This weeks issue of the Call! Good articles by Burke Wasson!!!
Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the header to be directed to this weeks edition of the SunCrest Call!
Well said Mr. Wasson!!!
Tom Ford
Well said Mr. Wasson!!!
Tom Ford
Tom, what is your take on turning Crestwood into a speed trap as a way of increasing funds?
Another bit of bias reporting by the Call, or a straight up story?
I didn't believe that either, until I checked it out on the city's web page. And there it is. More fines next year. Thank you, Mr. Wasson for telling us about this.
It could make us safer. But how much is too much? We've already got higher property taxes that we approved, so not complaining about that. But writing more traffic tickets and giving Grewe this sales tax that he wants isn't very "resident friendly". And this business with the animal officer looks like it stinks too!
Until Crestwood becomes a police state, you had better ask the hard questions bloggers(as mentioned in previous blog.) Do we really want a reputation of a speed trap, a tax city, a TIF city and a city which hocked its city hall and publid works department? Do we want to volunteer to be an easy mark for developers like Grewe? Our Aldermen had better look long and hard into that one. They will get full blame for it if we have to say "I told you so." We are watching their votes and will check their campaign contributions. If this goes through, no store will ever go in again without a TIF. If it goes in and fails, then the die is case and no one will want to come to our city. Let the guy sell it and maybe someone will take personal responsibility for its use. This is a gamble worth taking.
Also, why do we need a full time code enforcement officer? This means a city commitment to pension, etc. etc. Is Crestwood this big now? When did it grow? Sure it will mean a part time person will not be sitting at a desk all day and talking on the phone, you know, WORKING; but just because we are a tad more solvent now does not mean the C/Admn. should be dreaming up ways to spend money we should be stashing. We are watching him, too.
Read recently where aldermen in another suburb are "asking the hard questions" as to accountability and the billings of their City Attorney. Maybe it is time to follow suit. Better late than never. If this board does not take spending seriously and the C/A is full of expensive ideas, then Crestwood does not have a chance. Remember, we can't count on tax revenue to bail us out nowdays. This afterall has been our excuse for being broke. WE have a tax increase, and some new retail, best not to negate this with ideas that are too BIG for our small burb.
WE have still not heard what the Development Person does to earn her handsome salary. Surely it is not just a PLAN for Watson Road or a meeting explaining a plan for Watson Road. Is this person stirring up dust or just collecting a salary? If the answers are not available, then the questions must be legitimate.
Remember, we are in "SAVE" mode, not spend mode.
Does the Police Chief live in an area where deer roam? Apparently his car does. Read where the city car hit a deer and was damaged. No explanation. What happened?
Bottom line for Mr. Grewe, we don't need to let him dictate to us his idea of progress. It is far to self serving and totally arrogant. We already know his style. Collect rent until the leases are up and then hit the city up for the money to redecorate. Think about it, do you think a hardware store can make it with Home Depot and Lowes so near? Didn't we already have a HOME BUILDERS where Gordmans and formerly K-Mart stood next to Best Buy? Also up at Grant and Watson for awhile? Did it work out? I dohn't think so. If the ACE Mr. Greer want to put in at Applebee's Plaza doesn't make it either,then Grewe goes back into collect rent mode and egg is all over the city officials faces. And trust me, they are going to hear about it.
I suggest that the conservative elements in this town consider the spending patterns in place and to be put in place and pick up the phone and get some answers. Complacency and "I'm too busy" are no longer an excuse to drop the ball.
I think if you read back a bit on the blog you will find a post where we made the National speed trap list! ("A list we didn't need to make" was the title!)
I said it then, and it's still true that we should never become a City known for isssuing ticket's. That word get's around very quickley, and will do more to harm our busnesses that anything a developer can do!
I know we just purchased two new radar guns, and it's been said they will pay for themselves in a month, but I am still not in favor of using Watson Rd. as a money maker.
