Crestwood Alderman races for 2007!
Ladies and Gentlemen, as of this writing the Alderman races are fleshing out nicely!
The candidates that have filed so far, as follows.
Ward 3: Jerry Miguel
Ward 4: John Foote
Bob Parsons
Ward 2: Danielle Oettle, Steve Knarr
Ward 1: Harold (Mac) McGee
It looks like Crestwood will have some outstanding choices this April. I will up-date the races as the information becomes available to me. Let's all get behind the candidate of your choice, work for them, and whatever you do VOTE in April!
Tom Ford
The candidates that have filed so far, as follows.
Ward 3: Jerry Miguel
Ward 4: John Foote
Bob Parsons
Ward 2: Danielle Oettle, Steve Knarr
Ward 1: Harold (Mac) McGee
It looks like Crestwood will have some outstanding choices this April. I will up-date the races as the information becomes available to me. Let's all get behind the candidate of your choice, work for them, and whatever you do VOTE in April!
Tom Ford
Not sure under which header to post this note, but what it pertains to is the Kohl's rear parking lot which was the former private "old" Crestwood Swim Club property. My point will be at the end.
The ST. LOUIS POST DISPATCH on 1/11/07 ran a short article in the Metro Digest section entitled: "Development Rebuffed Over Parking."
Here is a synopsis: "The Fenton Aldermen rejected a proposed special use permit that would have allowed a 10% reduction in parking requirements for commercial developments at Gravois Bluffs.
50 people attended the meeting.
The development Co.(Thirty & 141LP) may reapply.
Meeting was called after the Planning & Zoning Commission rejected the proposal.
Those attendinig said they objected to the proposed expansion of Wal-Mart to become a super center (groceries). The Local 655 union members indicated the waiver would make the expansion more likely.
GARY GREWE of the development company said the proposal had nothing to do with Wal-Mart but was to relieve traffic problems."
(Please allow me to question the Grewe remark)
I don't think it a secret that the parking lot at Kohl's Crestwood would have been entirely adequate without the former pool property. The back parking lot is and has been empty since store opening. Evidence appears it will never be essential.
The above article tells me that Aldermen in Fenton have the power to question and pass or reject special use permits calling for change orders in parking requirements. In this case, Gravois Bluffs. I am wondering if there was a missed opportunity on the parking needs of Crestwood Kohl's? Or was this lot simply a way to spin straw into gold for the Rosebrook Real Estate Co., owners of the private swim club sitting on said property.
Was there no way here to re-negotiate the parking needs? Is it possible that an attorney paying attention could have determined that Crestwood officials could have challenged the excessive need for additional parking at Kohls when it was so totally unneeded? The Kohl's back parking lot is nothing more than a concrete ghost town. The relocation of the pool now part of an extremely troublesome TDD concern regardidng the bonds. The developer having not been told this was a "private" pool. Did no city official or city administrator or attorney chose to question the over sized parking lot, and verify the pool was a private pool? Did no official even consider the fact that the pool relocation was an unjust choice as its proximity to neighbors is a total envasion of privacy, not to mention the shared parking lot. Where was our government? What was it thinking?
Considering the number of members and former members on our BOA and its attorney, members of this private swim club, one can consider all the opportunity this presented to turn a delapidated pool into a ultra pool which came out smelling like a rose. What was it, a pool worth 88,000 spinniing straw into the gold of 880,000, or something like that?
All along, I thought if parking was adequlate for a Schnucks, a restaurant and 2 shops, it would be fine for one more "clothes" store which had a whole plaza as a nextdoor neighbor competition. Surely I am not the only one in town who wondered.
Any news as to the final lineup in the Crestwood Aldermanic races?
Ah the old Kohl's, swim club debate again! Well as soon as I get a date, and time from City Hall for the TIF, TDD meeting I will post it!
This is a very important meeting, as we cannot allow this TDD to go through. Let's all take the day off if we need to, but let's be there for the pow-wow!
I can't wait to see what rabbit they will try to pull out of the hat to get this through! What about it BOA, Mr. mayor, Mr. Myers, are you going to do the right thing here, or is it "business at the same old stand?
