Wednesday, November 22, 2006

FLASH! The Suncrest Call praises Crestwood Aldermen!

In what can only be described as a startling epiphany Mr. Burke Wasson has written an editorial in favor of Crestwood, and two of our Aldermen! This is rare that an editorial in the Call comes out in favor of Crestwood in any way, shape or form.

Now in all fairness, Mr. Wasson, as I have stated before has been forthright in his reporting, but still he does work for (you know who,) and I would never have believed that the management would have allowed such a thing! Still I have lingering doubts that the person in the "granny" outfit is not in fact the wolf.

I know, I am just an old curmudgeon who dis-trusts everything, and everybody, and some will call me paranoid (they have,) but I seem to remember a man named Nevil Chamberlin standing on the top step of his aircraft waving a document, and proclaiming "peace in our time, Heir Hitler has signed a peace accord."

I hope and pray that we shall see some more civil reporting by the Call reference Crestwood, but as for me, well "show me!"

Please click on the header to be directed to this weeks edition of the Call, and the stories therein.

Tom Ford

NO. 251


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Burke hit the nail on the head. The City is giving CIDs out like candy. Pretty soon everyone will want one to level the playing field on Watson Rd.

That will be enough to drive Best Buy out. Best Buy needs every edge it can to compete in the razor thin margins of electronics. This stigma of high sales tax does not help them. If I buy something at the new Sappington shopping development and see that my sales tax is 8.5%, how do I know that it's not the same at Best Buy? I don't unless I go in Best Buy and buy something.

Crestwood does not have to be "business friendly". They need to be "business smart".

3:27 PM, November 23, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

True in every word! I have heard that rather than loose a sale for the store on high priced electronics Best Buy employees have recommended that the customer go to the Lindburg store and buy it!

This is not going to increase the tax revenue, now is it folks. If it were up to me, I would advise the developer that we are fresh out of tax subsidies for the time being.

We must regain the funds given out to the TIF, TDD, CId'S as it is, not create more. I believe we have paid for enough "parking lot's" ETC, and now's the time to say so.

Tom Ford

4:30 PM, November 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You both make great points. Crestwood has very high sales taxes, and it is all too easy to go to South County or other points nearby to make purchases - and don't forget the internet.

5:45 PM, November 23, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:45PmM blogger: Indeed, the internet will take a major slice of revenue from all "brick and morter" stores as long as there is NO SALES TAX levied.

Most shipping charges are small enough to off set the gas cost difference, so........

Tom Ford

5:56 PM, November 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood has higher sales taxes because that is what pays the bills.

Let's stop relying on sales tax and pay for our police and fire through higher utility and property tax.

First let's replace the fire sales tax with an equivalent property tax increase…. Another $.40 cent increase should do the trick. Let’s then raise the utility tax – including the RESIDENTIAL portions – to around 8.5%. Then we can do away with the quarter cent general revenue sales tax. Next, we can close the Community Center and save another 1/2cent on the parks side. Next, let’s stop all street repairs and forgo the police radio upgrade so we can roll back the capital improvement’s sales tax. Our sales tax rate then would be equal to South County and everybody will be happy… at least until they get their property tax bill, utility bill, hit a pot hole on their street or try and work out at the Community Center.

10:44 PM, November 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Blogger at 10:44 you're taking things to an unecessary extreme. The point the first blogger is trying to make is that rather than accept wholesale the conditions of whatever financial tool developers present to the city, the city needs to assert its right as a partner in these developments to set certain conditions.

If the city is going to grant CID's, TIF's, or TDD's, then it needs to understand its role as a partner with, not a doormat for, the developers. The developers are looking out for their own interests, (as they should) and will use the development tools that are financially most advantageous to them, regardless of the long-term economic effects on the city. It is up to those representing the city to negotiate the best deal they can for the city, to ensure that the development truly does benefit the city, both for the short and long term.

