Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Editorial for 10/4/06, and comments.

Please click the header to be directed to the 10/4/06 Suncrest Call site. There are some very interesting things among the wheat and Chaff there that I believe you will find interesting.

At any rate' I am waiting to see what comes from this new "advisor" that we now have, VS what we knew or should have known before.

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Quoted from Mr. Burke Wasson's story about the strategic planning. Here's the city's top five priorities for the next year:

• A balanced budget.

• Resolution of the city's line of credit.

• Streetscape program, correction and funding.

• Formation of a policy on how to use economic development tools.

• Strategy for the Westfield Shoppingtown Crestwood.

Seems to me that we could have come up with this on our own without having to pay the $8,000 reported in the story that the city is paying this advisor.

Interesting stuff, but necessary? You be the judge.

As for the editorial on the opinions section, it hit the nail on the head. We've got to look more toward the future than we have been. But at what cost? And, again, why did we pay $8,000 to this advisor to do something that our administration could already do in the first place? Let's keep our fingers crossed.

7:28 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the Administrator didnt do this work because he doesnt know how. Maybe it is because the City hired a marginal person at best. Maybe the man is in over his head and knows it so he out sources things you think he should be able to do himself?
Maybe the committee that reviewed applicants didnt do a good job. Maybe the Mayor did this on purpose so he could control the C/A? I dont know the answer to your question, but these could be some of the reasons.

7:38 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You both present good points.

How long will the city continue to hire consultants for jobs that really should be done by city staff?

When was this $8-9,000 expenditure approved?

A lot of these recommendations are plain common sense. A whole host of recommendations was made by the Crestwood 2000 Commission. Has anything been done to revisit those issues? What about compliance to recommendations of the state audit?

Let's use the groups, committees, and employees we already have before we got mired down in consultant's fees.

Another issue upcoming - has anything been done (meetings with or discussion) concerning the Jim Butler property?

8:36 PM, October 04, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I think Mr. Myers has used this guy before while he was in Ohio.

I was not at the three day session, but from thoes who were there (citizens,) I got the impression that this consultant is sort of a "Music Man". Meaning that he is a rah, rah, type who reminds us of what we already know, and then conjoles us into action.

Like most of you, I hope we are not just "joining the band".

Tom Ford

9:24 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here we go again, paying high-priced buddies to come in and do the work we are already paying Mr. Myers to do. I saw nothing in this list that shouldn't be obvious and already on Mr. Myers agenda.

If Mr. Myers had to actually pay somebody to come up with this, the Board of Alderman should be meeting to discuss finding a new City Administrator.

I agree with 7:38, marginal at BEST, and in over his head. Trotwood might not have expected more for their money, but Crestwood should.

And to blogger 7:28, "let's keep our fingers crossed"? We did that for too long. Let's cut our losses at $8,000 and find somebody qualified to do the City Administrator's job.

9:58 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the plan to bring in high paying jobs?

We need people with money to shop in Crestwood and build beautiful homes.

10:07 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are all of the electric telephone poles on the South Side of Watson and are very crooked?

Is Lyle Sumek helping our BOA apply for a Federal Grant to approve of Watson Corridor improvements?

Is this the same plan by former Mayor Brasfield?

How many consultants are we going to pay for that say the same thing?

When will we see some action or implementation by our Mayor and BOA from the following plans for the City of Crestwood:

Commission 2000 Report
Economic Development staff
Lyle Sumek plan which is a repeat of the Commission 2000 Report from 1996?

10:11 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm curious who came up with the design (as well as the money) for the new banners throughout Crestwood.

Just glancing at them driving down the road, they look like an advertisement for a tire store, with the little curvy road that is supposed to represent Route 66.

If all we have to sell Crestwood is it's long gone past, we need to give up. Surely we have a more positive and appealing City to sell?

Perhaps our consulting dollars would be better spent on revitalizing our City's image.

10:14 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My goodness the top 5 have been on the table for a while now. Can't imagine that the BOA authorized the $8000 for this. Was the $8000 in this year's budget? If not the BOA would have to approve this expense. No? I don't think this guy has given Crestwood solutions to these priorities. Solutions are what the citizens have been waiting for from the current adminstration for over a year now. Let's hail employees for their money savings suggestions (pennies compared to the $8000) so Crestwood can spend it on consultants telling us what we already know wth no resolutions.

