Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This weeks edition of the Suncrest Call on line paper.

Not very much on Crestwood this week, but we are mentioned on the front page for the civil service board meeting. Interesting read none the less.

Tom Ford

NO. 287


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also there is mention of an upcoming town hall meeting to discuss the animal control code.

6:34 PM, February 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How boring. Do you think anyone is interested in the Civil Service Code outside the employees themselves? Seriously, The Call is writing a novel about this topic, but it only pertains to a small group of employees. How does this affect the regular Crestwoodian?

Answer: Not at all. The Call and bloggers here are only interested in scoring political cheap shots.

8:19 PM, February 14, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

A happy employee is a loyal employee! Happy employees do a better job for the City ergo Crestwoodians are a happier bunch

Or, what goes around comes around, got it now?

Tom Ford

8:51 PM, February 14, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What changes in the Civil Service rules will make employees happier?

7:37 AM, February 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How hard would it be to phase out vacation carryover tomorrow? There are not to many places left that allow this because they can't afford it.

10:22 PM, February 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Starbucks is coming to Crestwood?

10:27 PM, February 15, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vacation and comp time carryover has become a perk at many places. It is not okay. It is costly and usually done by just certain employees enabling them to make more money - thus making it not an across the board thing. And Crestwood cannot afford this practice anyway. It hasa been abused in the past and naturally left a bad taste behind, but it really should be discontinued. Dept. Heads must live with doing the work within the working day time frame. More hustle might have to occur, but then isn't that true everywhere? Please, we are not a corporation here, we are a SMALL burb.

2:23 PM, February 16, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:27 PM blogger: Indeed, Starbucks coffee house will be in Crestwood along with some exciting new stores as soon as the project is finished!

So far the mayors plan seems to be working, no?

Tom Ford

7:36 PM, February 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you check you will find the Starbucks area developement started when Greer was C/A, there fore it has to be bad, and must be stopped

7:53 PM, February 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, you are correct. The inception and preliminary development plans (including Starbucks) were started with the previous administration. Not on the current mayor's watch.

8:44 PM, February 16, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Really! I guess the P&Z meeting I attended, and voted at was not needed? I do not recall Greer being there, only the developers. I have been on that board for over a year now, and that's news to me.

Greer brought a lot of things to Crestwood, but I doubt that was one of them.

Tom Ford

8:54 PM, February 16, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please. You don't really think that the development started at the P&Z meeting level? Do you?

10:19 PM, February 16, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

10:19 PM blogger: Did I say that? Please re-read the full message.

No I don't think that. I believe it may have started after Greer was gone, otherwise why wait so long for the approval prossess?

Tom Ford

8:10 AM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, the developer came to the City when Fagan was mayor. The delay was due to the new mayor's stated position on any kind of tax aid for the development, eminent domain and the old termite ridden house that every one wanted to save as long as it didn't cost them a penny. May be hard for some of you to believe but there was good things happening before Roy became mayor in Crestwood.
Example would be the surplus in 2006 budget that Greer and Madrid designed but Roy and his C/A have already spent in 2007. Mark my words on this, before a year goes by, we will either have to borrow money again or be asked to approve another property tax increase by this mayor. Mark my words on this as well, when that happens Roy will blame the former Mayor, Greer, Madrid and BOA.

3:02 PM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tim!

5:33 PM, February 17, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

3:02 PM blogger: We shall see my friend! I have no idea what the mayor, or the BOA have in mind for this year, so it's a wait and see game here!

One question though. If the developer brought this to Fagan, and he was still the Mayor, why wait to see if a new mayor is elected?

Seems to me that the P&Z board under Fagan could have heard this at that time!

Tom Ford

6:06 PM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We already have a's in Barnes and Noble. How will one right across the street affect the sales at that cafe?

I served on a board when this was being developed by Greer, before Roy fired us all, and at that time, the developer had a Trader Joe's slated for this area. My understanding is they have backed out, any idea why?

What are these other 'exciting' new stores planned? Hopefully more exciting than Shop n Save or Ace Hardware. I noticed Catharine's Plus Sizes relocated, they were supposed to stay at this new development. Does anyone know if the camera store is staying or going?

7:01 PM, February 17, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

What "board" did you serve on?

I have no idea how this will affect the sales at Barnes & Noble, but I doubt people will stop at the new Starbucks if they can get a fresh cup at their book store!

I have no idea who will be going in there, but I do think that they all will benefit Crestwood!

Tom Ford

8:32 PM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Tim!

11:47 PM, February 17, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jerry!

9:16 AM, February 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Fred!

12:03 PM, February 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ethel!

12:03 PM, February 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bert!

12:03 PM, February 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ernie!

12:04 PM, February 18, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Wow, I guess you all have finished your homework for rocket science school, and now have time to say hi to each other!

I knew there was something wrong with the water sypply system, but I didn't know it was that wide spread.

Come on gang, you can do better than that!

Tom Ford

12:32 PM, February 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some dear soul out there is trying so hard to salvage what they can out of the FaganGreer regime. As it happens there are those of us who know who started what, when, where and how. So give it up, please. What matters is the action that is taking place now. I personally don't like all this gift giving to developers but there are and were 8 board members who have had to bite the Developer bullet/handouts in order to move the cheese. They seem to be trying to ask the right questions and work together. Unlike in the past. Occasionally a couple of them like to try to stir up some old politics, but it really does put them in a diminished light. Too obvious.

Greer is gone sir! Get over it! It was a bad chapter and we really wish you would start your own FaganGreer blog/fan club, or did you already do that?

11:56 PM, February 18, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Some stores, such as Catherine's Plus and an eyeglass repair shop, have moved into the Shop n Save/Las Margaritas plaza. I don't know if the camera store is moving to another place in Crestwood.

12:26 AM, February 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is definitely staying.

8:43 AM, February 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jimmy

2:41 PM, February 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now. Just got my reassessment of property in the mail and I must say that Crestwood has become a much more expensive place to live. The reassessment, 33% increase, will now cost me an extra $629. annually or $2,596. This means that Crestwood will now get a bigger chunk of tax money. Not sure how I feel about this right now as I am still in shock. It also means that the schools, library, Zoo and many other entities will have more of my money to spend on upgrading their various needs. St Louis county says that they haven't raised their tax rate in some 18 years but who needs to when they gain so much by these exorbitant reassessments. They should have just left the reassessments the same and raised their tax rate 33%. Did inflation go up that much? I think not.

9:46 AM, March 24, 2007  

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