The development the board is currently considering was presented more as a threat than an opportunity (my impression). Mr. Grewe claims that if the board does not approve the CID as it is presented, then more than likely Applebee's will leave. Does Mr. Grewe honestly think that Applebee's will stay and happily add another 1% on to its sales tax if the CID is approved as is? There are financial options in this development, and they have not been explored. If Mr. Grewe truly wanted to be a business partner with the city, he would welcome discussion of these options so that both parties benefit.

Our board members need to take the time to think this development through and make a smart deal. Mr. Grewe wants to develop the property to increase sales tax revenues, and so does the city. What the board needs to consider is that the city has an additional concern: to ensure that the sales tax imposed in the CID is removed as quickly as possible.

I hope the board does not see this development in black and white - do it Mr. Grewe's way or forget about it. There is room for negotiation so that both parties get what they want. I'm not opposed to the development. What I do not want to see is the board members neglect their roles as the city's financial managers. The interests of developers and the interests of the city do not have to be mutually exclusive.

Martha Duchild

11:11 AM, November 24, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ladies and Gentlemen. It has come to my attention that I may have been wrong on my judgement of Mr. Burke Wasson's reporting on Crestwood!

The point is that I have been placing him in the same catagory as the people who have had the Crestwood beat in the past, and clearly he is not.

Burke, so far has been his own man, and he has written about Crestwood as he see's it, not through the eye's of the previous reporter. In looking at his past writings I find him to be fair in his reporting, and he does try to get all sides of the story before he goes to press.

As I have told you in the past whenever he has interviewed me, he wrote it as I said it, no changes in text or content! No changes, or out of context remarks at all.

Why am I writing this you ask? Well I have had an "epiphany" of sorts as I believe I spent too much time placing him at the previous writers feet, and not enough time actually listening to him as his own person.

Can he remain "his own person," I am begining to think so and to that end, I urge you to read his articles for their clarity as well as content. As a blogger said he does have some good ideas, and who knows if we listen we may just learn a thing or two.

At any rate, the price is right ( the paper is on your lawn,) so won't you all join me each week to see what's next?

Tom Ford

7:59 PM, November 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you will applaud Burke only until the next time he disagrees with you

4:37 PM, November 25, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

That would be human nature, no? Will you praise me for a remark you don't like? Or what say I get on your favorite club?

Point being that I will let Mr. Wasson do his job, and I will work here on the blog. Unless he goes completly off the reservation ( I know I am a raciest $#!!*%,) I will have no problem with his remarks.

Remember, a blog is a give and take thing, you post, I post, someone else jumps into the frey, and before long, it's a blog!

Tom Ford

4:59 PM, November 25, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Grewe had the city's help in the recent Watson Plaza redevelopment. How much was that? And for sure, now there are more lights shining there.

As for Applebees's Plaza. Mr. Grewe has been collecting rent here from empty stores as the former tenants of some very large former stores had non expired leases. This has been quite a while. During this time, how much energy has he spent tyring to locate new tenants? I have heard of none. He had a free ride, why bother?

As for Applebee's. Maybe we should all visit them for a meal and bring back the crowd. I did recently and it was a great experience. How about our development person working with them if the rumor is true.

Bottom line. As mentioned the higher taxes and rumors of same will drive people away. Our reputation is at stake. This kind of reputation never goes away. Even when the tax subsides.

It seems Mr. Grewe had an attitude in the way he presented his side of the story. Why is this? Why does he continue to think we must provide so much help when we are on lifesaving? Is there no such thing as retail without penalty nowdays? Each new development has the possibility of bringing in business to its neighbors until the higher tax issue becomes known. Truth told, it is time to parlay this development into a teamwork success story. Not a threat by the developer. Since he never put up a For Sale sign, perhaps he has been planning ways to further dip into the city and fill his pockets in the doing. Easy mark! Nothing wrong with enterprise, but he knows full well he should not be asking us to assume the lions share for him.

