Wednesday, October 18, 2006

This weeks issue of the Suncrest Call, interesting!

Well, here we go again! Mike Anthony is back in the "editorial seat" this week, and he has "issues" with the mayor! We just can't win for loosing it would seem.

Well, be that as it may, there are some very interesting points in the various articles, so take a minute and read it.

The usual "click on the header" is needed here.

Tom Ford

No. 236


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's put the $8,000 expense in perspective - Greer's car allowance that generated such a great outcry was $9960 per year. Where's the accountability for this $8,000 NONBUDGETED expenditure?

6:52 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

True, I was against the car expenditure and I'm against this. What's especially troublesome is the lack of notice or the very late notice of these meetings. What happened to the people's right to know?

7:03 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Read the article - only three people attended those strategy meetings. I myself did not find out about the meetings until the 2nd one was going on already.

And as far as the conversion of Proposition S funds, is this what the voters agreed to when they voted for it?

7:06 PM, October 18, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

It's water over the Dam now, but I want to send a very clear message to City hall that we will not allow it again!

If your with me, please E-mail your Alderman/woman, and tell them, that's it, no more!

Tom Ford

7:06 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does your alderman read email? Wish mine did.

8:07 PM, October 18, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

One of them sure dosen't, the jury is still out on the second one. What outstanding representation we have in Ward Two!

Karen, are you going to jump into the race in 07?

Tom Ford

8:21 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


8:21 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it Greer or Madrid who lied to the Bond Counsel/Southwest Bank? As this involved a federally insured and regulated bank, would this be considering a criminal act?

9:31 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suppose I'm the odd-man-out. I don't like Mike Anthony, I don't like Bill Clinton, I don't like 'if it feels good, do it!', I hate child molesters, I like lawyers less all the time and all in all I think this whole deal with Crestwood and changing the Charter which barely had time to get started is going to Hell in a handbasket. I guess I'm old, old fashioned, and don't fit this Crestwood society, thank God for that!! Do we have anybody left who has the guts to stand up for what is right? Or don't we have anybody left who knows the difference? They announced yesterday on TV that we have hit the 200 million count on human beings and yet not one of our politicans would dare stand up and say , Planet Earth cannot handle and feed this many people, does anybody care? Certainly not a politican running for election, what does he care? He's 50+ and probably has less than 20 years to live and as long as he can do that with all the luxuries money can provide him, does he care about the future of our planet? I doubt it? We're in sorry shape folks!

9:56 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Different topic from the Call that involves Crestwood voters. Perhaps we could discuss the Lindbergh School Prop R in another entry? (Sorry, I can't find anyone who can give me an answer that makes sense)

I'm confused. If Prop R passes it would be a tax increase, right?

If you were paying a mortgage and it was set to be paid off in 1 year and the mortgage company said you can pay us another 5 years and we won't increase the amount of your monthly payments. That is still an increase to me? How is this different?

Seems like the attorney general would be all over the mortgage company? Shouldn't Lindbergh put an asterisk with some small print next to their wording?

I'm not even discussing whether I'm for or against Prop R. Just questioning how they are asking for it.

10:07 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 10:07, my thinking on Prop R is exactly the same as yours. They're not asking for a rate increase. They just want us to pay that same rate five years longer than we were supposed to. So, will we be paying more taxes? Yes. But will be paying more each year? No. Our TOTAL tax goes up over several years. Our ANNUAL amount does not. Not saying if I'm for or against. Just trying to make a point of clarification. I'll let you decide for yourselves.

And 9:56, I agree that I'm not a huge fan either, but isn't listing Mike Anthony and Bill Clinton with a child molester in a sentence about the world's problems an egregious observation? If this were a newspaper, they could sue you and WIN.

10:50 PM, October 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:06 PM So now it's water over the dam. It sure is. It's a major deluge! This administration has fouled up and should be held accountable and recognized for what it is. It is easy to always blame aldermen and staff for any transgressions but I think it is time to hold the culprit accountable and not give him a yet another free pass. For years the Call has been pointing out the real culprits in Crestwood on its editorial page. When are Crestwood residents going to wake up to the 24/7 incompetent, two-bit politician who is now our mayor? We have had mayors who put Crestwood first, We now have one who puts his political career first. Unfortunately, he has many supporters who are always willing to enable him and try to provide propaganda cover for him. Are the costs to Crestwood worth it?

7:09 AM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Are the costs to Crestwood worth it?"

Do you mean the 14 million police station?
Do you mean the excessive car allowance?
Do you mean the new furniture for the mayor's office?
Do you mean all of the spending that occurred the last six years?
Are you referring to those costs?

