From the BOA 10/10/06 work session (debt reduction.)
From the work session with Stifel Nicholas bond counselors reference the debt re-structure. This is the entire package as given to the Mayor, and the work session on 10/10/06. Please click on the header to be directed to the site.
I hope this will help everyone understand what Mr. Myers is proposing for the city debt. Admittedly I am not a CPA, but this does not look all that bad to me, in fact, I would say, let's do it if we can!
Tom Ford
I hope this will help everyone understand what Mr. Myers is proposing for the city debt. Admittedly I am not a CPA, but this does not look all that bad to me, in fact, I would say, let's do it if we can!
Tom Ford
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Tom Ford
it's a great deal - just 1-1.5% more than the go bonds would've cost the city. why were they a bad deal again?
30,000+ hits!!! Great Job Tom, you should be proud of the service you're providing!
Thank you, but your providing the service, all I am doing is providing the forum!
Keep the posts coming!
Tom Ford
it's a great deal - just 1-1.5% more than the go bonds would've cost the city. why were they a bad deal again?
So sorry to hear that the Mayor could not find an alternate solution to the GO bonds he was so against. Maybe he should have listened when it was stated that Crestwood NEEDED that money now... not pay as you go....Evidently there has not been enough time to pay as you go...I feel orry for the people who believed him. What a disappointment.
Tim, is that you?
is that the best you can do? makes it so obvious you have no excuse for the current shenanigans.
Yeah, whatever, so Tim, was that you?
Mrs. Robinson is that you?
Karen, is that you?
Wonder why Mr. and Mrs. Timmy the T can't devote themselves to their own blog. I have heard all I want to hear from them on this one.
What blog? What is the address of the other blog?
I thought I read in a previous entry that Karen Trueblood took a break from Crestwood politics.
Oh, I'm sorry, I thought Mrs. Trueblood was just a concerned citizen, not an elected official. I guess her comments were not to your liking? Wasn't there, what did she say that upset so many?
10:56 AM
If you want to bash Robinson, that's the place to go.
Mrs T'Blood may be concerned, but so are a lot of us, but we don't keep getting up and grandstanding so we can get our name in the paper. She is just way too obvious. Other than run down firemen when they pass out flyers and walk on her grass, what exactly is her contribution?
Oh well, every dog has its day.
You, as the son of a dog, should know about having your day.
7:31 pm Oct. 25th. Yeah but what if you don't want to bash the mayor? Are you still allowed to go on Trueblood's website. I don't think so. I tried and they won't let me in. If he doesn't like your comment, you don't get a chance to mention it on Trueblood's. So I guess you can say it is a segregated website only for certain people; isn't that against the Constitution? So don't think for one minute if you post his website on this blog, you are automatically entitled to your opinion. You are scrutinized first.
If your comment is about the post it makes it on the blog. If you sign your name to comment it makes it on Trueblood's blog, just ask Mr. Ford.
2:37 pm 10/26 I tried that two months ago to post something that was in reference to the comment, I couldn't even get in. I will try again and see what happens.
I keep reading that the T-Blood Blog only prints what it selects. What kind of crap is this, if true? And, to imagine, this man called himself a person who represented his ward. This is the scarriest thing I have ever heard. It reminds me of that Russian newspaper years ago which only printed proganda. Geeze, lets hope this prejudicial T-blood blog fades away into a dismal past. Anyone who presumes he is the know all end all, bottom line and critical judge of all presents a danger to society. Not anything I want representing my community or my world for that matter.
It's called Freedom of the Press, it allows one to publish what they want, not what YOU think they should or how they should. It is the very corner stone of our freedom where those who want to print what they believe in may do so without fear of government or YOU. They do not have to get their rules cleared by you or our Government. Sorry!
No where does it say in our Constitution that the press has to publish each letter it gets. If you don't like the blog's rules you can stop reading it, which it sounds like you havent done as of yet, or you can follow the guide lines the blog lists to get your views published or start your own blog with your own set of rules. This blog has rules, if you like them and it's views then by all means stay here. If you sometimes want an other view point, go to other blogs.
In the meanwhile you can grow up, quit crying, holding your breath and stomping your little foot because you don't like the way someone is running THEIR blog. You are not in charge of me or my blog.
Because I am pretty sure I know who you are and I can see that you lack the spine to sign your name to your posts, much less speak to me in public, man to man, face to face, I will sign my name. I will not hide behind the white sheet of anonymous that Mr. Ford kindly offers and you always use.