Thank you to the 2 aldermen, Miguel and Nieder who asked the hard questions with the only motive being what is best for Crestwood. Let's don't rush through this too fast, our pockets are not as full as Mr. Grewe's. But our enthusiasm is nevertheless open to reason.

I have heard Mr. Grewe has donated to political campaigns in our city. Please tell me this ain't so.

4:30 PM, November 26, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:30 PM blogger: I think you are right about the donations, but to whom I am not sure.

Look up the St. Louis County board of election site and you may find out who it was. Failing that, go over there and ask to see the files of all our elected officials, it will be in there if it was done.

I, like you think that the "cash cow" in Crestwood is dry! Time for Ms. Daley to spin some other type of majic to attract business to town!

I have an idea, what about she asks for the order (so to speak.) What if she sent letters to prospective businesses out of State, and invited them to come to Crestwood? We can do it the old fashioned way, work for it!

Tom Ford

5:10 PM, November 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 4:30 p.m. I believe you are correct about the campaign donations. From what I recall, Mr. Grewe donated to both the Fagan and Robinson mayoral campaigns.

Martha Duchild

5:35 PM, November 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let Applebees move to the Sappington development...

7:16 PM, November 26, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Applebee's at the new development would be a great idea! Then we could use the Grewe property for "strip stores." Minimum investment, throw up some walls and devide the big box store's into smaller ones!

With that idea Mr. Grewe won't need a TIF, TDD, CID, or anything else to market his property.

Is it me, or does the developer have some responsibility to renovate his properties to suit the new tenant's without coming to the City for help? If you are going to charge big bucks per square foot rental/lease, you owe it to the tenant to give them the best possible opportunity to be successful, and that means renovation!

I still see no nedd to give a TIF,TDD,CID for property, and tie it up for 20-40 years with "extra tax!" What do you all think?

Tom Ford

8:42 PM, November 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So if the freezers at Schnucks go out are we going to need a CID to help pay for new ones? Where do we draw the line?

Every business has ordinary maintenance expenses.

9:51 PM, November 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And, if the new tenants, like the former tenants, don't make it, does this mean Mr. Grewe wins again by collecting rent until the least expires. Lesee beware! He can't lose.

By the way, has it ever been determined exactly what it is the Development Person does? Spreadsheets and verbiage don't cut it. The big salary, is it being earned? No one seems to want to answer this one! Why?

10:44 PM, November 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

10:47 PM, November 26, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why doesn't the CALL do an article about city attorney's: How much they charge, how political they are, were they former aldermen in pitted wards, their increased rates, their poor decisions, their ploys, misdirection and lack of neutrality. How 'bout a full description of services. And, on and on ... This job ain't getting chump change ya know.

Like someone said, in our case, we're out of cash man. We don't need no more free rides and big pockets. Now is not the time to turn ones head to the truth. How 'bout some oversight, and some accountability starting yesterday?

Step one, in our case, was eliminating the outrageous proposed city hall and its perpetrator and head planee. Now lets remember this outrage and get back to basics. Crestwood is not in the mood to give handouts to ever commer, nor turn its head to the possibilities of a better idea.

City Attorneys who have lost their glow, have lost their glow. People are watching!

11:04 PM, November 26, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:47 PM blogger, your gone! There are no idiot's on this blog, your lack of respect and name calling shows me your lack of "edumikation"

Get a refund on you school expenses while you still have a case!

5:55 PM, November 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Call admitted they're demoncrats and attorney's are typically demoncrats - I don't think demoncrats are allowed to be critical of one another.

I hope Burke proves me wrong.

7:09 PM, November 27, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can Watson Rd even support another shopping strip? Or are the shopping centers in Crestwood competing with one another with no real net gain?

9:45 PM, November 27, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Tis the nature of retail to compete, so in a way, yes they are. However the real trick is to bring in stores that are different from what we now have.

As a for instance, we now have three name department stores, do we need another? No, we do not!

