Crestwood public works team performs an outstanding task !!!
Ladies and gentlemen, I left my sub-division this morning with a truck full of ice, and snow! As did many of you I drove around down wires, trees and branches on my way to the court house (I have been on jury duty all week!)
The really great news is that I never once had to drive on a street (until I left Crestwood,) that was not plowed and salted! On the way out of my street I met up with a plow being driven by a man (0650) who was obviously tired, but just as obviously determined to complete his assignment, I stopped and thanked him for the great job he had done on my street!
This is the sort of dedication and hard work our Crestwood employees put in for us every day, and I think we all owe them a vote of confidence, and a thank you for a job well done! So the next time you see a Crestwood employee, take a minute to stop and thank them for their service to our community, it will go a long way, believe me.
Tom Ford
NO. 254
The really great news is that I never once had to drive on a street (until I left Crestwood,) that was not plowed and salted! On the way out of my street I met up with a plow being driven by a man (0650) who was obviously tired, but just as obviously determined to complete his assignment, I stopped and thanked him for the great job he had done on my street!
This is the sort of dedication and hard work our Crestwood employees put in for us every day, and I think we all owe them a vote of confidence, and a thank you for a job well done! So the next time you see a Crestwood employee, take a minute to stop and thank them for their service to our community, it will go a long way, believe me.
Tom Ford
NO. 254
Mr. Hill and his troops have always done an outstanding job.
However, it should be noted that their equpment is in pretty bad shape.... they haven't been able to buy and new truck in in years thanks to the Police Palace fiasco.
12:53 PM Blogger: All the better reason to thank them for a great job! Not only do they do it, but they do it with equipment that takes repairs prior to being used.
Thank goodness the 14.5 million was not spent! Now if we can get the wheels back on the track, well maybe Santa will bring us a new plow!
Tom Ford
if the $14.5 million was not spent on the Police Palace then why do we not have new equipment?
Good question fella. But then you know perfectly well where the money went. Think real hard. You can do it.
Besides, the former C/A and his mistress walked off with a cool settlement which represented all our wonderful employees raises; the legal bills were outrageous in the last years; wanna see them, the ones with no description? Check it out, pal. The costs for the architects and the change orders for the police palace plus the Licklider settlement and several sexual harrassment settlements pretty well ruled out new equipment, etc. etc. Lawyers fees, again. Then of course the former C/A traded in a city car for a BMW and then collected $830/Mo for it to drive 6 blocks to work. Then when a city loses revenue due to a reduction in retail tax revenue, but the ex-Mayor and his goons prefer to think BIG, ignoring reality - well the soup does get thin.
These are the lumps, guy. Your attitude does no more than illustrate the ignorance displayed whenever you shift into low gear.
you mean to say that all the $14 million went to payroll expense? Isnt the General Fund where that is paid from? The $14 m went into the Capital Improvments fund. Dont understand the tone in your reply but all I am doing is asking a question. Where did the $14,000,000 go after Police station rebuild was stopped?
According to the budget - $700,000 was transferred into the General Fund. I have asked when that amount will be repaid to the Capital Improvement Fund but have gotten no response. It seems that the new CA and mayor can do almost anything they want without formal board approval. Never saw that discussed in the meeting minutes.
Anyone know?
$14 M transferred where? At what time was this amount of money fluid capital? Are you kidding me? As for the $700,000 you mention, I would suggest you ask again. The C/A was not hired to suppress information and should be reminded of this. But I suggest maybe your theories are incorrect. If your accusation is thus, then he is obviously not a partner in our future. We have had all the secrets we need. And if we ever have this much money to throw around, need we a tax increase? Accounts or no accounts, money is money. One should be able to ask about the bottom line. This city can no longer function on speculations, we need facts that hold water.
7:33 am 12/5 Wake Up you are still asleep. We had no money in the first place to build anything. We didn't have two nickels to rub together. That police facility was going to be built with borrowed money paid back by taxes. Don't you know better; doesn't everyone who is broke, build homes they cannot afford to build?
Did you ever get an answer from your Ward 2 aldermen regarding your inquiry about the charter mailing?
Poster 11:58 so if what you say is true, then the police palace that poster 12:53 on 12/4 notes, did not keep the City from buying new equipment. I am correct in my understanding now?
So the City borrowed the money to build, just like you and I borrow to buy/build a home, am I correct or have I missed something again?
The $700,000 transferred from the Capital Improvement Fund to the General Fund would have been more than enough to pay for the annual installment for the police facility. That amount does not include the $1mil paid back for the roof and bad architect drawings. Seems there was plenty of money. NOT NOW - it's in the General Fund. Yeah for the new CA and mayor. No need to attend meetings, etc. They will do what they want.
