Wednesday, November 08, 2006

This weeks edition of the Suncrest Call, or how to bash the Mayor!

It seems that our old friend Mike Anthony is back in the editorial chair this week again, and is blasting Mayor Robinson for Leadership? I find this interesting as Mr. Anthony has always had his opinions on what to do in Crestwood, unfortunately, he never has any solutions!

He is waxing eloquently once again on the debt issue, and this time he has help from Mr. Trueblood who has also written a letter to the editor about the same thing. Now I don't have any problem with Mr. Trueblood stating his beliefs,as he has paid his dues over the years, and deserves the right to be heard. Mr. Trueblood and I have disagreed on many things, and agreed on others, but I have always respected him for speaking his mind and sticking by what he said!

Mr. Anthony on the other hand attempts to give the reader the impression that he, and only he knows what's best for Crestwood, not the people in the trenches every day at City hall, but the vaunted editor twice removed from the battle!

Mayor Robinson, like him or not, has worked very hard to bring us back from the brink, and he continues to put forth ideas for future success. That my friends is leadership. Leadership is moving forward making the tough decisions, and not worrying about whether your going to be invited for Christmas dinner by this or that group! By comparison, it seems to me that Mr. Anthony comes up short. In fact my friends in Texas have a saying "all hat and no cows!" Seems right to me!

By the way, click on the header for the stories!

Tom Ford

NO. 245


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Funny that Anthony talks of blame. Anthony's and Trueblood's continued attacks against the current administration deflect attention away from the financial crisis created before Roy Robinson ever took office. And when did the financial crisis occur? During the Robertson/Fagan administrations, both endorsed by Anthony. And who was Ward 2 Alderman at the time? Timothy Trueblood.

11:23 PM, November 08, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The last line of Tim Trueblood's letter to the editor says it all! Thank God for term limits!!!

'Editor's note: Mr. Trueblood was a Ward 2 alderman for the city from 1993 to 2006.'

6:53 AM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does anyone know where Mr. Anthony went to journalism school? Burke, do you know? Come on, this blog is anonymous, you can tell us? I'm sure his English profs. would be proud of his writting skills.

7:00 AM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you all miss the point of the letter, the Mayor claims when the media reported a question Trueblood asked the banks shyed away from the City's bids. That couldn't have happed.
Further on the debt issue, it was found out after Brasfield left office that the Aldermen had been misled into believeing City had money that it didnt. Read State Audit, after all, you paid for it.

7:56 AM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am confused by Mr. Truebloods comments. First, I wonder if we would have even needed a bank note at all if our city leaders in the past had not overspent. I recall huge Architectural fees ( hundreds of thousands) for a New Police station, numerous lawsuits costing hundreds of thousands, and fund shortages and transfers that are indicative of a shell game. And all along Mr. Anthony and Mr. Trueblood who supported these issues, now criticize others for trying to fix a broken system. And I repeat had it not been for the past we would not be where we are today. The past is history and throughout the ages history has dictated what we do in the future. Mr. Trueblood, you had your opportunity. It is now someone elses opportunity. Don't you think they deserve that chance?

8:42 AM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's see....

$1mil debt - thanks to the former CA (buddy of the mayor - he was in his corner, remember?)

$1mil debt - overbudgeted drawings for facility + new roof

$1.5mil debt - actual decline in sales tax income

Of course no one will blame the former CA for the $1mil. (wasn't his fault ya know!)

Of course no one will blame the Architect and heaven forbid the BOA approved a new roof believing a separate facility was to be built. They should have consulted a fortune teller.

Of course no one will blame Westfield et al for a rundown facility. The public would rather frequent a mall with more selection. Why have to go to 2 different places?

Of course no one will blame the owners of properties left vacant.

EVERYONE overlooks the position the mayor takes. It's ok. You're in his corner, right or wrong.

1:49 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the meantime, we're paying interest 2% higher than the general obligation bonds the mayor opposed. How does that make any sense?

3:14 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha the mayor gets caught again making things up - the banks couldn't have read trueblood's comments before the date for proposals since they weren't published until that date. can't blame it on trueblood's comments that the banks don't want to do biz with the city - try again mr. mayor. here's a hint - people notice when you lie all the time.

5:30 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh,oh. Looks like Timmy just got home from work.

5:59 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In looking the list of planning and zoning commission members from a couple of years ago, and I came across a name who I believe is an architect with the firm that drew up the plans for the police station.

That in itself is interesting, but shouldn't they have known that there could be vast cost increases?

6:06 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Never forget that Robinson is trying to clean up the mess that was made during previous administrations.

6:53 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sandy Grave(aka poster 5:59)

I got home early today, around 4:15, this is the first time today I have read Mr. Ford's fine blog, sorry, but you have the wrong "Timmy" home from work at 5:30.
You'r correct poster 6:53 the mess was from "previous administrationS", all the way back to Jim Brasfield who allowed Kent to run the City and Bob W to misreport the true condition of our funds. Don't believe me, then read the State Audit, that is exactly what is said.
Read the minutes of the meetings and dig out the old newspapers and you will see that Alderman McGowen, Maddox and Paradise and I were going head to head with Kent each year around budget time, before any of us were on the Way's and Means Committee. The first budget Maddox and I worked on, was Kent and Bob's last one for the City. Think about that, what that means. Think about what we uncovered and realized. Recall the questions Maddox and I asked of Kent in public, it's in the records and never got an answer.
Did we over spend the General Fund? Yes based on the information we got and with 20/20 hind sight we did. Did the "police palace"cause the short fall? Nope, it was already paid for with moneys from the Capital Improvements Fund, the money was in the bank with the sale of the COPS. In fact the moneys were drawing interest in the bank and that was causing the City a problem with the IRS because Citys are not allowed to make a profit on the sale of Bonds or COPS. We had to spend it or stop the plan building.
Also dont forget it was Kent who picked Joy Howard who told all of the Board that if we voted to approve the approval of the COPs we could still back out at the next meetng. We found out 2 wks later we had been told a lie, the COPS had been sold the next day after our vote. Dont believe me, email Don Maddox and ask him, he and I were both asking to slow the program down. Don I believe asked Kent in the meeting about the lie and Kent denied saying it. It is on tape if you want to hear it.
Enough of this, I've work to do.

tim trueblood

7:56 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Anthony and Trueblood never mention that.