We could use a really good hunting and fishing store like Denny Dennis (Fenton,) or an out standing hardware store (True Value,) or any sort of high end speciality store (allthough they will be coming with the new Watson development.)

My point is that while we look for ? I wonder how many really good places we are over looking. I have advocated an AD HOC committee made up of Ms. Daley, two Aldermen, and a few citizens to start sending out letter's to the retailers we want to attract, but so far, no go.

Crestwood will attract new business, but were going to have to get out there and look for it, so what's the hold up?

Tom Ford

5:44 PM, November 28, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Wasson is correct - Miguel and Nieder should be commended for asking the tough questions. Unfortunately, they were the only ones.

It has been mentioned that Grewe contributed to the mayor's campaign. Has Grewe contributed to any of the aldermen's campaigns?

3:21 AM, November 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

While happy to see that the Planning Commission has updated plans for Watson Road Commercial District, it does not take rocket science to connect these dots and fill in the blanks. This update surely took mere minutes to complete. I pray the Dev. person did not receive overtime for this meeting.

Obviously Watson Plaza is now developed thanks to a TIF to Mr. Grewe and Creston Center is remodeled and moving right along. No mention of why the housing Development fell through at Watson and Grant.

Obviously, the arrow moves now to the Jim Butler Chevrolet property, Westfield Shoppingtown, Crestwood Square (Applebee's Plaza) and apparently Value City, now operating as retail but without a TIF.

This amazing news took almost 20 paragraphs (some very long) to detail. Must have been a slow news day.

It did not update when we could expect Salvation Army store to go in at Aldi's Plaza. It did not tell us what to expect at Watson and Old Sappington having moved the Arban House to Pardee. And it would seem Westfield Plaza development has dried up. So much for the trip to Vegas.

We have not heard any official reports on how much tax money is generatred by Kohl's. Perhaps in March??? How about Sam's? How about Schnuck's? Are we doing better, huh? Is Macy's going to be a hit? At what point does the Dev. Dept. at city hall consider residents (taxpayers) in the information loop?

We have read that Mr. Grewe wants another handout to develop the property where he has been collecting rent from empty buildings for so long. What's the matter, did the leases expire? It would seem we now must decide how desperate we are while trying to dispel rumors of becomming "tax city."

There are of late some new and formidable new businesses in our city, who it would seem have found their own way here via active real estate people: a restaurant, mobile phone co., Shop and Save, Aldi's, a new and improved Walgreens, a shoe store, and more I have missed. Did these company's ask for a handout to open? Or did they brave it?Did Barnes and Noble or Best Buy? I believe the Gordman's property owner did receive some sort of benefit. What action, if any, is going on for the Pier 1 location?

My points, why are we considering charity for Mr. Grewe? And, when and how does the development person for the city become a pivitol force to be reckoned with? This rearrangement of the deck chairs, by the commission, as to Watson Rd. Development plans is not progress it is an update. Period.

If it takes 20 Paragraphs of what we already know to report on Watson Rd Development or lack thereof, what will it take to actually generate enough energy to propel development into motion?

Maybe Crestwood needs its own Chamber of Commerce and some inspired being to light the fire and keep it going. It won't happen sitting at a desk, collecting a salary. updating the PLAN and waiting for the phone to ring.

4:04 PM, November 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is time to raise property taxes in Crestwood. Period. End of story.

4:58 PM, November 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

by law no one except the c/a knows the amount of sales tax a business brings in.

5:20 PM, November 29, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:58 PM -


12:06 AM, November 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:58 brave position but one not likly to get you many votes, just ask Fagan.

8:47 AM, November 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:58 PM 11/29 Blogger. Yes, I agree with you, and I know it isn't a popular idea but this town and the Watson Road Corridor may have paid for everything we have until now, but I, for one, cannot foresee us going into the future and progressing on sales tax alone.

