Khol's TDD meeting set for 9:00 AM on Tuesday, 12/19/06
Please plan to attend the meeting of the TDD commission at 9:00 AM on Tuesday, 12/19 (City Hall chambers,) There should be some interesting points concerning the parking lot issues that have been in the forefront this past year.
This is a great chance to see your government at work folks, so why not attend if you can.
Tom Ford
NO. 261
This is a great chance to see your government at work folks, so why not attend if you can.
Tom Ford
NO. 261
Since this is an important meeting, was it planned so our elected officials can attend? If not, why not?
If it is an important meeting, and it concerns our city, then why is it scheduled during working hours? I do not consider it a legitimate meeting unless our entire BOA can attend.
Why is it at 9 A.M.?
I am sure the mayor has a good reason for the timing of this meeting, just like the first Ways & Means meeting were held during working hours so the Mayor could go to his country home on the weekends.
I am sure there is a perfectly logical reason that it is being held when few of his supporters, much less his critics can attend.
Hear Ye! Hear Ye!
Check out Armstrong Teasdale website.
City of Crestwood, Crestwood Point (THF Realty, Inc.) A TDD used in conjunction with a TIF project to provide improvements to Watson Road and public parking at the Kohl's development.
What happened to Crestwood's city's pool?
How can the City of Crestwood approve of $850,000 in the Kohl's TDD that was signed by former Alderman Gary Vincent as a private transaction?
Where is the evidence stating that the sale of Crestwood Swim Club can be included in Kohl's TDD?
Does all of the former alderman have a notarized memo stating it is legal to include the sale of a private swim club in a TDD that is supposed to be used for State Roads?
What makes a TDD bond tax-free?
Is the money for a TDD bond actually borrowed from the Federal Highway Department?
Who is going to jail?
Who is advising the City of Crestwood to give THF $850,000 for the old Crestwood Swim Pool property but is not stated in any court papers?
Isn't this a private transaction between former Alderman Gary Vincent acting as President of Rosebrook Real Estate and a member of Crestwood Swim Club and THF?
What legal documents authorized our Mayor and Board of Alderman to include a private transaction?
Are you sure it is only $850,000?
Is it true that former Alderman Gary Vincent received close to $1.4 million for their parking lot and old swimming pool location?
By the way, is it true that Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club has water and parking lot easement rights to the parking lot they sold to the City of Crestwood?
Is this called "land irregular sales" in the terms of IRS?
What promise did Mayor Robinson make to Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club since he was a former member?
How soon is our Mayor Robinson moving permanently to the farm before he permanently breaks the City of Crestwood?
"Also - regarding the Swim Club - all BOA minutes refer to THF Realty acquiring the property." It would appear that Armstrong Teasdale does not agree with you at all, the following is from their web site, dated 4/17/06, and I quote.
"Representing the City of Crestwood, Missouri, the group is using a TIF, a TDD and a CID to finance improvements related to the Crestwood Point development at Watson Road and Sappington Road. The TDD and CID aided in the acquisition of land to expand and improve the city's existing government center parking lot and relocate the city's swim club."
Now these are the people who will sell the bonds, no? So, please tell me who is right, and tell all of us what's going on here!
Tom Ford
Is Crestwood Swim Club a private pool or a public pool for the citizens of Crestwood?
I am confused by all of the changing on Armstrong Teasdale's website?
Can you please post the evidence that allows the $850,000 to be included in the Kohl's TDD?
I am curious who signed the memo and when was it notarized.
Is it true that former Gary Vincent, Alderman Pat Duwe, Alderman Breeding, Alderman Kelleher, Alderman Bland, Alderman Pickels, former Planning and Zoning Green have a memo justifying their the conflict of interest with Crestwood Swim Club/Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
Please post so all can see the signmature!
What is a junk bond?
Who will be present at this meeting?
Who has been invited?
Who appointed former Alderman Gary Vincent on the Board of Adjustment for the City of Crestwood form 2004 to 2006?
Isn't our city attorney, Golterman, a member of this private swim club???
What goes here?
Wasn't mayor Robinson's son a lifeguard at this private swim club?
11:00 12/17 So Robinson is the one who broke the city!!!! Boy, I had that all wrong! Thought that happened on somebody else's watch. Where have you been for the past 10 years, hiding under a rock?
Don't worry your pretty little head, if he doesn't run again, people like you who think they are so intelligent, can run in his place. Then the city will rise from the ashes and we can all thank you for leading us to the promised land.
