Monday, January 22, 2007

Crestwood Connection newsletter for Jan. Feb. 2007

Please click on the header to be directed to the newsletter. There will be a "town hall" meeting on Feb. 22, 2007 (7-9PM) at Whitecliff Park to discuss the animal control issue, and we will have an Ace Hardware in town!

Tom Ford



Blogger Crestwood Independent said...


The city just posted a Civil Service Board meeting for tomorrow night at 6 pm in the fire department conference room. It’s too late for us to get that notice in the paper as we’ve already gone to press. Perhaps you could post that on your blog to let people know? Maybe a few of them can get to city hall an hour before the Board of Aldermen meeting. Good to see that they’re finally putting that in the Web site.

Burke Wasson
Call Newspapers

4:24 PM, January 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

very small room, better get there early if you want a seat

4:50 AM, January 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what if I want to stand?

6:32 AM, January 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Referring to the Crestwood Connection newsletter, I believe there was an Ace Hardware located on Gravois across the street from the Sappington Post office. I think it was in business for only a couple of years before it closed.

6:39 AM, January 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Can you please ask Mayor Roy Robinson to publish his profanity in the Crestwood Connection before it is made known to all of St. Louis County residents read in the Call Newspapers?

Since Mrs. Robinson is on the Lindbergh School District Board, can she please ask the teachers if profanity is allowed in the classroom.

Now our Crestwood Students can tell the Lindbergh Teachers "If my Mayor can use profanity, why can't I use these words in the classroom."

If Mayor Roy Robinson worked at my place of employment, he would be written up for a counseling session with both his boss and a Human Resource Representative.

I guess this is what happens when you are retire in Crestwood!

12:31 AM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can we hire an English Teacher for Mayor Roy Robinson to learn about the use of profanity since he is representing the citizens of Crestwood?

What kind of stores will open in Crestwood? Disgusting music with profanity words.

Great Marketing Plan by our Mayor!

12:34 AM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the new Red Truck that our Mayor is driving any reflection of his temper?

12:35 AM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will have an election coming up in the not-too-distant-future to decide whether or not this Mayor is taking Crestwood in the right direction.

Hopefully the residents of Crestwood will see fit to get serious about their elected officials and find somebody who represents Crestwood in a serious and intelligent manner.

Time to start throwing out names and work toward making Crestwood better. Let's not let Roy's reign continue, or worse yet, run unopposed.

8:56 AM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Yeah. That's right, mayoral elections will be coming up soon. Maybe we can get Tom Fagan or Jim Robertson to run again; then we can fire Meyers and get Greer back and then we can give him money for two brand new BMW's. I am sure they don't use profanity, they don't abuse people and they are sqeeky clean.

9:33 AM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

temper! take it easy! take it easy!

11:04 AM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:56 AM Since you seem to know it all, maybe you can run for mayor next time. You are so confounded sure of yourself. We had such good representation for so many years, that I can definitely understand (NOT) why this mayor doesn't meet your expectations.

Oh that's right! He isn't eloquent like the two previous lawyer mayors were. Sure. That's it! Two clanging symbols full of sound a fury, signifying nothing is what they were.

Of course, this mayor doesn't "drink" like a fish, or womanize, or allow one person to hold down two important city jobs. So we can surely do better. You know we just had it so good with other mayors that it won't be easy!

The tripe just keeps getting thicker all the time.

2:41 PM, January 25, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

I don't know about the use of the word "assinine" necessarly being associated with profanity, that seems a bit of a stretch!

If it's up to me, I am going to give his Honor a pass on that one.

Tom Ford

5:10 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll ride the fence on this one, Tom. While I don't think it is necessarily profanity, I don't think our mayor, who represents the city, should have used that word. And I think he should apologize to Steve Nieder.

5:30 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:31 am Oh My Gosh, you better get some sleep? You've had too much to drink. You are saying the Mayor used Profanity? Stop being ridiculous. What a hate monger you are. You better go confess your sins saying things about someone that are not true.

If you call what the mayor said Profanity, you are just one of those who would use any excuse to put down the mayor. You are a rumor spreader and a trouble maker and I hope Tom explains the truth. You need to work for the National Inquirer.

5:32 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:30 PM So he should apologize to Steve Neider. I think the Mayor should apologize when he gets Alderman Kelleher to apologize to Alderman Miquel for calling him a snake in the grass in front of everybody at a meeting, among other things. Was that remark ever publicized? Probably not.

5:36 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:30PM blogger here

I'm not too happy with Mr. Kelleher's behavior either, trust me.

