This weeks copy of the Suncrest Call is out, and..............................
Guess what, Mike Anthony thinks the Charter change is ok! Imagine that, a liberal who wants to tear down out town thinks it's ok!
Well, there are some very good articles about Crestwood from Mr. Burke Wasson that will offset the liberal mind he works with, so jump right in and read up a storm. As you know if you click on the header, you will be directed to the call.
Tom Ford
NO. 242
Well, there are some very good articles about Crestwood from Mr. Burke Wasson that will offset the liberal mind he works with, so jump right in and read up a storm. As you know if you click on the header, you will be directed to the call.
Tom Ford
NO. 242
Please provide what action Mr. Anthony has taken that has torn down our town?
I must have been out of the area when he did it because all I can recall he has done is report what was said and done word for painful word..
Painful word???
Scat. Get away. Those liberals are everywhere.
The great 'head' of Liberals just shot himself in the foot - - Again! Does it occur to anyone but me that Kerry is an absolute idiot, he does what we all do he says what he thinks, maybe instead of making fun of how slow George talks, he should slow down and just read what the writer's wrote for him to say-obviously he can't think standing on his feet. I'll bet Hillary is thrilled today! But you know our first blogger asked what Mr. Anthony has done? I guess some people just don't get what is happening!
OK, OK, OK. So now we're blaming Mike Anthony for John Kerry's bad and tasteless joke? Get a life, you desperate hate monger.
When you are bankrupt for things to say, hurl the liberal epithet. Of course Burke Wasson must be a closet far right winger. A very interesting, diverse group writes at the Call.
All I know is Burke Wasson has given us more of a fair shake than Mike Anthony ever has. When Wasson does have an opinion, he's usually right on target. That boy will move past the Call to bigger and better things before you know it.
And on the articles, why is everybody picking on Miguel? It seems as if every point he makes is laughed at. Read the Sappington Square article to see for yourself. I think he's just watching out for us. When did that become a bad thing?
The Mayor sees Miguel as an some who might run against him in 2008, so that's what is going on.
For the record, I'll take Roy Robinson over Jerry Miguel and Burke Wasson over Mike Anthony any day.
Roy may foul up a speech now and then, but at least he can make a decision. Jerry, God bless him, wouldn't know an answer if it hit him on the head. But he's never met a question he didn't like.
And speaking of hate mongers, Mike Anthony is just that. Nothing but negative about the city other than his pals Greer and the Truebloods. You may not always agree with Burke Wasson and I haven't on an opinion or two that he's had. But he's fair. Doesn't play favorites. And he's a good writer. If I want to know more detail on something in Crestwood, I read what he has to write in the Call.
Is Alderman Miguel trying to bring all potential development to a screeching halt? I have not been a supporter of the mayor, but I have to say he is trying to do some things to move the city forward.. He has seen the reality of the situation to a small degree. now it looks like his supporters are turning on him. Too bad.
One hard and fast rule we will not break here is the very mention of john kerry, dick durbin, or murtha (all lower case intended.)
I find these vile trators to be without honor, and as such have no place on my blog!
By the way, if you have to ask what a liberal is, your no doubt one yourself, for as our great President Ronald Reagan said: "Liberals, it's not that they are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so."
Tom Ford
The Charter change: "Designed to keep certian people in power, or to help certian people re-gain power"
Told to me by a friend today, makes sense dosen't it.
Vote NO on all five!
Tom Ford
At least Miguel is asking the common sense questions that no one else will. Nothing wrong with thinking things through. He's making sure all the bases are covered.
What meeting were you at when Miguel covered all the bases? What were the results? Were the results good for the City? Did he understand the answers to his questions?
Miguel is careful. This is a trait the board should have had. Maybe, just maybe it would not have sent the city swirling into debt.
please provide examples of Miguel being careful. In reading the minutes of meetings and newspaper reports he seems to me to be against anything except the Salvation Army Thrift store which produces zero sales tax dollars for Crestwood.
Please make a list of all the liberals in Crestwood so that I don't make the mistake of thinking they are nice people, pay taxes, send their boys to war, vote, cut their grass, send their children to school and attend church, and of course that I don't mention them on a blog. In fact, is there a vaccination I could get to prevent me from getting this dred disease? Also, please fully define liberal so I will know what not to read and who to keep my children from playing with. Is there a special color I should paint my house or a certain model car I should avoid buying? I want to make sure that I do not allow any thoughts to go through my head that would create a sense of democracy in my life. I am working as I write on perfecting bias and becomming intolerant. By the way, is there a way I could tell by looking who these vile liberals are? I don't want to sell my house to one of them.