7:58 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although I'm too cowardly to say who I am, I know for a fact that Tim Truebloods' comment is true and factual. Kent and Don Greer did some real numbers on this town, but they are both gone, both rewarded for their wrongdoing so I guess all we can do is let a dead horse lay. However, I believe sincerely that Bob W. tried his darndest to help the situation and he was totally ignored and eventually made the fall guy. Now this gentleman is in poor health plus all the hurt of being blamed for something he didn't do. In the final end, we will all get exactly what we have coming to us, so we have to believe in that and let go. Thanks Tim.

8:24 PM, November 09, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:24 blogger: Amen! Thanks for pointing out the truth! I have said it beore, Tim and I did not agree all the time, but by golly he did what he believed was the right thing for Crestwood! (just as mayor Robinson is doing now.)

Never forget tht Tim, and only Tim voted to leave that "blighted" swimming pool debacle die (as it should have.) The other "steller" Alderman was all over it, to the point that eaven Mike Anthony blasted him. Now when that happens, well you could look for the three wisemen again!

There were a lot of so called leaders who folded the deck chairs while we were sinking, but Tim did speak out (look it up,)he did tell those who would listen that there is a hole in the boat, problem was, we didn't believe him!

Can we expect the same from Aldermen Pickel, and Kelleher? I doubt it!

Tom Ford

8:40 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, Mr. Ford changing the subject. I believe the post is about the Suncrest Call articles and how the mayor was fabricating lies. Maybe he really believes what he said. Sad.

9:51 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Blogger at 7:56 Nov. 9th who signed his comment "Tim Trueblood" and directed it to me.

Please note that I did not post the comment at 5:59 ("looks like Timmy just got home"). Tim if you are the blogger at 7:56, I just want to set the record straight. That comment wasn't mine.

Maybe someone thinks they are being funny because I have called you "Timmy" before. But I am not laughing! I hope you know that if I have something to say to you, I will call you, come to your home or sign my name to my comment.

Somebody is either playing games or wanting to create problems.

For years, many, many years, I have had the utmost respect for Tim Trueblood. I loved speaking with him and other aldermen from city hall when I had to poll the board for the mayor or verify appointments or whatever. I would tease Tim and call him "Timmy". Now it looks like someone is going to shove that in my face and have some fun on my behalf.

Sometimes, in a job, you have to make your own fun and I would try to enjoy the time I had to spend telephoning board members. One of my favorite things was talking to Tim as well as the other board members. He was always pleasant and kind and I never had a problem speaking with him. Tim was never cross or hateful to me.

Tim, if you are indeed accusing me of making that stupid remark as previously mentioned in this comment, I really don't understand how you would think it was me.

I have run the gammit of being upset and angry at many things at city hall, but if I ever get to the point where I have had my fill with you, Tim, you won't have to worry about me saying something anonymously, because sooner or later, I will speak with you face to face and confront you with whatever is on my mind.

People who want to get problems resolved, communicate with each other. And hopefully, you will do the same.

Respectfully submitted,

Sandra Grave

10:07 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As long as Mr. Trueblood is known for the alliance he nurtured with Don Greer and Mike Anthony, there is no chance he will come out shining. His last years in office he blew any legacy he ever had. Surely he knew, when Fagan appointed an illegal board it was time to intervene, or when hanky pank was occurring at city hall, it was time to intervene, and when he didn't seem to mind his Jr. Alderman acting rude and immature, he felt no need to mentor; if you have this kind of tunnel vision how can you say this guy is real? Three wrongs don't make a right.

11:22 PM, November 09, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:22pm - I second the motion.

Tim (a.k.a. 'Timmy' - sorry Sandra, mine was a South Park reference) Trueblood, former Alderman (due to term limits!),is trying to rewrite history. While he might have done some questioning, he was in bed with Greer then, and now with Anthony - gee I hope Karen doesn't mind. That's why I don't care for him.

- A Proud Crestwood Citizen trying to protect my city from evildoers

7:10 AM, November 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

too proud to sign your name?

9:01 AM, November 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didn't sign your name either

9:14 AM, November 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How do you know tim didn't intervene in the hanky pank during executive session?

9:19 AM, November 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didnt claim to be proud.

12:16 PM, November 10, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:51 blogger: Mr. Ford was responding to a post from a previous blogger. That said, I still think it was on message.

Besides that, "it's good to be the king!" I get to set the subject, and I get to respond, or not, as I see fit.

Tom Ford

8:00 PM, November 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no one has anything to say about the topic of the letter - that the mayor blamed the call for coverage of the board meeting when the call hadn't even been published?

8:50 PM, November 10, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe people aren't commenting because they are tired of the letter writer's continued whining, complaining, and attacks. He can speak his mind all he wants, but I don't have to listen to him.

11:57 AM, November 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

was the Mayor correct in his statement that he knew for a fact something happened that didnt happen? If not should he be corrected or given a pass?

