Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The TIF, TDD meeting for Crestwood Point is coming soon!

I am given to understand that the week of January 23, 2007 there will be a meeting of the TIF/TDD commission to attempt to finalize the Crestwood Point, Kohl's, parking lot (formally the swim club) bond sales! The commission has hired another firm do a second appraisal as to the worth of the property (in 1998-99,) as it seems that there is not sufficient evidence to support the $850,000.00 pay out for the swim club property appraised at $88,000.00.

I am told that the commission would like to Give some funds to the developer, but cannot justify the full amount, so they have hired a second firm to re-appraise (8-9 years later.)

I have no idea how a section of property appraised for $88,000.00, and then blighted by the City can be re-appraised for a higher value than it was then, but we shall see what this latest development brings.

One thing is for certain, to change anything in this TIF/TDD would require a complete new "Inter Governmental agreement" to be completed, and I believe a new court hearing to grant the new agreement. That said, I understand that they (the commission) would like this all tied up by March, 2007!

The TIF/TDD commission is not required by law to notify us when they meet, so we must be ultra vigilant in order to make sure the Citizens have a voice at this very important meeting!

Folks, it's our money their playing with, so if you want this halted, call your Alderman, the Mayor, and whomever else you can think of, and let's stop this from happening!

Tom Ford

NO. 269


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I heard the bond "people" were waiting for THF to provide additional documentation. Was this provided? Were the bond "people" satisfied with the information? Or did the Crestwood representation on the board disapprove? Too many questions need to be answered before I understand why an additional appraisal has been scheduled.

10:28 PM, January 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, would somebody explain to me how it is "our money"?

10:29 PM, January 02, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Technically, everything should go back to the TIF commission for approval and then the Board of Alderman create a new ordinance.

I guess we are going to have the same mess as Sunset Hills!

Check out what happened to Novus and the City of Sunset Hills!

7:43 AM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which parking lot?

City Hall parking lot which is part of the TDD?

Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club Parking Lot?

Old Crestwood Swim Club Pool location which became a parking lot?

7:46 AM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is it "our money"?

When you shop at Kohl's, you are paying an additional 1% sales tax to reimburse the Transportation Development District (TDD) mondy.

Any tax money is the "public's money" that can be audited.

Where does the TDD money actually come from within the government?

Federal or State or St. Louis County?

7:48 AM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is the TDD Commissioners planning on submitting documentation to Judge Barbara Crancer with the St. Louis Circuit Court, to explain how a private swimming club is part of this district?

Where is Rosebrook Real Estate/Crestwood Swim Club pool mentioned in any of the St. Louis Circuit Paperwork and the City of Crestwood Ordinances for the Kohl's TIF, TDD, and CID?

What is everyone ashamed of mentioning the name of this business in any government paperwork?

Was this intentionally to hide who owns the "parking lot"?

Which Judges and Lawyers are ore were a member of Rosebrook Real Estate and Crestwood Swim Club Pool?

Is it true the lawyer that represented Jimmy Huffa was a member of the private pool?

Is it true that a U.S. Federal Lawyer is a member of this private pool and may not know the truth?

7:55 AM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:55 AM Go back to bed. You are obviously not an early riser. Leave your sarcasm underneath your pillow.

8:56 AM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's our new Salvation Army store? Where are all the people who so strongly supported it?

10:12 AM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wonder if they will move in since Goodwill is going just down the road?

1:37 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We must have good will toward one another. It will be part of our salvation. So let's not get ourselves riled up and in a tif. You get my point?

3:22 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would appear from the attendance at the secretive bond meeting several weeks back that interest is very keen in this city on the matter of the Crestwood Swim Club and their amazing "deal" in obtaining $850,000 for a pool worth $88,000. Not to be forgotten, the tangle of politics that paved the way.

How can we insinuate this city deals in Democracy and Sunshine/Open Gov't if the
"TIF/TDD Commission is not required by law to notify us when they meet?" Let's be very clear about the concern of residents over this matter. Let's make very sure any litigation and judges have the full story. Let's give it the time is deserves.

As long as I am paying extra tax (my money) to shop at Kohl's, and the swim club was not listed on the original transfer paperwork as "private," I consider this festering issue a pock on the Crestwood scene. Further what all of a sudden is the big rush??? Not a good idea to rush anything through with so many implications. When an old dilapidated private swim club gets $850,000 for a pool worth $88,000 and is allowed to relocate around private homes on the rear of MY community's city hall, with a profit margin this big, it is not unusual to imply something could possibly be rotten in Denmark.

