Proposed charter changes for the November ballot.
Propositions 4 & 5
Propositions 4 & 5 propose changes in the number of signatures necessary for petitions
for Referendum and Initiative petitions {Sec. 9.3(a)} and Recall petitions {Sec. 10.3(a) }.
The proposed changes reduce these percentages.
Proposition 4: Shall Section 9.3(a) of the City’s Charter be amended to
reduce the percentage of signatures required for Initiative and
Referendum petitions from twelve percent (12%) to eight percent (8%)?
Proposition 5: Shall Section 10.3(a) of the City’s Charter be amended to
reduce the percentage of signatures required for a Recall petition from
twenty percent (20%) to fifteen percent (15%)?
Section 13.7, “Charter Amendment”, is not proposed to change. That petition
percentage will remain at ten percent (10%) as set in the original Charter.
Summary of the Percentage Change Issue
The Charter Review Committee recommends that the percentages for the number of
signatures necessary for petitions for Referendum and Initiative petitions {Sec. 9.3(a)}
and Recall petitions {Sec. 10.3(a)} be reduced.
The reasons that reductions of the percentages are being recommended are:
1) Crestwood’s current percentages are more restrictive than those in other cities.
2) The percentages for these two sections seemed significantly higher than those
required for a petition to amend the Charter itself.
3) The percentages are set by “all” registered voters. The percentage of those who
vote is significantly lower than those who are registered to vote. Lower
percentages of “all” registered voters would more accurately relate to the number
of those who regularly participate in political issues and vote.
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
Proposition 3
Proposition 3: Shall sections Section 3.7(b), 3.8 and 4.7(b) of the City’s
Charter be amended to provide for censure?
Summary of the Censure Issue
The Charter Review Committee recommends that Censure be added to the Charter as
a disciplinary tool.
The reasons that a measure of censure is being recommended are:
1) Censure would be provided as a warning for less egregious offenses.
2) Add another tool of discipline other than forfeiture of office.
3) Most Charters include censure as a method of reprimand.
The Charter Review Committee is recommending that Censure be included in the
Charter as a method of reprimand that is less drastic than forfeiture of office. The
Board of Aldermen can then adopt a Code of Conduct that addresses the specifics of
how/when they might use the method of reprimand. The Charter Review Committee felt
that although censure should and would be rarely used, the method should exist for
conditions that warrant it. It was generally agreed that the minimum procedural
standard for imposing forfeiture or censure should be the same as the standard for
passing an ordinance. This procedural standard should reflect that such a measure
could not take place on a single legislative day, and that it requires a majority vote of the
members of the Board of Aldermen. This standard should be spelled out in the
Municipal Code as agreed upon by the Board of Aldermen.
Proposition 2
Proposition 2: Shall Section 3.4 of the City’s Charter be amended by
removing the limitation on the number of successive terms to which an
Alderman can be elected?
Summary of the Term Limit Issue
The Charter Review Committee recommends having the voters decide whether to retain
term limits for members the Board of Aldermen, but not the Mayor. The difference was
recognized between term limits for executive positions and term limits for legislative
branches. Most other cities in St. Louis County do not have term limits for their
Aldermen or Council members. The Charter Review Committee decided to let the
voters revisit the issue.
The reasons that term limits might be eliminated are:
1) The long term effects of term limits were not really known when they were
adopted in 1995.
2) The effects had not yet impacted Crestwood at the time the Charter Review
Committee recommended the issue be revisited by the voters. (April 2006 was
the first election where Aldermen had to leave office due to term limits.)
3) Crestwood will face a major turn over on the Board of Aldermen in a short period
of time and the Board of Aldermen’s “institutional memory” will be lost.
Proposition 1
Proposition 1 is an amendment to several sections of the City’s Charter. This group of
proposed changes has been referred to as the technical amendments. These changes
were deemed to be benign language changes, words added for definition, revisions to
reflect current practices, or updating.