We should not be in a position where we have to go along with Grewe or anybody else TELLING US, NOT ASKING US to approve a TIF...or anything of the sort! Trouble is, he knows our predicament and being the smart man that it is, he knows how to play his trump card.

It makes me angry that for years many of the aldermen at city hall were scared to ask the people for a tax increase cause they were so afraid of loosing their constituents. Sure, we have stepped up to the plate NOW with raising our taxes, but it is too little too late.

I have said and still say, we are far from becoming par with other cities that have depended on a higher tax base to infuse their cities. Nothing is free today; if you want a better community you pay for it, it's that simple. You don't depend on sales tax for everything.

Further, the "bedroom" communities that were taxed per capita for years whereby their taxes were based on population even got our sales tax money, thanks to good old Buzz Westfall who ended up making it happen with his tax formula that made sales tax cities give them a portion of our profits. What a "crock" that was. The point of sale cities fought it tooth and nail, but in the end Mr. Westfall got his way.

In order to increase our coffers, the annexation was proposed to gain more population in Crestwood. But that turned out to be just a bandaid and will not help us down the line.

Yes, for sure, I agree with the blogger at 4:58 11/29. Whether anybody agrees or not, what we pay in Crestwood on our taxes is still way below par.

Nobody likes to hear it, but Crestwood cannot live on sales tax alone and the developers who come in are going to want every tax break they can get and will not loose a dime whether their development thrives or goes broke. We are the ones who will end up with the empty buildings. I say, let Grewe and the rest of them go somewhere else.

The government put the TIF's and CID's etc. out there for people to use as a tool for development, but as usual, some people run over the rules like a freight train and don't care about the outcome cause they win no matter what.

6:48 PM, November 30, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give me a break! This City is still relatively FAT in overhead. Don't believe this baloney. There is enough tax revenue to provide people a decent amount of services.

It's not a decline in tax revenue that is hurting the City. Tax revenue couldn't support the City's "habit". It was poor leadership, greed, annexation and generous pay raises.

2% across the board pay raises. Sure sign that no one really knows what anyone does on their day to day jobs. Great incentive to work harder.

10:33 PM, December 06, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to mention some fat salaries to ineffective people and legal fees which defy description.

Someone please tell city hall that Crestwood is in frugal mode, a long way from "let's try something new" or "Let's play mini-Ladue" mode.

12:15 AM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this Mayor was going to stop all of the wasteful spending? I thought Alderman Miguel and the new breed just elected were what the Mayor needed to stop the foolish spending?
Why arent these people doing what they said they would do if they got elected?

5:51 AM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Former blogger, please state the spending to which you refer and then state the votes on the board which passed the spending measures.

Please remember Crestwood is a representative government. The Mayor does not even vote unless there is a tie.

So, where are you coming from?

11:40 AM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1l:40 12/7 I agree with you. What spending please explain. Then after you state this in writing, compare the present spending to the spending in the previous administrations.

Too bad you feel the money shortage is just an elaborate scheme or so it sounds like it to me.

Maybe you should be placed on the Ways and Means Committee you are such a expert on who to pay and how much.

Just think, it would have been nice to keep Greer and Fagan in office; boy we would have been so much better off.

I don't get it! Explain all the spending, please and compare it to what the previous spending was that we had, please!

1:06 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No need to compare to previous administrations. (although that seems to be what the majority do here)

THIS IS NOW. Correct the present since the past cannot be changed.

1:12 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay, if this Mayor isn't in charge and it's the alderman's job, how come that doesnt apply to former mayors that you mention, like Fagan? Didn't this Mayor hand out flyers calling Fagan a tax and spender? Are you now claiming the mayor has no power over spending?
Poster 10:33,12:15 are 100% correct.

Let the spin begin!!!!!!!!!!!!

6:35 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:35 pm 12/7 Guess what! "Round and round it goes and where it stops nobody knows". The bantor continues and will gain momentum as it goes on and on. What's your point!

