Crestwood Point TIF, TDD, meetings have apparently been postponed?
In a rather interesting turn of event's the meetings for the Crestwood Point TDD will not be held next week as I was given to understand. I received an E-mail from Alderman Miguel this morning that stated he was not aware of any meeting scheduled for next week at this time.
I wonder if they (the developer's) haven't been able to pull all the evidence together as to why the $850,000.00 for the "parking lot" should be included? Stand by for further on the date when I receive it, as we must attend this, and voice our opposition to this ill advised expenditure!
Tom Ford
NO. 276
I wonder if they (the developer's) haven't been able to pull all the evidence together as to why the $850,000.00 for the "parking lot" should be included? Stand by for further on the date when I receive it, as we must attend this, and voice our opposition to this ill advised expenditure!
Tom Ford
NO. 276
Who actually received the Hazardous Soil Contamination letter from Pat Hanes, City of Crestwood Public Works official pertaining to the Kohl's property?
Who cleaned up thise soil under Kohl's building and parking lots as stated by Matt Conley, former City of Crestwood Assistant to City Administrator and former City of Crestwood Assistant to Public Works?
What is the value of Crestwood Kohl's land with hazardous waste stiill in the ground?
I remember Alderman Maddox asking similar questions of then Mayor Robertson. I'm not sure if he ever got a response.
Can the BOA call for an investigation and require under penalty of law for Kent and Conley and Mayor Brasfield to testify?
I don't know Matt Conley from a hole in the road, but if he worked for the city along with Brasfield (Mayor) and Licklider (C/A) and Robertson (Mayor) and was privvy to this info, he and they should be supenoed/disposed. I see no reason for the hazardous soil issue to be buried under Kohl's along with whatever possible collaboration happened at the hands of the above mentioned and others at city hall. Time to get to the bottom of it all. Enough with the foot dragging. Didn't seem so hard to expend thousands on plans for a never built city hall and handouts to get rid of certain city employees. So what is the holdup? Time also to find out just how that pool got the deal they got. No one in their right mind would approve this deal - unless of course ......... zsxhd
Hey, its not a-gonna go away!
Former Alderman Maddox reviewed the environmental remediation documentation form Kohl’s and said he was satisfied. I believe he was an Environmental Engineer in his day job so he should know what he was talking about.
As for depositions etc… Didn't we already go down that road once and it ended up costing us $600,000 in questionable legal fees? Not to mention one big black eye in the form of discovering that our City Admin/Police Chief was cooking more than just the books with his hand picked finance lady?
Mr. Frank Myers sent me an E-mail today stating that he should have a date and time for the TDD meeting by 1/23/07.
I will advise as soon as I get it.
Tom Ford
Where can one obtain the environmental remediation information regarding the Kohl's property?
2:27PM blogger: I would think a copy should be at City Hall. Fill out a frddeon of information act form (available on the City web site,) and ask for it.
If you get it, please share with us as well.
Tom Ford
I spoke with Mr. Conley. He is the one who told me that Alderman Maddox reviewed the documents.
He said that there were TWO boxes full information concerning the TIF expenses submitted by THF at least when he left Crestwood. He said that was in 2004.
Seems like I remember somthing about the former CA/Police Chief having a shredding party with his finance girl. I wonder if they shredded this too!
5:58 PM Oh You bet your boots they did!
Boy, I hope so! That will kill this deal faster than anything I can think of!
Tom Ford
what did Alderman Maddox do with the files when he was finished? What did he find out?
Remember there are always three copies of everyone.
One for your Accountant to stay out jail from the IRS.
One for your private files in case you need to explain something to your partners.
One for the City of Crestwood to quickly review.
Why was Matt Conley allowed to sign all of the Kohl's TIF expenditures when he was just an Assistant to the City Administrator?
Do we still have a bond on Matt Conley?
Is it true that the one who goes to jail is the one who signs the invoices or the checks?
Is it true the whole Kohl's deal was Matt Conley's idea on using a TIF, TDD, and CID for a private pool?
Is it true that Matt Conley has a Criminal Lawyer for working at City of Crestwood?
Why hasn't Matt Conley hired former Alderman Gary Vincent as his attorney?
Maybe a conflict of interest!
Leave Matt Conley alone. He followed orders and stayed here long enough to know it was a big mistake and went on to greener pastures.
It takes nerve to say things you don't know anything about. You base everything on heresay and don't know the facts.
I think with recent (since mayor Robinson) staff resignations, many found that following orders was not going to be their way...they moved on too.
Ask Armstrong Teasdale who signed all of the Kohl's Invoices for the TIF expenses?
Check out the facts yourself by calling or emailing Robert Klahr, partner at Armstrong Teasdale.
See how many times Matt Conley signed off on all of the Kohl's bills submitted by THF.
So who verified if everything was actually completed like removing the esbestos and hazardous soil!
I meant to see if city hall had any paperwork regarding environmental remediation for that corner...will do so this week.
9:36 PM Matt Conley wasn't in control of Crestwood so what are you talking about?