Tom Ford
Guess who was on the Crestwood Planning and Zoning who voted for the additional Kohl's parking spaces?
James Kelleher, Matt Green, and Christopher Pickel
By increasing the number of parking spaces for Kohl's allowed the sale of the old Crestwood Swim Club pool.
The cheese game is finally being exposed, thanks to the citizens of Crestwood who want this pool open to all.
I do not think you will ever see a rabbit come up from the Kohl's parking lot due to all of the asbestos and buried hazardous gasoline tanks that were never cleaned up by the TIF, TDD, and CID funds as stated in the Crestwood ordinance.
Now, how much is Kohl's property really worth with the hazardous chemicals under the ground as stated by Matt Conley that never was removed?
Kelleher was on Planning and Zoning? Which mayor appointed him?
Anyone know?
"The developer having not been told this was a "private" pool." This is an incorrect statement. Get your facts straight.
Second, I think with having multiple revenue generating stores already in their city, allows Gravois Bluffs to dictate to the developer. Crestwood had seen lack of development opportunities at that location for many years.
I guess you would rather see it still vacant with zero revenue to the city. I know of at least one citizen that address several alderman regarding caving in to Kohl's demand for additional parking. I guess it was the lesser of the 2 evils. Something or nothing.
"buried hazardous gasoline tanks " This is also an incorrect statement. Call city hall and retract your statement.
May want to include Mr. Vincent along with Kelleher and Pickel plus Duwe, possibly others? Best all parties with the duality of pool membership while board members be deposed and this matter be thoroughly exposed. With the City Attorney recused. This issue is a very large albatross on this city and has become a major concern entitled to exposure; its validity and legality and a possible insight into the worst scenario of TIF's. It bears prime consideration. Now is the exact moment in time to penetrate the layers of this issue and disclose the details of how this old pool became a virtual money feast, who aided and who profited by it. If it can stand the light of day, then there should be no reason to vigorously object to it.
"With the City Attorney recused."
What does the City Attorney have to gain (financially or personally)from the outcome? NOTHING.
What does the Crestwood Swim Club has to gain from the outcome? NOTHING.(Financially - THF has already purchased that property. It does not belong to the swim club)
This is an issue between THF and the TDD. Oh, but let's not forget the City of Crestwood is gaining a reconfigured parking lot
Why should the City of Crestwood gain from this? We should just use the funds in the Capital Improvement Fund. According to some on this site, this is why voters approved the extension of the tax. Why should the "shoppers" and the School District be the ones to suffer because the City won't take care of it's own parking lot?
3:44 PM 1/16 You have just gave me the answer I was looking for. The developer got his funding and the swim club got a brand new pool. Now that parking lot makes sense and the need to acquire it. I finally got the answer. Like someone said before, if your an attorney, you know ways to help people with the knowledge of law OR you know how to get around the law to get what you want. There were lawyers on top of lawyers involved in this Kohl's/ swim club issue. Now it all makes more sense. Thank you so very much. I appreciate the information.
4:21 PM blogger: Yes indeed, that sort of draws back the curtian to expose the wizzard, no?
Now you have an idea why it's so important for the citizens of Crestwood to get involved and stop this $850,000.00 funding!
"Now is the exact moment in time to penetrate the layers of this issue and disclose the details of how this old pool became a virtual money feast, who aided and who profited by it. If it can stand the light of day, then there should be no reason to vigorously object to it." Excellent point, if there is nothing to this, then whay can't we get information from City Hall as to the meeting dates, and times? Somebody must know, otherwise who's going to attend?
How this thing ever got started is beyond me! But, if were adament about stopping it, it can, and will happen!
Tom Ford
This week's JOURNAL newspaper had a front page story on the commercial parking lot spaces issue in Fenton and it further clarifies the fact that parking spaces can be negotiated. Interestingly this situation is being contested by none other than Grewe, but I presume was never even considered at Kohl's. Perhaps who ever was city attorney could have introduced this variance in the law. (?????)