Looks like it is up to Aldermen and Mayor: Roby, Nieder, Miguel and Robinson and Mr. Myers, the city admdinistrator, to publicize, on time, the meeting date, time and place of meetings regarding this matter. As we know, Aldermen: Breeding, Bland, Kelleher, Pickel and Duwe are affiliated one way or another in this private swim club and therefore unlikely to encourage publicity. NOT SURPRISING is the fact that the Crestwood Board of Aldermen and the Planning and Zoning Board has been comprised of members of this private swim club for many many years. HOW CONVENIENT. Rosebrook Realty Company, the company holding the stock for this private club, should be scrutinized and this bond matter should be held in abeyance until such time as the question of legitimacy of this incredible profit is determined, and the question of who in the city and county approved this location. Elected officials and board members, who served during this time, should have their votes scrutinized. This questionning storm has been brewing for some time now while residents have developed, over the last months, a vision of trust and hope for their city. This not forgotten matter of the Crestwood Swim Club is unfinished business of major relevance to this vision.

The shrill outcry from anonymous pool members on this blog, over time, has been a vivid and protective barometer of the length to which they go to protect just how this "deal" came about. However, everything about this "deal" has a off-tune ring. It would be best if proper time were taken to make sure this issue is resolved justly, and the facts brought out. The whole situation having been aired by the pros and cons of its legitimacy, or lack thereof, has become a political and financial tug of war and a dark shadow on how this city has been governed in the past and how it wishes to be governed in the future. What seems like a TIF/TDD Bond item bringing in retail goes way beyond that. How far, we need to know.

Let Messrs. Miguel, Nieder and Roby know that this matter is one which needs the bright light of day. Crestwood needs to get this sludge put in the right waste receptical and the lid secured.

3:48 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who cares! Deduct the amount for the swim club. THF is the one that will be out the money.

4:28 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, the TIF is not involved, just the TDD?

4:42 PM, January 03, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:29 PM blogger: It's our money for two reasons, first if you buy anything at Kohl's you will pay an extra 3/8 cent sales tax (to pay off the "parking lot," read pool.)

Second, If it is taken off the table, we will reduce the overall bonds by $850,000.00 thus ending the tax drain that much sooner!

7:48 AM blogger: TDD funds come from the Federal Government as well as the State (for highways, bridges ETC you know, not private pools.)

3:22PM blogger: Good one!!

4:28 PM blogger: Try and tell that to THF, I know they are going to be thrilled to death!

4:42 PM blogger: The TIF is a completly seperate "political sub-division" that last's for 20 years, the TDD hangs around for 40 years (unless paid sooner.)

Wow, done for the time being! Attend this meeting folks else this will be swept in for sure!

Tom Ford

5:38 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so the TDD tax once the bonds are paid off goes to the City?

6:52 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this TIF has a projected life span of much less than 20 yrs, I believe that figure is the MAX number of years. Kohle TIF was for something nearer 12 years and must be over half paid off by now

6:59 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just read this weeks issue of the SUNCREST CALL on line. In it is a letter from Mr. John Foote begging for candidates to run for Aldermen in Crestwood.
Wonder if Mr. Foote supported term limits? Wonder is he still does? Wonder if the fact that to date no one has stepped forward exposes the lie about no one could beat a sitting Alderman and that is why no one ran in the past?
Hay, Mr. Foote,the Mayor's about your age and he has not been well, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and run? Oh, I forgot, you were a part of the committee formed by the Mayor to select the new City Administrator. Looking at Mr. Myers has done in less than a year he has been here, I guess I to would be afraid to run!

7:13 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations Mr. Malter, you have ceased to have any credibility with me. But then, I know you could care! You are obviously in the category of sharp shooters who like to riddle dodge with dirt.

Term limits, this is pretty much the American way nowdays and thank heavens for it. Seems my neighbors and fellow Crestwoodians agree. No one should be guaranteed their job if they are doing a terrible job of it. Here, there, everywhere. Elected officials should not have the only job in the land with the possibility of permanent job security irregardless of their ability to serve.

I would probably be timid to run in this town, too, because you can darn well bet residents in CRESTWOOD are loaded for bear. Try to pull any more stunts around here and the county could take over. We are totally sick of tag team aldermen and plan to make this abundantly clear. History will tell you that when you have a board with 5 members with special interests, you have lost your city government IN CRESTWOOD. At the first inclination of an alderman to run the city as a clique iin the future, with no thought of independent thinking, chances are his reputation will be met with indignation. This town is trying to heal, sir, we don't have time for cowboys.

