

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