We have a very fine traffic control officer now, and I want to see the officers in the sub-divisions looking for burglers and theives, not trying to see who can issue the most summons's!
I have brought this up to the C / A and the mayor when I heard it the last time, and I was assured that we had no intentions of turning Crestwood into a "speed trap!"
At this time, I see no evidence of that either, but, I will be watching very closely to make sure no-one has changed their mind!
In this case, I think this is a "straight up story" that bare's watching, because if it's true, it won't be long before we rank right up there with St. George !!!
This animal control ordanance, so I understand was written by the animal control officer, and not the BOA! If that's true, this is not only silly, but, in my opinion a flagrent violation of her bound's as an "animal control officer!" This "officer" must be given a copy of the United States Constitution for her persual, specifically the fourth ammendment!
In my humble opinion, she has come to believe we live in the "wild kingdom," and not Crestwood. Madam, if I want you in my house, i will invite you in, period. If you come in any other way, I shall consider it a hostile act, and proceed to defcon 1 !!!
Tom Ford
Mr Greer wants to put an Ace by Applebee's?????
Who got from Mr. Grewe and his aids the max $ amount allowed by state law during their run for the mayors office?
Who walked the street putting up signs for the current Mayor? The owners of the Creston Center, guess what just got taken off the redevelopment list on Watson rd. The BOA better be ready to stand tall right now!!! The Mayor may be in a payback mode
Well, sounds like now is a good time to say NO to Mr. Grewe. But first you may want to count the votes and voters who gave him the TIF at Watson Plaza and the C/A who recommended same. Then lets talk payback. Then perhaps a good chat about the KOHL'S deal and the swim club would fit in here. Mr. Grewe seems to be an equal opportunity donater. You may, while you are at it, want to check and see to whom State Senator, Mr. Gibbons, donates his money to in Crestwood.
You really are quite ready to go to work again on our current Mayor again, now aren't you? As for Creston Center, that debacle was started under Fagon & Co.when Mills decided, like Grewe, it wanted to call all the shots. Didn't happen!
At this point in time, sir, the best way you can protect your property values and keep your city solvent is to knock off the pettiness. You best listen to the sound of reason when the aldermen who deal in reality on the board speak. It is far superior to the rocks you hear rolling around in the surly political heads who bark so loud.
Hopefully you and I will one day see our city prosper again and the memory of the last 3 administrations will vanish along with the frat-boy cockiness of croonyism. Everything you do to promote this idea will be a benefit.
The Mayor lives in a vacume jar, he has no any influence over anything that happens in the City?
If that is the case, then why have a Mayor? Are you claiming that what was said about the owners of the Creston Center working for this Mayor not to be true?
This is starting to smell of political payoffs by this Mayor and one can't very well blame former Mayors for his behaviour.
I was born at night but not last night.
5:36 pm 12/7 blogger and others bloggers under this article. This day, Dec. 7th will live in infamy. And like Pearl Harbor, looking back to see what got us where we are is not a bad idea. Repeating past mistakes will be what breaks the bank. Your comments, including this one are "all over the place". What's the deal anyway.
Our taxes in Crestwood should have been gradually going up for the past 10 or 15 years to keep the ship from being weighed down on one side by sales tax dependence. After all everything else in our system has been going up. Prices never fall back in the long run so having the lowest tax rate may be wonderful but not very practical in the scheme of everything else surrounding us.
I can remember many, many debates on this subject throughout the years.
Unfortunately, many of our aldermanic representatives and mayors, until this point in time were too afraid to raise our taxes even an inch because they were afraid of loosing votes from residents, when instead they should have been teaching their constituents what would happen if we didn't. After all, personal victory for many of them came first!
They were only concerned with themselves and of course our coffers were full to the brim at that time. No sense saving for a rainy day when we had the "motherload".
Now we come to the crossroads where we have done nothing but rely on sales tax and all our money is gone by various endeavors like "paying as we went along" for the building of a community center and a city-wide sidewalk program several years ago just to name two projects.