As for lowrating Mr. Foote, Mr. Malter; we would be darned lucky if he would run. He may not be your cup of political tea, but he is an intelligent man with scruples. He is whether you belive it or not an independent thinker, as well. We should try very hard to talk this kind of resident into running. We should beg Mr. Foote to run.

Mr. Malter, why don't you tell us what your expectations are for our city administrator? This would help us understand you better. The last two we have had left our city sad and bare, disillusioned and disgusted. What is it we need to do to stabilize a city which has had to tolerate mismanagement of funds, loud mouthed childish aldermen, sexual harrassment lawsuits, a private swim club approved for a totally inapproptiate place with a profit which defies description, a fortune spent on plans for a city hall for which there is no use or funds, a city hall and public works building used as collateral for a 3.5 Million dollar LOC so we can function, legal bills that had no end, an inter-office affaire at city hall, the end of civil service as it was originally designed, an unprescedented car and car allowance for the city czar and a solely political board appointed prior to its legal time for the sole purpose of politics. No doubt there is more. God forbid that we are spared that.

Yes siree, Mr. Malter. In order to preserve the dignity of our city and forget all of the above, we will definitely need candidates who have unchallengable integrity and who want, like me, to keep our taxes reasonable, our retail at a stable place, our services maintained at an acceptable level, our employees happy and our reputation comparable to the legion of wonderful burbs which surround us. Anything less is unacceptable.

8:53 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

blah, blah, blah - sounding like a broken record.....

10:08 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:53 You talk of credibility! You sir or madam are a coward who hids behind your ablilty to remain unknown due to the grace Mr. Ford allows with the use of anonymous on his blog.
Regardless of my disagreements with Mr. Foote, I respect his being without fear by his signing of his name to his letter. Mr. Foote has the ability to be a leader in Crestwood, you are not made of the same cloth as he.I wonder if Mr. Foote would want your support of even feel he needs it, since it comes from a coward.

10:28 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

last post was by
S.W. Malter,
in my haste to proof read I hit the publish button in error.

10:32 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood is stuck in the past. Seems like most folks just want to point fingers and slow progress such as the Kohl's project, Grewe's projects. Just wait until someone wants to take the wrecking ball to Crestwood Mall. I have heard bids were being taken. Let the spin begin.....

10:39 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood is stuck in the past because it has debts from the past and scars from the past. So yes, part of it is still very much stuck in the past.

10:43 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you are so concerned about Mr. Foote's views, why don't you talk to him personally?

10:47 PM, January 03, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

poster 8:53, so how have term limits corrected the problems you list when no one wants to run for the jobs that are open?

6:55 AM, January 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Until the filing period ends, on Tuesday, January 16, 2007, how do you know that "no one wants to run..."?

7:26 AM, January 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There seems to be some bitterness regarding term limits.

7:34 AM, January 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wrecking ball at the mall?
mercy sakes what has happened to us all?
Greer is gone,
term limits are in
still look at the mess are we sitting in!

No wonder no one wants to run for Alderman, who wants their name attached to what is going to happen in the next 2 years, sales tax rev. down faster than projected, City govt. continues to hire new new employees to replace the ones who are leaving at a record pace, City Hall building continues to need repair which can't be afforded, population contines to decline and age, western movement down Watson rd from the City has no buffer to stop it like a high scale housing would have done if Creston Center supporters had used their brains, Creston Center still is never fully rented out, City will have to ask for increase in property tax in order to off set decline in sales tax income, City willing to spend $9000 for a friend of the C/A to teach BOA how to be nice, City wants to check on your pets in your house with out your permission.

Good news, Mayor has a new shiny red SUV and a sign at City Hall protecting his private parking spot.
Grewe is investing a lot of somebody's money in business in City. And every bodys favorite, Kohl's TDD and the Swim club will be exposed to the light of day soon.

Please Alderman Miguel, run for mayor in 2008. Only you have shown in the past to have the solutions to our problems that you were prevented from putting into place by former members of the BOA, Mayors and C/A's.

