" Board retreat sparks controversy" (from the Times.)
Please click on the header to be directed to the South County Times article. This is what it is as they say, so let's hear from you on this.
By the way, I do forward the better posts to the BOA, the Mayor and C / A for their information, and I do believe they read them, so here we go.
Tom Ford
No. 234
By the way, I do forward the better posts to the BOA, the Mayor and C / A for their information, and I do believe they read them, so here we go.
Tom Ford
No. 234
I was disappointed. It cost $8,000.00 and came as a surprise to many citizens. Little if any notice was given. The ideas that came from it were not groundbreaking or earthshattering either.
Crestwood already has had its fair share of consultants look at our problems. We already know them - economic development, filling vacant stores, revitalizing Crestwood Plaza, maintaining good housing stock, balancing the budget, keeping top-notch services.
All basics and all known.
Now we need action and solutions.
HAHAHAHA!!!! The Mayor and the City Administrator are amusing.
Basically, I'm ok with anything the current administration does. They don't have to follow the purchasing policy if they don't want to or get citizen input if they don't want to - they are the experts and it's more their city than mine. People should stop asking questions - it just causes controversy.
I agree with the previous poster. Just as long as it is Roy Robinson making these decisions rather than Don Greer they can do no wrong. I must not question them. It must be good for our city. If Jerry Miguel was involved as well, he must have seriously contemplated these facts and figures and all must be well.
12:08 and 2:21 bloggers, you do remember who got us into this mess don't you?
Hint: It wasen't Roy Robinson, Jerry Miguel, Tim Trueblood, Greg Roby, Steve Nieder, or Frank Myers!
Nope, it was not them, so could it have been a person who mezmerized the BOA (with his side kick,) into believing we had the funding to do anything we wanted (remember the 14.5M police station?)
Say what you will about our curent leaders (you will anyway,) but with out them we would be out of the sunken lifeboats, and into the water!
Do I trust them with the keys to the hen house? Yes I do, but as Ronald Reagan once said "Trust but verify," so let's keep a sharp eye!
Tom Ford
Yup, that's what I think as well. This mayor doesnt have to obey the laws of our City because he is not Greer/Fagan. And he has as his watch dog Alderman Miguel to make sure he doesn't step out of line.
No need for me to read the papers, or go to the meeting asy more, just show up to vote and vote as Tom tells us to do.
A perfect world at last.
You are right...I must not question the $8000 expense if Jerry and Roy said it was okay. (that IS what you are saying, right?)
No, you can question the spending if it was Greer or Fagan you cannot question if it is this administration.
I see how this way of thinking will free up a lot of my time for other things, just let Roy and Jerry do it all for me.
Plus, you will not have to go to a meeting and while asking questions of the elected officals, be told by their supporters to shut up and sit down. Life will be much better for me and I'm sure for every one else, just let Roy do our thinking for us and Jerry will be out watch dog.
2:36 blogger, correct, Tom has told you to vote, and I stand by that remark! The way you vote is up to you, but if you really want me to give you advise, call me.
As for now, if you need a reason to show up at the poll's, read this.
These 19 year olds gave their life and limb so we can vote, and to me letting them down is un-acceptable!
Tom Ford
Tom, sweetie, now don't be gettin' all patriotic on us now to distract us from the facts. Yes, we will vote. But, the real question is do we need to worry about our city anymore or question anything as long as Jerry and Roy say it is okay? what is your answer to that. Was the $8000 expense okay for our city? Should we be alarmed by this. Is this any different than the BMW...think for me please.
3:08 blogger: thanks for the kind "sweetie," I blush as I sit here! On another thread I said that we should "trust but verify!"
Do I think we needed to spend the 8K, not no, but heck no! I could have given tha same RAH, RAH speach for nothing! All this guy is doing is to remind us of what we allready know, I give the same class to my dealers on HVAC, and it works.
In the future, I would love to see the City give us a chance to be the "motivational speakers" and see where that takes us (can't hurt, it's free!)
Tom Ford
P.S. I think this guy has a gig I would love to tap into! Boy, it dosen't get any better than that!
Tom Ford
To the 12:08, 2:21, 2:36, 2:39, 2:47, 3:08 poster - glad you are not bitter. Interesting sarcasm. But don't you worry one bit. The Truebloods made their presence known at the board meeting last Tuesday night.
Oh yeah, that BMW is what...a year or two or three old now? Time for a trade-in? Maybe a BMW dealership will replace Jim Butler.