10:45 PM blogger: they took it off when it was pointed out to them that it was not the "Cities pool!"
11:07 PM blogger, see above. They thought it was the Cities, but one of our residents pointed out that is was a private club.
11:14 PM blogger: I have never heard of any evidence that would allow the pool to be included. After all it is private, and as such shoulden't be funded by public funds of any sort! As far as signatures go, you will have to file a FOIA form with the City to see who signed what, and when.
Well, all of this may come out in the wash tomorrow, and maybe not, but one thing is for sure, answer time is very near, so let's all watch and see where it goes.
Tom Ford
Oh wise what you are saying is that the public funds have never been used for private property. HMMMM...seems that that public funds are used all the time for private property. Case in point. The 1-41 expansion project. All sorts of private homes were purchased with public money to make way for this road. Same with the Kohl's development. The money was used to acquire whatever property that was needed in order to proceed with the development. I am sure you would have asked TOP DOLLAR for your home if it was in the way of the development, wouldn't you. Or, would you just offer it up for the betterment of the community. Perhaps you could event load all of the debris from your home into your own truck and then cart it over to Whitecliff park for a bonfire! FABULOUS!
Let's see sooth sayer (look it up,) the public pay's for a private pool with taxpayer money, and you think it's ok?
Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I rest my case!
Tom Ford
Just got on this site for the first time. I have heard about it before from a neighbor. She thinks that only a handful of people get on here and I think she is right. After reading a bunch of the different postings on here I have come to a conclusion (the same one my neighbor has come to). Mr. Ford, do yourself a favor and close down this site! This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen on the internet and that is saying alot! I know, I know, if you don't like the site then don't get on the site! That is true and I won't be coming back but you are making yourself out to seem almost senile! I can't believe I wasted my vote on you. I would always look forward to seeing you at BOA meetings but now I think I will avoid you. Stop discrasing yourself!
Gee, thanks for stopping by, but, I am never at the BOA meetings, and what's "discrasing?"
Tom Ford
Note the "spending bill earmarks" remarks by President Bush! Have we seen this type of idea before? Locally perhaps?
Cut and pase for the radio address!
Tom Ford
It's spelled "disgracing" and this blog is talked about...a lot. The last thing Mr. Ford should do is shut this down. This blog gives us all a chance to vent. Thanks Mr. Ford for being a gracious host.
By the way, do we know the names of those on the TDD Commission?
Tom, you remind me of Ted never answer a direct question and you talk in circles. The taxpayer's money was not paying for the private pool, the taxpayer's money was paying for the land to develop an eyesore property. It does not MATTER what was purchased, it only matters that the land was made available for the development to move forward. That's it. You keep trying to turn it into some class issue about the private pool. The 'private pool' is no country club. Westborough is a country club. Greenbriar is a country club. You sound like a pretty ritzy guy employ a lawn service. Must be nice.....
It is! When I come home the lawn work is done! Ritzy guy, gee, I don't think so my friend!
By the way, an improvement of an apraised property ($88,000.00,) and then "blighted" by the City, does never (in my book,) come up to $850,000.00! But then again what do I know.
I am going to leave it up to the experts (IRS, securities and exchange commission, Fed's, State Attorney, and the State auditor) to make those decisions.
We shall see what they think about it.
Tom Ford
well, so far the auditors don't care, the IRS doesn't care, FED's don't care, state attorney doesn't care and apparently, Elliot Davis does not care either.....
Ok, Dear Blogger, how did the swim club get something like $800,000 when the county assessed it in the upper $80,000s?
The property was purchased for the Kohl's development, AND if this TDD goes through, then TAXPAYERS or SHOPPERS - same thing, will reimburse the developer for the purchase with this TDD. SO, taxpayers money (if this TDD goes through) will reimburse a developer for the purchase of the swim club property - is that not correct???
Pray tell blogger, how I can get such a deal? As a previous blogger said before --- FABULOUS!!!
7:30 PM blogger: Correct! But the operative word's are "so far!"
Sell the bonds, and then.........
Tom Ford
The following is taken from the Missouri Auditor’s website:
Transportation Development Districts
March 2006
Report # 2006-12
“Our audit disclosed various issues regarding the TDDs in the areas of public
awareness/involvement, and accountability and compliance, including:
• There is no requirement for the public to be notified when a property owner(s)/developer files a petition with the circuit court to form a TDD. In addition, public hearings regarding the establishment of TDDs are not required to be held.
• Neither registered voters nor their elected representatives are involved in the decision to levy taxes for most TDDs.
