This weeks issue of the Suncrest Call is out!
Well this week there is not much on Crestwood for a change, but still there are, as always some interesting articles to read!
As usual, please click on the header to be directed to the papers web site.
Tom Ford
As usual, please click on the header to be directed to the papers web site.
Tom Ford
What is the status on the person who hacked into your website?
What a shocker!! Burke Wasson admits that he and others who work at The Call are Demoncrats!! Who knew?
9:17 PM blogger: so far I have established the IP address (,) which translates to a person on the site at the time of the blackout.
I have relayed this information to the proper authorities, but have heard nothing so far. I may never hear as they may just pounce on this idiot, and let it go at that.
Tom Ford
1:29 PM blogger: Re. Burke wasson.
"When you are one and twenty, if you are not a liberal, you have no heart! When you are one and forty, if you are not a conservitive, you have no mind!
Winston Churchill
Burke will come to see the light, but Mike Anthony is another story. I believe Mr. Anthony has "drank the coolaid," and we know he's past the 40 mark, so?
Tom Ford
"The trouble with our liberal friends are not that they're ignorant:
It's just that they know so much that isn't so."
- Ronald Reagan
Forgive the length of the post:
You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.
You feel guilty for being successful.
Barbara Streisand sings for you.
You have two cows.
Your neighbor has none.
You have two cows.
The government takes one
and gives it to your neighbor.
You form a cooperative to tell him
how to manage his cow.
You have two cows.
The government seizes both
and provides you with milk.
You wait in line for hours to get it.
It is expensive and sour.
You have two cows.
You sell one, buy a bull,
and build a herd of cows.
You have two cows.
Under the new farm program the government pays you to shoot one,
milk the other, and then pours the milk down the drain.
You have two cows.
You sell one, lease it back to yourself
and do an IPO on the 2nd one.
You force the two cows to produce the milk of four cows. You are surprised
when one cow drops dead.
You spin an announcement to the analysts stating you have downsized and are
reducing expenses.
Your stock goes up.
You have two cows.
You go on strike because you want
three cows.
You go to lunch and drink wine.
Life is good.
You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and
produce twenty times the milk.
They learn to travel on unbelievably crowded trains.
Most are at the top of their class
at cow school.
You have two cows.
You engineer them so they are all blond, drink lots of beer, give excellent
quality milk, and run a hundred miles an hour.
Unfortunately, they also demand 13 weeks of vacation per year.
You have two cows,
but you don't know where they are.
While ambling around,
you see a beautiful woman.
You break for lunch.
Life is good.
You have two cows.
You have some vodka.
You count them and learn you have five cows.
You have some more vodka.
You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.
The Mafia shows up and takes over however many cows you really have.
You have all the cows in Afghanistan , which are two.
You don't milk them because you cannot touch any creature's private parts.
You get a $40 million grant from the US government to find alternatives to
milk production, but use the money to buy weapons.
You have two cows.
They go into hiding.
They send radio tapes of their mooing.
You have two bulls.
Employees are regularly maimed and killed attempting to milk them.
You have one cow.
The cow is schizophrenic.
Sometimes the cow thinks it's French, other times thinks it's Flemish.
The Flemish cow won't share with the French cow.
The French cow wants control of the Flemish cow's milk.
The cow asks permission to be cut in half.
The cow dies happy.
You have a black cow and a brown cow.
Everyone votes for the best looking one.
Some of the people who actually like the brown one best accidentally vote
for the black one.
Some people vote for both.
Some people vote for neither.
Some people can't figure out how to vote at all.
Finally, a bunch of guys from out-of-state tell you which one you think is
the best-looking cow.
You have millions of cows.
They make real California cheese.
Only five speak English.
Most are illegals.
Arnold likes the ones with the big udders!
I doubt if your report to the proper authorities regarding your hacker will be answered. That IP address is used by users of Blogger world. See below. You don't seem to be very computer/ internet/network knowledgeable.
IPs of the new Blogger publishers. The IPs are: and
What are the IPs of the Blogger publisher?
If you are using Blogger to publish to your own website and your host blocks by IP, you will need to allow through the IPs of the new Blogger pubishers.
The IPs are and
So much for the Crestwood "INDEPENDENT."
Last I heard they were rounding up all the liberals in the city and giving them a bar of soap.
Long live Democracy!
1:13 PM blogger: What would the bar of soap do for them? A liberal by any other name (washed or not,) is still a liberal!