Well, if we do replace Jim Buttler, I hope it's with something that will give us more revenue! In case you don't know it, a car dealer gives us next to nothing in local taxes.
As a member of the P & Z borrd, I will work to see that it happen's!
Tom Ford
2:51 PM Can't you even get your spiel straight? Read your Post No. 230 where it says, "VOTE NO...". You did write it didn't you? You did tell people how to vote without their even needing to call you. Sheesh. What a used car salesman.
Who is Sheesh and where does he sell cars? What spiel does he use?
Darn right, VOTE NO, unless your against life!
Sheesh, what's your major malfunction (other tan the obvious!)
If you like stem cell research that would "harvest embrio's," well vote for it!
Then please tell us why you thought that was a great idea!
By the way, your RAMS lost today, and we won, 45/7, have a great evening!
Tom Ford
You can't really plan out 20-25 years. Not sure why we would even look that far ahead? Save the 8K for streetscaping Watson Rd or for making some neighborhood improvements. The Pardee road bridge is also going to give you little if any return on investment. It's actually a good thing that you have to cross the bridge at 2mph.
Economic development should also include residential development. Money attracts more money. If there were more 300-400K+ houses in Crestwood we would most likely have a nicer mall. Don't limit the decorative lighting/paving to Watson Rd. Put it in the neighborhoods also to attract professional remodelers and infill builders.
What we need are more light pole banners like they have added along Watson Road. They add a touch which is just what the mayor wanted to Bring Back Crestwood. Call your elected officials and congratulate them on the fine progress Crestwood is making.
I will. Thank you.
Reminds me of Lady Bird Johnson's Beautiful Cities Program. /sarcasm
Sarcasm indeed.
Well the banners arn't all that much, but they are a start! I hope this idea came from our economic development specialist.
Alderman Pickel was quoted in the paper as saying the proposed new office/retail building at Big Bend Crossing (paraphrasing,) it's a new development, and we haven't seen much of that here, and you know what, he is right, we haven't!
Now why is that? We have a good community to live in, a very good school district, great police and fire, an excellent public works people, and to top it off, excellent shopping as well as couple of swimming pools!
Now with all that to tout, I think we should be able to attract new business without a problem!
I am waiting for positive results from our specialist, how about you?
Tom Ford
In this particular string, I notice a retort from Fagan. Nice to know he remembers being told to shut up. Not by one person, by many. Wonder if he remembers why?
Where in the world is James Kelleher?
Light pole banners...
Route 66 says old and out of date to me. Not the image you want to give to your prime shopping corridor.
The banners wouldn't bother me if they were classier looking and they dropped the business names. They are hard to read on such a busy street. It works in downtown Webster because of the slower speed limit.
It's a start I guess.
Next time instead of a retreat, maybe the board could rent a bus and tour other muncipalties. Making notes of what works and what doesn't.
Doesn't it bother anyone that the Purchasing Policy for the City of Crestwood have been violated?
The policy is very clear. This type of expenditure needed the BOA approval. It also needed 3 written bids. Did Crestwood get any other bids for this type of consulting? I don't think this is so specialized that 2 other companies could not be found to bid the expenditure.
I guess it is okay for this CA to bend the rules.
Wasn't a purchasing policy put in place to allow the c/a to spend up to $10,000 on his own? Wasn't it passed when Trueblood was on the board and Greer was c/a?
"The policy is very clear."
Uh, yeah. So is the Sunshine Law. So is the TIF law. So what's your point?
Wait a minute! Are you saying that there is a clear policy in Crestwood and that it was not followed? Well THAT would be an absolute first, wouldn't it?
So the City Administrator directed some city taxpayer cash to an out of town pal. I doubt if the Mayor or the Board of Aldermen led by the President of the Board of Aldermen will bother to even ask questions in public about this. They would rather cover this up. Afterall they could say, "Tsk. Tsk." They certainly wouldn't fire him.
It should be looked into and the purchasing policy, if it allows the City Admin to spend such a large sum without a vote, should be reviewed and revised. In fact, anything passed the last five or six years should be reviewed and revised if necessary.
The CA can spend up to $10,000 only IF it is in the budget. This expenditure was not in the 2006 budget. And remember, we are trying to save money!!! Right.
Don't forget Golterman's raise!
8:25 PM, 10/16 blogger, why do we care where Mr. Kelleher is? That's like saying "gee I wish Congress was in session."