Has anyone thought about what John should do if the Call sponsors a debate? At the last debate for Mayor John stood outside the building trying to talk people out of going to the debate, remember? Wonder if he will "support" his own debate and if so why?
haha that's funny. can't wait to see if the fire union donates to any candidates. didn't all their candidates lose last time?
Not really sure if the fire union will get involved this time. Their "agreement" was passed in November, so do they need to? They might? I don't know?
that's true - they already got their payoff.
Leave the firefighters alone. The life they save may be yours someday. Your just angry because they threw their support to this mayor, that all it is. The police department was under "communist rule" at that time but many supported this mayor also.
No that's not true. We're just mad because the fire department shouldn't be politicized at all! That's the whole point - they shouldn't ever be able to choose who they will save based on their political stripe.
7:09 PM So if you didn't support this mayor, the firefighters will let you die? If that's what you think, you better get out of this town. Shame, Shame
What payoff? Can you tell me what the firefighters got? I now the city just gave all employees a raise. I thought all the employees got the same cost of living raises of 1%.
I believe all the employees got a small cost of living raise at the beginning of 2007 of 1% and/0r $400 including the firefighters. From what I understand, the agreement that was signed in November is a standard contract that the city signs every few years. I was told that this was was not that much different from the one they've had for 20 years or more. I've heard that someone is claiming they got paid off, but I've yet to hear anyone join on that bandwagon or come up with any proof of such. I think they are wonderful people, and the firefighters I have met have been refreshingly honest about their politics.
Yeah, I remember a lady getting up in front of the BOA and telling them she did not appreciate firement walking across her lawn to leave material on her doorknob. Think she also said if her house was on fire they would probably let it burn. Believe her name was Ms Trueblood.
12:02 AM Good Lord! I can't believe I live in this town. It is starting to get scary. There is so much hate going around and for what and why?
I didn't hear that speech made by Mrs. Trueblood at a BOA meeting, but I can't understand where all the hatred comes from.
Some people are so upset that this mayor was elected that everything he does or says is somehow wrong. Those who supported him like the firefighters are now trashed, and statements and comments about every little thing he says are strung out like they are punishable by death. And it keeps going on and on.
Martha Duchild is now the brunt of needless comments, insinuations, et al, but I just read Mr. Wasson's article and once again, I don't hear anything that said she tried to force the board to do anything at all. But to read Trueblood's comments and others, you would think she was an ax murderer. Just another example of a person accused of things she didn't say and exaggerated. What is going on?
Ever since Roy was elected, it's like one big tornado has hit this town. Several people on the previous board and this board are so mad about it, they are seeking revenge. They are full of insults and pre-existing disgust and they have lost all their objectivity. In the meantime, who cares about the residents with all the interference that is going on.
If you are asked to serve on a board or commission by this mayor, watch out because some people will hate you for it. And watch yourself, because if you do feel you have something to say, those who hate the mayor will misinterpret your words and make you look like a traitor.
I'm afraid to agree with this mayor on anything and say it in the wrong circles for fear of being "shot"!
This deal about nepotism and wanting civil service pushed through fast is just insane. It's got me totally baffled! Really!Read Wasson's article. Martha did nothing wrong. Why did Karen Trueblood get all upset with her? Didn't she read the article? If Karen express what she feels, why hate Martha for expressing her feelings? Something is very wrong here and I can't believe that grown up people can act so stupid and immature.
Why put this mayor under such a distinctive microscope for how he speaks or what he says. Why make a federal case out of his use of or misuse of words unless you are just waiting in the trenches and keeping a log to purposely try to insult him. If you have attended BOA meetings, you should know that many, many unprofessional words and actions have occurred in the past by many elected officials.
I am so tired of all the screaming and babbling. Good Heavens, I hope your candidate gets to be mayor next. I'll remember everything you said about this one.
And if I can, I will make you eat crow! It's all political BS with some of you and you know it.
9:35. you right about one thing, ever since this mayor was elected it has been like a big tornado hit this town. But you forgot to state what a tornado does, it tears the place apart, and that is what he is doing.