1:48 PM, November 11, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Off topic,but for the ladies anyway!

REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED BY Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Classes begin Monday, December 4, 2006

Class 1
How To Fill Up The Ice Cube Trays --- Step by Step, with Slide Presentation.
Meets 4 weeks, Monday and Wednesday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 2
The Toilet Paper Roll --- Does It Change Itself?
Round Table Discussion.
Meets 2 weeks, Saturday 12:00 for 2 hours.

Class 3
Is It Possible To Urinate Using The Technique Of Lifting The Seat and
Avoiding The Floor, Walls and Nearby Bathtub? --- Group Practice.
Meets 4 weeks, Saturday 10:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 4
Fundamental Differences Between The Laundry Hamper and The Floor ---
Pictures and Explanatory Graphics.
Meets Saturday at 2:00 PM for 3 weeks.

Class 5
After Dinner Dishes --- Can They Levitate and Fly Into The Kitchen Sink?
Examples on Video.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 6
Loss Of Identity --- Losing The Remote To Your Significant Other.
Help Line Support and Support Groups.
Meets 4 Weeks, Friday and Sunday 7:00 PM.

Class 7
Learning How To Find Things --- Starting With Looking In The Right Places
And Not Turning The House Upside Down While Screaming.
Open Forum .
Monday at 8:00 PM, 2 hours.

Class 8
Health Watch --- Bringing Her Flowers Is Not Harmful To Your Health.
Graphics and Audio Tapes.
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 9
Real Men Ask For Directions When Lost --- Real Life Testimonials.
Tuesday at 6:00 PM Location to be determined.

Class 10
Is It Genetically Impossible To Sit Quietly While She Parallel Parks?
Driving Simulations.
4 weeks, Saturday noon, 2 hours.

Class 11
Learning to Live --- Basic Differences Between Mother and Wife.
Online Classes and role-playing .
Tuesday at 7:00 PM, location to be determined.

Class 12
How to be the Ideal Shopping Companion
Relaxation Exercises, Meditation and Breathing Techniques.
Meets 4 weeks, Tuesday and Thursday for 2 hours ! Beginning at 7:00 PM.

Class 13
How to Fight Cerebral Atrophy --- Remembering Birthdays, Anniversaries and Other Important Dates and Calling When You're Going To Be Late.Cerebral Shock Therapy Sessions and Full Lobotomies Offered.
Three nights; Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 7:00 PM for 2 hours.

Class 14
The Stove/Oven --- What It Is and How It Is Used.
Live Demonstration.
Tuesday at 6:00 PM, location to be determined.

Upon completion of any of the above courses, diplomas will be issued to the survivors!

Tom Ford

4:01 PM, November 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, i guess that's one way to live in denial - say you're tired of hearing the truth and ignore it. not very healthy tho

6:08 PM, November 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My problem with all of this is, if the mayor lied about something like this (politics), what else has he lied about? It is one thing to believe these fabications, but a very different matter voicing them at a public meeting.Very, Very unprofessional. But then what do you expect with the current CA, Police Chief and Mayor?

10:11 PM, November 11, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:11 11/11 Yeah, we had it much better with the previous mayor, CA and police chief. Gag my face!

8:14 PM, November 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Tim, you seem to have all the facts blaming Kent, Bob, etc.

Heck, I guess we didn't need to spend $400,000 on Chris Hesse and Co. trying to prove it when you knew it all along! We just should have asked you.

9:24 PM, November 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do you accept this behavior from the current Mayor and continually throw up the past administration in everyone's face?

Focus on the present for a change. Demand acceptable behavior from the elected officials currently serving. Can't change the past, but history is in the making now. What has been said? "learn from the past"

10:27 PM, November 12, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:27 PM Nov. 12th. Please delineate the awful things this mayor is doing. Tell me about all the lies and deceit one by one.

Tell me and then we can make a comparison.

9:12 AM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

compaire with who and what?

2:07 PM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:07 pm You said "why do you accept this behavior from this mayor and criticize the past"...or words of that sort. That sounds like you feel that this mayor's behavior is unacceptable. So...tell me what are the things in this mayor's behavior that are unacceptable to you.

I am trying to compare him and his CA with what the previous Mayor and CA did in order to figure out if we are going forward or backward.

We need to compare this mayor's behavior with what we had before in order to determine if we are going in the right direction.

Maybe I am not understanding your comment? If so, I apologize. Maybe you can explain my confusion.


4:13 PM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What does it matter if the past was wrong, only the present matters as it is only the here and now were we can effect change.
It matters not if we are better or worse than the past, it only matters what those in charge today are doing. I dislike saying "well, at least it's not as bad as it used to be", when we should except nothing now less that what is correct and proper.

5:04 PM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is Chris Hesse? And why did the City spend $400,000 on him? I thought we were broke.

8:10 PM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is he a lawyer?

9:51 PM, November 13, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:51 pm 11/13 Chris Hesse is the super counselor who was Greer's buddy and got involved with every lawsuit the city had. He was the lawyer who represented the city in sexual harrassment cases and cases like Leichliter's and more. He was on the city's books for ages. Except years ago, there wasn't that much going on for him to fill his pockets.

He reaped a fortune from Crestwood the years after Greer became CA. They were joined at the hip. In fact, he is probably in Fairview Heights reaping another fortune.

11:17 AM, November 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:51 pm 11/13 Chris Hesse is the super counselor who was Greer's buddy and got involved with every lawsuit the city had. He was the lawyer who represented the city in sexual harrassment cases and cases like Leichliter's and more. He was on the city's books for ages. Except years ago, there wasn't that much going on for him to fill his pockets.