Do you know by chance when that incident between Kelleher and Miguel took place?

5:41 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

assinine would definitely be considered profanity in my workplace. maybe we should include a prohibition of the use of profanity in the civil service code!

7:05 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:19 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:41 It was at a board of aldermen meeting some time ago. Kelleher accused Miquel of being a snake in the grass and sounded off big time showing his high and mighty ignorance. Of course, everybody heard it but it was never in the paper. Talk about losing one's temper!

He always thought that he knew more than anybody else when in fact he was just being fed baloney from this mayor's political opponents, who couldn't possibly be biased right?

It's too bad some people get their status on the coat-tails of others and not because they deserve it.

8:10 PM, January 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Snake in the grass" is a figure of speach. That comment was made to depict Alderman Miguel's behavior. Saying one thing and doing another. Just look at comments he has made regarding the budget. He is on the Ways and Means Committee that provided the BOA with the proposed budget. Who's fault is it that only a couple of meetings were held to discuss such an important topic as the city's budget (with little citizen attendance/input). At one meeting there was only the Mayor (a non-numbers person) and Alderman Miguel. He proposed a budget to the BOA and then proceeded to state that it needed more looking into??????? It seems he can't even stand behind his owns ideas much less anyone elses. Go figure.

Regarding the mayor's mouth - it seems like he thinks he can say whatever he wants and how he wants. On several occasions he has embarrassed the city with his lack of self control. Many BOA meetings have had to deal with his lack of control, outbursts and uncalled for ranting.

His outbursts may be tolerated if he brought forth more progress for the city but what has he changed in the city since he has been in office? Let's see.....retirement community, the Salvation Army, medical building?

Say what you want about past administrations but more development and stores had surfaced during their watch...Kohls, Sams, Hardees, the corner of Old Sappington and Watson (started way before this Mayor was at the helm!), Grewe's re-development with Shop N Save (also started before Robinson).

Since this mayor has been "in charge" .....threats of Applebee's shutting down, Pier One gone, Lone Star gone, no new stores in the Creston Center, Crestwood Plaza going nowhere, Cherolet dealer leaving, employees taking other jobs, law suits, increasing taxes with no long term solutions (where was the "plan"??), no movement on the Watson/MODOT roadway project.

I am pretty sick of waiting for progress he professed was going to make happen in Crestwood. Crestwood can't even afford to fix the steps leading into City Hall over the last fews years he has been in office. Seems like the only thing he has done is stir up the muddy water!

Of course this is just one citizens opinion and I'm sure since I am not "in the Mayor's corner" every inch of the way, I'm wrong. Please correct me if my statements above are totally wrong and back up your comments instead of berating me because I lack confidence in the mayor.

Oh, I almost forgot to comment on the politics regarding the police department (and the mayor's new police chief) - if he thought prior to his position the policemen were not going their (and his) job......he includes himself! Pretty sad to state that publically if you ask me.

12:05 AM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you're saying the mayor, as the spokesperson for the city, calling an alderman assinine, will help improve our image and bring in new families and businesses???? I give up - there's no reasoning with you people. Take a class in business or marketing. This is NOT the way to rebuild the image of any enterprise.

9:54 AM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the last two bloggers. Well, start pounding the pavement and prepare yourself to run for mayoral office cause I want to see how you handle things, since you are so brilliant.

You stated your "platform" which includes "slamming" this mayor. What else are you going to do for the City besides slam him? Surely you have solutions.

This mayor got criticized for not having a plan. What will yours be, I mean above and beyond ridiculing your opponent?

Maybe you can propose a 14 million dollar police facility and also by being mayor, you can even appoint a new police chief.

Another country heard from.

10:05 AM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We" did not run for office and state we had a plan for Crestwood like the current mayor. Quit trying to point fingers at those that did not run for office, instead you should be looking at the present administration for answers.

And why do you keep bring up the failed police station when any adverse comment is made towards the current administration? What's up with that? Do you think that because questions are asked about the present automatically align us with the the failures of the past??????????? Give me a break. Open your eyes to the present.

10:57 AM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What country are you from?

11:03 AM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to be from a dictatorship, but it recently turned democratic.

11:06 AM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:57 am I was answering the comment at 12:05 am and 9:54 am, where you are blaming this mayor for businesses closing up, you are blaming him for employees leaving, and you are just about blaming him for everything.

However, you obviously think that the failures of the past shouldn't be mentioned at all. That's pretty one-sided. And you really think that it's all this mayor's fault but past deeds left unaccountable is OK and don't enter into the mix?