• There is no requirement the petitions filed with the circuit court include any information
regarding estimated transportation project costs or the anticipated revenues that will be collected over the life of the TDD.
• There is no requirement for an independent review or oversight of TDD transportation project costs or other expenditures.
• There is disagreement over whether the construction of a TDD-funded transportation project(s) can be started prior to the legal establishment of the applicable TDD.
• Most TDD sales taxes are not collected by the Missouri Department of Revenue, creating less assurance over the controls and monitoring of such revenue.
• Many TDDs had not filed annual financial reports with the State Auditor's Office (SAO), as required, and the current audit requirements related to TDDs need to be reconsidered.
• In many cases, significant project costs were initially paid by the private developer(s), who were then subsequently reimbursed by the TDD after bonds or other debt had been issued. Such reimbursement process weakens the accountability over project-related costs.
• The revenues of TDDs located in TIF areas are being handled in different manners, and in some instances there is not adequate assurance TDD sales tax revenues are only used to pay the TDD's share of bond financing costs.
The audit recommended the General Assembly review the issues addressed in the report and work with the Missouri Department of Transportation, the State Auditor's Office, and other governmental entities to make necessary revisions to the TDD-related statutes.
All reports are available on our website:”
8:14 blogger..It's called luck sweet pea. That piece of property was needed by Kohl's in order to locate a store on the corner of Watson and Sappington. They needed overflow parking...there was a pool in the way. They wanted that corner bad enough that they paid top dollar for it. Simple. Watch out, your lack of business acumen is showing.
Attorney Gary Vincent
Where is Preident of Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
Practice Areas: Commercial Law; Creditors Rights; Bankruptcy Law; Real Estate Law; General Civil Litigation
Admitted: 1977, Missouri; U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Missouri
Law School: St. Louis University, J.D., cum laude, 1977
College: University College Cork, Cork, Ireland and Rockhurst College, A.B., magna cum laude, English/Philosophy, 1974
Member: The Missouri Bar; The Bar Association of Metropolitan St. Louis.
Biography: Phi Alpha Delta. Order of the Woolsack. Law Clerk to Hon. John E. Bardgett, Supreme Court of Missouri, 1977-1978. Speaker: "Discharge Issues," Missouri Bar Association's Annual Bankruptcy Institute, 2006; "Bankruptcy Update," UMKC Review of the Law, 2003; "Back to the Basics: Bankruptcy Realities," Mortgage Bankers Association of Saint Louis, 1996; "Effective Mortgage Foreclosure Techniques in Missouri," 1994. Alderman, City of Crestwood, Missouri (1998-2004). Board of Adjustment, City of Crestwood, Missouri (2004-2006).
Who appoints the Board of Adjustment?
How long are the terms?
How many members are on the Board of Adjustment for the City of Crestwood?
How did former Alderman Gary Vincent acting as Rosebrook Real Estate President preside on the Board of Adjustment for the City of Crestwood?
Who signed and approved of the water rights and easements between the City of Crestwood and Rosebrook Real Estate Company/Crestwood Swim Club?
Is this a conflict of interest?
But if you're a member of the Crestwood Swim Club, jump in, the water's fine -- and it's paid for by the additional 1% sale taxes paid by Kohl's shoppers.
What happened to the original 3/8 Sales Tax Rate?
Was Richard P. Moore the formerly Administrative Director / County Clerk of St. Louis County in 2003 for the THF Crestwood Point Development TDD for Kohl's?
When was his last day?
Yeah, right.
It might be nobody's bidness, if the developer was paying its own way. But the sales tax paid by the public at this Kohl's will go in part to subsidize the developer and in part to pay for a new pool for a private club.
The developer, THF Inc., first offered $250,000 for the 1-acre pool site, but that sum was deemed insufficient by the swim club. So THF settled on $850,000 and looked for a way to generate more cash for the project.
Technically, the one per cent TDD sales tax won't be used to pay off the pool -- instead, it will pay for driveways and lights and such -- but all that money is fungible, moving around to enable the developer to cash out the swim club.
Let's not put everyone to sleep with too much detail about the difference between a TIF, a TDD and a CID. Believe it, explaining that convoluted mess makes a drug dealer's money-laundering seem like simple arithmetic. It boils down to this: Crestwood wanted to develop that busy corner, but to do so, the $2.2 million TIF subsidy wasn't quite enough. TIF funnels a portion of the new, or "incremental," sales-tax money from a development back into the project to pay off its cost. The swimming pool was outside the footprint of the TIF district but was needed for additional parking. So a TDD was formed to raise more public money, to be paid off with a one per cent sales tax to be collected at the proposed Kohl's.
