Friday, October 06, 2006

Crestwood BOA meeting, 10/10/06. Please plan to attend.

Please click on the header to be directed to the BOA meeting agenda for October 10, 2006. While it does not state it, I believe the November ballot, and the vote on Charter change will be a topic. If not, well we can make it one during the Q & A session of the meeting where topic's not on the agenda are discussed.

Whatever you do, on election day come out and vote, it's a right given to us by many, and one that is the envy of the rest of the world!

And when you vote, ask yourself do we need to change a Charter that works very well?


Tom Ford

No. 230


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the total funding approved by the BOA for Grewe?

Is all of our businesses getting the same deal?

9:43 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much has the city of Crestwood paid for PGAV consulting services?

Does PGAV have any competitors?

Why does the Missouri Economic Council recommend Gilmore and Bell lawfirm? Does Gilmore and Bell have any competitors?

What is the open bid process for our BOA ordinances?

9:47 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Big Bend Crossing the same as Sam's?

If so, what is Novus or Jonathan Brown planning on building next to Same's?

Is our BOA running a credit check on Novus?

Is this the same Novus connected to Sunset Hills TIF?

9:48 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was the name of the hacker?

10:24 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The billing records from PGAV can be obtained at city hall.

I would think that PGAV has some competitors, but according to what I've seen, they do a lot of work for municipalities all over St. Louis County.

Jonathan Browne (Novus) developed Sam's. See article in this week's Times regarding the building of a medical center. This was the same Novus that tried to develop the property in Sunset Hills.

10:52 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And the same Novus asking Rock Hill for additional funds for the Rock Hill Manchester development.

11:37 PM, October 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was the name of the hacker who hacked into your blog? You said that you would tell us his/her name.

6:53 AM, October 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 9:48PM... His name is Jonathan BROWNE and he has botched just about every development that he has been involved in. (He came within inches of blowing the Sam’s Deal.) If he is really selling the out lot at Big Bend Crossing... good riddance!

1:03 PM, October 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:54 / 6:53 bloggers, we still do not have a name, but we do have the domain (server,) as well as the electronic signature of the computer used.

I am told it's in the works as we speak.

Tom Ford

4:17 PM, October 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, right. Like the FBI really cares about that.

4:31 PM, October 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Actually, they do care about that! In case your not aware it's a Federal crime to hack into another computer, with 5 years in jail as part of the penalty!

By the way, who said FBI? I didn't, are we "concerned"?

Tom Ford

5:15 PM, October 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is Tom's blog and actually no ones business who broke in. Why is this party so interested???

8:46 PM, October 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay back off poster 8:46, it was Tom who said he would tell us the name of the hacker, not me. What's it to you anyway if I want to know after Tom wrote that he would tell us? Maybe your the hacker and dont want to be exposed?

12:03 AM, October 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't you mean charter CHANGES? There are 4 or 5 SEPARATE CHARTER CHANGE QUESTIONS on the ballot. You will vote independently on each one. Are you against all of them Tom?

9:50 AM, October 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tonight's work session and BOA Meeting
will discuss the issuance of a bond-like obligation. It wlll be for $2.6 million and over $400,000 iinterest. The interest rate for the Prop 1 bond issue would have been much lower as the Federal Reserve has raised interest rates by at least 2 to 2.5% since the Prop 1 general obligation bond issue was on the ballot. Remember that Frank Spinner told the BOA that general obligation bonds were the cheapest way for cities to barrow money. Also remember that there will be costs for issuing the note which the voters were not told about. Prop S was truly bait and switch.

10:53 AM, October 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHO wrote the ballot language for Prop S and WHO was supposed to research the cause and effect of same? Whose responsibility is it to verify the credibility and understandibility of the issues on our ballots regarding Crestwood? Where are all the studies when we really need them? Do we need protection insurance for what we think we voted for?

Why are most matters on the ballot regarding Crestwood written in Greek with hidden meanings?

Who held resident meetings and had mailings to support this issue?

Reason I ask: The only way to get to the bottom of a problem is to get to the bottom of the problem. I think we have a problem. A well paid one. I think we have had more than our share of evasive ballot language and there must be a reason why.

The Primrose Path has gotten very thorny and unless voters have a CLEAR idea on the issues on the ballot, they should not vote on them. Is this not a shame? And it seems unclear ballot language is the norm nowdays. Why?