I don't see the storm water projects on hold in any of the priorities. (could have used that $8K for some of those)

Also mentioned was a five year plan, etc. I hope that the current CA can put together at least the 3 year budget forecast on his own, or do we need a consultant to do this for him????

Where are all the concerned citizens regarding the budget and expenses? Have not heard from this year. Seems because the former CA is gone and Robinson is in office, there has been no need to inquire? A little too trusting I think.

10:14 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we need a retired Sergeant Major of the U.S. Army Brigade that will actually lead the BOA team,

By the way, what was Mayor Roy Robinson military position?

10:16 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:58, this is 7:28. I'm just saying let's keep our fingers crossed because right now that's all we can do other than keep asking questions, which we all need to be doing.

Don't know if this is enough to crucify Frank Myers as incompetent, but I'll say this - it sure doesn't look good. It's good that they're talking. But should it cost $8,000 to get our aldermen and employees to talk about the city? You tell me. I think the intentions are good, but the act is not. Someone didn't do their job. Plain and simple. Otherwise we wouldn't have been reading about these sessions. Good can come from them, and if we paid for it (Elliott Davis, are you listening?), then we should hold the city accountable for developing these goals.

In the meantime, hold on that list of goals you read in the article. We'll see how much is really done in the next year or two!

10:17 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why is City Administrator Frank Myers photo still on his previous employer website?

Is Mr. Myers working for several companies?

What is his plan?

10:18 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a conflict of interest for our City Administrator Frank Myers to represent the City of Crestwood while consulting for other cities or businesses?

Why does Mr. Myers always leave a city after they buy the bonds and go further into debt?

Who is Mr. Myers really marketing?

10:19 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What are the requirements for selecting a consultant for the City of Crestwood?

How can I apply?

I would just retype the Commission 2000 Final Report created by former Mayor Brasfield and charge only $5,000!

Where is the guarantee for a plan of action or a State of Work for these consultants?

Mr. Myers will be leaving within a year after our BOA agrees to the "Music Man" ideas and we will be paying a higher real estate tax will little to show!

10:23 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:23, GENIUS idea. I went into the wrong line of work.

10:27 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"In the meantime, hold on that list of goals you read in the article. We'll see how much is really done in the next year or two!
10:17 PM, October 04, 2006 "

Wait another year or 2! What on earth are you saying? We have been waiting over a year already and have seen no dramatic changes in our city's finances. If Lyle Sumek had provided the BOA with solutions to these issues, the money would have been well worth it but NOT for this type of strategic planning.

10:27 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10:27, just saying that I highly doubt we'll be crossing off these goals anytime soon.

I agree with you that this type of strategic planning was probably a waste of time. It COULD be good. But I don't think it will be.

But in the meantime, I'm holding my breath and giving them the benefit of the doubt. But I won't hold it too long. We've been jerked around long enough.

10:38 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well since the C/A works for the Mayor and the Board, they are the ones that need to hear of your displeasure with Mr. Myers. I do find it interesting that once Mr. Greer left, the City watch dogs have left the yard. Maybe the problem is the man we elected told us he could do things for us that he knew he couldnt, with out raising our taxes, while the man we defeated told us the truth about the need to raise taxes. Sorry, but with 20/20 hindsight, that is what it is starting to look like.

7:20 AM, October 05, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

If anyone would like to copy the 2000 commission report, I have it (thank's to Ms. Stock.)

Call me, and I will copy it for you, and deliver it, free of charge!

Tom Ford

8:29 PM, October 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:11 pm 10/04 Blogger
Those are all very good questions you pose. Perhaps the answer to your questions could be best answered by you. There is an election coming up in April for 4 new Aldermen. Why not file and get us going forward.

10:40 PM, October 06, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Reference the 2000 commission report, it is now in the hands of two Alderman who will be asking why we needed to hire a consultant to tell us what we knew in 2000.