How many parking spaces does Kohl's really need for their store?
How many people park where the old Crestwood Swim Club pool was located?
Go look at the parking lot is filled. That is what Kohl's requires...overflow parking for the busiest shopping days of the year. Isn't that what everyone wants in this town...plenty of people shopping in Crestwood? Everyone wants that,yes, unless of course it somehow benefits Crestwood Swim Club.
I don't mind reimbursing the swim club for a fair price. St. Louis County assessed it at $88,000. Fair market value would have been around $100,000 or so? How did they (whoever they are) come up with the figure of $800,000?
Too bad Crestwood Plaza's lot isn't filled - oh yeah, that's right, some of the shoppers went to Kohl's. Brilliant choice. Really helps the plaza out.
What if your house burnt down...would you want your insurance company to pay you the assessed value of your home or the replacement value? I am sure you would only want the assessed value, right?
"Too bad Crestwood Plaza's lot isn't filled - oh yeah, that's right, some of the shoppers went to Kohl's. Brilliant choice. Really helps the plaza out."
What would you have put at that location?
By the way, Kohl's would have gone to Kirkwood - that would have really hurt not only the Mall, but the City to.
Additonally, Khol's probaly helped the Mall more than it hurt it by being at that location. The Mall's problems have nothing to do with Kohl's being located across the street.
Let's talk about this pool thing. Let's find the right page. This private swim club sits in an unsuitable location inconveniently placed between two resident subdivisions, with shared parking for our city hall. It was paid $850,000 (Kohl's TDD) to resettle in this new locale. It's value was no where near this amount. This quirky deal is now being exposed. The amount was outrageous, totally out of line. The original approval was outrageous and the enablers were and are office holders in this city. The old pool was not of this value. It was an outdated cracked old pool. The new location created an opportunity for greed perpetrated by a slick city slicker and his pals. The city has a municipal pool big enough for all. This relocated pool has created a traffic problem, inconvenience, litter and noise. It is a total outrage to the city and the neighborhood. Let's say this slick city slicker is an attorney, a former alderman, a member of Rosebrook Realty and probable broker of this deal and was joined by at least 4 continual puppet aldermen who sat in various positions on both the BOA and the Planning and Zoning Commission. Sounds like a show ready for Broadway. The cast of characters actually thinks the people of this city are in the dark on this matter. They think it is so convuluted that the legality is not worth pursuing. Think again.
When the shoe of this matter starts to fit, it is likely it will be "worn."
If we can move a historical home to a new location on Pardee Road, it is highly likely this pool could and should have found a new home. Shady and shoddy politics should also find a new home. Someone else should "eat" this $850,000 and put an end to this travesty. Besides, it is a grand insult to this city to, for a moment, consider this private swim club any less than a nuisance brought on with the help of the 850,000 and some darkness and politics provided by people sworn to uphold our city government. The mere fact it ever happened is an disgrace. That this kind of opportunity was seized upon by political nuance is a sad regret visited upon Crestwood.
To the sitting BOA of Crestwood, it is time to stop this sludge. To the sludge itself; I have enjoyed seeing your vindictive and absurd comments on this blog. In itself, it has told the whole story. The only relevance it has provided is to expose the already known caliber of some of the pool members.
This menagerie of sloth and their mother lode Real Estate Co has been aided by an ex mayor, an ex city administrator and his assistant and a bevy of aldermen who ran for office to protect this pool and the table under which the money was distributed. Well, folks, Dodge is older and wiser and poised to clean up the sludge. The pool in which you have been dunking is tired of being drained. Anytime a property gains this much profit, under these circumstances, it should expect to be considered ripe for review, as should those who aided and abetted the deal.
A few clarifications:
Ask the managers at Dillards and Famous if Kohl's helped the plaza out. Even still, ask the manager at Sears. See what they say.
I would have liked to see a Garden Ridge or something different - something to COMPLIMENT existing businesses along Watson Road - not compete directly with an ailing plaza.
I believe the assessed value of the pool was $88,000. Talk to a real estate agent. Normally the county's assessed value is somewhere around 80% of market value. How did the pool's value jump to $800,000? CAN ANYONE give me a satisfactory answer?
If something happens to my home, there is NO WAY that my insurance company is going to give me approximately 8-10 times market value!!! Replacement value is just that - enough to replace.