Does anyone have an idea on an ounce of prevention on this,or some kind of explanation?

6:41 PM, October 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did anyone attend? how big is the debt?

6:48 PM, October 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bigger than Don Greer's BMW!

7:01 PM, October 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bigger than his beer gut and his bald head?

Hey, you started it!


10:49 PM, October 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

do we know whether this is the cheapest way to finance the debt?

12:44 PM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

did you hear the mayor admitted they lied about the line of credit being legal last year? I always say -character is what you do when the going gets tough!

6:19 PM, October 13, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Now, now, bloggers, let's be nice! I know you all don't really want to bicker, and were not kid's (you started it?) So play nice!

Tom Ford

6:43 PM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:19 10/13 Blogger
No, I did not hear the Mayor lied about the line of credit being legal... so I would appreciate if you would tell us where you heard this and expand YOUR character, rather than try to plant a non substantiated lie of your own.

You will want to remember while you are tring so hard to start this rumor that the following people are privvy to all info pertaining to this LOC and therefore responsible for the so called LIE of which you speak and therefore complicit in your accusation of LIE.

Early on:
Breeding, LaBore, Trueblood, Kelleher, Miguel, O'Keefe, Duwe, Maddox,
C/A Greer
City Attorney: Golterman
Further along:
Bland, Nieter, Roby, Pickel, Breeding, Kelleher, Miguel, Duwe
C/A Myer
City Attorney: Golterman

If something is illegal, whose job is it to inform the officials? Making it whose fault? Whose Lie?

6:49 PM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:19 PM 10/13 NO. Character is what you have none of. When the going gets tough, you lie which is exactly what you did with your comment. I agree with 6:49 PM. He/she saw through your comment too.

7:21 PM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lighten up people and read what was posted" the mayor admited they lied about the loan" they lied, not him.

8:19 PM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay then, define "they." Are you implying a conspirancy of some sort? Group complicity?

Did the bank fool us? Did the Attorney fool us? Did that 3-legged dog run away with the bone?Just want to get the facts, Mam/Sir.

There is no need for anyone to manufacture rumors in this city; Crestwood has enough real live soap opera with which to deal. Look back a few years and fast forward and you will see the real meaning of the word scaliwag.

11:41 PM, October 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look, the mayor said it not the poster, ask the mayor who "they" are instead of your kneejerk rush to defend the mayor, look into he said for once and hold him accountable for his words, not the people who quote him.
You are really giving your guy a free ride arent you? Think what your reaction would be if another mayor had said some of the things this one has. Read this weeks Times paper, you can see more of the mayors quotes, are you now mad at the Times for quoting the mayor?

7:46 AM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

get the tape of the meeting. the mayor said it - not a citizen. maybe he meant golterman and greer. it wasn't clear - but we need an investigation.

11:50 AM, October 14, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Folks, it's time to step back a bit and look at what was really said, and by whom. I have called a couple of Alderman, as well as citizens who were in attendence that night, and the consensious is the following.

It seems (as I understand it,) that in response to a question from the audience, Mayor Robinson said "we were lied to." Now as to whom he was refering to (I have my ideas,) remains a mystery for now.

I beleve this quote came at a time in which a citizen was discussing last years tax free loan at the bank verses this year when we cann'ot get a tax free loan. It seems that the bond atty's took a closer look at what was said to the bank last year, and what in fact happened.

I do not believe at this time that the Mayor, or anyone else on the board said "we, or I lied to you," nor do I believe it has been done intentionaly.

We all must understand the real time, full fledged mess thoes former elected officials (and certian employees,) left us in, and the time it will take to crawl out of it.

Before you ask, I don't have the answers either, but we have elected two fine Alderman in Ward Two, and the other Wards to give us the leadership we need to get back on top.

How about it boy's and girl, when do we see some old fashioned team work on that dias?

Tom Ford

2:48 PM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting stirring of a pot of heresay. If the SW Bank was lied to during loan negotiations as well, the line of credit and the loan have been and are illegal. How long did the City officials know that a lie had been told? I'm sure the Mayor will be forthright with the public about this matter and tell us what he knew and when he knew it. Maybe the Mayor, the City Adiministrator, and the City Attorney need to call a press conference and answer the residents' and reporters' questions and reveal all they know about this. As poster 11:50 AM points out, there is a tape recording of what the Mayor already did say.