By the way, "Independent" means you can post what you think, and I can post what I think, and unless it's nasty, it will stay on here.
I am sure that your thoughts and dreams for Crestwood deserve to be heard, thus this blog.
Democracy, well it's eaven better than that, you don't have to use your name, nor do we ask you to stand up in front of your peers to make your remarks.
Post away fellow blogger secure in the knowledge that while not all will agree with you, you still can put your two cents in!
Tom Ford
Dear 1:13
The reporting 'Press' is supposed to be unbiased in it's reporting of the news, but they're not. The Call's story about the Charter Amendment vote was amazing!
"Crestwood voters OK measure adding censure to City Charter"
The (unbiased) story was that four of five amendments FAILED, please reference the SOUTH COUNTY JOURNAL. Instead, the Call's story about the Charter Amendments was written to save face (Anthony's previous editorial favoring all five amendments) and focused on the only one that did pass.
Burke, as Tom mentioned, it's time to 'get a clue' and stop drinking the Kool Aid!! How about some unbiased local reporting? Oh yeah, I'll depend on the Times or Suburban Journal for that.
The Call: Statement of purpose:
"We dedicate ourselves to our views only and not to the public, holding our welfare in the highest regard and standing firmly in opposition to any who would oppose it."
Doesn't everyone by now have M.Anthony's number? There is not enough fabric in the world to cover his red faced bias. He reminds me of a puppy dog lapping up the love of a little boy. A true follower. Apparently the kind of kudos he needs is given by the minority lowlife's in Crestwood's political life. Perhaps it is a cocktail or golf game nod here and there. Let's hope the sacrifice is worth it to him.
I have been hoping that Mike Anthony will do a story on my Ward Two Aldermen reference constituent contact.
As you know from past posts I have sent an E-mail to both Mssrs. Pickel, and Kelleher (about the Charter mailing) which have gone un-answered. Now, I know that doing the business of the City is very time consuming, but I would have thought that a short note would have been nice, why I would have even settled for a "drop dead" just to know they were still alive!
I picked up their E-mail addresses from the City web site, and I am wondering why we are wasting the band width if they have no intention of returning their mail!
If any of you have a similar tale to tell, please tell me and we will make it a new heading, as this is not showing me "represenative Government", since without contact they have no idea what my thoughts or wishes are!
Tom Ford
Why don't you pick up the phone and call them like a normal person.? Or, since you all live in the same ward, stop by their house for a personal visit. Not everyone communicates by email. And I am sure the cost of the bandwidth is negligible. Or better yet, why don't YOU try to run for office again. Although, I wonder if some of your comments on this blog would come back to haunt you......
5:08 blogger: Come back to haunt me? I doubt that very much!
"Normal people" use E-mail every day, you should try it, why there are vast new horizons out there you might discover!
Call them? Why would I do that? They need to work with ALL of their constituents, not just the ones who fawn over them on the phone, or at their door! I know this may shock you but I only wanted an answer, I have no interest in socializing, or smoozing (Iwill leave that to certian factions in town,) just respond to my E-mail.
Run for office again? in a word, no! Why not you say, well I am getting a bit long in the tooth, and health problems prohibit my walking the Ward, so I will leave that up to younger people.
In closing let me say that you really tried to defend the defenceless on this one, they were wrong for not answering, and you know it, but, well done anyway!
Tom Ford
You really have some misguided notion about "certain factions in town" reference the cocktail circuit and schmoozers...what exactly do you mean about this?
Moi, mis-guided, but no! Now since you want to know what I mean by that, well, why answer because I think you allready know "what I mean by that."
Say what you wish, but you and I (and the rest of us,) know what I am talking about, dont you!
Furthermore, if you think I am mis-guided, lets open this up for comment by everyone, and see what they think!
Tom Ford
I thought this blog was to share information. I don't know what you are talking about. Please explain. This is very sincere.
I continue to look on the blog for someone to define the purchasing policy at city hall. This $8000 study, was it part of the policy or not? Was it okay, or not. If the policy is too loose, does it need to be changed. I don't think residents are going to stand still for spending behind backs regardless of who has the clout. One C/A with unlimited power is enough. This is not a dynasty. It is a city in debt with hope for positive change which we will continue to look for.
Did no at city one see the gent up there discussing this $8000 study and ask what is he doing here?