New streets and slabs were constructed when a conservative measure could have been used. Streets in good shape were replaced instead of fixed. Slabs were being replaced instead of repaired.
Blaming this mayor for all of it is ridiculous. Every mayor, board member and CA for many years can share in some blame along the way. Mistakes have been made and not all problems solved.
The real test of our city sustaining itself will be this community not being divided amongst themselves.
I will not hold my breath waiting for that day to come. Too many
know it all's who listen to nothing but one-sided politicians making themselves feel all "warm and fuzzy".
Hope springs eternal!
Respectfully submitted,
Sandra Grave
It would just be easier to become part of the county. Pay for services rendered. No politics just pay for what you receive. The taxes paid in Crestwood don't seem to be enough to maintain acceptable levels.
Yeah,not without charging people $150 a year for their pets and pulling them over more! Come on in, "officer". I'll hand you a copy of the Constitution!
The Mayor is the leader of our City and he needs to lead for a tax increase if that is what we need. it is up to him to get the boa behind this and then he needs to lead. You are allowing him to pass the buck on this.
One of the bloggers said, "It would be easier to just turn things over to the county." Please think about this.
Remember how things were and how things are. Think about the politics in this town and how politics had eroded so much of our city's enthusiasm there for awhile. Think about misgivings over things like TIF's, CID's, TDD's and developers who want to force their terms on us; about our lean machine due to financial distress. About our bad experiences with several ex-employees. Think about our worries over lack of improvements at the mall; about empty stores. Think about the expense of running a city: legal fees, streets, buildings, parks, employees salaries, equipment, supplies, utilities, Aldermanic paychecks. THEN .....
THINK about the changing dynamics of our city: new homes, condos, an annexation, young people moving in, senior citizens who are still a mainstay and the fact we do have a Westfield Shopping Center. Possibility! Think about having 2 historial homes, an aesthetic city hall and fire facility, a Public Works Dept., Animal Rescue, and Whitecliff Pool; and we are near enough to Metro Link (in Shrewsbury) to use it, and Amtrak in Kirkwood to use it. We are a straight shot to a Cardinal,Rams or Blues Game.
Think about our trees, our lawns, our neighborhoods, our people. Then think about how wonderful it really is to have our government center right here, our officials homegrown and public meetings 2 times a month. Think about the public roles assumed by residents serving the community on boards. The many and varied functions associated with our community center. Think about our icy and snow filled streets being plowed by OUR city employees who care.
Think about our FireFighters/Paramedics, our Police, our Public Works and Park people, our Staffers at City Hall, all of whom are a huge part of our community family. Think of our elected officials who come from among us. Think about thanking them for their contributions to our city.
Remember our ideal location near I-44, I-270, Gravois, Watson and snuggled between 2 prominent burbs. Think about some of the new business's that have joined our city in the last year. Think about the ones on the drawing board. Think about doing all your shopping at our Mall; Macy's, Dillard's, Sears and the various shops. Remember Schnuck's, Shop and Save, Aldi's, Sams, Famous-Brand Shoes, Barnes and Noble, Kohl's, Walgreen's,Gordmans, Best Buy, Firestone, Office Max, and then think about all the many I have left out which have a huge roll in the total picture. See a movie at the Mall. We have numerous restaurants of every flavor and free parking. All packed into a city of 4 sq. miles, primarily residential. Think about our smidgen of industrial; our schools and churches and the various and sundry free standing service businesses which together with our retailers add up to an amazing mix. Think about the fact that there are few homes in the Classifieds for sale in our city. Think of the reasons you chose to live here.
Think about it all as we work together to maintain all the above.
Think about the momentum we have now and want to keep.Think about the tax increase and how you plan to keep a close eye on how it is spent. Think about making sure your Aldermen represent you and if they don't, call them on it. Think about how far you want to go to supplement developers and for how many years. Think and re-think about the quality, potential, durability and measure of the developers and retailers who claim to be a fit for our community, who can stand the test of time. Think about the taxpayers who have decided that quality over rides quantity. Good choices bring in good customers. A growing concensus that we should be discreet in our choices for business neighbors.