3:54 PM, October 14, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I don't think it was the bank as much as it was the bond attorney's. From what I gather they were told to expect one thing payment wise, and the City was not able to do it.

The old saw, "fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice, shame on you." These bond people have a reputation to maintain, and their not about to ruin it for us, or anyone else.

Now the question is just who handeled the negoation's for Crestwood? This would have taken place under the last C/A's watch (and we all know he was a control freak,) so was it that he did not inform the Mayor, and BOA? Or was it just another of the many "oversight's we have come to know so well,) time will tell.

Tom Ford

4:36 PM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If false supporting material was obtained from the bond counsel by a City official or officials and presented to SW Bank during negotiations to obtain the line of credit and the loan, they are illegal. This is some of the information that the bank and the public needs to know.

5:40 PM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Board of Aldermen led by the President of the Board Aldermen should act responsibly and use their power to conduct a full investigation of the alleged lie the Mayor revealed.

6:26 PM, October 14, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well a full investigation of this woulden't hurt, but what do we do when it's finished?

Do we go to the Fed's, or the bank and have the culprets indited, do we ask them to give us a "gee, I goofed statement," or do we make sure this can never happen again with a citizens review board?

Tom Ford

6:51 PM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, you speak for yourself when you present the 2 Ward 2 Aldermen as "fine." The jury remains out for on this.

Kelleher publicly called Alderman Miguel a "snake in the grass." Pickel became restless when Alderman Miguel was not fast enough to suit him and publicly chided him for it.

Sorry, this is not the behavior of gentlemen. Alderman Miguel has the right to represent in whatever way he choses. He does not have to hurry when he wants answers. As to Kelleher's quote, that is so out of line as to be grounds for recall. Most of us realize that he would be better off finding another outlet for his rage. He is not in the least well suited for being an Alderman.

7:53 PM, October 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Miguel is the only reason I am voting to end term limits, I want him on the board forever.

10:31 PM, October 14, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

To the 7:58 blogger: Indeed I speak for myself, but have you heard the phrase "tongue in cheek?"

Beelieve me when it comes to Ward Two, that's what I meant!

Tom Ford

7:06 AM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I would ammend that to read, Alderman Miguel, Nieder, Roby. P ast that term limits would be a disaster, believe me!

We are going to need good candidatates for Mayor down the line also, and I think Jerry Miguel would be EXCELLENT!

Tom Ford

7:11 AM, October 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Miquel running again for alderman? It would sure put him in good position to run for mayor in 2008. He knows so much more and asks more questions than the current mayor. MIGUEL FOR MAYOR!!!

2:00 PM, October 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

On another thread someone suggested we no longer need to go to board meetings or read the newspapers, because we have anyone but Fagan/Greer running our city with Miguel watching over it for us. There fore we need only to vote as Tom has told us to on his blog.
If that's good enough for Tom, then it's good enough for me. When do we vote?

2:42 PM, October 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the interesting show that Trueblood and his wife gave last Tuesday night at the board meeting meant that they appointed themselves the city's watchdogs?

6:37 PM, October 15, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Not on your life! This is a great start to the Karen Trueblood run for Alderman in Ward Two!

Alderman Kelleher has all but pulled the final plug with his behavure on the dias, so we neeed Karen to step in, and save us!

Tom Ford

7:05 PM, October 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don Greer lied to the bank about the LOC? NO, Say it isn't so!

Let's go and spend another $600,000 that we don't have to sue him and is girlfriend!

10:34 AM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i thought it was interesting that Mrs. Duchild agreed with Karen Trueblood at the meeting. Good to see people finally coming together in this town with common sense questions.

12:17 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would also be interesting to see if Mrs. Trueblood's husband voted back in 2004 for the purchasing policy that allowed the c/a to spend that amount of money without a vote from the board. Greer was the c/a at the time.

5:01 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

it would be interesting to see if the purchasing policy was followed or have all the rules been suspended for this administration? this $8K was paid to a crony of the c/a. doesn't that bother anyone?