The ballot language will read:
Proposition 1: Shall the following Sections of the City of Crestwood
Charter be amended as proposed by the Charter Review Committee: 3.3,
3.10(a), 3.10(d), 3.10(g), 4.4(a), 4.8, 5.1, 5.2(a), 5.2(f), 7.1, 7.2(b), 9.3(b),
10.3(b), 13.8, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, and 15.4?
In detail, the changes proposed to these sections of the Charter and which would be
authorized by the passing of Proposition 1 are as follows:
Article III – Board of Aldermen
Sec.3.3, Qualifications: Add the sentence, “For purposes of this Section, both
seats within a given Ward constitute the same office.” This would provide
clarification and declare a specific aldermanic position (seat held) – an Alderman
cannot run again for the same Ward by declaring that the other Aldermen’s seat in
that Ward is another seat.
ARTICLE IX – Initiative and Referendum
Sec. 9.3, Petitions (b): Add the words, “as provided by the City Clerk” following
“approximate cost of the election,” {same as in update of Sec. 10.3(b)}. This clarifies
the source responsible for providing the approximate cost.
ARTICLE X – Recall
Section 10.3, Petition (b): Add the words, “as provided by the City Clerk” following
“approximate cost of the election,” {same as in update of Sec. 9.3(b)}. This clarifies
the source responsible for providing the approximate cost.
Article XIII – General Provisions
Sec. 13.8, Charter Review Committee: Change “but not less than every ten (10)
year period,” to “and at least once during each ten (10) year period.” This provides
clarification that the Charter is to be reviewed at least once every ten (10) years.
Article XV – Transitional Schedule
These revisions are proposed in order for the Charter to reflect that the 2006 update is
taking place.
(Note to readers: To help readers of this document see and understand these proposed
revisions in Section 15, the proposed new language is italicized and the current Charter
language which is proposed to be changed is stricken through. These formats have
only been used in this document to help the reader see the proposed changes; the
formats would not be used in the Charter.)
Sec. 15.1, Purpose of Schedule
Revise to read:
The purpose of the following provisions is to promote the orderly transition from
the present current provisions to the amended provisions of the Charter.
government of the City of Crestwood, Missouri, to the new government provided
for in this Charter and to inaugurate the new government under the provisions of
this Charter. The provisions of this Article shall constitute a part of this Charter
only to the extent and for the time required to accomplish that aim
Sec. 15.2, Election to Adopt Charter
Revise to read:
Any elections pertaining to amendments to this Charter shall be submitted to a
vote of the electors of the City of Crestwood at an election to be held on the 7th
I know this is dis-jointed, but it will give you the jist of the Charter ammendments, so please read them, and decide for your self!
Just remember to please vote on election day!
Tom Ford
No. 232
Propositions 4 & 5 propose changes in the number of signatures necessary for petitions
for Referendum and Initiative petitions {Sec. 9.3(a)} and Recall petitions {Sec. 10.3(a) }.
The proposed changes reduce these percentages.
Proposition 4: Shall Section 9.3(a) of the City’s Charter be amended to
reduce the percentage of signatures required for Initiative and
Referendum petitions from twelve percent (12%) to eight percent (8%)?
Proposition 5: Shall Section 10.3(a) of the City’s Charter be amended to
reduce the percentage of signatures required for a Recall petition from
twenty percent (20%) to fifteen percent (15%)?
Section 13.7, “Charter Amendment”, is not proposed to change. That petition
percentage will remain at ten percent (10%) as set in the original Charter.
Summary of the Percentage Change Issue
The Charter Review Committee recommends that the percentages for the number of
signatures necessary for petitions for Referendum and Initiative petitions {Sec. 9.3(a)}
and Recall petitions {Sec. 10.3(a)} be reduced.
The reasons that reductions of the percentages are being recommended are:
1) Crestwood’s current percentages are more restrictive than those in other cities.
