MERRY CHRISTMAS CRESTWOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please click on the header to be directed to the History channels site that will give your, and the kiddies the "History of Christmas"
Happy holidays to all!!!!
Tom Ford
NO. 263
Happy holidays to all!!!!
Tom Ford
NO. 263
When you say happy holidays to all, does this include the Crestwood Swim Club members? Are they excluded from your greetings? Are you wishing any liberals in Crestwood Happy Holidays? How about Mike Anthony? What about Ellen Daley and the Grewes...are they included? Don Greer? The Ward 2 Alderman?
Christmas came early for the swim club members and Grewe. With a new and expanded pool, the swim club members have done well for themselves. To go from an assessed value in the $80,000s to $800,000 in buyout and relocation fees is quite the Christmas miracle! So is getting a 2 million dollar CID from the city without divulging how much you plan to invest. So Mr. Grewe should have the Christmas spirit! Mike Anthony seems to be doing fine. Miss Dailey looks like she is going to get a nice raise this year. All of the people you list have a reason to celebrate. Don Greer retired and got a nice compensation package along with a new job. The Ward 2 Alderman? Pickel seems pleased with himself and I wonder if the other one is going to get a new bow tie for Christmas?
They should all have a Merry Christmas indeed.
But what about the residents of Crestwood? Do they have a reason to celebrate?
The other residents of Crestwood have the Mayor they elected as their reason to celebrate. After all, wasn't putting him in office the answer to all our ills? Hasn't he been "bringing Crestood back"? Look at the early present Grewe got from the Mayor with the CID he could have vetoed but didn't. Didn't the Mayor promise to get rid of Greer, but the fact he didn't tell us how much it was going to cost was just a small over sight. Look how the new C/A the Mayor brings us spends the $1,000,000 surplus from Greer's 2006 budget in his 2007 budget. I'm sure Ms.Daileys 1% raise was a part of that spend-a-thon called the 2007 budget. Think how we are all better off with term limits, yet no one has yet to file for any of the Alderman races. Wonder what the Charter says about empty seats on the Board of Alderman? Wonder if the Mayor would get to appoint people to fill those positions if no one ran? Then we wouldnt have to worry about bow ties.
2:59 PM 12/23 I have just come from the home of a friend who is house-bound by sickness this Chrismas. I have another friend who is young and confined to a wheelchair the rest of her live. I just thank God that I am alive and well to wish everyone happy holidays.
If we feel that saying happy holidays is only for those of our liking, then we do not have the Christmas spirit.
The Crestwood Swim Club members like their new pool. I would too if I were a member, it is gorgeous. I don't belong to it and all the members should not be on the black list just because they belong to it. Most of these people have no clue what was and is going on. They pay to enjoy it and nothing more concerns them.
If and when things come to a head and things always do, where we can see the issues in black and white, and know there were bad deals being made by swim club officials, we can make a decision. So why shouldn't we wish swim club members a happy holiday? When I see things on the table that proves bad judgement, etc. it will be a different story. The truth always has a way of coming out.
We can dislike Mike Anthony or we can start our own newspaper. He remains accountable for what he says and we cannot stop him from doing it. I called his office and choose to not receive his paper any longer. I hope he has a nice holiday; I just don't like some of what he writes! My Call!
Ms. Daley is leaving Crestwood of her own choosing and is pursuing her career. She is controlling her own destiny. I say bravo! Happy Holidays.
Mr. Grewe has made a name for himself in this community and others as well. He is not on my top ten list, but I am not in a position to change what he does. That's why we have elected officials. Mr. Grewe has been around for years. But it is up to our elected people to make sure he is making our community better.
The Ward 2 aldermen were elected by the people. If they do a bad job, next time around we will find others that do better. But I have no reason not to say Happy Holidays.
Don Greer????????????????????? Ha! You got me there!!
Sandy Grave
Well done Ms.Grave, well done.
S.W. Malter
4:37PM "Ms. Daley is leaving Crestwood of her own choosing and is pursuing her career. She is controlling her own destiny. I say bravo! Happy Holidays."