After you have done all this thinking, you may decide that at all cost, we are a community. No, it isn't easier to turn things over to the county. This is exactly where we want to be; comfy in OUR city. The lights up at city hall welcome shoppers, residents and hope for the future.
"It's A Wonderful Life!"
Happy Holidays,
Carol Casey
(sorry, did not know how to get around the anonymous)
To the blogger who thinks "turning things over to the County would be best."
First of all, you will need the services of a "fire district" (add at least $1,00 per hundred to your tax bill,) and then you can wait in line until the plow's, or street maintanance crew's arrive (if they ever arrive.)
But the real clincher here is as follows!
Police protection! You will get a couple of cars (one North, and one South,) to "protect" you from ? The plaza will turn into a wonderful place to shop (like Jenning's, or Northwest Plaza,) where you can wittness gang fight's, random shooting's, and surley punk's who are sure to insult you!
Not to worry though, they will promise you a K-9 unit, a complete flight department replete with a helo, and a fixed wing aircraft, and "all the back up support of the crime lab!" Now were talking! The only problem is you will never see thoes things, period!
Let's discuss response time! As of now an officer will be at your home within two minutes (sometimes less.) If needed a supervisor will also arrive on the scene to assist you in the same ammount of time, and your problem will be solved, one way or the other. Now, as for County, well do you have something else to do while awaiting their arrival, because oyu see they will most likely be "out of positiion" to respond in less than ten minutes (a lot happens in two minutes, much less ten!)
How do I know these things? Well, I worked (as a police officer) for 10 years in North County, next to Cities that had contracts with the County Police. I backed them up on numerous occasions when their own were not available, and I once waited outside the door of the home of a MAYOR (her town was under contract to County,) whose front door had eight bullet holes in it while she waited thirty two minutes for an officer to arrive and take the report!
The stories of the County Police are endless, why just reciently they failed to find three bodies in a house that you would have to walk outside to fall down (it's that small!) That after assuring the family they were not there!
Don't wish to believe me? call Alderman Roby, he will fully back up my statements, and give you some of his own (he was an officer for nine years!)
County "protection and services" No THANK YOU! If we get that far down the totem pole I intend to but a very big dog (don't tell the animal control "officer",) and an even larger gun!
Tom Ford
Hmm... I lived in unincorporated St. Louis County before Crestwood took it over. We paid slightly higher taxes (for a better staffed and equipped fire department)
Our streets were better taken care of. (Go 2 blocks over to Affton and the streets have all have new slabs.)
Never ever had a problem with snow plowing.
Basically had our own Patrol officer that we actually knew. Can't say that now.
Maybe things were a mess in North County. I don't buy it in South County. Green Park has plenty of money. Fenton has plenty of money. Why don't they get rid of their contracted police departments?
Grantwood village doesn't seem to be declining because of County Police protection?
I love the new spraypainted gang graffiti on top of the vacant Pier One store. Looks GREAT!
10:26pm, Hey moron, go back and check your facts, especially about "slightly higher taxes", a "better equipped fire department (what a joke)", and especially the Grantwood Village comment regarding police protection.
Tom, Northwest Plaza was sold to a company that refused to buy Crestwood Plaza and is scheduled for a huge makeover. What’s Westfield doing with our mall?
Have you read anything in the Call about Green park? Please do, thoes guy's are, well......
Better fire equipment? How can that be? In Crestwood you get two pumpers, a police car, and an "ambulance!" Most, if not all Fire protection districts will dispatch one pumper, and if your lucky the police will also show up!
I guess the "fire district's must have a majic wand," because other than that, a hose is a hose! I am putting my money on the Crestwood firefighters every time over a "district." Why you might ask, well our personnell have a pride in their town, something a "district" will never have.