2) The percentages for these two sections seemed significantly higher than those
required for a petition to amend the Charter itself.
3) The percentages are set by “all” registered voters. The percentage of those who
vote is significantly lower than those who are registered to vote. Lower
percentages of “all” registered voters would more accurately relate to the number
of those who regularly participate in political issues and vote.
NOVEMBER 7, 2006
Proposition 3
Proposition 3: Shall sections Section 3.7(b), 3.8 and 4.7(b) of the City’s
Charter be amended to provide for censure?
Summary of the Censure Issue
The Charter Review Committee recommends that Censure be added to the Charter as
a disciplinary tool.
The reasons that a measure of censure is being recommended are:
1) Censure would be provided as a warning for less egregious offenses.
2) Add another tool of discipline other than forfeiture of office.
3) Most Charters include censure as a method of reprimand.
The Charter Review Committee is recommending that Censure be included in the
Charter as a method of reprimand that is less drastic than forfeiture of office. The
Board of Aldermen can then adopt a Code of Conduct that addresses the specifics of
how/when they might use the method of reprimand. The Charter Review Committee felt
that although censure should and would be rarely used, the method should exist for
conditions that warrant it. It was generally agreed that the minimum procedural
standard for imposing forfeiture or censure should be the same as the standard for
passing an ordinance. This procedural standard should reflect that such a measure
could not take place on a single legislative day, and that it requires a majority vote of the
members of the Board of Aldermen. This standard should be spelled out in the
Municipal Code as agreed upon by the Board of Aldermen.
Proposition 2
Proposition 2: Shall Section 3.4 of the City’s Charter be amended by
removing the limitation on the number of successive terms to which an
Alderman can be elected?
Summary of the Term Limit Issue
The Charter Review Committee recommends having the voters decide whether to retain
term limits for members the Board of Aldermen, but not the Mayor. The difference was
recognized between term limits for executive positions and term limits for legislative
branches. Most other cities in St. Louis County do not have term limits for their
Aldermen or Council members. The Charter Review Committee decided to let the
voters revisit the issue.
The reasons that term limits might be eliminated are:
1) The long term effects of term limits were not really known when they were
adopted in 1995.
2) The effects had not yet impacted Crestwood at the time the Charter Review
Committee recommended the issue be revisited by the voters. (April 2006 was
the first election where Aldermen had to leave office due to term limits.)
3) Crestwood will face a major turn over on the Board of Aldermen in a short period
of time and the Board of Aldermen’s “institutional memory” will be lost.
Proposition 1
Proposition 1 is an amendment to several sections of the City’s Charter. This group of
proposed changes has been referred to as the technical amendments. These changes
were deemed to be benign language changes, words added for definition, revisions to
reflect current practices, or updating.
The ballot language will read:
Proposition 1: Shall the following Sections of the City of Crestwood
Charter be amended as proposed by the Charter Review Committee: 3.3,
3.10(a), 3.10(d), 3.10(g), 4.4(a), 4.8, 5.1, 5.2(a), 5.2(f), 7.1, 7.2(b), 9.3(b),
10.3(b), 13.8, 15.1, 15.2, 15.3, and 15.4?
In detail, the changes proposed to these sections of the Charter and which would be
authorized by the passing of Proposition 1 are as follows:
Article III – Board of Aldermen
Sec.3.3, Qualifications: Add the sentence, “For purposes of this Section, both
seats within a given Ward constitute the same office.” This would provide
clarification and declare a specific aldermanic position (seat held) – an Alderman
cannot run again for the same Ward by declaring that the other Aldermen’s seat in
that Ward is another seat.
ARTICLE IX – Initiative and Referendum
Sec. 9.3, Petitions (b): Add the words, “as provided by the City Clerk” following
“approximate cost of the election,” {same as in update of Sec. 10.3(b)}. This clarifies
the source responsible for providing the approximate cost.