Yeah. Liberals are what's wrong with Crestwood. Please. This is one of the most white bread communities you could ask for. Anyone who says otherwise has gotten too old and too cranky to live in the now. Crestwood's still a nice neighborhood town in St. Louis County. But like anything else, it's got to change with the times. I think we can start with a major overhaul of the mall.
Mall may be for sale, just get out your check book and start writing if you want it to have a major overhaul
The people who to blame for the Fank Myers failures are those who were on the search committee formed by Roy to review applicants for the Administrator's job. They are the ones who suggest to Roy that Myers was the best to hire.
Who were they again? What made them special qualified to have the job? Were any of them friends of Roy's? Did they represent all 4 wards? Why wasnt the public allowed to be more a part of the selection process?
Don't forget, everyone on the board approved of him. If the board had concerns, they should have expressed them.
"Who were they again? What made them special qualified to have the job? Were any of them friends of 'Tom's'? Did they represent all 4 wards? Why wasnt the public allowed to be more a part of the selection process?"
Same questions can be asked of the charter review committee.
Liberals are derided on this blog the same way that the crestwoodindependent's buddy, the Mayor, derides them. But they both love that ignorant liberal Jim Murphy.
Think what you want you ignorant blogger.
Who paid for the printing? The City of Crestwood did because it was their commission re-writing their Charter.
Why was the city's postal stamp used? Because it is the city who commissioned the Charter Commission members to review the Charter.
Why did the city pay the postage? Because it is a city document going out to city residents.
Final Question: Who is going to pay for the printing of the New Charter books if any of the Propositions pass? The City of Crestwood because it is their Charter. Cost? ???????????
By liberal are you think of the liberal's interpretation of the constitution that it is always changing and thinking that because Anthony is ok with changing the charter he is liberal? If so, here's the difference - the liberals want the constitution changed by the courts - in Crestwood, the charter may be amended at any time by the vote of citizens whom it governs.
If the Charter can only be changed by a vote of the citizens, why did they Change the Fiscal year of the city and I didn't get to vote on it until after it had already been implemented?
Some answers, I think:
The postage was paid by the city.
Cost of the printing and mailing combined was approximately $4000.00. The charter commission, appointed by the mayor(s), was functioning at the city or the mayor's request. If proposition or propositions pass, yes, I think the city would have to print the changed charters.
Poster 12:47 those questions have been asked, that's what makes them being used again to sweet!
Poster 12:46 the same could be said about Fagans appointments, but none inlcuding Miguel or Maddox said a word.
Poster 5:02 Read Article VII section 7.1 page 14 for your answer. Can be changed by ordinance per the Charter. Of course if Prop. 4 passes it will be easier to by petition get it changed back by a vote of the people
If prop 4 passes, the city will see all sorts of changes
As I am reading the proposition on Recall, Why is it only the mayors percentage they want to reduce to 15% but the Aldermans percentage is still 20%?
Excellent question!
What say you, any members out there from the charter review committee? Why are the numbers different?
Those who are against this Prop would like you to think it was limited to the Mayor. It is not, read on page 26 Section 10.3 PETITION (a) it states that a petition of recall for an Alderman needs 20%. That is the same percent as Mayor, so Prop 4 if passed would reduce the percent to 15% for ALL elected officials, as the Prop reads, "reduce the % of signatures for Recall to 15%". Doesnt say Mayor only.
3:49 blogger:Sorry to correct you, but arguing with liberals cannot be like multiplying by zero because that would yield a positive, firm answer. Liberals hate absolutes and will do anything they must to avoid giving one. Therefore, I posit that arguing with liberals is like dividing by zero: The answer is either infinity, a null set, the quantity divided by zero remians unchanged, or zero; depending on your point of view. Each answer is technically correct but the validity of any one answer is always debatable. That's a liberal for you!
So why would Mr. Murphy talk to you?
If you like liberals, look at the actions of the board over the past six years. Spend, spend, spend. Tax, tax, tax. Very simple.
I love liberals, and I think we should pass a GO Bond or two or three. Come on people, let's raise taxes. We haven't done that, in what, 6-7 months?
5:44 blogger, The Charter review committee is lying low untill after the election, sort of "San Fran Nan Pelozie" style. They can't reveal their true intent, so they "hide in the tall grass!"
As it is in many things, we will never know why they voted to do what they did, but it in my humble opinion, this is just plain wrong to change our very foundation for the sake of a lame politician.