So, was anyone at the meeting this morning or are we going to continue to rehash old hash like has been posted so far? If not, guess we will have to wait till the CALL or the TImES reports on what happened.
From what I have been told the meeting was attended by several of our citizens (eaven though they clearly were not expected!) The "meeting room" was set up for a holiday party, so Ms Daley said they would hold it in Mr. Meyers office.
When they got to his office there were no chairs for the citizens, and Ms. Daley didn't seem to want to move to other locations (I am told she was a bit miffed that people were there.)
The jist of the meeting was that Alderman Miguel refused the offer of the chairman's job, and introduced a letter written by a citizen challanging the idea of any TDD monies being paid to anyone for the pool reimbersement.
The bond folks said that nothing could be done reference selling the bonds until these matters were resolved, so the whole thing was tabled until next year. In my estimation this is the best thing that could happen, citizens getting involved so that we do not loose revenue.
I know some will say that it's an extra tax, we don't pay it! Well it darn sure will reduce the TDD by $850,000.00, and that will get us tax monies sooner, rather than later!
The folks who wanted a new pool got it! Now it's time for someone to tell THF Realty that if they wish to be reimbursed for the funds they laid out to buy it, they need to contact the pool's stock holders.
We will be watching for the next meeting of the TDD commission, and as this time, there will be local citizens in attendance, so please Ms. Daley, this time make some room for them!
Tom Ford
Do you think it would only cost $88,000 to replace the pool?
Thank goodness for Jerry Miguel...he is really stickin' to the man isn't he. That is so awesome! Who was the mystery resident who sent the letter to Jerry...why isn't that posted?
The Call and the Times were not there at the meeting this morning.
Yes, thank goodness for Jerry Miguel!
Is the letter from the author of the DeKathi code?
Miguel for Mayor in 2008!!!
That would be the absolute ruination of the City. He wouldn't win anyway.
Miguel really gets under your skin, doesn't he?
Yes, Jerry Miguel does get under my skin. He does not make sense. I think he is a show off, grandstanding here, grandstanding there, grandstanding everywhere; blocking progress as he grandstands. He likes to show off to his constituency; the odd cast of blindly loyal followers. The unsophisticated crowd, really. So yes, he does get under mys skin
Who really cares if E.Dailey was miffed. Who gives a really big hoot. City Hall belongs to us all, as does its business. Does this employee really think she can pull a Greer and eliminate the residents from the sunshine of city government? Good try, lady.
It is time for her to go. High time. We all have her number and we know who she represents and who put her in this job and why. Care to ask??? Before she buries herself deeper in this, best she resign. She is now part and party to the whole bond shenanagin.
Actually a half way decent commercial real estate person could help us bring in the crop and save us this woman's ridiculous salary. We are still in tax and SAVE mode aren't we? How about we ask Mr. Myers? It has been asked what this lady has brought in and you know, guess what, no response. No defense.
And, a meeting like this had better never happen again without proper timely notification to the public. Ms Dailey, you are not running the show.
Now to repeat ... Ms. Dailey, your number is up. Now we know exactly what you do.
As for the Mayor, best you get out from under your mushroom, sir, and remember who it is you represent. Playing both ends against the middle is getting tiresome.
As for the comment about Mr. Miguel. Wow, he sure has somebody's goat. This is good. This is very good. For we know the name and number of this goat.And when I say WE, I mean a whole whole lot of people in this town who don't wear blinders and who fully plan to be on the right side of this bond item and who fully plan to attend all meetings.
Repeat! Ms Dailey, please find the exit door. There are a whole whole lot of people who consider you useless to the needs of our city. You don't begin to compare to the rest of our wonderful employees. Perhaps Armstrong Teasdale could fit you in.
Bye Bye.
I hope that Mr. Ford removes that libelous posting about Ms. Daily...he probably won't because Mr. Ford agrees with the poster...that is why it will stay. What a hypocrite.
He is senility personified!
Miguel asks the pertinent questions. At least he and Nieder asked some of the basic questions of Grewe. It seems Grewe is on the fast track to get a 2 mill CID and no one knows how much he will invest in the project. Too bad the other aldermen did not ask some basic accountability/investment questions. If you want grandstanding, listen to some of the harsh diatribes of the other aldermen.
Has Grewe contributed to the campaigns of any of the aldermen?
Why were some on the board so willing and ready to establish a 2 million CID without knowing what Grewe himself will invest in his project? How high do some of these aldermen think our sales tax can go? 10%? 20%? 50%???