12:06 blogger: I have never heard from either of my Aldermen by phone, mail, E-mail, telegram, somke signal, short wave or in person reference the E-mail's I have sent.
They are important people don't ya know (just ask one of them's relations,) so how can I, a lowely, member of their ward (from the worng club at that) even think I deserve an answer?
Someday, perhaps in my next life, I too will be included. The only problem with that is I would never join a club that would have me as a member! (Groucho Marx!)
Tom Ford
Folks, we never had the 14.5 million to begin with! That was to come from the bond's that were defeased after the fuss about the project caused the BOA to drop it.
A very prominant citizen has been looking into the 750,000 for some time now, but seems to run into resistance from some on the board whenever he brings it up.
I have heard that the 750,000 was used to pay the cost of defesement of the bond's, but I don't know if that's true or not. The one person who can tell all of us where it went is Mr. Jerry Meguel! He has been a great watchdog, and believe me he will share the information if you just ask.
I only hope the 750,000 was not used to pay back part of the TDD fisaco with the swim club, because if it was, well, let the games begin!
Tom Ford
Seems it is about time to find out. If it takes more lawyers fees then so be it. If there is even a smidgen of corruption involved in any of this, the residents are owed the truth. Why should all the money we don't have be used to payoff city administrators and one of the girlfriends, plus the insurance payoff from a former Mayor who resigned? Itis time to take the lid off. The sooner the better.
3:11 12/5 After you build a home, a bigger and better one, where do you get the money to keep it up if you have none? What about unanticipated expenditures that come up on every job site and those costs that you never thought aboutuntil after your building is build?
I agree. The actions of our former Police Chief/CA, his girlfriend and a certain former Mayor who "resigned" need to be aired. What we are going through now has their fingerprints all over it.
Why don't you file a freedom of information act with the City to get the info you want?
At least that will stop all the quess work and you will be able to publish on this blog what you get.
The money was supposed to come from the retail sales tax increase that was pushed down our throats in the City's newsletter just like the recent property tax increase was. Both stories were not completely factual. Why are citzens not allowed to post an opposing view in this newsletter? We pay for it.
They were doing what we pay them to do? Not sure I would call it outstanding.
I'd rather have my street repaved than plowed...
Don't forget you can take your questions and concerns before the Board at their twice monthly meetings. And there are a few aldermen on the board who return calls and e-mails. I hope one of them is your alderman. Or, you can write a letter to the TIMES, a local paper which assumes a neutral stance and prints letters which make good points.
Dont' forget our Mayor when he ran said that since he was retired he was going to be a full time mayor not a part time mayor. The mayor said he would be there for us 24/7. Ask the people who were at the warming center at City Hall when the power was out, the Mayor was up there handing out hot coffee and blankets/mattress provided by the evil church across the street, St. E's. He was in there with the little people sharing in their discomfort.
It was the police officers who took care of those who stayed there. Thank them.
Well, now, let's see. There are 9 members of the BOA, ALL of which stopped in at city hall warming center to visit with those trying to keep warm. NOT.
Roll Call - Were any of them there? Some don't even return resident calls or e-mails, so your being critical seems only slanted at the Mayor. Strange the importance you put on the Mayor when it is convenient. Is this, then, your favorite thing to do? Hate? As for the church, I don't think referring to it as "evil" is in the least cute. No one considers them evil. Where did that come from? Are you a hate monger? Churches, however, historically help out in situations such as this and apparently this was no exception. I think it probably helping out in situations such as this is all in a days work for our police. I thank them.
You just never give up, do you?
11:36 am Dec. 7th Blogger. I guess the police officers took it upon themselves to be there. Who gives the orders to the police chief and works with the chief to get something done? The Mayor. But in your narrow minded attitude, you feel better slamming the mayor for this one also. Probably isn't the first time you've done it either, is it?
If that makes you feel better to think he wasn't there personally to hold your hand, so be it. Be I guess it isn't in your realm of mental computation to think that Chief Paillou and all department heads report to the CA and the Mayor. To bad for the mayor, he should have been there to hand out blankets, and autograph them for posterity. Ridiculous.
Come on now, that's a bit over the top expecting the Aldermen and the Mayor to hand out blankets, don't you think?
People came to get warm, not for a "Kodak moment," so why would anyone expect any of them to be there?
If it's gotten to the point that someone from government has to be with us at every step, were DOOMED!
If it ever happen's again, call me, I will come down and tuck you in for the night, and sing you a bed time song!
Tom Ford
9 aldermen? 2 per ward, 4 wards?
on this very blog a post was made saying that St.E's had cast an evil shadow over Crestwood.
6:24 Pm blogger: It's all on the site for you to review! Please find me that comment and I will delete it!
Tom Ford
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