Tom Ford
AMEN! (sorry to shout) Amen!
What if they sell the mall to a liberal? Then we really will be up spits creek. Best we just leave it closed to retail and open up a carnival where liberals get balls thrown at them and they fall in the water. We could install showers and supply soap.
And since Crestwood is so pure and decent is there any way we can outlaw liberals completely. Maybe engrave numbers on their bodies for all to see. We have simply got to find a way to obtain ethnic clensing. Isn't this the dogma preached on this blog?
READ post 5:52 for answer to why just the Mayor, it isnt limited to Mayor.
Read Commission 2000, which listed items citizens wanted, and then were allowed to vote to increase taxes to get. Were the voters liberal when they voted to raise taxes to be spent on things they said they wanted?
6:15 blogger: the "dogma" printed on this blog has never had or will have any reference to "ethnic clensing!"
That sort of thing is left up to the people who are in the right circles in Crestwood, I and this blog are not part of that select group (thank GOD.)
You sound like a very typical liberal, nothing left to back up any of your remarks, so you start to call people names! If you don't like the "L" word, well your at the wrong blog my friend.
This is Crtestwood TOTO not Ken and Barbie land in "west county" so get used to the fact that this is a very conservitive town, and you know what? I like it that way!
Tom Ford
You label Mike Anthony a liberal and now complain about calling people names. Perhaps a little hypocritical just like a liberal?
I heard the charter commission determined they would not do anything to endorse or not endorse the items on the ballot. They wanted to simply present them to the voters. That's why they haven't written any letters to the editor or anything.
Is Mike Anthony a liberal?
Liberals are very broadminded: they are always willing to give careful consideration to both sides of the same side.
-- Anonymous
Is that Mr. Anthony or what?
Tom Ford
what side has he not reported or quoted in his articals? If some one speaks he has quoted them word for word. If you write a letter to the paper it gets published as long as you sign your name.
Editorials are a differnt breed of cat, the writter gives their views and as such does not have to give both sides. Havent we done this before?
Your right, he gives both sides of HIS opinion in his editorials.
In case you havent noticed, all sides of his opinion seem to find fault with Crestwood! Thank goodness they hired Burke Wasson to cover Crestwood!
By the way, send him something he dosent like and see how long it takes to publish it. Mr. Anthony is one gentleman you can't cover for. Unlike your "anonymous" post he puts his name and photo there for all to see. He is a liberal, and I am a conservitive, and that's just the way it is.
Tim Trueblood's blog attracts more liberals than mine does, but that isn't saying it's bad, both of them are what they are.
If you think there is room for a third, jump in and publish your own, heck I will even help you.
Tom Ford
8:20PM blogger
No endorsements? As a committee, they do make recommendations.
In the literature provided on the city's website, the charter commission makes the following recommendations:
"The Charter Review Committee recommends that the percentages for the number of signatures necessary for petitions for Referendum and Initiative petitions {Sec. 9.3(a)}and Recall petitions {Sec. 10.3(a)} be reduced."
"The Charter Review Committee is recommending that Censure be included in the Charter as a method of reprimand that is less drastic than forfeiture of office."
The only issue that is left open by the committee is term limits:
"The Charter Review Committee recommends having the voters decide whether to retain
term limits for members the Board of Aldermen, but not the Mayor."
If what you say about section 10.3 Petition is correct, that both the Mayor and Aldermen can be recalled with a 15% factor then why is it only the Mayors portion of that section that has been bluelined? Any attorney will tell you that if it is to be changed it must be stated. At this point it is only the Mayors percentage that has been changed by bluelining. READ IT
Right, but the changes suggested could be troublesome.
You cannot seriously be comparing the minds of the framers of the U.S. Constitution with our charter commission members. Even the constitution has been amended through the years. sheesh
Sheesh or no sheesh, just vote no. Term limits have only kicked in for one set of aldermen. The true effects of term limits are still not known and institutional memory will not be lost. Why take away the civil servant status of the city clerk? We have and have had excellent city clerks. Why change their status? Why reduce the numbers required of initiative, referendum, and recall? The citizens group that led a petition effort last summer had no problem getting more than the number of signatures needed.
Just say NO! to Institutional Ignorance!!
vote no because we dont like the person who appointed the commission.
vote no because the sky is falling! oh my! then tune in to art bell.
Vote no because the suggested changes are not necessary. The first round of term limits have only taken effect. We don't know nor have really experienced its effects. Keep the city clerk's job classified as a civil servant. Keep board meetings within city limits.
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