Let's say that this bad behavior has only been since this mayor's term? It's been going on for quite some time before that as evidenced by the bad behavior of at least the last 10 years. These tornadoes existed in city hall, in private residences and in our neighborhoods before they turned direction onto this blog. It's just the over-the-fence GOSSIP that used to be kept more or less private it's out there for all of us to see! Gossip travels faster by internet!
The 21st century version of a sewing circle.
Are you saying that this blog is nothing more than an a sewing circle? That it is an internet version of gossip that used to be spread over the backyard fence?
That nothing posted here should be taken seriously?
If what you are saying is true, and I am inclinded to agree with you, then this blog has been used by a lot of politcal types to ruin a lot of former and current elected people and others who worked for the City for their own gain.
Example: Jim Kellerher has been excused of being under the infuence when at a BOA meeting because his face was red. No one has yet been able to prove that was the case, yet it is now taken to be a fact.
Example: Swim club and City Hall's parking lot covers bad chemicals that hurt peoples health. Claimed by some but never proven by facts. And former Alderman Vincent worked out the illeagle deal. Yet on this blog we see that Alderman Maddox reviewed the files concerning this deal and found nothing wrong!
Example: Former C/A Greer was a bad man, only one person has signed a post claiming that, and even then offer only their personal experance, no facts, no proof, just heresay and
recalling of evens that effected them negatively. (like they were as pure as wind driven snow and did nothing wrong in the 30 years they worked for the City)
Could go on but I think you have made my point for me. The owner of the Blog has said himself that the blog has become a place to vent. Which is all well and fine, except if by venting people are destoyed by rumors and the action needed to move City forward is stopped,then that is not a good return for being able to vent.
8:16 AM Excuse me please; "pure as the driven snow"? Nobody ever said I was pure as the driven snow. What I wanted was honesty and justice.
You want proof naysayer, come to my home and I will show you proof?
Who is the Sam Hill do you think you are anyway? God?
Are you calling me a liar? Well then whoever you are, talk to the other people who were sexual harrassed in the police department and Don Greer did nothing but cover it up and it cost the city $40,000. His buddy was the sexual harrasser that's why nothing was done. Talk to the people who left the city because rather than take a demotion, chose to leave. I'll give you their names and you can call them. You think I am the only one in the past 10 years that had these problems? Think again my fairminded enemy.
You sir, are one of those who don't know the truth when it is stairing you in the face. Too Bad you are another one who believes heresay because you CHOOSE to.
I will say one thing for you, however, you sure know what buttons to press and how to be unfairly hurtful. To bad you are treading on very hurtful wounds while others walk around like they deserve praise.
People like you will never give a fair shake to anybody, because you are listening to those who walk around like wolves in sheeps clothing.
Are you pure as the driven snow? I don't think so. Would you want to be treated fairly? Then why don't I have the same right to ask for it.
Better go to church, my naysayer, it's Sunday. I went yesterday and I prayed for people like you, who would rather put a big qustion mark on people like me, and let people like Don Greer go off into the sunset unscathed for their sins.
Too bad you didn't do your research on this one Pal! It's not your pity or anyone else's pity I want. But be careful when you choose to maline people who did nothing wrong.
To bad you are such a coward that you won't sign your name. If it's truth that you rally around, why go anonymous?
Sandy Grave
Sandy, you have made my and blogger 8:16's point about this blog. You attacked the posters because you feel as if you were attacked when someone defends Greer by asking for evidence to support the claims of him being bad. Your name was never used!
Do you have the same problem with the unsupported attacks on Alderman Kellerher, regarding his face color made by anonymous posters? Many who read this blog (I am not saying you are one of them) believe all that is posted is true fact.
You are offended by the non evidence supported postings yet reply as if they were fact. This is not good for our city or it's citizens, that is the point that is being made and how it detracts from the now problems we face, not the actions of people who are no longer here.
If someone wanted to push all your hurtful buttons they would ask you on this blog 2 questions based on your reply.
1. Since you admit not to be pure as wind driven snow, in the 30 years of working at City Hall, what things did you do that was wrong that no one knows about?
2. During the 30 years of working for the City, what did you do to make your job skills more valuable to the City and there by yourself more promotable by the City?