9:02 AM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ref Prop R: It is an extension of the tax you are already paying. The rate will not change although the amount you pay will go up as your homes appraised value goes up. So yes, it could be construed as a tax increase. But in reality, you are just extending the current rate for an additional period of time. This is not a flat tax, with a Flat tax you would pay a set dollar amount every year no matter how much your property value increased. I hope I have not confused you.

9:12 AM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the poster is referring to the additional 1-2% interest rate we'll all be paying on the several million dollar loan he's engineered. What about that cost? It's a lot more than a stupid car allowance and it will go on for 7 years!

9:22 AM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The editorial is right on the mark - because of the mayor's political antics in opposing the Go Bond Issue to get elected, we now have to pay a higher interest rate. What's amazing is that he and Miguel can support this long-term debt arrangement with straight faces.

2:08 PM, October 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I think the City Attorney will have to take a very close look at this shift to Bonds from Prop "S"!

1. It will cost us more, long, short term.

2. Can we really pull this off? It looks like a "gray area in the Missouri Constitution."

3. It leaves a giant "credibility gap" between what we were going to do, and what were going to do now!

Time will tell.

Tom Ford

6:17 PM, October 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:09 blogger! Why don't you chanel some of that energy in the direction of doing some good for the City?

Someone is this, someone is that! Well, great now what are you going to do about it?

Tom Ford

7:18 PM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Mayor has gotten new board members and is using that to his advantage. I don't think new Alderman were told there was documentation from 2000 regarding the long term vision of Crestwood. Do you think that the newer aldermen have reviewed the Purchasing Policy of Crestwood? Would that not be the responsibilty of the CA to enforce? Seems no one cares what is done, as long as the past administration and BOA are gone. Sad.

9:03 PM, October 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frankly, nothing is more stupid than providing a C/A a BMW PLUS $830 a month to drive it 6 blocks to work --- in a town that is running on borrowed money. Tim Trueblood the Greer Fan Fa-Gan Man provided well for his pal Don. Hey, sit this guy down in a new 14.5 Million dollar building with an immense police chief office with all new furniture and provide him with a BMW, give him a big salary and let him employ his girlfriend at another big salary and give him free reign. All in a small small small city running on empty. And then expect us all to develop amnesia and forge ahead on empty.

Yes, ask us to forget all the renderings from architects costing thousands for an unaffordable city hall to the tune of 14.5 Million and renting a suite at Westfield Plaza for temporary relocation during the construction, well Mr. and Mrs Trueblood were certainly not thinking "expense" then. Nopey-do-dah!!!

Hey,$8,000 is peanuts to what they participated in during the past administration. PEANUTS!

Please Mrs. Timmy T, you and your soapbox on the "study spending" just does not float. It is total hypocrisy due to your hubby's reputation for spending in the past and his palship with the C/A making accountability a non issue. The other lady who spoke has a much more redeemable and realistic approach to all of Crestwood's problems and has been a consistent and reliable source of dedication to our city. You simply don't meet the criteria necessary for credibility.

You show up when you need attention and spout off and retreat back to prepare for your next showing. I particularly like the presentation you made where you lambasted the Crestwood Firemen. I'm sure they find you a real piece of work.

You know, Mrs. Timmy T., if you want to do some real good for our city research the "Tales of Greer" years and get up there and tell us of all the tidy little undoings he WAS ALLOWED to do to our city. Or better yet put together a guide on what not to do to destroy a city's finances and create a chasm among residents.

10:48 AM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last blogger: get your head out of the sand. So much for moving forward

12:20 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yup, can't move forward unless you have poster 10:48 stamp of approval.
Poster 10:48, some questions.
What is your relationship to Mrs. T?
Your post makes one think there is something personal going on here. Do you know her, have you ever spoken to her?
If you feel so strongly about what Mrs.T statements, why don't you come out in public at a meeting and say for the record what you think, like Mrs. T does, while you hide here in the darkness of this blog?
Or is it if we knew who you are you would discredit someone who is an elected offical?
Can you reply? Or are you too lacking in credablity and spine to do so?

1:10 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey everybody. I've got a great idea. Let's put all this bickering aside for now and say two words that'll make you feel better:


1:32 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on ...


As for the blogger who wants a signature on the comments about Mrs. Trueblood and wants some questions answered.

Did you sign your name?
Do you know this lady? I did not your signature when I read it your blog. So where is your spine, your credibility? Everyone does not have to be political or know an official or chose a side to see the obvious. You posted your note, they posted their note and frankly your note was not all that commendable either. All it was was defensive.