Tim Trueblood
p.s. Mr Ford has requested many times I allow him to link to my blog address on this blog. As his is the first and largest blog of it's kind in Crestwood I am honored he would make the request. I have declined in part, because I felt it would do his work a dis-service because of my rules which would become the focus of the debate, and take the focus from the issues at hand. I am sorry Mr. Ford if my comment upsets any of your blogs readers, it is not personal between you and I.
It's about 2:45 p.m. After I proof read this I am getting ready to go to tonight's ballgame. In order to take the pressure off of some readers, any posts made after this one you can be sure I didn't make. So go ahead and ask "Tim is that you, Karen is that you, Jonathan is the you?" because it won't be. It wasn't us in the past posting and it isn't us now posting. Are you reading this Ms. Grave, I didn't do the comment you recently emailed me about, so I can't stop what I am not doing.
Oh, and by the way, my son Jon doesn't "do blogs", thinks they are waste of his time. He instead, uses his time to study to keep his 3.9 GPA and to train for Varsity Cross Country team (running over 50 miles a week) leading up to the State meet next weekend as well as work at Sonic. (Mr. Ford, he is only talking about my blog, he has never seen yours.) Kate, my daughter, is in her first year of Grad school at Case Western U. in Cleveland, OH. working for her PHD as well as working part time, in case anyone is concerned that she may be making posts. She doesn't have the time, she has a life and she is living it.
I believe in freedom of the press, too. And I believe this press of which I speak should expose/accept/offer all sides. When it doesn't, it often ceases to exist. However, blog masters certainly have the upper hand and it is their perogative to run it their way,so as to appeal to their followers. I read all sides to issues because you never know when you can learn something new which could change your opinion or make you see things more clearly. I find myself often watching carefully for bias, I laugh at the idiots and appreciate those who take life more seriously.
As for my bio, as if anyone cared, I'm darned proud of my family, too. They are all achievers. Major sports contenders (field and track, volleyball, football, soccer, basketball and football). 3 Masters, and 1 PHD. 1 a 2 termer in Viet Nam, graduate of VMI, One a famous writer, 1 a 4 term governor, 2 executives of a major corporation. I have lost both parents in the last few years and sat by my mother's bed for 10 days before she passed away. I have no clue if any of them read blogs.
I just know when I follow a blog, I hope for fairness and not censure. I say hope because as I read on the earlier blog, the owner is the master. And I agreed that that was his call, his way. If he is comfortable with this, I don't intend to complain. No one is forcing me to read it. This particular site is silly sometimes but I have learned a lot about a lot of things. I have recognized the good in people and the truly pathetic nature of others. It is not hard to siphon out the bad.
So, maybe the other blog was misjudged, don't know, haven't read it because I don't know how to get to it and I have never met nor known the blog master. If what was said is true about that other blog, well I don't know if that is true or not.But anything which is supposed to be an exchange of ideas signed or not should be fair game. Blogs are that way. When blogs only present a sanitized version of things, they sometimes get criticised. But, so what, maybe that is what some people want in a blog. And if they don't like, well this blog might be a better fit. Nothing wrong with debate.
I don't have tickets to the ball game, but you can darnbetcha I'm gonna go post myself in front of the tube, get nervous, make some noise, and enjoy the welcome respite of the World Series.
This being only my second time on in 2 1/2 days, I was sorry to see that some of you have chosen to lambaste Tim Trueblood's blog, not to mention his family!
Politics is a very strange thing indeed, some of us like the policies of others, some do not. We all say so one way or another, either at the ballot box, in the papers, on TV, at a meeting, and yes on a blog.
Over the years Mr. Trueblood and I have disagreed on some issues, agreed on others, and left some alone. Since I come to know Tim better I find that I like the man for who he is, not afraid to put forth his ideas (he voted no on the swim club, the only Ward Two Alderman to do so,)
In fact I will tell you that after the elections were over in April I invited Tim to join me on a Walley fishing trip to the Great Lakes, knee surgery knocked him out of that one, but I hope you see my point.
Opponents are one thing, but a vile contempt for you opponent, just because he is your opponent is not healthy, nor is it an avenue for healing, and this City needs healing!
Tim put's forth his ideas on his web site, as I do on mine. We both have readership, some happy, some not so happy, but we have gotten Crestwood to think, and that's been needed for a long time.