5:29 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please don't even mention another Trueblood. Ever. I have never seen a ward in this city like WARD 2 so desperately in need of new and neutral blood that doesn't whine and play touch talk tag with spouse in the audience and go on and on and on. This Alderman and his woman had a "thing" for Don the BMW Man and hopefully by now that shrine has been dismantled. Remember the 14.5 Million Dollar city hall Mr. T supported. It would now be collateral had it not been stopped by a resident group of people. Many were relieved to see Tim T and his Robert's Rules of Order term out. Time for some new blood that isn't so confrontational.

7:54 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of purchasing, was there a lawsuit over the financial software that did not work properly?

8:22 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if the Truebloods would be upset if Greer had spent $8000 out of the blue?

8:23 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe that the mayor needs to read the Robert's Rules of Order. Calling out individual citizens names at a public meeting is very, very wrong. I'll never speak in public as long as mayor Robinson is in office. I think the function of the mayor during the BOA meetings is to run THEIR meeting. Seems to me they are there for HIS meeting.

9:53 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too think that the rules for purchasing were broken. It clearly states that these types of expenditures needs the BOA approval. Not just giving them the information, but a public vote.

9:55 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To run the mayor's meeting. I thought Trueblood told Robinson that the aldermen run Crestwood, not the mayor. Maybe he didn't listen.

Wasn't a purchasing policy put in place to allow the c/a to spend up to $10,000 on his own? Wasn't it passed when Trueblood was on the board and Greer was c/a?

10:14 PM, October 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes, by all means - we are against confrontational people.

5:06 PM, October 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you heard it here first - make sure to vote in more NONCONFRONTATIONAL people like Roy Robinson! yeah!

10:13 PM, October 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, don't forget Mr. and Mrs. Trueblood. And where is Mr. Kelleher? Board meetings just aren't the same anymore.

12:15 AM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just read the Call, didn't sound like the Trueblood's were being confrontational, but just asking some pretty simply basic questions. Some of the same questions that Ms Duchild asked, so what's the problem, only certain people can ask certain questions? Isnt the mayor accountable to every citizens questions?

4:27 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just read the Call too. did the mayor say he was hepped up on something? what's that mean? too much caffeine or something?

8:35 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He wasn't hepped up on the idea of hiring a consultant at first (he should have stayed that way).

9:11 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was Mrs. Trueblood when the city was reeling into debt before?
Would she have complained about this consultant if Fagan was at the helm and Greer was c/a? hmmm?

9:26 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm, when did Fagan/Greer hire a consultant? If they did, was there a vote of the board? When was the Purchasing Policy of Crestwood not followed under Fagan/Greer?
Is that the best you can do to cover up the waste of $8000?
It's tough to answer a "what if question", but that's why you ask it. Makes for great spin control doesnt it?

9:52 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:11 poster, you are correct, he wasnt hepped up about the idea but I think he said he afterwards felt is was a good idea, even though he didnt know how much it was costing. ($8000)

9:54 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 9:52 PM, October 18, 2006

How's this for "spin control":

1. How many millions of dollars was spent in architect's and consultant's fees for the police station? 1.5-2 million? Oh and this was approved by the board.

2. Greer's car allowance and two jobs.

3. 14 million police palace while the General Fund was broke.

4. One of Fagan's last acts was to sign a temporary lease with Westfield Crestwood Plaza ($3300+) per month while the General Fund was broke.

5. Without prior notice, Fagan appointed Charter review committee.

6. What has happened with the financial software Greer wanted? I don't think it worked, did it?

7. No, I didn't like the $8000 expenditure either. I thought there should have been at least one week's notice on these meetings and the board should have voted to approve the expenditure.

This purchasing policy was approved when Greer was c/a. The only spin happened at city hall, when the financial situation spun out of control.

11:52 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what in GOD's name do events from 2 to 5 years ago have to do the events of the last week?
Pure unabashed spin that's all this is, anything to draw attention away from mistakes make CURRENTLY! You know, like now, not in the past.
And, by the way, what does any of the stuff you listed have to do with the issues today's papers are covering?
Why do you want to deflect attention any failures from this adminsitration? Do you have a personal stake in it or something?
Whats in it for you?

12:30 PM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's in it for me? An accusation framed within a question. Nice.

Oh, and for your information (though you really don't deserve to know), I have no personal stake in this, except I want the city I live in to be the best it can be. I'm not happy about $8000 being spent on another consultant either. But it's curious to see all this outrage come to the surface when this administration makes a blunder. But with previous administrations, those who dare questioned policies or were critical were met great scorn.
Have a nice day.

