Wednesday, December 20, 2006

This weeks edition of the Suncrest Call Newspaper!

Ladies and gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to this weeks edition of the Call. Once gain Mr. Burke Wasson has demonstrated a fair and honest approach to reporting on the Crestwood budget, and you will find his article on the front page!

Inside, on the editorial page is the weekly editorial written by Mr. Mike Anthony, who as you may know I rarely agree with seeing as how we are on opposite sides of the political spectrum! NOT SO THIS TIME!!!

I read, and re-read his editorial on the use of Anonymous as a nom de plume, and I must tell you that I agree with him 100%! Those of you who read this blog know that I will always sign my name (and print my picture,) when I say something on here, and that will never change!

That said however, we do have a large amount of posters who wax eloquently and resort to name calling without being willing to use their own name on the post. Mike got me to wondering why that would be, as they all seem so passionate in their writings. Could it be because they really do not have the courage of their convictions to tell all of us who they are? Or is it that they just want to take "cheap shot's," without fear of reprisal?

As Mike said, a blog is, by nature a haven for "Anonymous" writers who feel the need to speak, and I understand that. However, if your going after someone, please have the courage to sign your name!

Tom Ford

NO. 262


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Help me understand the 2007 budget. We are in a cost cutting phase yet our 2007 budget is $2 Million more in expenses than 2006. WHAT???
Then we read that 2006 budget which was developed by former Administrator Greer and the Ways and Means Committee of Aldermen Trueblood and Maddox has a SURPLUS of over $1 million which will be used to cover the increases in the 2007 budget.
I have read this blog for several months now and rarely has anyone said anything nice about Mr. Greer or Mr. Trueblood, yet their 2006 budget had a millon dollar surplus which is being used to cover the over spending in the 2007 budget provided by the current Ways and Means Committee. Which for those not aware of this, are made of up Alderman Breedig and Miguel with a new City Administrator. Go figure.
S.W. Malter

7:50 PM, December 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

S.W. - do you know Bill Thompson?

10:01 PM, December 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew a Bill Thompson along time ago, in a different city, but at the present time, I do not know any one with that name.
S.W. Malter

10:21 PM, December 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

P.S. who's asking?
S.W. Malter

10:21 PM, December 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No one special, just thought I recognized the name. Have a Merry Christmas.

10:28 PM, December 20, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, I agree that people who remain anonymous on this blog MAY not have the courage to stand up for what they believe. And I truly believe as you do, that everyone should sign their comments.

However, there could be another very dark side waiting for those of us who are willing to sign our comments. Especially if you consider the ANONYMOUS sarcasm and name calling that has existed when someone disagrees and becomes verbally ignorant and wants to take you to task. I am thinking it would be even worse if a person signs their name and someone else doesn't sign, and racks you over the coals and becomes hateful. I read anonymous insults all the time on this blog. It's easy to do when you are angry. But it is definitely very embarrassing because you don't know where it is coming from.

Maybe Tom, you have ths stomach for it, and that is commendable; but to have people sign on this blog, will only happen once in a great while. It wouldn't be hard to take if there wasn't so much sacasm attached, that's a killer!

I see people ridiculed, chewed up and spit out to the point where, you can be made a fool of for just sharing thoughts.

I have had people make comments about me on this blog every so often and they don't sign their names. It is unfortunate, but when someone does it, you can bet your last dollar they are talking behind your back too. So I, for one, feel it isn't easy to stick my neck out for what I believe or what I know is true based on my tenure with the city. Some people won't give you an ounce of humanity.

People get angry and I can understand it as we are talking about issues and politics. Even though I feel that working for Crestwood has given me an insight to what has gone on in past years, there are bloggers who by their comments, make you feel worthless and are hurtful. What is worse is that many people only know things from heresay and from others who are revered because they have power, but have no honesty.

There are people who are embarrassed by the truth and will lie to make themselves look like the good guy. The citizens have a hard time knowing the lier because the citizens have given too much credence to the person in power to begin with.

It would be much nicer if when anyone signs their name, those who have comments would sign their's back. But that will never happen and you will see anonymous almost all of the time.