What businesses have come into Crestwood as a result of the work of Ms. Dailey? a result of the economic development commission?
To the 8:37 PM blogger: Mr. Ford does not agree with the poster, but Mr. Ford will allow the poster to speak their mind.
I will also allow the 8:48 poster to make the LIBELOUS remark about me being "senile!"
You see, it cuts both ways, so if you wish to pop off whatever remark you think is interesting, I will allow it (remember, no profanity please,) but if it get's out of hand, off it goes!
Now you know my stand, If you want to continue to post, please do, if not, well have a nice life!
By the way, I thought you were "never coming back!"
Tom Ford
Blogger 8:11 pm:
"blocking progress as he grandstands" What Progress??
Miguel is more like an E.R. Doctor trying to slow down all the money bleeding out of this City.
He asks a lot of questions, does a lot of research, crunches a lot of numbers, has integrity and stands up for what he believes in.
Id vote for Jerry before I'd vote for Roy again, he has disapointed me with his actions and not keeping his promises.
Blogger 10:16 PM:
"They wanted that corner bad enough that they paid top dollar for it."
Give me a break. Would they have paid top dollar if a TIF wasn't involved?
I second that 10:07 PM. I think a lot of people feel that way.
Kohl's TDD board minutes from 12/19/06 9M
A resolution to enter into an Administrative Services Agreement with Development Dynamics LLC: and authorizing certain actions in connection therewith like reconciling and administering budgets for the TDD project.
Click on Wood River Case!
Was this the same project that Don Greer handled for Wood River?
What is Tom McReynolds Appraisal Company?
What is contributory value of blighted property?
Will contributory value reduce the capital gain taxes?
Perhaps blogs that make you mad are just part of the blog scenario. Thus removing a blog about either the city hall employee or for that matter, Mr. Miguel, are most likely a defense mechanism. Facts and fair to one person are not facts and fair to another. Each of us judge by our own personal standards. In Crestwood, it is a full time job just looking behind the scenes. What matters is results, attitude and performance.
Mr. Miguel, however, does seem to be representing his constituancy and in fact doing a good job of it.He is not a grandstander. This is a tired, old and false phrase. But, this is a blog, remember. If the woman mentioned is doing her job, then it would seem she has negotiations going to fill Pier 1, Jim Butler Chevrolet and an ongoing dialog with Westfield. But we never hear about this, we only hear PLANS. This leaves a gap in understanding.
It appears that the one blog merely gave someone the opportunity to malign Mr. Miguel without really addressing the issue of why that meeting on Tuesday was so secret and why development is hit and miss and the bond issue so obviously such a big secret. Using Mr. Miguel to assuage ones anger over anothers comments does not seem grownup to this blogger. But this is a blog, remember.
After this Grewe CID issue, I think we need to give our aldermen basic competency tests.
Blogger 7:24 AM:
It should be a requirement before being allowed on the ballot :)
Why doesn't the City use it's Web site to communicate with us?
Until the Mayor and Alderpersons have blogs there really is no need to be critical of this blog.
I could care less what name, if any, people sign on their blogs.
I also don't care about putting names on blogs. There are those on this blog who are the epitomy of anger gone bad. Why would anyone want to be seared for their opinions by others who think their opinion is the only one?
For exampale, a contingent of the private swim club in this city is so vengeful that it has produced a whole culture of hate fed by the fact that the ward it is in has produced the worst and most single minded aldermen the city has ever known who march to the tune of "Oh My Gosh, you found us out."
This charming group honestly believes that the rest of us don't know how they received what they did for the new pool. So, when anyone even mentions the pool, our pathetic Ward 2 Aldermen or the backroom tricks, they go ballistic and the bloggers who mention this become fodder. We know who this pool group consists of, and we know why they are so vindictive. We have grown accustomed to their vitriol. It has now become an amusement. The comic section of this blog.
This is another example of not informing the public at BOA meetings. Just like the 3 day planning meetings; there was a BOA meeting the Tues. prior to the meetings and not one word was mentioned to the public. Should have been covered under new business?????
Try looking up the approved BOA meeting minutes for the last few meetings - won't find them posted online!!!
The city has never been good at informing the public of its business.
not true, only since this group got in has there been a problem. Under former leadership the city website had a chat fuction in which you could directly ask questions and post ideas,etc. It closed up about 3 wks after Roy was elected.
I remember that. But the city has never been good at informing the public.
Grewe certainly contributed to the mayor's campaign.
