Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Crestwood committee recommends nixing `07 cost of strategic planning!

This weeks issue of the Suncrest Call has two very good articles reference Crestwood, as well as so letters to the editor I am sure you will want to read.

If all goes as planned our City employees will see a pay increase in 2007, and it seems our numbers are up revenue wise, so we should have a surplus larger than they thought!

At the time I wrote this the new edition of the call was not yet on line, but as soon as it is, I will link it to this thread for your reading pleasure. It looks to me as though the Mayor, BOA, C/A, ET AL have started to turn the corner.

Tom Ford

NO. 238

P.S. My apology's for being away from my post for two days. I came down with the flu on Wednesday night, and have been in bed up until an hour ago. The link is up and running now.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Revenues are up because business taxes are up like the gross receipts tax and the utility taxes and ... Sales taxes for the general fund, the capital improvements fund and the parks and stormwater fund are down. Why has only a little over $130,000 been spent from the capital improvements fund? We must not have needed money for streets afterall. How much has the general fund "borrowed" from the capital improvements fund? Maybe if we hire more college interns like the one from the University of Kansas we can get more savings instead hiring qualified professionals to work for Crestwood.

8:11 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Crestwood committee" - please don't make me laugh. I can't imagine why that meeting could not be scheduled when all of the committee members could be present. What a joke, "committee". Makes me laugh.

I think it has been said before, the money in the Capital Improvement Fund will be used for the General Fund. The public was assured that if done it would only be a type of "loan" and the money would be paid back. When do they propose this will happen? After pay raises? After the communication equipment fails and that fund needs cash? Is there a limited amount of time before it is required to pay back the Capital Improvement Fund?

According to some, the extension of the Capital Improvement tax was not for a new police facility. Did voters extend that tax for the money to be funneled into the General Fund. I think NOT.

10:48 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Where is the link to the stories in the Call?

12:25 AM, October 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Watch for more info from Elliot Davis!

11:57 AM, October 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:25AM blogger:

I believe when Tom posted the headline, the Call's website wasn't updated. As of yesterday it was updated and you can go to to find the article. I hope this helps.

1:54 PM, October 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, you got the flu too? Yikes, it hit me like a ton of bricks Wednesday morning. Get your flu shots everyone. This is a rough one.

2:15 PM, October 27, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:15 PM blogger! Sorry to hear you had it also!!

This stuff is no joke, I looked like the kid in the exorsist movie, and for a while I thought it was nasty, but you know what, it's worse than that!


Good news so far is that I lost 20 pounds in two day's, but I don't recommend it!

Tom Ford

2:26 PM, October 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good for Elliot! i'll be waiting to see the story!

4:46 PM, October 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:11 PM, October 25, 2006... What exactly were Diana Madrid's qualifications when Don Greer hired her to be our $70,000 Finance Queen? Then again what were Don Greer's qualifications to be CA besides sucking up to and cleaning up Robertson's messes?

I'd take an eager, hard working KU Intern over the recently departed Dynamic Duo any day.

1:34 PM, October 28, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

If the KU intern can add, subtract, show up on time, and works, what's the problem/

Not everyone will have the benefit of being "nurtured along," in their job, so I say let the kid go for it!

Tom Ford

4:48 PM, October 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is so special about KU?

Why not hire from UMSL or Mizzou?

Which city of Crestwood employees are alumni of KU?

7:06 PM, October 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe KU is where the city got Justina Tate from.

Considering that she's the backbone of the city's finances, I say let's try to strike gold twice from the same stream!

8:35 PM, October 28, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:35 PM blogger: I agree! I'm for hiring the whole economic class there if it works!

I would have liked to see them hire a NAVY vet. though!

Point being " Who cares who killed Hitler as long as the %#@@*% is dead ! "

Tom Ford

7:39 AM, October 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

KU has the premier Public Administration Program in America. Just a few notches above Don Juan’s alma matter, SIUE.

6:13 PM, October 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't the city administrator look great in the elliot davis piece? he was so reasonable and calm!NOT he like his mentor do not like being questioned. doesn't this worry anyone?

9:40 PM, November 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frank's master the Mayor doesnt like being questioned either. I thought the Mayor wanted to be the spokesperson for Crestwood? Missing from action that day? WOnder if he knew that Mr. Davis was going to pay a visit and so wasnt there when the man with the Cam showed up. Too bad, I'm sure the Mayor would have done a much better job than fearless Frank.

4:53 PM, November 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:40 11/5 At least he didn't speak with "forked" tongue.

10:16 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:40 pm Blogger Let's face it. According to people like you, Frank Meyer could have been as eloquent as Shakespeare and you would have still criticized him speaking with Elliot Davis, fellow blogger! You are one of those wise guys who wouldn't like him no matter how exceptional he was, because the mayor hired him and you hate the mayor, just like all you other condecending political players.

I guess you would have thought Don Greer, the old silver-tongued con himself, could have done a better job. Trouble is, he was nothing more than a self-serving master planner, with his own agenda which didn't include your best interest or anybody else's in the City of Crestwood. He played us all like a fine tuned fiddle and you ate it up, Mr. Blogger, all of it. Talk about stupidity! Talk about being suckers! I guess you would have been contend with letting things go the same way they were with him in charge?

People in Crestwood were tired and fed up and maybe this administration won't get everything done. But thank God, Don Greer and his paramore are gone and out of this city.

So, just button your lip. Elliot Davis does what he does best. Tries to fluster anybody to get a good story. But then again, you could never see it. You were too busy looking at Frank Meyer. I am sure you could have done a wonderful job with Mr. Davis, putting this whole administration down, since you and all the other sly foxes are just waiting in the shadows in hopes that you can make our city a disgrace again, just as the previous administration did.

Had they did their job, people wouldn't have been so disgusted in the first place. So put a sock in your mouth cause you can't see the forest for the trees.

4:56 PM, November 12, 2006  

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