ARTICLE X – Recall
Section 10.3, Petition (b): Add the words, “as provided by the City Clerk” following
“approximate cost of the election,” {same as in update of Sec. 9.3(b)}. This clarifies
the source responsible for providing the approximate cost.
Article XIII – General Provisions
Sec. 13.8, Charter Review Committee: Change “but not less than every ten (10)
year period,” to “and at least once during each ten (10) year period.” This provides
clarification that the Charter is to be reviewed at least once every ten (10) years.
Article XV – Transitional Schedule
These revisions are proposed in order for the Charter to reflect that the 2006 update is
taking place.
(Note to readers: To help readers of this document see and understand these proposed
revisions in Section 15, the proposed new language is italicized and the current Charter
language which is proposed to be changed is stricken through. These formats have
only been used in this document to help the reader see the proposed changes; the
formats would not be used in the Charter.)
Sec. 15.1, Purpose of Schedule
Revise to read:
The purpose of the following provisions is to promote the orderly transition from
the present current provisions to the amended provisions of the Charter.
government of the City of Crestwood, Missouri, to the new government provided
for in this Charter and to inaugurate the new government under the provisions of
this Charter. The provisions of this Article shall constitute a part of this Charter
only to the extent and for the time required to accomplish that aim
Sec. 15.2, Election to Adopt Charter
Revise to read:
Any elections pertaining to amendments to this Charter shall be submitted to a
vote of the electors of the City of Crestwood at an election to be held on the 7th
I know this is dis-jointed, but it will give you the jist of the Charter ammendments, so please read them, and decide for your self!
Just remember to please vote on election day!
Tom Ford
No. 232
I am going to vote NO! on 3,4,and 5, And I hope you do also!
1 and 2, well after I look for the hidden hook under the staple I will let you know my take there!
Tom Ford
Did you author this entire post yourself? If not, who and where is its source?
Ok, I have looked into the entire Charter change idea, as as for me I will vote no on all five ammendments! Why, well we have a forum for censure now, it's called a BOA meeting, and can be brought up by any Alderman now, so why the change?
Term limits, well if you don't know why thats needed, I can't help you. A ward two Alderman was term limited out last April, but he can run again for Ward two Alderman this coming April (and probably will,) so why the change?
Signature requirements, well the CCFFR was able to get well over the needed signatures to stop the police station, so why can't anyone else? Again, why the change?
The change of "the wording". On the surface this looks innocent enough, but take a close look at it and you will see several "right of appeal" changes that do not need to be enacted either. Why the change?
The Crestwood City Charter is the very bed rock of this City. It has served us very well since it's inception, and it serves us very well today! Now after all these years we see one political faction trying to change this outstanding document, why? Well if you ask me it's only to throw a wrench in the cog's of the curent administration, and give them a way to "re-gain power"!
Haven't we all had enough of this on the National level? Do we need to see this idiocy here in Crestwood, or will we come toghether as a community and VOTE NO on these ill advised changes?
Tom Ford
I doubt any of the former officials have any interest in regaining power. Haven't you people realized yet that you have driven away reasonable citizen involvement? Just look at the attendance at board meetings. No one wants any part of it. YOu can relax Tom - it's all yours.
6:18 blogger: this came to me from a local source, it is not my writing, but a re-print of the proposed changes.
If you want a copy, send me your E-mail address, and I will send it to you (it's a PDF file.)
Tom Ford
6:46 blogger: Thank's for you kind words, I will do the best I can!
And by the way, good luck to you and the Fagan crowd!
Tom Ford
Tom, I guess your answer means that you did not attend last nites meeting and your still tilting at windmills, the Fagan crowd. Since you were not there how can you say any one from this mystical group was there or even cares anymore about what the City does?
To be very frank, as long as you and the other mayor supporters claim that every current problem and every question any one asks is from the Fagan crowd, then nothing will be improved. Fact is I think that you and the Mayor are scapegoating on purpose, because it diverts attention from the lack of leadership and ideas that is our current fate. Look at your own work on these pages, can you really support your claim that the Charter changes are an attempt for the past leadership to return to power? You havent yet, which I take to mean the reverse is the truth, those against the changes are doing so to Remain in Power.