He reaped a fortune from Crestwood the years after Greer became CA. They were joined at the hip. In fact, he is probably in Fairview Heights reaping another fortune.

11:18 AM, November 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did Greer approve the $400,000k for his buddy?

4:45 PM, November 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who hired Chris Hesse? Who paid Hesse? Who approved payment of Hesse? Who was on the BOA at the time? Who cares enough to find out? Or it it just too much fun to play Monopoly?

Please, let's not stir up trouble. All our exes left richer and happier. Isn't that what small towns do best? It really is more fun to Mayor bash and call names and take sides. Residents, just fallout from the job.

One by one let's hear about all these lawsuits. If we can handle our city hall and PW building being used as collateral and a tax increase, we can handle graft, corruption and municipal bandits. Right. Our officials past were apparently Paper Mache, Milk Toasters or their hands were in the till, too. Hmmm.

What City Admn. got a BMW and a settlement from the city along with Olive Oil? Could it be the Fleece Man? The one who could be responsible for Hesse and Company and the sinking budget, a $14.5 M. Dollar City Hall fracus with a Police Chief Office the size of teh Dome,... (do you have all night)?

And what about all those paper shredding parties at city hall and all the unused architect renderings, and all those spreadsheets full of mayo? Huh, hmmm.

Ah, let's just let it slide. How's that for a PLAN!!! Peace not War! Come and Get it, the vault's open. Let's just let bygones be bygones. It's only money. Yours and mine. Me, I'm loaded. I just live in Crestwood because I like a Circus.

I agree, someone should pre warn Fairview Heights, though. First Wood River, then Crestwood, then Fairview Heights. And someone should keep a watch on several of the current city folk. They may have picked up a few bad habits along the way.

Where is the Pink Panther when we need him? Hello!

7:25 PM, November 14, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fairview Heights knows. Greer's recent attempt to get control of the $$$ was shot down by the Board of Aldermen. Even the Mayor didn't support it.

10:27 AM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:45 pm 11/14 You bettcha Greer approved the $400,000. Of course $400,000 is the total of many lawsuits and counseling fees paid to Hesse by multiple invoices that came through as needed.

Someone has all that data if I am not mistaken. I think Deutchmann did the research. But Crestwood never had so many lawsuits until Greer came on the scene.

Leichliter placed all his trust in Greer and while he was Chief, gave Greer so much latitude with anything he wanted. He trusted Greer and if Greer wanted to purchase anything and Leichliter said no, Greer would threaten to leave. Kent didn't want that. He was thrilled that Greer was making decisions in the PD, so he didn't have to do it. More than any other department head, Greer got just about anything he wanted from Kent. Kent would tell Wuebbels to find the money anyplace. Wuebbels was having a real hard time doing that. But Wuebbels was so afraid of going over Kent's head to the mayor that he would do it. He was way too loyal and didn't want to make waves. If he tried to tell Kent we didn't have the money, Kent didn't listen. Poor Wuebbels made himself sick over it, but there would be no way Wuebbels would betray his boss. He had too much integrity and it came back and bite him in the butt, and when Kent went down, so did Bob.

Fit right into Greer's plan because there was no way he would keep Bob when he became CA. Instead he got, you know who to be finance person, so he could control the finances the way he wanted to, since she was as dumb as a box of rocks. Greer knew it before he hired her. She had a reputation for many, many things. That's why she got hired.

Plotting and planning just like a chess game Mr. Greer did. He always had a plan and that's what makes me angry when I hear that "Roy didn't have a plan". If his only plan was to get rid of Greer, that was enough for me to vote for him. Fagan wanted to keep Greer and that was his biggest mistake.

I am not saying that Kent didn't deserve to be diciplined but he wasn't a well man by the time 2001 or 2 came around. But Greer was just waiting to go in for the kill. And as soon as Robertson came on board, he found the one person who could make it happen. The one person who could make Greer the CA.

Ancient history now.

1:28 PM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 1:28, pure bovine scat spin (pbss)

Poor Wuebbels had too much integrity to turn on his boss, Kent? His boss was the Board of Aldermen and the tax payers of Crestwood, he had as much guts as he had integrity, which was zero. He should have stood up screaming if what you say is correct. He would not have lost his job, because was he protected by Civil Service rules as this was before Greer changed the rules.
Kent was a sick man? Then he should have been fired by Mayor Brasfield as that is when he became sick based on what you just posted and Robertson would not have had to do so.
Final note, would you please publish on this blog the IQ's of Wubbels and his replacement and their educational background?

4:11 PM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you publish your IQ?

6:09 PM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:11 pm 11/15 Don't get your bootie in an uproar. WOW you almost jumped right out of my screen and punched me in the nose. Stop your bitching.

You talk about the IQ of Princess Diane Madrid? Ha. Are you saying her IQ was genius? Her IQ is not what got her hired, sir or madame! Her IQ never got her any job in municipal government! If you knew anything about the Municipal Finance Officers Association, you would know that her reputation proceeded her. It's what she did to get others to do her work in municipal government. That was her best asset. Too bad you once again listened to what Greer had to say about her. Too bad you believed everything that came out of Greer's mouth and didn't consider the source. Too bad you didn't realize that he hired her because he knew he could control her work and do it for her. Nobody else with smarts would have let him do it. So I guess you think she was better than Bob Wuebbels! If you think that, you are not only stupid, you are an idiot.

Greer wanted to control everything and the administration let him do it, cause that is what you do to create your own dynasty. He wasn't satisfied with just a job, he wanted a "kingdom".