Easy said to move forward, but I see little evidence that this is happening. Every week it is a new crusade to downgrade the sitting officials. Never realizing they are all on the same dais working on the same goals and charged with the same responsibility. So far, it is very apparent that the entire board is running the city,TOGETHER, with 2 groups of people pulling it down. Politics in a town of 13,000 blows my mind. No one capable of turning the other cheek. So blogger, I don't see where the lady has done much more than get up there and do her usual beefing (to borrow a quote from some other blogger.) No doubt armed by her husband who cannot seem to retire in peace. Once again, she found a weak spot and is gnawing away at it. Just an other attention getting moment. By now we all know the facts on the "study" and it is up to the board to make determinations. We all knew whose board approvals of the past spent all our money. So blog on, but if you don't put your name on the line, why do you expect that earlier blogger to do so? Fair question!!!

3:50 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Weak spot?

7:38 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

After seeing what the Mayor's attack dogs are doing to Mrs. T for speaking in public, why would any one want to use their name on this blog? These attack dogs want to sit in the dark and slam those who bring questions to the Mayor,because they dont like her husband? Over looking the questions asked and the answers given, just attack the person because of who she is married to. Sounds a bit like the Nazis in German who did the same thing to the spouse's of those they didnt like.

8:00 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Karen Trueblood put herself out there. She has been very vocal in her continued criticism of this mayor. When you put yourself out there, you're subject to rebuttals and attacks. It's called politics.

8:05 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:00 PM, October 20, 2006

Nazis in Germany???? So if you express your opinion with someone you disagree with, you're a Nazi? She's expressed her own opinions and been extremely supportive of her husband and his allies. She and her husband have taken many opportunities to attack this mayor. She and her husband have taken opportunities to criticize those who do not agree with them.

So then we cannot disagree?

What a joke. What a stretch.

8:11 PM, October 20, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Folks, what's with the "Nazis" remarks? I haven't seen any death squads roaming Crestwood lately, have you?

I don't think we need to envoke the "Nazis" for anything said on this blog! I know a man who was in Buchenwald, and believe me, you have no idea just how bad that was, unless you were there!

Just my opinion.

Tom Ford

8:29 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. T is getting way too much ink. But all is fair ...

Just don't try to cannonize her. She is an opportunist. Comes and goes and does the hi there look at me. I'm back. Bla Bla Bla.

If you want someone to sign their name on a blog, you might want to consider signing yours. Pretty much sounds like you are Mr or Mrs. T.

8:40 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you Tom Ford and 8:40 blogger!

9:26 PM, October 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People, we can't change the past. Look at the facts.

Fact: The strategic planning sessions should have been publically announced during the BOA meeting (only days before)

Fact: The Crestwood Purchasing Policy REQUIRES 3 bids for the scope of work prior to the expenditure.

Fact: The expenditure was NOT in the budget and needed BOA approval (by public vote).

Fact: The top goals have been already "on the list" for several years.

Fact: Spending additional $8000 NOT in the 2006 budget is NOT "pay as you go".

Fact: The mayor has said he did not even know the amount of the expenditure for the sessions. This is neglect.

I can't see how anyone can dispute these facts. If you can, please do. Can't imagine I am that off base. Maybe I am. Let me know.

12:39 AM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

methinks someone is pouting because the mayor they supported turned his back on them. it's not mrs. t's fault you backed a liar. no one feels sorry for you - believe me we're all enjoying saying we told you so. you might want to ask tom ford what he thinks of mrs. t's comments.

1:58 PM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're right about that previous blogger. they would criticize mother theresa to divert attention from the mayor's behavior. sad really.

2:05 PM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let them go ahead and attack - it just proves they're afraid of Mrs. Trueblood because they're afraid of the truth.

2:51 PM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tim or Jonathan, is that you?

4:34 PM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Robinson is that you?

6:06 PM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

why don't you comment on the content of the editorial? hmmmm?

6:08 PM, October 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poster 1:58 PM, October 21, 2006

Methinks you need a course in capitalization.

12:38 AM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10/21 1:58

"believe me we're all enjoying saying we told you so."

Poster, you haven't told us squat. And whose we, you and the Truebloods? Wrong or right, this $8000 expenditure is troublesome to me and I've expressed that. But an $8000 expenditure pales in comparison to the financial mess the city went through during the last several years.

1:04 AM, October 22, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:58 blogger: Methinks you accuse the Mayor of "perfidy," when in fact that is not the case!

He has made mistakes, and yes he has changed his position a time or two, but that's the reality of the job ( a City is like a business, it's a very fluid, day to day thing.)

