Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Tuesday, 1/9/07 issue of the Suncrest Call on line.

Please click on the header to be directed to this weeks edition of the Call Newspaper. Only one article about Crestwood this week, but worth reading anyway.

I am given to understand that two residents of Ward Two have taken out paperwork to file for Alderman (and one of them is not Mr. Kelleher.) More as it becomes available.

Tom Ford

NO. 273


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Any verification or more talk or rumor that Westfield is selling Crestwood Plaza?

6:48 PM, January 11, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

The only thing I have heard is that they are in "negoations" to sell. What that means is beyond me, but I am still trying to get further.

Tom Ford

5:55 PM, January 12, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2007 prediction: Whoever buys it will get a 'free ride' on the redevelopment, Lindbergh School District will loose tax revenue and the lawyers will get rich.

Is everybody ok with that?

8:24 AM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

No, I for one am not! If you have the funding to buy an entire shopping center, you have it to renivate it too.

Why we feel we MUST give TIF,TDD,CID grants to anyone is beyond me. I would like to see signed contracts with really large retail draws before I ok'd any more of them.

Crestwood gives, they take, take, take, and we end up on the short end as usual. And that's why I think we need a real negotiator, not an "economic development specialist" to run that department!

Tom Ford

8:36 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We also need BOA that understand business and finance, do their homework and ask good tough questions. Ultimately, the BOA will vote yea or ney on any proposal.

8:45 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I found it interesting that Brentwood's new economic development specialist will also take on the roll of assistant city administrator. I have a feeling that job will be an 80/20 split. 80% city admin. and 20% whatever it is an economic dev. specialist does. I'm not sure what Brentwood's budget is, but at least they know the economic devl. job is not full time!

8:50 AM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Looks as though we will have a third Ward Two resident filing for the Kelleher seat! This is gereat news, as I know this person, and it will be good for Crestwood!

Tom Ford

8:56 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens if no one wants to buy the mall because they know there is no support in city for use of TIF, TDD, or CID's? Westfield could let place run down untill it really became blighted and there were was close to zero sales tax dollars being produced with no buyer willing or able to sink large amounts of $ into. Kind of like what happened at Northland Shopping Center. Then what should we do, start a paper drive to raise money for a rebuild?

I think there has to be a touch of reality in all of this. If there is not enought projected income return on their investement, why would Westfield or other developer spend a dollar to improve the Mall? Would you? Would you want a company that you invested in for your retirement to do so? In both cases I doubt you would. SO what does that leave us with? Either a change in our collective attitude towards the developers needs or what?
Do not forget a TIF repays the bonds with the INCREASE over the pre-improvment/current tax dollars, so City would cont. to receive current levels of income until bonds paid off, after which all income would go to city, schools,etc.
TDD/CID are temp increase to sales tax levels that once improvement is paid for the tax drops to what is current. These taxes would never have gone to city, which means the city could never collected them in the first place.
But that's my view and I'm pretty sure few who read this blog will agree with me. I guess in a few years we can all look back see who had correct view based on 20/20 hindsight.

9:10 AM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

There is a touch of reality here, and that is let's see the contracts for the retail shops before we give the farm away!

For far too long now we have given the TIF, TDD, CID asnd then waited to see what's coming, sort of backwards if you ask me. Remember Ronald Reagan's coment's "trust, but verify?" We need a bit of that here don't ya think?

Westfield is not in business to loose money, ergo they will not let the mall run down to zero, else they have an item that is un-saleable.

To me, and I guess me only, it's time to tighten the purse strings a bit on all fronts else we have nothing to market! If you look at your tax bills, you will see an enormous amount going to the Lindburg School District. Why? Well every time we do a TIF, TDD, CID they loose another share of the pie, and we have to make up for it!

Tom Ford

10:12 AM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:10 a.m. Jan.13th,

Do you accept that there is a difference between business-friendly and business-savvy? Maintaining an all-or-nothing position is not conducive to smart negotiating. There is no need for the city to raise the white flag to potential developers before negotiations on tax incentives even begin.

Martha Duchild

4:10 PM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sure do Martha, thanks for asking.

5:14 PM, January 13, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's tear the mall down and build a park. If we won't get any tax revenue from a mall for the next 30 years because of a TIF, then let's do something that makes the community a nicer place to live! Every piece of land doesn't have to have a retail business on it. And yes, we can cut the size of city government at the same time. Then maybe other communities will be sending us retail tax $$$.

8:08 PM, January 13, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

8:08 PM blogger: Not a bad idea, wow, just think what we could do if Wildwood was sending us a million a year instead of the other way around!

One thing for sure, this revenue sharing has got to stop! Westfall's lackeys that got us into this had all the foresight of Mr. Magoo.

I believe I have heard of this type thinking before (revenue sharing,) oh yes, it was out of the book by Karl Marx (now in the hands of Nancy Pelosie!)

The answer is simple, if you want to live in a community with no mall's, centers, or whatever, do it. But you pay for it and leave your hands off my tax money!