On Alderman who read it last night told me that the 2000 report was VERY SIMILAR to the work session they just had! That being the case why is Mr. Sumic being paid by Crestwood to hold sessions that give us no plan, but require our BOA, ET AL to come up with their own ideas? I do not believe anyone on the BOA autherized this expenditure, and I am interested in who did, and why.

I have said it before, we have some of the best brain trust right in town, so why not form another committee (use the same people if you want,) up-date the report, and lets use the money saved for storm water repairs!

The last remaining great democrat said before he passed, "A billion here, a billion there, before you know it it's real money" Everet Dirckson.

Tom Ford

4:40 PM, October 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Please cut, and paste this link to be directed to Mr. Lyle Sumack's page. As you will see, He is in the business of "saving cities"!

Tom Ford

8:26 PM, October 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when or how this $8-9000 expenditure was approved to pay this new consultant? Did the BOA approve it? I never heard how it was paid for?

12:45 PM, October 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The $8000 probably came from the C/A Myer's Slush Fund.

4:19 PM, October 08, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well the Aldermen I have spoken with say they knew nothing about the "music man" until he came to town.

So where did the money come from to pay this guy? Mr. Myers, we would all like to know this one!

Tom Ford

6:47 PM, October 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we honestly have an alderman that was UNAWARE of the Crestwood 2000 report? Geez, these guys need to be more informed than that. Pitiful.

9:51 AM, October 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$8000 is a lot more slush than the Webster University advisor to the volunteer citizen Commission 2000 was paid. I understand that the Commission 2000 Final Report is a much more substantial document as I have heard that the recent strategic planning document will be only one page. Also the Commission 2000 Final Report partially was based on a broad, indepth survey of Crestwood residents. How much resident input was there in the recent strategic planning sessions of elected officials and city employees? Dollar to a donut I bet resident input was nil. What a hoot!

10:30 AM, October 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:30 AM The Commission 2000 Final Report was based on a survey of Crestwood residents AND businesses. In other words Crestwood employees and elected officials were told what the community wanted not vice versa.

10:42 AM, October 09, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:51 Am, 10/9 blogger.

I know of at least three who had never seen or heard of the report, so draw your own conclusion.

Tom Ford

6:41 PM, October 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is the purchsing policy for the city? Did they get bids to find the best value for a strategic planning consultant? Who appropriated the $8,000 if the Board never voted on it?

6:43 PM, October 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care how much "savings" have been saved this year. The $8000 was not in the budget and there should have been a formal vote authorizing such an expense. Mr. Ford stated that at least a couple of alderman did not know about the expense authorization. Isn't this against Crestwood ordinance? And why weren't the meetings publicized at the BOA meeting the Tues. prior? Could have been announced. Makes it seem like the citizens weren't necessarily wanted at the meetings.

10:57 PM, October 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems I read a message earlier on this blog site about why we never get any iron clad updates from the Development Person, what does she do and why does she earn so much money doing what we don't know what she is doing? Now we know, she isn't doing studies, it is farmed out. It costs money. MY MONEY.

I had hoped we had rid ourselves of all undercover expenditures. Were these traits carried over??
I might add, here, this person was hired during the last administration. Also, the other blogger I thought had a right to ask for some upfront reporting, not via spreadsheet or from the CALL about someone elses projections.

Anyway, guess what, this weeks CALL had an article with her name bandied about every other paragraph. How connnnvenient! However, no iron clad progress report on retail coming to town, action taken on filling any stores, etc. only an expensive study that no one seems to have authorized and which having read, might just be way up the road as to feasibility and actual life support. Just what we need, a few more studies from our tax money intended to REDUCE DEPT. I don't care if it came out of city hall's egg money, it is MY MONEY! What is it about REDUCING DEBT THAT IS NOT CLEAR UP THERE?

How many studies is enough? Nine Aldermen and 1 Mayor might want to find out who is involving 3rd parties to make improvements in our city. While I realize the last administration was a total disaster, I had no idea they left so many things unattended. We are NOT spinning straw into gold in Crestwood then or now. If this message is not clear, I know of 9 aldermen and 1 Mayor who might want to add that to the agenda.

Is no one at city hall able to make cognitive studies relevant to improving our community. Must we be captive to strangers with steep invoices to give advice?