Are you saying that Don Greer had nothing to do with any lawsuit in Crestwood where Hesse made more money than the national debt? Prove it. I can give you two lawsuits right now that cost the city $40,000. There were lots of victims on Greer's watch and lots of things happened. But you think you know it all!

Also, Wuebbels was not protected under civil service plus Don Greer changed 70% of the civil service rules and regulations while he was setting the stage for when he became CA. Kent didn't want anything to do with personnel. But Greer was more than willing to take it over and that he sure did. We hired a company to set up a new personnel system, and it cost the city money, and they got so disgusted because Greer would change everything they did.

Wuebbels was a department head. Wuebbels should have said something, but his immediate supervisor was Kent not the board.

Had he gone to the board and mayor over Kent's head at that time and told them the circumstances, what would they have done? Protected him! NOT! They would have gone to Kent and questioned him, and then Kent would have fired Bob. And Kent would have been allowed to stay.

Let's say that Bob did contact the board. And then what would the board have done about that? Would they stick there necks out to protect Bob? Heck No! They would have agreed with Kent and said nothing about firing Bob. Nadda! Why? The same reason they always use, they would be advised not to say anything for fear of a lawsuit against them. They would do what they always do, hide behind the provision that they are not suppose to get involved in personnel and hide behind the attorney for the city, Chris Hesse.

It reminds me of the twelve apostles hiding in a room afraid to move until the Lord appeared to them! Well Greer was their god but unfortunately he didn't endow the board with the Holy Spirit as God did, to make them strong and confident. Greer loved it when he scared people. This way he got them to obey his every command.

Conversely, remember when the board of aldermen at first denied Martha Duchild's appointment to the Civil Service Board which is all about personnel.

If they were not suppose to get involved in personnel, why ask the BOA to ratify an appointment on that board, if they are to have nothing to do with personnel? Simple! They were puppets and only did what they were told to do, right or wrong even when it means you can save a person from getting fired or show them mercy.

Once again, the BOA had no backbone and no reason to do anything except listen to an evil person put in a powerful place and that is what the previous administration did.

Most of the board of aldermen and the mayor from Brasfield through to Fagan would do what they always did in any circumstance. Run and hide behind attorneys, the city attorney and Hesse, instead of having any backboard and do their own research.

I agree, blogger, I don't feel that Wuebbels did the right thing and I don't feel like Kent did either. I feel that Brasfield knew and saw for himself what was going on with Kent and let it happen. But I am just saying that when you consider the integrity of at least 5 out of 8 of the aldermen who should have been watching the store, I don't blame Wuebbels for being afraid to confront the elected officials with his problems because he would have not been protected by them. I am sure he was scared to death of them. Greer called Wuebbels belittling names behind his back all the time. Greer had everyone on that board, and the mayor and Kent under a spell. Kent should have had Greer's background checked out before he even hired him, and didn't do it even after Pat Killoren told him a million times to get it done.

It's called rotten politics and it has made Crestwood reek of (what's that word people use on this blog),

7:10 PM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:09 poster 1:28 said Bob's replacement "was dumb as a pile of rocks", just thought some proof on the poster's part would be something all the open minded readers on this blog would expect and demand.
After all, wouldnt want to make a statement that couldnt be supported with proof now would we?

8:21 PM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 7:10, how long did you work for the City?
I agree with poster 4:11, if Bob W. knew the aldermen were being lied to then he should have done the correct thing and told them. That would have been the only honest and correct thing he could have done and he would not have been the first or last person in his position to come and bravely stand up for what he knew was right. It is a shame that it seems he didnt have what it took to do so. If he had, a lot of this would not have happend.
One more point that you should understand,for things to have unfolded as you posted them, a reader would have to believe in vodoo and magic spells,"Greer had everyone under a spell". Really!
Crestwood City Hall wasnt rotten but a Brother Grimm's Fairy Tail?
I guess you can believe that if you wish to, but I find the possiblity of Big Foot being real more believable than Greer casting spells
over all the people you list. The spell thing is fast becoming a joke, and we are laughing at you.

8:34 PM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:34 pm 11/15 Never said I worked for Crestwood. You did! But I knew Bob Wuebbels! I never said he did the right thing. You're not listening.

You said you are laughing at me? Well, whatever floats your boat and makes you feel good, have at it. No one is forcing you to read my comments if they make you mad.

You are obviously sorry to see Mr. Greer gone. I am not. For you to get so upset with my words, must mean I struck a nerve. For you to be so smart and so right about everything, sounds like you are the one who has been around for years, not me. How long have you worked for Crestwood? Or maybe you are the young rookie aldermen that let's his mouth overload his thingy on the dais, and listens to all the wrong people, and loves slamming other board members like Jerry Miquel.

Maybe if you ask Mr. Greer real nice, he can come back to Crestwood some day. Would that calm you down?

Ms. Madrid, Bob's replacement? You talk about wanting proof. Do you have proof to the contrary or only what you have been told? Not!

Such anger you have. Maybe you are under your own spell and maybe people are laughing at you too, and getting a little tired. He who laughs last......

11:16 PM, November 15, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry, cant answer you, i am under Greer's spell for the rest of this week.


4:06 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think there are a lot of things heaped in the basket of our city which aren't exactly chocolate muffins.

Brasfield, the ex-Mayor. What exactly is his legacy??? Seriously. What did he do except lead a debatable Charter Board after he went out of office using an agenda given to him. And after elected Mayor did not pick up the reigns to continue the positive leadership of Mayor Killoren.

Licklider, may well have slepted through through most of it even under Killoren, don't know how he kept his job. And, yes, he probably did hand his greedy and power hungry replacement the reigns which ultimately spelled his (Licklider's) demise. He has no one to blame but himself. And he WON a lawsuit against the city (like who hasn't?)for his being let go. Wuebbels was only a victim of fallout. He probably should have stepped up to the plate and squealed. Ah, hindsight.