The "political" climate here in Crestwood is but a macrocosm of the National fiasco, or as it has been said "all politics are local."

Now I am sure you can find fault with the Mayor, the BOA, the C/A, and the dog catcher if you want to, but will that help?

No, it won't. What we need is some "think tank" type of brainstorming to get us out of the mess, not insults.

Instead of going on a rant "anonymously," how about we ask for a town hall meeting, a sort of state of the City pow-wow where we can all give our leaders the benefit of our ideas?

What say you?

Tom Ford

8:15 AM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

good job, Tom. good to know you're still protecting the mayor. hard to take your concerns for expenditures seriously when you don't care how much more this loan will cost just to cover the mayor's butt. you know the go bonds were cheaper - and you won't admit it publicly. you know someone lied and you say what good would an investigation do. obviously an investigation would reveal the truth. isn't that a good enough reason?

10:17 AM, October 22, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:17 blogger: Were the GO bonds cheaper at that time? Yes they were!

That said however, I felt then, as I do now that we should be on a "pay as you go schedule," and not make out of town folk's rich from the interest(not to mention the 14.5 M police station.)

Was I lied to, well I don't think so! I do believe the Mayor and the BOA have taken a different direction than was planned, and I do question why. Like you I am not privy to the innerworkings of City hall, and like you I have questioned why this $8,000.00 was needed.

Unlike some I am not for making acusations against this Mayor, or the BOA, or the C/A. If you want an investigation, call Mc Caskill's office (she needs the help,) call Elliott Davis (he has an all month long series in November,) or call the Mayor and demand it!

You may take my concerns any way you wish (you will anyway,) however be advised that I like you want to see this City flurish, and I like you am willing to help any way I can!

Tom Ford

11:07 AM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, this is not directed at you, this is directed at the 10:17AM blogger:


11:42 AM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To all the bloggers who are mad at this mayor, or mad at being mad or just being a mad hatter.


This feud will never stop. It's so political it is even stronger than the Democrats versus Republicans! Political ranglers could learn a thing or two if they came into this town. Oh Yeah!

The previous mayor and board members, two of whom still are on this board, will never ever admit their part in the mess of the last six years; they will find the needle in the hay stack to create mass hysteria on any issue of their choosing; they are blood brother and sister (singular). They and previous board of aldermen members and Mayor never had the moral fiber it takes to admit they goofed, and did everything the previous CA told them to do. They never saw him for the liar he was and it will never change. Soooo, just like a moth to a flame they trusted him and anyone of lesser power that was in the way was dirt under their feet.

So don't hold your breath folks because they will never go along with this new administration and will only have ridicule and hatred for anyone who does. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. Right or wrong to them is how they preceive it.

Even if the new administration has to overcome all of the transgressions of the last 6 years and is having a hard time of it, you really don't expect these people to "cool it". They will use everything they can to undermine this mayor and the new board members. HOWEVER, I shudder to think of what would have happened to this city had the other mayoral candidate been elected. We would still have the same perp who helped slaugher us, sitting in the cat-bird seat, spending foolishly while the mayor and board members OK'd every dime. You don't expect them to say they were puppets in the hands of Don Greer do you?. After all, he had power so that made him Perfect" so anything they were told, they followed. While Mayor Fagan, well he could just continue following his personal career; after all he appointed one sociopathic man to do two jobs so what did he have to worry about. Right?

So much for people who call themselves human beings but have no problem believing the devil.

So fellow bloggers, keep your comments coming on this blog, but this feud will only stop when we get a board of aldermen who are ALL WILLING to work side by side for a common goal.

5:42 PM, October 22, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:42 blogger: Having left Cleveland lo these 37 years ago, and residing in Crestwood ever since, I wonder myself sometimes.

I lie down for a few minutes, and I realize that I am better off in Crestwood! Do we have problems, you bet! Is there a climate of "us against them" in this town, you bet! Can all this be fixed, you bet!

You are entirely correct in saying that until we have a unified BOA we will have a problem! However, please do not forget that we, the "great un-washed" citizens of Crestwood put these people up there, and we can remove them just as fast!

Well over half the bloggers here have some sort of "issue" with the current administration, but how many of them are willing to appear before the Board and say so?

Has anyone (but me,) contacted any of the Alderman? Has anyone gone to City hall and met with the Mayor and the C/A/ Short answer, probebly not!

We pay the taxes, were the ones who stand to loose if the City fails, and yet most of us will stay in the "cheap seats," and complain under the vail of "anonymous"

I share your frustrations, but alas, I fear it goes nowhere as we have developed a sort of "class warfare" between those who are the "in crowd," and those who are not!

