Tuesday, October 03, 2006

This is one list we did not need to make!

Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the National motorists association speed trap list!

Thank the Lord we only show up once, but we can't afford to be anywhere near this stigma if we expect to draw new business, and new shoppers to Crestwood.

Your thought's please.

Tom Ford

No. 228


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've heard from more than one source that the new police chief has implemented a quota, or minimum number of tickets for officers to issue each month, although I'm sure we won't hear that directly from his mouth.

Our town should soon have the same reputation as the old Marlborough, down further on Watson Road.

Is this Mr. Myers and Mayor Robinsons way of increasing revenues for Crestwood or an overzealous new police chief?

10:02 PM, October 04, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I doubt this is is the Chief's idea! He knows that it's aganst the law to require his officers to "write a minimum amount of tickets!

10:16 PM, October 04, 2006  

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