1:49 AM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do events from 2-5 years ago have to do with today?

Hmmmm. Now let me see.

How about putting your spin in reverse and give this some serious thought blogger. You can do it, I know you can do it.

The personal stake in all this is quite simple really. When you get off your loud 'n tout, think about your contribution to your city. What specifically have you done today for Crestwood? Ridicule? Hatemonger? Mouth off? Criticise?


I thought so.

4:35 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quite classy. I should have known you would respond with a hateful vindictive blog.

Maybe you should read your own advice. Doubt you have because obviously from your tone you think you know better. In fact, you remind me of previous administrations. Who knows, they may be your good friends? Do you have a stake? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm?

I have no spin. But from what I read from your vective, are you spinning out of control? Oh, and the events from 2-5 years ago put us in the situation we are in - in debt with the city hall in collateral. Hello? Basic economics? 1+1=2. Hello? Hello?
By the way, what's your contribution? Hello? Bashing Robinson? A cheerleader for the Fagan Five? Now if all you want to do is bash Robinson, be my guest.

Here are some things to think about:
Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. Yesterday brought us to today. Simple, but think about it if your elitism lets you.

And what is your contribution to the city? Cheering on the massive spending? Cheering on the car allowance, police station?

If you ever get off your high horse, look at Crestwood's budget. Then look at the economic development that occured in Crestwood the past six years. Then compare that to the spending during those same six years.

I know you can do it. Just go up to city hall and brace yourself for reality. Then get off your elitist trip and think twice before calling anyone a hatemonger.

8:00 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:35 PM 10/20

Read your own entry. Who's doing the ridiculing and criticising?

8:14 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:35 PM, October 20, 2006
According to your argument, you are say that money spent on designs for the police station has nothing to do with today? 1.5 - 2 million dollars was spent on design fees for the police station. If that money had not been spent OR if we had that money today, the city could significantly reduce our line of credit.

9:37 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Help me with this poster 9:37 p.m,
What fund did the $ for the design fees come from?. Capital Improvments.
What Fund was running out of money?..
General Fund

How was Capital Improvments funded?..
By the sale of COP's which were paid off by the voter approved extention of the Sunset on the Capitial Improvments sales tax.

Can the $ from the Capital Improvments fund be used in the General Fund?
NO!, not according to the State law.

How much $ did the City get from the COPS, that was in the bank?
I believe over $9,000,000.

When COPS were defessed, how much money did the City lose from the Capital Improvments fund?
I don't know, but if it was a good idea, then the cost should have been zero, right?

So, explain to me how the General Fund which was in the red before the police station plan, was effected by anything to do with the cost of the new station? Rememeber, funds have to be spent were the voters were told they would be, you can not switch the $ around.

Not saying you are wrong, just need to understand how the need for a line of credit was caused by the police station which was already funded by the COPs and should not have been a drain on the General Fund?

9:55 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought (and I'm probably wrong) that money from design for the police facility came from the General. Thinking about, I'm probably wrong. My bad.

10:35 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the board approved an interfund transfer, and the people approved it, could it have gone through?

The general fund is broke, the city is borrowing money to function day to day. Capital Fund is flush with cash. The board and administration spent countless hours on design of this police facility. They could have spent this time on economic development.
Sorry, I was at boa meetings when countless hours were spent discussing that issue - while Watson Road wilted.

10:53 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AAAAAhhhhhh the capital improvements fund extension. All they would have had to do was add these words "and to fund the construction of new police facility" or something like it and all of the confusion and questions would have gone away. No huge volume of essays, just 9 simple words. Be clear in what you're requesting. It's up to the government entity to be clear in what its requesting at the polls.

12:28 AM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still don't understand why the city had no recourse against the firm that was to design the facility. They were given a budget and 2 times it came in way over. I thought they were professionals. If our "wish list" for the facility was to put the project way over budget, they would have been the ones to say - cut back, make it smaller, etc. They were not held accountable at all. I just don't get it. And as far as the Capital Improvement Fund balance, notice the decrease in the fund balance on the new audits. Where did the money go?????
It is not over $1mil as previously stated. (and not by staff, but by a previous audit)

1:16 AM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure either. They were given a budget, they should have worked within it.