11:48 PM, October 11, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I think we need to tell our Alderman that we want to be part of this prosses. Volunteer's are FREE, and most of the time have some very good ideas, so why not use them?

If you ask me Ellen Daly would also be well served if she asked for some of our "retired businessmen" to be put on an "Ad Hoc" panel to increase business in Crestwood.

I have no idea why we must have a "cheer leader" to motivate thinking from City Hall, but it must be needed or we wouldent have hired the out of town guy!

Folk's, it's time for a little thinking "outside the box" as they say, and I for one think we have residents who can, and would do that, so?

Tom Ford

6:36 PM, October 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of editorials and comments made in the news, I just loved how the city administrator in St. Peters was open and above board with his aldermen and asked for the resignation of the mayor for being a "bad boy" and the truth was told and was open and honest.

Our beloved city administrator who is now in Fairview Heights didn't have the same integrity when he and the board of aldermen in 2003 decided to cover up the real reason why Jim Robertson was asked to resigned.

That's the difference between an honorable board of aldermen and a board of aldermen in Crestwood, who just went along with the cover up and never stated the real reason for the resignation of the past mayor.

Then to add insult to injury, what did they do? They had the audacity to show their contempt for his misdeed by awarding Jim Robertson a seat on the TIF Commission as a penance for his bad behavior And the Victim? Well they made a villan out of her. Why? Because that's what Don Greer told them to do. Now Don Greer has jumped to the next town to destroy, and they still believe his tripe.

What a bunch of cowards and puppets to allow Don Juan Greer to turn their heads so easily. Things like this should never happen in the 21st Century.

I applaud the City of St. Peters for doing the right thing.

8:44 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get a copy of the settlement agreement between the City and the former city employee which is available at City Hall. It is plainly evident that the former city employee has violated its terms. There is no conclusive proof that the former mayor, the C/A and the Board of Aldermen did anything wrong. Anyone can make accusations. Proving them is another matter. If there was a preponderance of evidence or conclusive proof, the former city employee had no reason to settle with the City. When you have a current mayor and his City Attorney who must be aware the settlement agreement has been violated unless they live isolated in a cocoon shielded from reality and when they do nothing about it, ask yourself why they are not taking action to protect the City's interests and those of present and former officials.
Could it be that the former city employee is a supporter of the mayor?

11:17 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:17 10/23 Blogger. Is that you Timmy? Or is that you, Pat Duwe or Mr. Kelleher or Dr. LaBore, the minister who does the work of the Lord here on earth.

As you stated, Nobody lives in a cacoon, but I have been accused enough by people like you, that I think maybe that's what I should do. Please! I have had enough. Now end it if you have one ounce of humanity.

"A friend of the mayor's", you say?
I say maybe you are a friend of the previous one, so what does that prove?

It would be just like your kind to say that I am in violation of an agreement. It is just like you to conclude that I settled instead of going to court (which would have stretched this issue out until I was dead) because you say I had no proof.

It seems that you feel it is OK for you to insinuate your views or read what you read at City Hall, while I sit still and cannot express my first amendment rights especially when my family and friends have all known this issue from the beginning.

Unfortunately, for me, this whole thing has become a political one when all I wanted was a good job close to home in 1973 and wanted to retire with dignity. Well I retired all right, but my dignity and integrity were compromised. Can I say that without being threated?

I am no big lawyer and have no clout; I don't smooze to gain points with the big boys. As for the city attorney, he has known me for years just like others on the board of aldermen. What does that prove?

Alderman Kelleher and Duwe were not present when I received my 30 year resolution. I assume they felt I didn't deserve it! Par for the course. Shame on me, wanting what every other person received who retired.

Listen up! I have to live knowing that board members choose to believe a city administrator who had no business being one. I have to live every day knowing that politics comes before truth and it my first amendment right to say so.

Now, if you think I should be taken to court and want to reopen everything, and you feel that this mayor is deliberately not doing it, I guess with all the brilliant lawyers in this town, you can make it happen some day. But there isn't a day that goes by that I don't relive the hurt and hate of it all.

My own neighbors who have known me for years, can't separate themselves from it because they would have to choose me over family. Who do you think they believe? Me? No Way.

