Some very interesting information from the Kirkwood E-News, check it out!
Ladies and gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to the City of Kirkwood E-News newsletter.
They have all sorts of interesting information on there including how to calculate your taxes, and animal control!
The thing that interests me most is the animal control issue! It seems that Kirkwood (as do most other cities in the county) does not have a full time animal control officer (they use the county!) That said, we have an animal control officer that is going to be full time. Now I question why we need that position in the first place as our neighboring communities use St. Louis County.
We have all read the pending ordinance (written, I am told by the animal control officer,)allowing her to enter our homes in a warrentless search, for whatever! She is also an advocate of raising the license fees, and placing owners in jeopardy of large fines if they do not comply with her wishes!
There is to be a "town hall meeting" on these ideas in the near future, and I suggest we all be there because if we allow this, well what's next? I would remind you of the old story of the Jew who was picked up by the Nazis, the neighbors said they weren't Jewish, so what does it matter. Then they came for the Catholics, and they said I'm not Catholic, what does it matter, and then they came for me, and there was no-one left to save me!
Come to the meeting, whenever it is, and tell the leadership, this is not acceptable in Crestwood!
Tom Ford
They have all sorts of interesting information on there including how to calculate your taxes, and animal control!
The thing that interests me most is the animal control issue! It seems that Kirkwood (as do most other cities in the county) does not have a full time animal control officer (they use the county!) That said, we have an animal control officer that is going to be full time. Now I question why we need that position in the first place as our neighboring communities use St. Louis County.
We have all read the pending ordinance (written, I am told by the animal control officer,)allowing her to enter our homes in a warrentless search, for whatever! She is also an advocate of raising the license fees, and placing owners in jeopardy of large fines if they do not comply with her wishes!
There is to be a "town hall meeting" on these ideas in the near future, and I suggest we all be there because if we allow this, well what's next? I would remind you of the old story of the Jew who was picked up by the Nazis, the neighbors said they weren't Jewish, so what does it matter. Then they came for the Catholics, and they said I'm not Catholic, what does it matter, and then they came for me, and there was no-one left to save me!
Come to the meeting, whenever it is, and tell the leadership, this is not acceptable in Crestwood!
Tom Ford
I understand the reason we have an animal control officer for political reasons. Mayor needs the support of Mr. & Mrs. Thiess and in return they were named to the Animal Control Board. The Mr. & Mrs. are the driving force behind Crestwood having an animal control officer and the recent attempted changes in the pet tags fees and the City's right to enter your home to check on your pets with out your approval.
6:17 PM Dec. 30th Blogger. Wait a minute fella! Pat Killoren was the one who started Animal Control as well as the position of Animal Control Officer years ago, not Roy Robinson. And, Margie Theiss was named to that board long before Roy was around. So stop the Quid Pro Quo inunendo. You understand "wrong".
We have had an animal control officer in place in the budget for years. This position just didn't come up for political reasons, by this mayor, as you so state. Pat Killoren started it. Get your facts straight and stop trying to be a real "wise guy"!
However, if and when you become a member of the Ways and Means Committee, tell the mayor to get rid of the Animal Control Officer because it is costing us too much money.
Also, if you don't like the new revisions proposed in the ordinance, you need to get yourself to a board meeting and say so, or call your aldermen or write to them and speak your mind about the specifics that you dislike in the revision. But getting rid of the Animal Control Officer should not be in the equasion.
And regarding Mr. and Mrs. Theiss, they have been appointed by several mayors to many boards and commissions during their residency in Crestwood. They have been asked to serve by many mayors because of their community spirit and their willingness to take time out of their schedules to make a difference in this city.
Many, Many mayors and board members know who Bob and Margie Theiss are and they are well liked because they are good people. So if you start pointing your finger at just this mayor and "political reasons", you need to continue down the line by chastising a string of mayors, maybe even some of the ones you supported in the past. I am guessing this mayor isn't your favorite or you would have never opened your mouth in the first place.
An attempt to review the Animal Control Ordinance is being done at the present time because it is time for a review as it has been part of the municipal code for many years. If you don't speak up about your exceptions, the board may adopt it.
So, therefore, other than the fact that all your facts were wrong, I thought your comment was wonderful!
Thank you for your consideration.
Sandy Grave
Well, I for one will tell you that we need a paid animal control officer like we need a paid "bird flue officer!"
We use the county to inspect the new construction in Crestwood, and we can use the county to pick up stray dogs!
Mr. & Mrs. Thiess are very nice people (I have met them both,) but for the sake of Crestwood, and the pet owners, this has got to stop!
At some point we must say no to this "pet tag" idea, as well as the blaytent attack on the fourth amendment (Illegal search and seisure,) that the "animal control officer" wishes to implement!
Face facts folks, this is one position we can, and should eliminate!