1:18 AM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last several posters, great work, thinking out loud, not using spin, not pointing fingers, or politics, just looking for an answer. You have restored my faith in the process with your efforts. Keep it up, may not find all the solutions, but our staying on track and attacking everybody in your effort. Great work!
Poster 10:53, you are correct about an interfund transfer, problem is one was never done then or before when Kent L. was C/A.

Dont know about the hours spent, but you have a strong valid point there that I had never thought of. Thanks!

Poster 12:28 you have a good point, with the addition to the ballot of those majic words so much less would be misunderstood.

Poster 1:16, over budget may not have be the result of design, as much as the raw materials market being drained by a building surge in the US and Asia, causing the cost of buildings to sky rocket. However, you make a good point about the firm knew our budget and didnt come close to it.

Poster 1:18, I don't know where the balance went either? Could it have been the cost of defesment? Or did they repay or loan $ to other funds?
I dont know, but it is a guestion that should be asked of those currently in charge.

7:56 AM, October 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I believe the cost of defesement was somewhere in the neighborhood of &750,000.00. As I remember it that's where the money went, to pay off the investors.

I will look into this, and see if I am correct.

Tom Ford

11:42 AM, October 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

This is the PDF file for the recomendation to defease the bonds.

Tom Ford

5:20 PM, October 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

This is the minutes of the work session for the defeasement of the bonds. (PDF file.)

Tom Ford

5:25 PM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Capital Improvement Fund was to have over $1.2K balance even after the pay back to other funds for the defeasement of the bonds. I for one would like to know where the money went.

9:39 PM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prior posters! To the people in this community, most of whom are smart and use their knowledge for the good of the city, I feel that this whole issue of the capital improvement tax had everything to do with the ballot language and being misled by one man who wanted to be king who knew exactly how to manipulate the mayor and board and the citizens of Crestwood.

That is exactly what happened. Sure, there were several articles printed up to which residents could read which spoke of a police building, but the acid test is in the ballot language, which is the final document.

For such a major undertaking, it only seems fair that there should have been press releases and meetings with the press so that this issue could have been properly explained in the major newspapers in St. Louis for people to read, and not just in the newsletter or in the smaller editions of newspapers.

The younger population in all communities have both spouses who work, raise children, and barely have time to catch their breath. If you don't communicate properly, the word won't get out which is exactly what Don Greer and company wanted.

If it was as critical an issue as they say this police building was, there should have been town hall meetings about it, and signs posted regarding meetings about it. There are no problems with signs being posted when people are running for office, is there?
Instead, there was little communication for such a major undertaking, and the people kept in the dark.

For instance, to be an honest person, let's just say that a contractor, can tell you or show you on paper how he will construct your new house, and shows you documents he has made up to make you believe one thing, if the final contract that you sign purposely omits important facts and you sign it, you have made a bad commitment and you are stuck with it.

By signing a petition against this police facility, the people told the administration they were smarter and wiser and never wanted this 14 million dollar facility. Why else would it have been signed by the residents? That tells you something right there regarding how the people in this community really felt. They felt railroaded and somebody named Don Greer, thought he could pull one over on us. The administration did a lousy job in the communication department and will never admit it.

It would have never happened, if Pat Killoren were still mayor. Say what you want about Pat Killoren but she was a communicator and would never deceive her public constituency.

Even a smart lawyer should be able to see that people were misled. In this case, we had no smart lawyer leading the city, we had Don Greer doing all his dirty work and the mayor letting him do it.

The ballot language should always be the final contract because in it, every, single, solitary important fact should be delineated and it wasn't! The people in this city were purposely misled. End of story.

10:47 AM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your argument is true for Proposition S also huh? That one the ballot language also must have purposely misled the voters and should be overturned by the Board of Aldermen and put to the voters with explicit referral to bond like obligations?

7:56 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:56 PM 10/23 I'm not talking about Proposition S, nit wit! Get a life! People who change the subject are usually those who refuse to note the facts.

8:14 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There sure must be a lot of people who refuse to note the facts on this blog because the subject sure gets changed pretty often, especially by the Nayor's supporters .