Do you know the amount?
thousands of dollars in both elections Roy ran for Mayor
11:57 AM Blogger & others. Here we go again with the last few comments!!! Nobody has nerve enough to sign their name, but they know all about how much money Grewe contributed to Roy's campaigns. Do you bloggers believe this tripe???? With no backup and with no signature???? Come on, are we all "buttoned in the back".
Listen, anybody can claim anything on this blog and not be accountable going anonymous. Anybody can sell us a line of "bull" but are we stupid enough to believe it when they hide in the shadows?
We read about bad people who instigate and fabricate things all the time. You see how people get ripped off all the time by believing the wrong people. What makes us think that a portion of all of these anonymous bloggers are telling the truth when there is so much political tripe in this town. I say some people on this blog just like to stir up the pot.
So if you sign you name, fellow blogger, and tell me how you know so much about Mr. Grewe and how much of a campaign contribution he gave to Roy's campaign, I may believe you; but my next question would be how much did he contribute to Fagan's campaign when he was mayor and Robertson's and Brasfield's? I mean let's be fair OK? Grewe has been around Crestwood for a long time as you know. If he wants to get in with this mayor, I am sure he did the same thing with other mayors too. But you don't wanna talk about them, I am sure.
Also, Mr. Grewe is not, and I repeat NOT on my top ten list of favorite people, but he is a smart businessman, and does what smart businessmen do.
We do not have to give him everything he wants. BUT it takes more than the mayor to shut him down. Remember? We have 8 aldermen. The mayor isn't the deciding factor, my friends, it's our board of aldermen. The mayor can't do squat by himself.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sandy Grave'
just check the Mo. Secy. of State website and do some looking and you will findout how much money who gave to whom. no need to guess or fret, it's all there and it's all good.
If the mayor cant do squat by himself why did he promise to bring Crestwood back if we elected him? He didnt say anything about needing help from any alderman. Now he claims he does, sounds like the old bait and switch plan.
11:26 blogger. But you didn't answer my second question. How much did Grewe give to other mayoral campaigns? Seems you are only interested in slamming this mayor for accepting campaign contributions. How fair is that? Seems you are only interested in making this mayor look bad for taking legal money.
As far as bringing Crestwood back, why would anyone even think he could do it single handed. You mean you thought he was going to bring the City back by himself? Did you think he was one of the three Wise Men? BUT What Roy didn't count on was a board that never wanted him there in the first place and was not going to work with him on anything - whether it was good for the city or not. Why? Because most of them were again "Playing Politics" period, end of subject.
Say what you want but I will tell you that up until now, this mayor has had practically no support on anything from the board who refused to cooperate with him because they were too busy being "cry babies" because their candidate lost. Tom was a great person and I adored him but he lost because he let Greer take over the city. I called Tom personally and begged him to make sure he made the right decisions.
And he turned around and gave one person too much power.
Again, how much did Grewe give to other mayors. I want to know.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sandy Grave
uh Sandy - this mayor has had support on the board since the last election. what year are you living in? the question asked was whether grewe gave to alderman - as if to insinuate they voted his way for payment. when we say he gave to the mayor - you say it doesn't mean anything. which is it?
To answer your second question: all info on giving and spending for elections in Crestwood can be found at site noted.
Not trying to make mayor look bad, he has recently done a pretty good job of that by himself with his flip flop on budget spending of $9000 for "warm and fuzzy" meeting this year, support of the Animal Control board requested changes, and support of the C/A's plan to make Crestwood a speed trap in order to raise more income. Was just trying to clear the air on where and how much this Mayor received from a developer with major holdings in our city, and who this Mayor has appointed to sit on committees of the city, that's all. If our goal is to move forward,it seems a bit stupid to use a defense of "we arent as bad as the other guy in the past was". As has been pointed out several times on this very blog, the job of the citizens and Aldermane is to question everything now happening so the past will not happen again. That is what Alderman Miguel is doing.
Sir, no need to get smart with me as much as you enjoy it. The questions I answered were not about the aldermen and Yes, I am living in this year. So you can put me down all you want and give me your rath, but you got the question I answered wrong and made an incinuation on top of it.
I answered Blogger at 10:20 AND 10:29 and 10:57 AM on January 6th. So stated:
"Grewe certainly contributed to the mayor's campaign" "Do you know the amount" "Thousands in both elections Roy ran for mayor". SO, who said anything about the aldermanic candidates accepting money? Where did I say, "it didn't mean anything".