Tom Ford

6:55 PM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some perspective:

To pay for the police station, you would have had to pay $8000 a total of 1,812 times.

If the lease for city hall operations in Crestwood Plaza would have gone through, $8000 would have paid for a little over 2 1/2 months.

9:13 PM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I appreciate your words about sitting in the cheap seats and not expressing our views at board meetings or contacting our aldermen. But some of us have felt the battle scars from it that makes us want to roll over and play dead rather than say things to set the record straight at a board meeting or any meeting. Or by phone, or letter or in person.

I am not sure Ward 2 can seek assistance from our two aldermen. The two aldermen in our ward are friends. Their kids know each other and their wives are friends. They were on the same board together and go to the same church. So the jury is out on the issue of whether Alderman Pickel will do his own homework and make his own decisions or side with Alderman Kelleher who absolutely hates this mayor as well as at least one alderman on the board. He is full of venom and explodes at meetings and will not give an inch on any issue sanctioned by this mayor whether it has merit or not. His hatred could undoubtedly smother Alderman Pickel's rationale on anything and everything because Kelleher is one, mean fighting Irishman and totally partial and prejudiced about this administration.

Alderman Kelleher will never listen to any constituent who supports this mayor - no way no how! So you definitely cannot call him regarding problems cause if you support this mayor, you are off his list. You will never convince him that the previous administration did anything wrong period.Exclamation Point!

So I cannot help but be concerned to approach either one of them, since they are both young and would tend to believe one another rather than question the other's powers of reason. Can Alderman Pickel be discriminating enough to see that Alderman Kelleher's position on things needs to be scoped to realize that his high and mighty attitude and remarks clearly dictate what comes out of his mouth on the dais. Does he also realize that this rookie knows nothing about this City until recent years and tends to believe only one side of issues as he was oriented into this political monstrasity by Alderman Vincent?

Right now, I am too afraid to speak to either one. In the past, my attempts to speak to them have left me fairly empty and dubiously cenical. We shall see how things turn out.

9:55 PM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't talk like a ninnyhammer.

10:00 PM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The jury is out on Pickel. For his own sake and that of his community and family, he should remember he is known by the company he keeps. I don't think he wants to continue to make Ward 2 the city WART it has been for many years. Few are impressed with Kelleher, who is an absentee Alderman. And when he is in attendance he is so busy unloading his mouth that he is no more than an obstructionist. A tipsy one at that. I think the board could function with an agenda and with dignity if Kelleher would step down and let a more intelligent and interested person represent Ward 2. The audience to which he thinks he is entertaining is virtually a mindless set of groupies cheerleading. Maybe he should think a minute about how others see him. What exactly is his contribution? He does not answer calls and apparently has no bio and if he has a job, it sure is a secret. I don't honestly think Pickel does himself any favors cavorting with Kelleher. Pickel needs to concern himself with being a team player and making sure he protects his property values and mine. Probably would not hurt if Bland decided that along with Pickel, residents would like to see less carping and a lot more respect for the job at hand.

There is not going to be any joy in mudville as long as men acting as children try to impress us with their lack of integrity. Kelleher, por thing, is just not cut out for the job.

11:42 PM, October 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10 PM Oct. 22 It takes a ninnyhammer to know a ninnyhammer. Put your glasses on, it makes for clearer vision.

9:56 AM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, who comes up with these strange names?

1:18 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last I heard, all aldermen were invited to interview the new C/A; ask questions, and express their opinions of how the city should operate, how and when and where discretional funds would/should be dispersed? I was told not all Aldermen even bothered to privately interview the new C/A. Anyone know which ones did not bother, anyone know why? Let's find out, okay! I would wager that the ones who did not visit with Mr. Myers are the very ones who scream the loudest at his every move. Since money is such a big issue this would have been just the right time to be very firm on how and when and why dollars should be spent and pointing out where the brakes should be applied. Meeting of the Minds Time.

Now blame is everywhere but on the responsible parties.The right ?'s were not asked, and acceptable practices not established. These practices should have been covered prior to the vote by the board. I consider the C/A a city employee and I consider aldermen the grease to run my city effectively representative of the publics desires. In my case, my aldermen represent only their friends, don't answer their phones and to be honest are detached totally from reality. One seldom attends the meetings and when he does he is an embarrassment.

As for the bonds and the interest, etc. Where was the city attorney when all these propositions were being, considered, researched and written ???????? Shouldn't there have been some serious attention paid to the ramifications of the propositions? Again, where was the city attorney????? Where were the questions? Where was the research?