Is Ms. Dailey leaving Crestwood?
Yep! And a $6,000 raise was not enough to keep her here (see 2007 proposed budget). Our City Administrator and BOA (minus Miguel and Nieder(absent)) tried, but failed, to retain her services.
Was Ms. Dailey responsible for any businesses coming into Crestwood?
What achievements has the Economic Development Commission been able to accomplish?
Bottom line - has Crestwood seen any results?
she prevented Westfield from selling the Mall.
Well Ms. Daley, may you enjoy your new environs, whever thay may be!
And to the 2:59 blogger: well the holidays are for sharing, so " Happy Holidays!"
Tom Ford
8:37 PM
Oh really???
Perhaps Westfield should sell the mall.
Perhaps we should all get back to the theme of this thread which was Merry Christmas!
Now, that in and of itself may be wrong as I know there are many other celebrations now being bantied about. That said however, I am still a Christmas kind of guy, so...
Swim Club
Don Greer
Ellen Daley
Mike Anthony
The Grewes
Ward Two Alderman
City Hall
Liberals? (just kiddding)
And to whom ever I may have left off the list that you wish to add, please do so.
Seriously folks, our differences are not the sort of thing that cann'ot be forgotten about during the Holidays! They are not earthshaking, nor are they part of the holiday we will be celebrating!
As for me, and my family, we all wish you and yours a very safe, and happy holiday, and if your on Joshua Dr., stop by for a bit of cheer!
Tom Ford
By the way don't forget to use the "Norad track Santa" link, as it's up and running, and the kiddies will enjoy it!
Tom Ford
As the day winds down I find myself thinking of days spent on a new sled, an Aircraft Carrier, and various other places I ended up on Christmas day!
Whether I was in Cleveland, Ohio, off the coast of S.E.A. Laos, or right here in Crestwood, Christmas has always been very special to me, and my family.
The Ford family hopes and prays that your day was the most pleasant in memory, and may the year 2007 bring you all the joy and happyness you deserve!
Tom, Linda, Mike, Scott Ford
PS: If you see Linda and the yellow "Steeler mobile" out today, tell her happy birthday, for today is in fact my brides birthday !!
It is good to see hearts expand at Christmastime. For the most part, the spirit is real. For others, it is a mere statement that goes with the time of year it represents. A rote message. I wish the good part would remain all year for all people.
It is good to see Ms Grave offer her largesse on this occasion. It seems quite tempered from her past blogs. So this newfelt stance is a change. "Eveyone is wished good until bad is proven." EXCEPT, for her exception of Don Greer. Hopefully, she will allow each of us our exclusions to "Merry Christmas" since she has made one.
The same would apply to Mr. Ford. He laughingly says Merry Christmas to a list including Liberals then writes "just kidding." He frequently posts a jab at Liberals. Being Liberal does not exclude one from the human race does it? I would think they have the Christams Spirit, too. While I am by no means a Liberal, I am also not a neo-Con. Rather, I chose to find the best in both parties and go from there. This is a seed which once planted should grow. But I can easily say the last 6 years has been a real eye opener. So translate that any way you wish. I am a realist.
All of a sudden, Ms. Grave and Mr. Ford think bloggers should be less argumentative and more forgiving on this blog site; so, is there hope some slack can be cut for the Liberals and Mr. Greer.
While personally I think the others on Ms. Grave's list don't necessarily deserve a lump of coal, I also don't think they have been in the slightest good for this city. Thus I would chose to deep six hypocrisy and say Merry Christmas to those who I genuinely mean it for. For them I open my heart to express the real meaning of Christmas. This is a very big list.
Ah, 2:56 PM blogger: Did you notice I placed a question mark next to the "liberals?" that was in jest, and not seriously intended!
I do in fact blast liberals from time to time as I see that hard core sort of thinking as the root of this countries problems. Let's review some of the finer things they have done.