I said that this mayor, on his own, cannot do anything without his board members. Before this April, are you going to sit there and tell me that Roy had a supportive board? The reason that's important is until this past April, there was no way he could keep any campaign promises cause most members of the board were non-supportive. Without board approval his hands are tied.
Yes, I get angry when people want quick fixes. The darn city has been in a snit for over 10 years but we want someone to fix it NOW. It don't work that way.
Run for office and you will see!
I agree with the the blogger at 11:08 in some respects. But you and I know that Mr. Grewe has been around a long time. Who cares what he gives to what mayor unless you want to make one mayor stick out over the others. He still cannot give Grewe anything without his board's approval.
What I don't like blogger Mr. blogger at 11:08 AM, is the fact that you keep pounding at things that every mayor does like this one is an exception. All mayors since 30 years ago that I know of have appointed people to boards that they consider would make good candidates. Friends? Sometimes, yes! Relatives? Maybe! If they are good people, what does it matter. Maybe Roy should have asked Tom Fagan whom he should appoint!! Get my drift? I am just trying to make a statement here.
Look, let me say that if you stand on your comments as you see them, so do I. I have been very passionate about my city. If I didn't think that I knew what I was talking about, I would be like most of you and not sign my name. I care what happens.
I may not have run for office, but I have knowledge; pardon me if you don't think so. And as long as I can give my opinion, it may be food for thought for some other person. So no need to get upset; I know that I can come on strong sometimes but I really do it because I really care and have concern.
I have always loved Crestwood as you have; but I refuse to sit here and listen to people who just want to make statements about this mayor when he has used the same criteria as others on several things. It's not fair and it's politics.
Once again, I said nothing about the aldermen and campaign contributions to set the record straight.
Yes, the past is the past except when you start hanging this mayor for picking people he wants to serve on boards, and for accepting contributions from anyone when others have done the same. It means nothing because 8 people have to agree on every thing in this town; not just the mayor.
The board of aldermen have to either accept Grewe's ideas or they go in the round file and it is not predicated on the contributions he made to the mayor, and it has nothing to do with singling out this mayor for accepting them from anyone.
Thank you for your consideration and I am really sorry if I see things differently than you. Just thought you would want to know.
Sandy Grave
If Roy had asked Tom who to appoint, we would'nt have gotten Tom Tench on
P & Z! Mr. Tench has attended 40% of the committee's meetings that he is the co-chair of. So much for appointing friends, vs. people who can do the job.
5:42 pm That may be true and that is one example; however, is that the only one you can come up with?
What is your solution? Do you have one? Maybe whoever gets to be mayor should just go to the mall and ask the first person he sees to serve on a board so no favortism is shown. I am sure that's what Fagan did!
What I am trying to say is why would anyone pick someone they know absolutely nothing about to serve?
And don't give me that stuff that Tom Fagan would have picked all the right people because it happens to every mayor. And, of course, here we go again with the shame on Roy bit, as if he just doesn't do anything right.
What I am saying is that this happens with lots of people who serve on boards. They want to serve but find out that it doesn't work out. In that case, they should resign.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sandy Grave
"uh Sandy - this mayor has had support on the board since the last election...
10:19 AM, January 07, 2007 "
Some support. But prior to this election and even now, there are those on the board that are not what I would call supportive.
Yes that's right even Jerry Miguel is drawing away from supporting Roy.. Anyone care to quess why that is?
Well, as you have noted by my comments, I don't agree with some things that have been said by prior bloggers. I will agree that there is room for improvement all the way around in Crestwood, but that's always been the case.
There is always work to do and things to be started, fine-tuned and recreated for the betterment of our community.
But I also know that the more some things change, the more they stay the same. What I mean is that the things being said about this mayor regarding what he has done or didn't do, are things done the same way by other mayors.
The bottom line with all of it is that, no matter what we think or what we say about our mayor and board, in the past or present, the people of Crestwood will control their own destiny and elect whomever they choose. And when they decide that it's time for someone different, that's what it will be. And everyone on this blog and in Crestwood will have to get use to it, whether they like it or not.
I get worked up about things, and by your comments, I can tell that many of you do also. But I am hoping that this continuing story will have a happy ending and Crestwood can again move forward in the years to come.
I think I am done speaking my mind; and I am sure you are done listening. Hopefully I haven't offended anybody by doing it.
I made a resolution that I would let things go this year, and be done worrying or concerning myelf with what happens at city hall. But it use to be so much fun for me, getting involved with our residents and working with such good people, that I forget that was then, this is now.
I just want better things for all of us in 2007. Hopefully there will be.
Sandy Grave
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