Why did the citizen committee formed and promoted by Miss Braun not dig deep enough to realize the possibilities it could be a mistake? Is it not time to place the blame for all this blog blustering on the right people?

We pay dearly for the advice needed to run our city because our elected officials are not all Dr's Lawyers and Indian Chiefs. There is so much name calling and blame placing and yawning on this blog that serious people are sick at their stomachs. SAdly, a good deal of it is inspired by ex-officialstrying to berate the winners. I know they are not ashamed of themselves, they think they are having a great time. I'm sure they are. In the meantime, we are just grateful they are gone, however remembered as anemic losers bent on causing our city an acute case of indigestion so as to make progress take much longer than it should.

Because of the way the city was formerly run and we know who were the cheerleaders of this travesty,it is not at all hard to identify the looters of our city's dignity, finances, morals and integrity. Considering all this, it is amazing we are not in receivership. Say what you will, the sun is shining a lot brighter nowdays than it was formerly. It will take time, but I am willing to give progress a chance. Those who perceive that the city should be a political hayfield are bottom feeders.Nice folk simply learn to climb aboard the progress train and avoid the miserable soapbox going nowhere.

$8000 is $8000, yep, and I am still remembering the brand new city hall roof that was put on just prior to the former Mayor and C/A contriving to replace this same facility with a replacement 14.5 million dollar facility which would remove this brand new roof in the remodeling process. Money, what's Money? And, how about that $1800 desk chair, now used by the city clerk. Please let's get serious about the spending as well as the blame placing. Let's remember why one Mayor resigned and his replacement lost his rebid for the seat. Then, let's get real serious about why we are all talking and remembering and why we thought a BMW and $850 car allowance was an incredible indignity to the residents of our city when our city hall and public works dept. had to be put up for collateral.

3:13 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There never was an $850 car allowance.

5:13 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:55 PM blogger: I not only think it's your right to speak before the board without fear of intimidation, or reprisals, I KNOW IT IS!!

If you ever want to do it, please contact me, and I will be at you side demanding your right to heard!

Your right that we will have a few scars, and yes we will loose favor with some, but hey, I wasn't going to take warm showers with them anyway.

A much wiser man than I once said "All it takes for evil to trimuph, is for good men to do nothing," true then, true today!

I believed my parents when they told me that it was much better to give than recieve, so my plan is to give my opponent's the heart attacks, not get one myself!

They asked for the job, the were elected, and now, by the eternal it's time for them to do it.

This City is in trouble, the time for "what club you belong to" is long gone, I hope our Ward Two Alderman can see this and quit the sillyness or failing that resign, and give the job to someone who want's it, and will think of the people in Ward Two, all the people!

Harsh word's? You bet! The ball's in the court of my Alderman now, so what will it be Gentlemen?

Tom Ford

6:07 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:13 pm 10/23 "there never was a $850 car allowance?" Liar, Liar, pants on fire! Go ahead plant the seed of doubt but don't expect us to believe your tripe.

8:03 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:03 PM Alright give your proof that there was an $850 car allowance. YOU CAN'T BECAUSE THERE WASN'T!!!!

9:01 PM, October 23, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:01 blogger: You may be right, it may have only been $830 per month, however that seems to be grasping at straws.

You, and I both know we should have never given that "Gentlemen" a dime!

Tom Ford

9:09 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I suggest that people on this blog check their facts before they shoot off their mouths about people being 'liars' like poster 8:03 PM did. This is just one more example of the misinformation which is all too common on this blog.

10:18 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh let me get my violin.

Whether the car allowance was $850 or $830 a month, it still was outrageous.

10:41 PM, October 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


"The last I heard, all aldermen were invited to interview the new C/A; ask questions, and express their opinions of how the city should operate, how and when and where discretional funds would/should be dispersed? I was told not all Aldermen even bothered to privately interview the new C/A. Anyone know which ones did not bother, anyone know why? Let's find out, okay! I would wager that the ones who did not visit with Mr. Myers are the very ones who scream the loudest at his every move. Since money is such a big issue this would have been just the right time to be very firm on how and when and why dollars should be spent and pointing out where the brakes should be applied. Meeting of the Minds Time.

Now blame is everywhere but on the responsible parties.The right ?'s were not asked, and acceptable practices not established. These practices should have been covered prior to the vote by the board. I consider the C/A a city employee and I consider aldermen the grease to run my city effectively representative of the publics desires. In my case, my aldermen represent only their friends, don't answer their phones and to be honest are detached totally from reality. One seldom attends the meetings and when he does he is an embarrassment.