Robertson, who!!!
LaBore, who!!!
Fagan, Oh good grief!

Voices quickly forgotten who left very little positive behind, just an empty coffee can in the city.
People who simply let things happen which are now having to be dealt with.

I would imagine the former City Clerk, who resigned, could write a book. Working at City Hall during this time of decline in our city must have been morbid.

Crestwood has been exploited and used as a money pot for many who were chosen to lead, but who merely were puppets to those with the skill and the key to the coiffers.

The job ahead in this city is daunting. The best thing you can do is elect honest and intelligent leaders capable of the leadership needed to keep the city on tract. When you see an Alderman who would rather open his big mouth and fault his peers and do it on a regular basis, you are seeing what is wrong with Crestwood. Real leaders do not choose sides, miss meetings, call names, act abusive, lean on a church or private club to elect them dispite their lack of credentials and integrity and then embarrass them. Leaders engage their brain and share the microphone and ideas.

Your best bet is keep your eyes and ears open. Listen to what comes out of the mouths up there on the dais. If it makes sense and it represents you and the city well, you are halfway home. If it has more fun taunting the Mayor or other Aldermen and does not return your phone calls nor know about teamwork; you best start looking for a candidate who has their eye on your best interests. This is your city, 2 years from now the bad choice could well be gone and forgotten having left behind a very bad taste, but you will be coping with his mistakes and those of his buddies. While you are at it, keep a careful watch on city attorneys and all money spent without board approval. Remember Prop S, you are paying for it.

4:56 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Correction, City Clerk RETIRED, did not resign.

5:54 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh hmmm, retired, or retired early. Two schools of thought on this un.

7:58 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:58 PM The City Clerk retired early. She was very smart to do it. But then again, maybe the CA coerced her into it, since that is what he usually did. After all, before him she worked for Leichliter. And Greer liked to pick his own people. So who really knows if she retired early because she saw the handwriting on the wall and didn't want to get fired or if she intended to retire because she saw what happened to Kent. Fact is, Greer never liked anyone over the age of 45. I think she made a wise decision under the circumstances.

8:33 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll ask her, she is the aunt of a person I work with.

9:24 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now that we can censure an alderman does that mean we can make Mr. Kelleher behave as an adult? His conduct has certainly gained the town's attention and it doesn't seem he always has a lot of real information to add to the subject. It's really sad to see his conduct sometime. Maybe now he will try to control his temper.

9:54 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your front page on this says that Mike Anthony never has any solutions. It isn't his job to solve the problems Crestwood has, it is the job of the City Administrator to do that. It is Mike Anthony's job to keep the politicians honest, which isn't an easy job in this town.

Whether or not Mike Anthony knows what is right for this town is his opinion, and we are all allowed one. Just like your opinion is that Mayor Robinson is leading this town, and I think he's running it into the ground. Just an opinion.

The press is doing their job when they get under your skin the way they obviously have. I hope Mr. Anthony keeps on keeping on. If you don't like what he reports or his opinion, don't read it, switch to another paper, or turn on Fox 2 News and see what Elliot Davis has uncovered today on monies spent on consultant fees, postage for political mailings, or car expenses for department heads that live outside of Crestwood. Maybe he can solve our problems.

10:16 PM, November 16, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Anthony keeping politicians honest? What a joke! Mike failed (or refused) to published the true reason why JIMBO Robertson resigned his Throne as Mayor. Mike failed to report on how Greer covered it up. Mike failed to report on Greer’s “Social Relationship” with one of his hand-picked subordinates. Mike failed to tell us how $400,000 was spent on a trumped up lawsuit to line the pockets of one of Greer’s buddies. Mike failed to tell us how $100,000 could be spent on accounting software that couldn’t count. The list goes on and on. Mike Anthony is just another lazy “reporter”.

10:43 AM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

well since you seem to know all the stuff, why not share it with the rest of us? You will be annymous so what can it hurt?

2:28 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:43 AM 1/17 Three Cheers for you, fellow blogger. I wish I could kiss you for your comments about Mike Anthony and his unparalleled honesty.

I will, however, thank you for your words, and say an extra prayer for you and for telling the truth. I applaud you, whoever you are.

3:51 PM, November 17, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:16 PM blogger: Yes indeed my post does say that Mike Anthony has no solutions! Mr. Anthony has made himself a reputation of coming out aganst those who he disagrees with, but never quite explaining why!

Take the Charter change vote, he was for it, but why? It seems to me that if he is going to (and he is,)blast the leadership of a community, or a school district, or whatever, you might also want to offer suggestions as well.

The Call can be counted on to deride anything, or anyone that Mr. Anthony feels is not in the best interest of ?, and therein lies the question! Is he on the side of the "little people?" No, I dont think so, he was for the Police station. Has he at any time gone after those who kept him in the know via E-mail prior to BOA meetings? No.

We could go on but I think you get my drift. Our mayor and BOA working in conjuction with the C/A are trying very hard to repair the damage done by previous administrations ( most of which Mr. Anthony never had any issues with,)and will need ALL of us to help them.

I see no room for a newspaper writer who only can find negitive sides to our solutions instead of working to help us.

Tom Ford

5:55 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

One has to wonder how an editor benefits from one sided editorials. Writing about the objectives of but one side of every story in a city leaves one to believe the editor is being influenced by this one sided approach despite the fact that advertisers might prefer more discretion be used and readers prefer more balanced reporting. Being totally inflexible by continually supporting an expected negative view of a city's leadership, even in light of the truth as it becomes known, is jaded journalism. Editors who write love letter editorials about indiscreet ex-employees who leave a city under unusual circumstances with full pockets is less than plausible. The identity of disgrace, lawsuits, indescretion and full pockets is a story within itself.