7:36 AM, January 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:36 1/4/07 blogger
I don't know what the Mayor's new vehicle has to do with anything, but this is sorta nitpicking isn't it? But red is a great color. Same for the sign. Big Deal! Wrecking ball to the mall. Okayyyyyyy. Guess we will wait and see. Do you shop there? Grewe's appropriation was approved by majority of board, so who are you unhappay with? Creston Center, right, not full. As to that proposed development, think we can do much better. Be more creative. Nice property with lots of potential. Not sure we want apartments, or mixed developments. The developer, Mills, also wanted to develop in Webster, but residents actually had a vote for his plans and voted NO. Cities simply want to have a big voice in what goes on in the limited space now available for development. Actually maybe some "moderate" priced condos would be a plus. Sales Tax revenue going down is not news. Been goin on some time now. Decline in age of population.Well these people pay taxes and vote and are a plus to our community mix. They are among my best neighbors. What does age have to do with anything? Movement down Watson, righteo - movement brought Shop and Save and Famous Brand Shoes, Aldi's, Las Margueritas, and apparently Ace Hardware and a new development at Watson/Old Sappington. Blockbuster and the record store are filled. Can't say as I approve of the $9000 study either. I think most of our concerns are apparent and shared and we can handle them within our budget and talents without a coach. As for animal control entering homes, there is a meeting to be held in this regard. Now employees leaving the city: the City Clerk's husband was relocated to another city. The Dev. Mgr. apparently wanted a different kind of job which did not concern bringing in business. If there are others, perhaps an administration change did not suit their style. Who knows. People do change jobs. Greener pastures and more money are very compelling. Haven't you changed jobs at some time?

One thing is certain, the Head of our Public Works Department, Mr. Eckerich, is a compliment to our city and his loyalty seems to be to his work, his profession, his employees and the community and its residents. I commend him for his service and his dedication. He is also a very nice person.

While passing out kudo's I have to agree with you about Alderman Miguel. Despite being treated with ongoing disrespect by a Ward 2 Alderman, who apparently does not know the meaning of decorum and is an embarrassment to the city, Mr. Miguel has proved to be a leader who puts a great deal of respect, effort, expertise and study into his decisions. Seems this is pretty well known and the only way the mediocre contingent of the board can contend with this kind of public service is to condemn. The shallowness of this behavior has proved to be a detriment to our city. Mr. Miguel has taken it all in stride and continues to be an asset and also is a very nice person.

I am glad you and I share some concerns and glad we can share them on a blog. Two heads are better than one ... and looks like you join me in your looking for what is best for our city.

Happy New Year!

5:57 PM, January 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The older a citizen the more services they require, IE: the more expensive they are for a City. When they are on fixed income they spend less which means they buy less which means less tax dollars for city.A working citizen gets raises and wage increases which mean increased spending. A retired person does not bring that to the table.
If our Citizens wanted a voice they would be running for the 4 alderman seats of which up in April, but like Mr. Foote said, they are too old to do so. Not knocking the old folks in Crestwood in any way but this City needs to attract young familys and young singles and right now we are not doing this at the same rate as Fenton and other citys in our area.

6:50 PM, January 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe we should just take 'em out and shoot 'em.

However, the senior people in my neighborhood are the very ones fixing up their homes and yards and who have discretionary money we all wish we had. They seem to be happy, content and like to shop. They take nice vacations and are friendly and yes, they vote. I wish some of them would run for office as they have time to attend meetings and have experience which would serve our city well. I think there is great diversity of age in Crestwood and I consider it a benefit. Just sorry to hear the blogger who thinks older resident bring nothing to the table. This has not been my experience here.

9:02 PM, January 04, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:02 PM I agree with your comments. The blogger who thinks there is nothing good about senior citizens is probably one who isn't there yet. But in the blink of an eye, he/she will be there and will wonder why they said such a rediculous comment. Then let's see if they are ready to be "put out to pasture". It's better to be over the hill than "under it". I can't imagine anyone with the gall to say that and not expect it to anger people.

10:40 AM, January 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the retire people of Crestwood dont want to be put out to pasture, then they will be running for office in April in large numbers, right?

11:30 AM, January 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be great. I hope retired people will consider the job. I am remembering Mr. Maddox who did an outstanding job. Perhaps if the retired wish to serve they will have the maturity needed and won't be less developed smart alecks like the one alderman who is up there now and has an attendance problem. He makes every other alderman look good. And in comparison, they are. Perhaps a more senior person will have the best interests of the city in mind, time to do the job, the capacity for fairness and the inclination of integrity shared by the majority of the board. Regardless of age, these traits are attainable.