As for the bonds and the interest, etc. Where was the city attorney when all these propositions were being, considered, researched and written ???????? Shouldn't there have been some serious attention paid to the ramifications of the propositions? Again, where was the city attorney????? Where were the questions? Where was the research?

Why did the citizen committee formed and promoted by Miss Braun not dig deep enough to realize the possibilities it could be a mistake? Is it not time to place the blame for all this blog blustering on the right people?

We pay dearly for the advice needed to run our city because our elected officials are not all Dr's Lawyers and Indian Chiefs. There is so much name calling and blame placing and yawning on this blog that serious people are sick at their stomachs. SAdly, a good deal of it is inspired by ex-officialstrying to berate the winners. I know they are not ashamed of themselves, they think they are having a great time. I'm sure they are. In the meantime, we are just grateful they are gone, however remembered as anemic losers bent on causing our city an acute case of indigestion so as to make progress take much longer than it should.

Because of the way the city was formerly run and we know who were the cheerleaders of this travesty,it is not at all hard to identify the looters of our city's dignity, finances, morals and integrity. Considering all this, it is amazing we are not in receivership. Say what you will, the sun is shining a lot brighter nowdays than it was formerly. It will take time, but I am willing to give progress a chance. Those who perceive that the city should be a political hayfield are bottom feeders.Nice folk simply learn to climb aboard the progress train and avoid the miserable soapbox going nowhere.

$8000 is $8000, yep, and I am still remembering the brand new city hall roof that was put on just prior to the former Mayor and C/A contriving to replace this same facility with a replacement 14.5 million dollar facility which would remove this brand new roof in the remodeling process. Money, what's Money? And, how about that $1800 desk chair, now used by the city clerk. Please let's get serious about the spending as well as the blame placing. Let's remember why one Mayor resigned and his replacement lost his rebid for the seat. Then, let's get real serious about why we are all talking and remembering and why we thought a BMW and $830 car allowance was an incredible indignity to the residents of our city when our city hall and public works dept. had to be put up for collateral."

12:00 AM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

From what I hear on this site - more questions need to be asked and pay attention to more details of the decisions of our city. Remember the past, but for goodness sake there is no reason to keep shoving it down everyone's throats!!!! Get on with it - the present. An $8000 mistake has just happened - focus on the present mistakes.

2:00 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shoving the past down our throats! Is that worse than shoving hands down our wallet pockets?

2:44 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:44 PM 10/24 If the previous administration wanted to spend 14 million on a new police facility, why bitch about an 8,000 expenditure to help us work out our problems. What can you get "free" anymore. Just look at the cost of everything. You take one thing and exploit it to the hilt. How can we get out of this mess "for free", can you please tell me. Inquiring minds want to know.

8:14 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try citizen volunteers like Commission 2000. As far as can be determined, they are free, although they may have been invited to the Christmas party at City Hall.

8:36 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is very apparent, as long as the former CA is not at city hall, all is well. Don't bother to question or ask questions, everything done is for the good of Crestwood.

9:40 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you not remember that the BOA was informed that the General Fund in the hole over $1Mil (left over from the former, former CA). Crestwood should have spent what? What does the current CA make? Oh, yeah, we should have hired another full time employee with benefits (puts the cost of the employee at a very high rate of pay) instead of pay a car allowance for holding 2 positions. That would have been really fiscally responsible. Remember the General Fund is what pays the salaries and benefits. If it was over $1Mil in the hole why not elect to have one individual with a car allowance instead? Decision was make for the good of the city. (not saying that that CA was the best choice to hold both positions, but a good fiscal decision by the BOA) Maybe your memories of the past don't go back that far...

10:25 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, but to give one person two jobs, both of which are very important and high profile, is not fair to the city and not fair to him. He was in charge of the police station AND manager of the entire city. No matter who you are, that had to be difficult and almost impossible to give 100% to both positions. What the city saved in money caused controversy (the car allowance) and a lot of questions.

11:15 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice to see that so much discussion was happening tonight AS THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN WERE MEETING. You say you care about Crestwood. Yet you don't care enough to come to the meetings.

12:15 AM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you address that last comment towards Mr. Ford. Seems he has insight, concern, etc. but haven't seen him attend regularily. I doubt if the mayor wants citizens that disagree with him to attend, much less get up and speak.

12:47 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anyone ever publicly disagree with Kelleher? What kind of reaction did you get?

