Holiday lights ceremony at City Hall!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, last year the holiday lights remained off due to budget cut's, Etc. This year what say we celebrate the re-lighting of Crestwood!
Please see below for the date and time, I hope we can get as many folks out as possible!
Tom Ford
What: Holiday Lights Ceremony @ City Hall
Date: Wednesday December 6, 2006
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Description: Mayor Robinson will kick off the Holiday season by turning on the Holiday lights at City Hall (Crestwood Government Center) on December 6th at 6:00 p.m. Please come enjoy and celebrate. It has been a very productive and joyful year here at the heart of the City and we want you to celebrate with us. Sperreng Middle School's show choir ÂSynchronicity will be here to perform. Please join in the joy of the season.
Where: Crestwood government Center
1 Detjen Dr.
Crestwood, MO 63126
Contact Info: City Hall
Please see below for the date and time, I hope we can get as many folks out as possible!
Tom Ford
What: Holiday Lights Ceremony @ City Hall
Date: Wednesday December 6, 2006
Time: 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Description: Mayor Robinson will kick off the Holiday season by turning on the Holiday lights at City Hall (Crestwood Government Center) on December 6th at 6:00 p.m. Please come enjoy and celebrate. It has been a very productive and joyful year here at the heart of the City and we want you to celebrate with us. Sperreng Middle School's show choir ÂSynchronicity will be here to perform. Please join in the joy of the season.
Where: Crestwood government Center
1 Detjen Dr.
Crestwood, MO 63126
Contact Info: City Hall
Will Mr. Grewe be there?
According to this week's edition of the South County Times, the animal control officer will be given the power to enter homes:
"Giving the animal control officer the right to enter the premises where a rabid animal is suspected or to collect an animal causing a disturbance."
Is there any type of due process, or is the decision making process left entirely up to the animal control officer?
What remedies, if any, are offered to a homeowner or pet owner?
12:15 blogger: Very good questions indeed! First of all the "animal control officer" is not a sworn officer with power of arrest!
Second, even a sworn officer need's a warrant signed by a judge to enter a home of a "suspect" for purposes of searching, or arrest, unless the officer is in "hot pursuit" of a suspect that he or she reasonally believes has committed a crime!
To enter a premisis without a warrant is a violation of your 4th ammendment rights (search and seazure,) and as such produces (at best) "fruit of the poisonus tree" evidence (I.E. un-admissable evidence!)
Now we come to the "suspect" (I.E. animal, bird, fish, varmit,)or whatever she is attempting to remove from the premisis. Will that "officer" have wittnessed the act, or have reasonable suspicion that the act was committed by the ?
If not, no "probable cause" and thus will no doudt be tossed out of court!
It seems to me that what we have here is a bit of paper that barely holds the ink much less holding up in court! I wonder if they ran this past the city attorney, and if so, what he thinks of it?
Who thinks up these needless statute's in the first place? In my humble opinion the "animal control officer" is a benefit to Crestwood, but she has no need to be in anyones home without their permission! Just allow that "nose of the camel in the tent" and next it will be the anti smoking group coming in to see if you have an ashtray! And while I am at it, will the swim club then permit police officers to enter without being invited?
Tom Ford
who approved the CHristmas lights? I demand to know. How much will this cost.
You want the truth? You can't handle the truth! (I always wanted to say that!)
I don't know who aurthorized the lights, but if you wish, I DID!
How much will it cost? Compared to the TDD for the "pool and parking lot," chump change! I doubt we spend $100.00 for the electric bill, and the City employees are there 8 hours a day, so!
Tom Ford
Crestwood Swim Club donated the lights to City Hall as a gesture of holiday kind.
Remember that song???
You light up my give me carry light up my day...
9:15 pm Another lie. You think everyone believes your lies on this blog but you don't give us enough credit. What a stupid thing to say. Just trying to stir up the troops. Vunerable we are not.
No, its true. Crestwood Swim Club has donated all of the holiday lights and all of their members are helping put them up so the City employees don't have to . Then, they are going to go Christmas Caroling throughout the neighborhood, spreading a little of their summertime sunshine to the grinches of Crestwood.
Now that's the way the swim club should be!
Thank you to our neighbor's at the club for your kind generosity!
One thing though, if the singing sounds anything like I have heard coming from the pool in the summertime, I'll be out of town that night! (just kidding.)
We need more community spirit like this folks, so what else can we do?