Tom Ford
Go get 'em Tom! You are soooo right! We almost lost our own police force just a year or so ago due to lack of funds - animal control should NOT be our priority right now! What's going on around here? First a $9,000 strategic plan, then a CID for Grewe (AGAIN) and now a full-time animal control officer with police state powers!
Whoo Sandy, the Theiss were asked to resign when Roy became Mayor and only by begging him did they get reappointed. Just ask them.
Then why did Mayor Killoren start the animal control position?
I will say that Robinson lately has become quite sweet to the Thiess'.
"Also, if you don't like the new revisions proposed in the ordinance, you need to get yourself to a board meeting and say so, or call your aldermen or write to them and speak your mind about the specifics that you dislike in the revision."
We do, but for some reason, we are not sure they are listening.
Other municipalities survive without an animal control officer, why not us?
10:46 PM Blogger. Bob Theiss IS NOT the Chairman nor a member of the Animal Control Board, Margie Theiss IS the Chairman. So when you say THEY WERE ASKED TO RESIGN from Animal Control, that tells me right there, you don't have all your facts straight and you are doing what others do, listening to heresay.
Bob Theiss was on a different board and has served on many boards, but never the Animal Control Board.
Bob Theiss retired from city involvement, and resigned from serving on any board or commission because of poor health. That does not sound like he was asked to resign by the mayor to me.
But I will ask him that question personally. I will also ask Margie Theiss if she was asked to resign and begged to keep her chairmanship to verify.
After speaking with both of them, I will comment again on this blog.
In the meantime, if, as someone stated, you get nowhere presenting how you feel regarding the revisions to the Animal Control Ordinance or speaking out at meetings, why is it that others like Bob Deutchmann and David Brophy always manage to get up at meetings and speak their minds. I think that is just an excuse on your part. Get several people together and make a statement. When the board sees that it isn't only you that isn't happy with the changes on animal control, they will act.
If you want the animal control officer out, that's your call. I think she is needed. Because wait until you have to deal with the County on a problem. No quick fixes there at all. You just have had it so good, you don't know what it is like waiting for the County to do something.
If you want revisions to the ordinance, I do not believe you cannot give your opinion to those who represent you. I believe you "choose not to" give your opinion. I've been to many meetings over 30 years and did the minutes for over 10 years and I say you just use this blog to "blow off" your hostility. If you want to make a statement on how you feel, you could do it.
That's my call and thank you for your consideratioin.
Sandy Grave
David Brophy has not attended meetings in about a year.
So do we or don't we have a responsive government now that the Fagan crowd is gone and the white hats are in power? Did we stop the expense for strategic planning? The waste of sales tax on another Grewe project? the animal control officer? hooray for us - we may have just reformed our government into our OLD government.
What caused former Mayor Pat Killoren to create the Animal Control Position?
1. Whitecliff had too many wild animals like coyotes!
2. A pack of wild dogs and coyotes travel into Crestwood at night by the various creeks
3. The wild dogs live during the day by the cemetries or in the caves by the creeks
4. Too much howling by coyotes behind Samoa by the Gravois Creek and by Crestwood Elementary School
5. Wild Birds and other animals were multiplying in Crestwood
6. Coyotes have killed a goat and sheep at Grant's Farm
7. The Animal Control person cleans up at night all of the dead animals eaten by the coyotes, red foxes and wild dogs!
So, who knows the answer why the City of Crestwood created an Animal Control Position?
How can you obtain a list of their daily duties to justify their existence? What do they really do for the City of Crestwood?
Who is behind giving so much "police power" to an Animal Control Employee?
Real Estate investors who want your property for "blighted" value?
City of Crestwood wants your land for another TIF or 353?
Developers want a certain part of Crestwood for commercial use?
Who wrote the ordinance with the Animal Control Person and what was their agenda?
To gain more power in Crestwood?
To build a separate police power in the City of Crestwood in order to generate more revenue even though they are violating our Constitution Rights?
Is it true that Mr. and Mrs. Thiess are Rosebrook Stockholders and one of the original founders of this organization?
Does Mr. and Mrs. Thiess own any Commercial Property or Real Estate in Crestwood?
I think someone wants to raise our Real Estate or Property Taxes by seeing how many bathrooms you actually have in your house.
If you haven't reported all of the remodeling to your house, now the Animal Control Officer can call the St. Louis County Revenue office to inform them about your residential and commercial improvements.
This is a great way of increasing the Real Estate Taxes!
Has the Animal Control Officer passed the following courses:
1. a Public Officer training course
2. euthanasia certification course
3. completion of POST course work and certificatino in the use of firearms
4. Missouri Regular and Truck driver's license
5. Possession of an Animal Health Technician Certificate
6. Completion of a Criminal Background Investigation with the FBI and other agencies.
7. Departmental background investigation and fingerprints at hire date.
What are the job requirements of our Animal Control Officer?