10:33 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah sure whatever

10:44 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This particular blog holds lots of views and opinions. Valid ones, too. Anyone interested beyond throwiing darts should read and re-read the informative messages and print them and prepare some questions and head for a BOA meeting and start asking questions. Just don't expect any help from Do Nothing Duwe or Absentee Kelleker. As for the rest, there is hope until they decide to choose sides again and play Kill the Mayor. However, they are accoucntable for what happens uup there and they are being watched. Crestwood is through with excuses and groupies.

6:04 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

6:04 blogger: Good for you, we need more questions to the Board, and less griping to those of us that can do nothing about the problems!

A lot of what I see on the blog falls under the "all wine but no bottle" segment of our society.

The 6:04 blogger gave you your marching orders, so let's give it a try!

Tom Ford

6:49 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There have not been many citizens asking questions. Wonder why? You are right, several good questions have come up on this site but not at a BOA meeting. Maybe the posters are unable to attend the meetings? Maybe some emails to the entire BOA could be used. Some may not want to be singled out by "them" or "us" whichever way you want to see it? Makes ya wonder....Not public friendly?

9:53 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:53 PM 10/24 Blogger. We can still have Town Hall meetings on Saturdays when lots of people don't work!!!! The mayor, board, city administrator and dept. heads can all be there. We don't have to have them every week, but periodically, I think it's a great way to get communication going.

We always manage to have a mayoral debate for people during election time; why not have town hall meetings so citizens can sound off.

As I stated on a previous blog, there is more way than one to communicate. We can get answers to questions that everybody thinks they know for sure; but things always get out of hand on this blog when people speculate.

What do you think?

2:17 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonderful idea. With all the executive meetings and the mounds of paperwork the alderman have to review, it would have to be a Saturday the is not immediately preceding a BOA meeting.

9:14 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is not convenient for the Mayor to have Saturday meetings. They take away from his time at his country estate. So lets not talk any more about Saturday meetings. City business gets done Monday thru Friday as far as our 24/7 mayor is concerned.

9:17 AM, October 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Truly wonder what the blogger knows about peoples Saturdays, schedules, free time and country estates. This is an amazing assessment from a nobody whose special talent is to be ugly. Our officials spend quite a bit of their time, especially lately, trying to unravel the horrible mess left by the former administration. Trying to do what is best for Crestwood. Anyone who spends so much time processing the Mayor's doings simply needs some counseling. This kind of rage is dangerous, wasted energy and a measurement of maturity. I hope you don't have children and pass down this gene. That frightens me to death. If Crestwood is not your cup of tea, put a sign up in your front yard and move. No one thinks you are clever. You are sick. And, sick is not part of the PLAN.

If you are worried about city business let us know where Mr. Kelleher is all those nights he is missing scheduled and special meetings. Otherwise, put a plug in it.

1:32 PM, October 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:17 am 10/27 Blogger. Sarcasitic and hostle, that's what you are. Maybe you are the one who doesn't want to take the chance that the mayor might agree!!!! That would deteriorate your negativism. If people can't get to meetings during the week, and they can't make them on saturdays, then they have no business bitching and moaning. However, if you just want to put down the idea of a Saturday town hall meeting because it may help, then, my fellow blogger, you just want to play politics and use another way to slam the mayor.

4 or 5 meetings a year isn't going to kill anyone and would at least show that the mayor and board are trying to communicate with the public.

11:21 AM, October 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:32 PM Oct. 27th Blogger - Hey buddy, you have a lot of nerve calling me Ugly, sounds to me like you are the one wearing the "ugly suit". I'm a nobody? You profess to know whom I am and I say, if the shoe fits, wear it if you think so ill of me. Ugly is as Ugly does, my unhappy friend. That's what I love about bloggers like you, you can sit there and lambast others for doing the exact same thing you do.
Rage? What Kind of rage are you talking about. A measurement of maturity? Who in the world do you think you are speaking to?

All I did was make a suggestion to have meetings on Saturday. Now I will make a suggestion to you, that you "dry up and blow away".

11:31 AM, October 28, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Issues people, issues! Forget the personal attacks, the blog coulden't care less what Joe thinks of Phyllis, or whomever!

Stick to the issues or loose your post, please.

Tom Ford

4:56 PM, October 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

here's an issue - once again Crestwood will get negative press coverage. does anyone know who called Elliot Davis?

10:03 AM, October 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who called him in the past? Maybe the same person this time?

12:04 PM, October 30, 2006  

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