If I were to die tomorrow, I only hope that I can go to my death with peace of mind and can alleviate this ache in my heart. But my family should not have to go threw this anymore. It should be enough for you Sir Blogger, that I am no longer at City Hall. Just be happy about that! Do I get a big Yawn now!!!!!!

Sandra Grave

11:29 AM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:17 10/23 Could it be that the former alderwoman blogger is a supporter of Jim Robertson?

4:03 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't really see any reason to remember a bum whose drinking altered so many lives. He is gone. But before he left he messed up big. His sins were covered up by his big buddy, who is now thankfully also gone. An out of court settlement took place.It was not free. We paid the bill. So residents, beware of a fox in lambs trousers too stupid to protect his own reputation. Check and recheck credentials of candidates who come to your door. Sadly, this paragoon of virtue now binges at home haviing left hangers on behind who are so filled with hate and disappointment they cannot get over thie reversal of fate.

5:50 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:17, could be, who else but a former Alderwoman would know the "agreement".

6:51 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now those last few comments were about the topic!! NOT.

Check out the Opinion article - we have many posts saying "don't forget the past" - well this Opinion article is reminding citizens about the past. What is wrong with that? The past shapes the future, at least that is what is professed. Can't be just one way, the past is the whole past, not just the former CA, etc.

10:12 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forgetting the past is like ignoring the fact you have an incurable disease.

A group of dweebs in Crestwood deemed themselves capable of elective office in Crestwood. Then they went about the process of getting elected. Upon their seating, they decided to become bosom pals, golf, Malone's, etc. stick together even as Rome fell. They found the power captivating. Their chests blew up and they became big people. Hey, I can't lose I have a church affiliation and belong to a swim club, I'm an ambulance chaser. They judge my by my chug a chugs. They also don't know my score on the ACT or SAT, where I work or where I can be found when needed, why I don' have time to be an alderman.Controlling money at city hall is a real blast, I can do that - that is when there is any. Tis super fun to change long standing rules to fit our new game. Fool around with spread sheets that are miles of greek. If anyone questions our fun and games or suggests we should probably conserve and act official like, we just make fun of them, try to embarrass them, be ugly. We afterall have a board pit bull.This is part of our fun. These jolly good fellows voted irregardless of conflict of interest, ignored the simking retail revenue and loss of businesses and charged full force ahead with a 14.5 Million dollar city hall to house all these pseudo kings in the making. Soon there was new and expensive furniture, a new software program, a BMW for the pseudo sub-king with a $830 monthly allowance and architects rendering charges up the bazoo not to mention change orders and leasing a suite at Westfield for temporary quarters while the castle was being built. In the meantime, the pseudo sub-king was cavorting with his handy city employee glambo, all public knowledge,which glambo was dumb as a rock and was taking home a tidy unearned salary.Now guess who paid that salary. Soon we had to borrow money to pay the electric bills, which then became a 3.5 Million Dollar line of credit with all our city real estate as collateral. Also, one tipsy Mayor tipsied too much and the resulting lawsuit sent him home to spend more time with his family. Awwwwwwwww! Oh where oh where has the ex Mayor gone. Where is he? Then his replacement lacking enough time turned his responsbilities over to the sub-King who had run out the former city administrator and finance office and a whole new shop was set up. The kind where employees kissed the-big-guys ringy and then were guaranteed their job. Money keep going out the door, city hall was divided into Queens and workers and exorbitnat legal bills flooded the place, bills with no description, just dates and amounts. Then they had the audacity to try and get the residents to come along and bail them all out. Two propositions were put on the ballot and in desperation there were employee and service cuts. But, hey, where were you, did you not see all this coming. No. Oh, you were watching these pudgies roll around in wilting clover telling you all is well and you wanted to believe it.

AT long last, any semblance to the Crestwood of our past began to fade into a semblance of gangsterism with name calling, missing money, no money for bills and threats of laying off employees. Which of course has to happen when dweebs like the above are allowed anywhere near city hall. What is needed up there is an armed guard with just one key to the piggy bank, a sargeant at arms who can put a rag in Kelleher's stupid mouth and a giant vitamin pill for Duwe who does little more than show up meetings, but likes the spending money she gets as an alderwhatever.