Tom Ford
From the city's website - revised animal control code to be considered this evening:
"Sec, 6-15 Cooperation with Animal Control Officer - Right of Entry.
It shall be unlawful for any person to conceal an animal or interfere with the Animal Control Officer or those acting in his behalf in the performance of their
legal duties as provided in this Chapter. The Animal Control Officer or those acting in his behalf shall have the right of
entry onto any lots or lands for the purpose of collecting any dog, cat, or other animal, which is subject to impoundment pursuant to this Chapter. The Animal Control Officer or those acting on his behalf shall have the right of entry to any property or premises within any quarantined area during the period of such quarantine for the purpose of examining or obtaining any dog, cat, or other
animal suspected of having rabies, having been exposed to rabies, or having bitten a person or other animal."
"collecting any dog, cat, or other animal, which is subject to impoundment pursuant to this Chapter. The Animal Control Officer or those acting on his behalf shall have the right of entry to any property or premises within any quarantined area during the period of such quarantine for the purpose of examining or obtaining any dog, cat, or other
animal suspected of having rabies, having been exposed to rabies, or having bitten a person or other animal."
And your point is? I believe we were discussing a residence (not quarantined area's.) Please tell me where the statute say's it's ok to enter your home without a signed search warrant? If she suspects there may be a pet in the house does she then have the right to enter at will?
There is a fourth ammendment to the U.S. Constitution that prohibt's just that, and I will tell you in my humble opinion the City will loose that case big time!
Tom Ford
The "lighting program" was very nice, the choir from Lindburg was just excellent, and all in attendence had a great time.
I wish more of you had the chaance to be there and kabitz with your fellow Crestwoodians!
Tom Ford
What did the Mayor say about the Animal Control issue? Did he show up for this but not over the weekend at the warming center where his fellow suffering citizens were staying until their power returned?
6:27 pm 12/7 Get over yourself! Bitch, bitch, bitch.
6:27 blogger: Where were you, and I for that matter? I was otherwise occupied, and as for you, well, please tell us!
Your faction lost (thank goodness,) get over it, as the previous poster said!
Tom Ford
get over the fact that I dont like the man who is our mayor? Why should I?
Let me follow up to post 5:41, it has become clear to me that to be critical of current mayor on this blog is not acceptable. It is ok to be critical of aldermen from ward 2, former mayors, city attorneys, the Call newspaper and former c/a's, but not this mayor. That is the one thing one can count on, any post that is negative towards current mayor in any manner creates a wave of response in support of the mayor and then in attacks on the poster followed by attacks on past mayors and aldermen. It is so predictable it is funny, funny that no one seems to think anything about that fact. It seems to me that the main thread of the Crestwood Independent wether is was designed that way or not is to be the mouth piece for the Re-Elect Roy for Mayor committee.
I know this might be asking a lot, but try to read these postings with a neutral eye and I am sure you will come away with this view. Not that it is bad to support the mayor but to attack those who dislike him does not allow for the opening of a fresh exchange of ideas if the holy cow of the current mayor's office is off limits to being taken to task. There are people who Crestwood needs to become a strong city again who just can't stand this mayor for what ever reason and to attack them only drives away their ideas and energy that will be needed. Don't forget that Roy can only be mayor for nine yrs and those who dislike him can still play a part in the City's recovery if you don't destroy their desire to be a part of the mix of ideas. We will need them then if not now.
S.W. Malter
Well S.W. that's a very incitefull remark if ever I have seen one!
I am for whoever completes the job of turning Crestwood into a City we can all be proud of! If that's Roy Robinson, so be it, but I must tell you that I have yet to see anyone else take the reins, and move ahead!
This blog was created to give all the citizens of Crestwood a voice, and not a "house organ" for anyone!
It is however a blog that will continue to present the truth (as I understand it,) and as such may ruffle your feathers from time to time. I hope you will stay aboard for the ride, if not, well we shall loose a good blogger!
Tom Ford
Have no problem with feathers being ruffled with honest smart disagreement. Will not put up with manure posts as you have seen becasue this blog should be better than that.
S.W. Malter
We agree on that one! From time to time we do get a post or two from "children of a lesser God," but I guess that's the nature of a blog.
Ignore them, for they know not what they do!
Tom Ford
The Holiday Lights ceremony at City Hall was very nice. We were given a brief, yet uplifting talk by Mayor Robinson, followed by a wonderful concert by a children's choir (not sure what school or organization the choir was from - if someone could let us know). Afterwards, a brief reception was held in the city hall lobby.
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