Please do not answer because the questions nor your answers have any impact on the City's current problems and leadership. Can you see that nothing in this post has anythng to do with todays issues with in this city? And that is the case in many of the posts that are "venting"? All they do is allow someone to hurt someone behind the vail of anonymous.
Of course as you so stated "my name was never used" by the blogger. The person who made that comment knows better than to state my name. But it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know who he is referring to. I have proof of what I have said on this blog, which the blogger claims I don't. And I don't care who knows that I am glad Greer is gone. Am I the only one? Guess again. Do they have to have proof or just me?
Sir/Madame I have only put my name on this blog because I want civil service back for the employees. I never thought someone would come along and hit me with a two by four.
For the answer to your two questions, sounds like I am being interrogated by a lawyer who chooses to put questions out there, then tells me not to answer them like he would if I were on a witness stand? Brilliant psychology sir/madame. Questions which put ideas into the heads of those on a jury? Sounds like a lawyer to me. Real smart of you.
Civil Service is important. I choose to put my name on my comments because I believe how important it is. I didn't do it for others to take me out to the wood shed. But you know what, if this is your way of getting me to stop commenting on this blog, so be it. You got your wish.
Thanks for your consideration; you have been put me in my place. Since your last comment, I realize that signing my comments have proved to be too hurtful for this old gal. If I have to prove my comments to make you understand, then you should prove yours. You insinuate things in your two questions to leave others dubious so chances are you have already made your decisions. I'll leave commenting up to you young ones now.
Sandy Grave
Truly stated. I have seen many, many requests for civility over the past years. Including from you, Sandy, who make excellent points about being contructive and moving forward. Sometimes when things get back to me that people have said and I become offended because they are untrue, I initially am hurt. For sure. Then I put the remarks in context. The statements were made without all information, or the stater is just a hateful person. When you come off as defensive, it weakens your case.
You have done tremendous good in putting out the "truth". But each of us may view your truth as a version of "He said, She said". We know we're only hearing one side of the story. And I think most people just want that context to remain as a stabilizer. I don't want to get too caught up in believing everything I hear, I just want a balance of facts.
Real truth comes from a balance of facts.
I personally know about what happened to you and others. I believe them because the preponderance of the evidence supports you.
Please don't be offended and defensive about hurtful comments. Some people just like pushing your buttons. Don't let them get to you.
Let's stick to balance. You want to prevent this from happening again. We all know that. And most of us support you in that endeavor. I don't believe that there is one single person on this blog that is happy about the way things have been. That's why we are all here, to learn more, to discuss, and possibly get messages across to the administration that previously did not do enough to represent their constituancy.
We are the voices of this community.
And I am absolutely certain that under the cover of the internet, they are hearing our voices.
Let's not degrade our conversations with them (albeit their silent presence) into hurtful, defensive, or useless bickering.
Take this in context. The ones making the most useless, demeaning statements here are the ones being viewed as the bitter ones.
Don't be sucked in.
Let them reflect themselves in this internet mirror.
Don't let B.S. get you down.
You can only convince some of the people some of the time.
Let that be good enough.
And as for the previous sewing circle comment, that was right on.
Except the gossip usually didn't get spread back to the subject of the gossip. Here it does. So for those of you that persist in that gossip spreading, you should have to fact the person you are attacking face-to-face, so that you can see you are attacking a fellow human being, flaws and all. And you will see that they are still hurt by it. No one wants to be defined by their mistakes.
11:55AM blogger: Why you persist in making commemnt's about Sandy Grav`e excapes me. Sandy has spent her time in the trench's, in fact she has more time on the fireing line than you have in the chow line!
Sandy is a woman who belives in the courage of her convictions, and is willing to say so on this blog, or the floor of the BOA chambers!
Have any of you who wish to put her down ever notice that she signs her name to ALL her post's, as I do? How many brave souls that read and post on this, or any other blog have that sense of honor and courage? I will tell you, Martha Duchild, Carol Casey, Faye Clark, and yes SANDY GRAV`E!