Check out Tim's blog, he has some interesting posts, and they will get you thinking, and while your at it, look for some of my responses. You can do the same, just keep on track, stick to the issues, sign your name, and remember, "He paid for it"
Tom Ford
You are too kind, Mr. Ford. however because you did not attend meetings, you did not see Mr. Trueblood in action. He was a bookend to the Kelleher fellow. Noxious. He voted against the swim club. could be because he is not a member. You really do need to look a little deeper into his service on the board. He was ruled by his friend Greer and had he disassociated himself from this affiliation and his deep need to bully Mayor Robinson every chance he got, he may well have been able to provide the kind of service which would have earned him the respect you seem to think he deserves. Sorry, not just my opinion, common knowledge. Please try to remember we all have a right to our opinions and when we were there and saw it, it is fact.
1:AM blogger: your right to express what you saw and feel! As you said, I was not there, nor did I view any of the actions's of anyone (don't need to see Mr. Kelleher's act again though.)
I stated that I opposed some of his ideas (and he some of mine,)and I am sure we still do. That said however I cann'ot find it in me to revile him for it.
If Crestwood is to prosper we will need Tim, and his family just as much as anyone of us to get this job done.
And in closing, if he was under the spell of anyone at any time, he would have voted for the swim club believe me! We all thought that Mr. Greer was the second coming of Christ, that is until we pulled the curtian back and saw the real truth, so let's cut Tim a break.
Tom Ford
1 am Oct. 29th Oh Please don't tell me that Tim Trueblood and Greer were buddies. Doesn't he know that the reason Tom Fagan lost the election was because Fagan kept Don Greer on in two pivitol roles!
As much as Tim Trueblood hates Roy, I cannot imagine that he doesn't know that Don Greer was the reason his buddy lost as mayor!
Don Greer got the job he wanted because of Robertson, and if you believe otherwise, you really don't know what a con Mr. Greer is. I cannot believe that Trueblood couldn't see through that guy! I can understand why the good reverend LaBore would fall for Greer's lies but I hope that isn't true about Tim.
Greer painted pictures to the aldermen; if he wanted someone dismissed, he painted a bad picture; if he wanted to hire someone, the hiring freeze was lifted. And all the board members fell for it but I just can't see Tim Trueblood not wising up eventually.
I cannot believe that Tim doesn't know about all the sexual harrassment over in the police department that Greer covered up because his Major and friend did the deeds on two female cops. That lawsuit cost the city of crestwood $40,000 (20,000 each for two female cops) Greer would have thrown anybody else out on the street, but this was Greer's good buddy. His buddy worked for Crestwood after the incident until Greer found him a job so he could leave in silence.
I cannot believe that any board member would condone the antics of a mad man who had relations with at least two women in his department who worked for him and that was way before Diana Madrid. One was married at the time.
I cannot believe that his work ethics in Wood River where he did the same things were overlooked.
Oh Yeah, if you are telling me that Mr. Trueblood was Mr. Greer's buddy after all the unprofessional issues that happened, I think I am going to be sick.
I hope you are wrong.
5:15, 11/12 blogger: I don't believe Tim trueblood and Greer were as much of a "friendship" as you think!
I believe that Mr. trueblood saw through Greer's "Svengali" methods, and very well may have been one of the deciding forces to get him out of here!
Never the less, you may wish to call Mr. trueblood and ask him, as he has no reason to hide anything now (except the "executive session" findings.)
Tom Ford
6:53 11/12 Tom, I sure hope you are right. I would hate to think that Tim couldn't see Greer for what he was.
I could contact Tim and ask him but I am just going to consider the blogger that stated it, as being out of his mind and let it go.
8:42 blogger: Good for you (letting it go that is.) I leave the psychiatric diagnosis to some on the blog who must be qualified to do it, (they do it all the time!)
I will tell you this though, the BOA knew they had an "elephant in the living room," and they finally did something about it, and that includes Mr. Trueblood!
Tom Ford
6:31 Nov. 13th. Ha! I like that conotation Tom..."an elephant in the living room". Boy did you hit that one on the head.
People can say what they want about you, Tom, but you always come up with good humor to show everybody that you are a real good guy and one of the most diplomatic ones on this blog.
You always keep your sense of humor and your wits about you.
Ha! I love it..."an elephant in the living room". Just too cute and funny it is!!!!
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