Creating non-for-profit organizations?
1:53 pm 12/31 You stated that David Brophy has not attended meetings in about a year? OK! I won't argue the subject. But if that is true, you should also know that his presence at meetings until then were more than most city residents. If more people stepped up to the microphone on the animal control ordinance, maybe the board and mayor will do something.
The question was asked as to why Pat Killoren started Animal Control? At first she formed a committee called Friends of Animals and People. That's how it started. And it took off from there. Why? I can only tell you that in all her days as an alderman and then as mayor, she saw problems arise on pet issues and she saw the need for something to be done.
You may think that all people are responsible pet owners until you live next door to one who isn't. You may think that people would obey the rules about pets running loose or creating nuisance noise until you experience a dog keeping you up all night or one that is roaming your streets scaring your kids. Try selling your house to anyone, when people next door keep their yards full of dog residue and in filthy conditions from irresponsibility.
There is a laundry list of incidents that the Animal Control Officer has witnessed when it comes to people who do not take care of their animals. There are also incidents reported regarding wild animals like possums, racoons, etc., that can cause chaos in a community. By the time the County gets to Crestwood, the animals are gone because they can't be confined. If you have small children, this is a major concern.
I am not trying to get anyone to agree with me on my views, I am merely expressing them as I see fit. No more or no less.
Hope I am not stepping on anybody's toes with my comments. Just thought you'd want to know.
Thank you for your consideration.
Sandy Grave
2:30 pm 12/31 I suggest you leave the Theiss' alone now. It it neither here nor there what they own or don't own or what company they have stock in.
Enough with this ridiculous bantor about these people. Maybe you are just angry because you didn't get their vote as your sarcasm tells me who you are.
Make a New Year's Resoltuion and do us all a favor, put a sock in your mouth and save your remarks for those who like you, try to cause a stir.
poster 3:01 "put a sock in your mouth"??? Is that your version of freedom of speech in Crestwood? If those who stirred up the soup under former mayors had been told that, we would have the Police Palace that upset so many on this very blog. Who are you to draw the line on whose ideas can be published and whose cant? Are you Mr. Ford who is the only person who has the right and power to do so? No wonder no one has taken out papers to run for the Alderman seats open in April, they would have people like you to answer to.
S.W. Malter
"2:30 pm 12/31 I suggest you leave the Theiss' alone now. It it neither here nor there what they own or don't own or what company they have stock in."
I agree completly! The Theiss family has been a piller of this community for quite some time now, and they do not deserve any negitive remarks!
Please direct your remarks to the issue (animal control,) and cease and desist with the Thiess remarks, or I shall remove them from the blog!
Tom Ford
I was wondering if anyone knows when the idea was born that residents of a community need to "purchase" a tag for their pets, but not their children. Strange way to make money. Why should it cost me to have an indoor kitten in my home? This is just another tax is it not? How about taxing motor homes and boats in driveways. Where does it stop? Do we have a stray dog problem? (I really don't know) Is it bad enough to hire a full time animal control person? These are facts we need to discuss providing we are still serious about conserving our funds to pay off our debt - which is serious business.
Used to be we had to register for "free" tags for our cars to be put in the front window, that went away.
Perhaps considering the animal control AND the Code person as part time positions, it would enable some dollar savings, pensions, insurance. It is what corporations and retail do. I am glad this will be discussed and hope those who are concerned will attend the meeting in this regard and be ready with sensible questions and alternatives. Otherwise, they must live with the outcome and consider themselves warned. Hopefully, the city will put the word out for the meeting.
We will be watching for the meeting date and time, when I get it, you will have it!
Interesting indeed that we have a full time position that costs the City an extra vehicle, an extra salary, extra insurance, and another possible pension when most all around us use the County's animal control!
What is really interesting is that this "full time" animal control officer works from 9-5 PM week day's only, so if there is a problem any other time, well, do we call the County?
Folks, this is a position that has no business being in a City that has financial problems! If it's good enough for most Munies to let the County handle this problem, than I submit, it's good enough for Crestwood!
Yes, some will say that this is "silly," well we have to start cutting expenses somewhere, so why not there, before this "animal warden" thing get's out of hand!
Tom Ford
if we were correctly upset with Greer's $800 a mth car allowance, how can we sit and let the the Mayor and his BOA friends pull this one on us?
I'm sure the cost of Animal Control office is a lot more than Greer's car allowance, where is our outrage? Greer never supported a new law that would allow police to enter our homes to check on condition of our pets, but Mayor and his C/A and the BOA seem to have no problem with jamming it down our throats.
Don't worry. A lot of people are upset about the right of entry issue for the animal control officer. I agree with you. The way this issue is being handled, I think this is being jammed down our throats.