The ACLU sue's any town with a Christmas display on town property.
Store clerks no longer say "merry Christmas."
Illegal's now have more rights than some US citizens.
ACLU sue's towns that try to keep illegal's from getting section 8 housing.
NAMBLA is now an ok thing!
The list goes on but I think you get my drift! This blog is for you, post as you wish, and so shall I. Thank you for your fine contribution, and I hope we shall hear from you again soon!
By the way, the job of a "blog master/mistress is to keep the chat flowing. So far it seems to be working, so don't take everything as gospel.
Tom Ford
Dear 2:56 PM Dec. 26th.
I do hope, whoever you are, that you indeed had a great Christmas. And yes, there have been several times when I could have been called argumentative. What about you? Have you always remained calm when things are said that you know are wrong, or purposely said to make people look foolish for no good reason?
And yes as stated in your comment, "everyone is wished good until bad is proven". Is that not fair? Actually, that's the biggest and most important part of your blog message/comment.
I appreciate very much that you have not totally and openly condemned me, as it can be very scary to sign one's name to this blog and not know who is commenting back.
Further, to speak regarding your comment,......
as far as what I have witnessed for myself, Don Greer doesn't want or need a happy greeting from me or anyone. He does very well left to his own motives and expectations.
Don Greer is for Don Greer and nobody else. If you don't fit in his plan, you are cut off at the knees. And I deeply dislike those kind of people so I have my reservations wishing him any greeting.
I saw a movie called "Scarface" where Al Pacino was "Scarface" one of the many mad men rebels of history. I remember what Al Pacino said. "Once you get the power, you get the girl ...and once you get the power, you get control". I will never forget those words as they are so appreppo in this case. He wanted total control of a kingdom and that kingdom was Crestwood.
We in Crestwood are people of substance and values. We can't even begin to understand what happens when people come in and use our values to undermine our trust and honesty.
I am as guilty as others for getting angry at things, but I would never be angry if I thought good people were not being used in the wrong way. They were used and abused and Greer wasn't happy until he controlled everything and everybody.
He had the mayor and board under a spell and it was wrong. Oh sure, he acted like he never wanted to be city administrator and Dr. LaBore and others believed him. Any kid can play act to get their way. He knew what buttons to press! I remember so well, the now deceased Bill Kramer, Fire Chief telling me years ago that Don Greer wanted to be City Administrator. Ask his wife, Irene, if you don't believe me. Bill Kramer was right. Greer put on this act like he didn't want the CA job. How "humble" of him NOT. He was waiting in the bushes for the chance since years ago. And that's why I am glad he is gone.
I have lived here over 30 years and I can tell you that this city is honest and fair and full of decent people.
We the people of Crestwood deserve to be treated fairly and so do the employees who work hard every day in city hall. They don't deserve to have to look over their shoulder for fear they are being watched and maneuvered. If that's what Greer thinks makes a good City Administrator, maybe he needs to go to North Korea. Sounds like he has the same ambitions.
So thank you for not taking me to task with my words....I am just a person who feels that Crestwood is worth more than keeping people around that want to do nothing more than become a dictator.
And, I will say again, if those who are in charge of our city now or in the future show us by their actions that they are not interested in it's future, and by there actions show us they are acting immoral, unethical, and are self-serving and egocentric, we need to get them out of office cause this city hasn't got time to putz around with foolishness. Thank you for your consideration.
Sandy Grave
Talked to someone who is a manager at Victoria's Secrets and she says they have been told the mall HAS BEEN SOLD.
Everyone wants to be like Des Peres but no one wants to buy triple in their Real Estate Taxes to support a new City Hall.
Wildwood needs more commercial business to justify expanding their City Hall or they will end up like Crestwood!
Crestwood is not into empire building. Take a look around. Do you see blocks and blocks and blocks of affluence? Of course bids should be let for all work, officials should be ethical and employees who are LOYAL rewarded. We do not need a new city hall. Them are fighting words. A large dose of reality has been dealt here. We must deal with it.
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