Sure sorry you have such contempt for anyone over 19. Is this the age at which you stopped growing intellectually? Presumable so, which means the pasture to which you refer is all yours. In Crestwood we respect those who serve, age is no factor, so this pasture, designed especially for you, is bare.

I am getting a huge laugh out of your posts. But, then, I laugh easily and look on the bright side at every opportunity.

1:12 PM, January 05, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ah yes, retired people! Well I turned 65 last month, went to the social security office to sign up, and found out I may make too much money!

Interesting I thought, but then they told me that after August 1, 2007 they couldent care less how much I made, as that was off the table.

Well, I did get "enrolled," but only after I proved I had been born! That said, I am attaching a post from a friend that's too good to let go!

5 million of our older Americans have not signed up yet for their

Medicare, Part D, drug plan------they are old and confused.

We are NOT going to grant them an extension.

However, 12 million illegal aliens are in our country and we are

going to allow them to stay, protest, procreate, receive support

monies, attend schools, avoid paying income taxes, have our

teachers take 300 hours of ESL(English as a Second Language)

training at our expense, etc.


If it ticks you off, pass it on!!

Don't forget to pay your taxes......

12 million illegal aliens are depending on you!

Happy "retirement!"

Tom Ford

5:55 PM, January 05, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of value added, I recently asked a Lieutenant in another city's police department how much surveillance and so forth they did on illegal aliens. His comment was "zip" ... no money to be made. Why waste the time.

What does Crestwood do? Illegal still means illegal doesn't it? Seems to be three sets of rules, one for the rich, one for me, and one for illegal aliens.

Plus, maybe one for people on SS.

6:26 PM, January 05, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Illegal is still illegal (last I was told.)

I believe Crestwood reports them to the INS, who I am sure just "blinks" them, else they are called "raciest" by the ACLU!

Your right about the three set's of standards, and why we let this happen is beyond me!

We have seen our share of low down, favoritism politics right here in Crestwood, but nothing like the invasion of our National borders by whomever!

Sadly, a vote is all these lying politico's are after! None of them could care less for our National security, or Americans who were born here (they think they have us in the bag,) only the "new voting block!"

Now we have a whole new crew in charge in Washington, soon to be "the most ethical" in history! RIGHT!, and, that said, I am reminded of a statement by the late "Tip' O Neal, "all politics is local!" So here we go again folks, hold onto your wallet's!!!

Tom Ford

8:24 AM, January 06, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am holding on to my wallet, but considering there's been so many tax increases in Crestwood the last 7 years, there ain't much of my wallet left!!!

12:14 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:14 PM Tax increases in Crestwood? What are you talking about; compare Crestwood's portion of our taxes with what other cities pay. We've been riding on the coattails of our sales tax so long and putting all our eggs in one basket that it's ridiculous.

Breakdown what we pay to the school district and everything else on our tax bill, and you will see that what you pay in Crestwood is small in comparison.

It's all the other taxing entities we pay for that cost us, not Crestwood. So we should punish Crestwood because we pay more for everything else? Our first concern should be where we live and what our housing stock will be worth in another 5 or 10 years. We have paid very little attention to it while everything else was escalating around us. Our budget may be balanced but we are not a balanced community. We are a ship bogged down on one end.

Now our sales tax is dwindling and we are in a mess because we based everything on being a city living on it's sales tax with no bonded indebtedness. If I didn't hear it once I heard it a thousand times.

I don't want to be taxed to death either but it sure isn't Crestwood that's been taxing us all these years.

If we don't do something we will be taken over by the County for sure. Kirkwood has higher taxes, but when they sell their homes, they get more money because they are still a viable community and look at how they are expanding. They have diversification and a grand downtown district. They made sure that there was an even spread of housing, commercial and small business.

What did we do? Nothing but spend what we had cause we had the mother-load coming in named sales tax. The word "tax" never came up years ago because aldermen were afraid to present it to their constituents for fear of loosing an election. Oh My Gosh No Way! So look at us now. How in the world are we going to make it?

Everything we did in Crestwood to enhance it for 20 years or longer was predicated and done with sales tax. And now it's going down hill so you tell me what other way is there to bring it up to par unless it's with a tax. Not a pleasant subject, but everything else so far hasn't worked.

People talk about getting rid of the animal control officer, they talk about money spent on a community development person. That is "nothing" compared to what we really need. That's like taking an asperin to fix the boobonic plaque. That's just a "speck" of what we need to get us back.