You would be a lot smarter, if you would admit that bad mistakes were made by many members of the board and previous mayors too, while you manage to get so much delight blaming this one for everything.

And why say it's OK for an alderman to call another a snake in the grass, and call it a "figure of speak" if you are going to slam this mayor for saying asinine? So you want to throw the first stone at this mayor, but want to make excuses for the behavior of certain aldermen now and in the past. If this mayor called an aldermen a snake in the grass, instead of asinine, would you have accepted that? NOT. WHY? Because it came out of the Mayor's mouth and not a fellow "player".

I can't believe that anyone could be so infantile as to really think that we are loosing businesses because of this mayor. I can't believe that anyone would believe we are loosing employees because of this police chief and this administration without speaking of the past police chief and the people would left Crestwood. Employees left then too because he threatened and intimidated them.

Anybody knows that things don't get bad over many months. That's why experts gauge things over a period of years before making the determinations you have made.

And yes, you are definitely not in "this mayor's corner". Chances are you were part of the past in another mayor's corner and blame others who were not. You can take any corner you want; for my part, I don't really care. But if you want to fight the good fight, do it fair and square.

After all the termoil we have had, you expect this mayor or any new mayor to be Hoodini and pull resolutions out of his hat and make everything go away. I smell sour grapes here. Sure hope your candidate wins next time. Maybe you will feel better.

You forget that bad manners on the board started when Fagan was mayor and left people to slam, walk off the board in anger and disgust, and allowed aldermen to speak ill of others. But we will hold "this mayor" accountable for everything.

Sorry, I don't buy it.

11:58 AM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I can't believe that anyone could be so infantile as to really think that we are loosing businesses because of this mayor."

You need help. No one was blaming the mayor for business leaving, just that for boasting about bring Crestwood back and having a plan to do so during election time, there has not been enough progress.

12:06 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe it was the costs (design fees, consultants) of the failed police station were what, 2 million dollars? How much is Crestwood in the hole now? 2 million dollars?

12:05 Am - The Kohl's deal was a mess and took several years to get off the ground. Now the store is in direct competition with stores in Crestwood Plaza.

Crestwood Plaza - this plaza was suffering long before Robinson took the helm. What were previous administrations doing about it? Nothing, as they were too busy raising taxes and trying to build a police station.

Chevrolet dealership - moving to get more room. You can imply that their move is this mayor's fault all you want.

12:25 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:06 PM I am sorry but you are the one who needs help because 12:05 AM said specifically "since the mayor has been in charge, threats of Appelbee's leaving, Pier One is gone, Lone Star Gone etc." I was specifically answering his comments.

And Yes he was blaming this mayor for businesses leaving and again I can't believe that anyone would be that infantile to blame this mayor on businesses leaving.

4:02 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:25 pm January 26th Love your comment. So right on. Thanks a million times.

4:03 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You remind me of my toddler - when caught doing anything wrong, he either said someone else made him do it or that someone else did something wrong too. It's really unbelievable coming from an adult. So is thinking the word assinine is proper english.

7:43 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"...when caught doing anything wrong, he either said someone else made him do it or that someone else did something wrong too."

I think that's called politics???

8:53 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:05 AM

So you are defending Kelleher's name calling? Since you're a fan of Kelleher, did you see how eager he was to grant Grewe a $2 million dollar CID?

I feel sorry for the people in Ward 2.

9:43 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe one of the bloggers said THIS Mayor was an embarrassment,etc. etc.Let me tell you what I think is embarrassemt fellow blogger:

The administrations of the previous 3 Mayors. The lawsuits, the in house hankey pankey, the booze, a Dept. Head who had no brain, trying to build a 14 Million dollar city hall while hocking the present city hall and public works property. Borrowing 3.5 Million dollars LOC to be able to open the doors. And the several rude, ignorant, beligerant, name calling, dais banging, stomping, smirking, red faced morons who thought they were suited for public life.

Ah yes, talk about embarrassment.

11:44 PM, January 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe so 11:44, but that doesn't exclude this mayor from being an embarrassment now. He is just that, just read what he say's in the papers and go to a BOA meeting. He runs it as if it is all about him and that it is his meeting, not the Alderman's.

9:40 PM, January 27, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sour grapes are sold in the fruit aisle in the grocery. Here, they are free.

2:07 PM, January 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sour grapes? because we expect the man elected to be our mayor to treat the alderman, who we elected, correctly that is sour grapes? what did nieder do wrong by asking his question?