Some day when you have the time look into how a fire district is set up, and what they are all about, I think you will get a real eye opener!
Why did they buy Northwest Plaza? Well did you know that they got that prime real estate, buildings and all for $40,000,000.00! Now I have no idea what Crestwood Plaza would have sold for, but wow, all that near the airport for what ammount's to "chump change!"
As you know Westfield is an Australian firm, and as such is interested far more in the "benjies" than being a "good citizen of Crestwood." I don't blame them one bit, but that said, I think we would all be better off if they sold Crestwood Plaza to a firm that would make some major changes, because I don't see Westfield ever doing anything more that operating the property.
As you all know we have a person in Crestwood who is in charge of Economic Development, Ms. Ellen Daly. I think it would be a great idea for her to hold a "town hall" meeting to bring us all up to speed on what's going on with Crestwood as a whole! I have been in meetings with her, and I assure you that she is bright, elloquent, and knows her territory, so who better to explain things to us?
This Plaza thing has got to move forward, and soon else we continue the downward spiral of tax revenue. I am sure I do not need to explain what that will get us!
Tom Ford
There is a chance that Westfield is gun-shy about our mall. Why, because our city has had some truly bad press (and sorry to say it has been deserved) in the last few years. Think LOC's, lawsuits, sorehead politics, instability and the need to use our real estate for collateral. This sort of insecurity and unrest is not condusive to big investment and outlay. The fact that the Crestwood Board of Aldermen has been so badly split and unreliable during the Robertson/Fagan years, that little was accomplished except arguing, does not help. Developers, Bankers, Architects and Mall owners do have their eyes on the ball when it comes to this sort of mutuality or lack thereof and press. They often see a sense of futility in cases like in Crestwood. If the city fathers chose to act like children, big money simply goes where they find people willing to cast aside their politics and pettiness and work on development.
Crestwood Mall is architectually suitable, suits the city; plenty of parking, good anchor stores, near highways and has a theater and Pasta House and Chevy's, both wonderful. It could use some lift sure, and a more accessible food court. It could use some local muster.
Westfield should have made a decision to create a BIG promotion this Christmas up there; some major creative thinking. However, the Development Person in this city should have been the one to initiate this idea in September or October. Say, a "WELCOME TO MACY's" Promotion, or putting a Starbucks up in the mall by Dillard's like is at Galleria. A nice big sign saying Merry Christmas from Westfield Plaza and the City of Crestwood would have been a good warming stunt right out in front by Watson Road. Compact ads in the paper with a full page showing participating stores with their ad boxes.
You can't harvest until you plant. Never a better time than Christmas. Sound too easy. Of course it does. But someone has to put out the effort, make the suggestion, go the extra mile. Is that person at city hall???
You better get these guys to correct their data...Going to scare away potential homebuyers.
100 is average.
63123 crime index 28
63126 crime index 61
63127 crime index 100
63119 crime index 58
63122 crime index 56
Would be interested to see other comparisons if you have them.
Crestwood Plaza was not purchased because it was way overpriced and is not architecturally sound... the parking garages are a mess.
And gang graffiti on the side of Value City if you missed that. Should we be concerned about it? Is it legitimate or copy-cat?
Is there a code that the garages have to follow? If so, Westfield is responsible aren't they? Don't they have a responsibility to their stores and customers and the community to "make nice?" Is this the reason Northland sold and not Crestwood, the garages (don't think they have garages) plus the price? Does Crestwood retail hopes have the kiss of death on them thanks fo Westfield? Are they behaving like Mr. Grewe and saying "my way or the highway?" Who enforces the codes if they exist?
You do remember that Builder's Square did not make it up by Schnuck's. How is Ace going to make it? Are we going to help a guy remodel only to see him collect rent there until lease runs out? Home Depot and Lowes are very compelling.
As for the Graffiti, what role is our police playing in this and what role is Value City playing? Is action being taken or is this just buried in the sand? Is the Develop Dept at city hall applying any elbow grease here?