I have decided to invent a board game to sell during the holidays. The white hats, the black hats and the hatless. Soon as I discover which officials can carry the weight of the hat they deserve, I will determine the financial moves, the ethical moves, and the moves that I consider those that real men who have their city's best interest at heart would take. I am even going to include the characters of the constant beefers who can't seem to find an identity which would carry them through the pain of loss for the rest of their life and get them off our backs.

Now you tell me, how does one go about forgetting what a terrible mess a bunch of thugs made of our community and then have the ignorant audacity to just do the right thing and slip away into some sort of contrived decency? Even Tony Soprano has spells regret.

12:35 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems like the last blogger needs help.

12:51 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, that poster is always the same one because they use the same flowing words, reinventing history to fit their understanding of what happened. Just one person's view point that's all it is, even if it is a bit long winded. Seems to love to call people names like "thugs, ambulance chasers, tipsy, gamblers, stupid"..but is afraid to use their real names. Always wondered why that was, if the poster is so much " in on the know" why dont they use the names of those they write about and then sign it with their real name? I bet they are chicken little unmarried man/boys in their 40's who still live on one of their daddy's nice homes and are afraid to sign their names because they are only brave in the dark where no one can hold them accountable for their actions. Afraid of public speaking so they use this blog as a way of venting. Oh well, guess we will always have this type with us.
Bill Thompson

2:22 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Thompson???

6:48 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bill Thompson, are you talking about the gay one?

7:15 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim is that you? Tim???

7:30 PM, October 25, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ok kiddies! Forget the "Gay" stuff, we don't need it, and we won't have it, as the next post like that will cause me to delete all remarks relivent to it!

Tom Ford

7:33 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looked in the internet phone directory - couldn't find a 'Bill Thompson' or William Thompson living in Crestwood. Unlisted phone number? I wonder if he is listed on the voter registration lists?

7:35 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How provincial in an internet world.

12:03 AM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, since you couldnt find out where Bill lives or who he is, what do you think about his comment? Isnt that the most important thing on this blog, the comment, not who made the comment?

2:40 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:22 pm 10/25 Bill Thompson my left foot! You think you are being funny but I am not laughing. You slam those who do not state names on this blog, but you are even worse, you use a fake name. Oh you are just so cute, you think!!!! Get off the dang blog and go to the nearest funny farm and get on some meds. You use serious bloggers as your audience. I'm not buying it.

7:39 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, what do you really think about Bill's comment? Or is it just a game you are playing about who writes what, not what is written?

8:29 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Bloger 7:39, what is your take on blogger 12:35 post? Is it an attempt to be cute? Do you like the way the writer uses words? Is it ok for 12:35 to write what they do but good ole Bill isn't supposed to write something because you can't figure out where he lives?
You know the internet is not limited to the city limits of Crestwood, nor is this blog. Bill could be someone who has been reading this blog for months and lives in Ohio, or New Jersy or Kirkwood. Bill could be a world famous shrink who has read enough of poster 12:35 stuff to know the poster has some "issues". Kind of like an online profiler if you will.
So what is your problem with Bill?

8:42 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim is that you??? Tim??? Hello Tim???

9:04 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee blogger, since you seem to know so much about this "Bill", has he profiled you? Has "Bill" profiled anyone on the board, past or present? Gee blogger, you sure have a similar writing style to Bill.

9:08 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:42 10/26 Nobody in Kirkwood or New Jersey gives a hoot about Crestwood. This person is clearly using a fictious name. And yes, he thinks everybody is going to fall for it. I have no problem with Bill with the exception of he slams others for not signing their names, so he uses an assumed one to make everyone think he is so honest and upstanding. It's a phony name and he/she is playing games on the blog.

11:39 AM, October 28, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:42 bloger, your probebly right, but people do move, and people do have relitives with computers in other towns, so who knows?

But, gee, why not stroke my ego, and let me think the "whole world reads it!"

Tom Ford

6:43 AM, October 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to me that at least one former Crestwood resident, the one who now lives in Florida, has commented on this blog. If one does it, why not others?

9:10 AM, October 30, 2006  

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