Sandy Grave

2:59 PM, December 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

"The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work, instead of living on public assistance." —Marcus Tullius Cicero

Seems like our ideas of spending reduction in Crestwood is nothing new, what!

Now if we can only have a better reaction from our leaders than Rome did, well!

Tom Ford

4:56 PM, December 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Looking for that perfect gift for the liberal in your life? Well how about a ticket to "San Fran Nan's" inaugural concert?


Tom Ford

5:31 PM, December 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Mike Anthony talking about and why is it relevant? What blogs is he refering to? Not yours or Tim's, Tom; both of you sign your names. Are there other blogs that we're unaware of that discuss Sunset Hills, Crestwood, Mehville, etc.. issues AND their blog masters DO NOT identify themselves?

I doubt it. My point is that Mike's editorial is not relevant to the South County community, other than he needs people (you) to help him fill his pages.

Another thought: Last time I checked, every ballot cast in last November's election was 'anonymous'. I guess those who elected the Democrats to power are 'gutless cowards'. Oops!!! That would include Mr. Anthony.

Please remember, freedom of speech comes in many forms.

7:32 PM, December 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

7:32 blogger: Indeed, but he must be loosing "letters to the editors" else he would no be on the war path (a litle Indian lingo there!)

We know who he is talking about, but I am flattered to think that we are enough to "rattle his cage!"

Tom Ford

9:03 PM, December 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Crestwood Citizens:

Did we buy our City of Crestwood Police Cars from Wood River Auto Sales during this time period?


Alton woman ordered imprisoned for embezzling nearly $400,000

01:31 PM CST on Thursday, December 21, 2006

EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill. (AP) -- An Alton woman has been sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for pilfering nearly 400-thousand dollars from a auto sales business, spending much of the loot at casinos.

US District Judge David Herndon also ordered 47-year-old Mary Ann Stutz Barton to pay $390,000 in restitution. After prison, Barton must spend three years on supervised release.

Authorities say Barton was a bookkeeper and office manager at Wood River Auto Sales near Alton when she embezzled the money from early 1996 through September 2002, cooking the books to hide the crime.

Barton pleaded guilty in August to wire, mail and bankruptcy fraud, as well as filing a false tax return.

The business' owners asked the judge in writing that Barton get the maximum sentence of 20 years in prison.

9:21 PM, December 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to the $750,000 that was in the Inter Service Fund Account before Bob Wuebbles car accident?

Who spent the $750,000?

9:45 PM, December 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are any of our bonds classified as a Junk Bond?

9:46 PM, December 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who is getting rich off Crestwood?

9:50 PM, December 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Did you mean to refer to the private Roman bath house in Crestwood owned by our public officials?

9:53 PM, December 21, 2006  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

9:59 PM blogger: No, no reference to the "ol swimmin hole" at all. I just thought it was interesting that the same old "tax and spend" liberalism has been around for so long.

You would think by now that someone would have fixed it! Oh, wait, that is the problem, it is a permanant fixture!

Tom Ford

8:31 AM, December 22, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When is Crestwood going to pick up all the tree limbs from the storm? They keep sending pre-recorded messages to the houses saying to set out these limbs, and it appears as though everyone has done so, but they continue to remain by the curb.

It's been several would have been nice to have had these removed before guests arrive for the holidays. Does anyone know what is happening with this situation?

1:25 PM, December 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. The following is taken from the City of Crestwood's website -



December 20, 2006

The City of Crestwood is continuing in its efforts to remove storm debris, and has hired tree contractors to expedite this process. The City of Crestwood is asking all residents to be patient, as we are working as quickly as possible to remove this debris. Due to the extensive amount of debris placed at the curb prior to December 17, our previous goal of having all debris removed by December 22 will not be met. We do hope that all debris will be removed by January 5, 2007.

Tree debris placed at the curb after December 17, 2006 will NOT be picked up by City crews. After December 17 all tree debris must be removed by a private tree contractor or cut-up and bundled in such a manner that it will be removed by the solid waste provider. Should you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Crestwood Public Services Department at (314) 729-4720."

3:33 PM, December 23, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mine is still sitting on my lawn - 1/8/06. very efficient.

10:16 AM, January 07, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it waited this long, the city could have just as well done it and saved the $.

11:40 PM, January 08, 2007  

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