5:24 PM, January 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You just to keep in mind that when the mayor looses his cool, there is usually something behind it. If he had a problem with the question, he should have been forthcoming about the reason why he was so upset. He has stated that incorrect comments are made by individuals because they don't know the all the facts. Well, how about sharing those "facts" during at the BOA meetings under "report from the Mayor" and enlighted the public to the facts they don't know about!

10:40 PM, January 28, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, I read all this and wonder how I'm better off being annexed by Crestwood. Crestwood is as a big of a joke as the St. Louis City School Board.

10:12 PM, January 30, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know a few people in the annexed area and they would like to de-annex themselves go back to county government.

10:16 PM, January 30, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

You know what? The "annexed area" cost's this city more that we will ever get from it, period!

The resident's saved a fortune on a fire district that we have to pay for because of "railroad tracks" crossing the area. They have all the services they had before at a LARGE saving to them as we, the rest of Crestwood pick up the tab!

You say that Crestwood is a joke? Well get a petition up to de-annex, we won''t stop you, and for once you all will have to pay your own way!

Tom Ford

6:46 PM, January 31, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:46 PM I agree and they can take their x-mayor of Crestwood with them.

7:22 PM, January 31, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and alderman Migel as well.

9:25 AM, February 01, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Uh, it's Alderman Miguel, and he is outsde that area.

What's the matter, he ask too many queations for you? Questions you may not want to hear the answer to?

Tom Ford

6:25 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uh, it's spelled "outside" since we are correcting spelling. And yes, he does live in the annexed area genius!

7:29 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come on Tom, do your homework! He lives on Camelot. Last time I checked that was in the annexed area!

7:31 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep Alderman least he asks the necessary questions...others on that board are too fond of the rubber stamp.

9:38 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what is the alderman's address? we can un-annexe everybody except his home, that way he can have us pay for his fire district protection and still get our police protection. Just what are the "necessary questions" that he asks?
And if you haven't noticed, the Mayor doesn't favor aldermen who ask questions, just ask Nieder and Miguel.

9:49 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

With the Grewe development ($2 million dollar CID) Miguel asked how much Grewe was going to invest and what the CID money was going to be used for, among other things. Grewe would not give an answer and said that this was not a "spreadsheet" project...Kelleher was his main cheerleader. The only thing that was missing was pom poms. I guess he couldn't find any to match his bow tie.
Aldermen Miguel and Nieder ask basic questions that aldermen should ask.

10:17 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

fyi-1997 - Neighbors for Annexation, I believe was the name of the committee, which included Carol Wagner, Bernie Alexander, and Jim Robertson.

10:19 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Alderman Miguel asks questions of himself and anyone else who will listen. He was on the Ways and Means committee that presented the BOA with the 2007 budget. Then came back and said that the budget needed to be looked at more for more cuts. Why wasn't this done during the Ways and Means meetings prior to submitting to the BOA?

He states he is not have a clear understanding of the non-expendable fund? He has been at the BOA meetings when discussed in detail.

He states he does not have a grasp on the what each of the non-governmental funds are intended to accomplish. These funds and what why they are designated was discussed at a BOA meeting with dollar amounts in each account and what each fund was for. What more does he want? Or does he not remember?

10:44 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Grewe had originally put his money into the development for the previous tenants. So he already has a large investment in the property. He is the one taking the risk to put new businesses into the development. No guarentee those new businesses will survive.

10:48 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sound like Trueblood. At least Miguel asks questions and doesn't rubber stamp. Possibly he thought that the board would be willing to curb some spending. Sadly, it seems that they are not.

Second, it's Grewe's property, he should put the money in. There was no negotiation whatsoever. Grewe came in and got what he wanted in a very short time. The city, in my opinion, is taking the risk with that CID. 2 mill can go along way to retrofit that store for an Ace Hardware. And no one knows how much Grewe will invest because the board did not demand it of him. If the city gives him a CID, why not everyone else who had previous tenants? If the city continues to do things like this, it'll have some sort of funding mechanism like this along Watson Road. And you are right. For the $2 million CID that shoppers will pay, there is no guarantee that the stores will survive.

Who does the board represent?

11:20 PM, February 01, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The BOA represents ALL of the Crestwood citizens, not just the narrow minded bloggers on this site. Think about that one!!!

11:17 AM, February 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Narrow minded???? Well I'm glad you are so open minded!!!

But I thought about it...and I still have to ask, who does the board represent?

1:53 PM, February 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Calling a person or a group of people narrow minded is not necessarily open minded, is it?

2:22 PM, February 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just stating observations of this site. I could be wrong.

3:17 PM, February 02, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

You could be, or we could be, time will tell.

Tom Ford

7:15 PM, February 05, 2007  

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