January 4th edition of the Suncrest Call newspaper!
Some interesting articles, and a great letter by Mr. John Foote on public service!
Some have mentioned "senior citizens" as being "costly" to a City, and some have said that "we need younger citizens." Well, your probably right, but we older folks have a tendency to get out and vote, while the younger residents are otherwise occupied.
As of now, we have no-one who has filed for the job of Alderman in any of the four Wards in Crestwood. Will that stand? I doubt it as the last date to file is January 16, 2007.
There are a lot of "anonymous" posters on this blog who would have us believe they have the answers to our problems! If, in fact you do have the answers, please get down to City Hall, put up your five bucks, get twenty signatures, and get on the April ballot!
I have been there before, and I encourage all of you to experience our system, you will learn a lot, and who knows, you just might win!
Tom Ford
Some have mentioned "senior citizens" as being "costly" to a City, and some have said that "we need younger citizens." Well, your probably right, but we older folks have a tendency to get out and vote, while the younger residents are otherwise occupied.
As of now, we have no-one who has filed for the job of Alderman in any of the four Wards in Crestwood. Will that stand? I doubt it as the last date to file is January 16, 2007.
There are a lot of "anonymous" posters on this blog who would have us believe they have the answers to our problems! If, in fact you do have the answers, please get down to City Hall, put up your five bucks, get twenty signatures, and get on the April ballot!
I have been there before, and I encourage all of you to experience our system, you will learn a lot, and who knows, you just might win!
Tom Ford
So is there a need to backfill the Economic Development position? I hope Mr. Miguel evaluates this. I know when this position was created it was based on the fact that it would pay for itself.
Seems like all the merchants have been "Value" oriented. Shop 'n' Save, Gordmans, Harbor Freight, Salvation Army and Aldi. Not exactly going to bring out the big spenders. Did they come to Crestwood on their own? Did the City bring the Brinkmann development in?
Where is the Salvation Army store? I'd love to shop there.
No one has ever advised how many and which stores this position actually brought in. For the money, residents would like to know. This position seems to have worked in the dark as far as sharing this info. Leading one to surmise, wrongly or rightly, that the position is not essential. Open gov't this is not. AS for the Salvation A. store, call city hall and ask. If not there, where? We still don't know what is going in at WAtson/Old Sappington and exactly why anyone thinks ACE can make it this close to Home Depot and Lowe's when Builders Square at Schnucks Plaza (prime loc) could not. And why we should remodel for Mr. Grewe. Who calls the shots in this city anyway?
Anyone have answers??
To those who thought a "fire protection district" is an answer to our money woes, please cut and paste!
Overtime pay? Tax increases? More money?
We are very fortunate indeed!
Tom Ford
2 sides to this story.
Fire Dist. vs. Fire Dept. If sales tax continues to drop the only way for the CITY to afford a Fire Dept. is to either ask for a property tax increase or to cut other services and use the savings on the cost of a Fire Dept.
Fire Dist, the CITY pays nothing as it is the home owner who has a tax placed against their home for the protection of the Fire Dist. This frees up money the City can use for other services of to hold current level of services excluding a fire dept.
Not suggesting one over the other from a service stand point, only pointing out the raw economic facts that we must expect our elected officals to deal with.
6:45 blogger, you couldn't be more wrong.
explain what is wrong
Poverty, AIDs, world hunger, illegal immigration, trade imbalance, terrorism, genocide...
... leadership in Ward 2 that sucks
If you wish your property tax to go up by at least $1.15 per hundred, a fire district is the way to go (go on line at St. Louis County, and look at the taxes of towns with fire districts!)
Wea are extreemly fortunate to have our own fire department, and we must do whatever it takes to preserve it.
Tom Ford
Agreed we must do all possible to keep our local fire dept. vs that of a fire dist. Question I have is can we do it and is our current group of leaders at City Hall share our desire?
Yes, we absolutely do!
Time for a "we bit of levity" so here we go!
Disclaimer: At no time is this post to be indicitive of any political party, living or dead. Nor shall any person, living or dead be allowed to take umbridge with same. That said, and understood, we shall proceed to the story!
I bought a new Lexus 350 and returned to the dealer the next day
because I couldn't get the radio to work. The salesman explained that the
radio was voice activated.
"Nelson," the salesman said to the radio.
The Radio replied, "Ricky or Willie?"
"Willie!" he continued and "On The Road Again" came from the
Then he said, "Ray Charles!", and in an instant "Georgia On My Mind"
replaced Willie Nelson.
I drove away happy, and for the next few days, every time I'd say,
"Beethoven," I'd get beautiful classical music, and if I said,
"Beatles," I'd get one of their awesome songs.