Are there parking garages at South County?
11:15 AM, December 09, 2006
Early plans do not indicate a "remodel" at the planned Ace development. The tax incentives were primarily for maintenance and wall partitions.
Name calling isn't going to solve the problem. I'm not sure why people get so emotional when someone wants to scrutinize our services and what we pay for them.
Someone needs to look out for the best interests of our generation and the next. Because at the current level of taxation we are going to tax ourselves out of being able to afford retirement. I invite you to do the calculation on your home. I was astounded to see what my taxes would be in 30 years. I used a 7% annual increase because that has been my average tax increase over the past 7 years. Yours may be more or less.
You have to realize that the Lindbergh School District, Special School District, St. Louis County and Crestwood etc. get a yearly tax increase whether you vote on it or not. So when the Special School District came out and said that they recently needed a tax increase because they had not had one in xx number of years. It could not be further from the truth. Same for the Lindbergh's "no tax increase".
I would prepare yourself for further consolidation of school districts and municipalities over the next number of years in an effort to realize some economy of scale.
I have friends who live in this school district, however live in unincorporated St. Louis County, and I have to say, their crime rate is no different than ours, I see County Police cars on their street regularly (and I don't visit that frequently), and they aren't paying for a rarely used fire department to sit in their town.
A solution might be to use both county fire and police services. Let the residents pay more for the services of a larger, more professional fire district. I can't see where Crestwood is in dire need of the number of officers we have on the street now, especially since the questionable new police chief (who prefers to live in some rural area) sees fit to spend his time turning us into the next Marlborough through writing tickets. (There is a really good way to get people to shop Watson Road, or are we just giving them to the residents?)
Nobody trusts what happens at City Hall anymore. The Mayor hires buddies for jobs, the City Administrator hires old friends from other towns to consult. Perhaps it's time we quit letting these people turn Crestwood into a small town, clinging sadly to it's Route 66 history, and seek the help of others to put us back on the map as a high-end shopping and entertainment district.
2:34 poster you may be right. Note that with our own police dept we now have gang graffiti stuff painted on Pier One store right on Watson rd accross street from the Mall and on side of Value City. Our crime index is in the 60's and our new hand picked CA is calling for more traffic tickets in 2007to provide for more income for city. Bad trends
It's sounds like there are a few out there who are interested in putting together a common sense "middle of the road" plan together for Crestwood.
Anyone interested in taking this one step further? Can we rally qualified candidates for our boards and mayor who do not have an agenda?
Anyone know what the net revenue growth is going to be on increased speeding fines? Is it going to be enough to pay for new radar equipment and the officer's salary+benefits to issue the tickets?
Did the city hire a code enforcement officer before they hired a patrol officer? Can't they contract for code enforcement so they don't have to cover benefits and pension?
If you were to move, where in the St. Louis Metro area would you move to? I'd be interested to know which area has the best overall quality of life for the money.
Sunset Hills is where I would move, followed by Columbia, IL
Why all of a sudden are codes and fines becomming a moneymaker. What are we losing sight of here?
What is happening to our city?
Whose idea is this anyway?
Ladies and Gentlemen, please click on the link (City of Crestwood,) to be directed to the City web site, and the agenda for the 12/12/06 meeting. I am told that there will be new legislation introduced to slow this constant TIF, TDD, CID tax drain! If that is approved we will all be better off in the long run, as our tax base is going to "corporate welfare", and not to Crestwood where it should be!
Please come to the meeting at 7:00 PM at City hall, and tell the Alderman what you think, for as Elliott Davis would say "you paid for it!"
Tom Ford
Tom - didn't you maintain time and time again that having a ticket "quota" was illegal? How is it any different for the city to mandate the amount of fines that must be imposed every year in the form of traffic tickets?
9:21 blogger: it is illegal for ANY supervisor to mandate that a certian number of traffic ticket's be written. That said, some will tell you it's a "guage" of the officers proformance, and not really a "mandate."