You have the right to your opinion, and I will defend that right, but from now on when you feel the need to make comment's about Sandy, or me for that matter, show your courage, give us the benefit of your infinate wisdon, come out of the closet, sign your name!
Oh, I allmost forgot, Sandy has that information you wanted (as she stated in her reply,) so ask her for a good time to come over and see it. I bet you would get along great with this lady, I do, and you know what, we can agree to dis-agree, and sometimes we do!
Tom Ford
Was just wondering if why 8:16 am thinks we have no proof that Greer was a bad man, just heresay. Did the mayor and board of alermen relieve him of his duties on heresay or did they let him go with proof? Obviously more than one person thought he did things that were inappropriate. If you want more proof, read his deposition.
People who ask a person questions which purposely pose inunendos and arouse suspicion, but then ask the person not to answer them, makes one think that 11:55 am has something to hide. Perhaps they have information that is illegal. The comment has fingerprints all over it in my opinion. No need to sign a name.
Since when is having information illegal?
5:28PM blogger: Since the Government instituted Secret, and Top Secret clearances!
Just be sure you have the clearance you need to deceminate your information, else the "Black Helo's" land in your back yard!
Tom Ford
11:55 AM How big of you to ask two questions of Sandy and then after you plant the seed of doubt about her character, tell her that it's not important. That's a lawyer trick if I ever heard one.
How about showing us your hand and how about asking those questions to yourself and give us your answers? I think it would be more enjoyable and while your add it sign your name.
5:28 PM Information isn't illegal? It depends where you get it from. Maybe something should be put in the civil service rules and regulations about where information is and isn't legal. And maybe you should just watch what you say cause if you keep talking you will give your anonimity away.
poster 6:35 I'll sign my name after you do.
6:35 STARTED IT!!!!!
11:22 PM Yes I definitely do think that the annexed area should not be part of Crestwood anymore. All we've seen from that area is a person who showed his true colors by drinking himself into trouble and a lady who didn't get re-elected and goes around crying in her handkerchief about how bad Jerry Miquel is. Sour grapes to me. Birds of a feather, I say.
We also got stuck with Jerry Miguel. Yikes!
3:49 Jerry Miquel is running unopposed. If he is so bad, why isn't somebody running against him.
Maybe it's because most of his constituency likes him. Ever think about that?
I still think he lives in the annexed area of the city is what I think.
4:25PM blogger: You are correct, I spoke to Alderman Miguel, and he is one street into the annexed area!
My Bad!
That said, he is still the rudder on the good ship Crestwood, so I coulden't care less where he lives as long as it's in Crestwood, and he is on the BOA!
Tom Ford
If there is anything good to be said about Miguel now living in Crestwood it is he can't get up there and say I've lived in Crestwood for 30 zillion years like so many people who support him do, like that matters how long you have lived in Crestwood.
"Tell em your old, and they'll think your smart"
No it does not matter how long you have lived her, it only matters how involved you are here. You became involved when you chose to write on this blog, and that's great! Others have run for office, or served on board's.
I would say the only thing about those of us who have been here "30 zillion years." We have seen the act of some very good, and some very bad "leaders," and as such are able to comment on them.
Thanks for your contribution, I hope you will continue to join us in furthering Crestwood!
Tom Ford
10:01 AM, February 04, 2007
You are incorrect. I support Jerry Miguel and I've lived in Crestwood for 29 1/2 zillion years.
I know who you are speaking of when you say that lady from Ward 3 who likes to badmouth. We all know about her. The one who finished the term of the Mayor who then resigned. Perhaps she can find a good hobby. She simply was not leadership material.
I can tell you this and it is a shared opinion. We are all fortunate to have Mr. Miguel on our board. He has had to pick up the slack from other wards represented by people out of their element. This is not a political opinion, it is fact.
11:00 pm Yes you are right on. She and the "resigned mayor" were so tight everybody thought they were a couple. Oh Yes she was definitely the mayor's bosom bud. And she always put anybody down who thinks he had some personal problems that led to his resignation. She on the other hand thinks she is as "pure as the driven snow".
that's odd, no one said anything about the lady from ward 3 on this blog till you did. why would you be doing so now?
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