Cutting corners is great, and I agree but it isn't going to help the bigger picture. All it is, is a bandaid. Facing it for some people is like telling parents that their son needs to go in rehab. They will deny he even has a problem and will get angry at anyone who tells them the honest truth.

If we don't get a grip and explain to the citizens that we need everyone to dip into their pockets, there is no hope for us down the line. Urban sprawl is going to kill us cause people especially young people are moving out further. They get more upscale homes for their money where they don't have to worry about sewer backups or street repairs, etc. It's no good to be in a community that hasn't got the money to keep things up. Old homes need work. Old streets need repairs. Kirkwood and Webster and other communities have a larger tax base; sure it costs more but residents get more.

If we want a better community, you get what you pay for cause nothing is free. This comment is going to not set well at all with many. I can hear it now. The big T word makes people sweat. It's not going to be liked especially by people on a fixed income; but everything else on our tax bill keeps going up except Crestwood's portion(when you compare it with other communities) please keep that in mind.

If we don't do it, I am sorry to say this but we will all loose and our property values will go down. We will be forced to go to the County and who knows then how much cooperation and attention we will get for our problems.

5:10 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Breakdown what we pay to the school district and everything else on our tax bill, and you will see that what you pay in Crestwood is small in comparison. "

For now. But that is quickly changing. Our sales tax rate is already sky high. They are working on our real estate taxes. If this continues, Crestwood will no longer be the bargain it claims to be.

5:27 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"If we don't do it, I am sorry to say this but we will all loose and our property values will go down. We will be forced to go to the County and who knows then how much cooperation and attention we will get for our problems. "

How much cooperation and attention do we as constituents get now?

5:28 PM, January 08, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

5:10 PM blogger: Attention? County? Simple, NONE!

You are correct, if we are to solve the finincial woes of this community we must look to increasing taxes on residential homes!

There, I said it, and you know what, it's true folks. The Plaza is not going to be our salvation now, or in the future unless someone buy's it and really renovates the place.

Some have worried about the Butler Chevy dealership moving but we get little tax revenue from car sales, as it goes to the City where the buyer lives. Parts yes, labor no, so as you can see this property will do better, tax wise when a different sort of business moves in.

I hope and pray that we do get four people who understand the plight of the City to run for Alderman this April( as of this writing only one person has filed.)

And while were at it they need to be for all the people in their Ward, not just the "special interest groups" that we have seen in the past. If this comes to pass, and they will all work toghether, Crestwood will win, if not, well...........

Tom Ford

6:17 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very well said! Nobody wants to hear it but that is just too damn bad. Are you going to be running? I hope so.

8:00 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:10 and Mr. Ford

AMEN brothers, AMEN!!!!!

S.W. Malter

8:28 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you all are rich enough to pay higher taxes. How much more should we tax? Let's tax senior citizens to the hilt! Young families too! While we are at it, let's give a $2 million CID to a developer, spend another $8,000 on a study that tells us we need to redevelop our main street. Spend spend spend, tax tax tax.

10:35 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AMEN S.W. AMEN tax tax tax. How many taxes were passed in the last seven years in Crestwood? Seven?

10:37 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Taxes have been increased substantially (namely sales taxes) over the past several years in Crestwood due to failed leadership.

1. Lack of or little economic development years past.

2. Inability or unwillingness to keep costs down past and present.

The current spending of this administration does not help the situation either. Neither do the influence of special interests.

10:46 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Tom and SW Malter and 8 PM and others. I can't agree more with what you all have said and I wish everybody felt that we need to face the reality of increasing our tax rate.

However, Tom, that being said, is also one of the reasons why I would never win in an election for alderman of Ward 2. I have thought about running for office and in my heart of hearts I really think I could do a good job. But increasing the tax rate would be part of my campaign to get Crestwood back on track and I don't think people want to face it.

People especially in Ward 1 and 2 are not going to back a person who feels we need a tax increase.

But for me, I definitely see that we have spent years putting all our eggs in one basket with our sales tax and total concentration on the watson road corridor and improving that, when we should have been gradually increasing our tax from $.25/per 100 dollar years ago, even though it has now gone up somewhat. Now just think about it before you get angry!

All these years everything else in our lives was getting more expensive. Our automobiles, our groceries, gasoline, even a pair of shoes. Doctor visits, dentist bills, braces for our children, private schools and everything that composes our lives. So we pay for all of these things and then we sacrifice the biggest asset we have going for us - our housing stock and our community. If our community goes down, so do we.