Verbatim transcripts doctored to identify certain officials as deamons and others as angels is not news, it is verbatim transcripts doctored up and being distributed as news. When an editor never deviates from this path, it is highly unlikely they will be considered as a viable source of editorial prowress. Talent is not throwing a log on every fire of our more integrity challenged officials. It does not help a city mend as it is void of hope of all positive possibilities. This type of news is unwelcome in many many homes.

However, when new blood and talent step on a news scene with an obvious degree in journalism and with a tendancy to represent all editorial sides in a manner which gives readers the opportunity to judge for themselves, it more than ever shows the reality of what has gone before. A noticeable lack of vindictiveness and favoritism and a more informal and fitting style for a local paper is refreshing and readers can identify with their city clearly without seeing through the lens of bias.

I continue to wonder how it is that so much hatemongering can come from certain elements on our city's BOA whose objectives are to discredit and bemoan the new administration. And I wonder how any editor can call himself an editor when this is the same battlecry developed and promoted consistently in editorials. If board representation continues as destructive banter, residents will be listening and realizing and reading about those who are the officials on our BOA most likely to place our needs first and their political wiles last. This will mean a 2nd local paper will get the lions share of attention, the one who is objectionable in its reporting. People tend to seek the high road in reporting. A small burb with a small population with a tight purse deserves all the positive hype it can get. It also deserves its officials to behave in a manner which demonstrates the ability to act as an adult.

8:32 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why was Tom Ford entering and leaving the office of the CALL? What was he doing in that den of liberal snakes? Is he a closet liberal?

11:22 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mike Anthony has never had one positive thing to say about Crestwood. Positive things don't allow him to sell advertising space.

11:22 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the City Clerk leaving?

11:24 PM, November 17, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, the City Clerk is leaving. The City of Crestwood is losing a very intelligent and dedicated individual who will be very difficult to replace.

9:28 AM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has to be something Don Greer caused if it's bad for the City and if it's good for the City, the Mayor will take the credit.
Let's see, Greer must have cast a spell on her and now the spell worn off and she sees how bad things are at City Hall
2. is new and she hates everybody at City Hall
3. is causing her to see how poor the current management is.
Darn that Don Juan Don Greer, he IS the root of all evil!

10:48 AM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many employees left or were driven away under the former 2 Mayors and their illustrious C/A? Before you start the blame game this time, do some research. WE are really tired of your cute blame game.

12:20 PM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blame game! I can't touch the blame game you people have put out over the last 18 mths. How can you look yourself in the mirror after making that statement is beyond my understanding of human logic.
Just read back if you have forgotten about the "Greer spell" if you can not recall.
Blame game, my shiny rear end of an old blue suit.
Or I could say, what it isnt Greer's fault?
Oh and one more thing, "WE" needs to get over it and get a life.

12:50 PM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"Why was Tom Ford entering and leaving the office of the CALL? What was he doing in that den of liberal snakes? Is he a closet liberal?"

11:22 PM, November 17, 2006

I am glad you asked that question my friend! I went to the office of the Call to meet with Mr. Burke Wasson reference the mailing of the 26 page missive on the Charter vote!

It seemed to me that this was an un-called for expense by the City, and an underhanded method of the Charter change folks to get their message out (their letter was on the front page.) To that end, I took a copy to Mr. Wasson thinking he would want to do a story on why this was done!

I was wrong, he had no interest at all, and, now that I reflect back on it, I should have known that. After all he works for Mike Anthony, and as such would never have been allowed to write any story that was contradictory to the beliefs of his boss! And to think I thought he was going to be "objective!"

"Closet liberal?" Please! Call me whatever you wish, but never, never, never call me a liberal! To be a liberal is to know nothing of accomplishment, for a liberal only wishes to "feel good" about anything, not do anything!

So, as Paul Harvey would say, "now you know the rest of the story!"

Tom Ford

1:11 PM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am wondering why a person with Claire McCaskill stickers on their care was delivering fliers for Tom Ford.....This person--who was very sweet by the way--must be a liberal to have a Claire McCaskill sticker on their car. And aren't all liberals bad according to Tom? I am confused

5:10 PM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:10 blogger, That is a very sweet person! By the way they are not liberal, just a Reagan type democrat, so what would you expect, a Bush sticker?

Tom Ford

6:50 PM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a surprise. Burke Wasson walks the line for Anthony and Milligan. If he has indeed decided to syle himself after them, it is a shame. There for awhile, I thought the much needed more positive type articles he wrote would become his personal "way." If he has lost his savvy and his soul, in accordance with the usual tripe of the CALL, it is a shame. A career at the CALL - amazing!

7:04 PM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Word is the City Clerk is moving across the river to a town called Fairview Heights.....

7:45 PM, November 18, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:45 PM BLOGGER: I, for one hope she dosen't leave at all! But sometimes it's good to make a change to grow in your career.

I will say this though, if she moves to Fairview Heights, that is a step backwards no matter how you look at it.

I pray that she is a little bit swifter than that!

Tom Ford

8:23 PM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we sure she is leaving? I know that Greer has been rapped pretty hard on this blog, but his hiring of Ms. Cottle and Ms. Tate are examples of his best efforts for the City. Just ask Mr. Myers who did most of the work on this year's budget.

8:48 PM, November 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just to squelch any rumors and set things straight, Mrs. Cottle's husband has taken a job in another state.