1:17 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I direct that comment about not going to meetings to whoever chooses to spout off on here while aldermen are meeting. Doesn't matter who you are. If Mr. Ford is guilty of it, then shame on him. If Mr. Trueblood is guilty of it, then shame on him. Doesn't matter who you are. If you want to give us your two cents, get off the couch, out the door, and show us that you care. Any comments posted on here DURING a Board of Aldermen meeting are exactly why this blog has been given a bad rap. At least a few people are more concerned with gossiping, laying blame and one-upping each other on the blog than actually seeing the city operate first hand! And this is very, very, very, very wrong. If you all you want to do is gossip on a blog, then what good are you! I hope my comments are actually read. Seeing as how I posted them outside of a time when our aldermen were meeting and discussing the city's future.

2:48 PM, October 25, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

2:48 PM blogger: Neither Mr. Ford nor Mr. Trueblood are guilty of it, but whomever is has excersised their right to make a public comment!

This may shock you but there are some timid souls who will never make a comment to the BOA in person, but feel they have a "public forum," to comment here without fear of being ridiculed!

Let's lighten up a bit on these people and realize that their comments are also heard by the BOA, just in a diferent way. Don't believe me, ask the Board if they have ever recieved an E-mail from me with blog remarks.

If you don't think our voice is heard on this blog, or in person, look at the lead thread, posted today by me (The I Call,) and you will see what I mean.

Tom Ford

6:12 PM, October 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:48pm on the 25th...You are absolutely right. You hit the nail on the head! Mr. Ford, I have been a very big supporter of yours from day one (actually before day one) but I think you are wrong on this one. These people who sit here and "gossip" and complain while there is a meeting going on at city hall are ridiculous! I'm there. Other people are there. Some people are to afraid to admit that this city IS digging itself out of a HUGE whole! The next question i ask is this....If they are to lazy to come sit at a BOA meeting is it possible they were to lazy to even vote?

11:58 AM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:09 am 10/19 Bogger. I think you better take another cup of coffee and wake up before you comment on this blog. You say, "this mayor has a political agenda and he puts it first"? Where have you been for the past 6 years? The mad hatter who moved to Fairview Heights is the one who had a political agenda. So much so that he had this whole town and all its officials under a spell.

OKing a 14 million dollar police station tells me a lot. We are so short of money, cuts had to be made by this administration. Hello! Who builds a 14 million dollar home but can't afford to maintain it? Only an idiot would do that, and you call this mayor political? We were so broke, we had to put up our building for colateral. Did you fall out of a tree? You are totally screwed up in the head, big time.

Thanks to this new mayor and good aldermen, we are turning this city around and you and all the other political naysayers can't stand it because it's all politics to you. Have another cup of coffee and wake up to smell it.

1:47 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:28 AM Blogger on 10/26

I agree that more people should attend the board meetings and it's really important. But everybody just can't do it. But I have a great suggestion and maybe I will even say something to the mayor and city administrator.

There is absolutely no reason why we can't have several town hall meetings on saturdays in the morning preferably. I don't mean every week, but periodically with all board members present, the city administrator and the mayor! Communication is the key.

It's unfortunate, but many people in Crestwood are young couples who have to live on two incomes and work plus have small children. If you have small children, you know how much time they consume. If you are elderly, some people cannot drive at night. But I can't see why we cannot have periodic town hall meetings and not just for debates by mayoral candidates.

If we could just have our say and express our feelings with everyone present, even the department heads, we may all feel a lot better about things going on in the city.

But people should still be able to blog if they choose. Everyone has a right to be heard but there is more than one way to do it.

Just thought you would want to know.

1:59 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's all about priorities, don't you think? If you have any interest in your town, you can find time for the boa meetings. And if your knowledgable about topics you can voice your opinion during the public speaking segments. If you don't care enough to go you just don't care enough.

9:14 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWW!!!! Well that's the best argument I have ever heard....NOT! Even if you have a previous commitment Tuesday nights and you can't attend a BOA meeting, then you don't care enough? Well then, I guess those who can't make it on Tuesday nights should not write on this blog? Those who can't make it on Tuesday night shouldn't even vote? Is that what you're saying?
If that's the case, Crestwood would have only 20-40 interested citizens worthy to vote. Is that what you want? Is that what you're saying? Well then maybe we shouldn't have any newspaper coverage because those that don't make it to the meetings "don't care enough". No minutes either. But if EVERYONE cared, everyone would attend the meetings. I always wondered if 11,000+ bodies could fit into the Aldermanic chambers.

9:36 PM, October 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Thanks to this new mayor and good aldermen, we are turning this city around"

I guess you agree taking allocated funds from one fubd to another is turning this city around.

Wonder how they plan on putting that money back to the proper fund and when??? Seems like this has happend in the past and helped put us in this mess.

11:56 PM, November 04, 2006  

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