But all this time, we thought that the well was never going to go dry. We just kept feeling so good because we had no bonded indebtedness, and kept doing whole concrete slab replacements throughout the whole city, even when we could have repaired the existing slabs. People were asking me years ago, why slabs were being replaced when they were not really that bad. And that's only one thing.

It was "pay as you go" for every single solatary brick and gallons of mortar and architectural renderings for a new community center. Boy, we were really rollin in the money. We were making out like bandits with sales tax money coming in and we had a beautiful new community center "all paid for".

Recently we decided to do more, so we went to 1/2 cent on this and a 1/4 cent on that, and we thought we were all better now.

Well we need to get real. It's not going to get us back. We have so much catching up to do, it's disgusting. And we expect some "superman" mayor and administration to come and rescue us NOW. We Want NOW. We are tired of waiting. It's been shame on this guy and what's up with that guy and this and that and the other. Guess what? It ain't going to happen unless we get realistic.

When my husband lost his job and we just bought our house in Crestwood, my child was only 2 years old and I wasn't working. I cried to my mother and father and wanted them to help us out. They did everything they could, but my mother said, "we will help you but you have to help yourself." "Go back to work". I hated to hear those words as it was much easier for me to stay at home like other mothers and have my parents help us out.

It's the same with us as residents. If we want to make our community come back, we can't depend on this mayor or that mayor or 8 people to do it without assistance from us. It's scary to be an alderman and to tell your people that it's the only way to get out of this mess. It takes courage but it also takes a realistic person to put it out there for the residents.

To me, that is the only way out of this mess. But I feel that I am not in the mind set of the majority.

I know how people in this town are about taxes, and they would have a fit if I were to run for office and urge the mayor and board to do it.

But my parents were not rich and they told me long ago that, there are no free rides. And I will add to that "there are no miracle workers no matter how much you like or dislike any administration". Sometimes, you have to face things like the previous bloggers stated.

Collectively we can make our city proud; but like my mother said to me, "you have to go back to work". So, I say "let's go to work" and get the residents involved. Show the people by public forums/ meetings, establishing a grass roots commission composed of good residents, not chosen by the administration but by us, white collar and blue collar workers and try to get this city not only back to where it was, but better than it ever was.

That's my story and I am sticking to it.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sandy Grave

11:10 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess I'm in the minority then. I was concerned about the $2 million wasted on design fees for the police station. I was concerned about the $8000 expenditure for the consultant. I was concerened about all the other money going to consultants. I was also concerned about the extra spending in this year's budget. But I guess that is all OK. We'll just raise taxes.

11:27 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, we can stop spending, first thing we stop paying for is public works, no more steet repair or snow removal. Next we can sell our parks to delevoplers, take the money and keep going a while longer. When money runs out we can quit spending by have county police protection, and when city can no longer efford our own fire dept we can go to a fire dist and quit spending for that.
Yes sir ree, I amfor not spending or raising taxes like the rest of you. Just thought you would like to see the out come of your dreams. Failures of past does not change the reality of current situation, quit crying.
How many tax increases were passed in last 7 years that were on our property is the question that must be asked, not how many were passed. Reason, you can shop somewhere else for less tax, but moving could be a chore for our"taxed to death" senior citizens who want:
1. our own fire dept.
2. our own police dept.
3. streets plowed and repaired
4. dont want to pay for the above.

11:40 PM, January 08, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe 6 or 7 taxes were passed in the last 7 years. One property tax (Prop S) the rest mostly sales taxes and a few small taxes.

But do not be angry or upset with me for I've stopped crying, my tears are dry. You've knocked all the sense in me. We'll just raise taxes. We need not be concerned about waste in government. We'll just raise taxes. We need not be concerned about unnecessary spending. We'll just raise taxes. I'll no longer be concerned about the $8000 for this consultant. We'll just raise taxes. Pay raises, no problem. We'll just raise taxes. Additional consultant's fees, no problem. We'll just raise taxes. $2mill in design fees for the police station. No problem, that was all in the past. We'll just raise taxes. You all have shown me the light.

1:08 AM, January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what waste are you talking about now, that is effecting current budget crunch?

7:50 AM, January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Waste is no longer a concern, let's just raise taxes.

9:31 AM, January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:31 AM Who said anything about not caring about wasting money? I sure didn't. It seems that waste is what got us in this mess to begin with.