Horsefeather's! it is what it is, a very neat way to raise revenue in a town that is loosing tax monies to TIF's, ETC!
I would say that if we were doing a little bit more patrolling, and a bit less writing the "grafete" would neve have made it on the buildings!
I know they can't see everything, but please, on the roof of a building to write the stuff? And unless these were the fastest painters in the country we still should have seen it going up! I will tell you that if we loose the "grafete" battle, we loose control of the bad guy's, and that is never good!
Let's get behind the department and call in if you see anything out of the norm! They cann'ot be everywhere, and it's up to us to be their eye's and ears! Someone knows who did this, so ask around, get some names, and call them in!
But hey, that's just me.
Tom Ford
We are lossing the battle to the graffit writers and to the stores in Fenton, South and West county for sales tax dollars. No amount playing the blame game will change this. If there was a way dont' you think the Mayor would have used it? The fact that Pier One, Gordmans, and Butler Chevy are all leaving with in the next 6 months should be a clear sign to anyone what the future is.
Stoping tifs, cid,tdd, will not save us from either having to raise property taxes, cutting more services or return to the County. Sorry but that is what faces us, those are our choices. If you have others, please share but in all honesty when the voters turned down Prop 1 which was a sunseted property tax increase like we just passed it was over then. What we just passed only slows the spin down, it is too late, it doesnt pay off all the debt at one time, hence the debt will grow at a faster rate than the property values will.
Sorry folks but the easy street days of Crestwood will soon be over, it's time to move out if you dont want higher property taxes or county services. Those are our choices.
If you have others, PLEASE share.
I Quote a very famous Chicken:
"The Sky is Falling, The sky is Falling"
Where are you people getting all your information? You are so misinformed. I remember a game as a child where one person whispered something in another's ear. Then that child whispered in the ear of the person next to them and so it went around the room. By the time the last person said what they had been told, the original message had been completely turned around and in no way resembled its original message. Very similar to the information being whispered in all your ears on this blog. The only way you will get the proper answer to your questions is to attend the meetings related to the subject you want more information on. Example: If you want to know about the police writing tickets attend a police board meeting, if you want to know about what businesses are coming and going attend a planning and zoning meeting. It is just that simple.
I disagree. Attending BOA meetings does not shed enough light on what really goes on. At one meeting Alderman Miguel almost had to beg the mayor for information regarding new development progress at Watson and Old Sappington. Meetings and talks go on between staff and developers, etc. without updating the public at BOA meetings.
Unless citizens attend ALL meetings, information is slow to reach the public. I think that "draft" BOA meeting minutes need to be published. Meeting minutes are not "approved" by the board until the next meeting, delaying them from being published on the web site or anywhere else for review. By the time the public gets the information, it is sometimes too late to voice any opinion on the issues.
I thought the mayor promised us an open to the public City Hall? It seems that what he meant was City Hall was going to be open to the public but if you want information, you better plan on attending all the meetings. Of course that does not include the behind closed doors meetings that the mayor calls. To be honest, the current mayor has really done a poor job in getting the information out to the public. Example, the property tax increase we just passed, he never told us he was going to borrow more money for notes with the increase to pay off debt when he supported the increase, did he?
Why can't there be a "cease fire" during the holidays on this blog. Our guys are getting clobbered in Irag and they are in harm's way more than I care to think about. They are in the trenches fighting for our safety, while we sit back here and bicker about basically little things which makes no sense in the sceme of things. Let's take a break for awhile. OK?
Let's just be at peace for once which we still can embrace it. Some day, we may not be as lucky to have it as we are now.
When it comes to what is good for the City of Crestwood, it seems everybody thinks they are an expert on the subject. But the mayor and board of aldermen members are trying to make things better. We elected them, now let them do their jobs. Next time elections come around, run in their place and see if it is as easy as you think.
Sandy Grave
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