Hey Tom,
Does your son have to work with this person (Animal Control Officer)? Does your son even talf to you anymore?
Enquiring Minds
9-5 is a 40 hour week. What does an animal control person do in 40 hours a week, every week? What does a code person do in a 40 hour week for that matter? If they are that important, then perhaps we will need to get a less expensive city attorney. Somethings gotta give. Naturally, if this info is not forthcoming/available, then we could perceive something is not up to snuff.
Sometimes I think that municipalities all have this prestige thing about City Administrators comparing how many employees they manage, how big is the salary, how big is my empire ... the old "my dog's better than your dog." This, it would seem, is not the ideal job for the ego driven or career driven individual in a small burb limited by rules and budgets.Or an administrator and staff who want no interference from residents. We cannot afford to enhance personal goals at the expense of city goals. They serve the elected officials and the residents. Their books, doors and minds should be open. We expect them to serve the community with an agenda based on our funds, our needs and our long term goals. It's as simple as that.
Once again, repeat after me: We are a small burb with a loan, a tax increase and we are looking for ways to turn our city around. We are 4 sq. miles and 12,000 people. We are in no position to play in the big league. We do not need a layer of assistants for every job.
A perfect example of what I am overall speaking about departed the city in the last year, but not without considerable rancor and diminished funds. This cannot be history to residents until such time as the Board of Aldermen is squeaky clean and regains the clarity of purpose and the integrity to serve required by the position. Anything less is unacceptable.
If you feel the mayor and Board are trying to ram these new revisions down our throats, as you so state, the revisions would have been approved by now. So, therefore, I don't think that is the case.
However, you will get your chance to get up and speak about it at a future board meeting, so do it.
As far as pet tags, they are mandatory in many other cities and have been for a long time; however, I wouldn't equate them with trying to put a tag on your kids but I guess you could tag your kids, if you so desire!
Tags are a way of keeping track of dogs or cats running loose and/or finding the owner of a stray that belongs to someone. You also have to have proof of rabies innoculation to get one. If a dog is running loose and doesn't have a pet tag, we can determine that they may not have their innoculations and/or if they were dumped off in our city by some careless owner from some place else. I don't see any problem with getting one; especially if it will assist the City and the owner of an animal.
If a animal is found on my premise dead or alive, I don't want to be the one to get rid of it. If you wait for the County, you may be waiting a long time before someone gets around to it. That's why I think it is good to keep the Animal Control Officer.
Also, it only takes one incident where your child or grandchild or the child of a relative gets bit by an animal owned by somebody who is careless in your neighborhood. If you were to ever see a child go through the pain and suffering when they are bitten by a dog that has no rabies innoculation, you might not feel that having our own animal control officer is such a bad idea.
But, again, if you feel that things in the new revisions are wrong, make sure you are at the meeting when they are to be voted on.
It is one thing to have a problem with the ordinance, it is another thing to feel we should get rid of the Animal Control Officer.
I hope she stays!
Sandy Grave
9:48 PM blogger: My son, or for that matter my other son, has nothing to do with what I say here or at City hall!
By the way "inquiring minds" may want to tell me just what a " talf" is!
If your going to try to slam someone, for goodness sake get it right! Else we all think your a string short of a kite!
Tom Ford
People finally are starting to see the light. Overlap, Overlap, Overlap. Why do we need to pay double for all of these services? If what the County offers is not good enough then you need to talk to your council person and get it straightened out instead adding another layer of government at the municipal level that we can't afford.
Private business continues to consolidate to recognize efficiencies. Government keeps adding layers to reduce efficiency.
Tom - please provide more info on just who it is ok to discuss and who is granted protected status. We all need the directions for this new political system that's been put in place. Here, I'll help you with rule #1. Any supporter of the mayor - OFF LIMITS TO CRITICISM. Now will you please complete the list so we can all play by the proper rules?
Well I don't think we need the compliance officer either. My neighbor has had plenty of "warnings" throughout many years and has never been required to be code compliance.
10:07 AM blogger: Too cute by a half! You can (and I am sure do) say whatever you want about most anyone in public office (mayor included.)
New "political system ?" Well I don't think we have a new system in place at all. What I am trying to do, and will do is restore some civility to the conversations! If you have a gripe, say so, but if you choose to use "anonymous," well, your not going to get much of a following here.
We have a very successful thing going here, and it's become an avenue to "vent" or comment on things citizens feel need to be discussed, we want to keep it that way, no?
Let me put it this way. Mr. Tim Trueblood and I are salesmen, and as such we are not allowed to have "feelings," but some of the other folks on this blog do, so if you want to attack, be prepaired to be attacked back!
Better yet, forget the personal attackes in the first place.
Tom Ford
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