Trolls, do we have any on the Crestwood Independent?
Click on the headder to be directed to a site that will answer a lot of questions as to why some of the inane comment's we get on this blog are there.
The "troll's" (they know who they are,) are are to be pittied, as they do not wish to join a group to be of any help, only to disrupt it.
Take a look, and see if you think we have any here.
Tom Ford
NO. 289
The "troll's" (they know who they are,) are are to be pittied, as they do not wish to join a group to be of any help, only to disrupt it.
Take a look, and see if you think we have any here.
Tom Ford
NO. 289
From proposed animal control code:
"Sec, 6-15 Cooperation with Animal Control Officer - Right of Entry.
...The Animal Control Officer or those acting in his behalf shall have the right of entry onto any lots or lands for the purpose of collecting any dog, cat, or other animal, which is subject to impoundment pursuant to this Chapter. The Animal Control Officer or those acting on his behalf shall have the right of entry to any property or premises within any quarantined area during the period of such quarantine for the purpose of examining or obtaining any dog, cat, or other animal suspected of having rabies, having been exposed to rabies, or having bitten a person or other animal."
Please attend the town hall meeting this Thursday evening, at Whitecliff 7:00-9:00PM.
Yes and don't forget the outragous increase in pet fees that they are trying to pass. Shouldnt this be voted on by the people as in the Hancock Admendment?
Do other communities have this in their animal control code?
Is this just a ploy so that the animal officer can keep job? How profoundly do we need this position and is it affordable? could it be a volunteer job?
Without this code, if a dog bites my son and the owner of this dog is known but won't allow the officer/s in their home to check the dog, does my son have to get rabies shots?
Does one have to let the officer in their home to count animals even if there is no problem? Where is the line drawn? How unfriendly will this appear?
Is there a big problem with dogs and cats that run wild in neighborhoods and kill birds and rabbits and chase delivery people. WE are only 4 sq. miles - right?
Where in the code does reason come into play?
How prevelant are animal problems in Crestwood and what is the salary of the animal officer? Can she be reached at all times?
I cannot attend, please someone take notes and put on the blog. It would seem there is plusses and minuses in this code. Also if you know answers to above questions, can you take a stab at them
Oops, forgot about the fees. Surely the tail is wagging this dog. Speeding tickets is one thing, making it off our pets quite another.
Was THF the developer of Kohl's property? If so, can they produce proof that any tanks under the lot were removed and the building asbestos was removed in a proper manner? Can this be verified/proven by our city government. If not, why not?
Get to the meeting! I will be out of town, but the animal control thing is getting out of hand!
Remember the Fourth ammendmend, warrentless search and seazure? Well this seems to be opposed to that, so who wrote this idiot section?
Tom Ford
I agree Tom - it does seem in conflict to warrantless search and seizure. And I too would like to know who included this in the proposed revision.
Mr. Ford, it seems you are out of town quite a bit and rarely attend BOA meetings. At least that is what you have stated on this site. Why on earth did you run for Alderman? It seems you would never have the time to perform the duties of Alderman.
Look at Poster 7:22, I think you found a TROLL you were looking for!!!
I think it is all a giant conspiracy. The city of crestwood has left tanks of poisonous, toxic, noxious chemicals in the ground around City Hall. The chemicals have been strategically designed to leech into the water supply so that all the animals of Crestwood gain superpowers. Then, the animals of Crestwood, along with all of the City Officials, are going to take over our lives. That is why they need to come into your homes to retrieve your pets. And guess where the headquarters is for this evil enterprise? Crestwood Swim Club. Be advised.
hmmm, I wonder if there are some unusual chemicals, especially under city hall, specifically in the aldermanic chambers...
maybe this would explain some of the unusual behavior, ordinances, votes, that have come from our aldermen.
Poster 7:22 may be a troll, but a troll with some fair questions. Might you know the answer 6:57? Otherwise there are now 2 known trolls.
8:10, 1:19 and 1:26 have been reviewed and researched, it is clear they come from TROLLs.
Follow Mr.Ford's link on Trolls and you will see clearly these postings are from TROLLs!
You gotta roll with the flow if you're a troll - it's the only way to go. Don't slip on the snow. I don't like to sew. My favorite Stooge is Moe. I must go.
There may be trolls on this website, but I would rather be a troll than a CAVE man...this website is sponsored and supported by CAVEmen....CITIZENS AGAINST VIRTUALLY about it in the business journal this week.
And CAVEwomen.
That is some funny s***! Very true though!
Yes, Marion Nunn from THF was quoted in that article regarding 'CAVE' people.
You know Marion, she is on the TDD Commission and I believe she is Chief Operating Officer of THF. I read that article too, and was not impressed.
But 6:08PM blogger, I hate to burst your bubble, but you are quite incorrect. You cannot point fingers at Mr. Ford and many of those who read and participate in this blog. For example, Mr. Ford was FOR Proposition S, he is FOR supporting our police and fire, he is FOR financial responsibility, and he is FOR open communication, as he hosts this blog. So how can he (or others) be against virtually everything?
8:58, Well I am not impressed with you either, like what Commission are you on and for what company are you the Chief Operating Officer? Or is the reason you are not impressed with MS. Nunn is because she is a female?
Typical CAVE man attitude.
Wrong again. Well, at least you are consistent!
Oh, and by the way, I wrote I was not impressed with the article. I gave no opinion of Ms. Nunn as you incorrectly stated.
And now from Houston, Texas, Why did I run for Alderman, well my Ward Two Alderman is never there anyway, so why not?
Tom Ford
Quite frankly Tom, you would make a terrific alderman. Your experience as a police officer gives you a great understanding of public and civil service. Your experience in HVAC and sales gives you good business sense. And, by virtue of this blog and other things you have done for the community, you put your voice out there and allow other voices to be heard as well.
Are you kidding me?
Absolutely not.
How about asking Ms Nunn if they removed the tanks underneath the Kohl's parking lot?????
And the asbeston from the buildings before they tore them down.
Can't, she will not anonymous questions.
10:13 PM blogger: Is it me, or is your name not going to be on the ballot this April?
Your welcome to make all the comment's you wish to, but first, let's jump into the frey so you have some credibility!
Tom Ford
I don't believe any of us should be refered to as "cave" citizens!
It's sort of like me saying your group is called "CCFAALAINBTM" (Crestwood Citizens for anything as long as it's not by the Mayor!)
But you get my drift, no?
Let's all be nice, and maybe we can come up with some good ideas!
I read a post where someone wanted to create a thread stating "What would you do if you were in charge of Crestwood?" I will be doing that tomorrow, as I just got back from a series of meetings in Houston, Texas (you know crawfish, cajin style isn't half bad with Bud Lite,) and I am somewhat tired tonight!
Tom Ford
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