Don't be concerned, I am sure he will surface for the holiday festivities in town.
Semper FI!
Tom Ford
From the SunCrest Call article
"Crestwood aldermen to consider resolution approving 25 one-year priorities for city" 10-11-2006 by Burke Wasson
"To ensure the city's priorities beyond its 25 goals for the next year are addressed, Myers said it is necessary for aldermen and staff to go through the planning process with Sumek each year."
So I'm assuming that $8000 or more is going to be spent each year on this?
12;25 AM blogger, we need Sumac every year like we need the bird flu! He's shown us how to do these sessions, and our elected officials should be able to cary on from there.
If they forget how to do it next year, I will volunteer my time to lead the group free (I do the same type sessions with my dealers.)
We do need to watch for this in 2007 as it may "sneak in under the radar."
Tom Ford
I find it interesting that the $830 a month for City Admin. Greer ($9960 a yr)car allowance brought forth the rage of many of the Crestwood Citizens for etc. (ccrf), but so far not one word about the $8,000 a year for a 3 day get together that wasn't voted on by the Alderman. And the promise that this was just the first of many meetings to come. At least car allowance was voted on by the Aldermen.
I smell a double standard and I think it stinks.
8:46 blogger! I guess you haven't read any of my posts against this "music man" idea, now have you!
Double standard? I doubt it very much, once the electoriate becomes informed on this subject, they will be like the mob outside the Frankenstein castle!
But while we wait, how about joining me in telling the politicos that this was a lame idea at best!
Tom Ford
Well, dear blogger, did you complain about the car allowance? Or was it OK with you? And I really wonder if Mrs. Trueblood would have said a word about the $8000 expenditure if Fagan was at the helm and Greer was still c/a.
Oh, and both expenditures (car allowance and money for consultant) are a bit different. Crestwood got nothing from paying out on the car allowance. At least we are getting something with the consultant. I'm not saying I approve of it, I don't, but the car allowance and consultant fee are different.
What really stinks is the leftover mess from the previous years.
what really stinks is we were told by this Mayor that he had a plan to get rid of the mess without raising taxes or using bonds. what really stinks is we beleived him.
tom, I dont think the double standard comment was directed at you but the uninformed electoriate, when do they march?
Is there a double standard? Mrs. Trueblood complained about the $8000.00 last week. Where was she when Crestwood was sinking deep in debt by all the massive spending? Where was she then? hmmm...
By the way, it's 'electorate' not 'electoriate' - if you accuse people of being uninformed, at least use correct spelling.
11:40 poster, why I think your a bit jealous about not getting your name in the paper. Maybe if you stood up in public for what you believed in you would get the reconition you are so starved for.
Then all could take apart your positions and beliefs like you do others.
Sure. You go right ahead and think whatever you want.
Karen Trueblood would never say anything bad about previous administration because her husband was a part of it. He approved car allowance! He approved of cover up of former mayor! He approved of cover up of nasty, sinful affair (on city property) of former c/a and finance director (gross)!
what affair are you talking about? give us names and places, with your name of course as a source of this information. I dare you to do so, cause I think you dont have the guts it takes to say in public what you do when you behind closed doors.
Lowest form of pervert, a peeking tom, that's all you are.
A "peeking Tom?" Gee, now I will feel "dirty" looking at my Christmas Presents early!
I'm scared for life!
Tom Ford
"So what's your point?
10:20 PM, October 16, 2006
The point is this expenditure should not have been spent!!!
Especially without proper BOA approval.
But I guess it is okay since it does not involve past administration.
The city has needs to be met and have been put on hold. ie. police vehicle maintenance, storm water problems,etc. Crestwood could have used that money for current expenses.
"The point is this expenditure should not have been spent!!! "
You could argue that for a lot of expenditures the city made in recent past.
I think you need to look to the future. This is the future, with present mistakes. Oh, I guess the citizens don't need to watch what is happening now with the present administration at the helm.
Yes, focus on today and tomorrow, but do we forget about past mistakes? Or do we just bash Robinson?
1:01 AM October 21st. ...."The $8,000 expenditure should have never been spent." You are talking about one expenditure versus what other ones?
You want to make one point and ram it down our throat? What can anybody do to assist the city in it's economic endeavors that would "cost nothing". There is nothing today that can be done without dishing out some money.
Let's draw a line at what was spent before this administration and what is being spent now!!!
People who hate this administration are the ones ramming it down our throats. If we do nothing at all, we are regressing rather than progressing because we can't save time in a bottle.