Where is your proof to support that statment. Makes a great sound bite but that is all it is.
Nope, I did not attend! My wife and I are sitting for my five year old grandson.
Thank you for your thoughts on my post. I feel that I am right, and you feel the same way, so what say we let the bloggers weigh in on this issue, and go from there?
Tom Ford
7:12 10/11 Blogger
Talk about out of touch ... Man, that is you:
The 2nd Charter Commission, responsible for this travesty, was appointed by the former administration and met prematurely/illegaly (according to charter rules) and was filled by members appointed by the former administration which charter board members were fed what to cover to make it possible for them to run again plus a few other real doozies, written by the desperate. It stinks like last years corn and is a total insult to the original wise charter board who did it right the first time.
Everyone but you knows this, but of course I think you know this, as well. You are perfectly free to fall in with these lovlies, but please get your facts straight waterboy and don't stink up this blog.
It continues to be true - you can't cure stupid!
I was pretty darned happy to hear the one blogger say that certain former officials would never want to consider running again. For my part, that is good. Why,because it is a step backward into the abyss that we are trying to forget. I have copies of all the newspaper articles going back 20 years about Crestwood and all the minutes of BOA meetings.
The questions I could ask them, with all this backup, at their debates would keep them awake for many a night. Same applies to any of them who nurture ideas of running statewide. The heat in this kitchen would be unbearable. Residents here have developed an incredible hindsight.
Nope, this is not my hobby. Not on your life. It is my contribution to my community, my children's community. It is called paying attention and caring. There are many of us out here minding the store. You can see us at the polls as informed voters.
1:26 PM Don't be a truculent popinjay.
2:24 blogger, wow I had no idea you could be so "mean spirited!"
Please don't be a "bodacious misanthrope" on my blog!
Heh, Heh, Heh!
Tom Ford
roflmao - you had some rotten florida mayonnaise?
Don't act like incorrigible ninnyhammers.
Or, "A recalitrant rogue!"
Tom Ford
I just read the Crestwood ballot issues from the St. Louis Board of Election website. I came to the realization that in todays political arena more is not always better. I will make a prediction that the proposed changes to our Charter will go down in a huge fireball. Not because they are or aren't politically correct but because they are too many and the content is too wordy. People in general, will not have the time or inclination to read all that material while standing in front of a new, never before seen,overwhelming voting machine. What happened to the good old KISS principle.(Keep It Simple Stupid) Do yourself a favor. Print page 30 from the election measures and get out your magnifying glass. Prop 3 alone takes up 14 lines of paper in the landscape printing mode. And I contend that if people didn't prepare before going to the polls they will vote no on every proposition 1-5 for fear a yes vote might give them something they didn't want. Why couldn't Prop 2 just say "Should we have term limits for Aldermen" YES/NO And now that I think about it why didn't the Charter Commission recommend changing the term Alderman to "Alderperson". Afterall, times have changed.
I sent this to the CRESTWOOD POLITICS blog a few minutes ago. We shall see if they post it, or not.
The Charter vote coming in November is a very important vote for many reasons. We have been asked to read, and vote on changes that, in my opinion are not needed.
Term limiting anyone is one of the best ways I know of to insure fresh, new ideas on the Board. What would you say if we just elected a Mayor and kept him in place for 20 years, only because he is a known entity?
Look at the Charter, and then look at the "changes." I ask you why do we change "wording" that can change the entire meaning of the sentance? Is Crestwood a democracy, or are we to become a fifedom open only the the ruling class?
To change the Charter is to change our community, and there is no reason to do that, now is there!
Tom Ford
reading this blog, sometimes I think this city could use a bit of changing!
Right, all but the Charter!
Tom Ford
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