8:46 AM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Thank the Lord she hasen't gone over to the "dark side!"

I will hate to see her go, but I do wish her and her family God speed, and good luck!

Kim has been a breath of fresh air at City hall, an excellent employee, and a joy to talk to. I have never seen her with anything but a smile on her face, and she has been a great asset to all of us!

I hope, and pray we will be able to find a person as well qualified with the personality it takes to work with the likes of us, and still get things done!

Good luck Kim!

Tom Ford

9:44 AM, November 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is Mr. Ford's blog so he can call Liberals anything he wishes. However, I told a couple of Crestwood friends about this blog site and got a call back advising me they had voted for Mr. Ford for Alderman and when they read blogs on his site found him to be totally a different individual than portrayed in his campaign. Even though they said they are not blazing liberals, but are Democrats, they are somewhat insulted to discover that this "INDEPENDENT" blog is hosted by a rabid Republican who makes it abundantly clear he cannot abide liberals, whatever that is. For those insulted by this insular stance on an open blog I guess they feel liberal has been communicated as a 4 letter word. Not a great idea to go away with in America. I would hope those who write good things on this blog and those who sign their names especially, are a little more tolerant.

1:58 PM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:58 PM blogger: Unlike some on this blog, I am what I say I am! At no time have I told you or anyone else on this blog that I was anything but a conservitive!

That said, I am not going to compromise any of my core belief's to placate you or anyone else. Giving something to someone for nothing does nothing for them, nor will it help them in the long run.

Could it be that since Crestwood is a conservitive town you feel that a "rabid Republican" is a danger to you? If so, please read another blog, as your not going to be fullfilled here, and I am not going to start singing "Gumbi`a" at this late stage of my existance.

In closing, I find it very hard to believe that anyone in this hemosphere would take me for anything but a conservitive!

Tom Ford

3:23 PM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

1:58 blogger: Unless I miss my guess, I believe we know each other very well!

Welcome to the blog my friend!

Tom Ford

3:50 PM, November 19, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

As I thought, the earstwhile blogger of 1:58PM fame is none other than one of the most famed sailboat skippers in the mid-west!

As he wishes, he shall remain "anonymous" (allthough he is an accomplished local actor,) until he wishes to bloom forth with name, rank (Capt.,) and serial number!

You will note that when I answered his missive, I seemed a bit harsh! That was to insure that I had the right party.

Folks, believe me you will love reading the posts from this gentleman, as he is one of the most witty (albiet liberal,) people on the planet!

Welcome aboard skipper, and may we all enjoy your witty banter!

Tom Ford

6:23 PM, November 19, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:58 11/19 I have voted Democrat and Republican in my past. Staunch party politicians hate to hear that. But I have always based my vote on research and what I feel the person has or has not accomplished, not based on their party affiliation. That's what my parents taught me and I am proud of it.

Please don't start getting this blog involved in political parties. If you don't like anyone making reference to what party they like, don't be stupid enough to retaliate with a comback. Just ignore it.

I am sick to death of politics getting involved with motives, or how we feel about one person over another. If a person has a comment, does anyone care what party he believes in? It's their actions that will tell you the story of what they really are and if they can be trusted. By their deeds, you will know them...

If someone says something harsh about either political party, just don't bother giving it enough credence to answer it. I feel it is better to just ignore it because this blog is suppose to be about Crestwood. Our mayor and board members are non-partisan. They should be acknowledged by what they do for us and how they serve the City.

When you start fighting about politics, things can get real ugly, real fast.

Sandy Grave

3:50 PM, November 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

You are of course right Sandy, we coulden't care less what party anyone is connected to! Crestwood is, I believe somewhat insulated from that madness.

For the record though, both parties have liberal and conservitive members, so I guess it's a moot point.

That said, I am still not going to take warm showers with a liberal!

Tom Ford

6:04 PM, November 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:23 PM 11/8 Trueblood is indeed in alliance with The Call. The Call became prominent because of Robertson. Then Fagan took over. The Call bases it's ability on being biased and will always put down this administration. Mr. Anthony isn't even sneaky about it.

Since Trueblood hates Roy in every way shape and form, it is no surprise that he embraces The Call.

I understand that Trueblood made a statement at a board of aldermen meeting accusing the mayor of many things.

I just wish that he would delineate them on this blog because I couldn't attend that meeting and would like to hear what he and his wife had to say about how bad this mayor is and what exactly did he do that was any worse than what his political pals did during the Fagan/Robertson years.

Mr. Trueblood would you please give us a run down?

11:27 AM, November 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just what one would expect from Trueblood. Get up and publicly criticize a Mayor. He did it while he served and he cannot and will not hang it up. Now though he brings along his ever lovin and they do a tag teamie. His time is up and he should be, if things had been done right, enjoying fruits of labor. Instead he was part of a very bad administration whose leadership did nothing to enhance the city and its bottom line. In fact, we almost got a 14.5 Million Dollar city hall we did not want nor need. We also saw a very shady side of our city leadership which we can only hope is gone forever. Not a proud legacy for the old guard which continues to envoke vengenance at every opportunity. Grown men with playground mentality and very noticed by the residents.

This minority of troublemakers cares not for this city. If they did the CALL and the one loudmouthed ignorant alderman presently serving would not keep banging on the same tired old drum. They don't spell progress, they spell decay. If they had an ounce of decency this behavior would be replaced with a dedication to Crestwood that transcends their need to operate in a private void.

It's time to play grownup.

4:52 PM, November 26, 2006  
Blogger tim said...

for Truwblood's blog and views.

5:24 PM, November 29, 2006  

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