Tom Ford

8:40 AM, January 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can thank the current sales tax "sharing" plan on the Democrats in Jeff City and St Louis County. It was their plam to force cities like ours to increase sometime down the road the property tax to offset the loss in our sales tax.
Of course with slumping sales over the past 5 years may not have helped and I doubt even if we didnt share that we would not have had to raise property tax sometime.
Want to know who fought against the sharing, Pat Killoren and Tom Fagan. They lost along with other cities like us who ran their city on unshared sales tax dollars.
Want to know who were big time democrats then and still are? Jim Brasfield and Kent Lichlighter. Does this shead some light on things for you?

9:24 AM, January 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Indeed, that sum's it up nicely! When I wrote that I was going to be a bit more harsh, but, thank you for doing it for me!

Nuff said!

Tom Ford

9:32 AM, January 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, You know this is suppose to be a non-partisan community but you stanch Demos and Reps. always want to bring political parties into the mix.

Tom, I am surprised at you! Party politics should not enter into this at all. If you want to speak about individuals and how they did or did not do things correctly, then do it, but don't say it was because of which party they were into.

People make good or bad choices all the time. If the guy down the street commits a crime, is it because he is a Demo or Rep? Come on Tom, if you want to blame anyone that was an elected official in Crestwood for making bad decisions, blame it on the person himself not on his party.

Sandy Grave

11:21 AM, January 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Sorry Sandy, but it is what it is! And by the way "all politics are local" (Tip O' Neal, a democrat!)

Tom Ford

11:43 AM, January 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:43 am OK Tom. You're OK; I'm OK. But I can tell you right now, look out because you just opened the baryard door for people who do nothing but talk political parties. Wait until you read what will be on your blog from people who are totally wrapped up in politics. Oh Boy, I can't wait.

I logged onto the web yesterday, where you could leave comments regarding the abduction of the two boys found in Kirkwood and some YO YO said that the "Perp" who did that had to be a "liberal". That's how far people will go to argue politics. Personally I hate talking politics; I like to take about what people have or have not done for our community. But that's just my view. Thanks

Sandy Grave

3:44 PM, January 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here here, Sandy. On a local level like Crestwood, what does party politics matter? The city's government has no political parties. To bring up any party disputes would be pointless and nothing but a waste of hate.

12:51 AM, January 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:51 am "A waste of hate". Exactly. I agree! Politics for me doesn't deleniate "polite". Conversations about politics can separate people from family members and friends. I should know. In my family, every time my uncle came to my house, I went across the street to play with friends cause I knew he and my dad would be at each other's throats arguing politics.

Why don't we go around with arm bands stating what political party we are for or against, if it is so all-fired important?

Politics over people is part of the reason people get hurt in this town.

Sandy Grave

9:30 AM, January 15, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, so far the perpetuation of the politics thing seems to be coming from two people, and two people only.

I am all for "dropping" the subject, but we can't do that if your going to continue to post about it now can we. May I suggest we dispose of anything to do with party affiliation from now on? It works for me,if it's ok with you all.

Tom Ford

6:07 PM, January 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if those who are against the party ID issue would be so if the party in question was the GOP?

6:47 PM, January 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That discussion effectively took the light off the issue - and that was the names of those from Crestwood who brought us revenue sharing - Jim Brasfield and Kent Lichlieter.

10:27 AM, January 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:10 AM, January 13, 2007

Problem is that the City blights properties that are not even blighted. (Crestwood Square).

It's the city's fault if a property is run down, right? They should be enforcing the code to keep properties up?

Westfield is dumping a whole load of money into 2 of it's other more profitable malls. If Crestwood Mall is not going to be profitable then why throw tax money at it?

9:48 PM, January 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does the Code Compliance officer handle commercial business along with residential?

If so I guess that is why citizens are able to put up fences against code (smooth side not facing neighbor) and not made to take them down. (just one example) Must be too many violations for one person to handle! Good thing they are going full-time!

11:00 PM, January 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe there used to be a code compliance person in the Public Works that handled commercial properties.

9:30 PM, January 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"That discussion effectively took the light off the issue - and that was the names of those from Crestwood who brought us revenue sharing - Jim Brasfield and Kent Lichlieter."

That's funny, all I remember is that the they tried to mitigate the damage. Brasfield worked with the Finance Person in Fenton to work out the best deal possible. Remember BUZZ wanted to take away all of our sales tax.

By the way Kent's last name is Leichliter!

6:02 PM, January 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

2007 prediction: Whoever buys it will get a 'free ride' on the redevelopment, Lindbergh School District will loose tax revenue and the lawyers will get rich.

Lindbergh School District is ALREADY loosing money on the Mall. Just call the Finance Guy at the School District and ask. I did!

6:03 PM, January 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can the school dist. already be loosing money on the mall, there are no tifs, cid, tdds there right now?

4:49 AM, January 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The district might be losing revenue because revenue and sales are down?

By the way, Crestwood Plaza, unfortunately, is listed on a site called ''. While not shuttered, its fate is quite uncertain, according to the website.

6:28 AM, January 23, 2007  

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