If Matt Conley signed everything it's because his supervisors told him to do it. But who had the power and control? He was not the "last word" on anything cause he didn't have that kind of power. So go ahead and blame Matt and leave the people who had the real control and responsibility off the hook. Sounds like a plan to me.
Matt Conley was used just like many other people were. Cause if something were to fall down the line, he would be right in the line of fire.
The lawyers, and the power players at city hall knew exactly where the blame was going to go, when things fell apart. Nothing new in the world today. It's called business as usual.
Matt did every thing and any thing his boss, Kent told him to do or allowed him to do.
Still would like to find out what Alderman Maddox found in the 3 boxes of information that he requested and got. Wonder what if anything he found that was questionable?
I believe Alderman Maddox stated at a Board Metting that he found everything in order.
So what if Matt Conley signed TIF documents. Wasn't that his job? Do you have ANY proof that what he did was in some why illegal or wrong?
PROOF PLEASE, before you go and slander someone! Just because you don't like TIF, Kohls, or parking lots isn't proof of anything.
If what you say is correct, that per Maddox, everything is legal and in order, then why is there so much activety on this blog about the Kohls arrangements? Could it be possible those who are up in arms over the parking lot/swim club action are WRONG?
After all if Maddox couldnt find anything then what could there be?
I believe Maddox was checking the environmental records only at that time. There can be plenty wrong other than that. We shall see!
Tom Ford
Tom, would you please list all of the reasons why you are so opposed to the Kohls/Swim Club deal and why it has been negative/harmful to the City of Crestwood. Please enlighten us. Thank you.
I am voting to give the $850,000 to THF.
The Citizens of Crestwood will find out how much money actually went to Crestwood Swim Club, Rosebrook Real Estate Company, and Grewe.
The answer may overwhelm everyone!
12:01 PM blogger: the post right under yours seems to define some of it just fine!
With the swim club/Rosebrook Realty, I have no axe to grind. I do, however draw the line when a TDD is formed to re-pay THF Realty $850,000.00 for a "Parking lot" that was the old swim club property.
As many of you know, the old pool and it's property were appraised at $88,000.00. THF bought it for $850,000.00 from the swim club/Rosebrook Realty. Eaven that is ok with me, as it's up to them how to spend their money.
Now we come to the part that I have a major problem with, and that's THF being re-paid the $850,000.00 that they spent for it!
If they wish to recoup the $88,000.00 per the appraisal, so be it, just don't use the extra 3/8 cent sales tax, or the TDD to do it.
No noubt everyone knows that "someone" is going to re-appraise the parking lot for the TDD board, and I'll bet it comes up a "bit" higher than the origional.
A TDD is for TRANSPORTATION, not swimming pool's be it a City, or a private pool! I see no need to re-pay THF for spending the funds to re-locate the pool, as it sure does not come under the TDD rules, now does it.
Have you ever wondered why the TDD meeting has been put off so many times, and why this has been going on for over 5 years? I have.
I have been told this is going to trigger an investigation (if it happens,) which will be less than helpfull to Crestwood, so for that reason, as well as the ones above, I am against it.
Tom Ford
Yes, let's investigate. The longer it takes to finalize, the longer the entry to city hall will be considered a liability. In the meantime, hope a citizen does not get hurt on city hall's steps or parking lot. Goodness knows fixing that is NOT in the budget.
10:46PM blogger: Wrong parking lot my friend, we are talking about the parking lot that now belongs to Kohl's.
You know, the one where the $88,000.00 swim club pool used to be, that one.
Tom Ford
Oh, I have the right parking lot. Until the deal is closed, I assume the city will not use the money in the TDD for the improvements to City Hall's parking lot and entry.
9:52PM blogger: The City has a lot of explaining to do here as well! Who in their right mind would pay $650,000.00 to re-surface that small parking lot?
This entire thing will never pass the smell test, and we all know it!
Tom Ford
Check the BOA meeting minutes. Mr. Eckrich I believe stated that based previous bids received for the improvements, the amount of money allocated for the parking lot improvements would come close to the amount of money outlined in the TDD distribution.
I guess you would have to be in that line of work to understand the expenses involved with the project.
So according to you, you have to be "in that line of work to understand the expenses involved with the project."
So much for the average Crestwood resident, huh? We just don't have what it takes to understand? I guess we should be thankful that we have great leadership in city hall leading us common folk who just don't understand???
3:10 AM, January 31, 2007
First of all, what are you doing up at 3:10 am??? Can't sleep? (just wondering)
The comment at 10:46 was in response to Mr. Ford's comment "Who in their right mind would pay $650,000.00 to re-surface that small parking lot?"
According to him the job should not cost that much to complete. Is he in that line of business? I'm not so I don't profess to know anything about how much it would cost. I was just saying what J. Eckrich stated at a meeting. Check out the meeting minutes.
3:10 here
Sorry. Yes, couldn't sleep. Thanks for the clarification and I'll check the meeting minutes.
I tried to find them (BOA minutes/dates, etc.) before responding but it took too long. I did not have that kind of time. The search engine on the web site doesn't seem to filter at all. Not sure if the statement was made during dialog during a BOA meeting or if it was addressed during a topic listed on the agenda.
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