Yesterday, a couple ran a red light and nearly creamed my new car,
but I swerved in time to avoid them. I yelled, "A$$ Holes!"
Immediately the French National Anthem began to play, sung by Jane
Fonda and Barbara Streisand, backed up by Michael Moore and
The Dixie Chicks, with John Kerry on guitar, Al Gore on drums,
Dan Rather on harmonica, Nancy Pelosi on tambourine, Harry Reid
on spoons, Bill Clinton on sax and Ted Kennedy on scotch.
Damn, I LOVE this car
Tom Ford
But you always forget about your annexed step children who are in a Fire Dist in Crestwood. Crestwood has both.
Don't forget about the fire union either.
Why don't you tell us the whole story just for the record?
What is the budget for Crestwood's 2 fire department coverage? TOTAL?
What would it be under a fire district?
Yes, I am grateful for our fire dept. but I want to know how grateful $$$?
Even if you run the numbers someone will always cry out that one is better than the other...with no real proof. All based on he said - she said. Much like the approval of the CID for Grewe. All based on "everyone else is using these tax tools". No real numbers.
Miguel does his homework and gets picked on for taking too long to make a decision.
We pay for both services so we should be able to compare and see how much each costs us. But no one wants to wake the sleeping dog.
Yes, since we already pay for a fire protection district for parts of Crestwood, what harm would there be to get quotes to cover the rest of Crestwood.
Let's see, the taxpayers pay to cover the people in the annexed area 100%, plus support the high cost of maintaining an additional department. I understand that there would be an increase to our taxes to go with a Fire Protection District, but wouldn't there be a savings to the City to eliminate the fire department, go with a district, then devise a way to have EVERY resident in Crestwood, including those in the annexed area, pay a fair share?
If the City wasn't trying to support their own fire department, couldn't we reduce the tax we pay to Crestwood, alleviating some of the increase to the residents, and still come out money ahead?
What about having those in the annexed area then pay the same share that the rest of Crestwood pays?
If residents want a Fire Departments breakdown, residents want a breakdown. Period! Anytime residents are asked to pass a tax increase and are denied answers as to the total picture, it is a problem in the making.
What is the breakdown??? The dark days of the past are over, the sunshine law prevails and open government is the rule now. Okay.
Read today's CALL and the article on the south county fire district and its 3 member board and their upcoming tax "decrease" vote. It has been a long and interesting story.
When Fire Departments decide they and they alone call the shots, trouble brews. This is why we have elections and boards, etc. Rumblings of power mongering in fire departments is getting old and tiring. Crestwood needs to make this abundantly clear - that is - firemen are city employees, we like them and we need them. But troublemaking is not for us. This kind of pressure does nothing more than demean the long honored profession of firefighting.
Our fire department covers, how many miles? How many people? What on earth is wrong with determining the best path for our city?
nothing wrong at all, just get ready to be blasted for asking.
Blasted, eh! Now that is sad. Since when has it become a mistake to be determined to make sure my now extra tax dollars go where they should go? Oh well, blast away. I am anxious to see what kind of person would deny people the right to express themselves. So, if blasted, then that is very telling. It shows that one department of our city government is trying way too hard to control our destiny. They already have showed their politics in previous elections. So, again. Blast away. Behavior not fitting for our community could well determine decisions now or up the road.
I agree with you, was just warning you that's all
You go to a doctor or dentist and pay the same basic rates all around this town...You go 3-4 miles in any direction and the cost of fire protection is drastically different.
I think Sunset Hills is in a Fire Dist. right? Yet their taxes are not anything like Mehlville.
It's close to the same! Still DOUBLE what we pay and for less service.
So, what amount of increase in property tax are we willing to pay to keep our our own fire and police depts, not sell our parks to developers and have our public works dept do it's job? That is the question we as citizens have to answer.
Forgot to add that we need to remember that Alderman Miguel said that the last property tax increase was not going to be enough, that there would have to be another one. Again the question is how much more would you be willing to pay, $50 a year, $75 a year to keep what we have now?
7:25 am I am willing to pay more to keep my city going. I didn't know Alderman Miquel stated that our last tax increase would not be enough. I agree with that 100%.
We keep trying to develop interest in our commercial corridor, but we don't want to pay anymore out of our own pockets. God helps those who help themselves.
It's time to put up or shut up.
Sandy Grave
I read where we had a balanced budget for the last 2 years. If so, is this conversation a tad premature.How bout let's not get our BVD's in a twist! Let's continue to conserve, no studies, etc.
Conserve. It can be done. We do not need every position applicable to municipal gov't in a city this small. We are not into career building these days. Double Up. It happens everywhere.