Nobody wants to see any more money wasted. The trouble is, we don't have any. Yes we need to conserve and we need to be frugal. We all agree on that point.

But if you think that a funnel cloud is going to come down from the sky and give this administration or any other administration a resolution that isn't going to cost us anything, you might as well wait for Superman to come out of the cosmos.

Community development? Here we go again, wanting our sales tax to do all the work for us by promoting more commercial developments. But here again, we want the commercial enterprises to fill our empty coffers so we don't have to increase our tax rate. We had that before, remember?

Talking about a high tax rate makes us all get acid reflux. But nobody has faced up to the fact that we did indeed put our eggs all in one basket for many years, and doing so, has now shown us that we cannot allow it to be the beginning and end of our existence.

A ship that carries all it's goods in one section of the bough, one that has never bothered leveling it's load to sail evenly across the waters, is going to run into a tidal wave that turns it upside down sooner or later. We cannot predict the purchasing patterns of consumers in the future. We need something solid to base our income on. Has anybody had a job where you live strictly on commission? Where you don't know from one month to another if you will be able to survive. It's the pits. That's what our sales tax is, it fluxuates.

If you don't keep things balanced and/or destroy the balance of anything, you have chaos.

We have indeed relied and prided ourselves over the years because we had so much sales tax money.

We prided ourselves on having the lowest tax rate. Did we think further than our noses that some day the "cradle will fall"? No we were too busy boosting about the fact that we had no "bonded indebtedness" and had a community center that was paid for "brick by brick", "stone by stone", and "nail by nail".

Now if you few bloggers can tell us how we are going to get out of this mess, and keep our fire and police departments and keep our public works department and stay afloat simply by counting on sales tax monies, now is the time to speak.

I, for one am waiting with every breath I take for your answers.

So many times I have heard on this blog and a few times I have said it myself, all the things done wrong by this mayor and that mayor and so on and so forth. Saying it and hearing it however, are not solutions, my friend. We need solutions.

Do you think that the 8,000 spent by Frank Meyers, or getting rid of the animal control position or stating the monies spent thus far are going to get us out of debt? Add all that up and tell me if that will replace the hundreds of thousands of dollars that were in the city coffers?

Yes, let's definitely be frugal and as said before, we have to be frugal. But if we are frugal, when will we be able to replace all that money?

Let's see now - saving 25,000 or 30,000 this year times how many years will it take. In the meantime, trucks break down, police are driving cars stuck together by gum, and maintenance on the things we have keeps going up. Oh sure, being frugal is all we have to do.

We need millions to keep this city going and we can't wait until the next ten years go by.

Thank you for your consideration.

Sandy Grave

2:42 PM, January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes we need to conserve and we need to be frugal. We all agree on that point." We do??? There might be one or two aldermen on the board that agree with that, but what about the other aldermen?

No, I'm with you. Let's just raise taxes. We should serve the city, the city should not serve us.

3:13 PM, January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:13 PM Yes Sir my friend, I do feel everybody knows we need to be frugal. You obviously don't agree. I accept your opinion. However being sarcastic and criticizing only makes you "sarcastic and critical" but doesn't tell us how you think we can resolve our problems. Or maybe you just want to be "cute" or show your sense of humor. OK so now you are cute and
humorous! With that out of the way, tell us how you can fix the city?

How wonderful that you can sit back and point fingers at 9 people on the board when you and nobody else can come up with the solutions. You criticize them but have no answers yourself.

OK then no, let's don't raise the tax rate; let's just wait for manna from heaven to come down and save us instead of trying to fix the problems ourselves. Is that better. And ... "How are they going to serve us"? Maybe they can pull money out of the air and play Houdini?

I will say I just read the newsletter and that did lift my spirits. Let's get peace in 2007, Mr. Blogger, do you at least agree with that?


Sandy Grave

5:07 PM, January 09, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please call Walgreens for your refills...1-800-lithium

1:39 AM, January 10, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:30 AM? Blogger What's the matter, can't you sleep? It's 1:30 in the morning. Maybe you should call Wallgreens and get some sleeping pills. Many people who can't sleep have a guilty conscience, or so it's been said. I am only one of many people who speak on the city's problems. I suggest that be your next stop.

However, if you can't think of any other way to get your point across, you need to seek out help, not me.

There is no need to make incinuations. If you don't like what I say, come up with something better than making hurtful one-liners. At least I sign my name; how about you?

Sandy Grave

10:06 AM, January 10, 2007  

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