Is there anything being done to reduce the legal expenses in the city and the cost of the city attorney which are excessive for this size city? Did I say excessive?
Can we hire a new city attorney who is not political and whose writings are concise, clear and not politically inspired?
Why is the code person full time? Are we not a very small city with debt?
Is comt time such as the former C/A P/C accrued to the point of ridiculous being discontinued??? Or at least limited???
Also, did that fire engine get sold, and if yes, where is the money being deposited????
Will residents ever again have to pay for a city mailing by a non elected board appointed to fill the agenda of an ex-Mayor and his tribe? This was an insult to the constituancy. Why was the BOA not consulted? Where was the C/A? Why will no one answer this?
Please remember Aldermen in some wards to not return calls nor answer questions.
If a new city clerk is to be hired, will there be a probation period so that the city can determine if the person is neither political nor un versed in municipal expectations? Will a job description be presented for this position and yearly reviews?
I hope someone will answer these questions as they are much more important than this civil war that takes place daily on this blog.
To 12:33 November 20th:
When it becomes available, please check the agenda for the December 12th board of aldermen meeting.
It is the intention of the Civil Service Board to present the revised Civil Service Rules and Regulations at that meeting, provided there is time in the agenda. If you attend this meeting, I believe you will receive the answers to a couple of your questions. If you are dissatisfied with what you hear, you will have the opportunity to make a statement.
Martha Duchild
12;33pm blogger: Reference the City purchasing policy, please refer to my post NO. 237 which, if you click on the header will bring up the entire policy for your review.
There are several things you can do to get answers from the City fathers. One good way is to make an appointment with Mr. Frank Myers, the Mayor, or Mr. Jerry Meguel. Every time I have asked them a question, I have gotten the answer, or they refered me to the person that did.
The City Attorney is another matter, but you can come to a BOA meeting he is at and ask him all the questions you wish (he gets over $200.00 per hour so he better have the answers.)
As for the rest of the questions, well someone on this blog will have the answers believe me.
Tom Ford
Our City Attorney doesn't seem to ever have the answer at the tip of his tongue. But then I wouldn't either if I got the going rate to 'take it under advisement'.
The Call has to sell ads to support itself. They like to "stir the pot". Come on now, you know you can't resist picking it up each week whether you like it or not.
Crestwood-"The 1 cent city"
10:56 pm Blogger. I resist reading it; I called and told them not to deliver it to my house.
The Call was a nothing paper until it became friends with the x-mayor Robertson. When Robertson became mayor, that's when it started to gain popularity. When the battle between Fagan and Roy began, Mr. Anthony being unprofessional and biased, and started stirring up the pot and he has been doing it ever since.
Mr. Anthony will use his writing skills in the negative against this administration until the day comes that his political friends get into office again.
When that day comes, he will never say another cross word to create chaos in Crestwood. It's been that way since Robertson put him on the map.
What's this? In today's edition of The Call, Burke Wasson says Miguel and Nieder should be commended? Could The Call be destroying their bias against the Robinson administration? Or could it be possible that perhaps Wasson (maybe not Anthony) is not as biased as he has been said to be on this very blog? Personally, I like his idea to cut half a cent off the sales tax to Grewe. For someone that said he's a low down dirty Democrat, isn't Mr. Wasson on both sides of the fence now? And unlike Anthony, he's giving us an IDEA. Agree or disagree. You've still got to say the young man's trying at least to put a good face on Crestwood. Cutting the CID? GREAT suggestion. Wish one of our aldermen would suggest that!
It's not a liberal-conservative battle in Crestwood. The previous mayor was supported by a Republican...
Crestwood politics are more along the common sense & no sense party lines.
3;31 PM blogger, very good point indeed!
Tom Ford
4:52 PM 11/22 "The Call destroying their bias against the Robinson administration"? I doubt that. Just throwing them a "bone" to make us believe they are going to be professional journalists. That's all it is. You will still see all the negatives brought out again so just wait a few minutes, and the positives will be gone again.
I guess you could say that they report the facts; some good, some bad.
Somewhere on the blog someone suggested if there were any questions for the city attorney they could be asked at a BOA Meeting.
A show of hands please for those who think this $200/hour guy would answer the questions.
Sorta reminds me of the 2 ward 2 aldermen who don't return phone calls and e-mails. Residents in this ward have to call the aldermen in Ward 3 for their answers.
You know, residents, if you are dense enough to put up with this, you get the gov't you are getting.
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