You think that trying to go forward after all the mess we are in is going to be easy? You think mistakes won't happen? Well, if you think so, you can't begin to understand that those who are out there playing politics against this administration, are just hoping there are people like you they can convince. And it seems they are making good progress, I would say.
You would have had to spend $8000 a total of 1,812 times to equal the cost of the police station.
For that same $8000, the temporary lease for city hall operations in Crestwood Plaza would paid a little over 2 1/2 months rent.
So for the critics of the current administration, the $8000 expenditure pales in comparison to the other expenditures.
8:07 pm 10/22 Bravo, you are right on with your remarks. That's why we should not forget the past while moving forward. It's all in the comparisons.
Maybe if you concentrate on the present and quit following blindly...maybe like in the past? Would not want to question this administration, because it is not the old administration. Give me a break!
Maybe you should look at where we were and the mess Crestwood has to dig itself out of and not concentrate on bashing the current administration.
Badgering and intimidation to make other bloggers angry is what this 8,000 is all about. It is a psychological game that is being played all over this blog. The bloggers are deliberately trying to antagonize as they have nothing else to deliver in their behalf. They know there comments have no merit.
Bottom Line: Nothing is free in this world. If you need to find a way to get assistance in a situation, you will pay for it. If you know a no cost, free way to help get out of this mess, maybe you should tell us.
9:24 Am blogger: In reading your post I almost thought you were discribing liberals. They do the same thing you know, when they are confronted by facts they go to insults ASAP!
Nasty partisan bloggers, like bad weather will be with us some of the time, but those who can, and do think for themselves are far and few between.
Crestwood is a City that has two distinct factions, side one feels that they are destined to "rule," and envoke whatever nonsense they come up with at their gatherings.
Side two, well side one thinks we are all too stupid to think for ourselves, and thus must fall in line with their thinking.
It seems that this worked for a few years, but not anymore! Now much to their chigrin the "great unwashed" have computers, they attend meetings, they speak for themselves! This is not sitting well with side one, thus the barbs, the insults, and the statements that "we don't know what were talking about."
Since starting this blog I have been scowled at in stores, insulted, told I was a fool, and reminded that I won't be able to join the swim club, and you know what, I love it! Why, because when they do this I know I am really hitting a deep nerve, and they can't stand it!
A blog by it's very nature is a contentious thing, and that's good because it brings out all sides of an issue for all of us to read and decide for ourselves! I plan to stay here and continue to put forth things as I see them, and I hope all of you will do the same.
Tom Ford
There ya go again, us and them. What happened to working for the future of Crestwood? What happened to trust but confirm? We have been trusting - no financials produced by the CA (except percentages) until the audits were complete. What happened to making sure the BOA had ample information from staff, as the state audit advised? Now that citizens find and error and point it out - they just take a bashing on this site. Why does it have to be us against them? Why not look at the current facts instead of throwing up the past? (not saying to forget)
There I go again? Wow, how did you come up with that?
It is "us against them," and if you doubt it just read the posts! I would love to work toghether, I have made suggestions as to how to do it, but alas, to no avail!
Some who post on this blog will never get it, they don't want to, and they won't be happy until their boy's are back in power. Truth be known, you know this as well as I do, so you want solidarity? How about asking these folks to get behind the Mayor, C/A, board, ETC.
Tom Ford
7:27 10/25 It ain't going to happen, Tom. The only way that the board will work together with this mayor is if we elect good aldermen who understand that the decisions they make are decisions for the citizens as a whole and not for their political buddies.
They will have to have the backbone to vote their conscience no matter what the others do. It can't be that hard to do. As servants of the people, they need to take care of us and act as such. It should not matter if they dislike the mayor or the CA. They are not working for them, they are working for us. If the CA comes up with a good idea, give him credit. That's what you are suppose to do.
But with some of the comments on this blog, they wouldn't give Frank Meyer a chance in hell for their support. Why? He wasn't their choice and neither was Roy.
That's not what you are suppose to base your judgements on. But it continues constantly and viciously.
Even George Bush said it on TV the other night when speaking of working with Democrats in Congress. I hope he means it because it is important. The people deserve it or else why even ask for our vote if nobody is going to honor the decisions we make at the polls. That's why people get apathetic about who runs our country and say, "my vote isn't going to make a difference.
The new aldermen have to chance this for good. I just hope they do. I got my money on them. I hope they don't let me down.
Sandy Grave
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