Conserve. You and I do it, city hall can do it. Are you listening up there?
I don't understand the "put up or shut up" dialog. Pls, the preaching. Let's don't cripple ourselves with this sort of pessimism. Let's wait out the new developments slated to take place and keep open minds. Let's also strive to keep our officials in line and have a no nonsense city gov't. People getting up to speak should have something to say that is progressive --- not to get their name in the paper. This is ridiculous and apparent. Keep the input viable. Pin candidates for office to the carpet, check 'em out. Hold them to their word. We have had enough politics and puppets and smart alecks!
Let the new day dawn.
2:32 PM blogger: Correct! When someone speaks it should be for the sole purpose of bettering Crestwood, period!
Face it folk's, if you do get your name in the paper, who is going to see it anyway? The only paper that pay's any attention to Crestwood is not exactly the New York Times (thank God!)
Instead of finding more ways to slam our town, what say we find ways to improve our town? As you all know, I am a conservitive, and as such hate any taxes, but I am willing to shell out a buck or two to keep us up and running.
That, and the total denial of the $850,000.00 portion of the TDD for an $88,000.00 parking lot should help this years budget!
Let's all pull toghether for a better Crestwood in 2007!
Tom Ford
$850,000 of TDD and $88,000 for parking lot, just how will that happen?
8:13 Pm blogger: The swim club had property that was worth $88,000.00 that THF Realty paid $850,000.00 to get for the Kohls project! Now, all that was to be funded in a TDD, however a private swim club is not what a TDD is for.
There has been a cloud over this "deal" for some time now, and I am surprised that you haven't heard of it before!
When the TDD board meets (soon) I think you should be there to stop this from happening, a lot of your fellow citizens will be!
Tom Ford
but how will the cloud if and when removed or cleared up put that money back into the bank account of Crestwood?
It won't. The funds will lower the TDD sales tax (you pay 3/8 cent sales tax to fund this at Kohls) by $850,000.00.
The quicker a TIF, TDD, CID is paid off, the quicker more tax monies flow to Crestwood. This must be dis-allowed for many reasons, not the least of which is the extra tax funding a private pool buy out.
Tom Ford
so $850,000 will NOT be going to the account of the City Of Crestwood if the clouds are removed right away like this year? Instead it will take years for the tax collected to equal $850,000 If these items are disallowed, what will the developers do, just eat the loss, SUE the city, close up shop? Which of these possiablities seems most like to happen if there is a disallowing? If you were THF or KOHLS would you even think twice about taking City to court in a LAW SUIT?
I doubt that THF will fold up shop, This is a very well respected development firm!
I also doubt that the City of Crestwood has any liability in this deal. However if I were a stock holder in the company that owned the property (swim club) when they (THF)agreed to buy it, well!
We shall see this un-fold in the near future I am sure.
Tom Ford
These low quality developments along Watson Rd will do nothing for the long term future of Crestwood. Let's keep our fingers crossed that the Brinkman development brings more than dollar/discount stores. The City should be more focused on squeezing in quality housing wherever possible. Brentwood is a good example of a City that is "built out" yet still has a continual stream of in-fill housing going up.
Tom, I know you're a conservative and do not like higher taxes, but do you think our government is still in cost cutting mode? Have you seen the 2007 budget? Ellen Daily got an 8.8% raise, $9,000 for a consultant, again! An internship was created ($31,000) to help administer the plan created by the consultant. All while the mall is up for sale, which could mean an end to mall sales taxes for a minimum of 1 year (during reconstruction) or up to 20 or more years to pay off any TIF created.
Our government needs to SAVE money and pay off the Greer debt! That's one reason we elected Roy, but that's not what we're getting.
I believe the Brinkman development will have a couple of up-scale resturants, as well as high end retail shops. This will be a great asset if it all comes to pass as envisioned now.
We should know soon, so keep tuned in for further!
Tom Ford
8:39 AM blogger: It does seem to pan out that way dosen't it! I agree, an 8.8% raise is just plain silly (raise should be based on performance,) but that's a moot point as she is leaving on 1/17/07.
Like you I was very vocal in opposing the "consultant" and I would like to know just what the need for an intern to administer a plan we have had since 2000 is for!
It seems to me that the City fathers have become "penny wise and pound foolish" when it comes to, dare I say it, frivolous expenditures! I know we have the expertise on the board now to get the job done, so why the outside help?
Back to basics people, this is not as hard as some would have us believe, trust me. If nothing else, use the "bucket method" of accounting. You have one bucket full of bills, and one full of money. When the money starts to run short, cut down on the resons for the bills! Simple!
Silly? Yes, but we must hold off the expenses we can, or?
Tom Ford
I 2nd that AMEN!
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