The mayor is in charge and he cannot do anything without board approval. Get it! The question of spending was asked and fellow bloggers asked to delineate the gross spending done by this administration. So what's the problem! After that is done, those costs should be compared to what was previously done by the Greer/Fagan team, to see if expenditures have decreased or increased.

That's the question and there has been no answer. Forgive me if I walked on sacred waters to allow myself to make a statement against the previous mayor!!! Touchy touchy!

8:52 PM, December 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me mention what may have been the reference to former Mayor and his actions. He appointed a stacked Charter Board to meet prematurely against the 10 year date in the Charter rules for the sole purpose of getting the Term Limit amendment on the ballot in time to save a few "friendly to him" seats. Then as his last action on the board, he signed the ordinance to lease space at Westfield Mall to move the city offices into while the $14.5 Million Dollar rehab city hall took place. Which action was totally out of line considering the fact that the city was financially insecure to the point of having to put city hall and public works up as collateral for a $2 Million then upped to $3.5 Million LOC. Plus the fact that costs were so exhorbitant that there was no possibility, despite the cost to date, of building this facility, which despite all claims to the contraary, was never approved by residents. Along with this, he allowed the City Admn. to completely control city hall and run roughshod over Civil Service, finances and purchasing. Having control of the majority of the board, he disallowed all efforts to work in a conciliatory fashion with the other aldermen.

As time goes by we continue to see the results of this ex-Mayors brand of governance.

I have yet to see this kind of disrespect from our current Mayor and I hope never to see it again. It was a bad era and hopefully it can someday be forgotten.

10:31 PM, December 07, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

A wise man once said that living well is the best revenge! The past mayor is gone, the new Mayor is moving us forward (like it or not,) and the City show's signs of "being able to sit up and take nurishment!"

I have read a lot of things both positive and negitive about Roy Robinson, but one thing I will tell you! What you see is what you get! Roy loves this City, and he is a person who champion's Crestwood every chance he get's!

We have had a lot of "politico's" in office in Crestwood, but now we have a guy who is trying, so what say we get behind the man and give him our support! Hey, if it dosen't work out, well you can call your lawyer buddy and tell him to run again.

Tom Ford

6:02 PM, December 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The less lawyers at city hall, the better. Please.

11:23 AM, December 09, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

11:23 blogger: One less lawyer anywhere is fine by me!

Tom Ford

4:05 PM, December 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ditto to the last remarks about lawyers. Lawyers know the law and bad ones try to get around it. They scare me.

3:44 PM, December 13, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Lawyers shouldent scare anyone! Reflect on this:

Three men were sitting on a bench talking about their dog's. The first an engineer said his was the smartest of the lot, and called him over. he then dropped three cookies.

The dog "slide rule," was told to count out the square root of the three, and move the correct amount to the side, which he did!

The second, a Doctor, told his dog "band aid" to take the three cookies, and move them into the shape of a leg bone, which it did!

The lawyer just told his dog, ("tort") to do what it did best, so the dog liberated all three cookies, violated both of the other dog's, and took the rest of the day off!

Tom Ford

6:29 PM, December 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of lawyers. Crestwood's City Attorney is the worst one this city has ever had and trust me there have been many.

Tis time to get a new one and cut down on the expenses. Seems like the aldermen can't make a move without a special meeting and the city attorney there to hold their hand. Ridiculous.

10:57 PM, December 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:57 PM 12/14 Lawyers and Insects Will Inherit the Earth....
said by Police Chief Mel Loyd on many occasions. Sounds right to me.

Sandy Grave

11:12 AM, December 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I vote to change the City of Crestwood to Grewe!

12:31 AM, December 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Grewewood, I like that.

9:04 AM, December 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did city attorney, Golterman, serve with former alderman Gary Vincent or take his place?

How many Ward 2 Aldermen have been members of the private swim club?

2:00 PM, December 19, 2006  

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