A very interesting article pertaining to, well-------------Liberalism!
From the start please let me assure you that this is not a reflection of any readers of this blog, living or dead! Nor is it a reflection on Crestwood, or prior leaders, current leaders, wanna be leaders, ETC! I present this only as a study for your edification and enjoyment. Let's see who comes down on the side of this, should be lively!.
Radical Liberal Psychosis
By Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr, MD
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Certain neurotic themes are dominant in the radical liberal minds perceptions of the world. All of them portray the citizen as a suffering child who is victimized, helpless and in need of rescue. All are evident in various liberal platforms. They represent the liberal minds transference of childhood dynamics into the world of adult relationships. As expressed in his most passionate political pronouncements, the radical liberal mind believes that:
A very large portion of the population is suffering; they are suffering because they are deprived, neglected, exploited or abused.
They are suffering because of certain injustices inflicted upon them.
They are helpless to stop their suffering.
Bad people, such as capitalists and the rich, cause the victims to suffer by depriving, neglecting, exploiting and abusing them.
These bad people are villains who must be stopped from preying on their victims.
The villains are ruthless, powerful, selfish, cruel and mean spirited.
The bad institutions supported by the villains are economic, social and political in nature; they include free market capitalism, basic property rights, strict moral and ethical accountability, reasonable social decorum, personal and financial responsibility, individual sovereignty, and justice based on merit and desert.
These bad institutions promote economic enslavement, social discrimination, political disenfranchisement, exploitation of minorities, forced pregnancies, and coercive advertising, among other things.
The people are innocent victims; they have no important role in causing their suffering.
Modern liberals see themselves as heroes whose mission is to rescue the victims from the villains.
Modern liberals in their own minds are compassionate, wise, empathetic and nurturing.
Modern liberals are devoted to saving the victims from the villains just as nurturing parents protect their children from harm by others.
Like children, most citizens cannot adequately direct or manage their own lives.
Most citizens need a powerful liberal government to direct and manage their lives.
Because the villains and their institutions are ruthless and powerful, the people need a powerful liberal government, The Modern Parental State, to protect them from the villains and the institutions supported by the villains, and additionally, to protect the citizens from themselves by controlling objects and substances that could be harmful to the populace.
The Modern Parental Nanny-State is the answer to problems created by the villains as well as the probelms created by the citizens themselves.
The Modern Parental State will rescue the people and protect them from the villains and from other misfortunes brought about by the citizes doing things that are not in their own best interests.
The Modern Parental State will nurture the people by providing for all their needs and desires.
The Modern Parental State will blame and punish the villains for their deprivation, neglect, abuse and exploitation of the victims.
Much of the suffering of the victims comes from too much freedom in economic markets, which allows the villains to exploit the victims for unjust gain.
Proper controls instituted by The Modern Parental State to regulate the markets will prevent the villains from economically exploiting the victims.
The Modern Parental State will cure the deprivation, neglect, exploitation and abuse of the victims by taking the wealth, power and status of the villains away from them and redistributing it to the victims.
Some of the suffering of the victims comes from too much personal freedom but too little social freedom and too many restrictions on behavior in social situations.
The Modern Parental State will lower the standards of social conduct in order to free the victimized citizen from guilt and from adverse legal consequences when he acts criminally, irresponsibly or offensively. But those who tend to work hard an play by the rules need to have their activities closly restricted because by acting responsibly they forfeit their victim status.
By remaking the institutions of society, The Modern Parental State will liberate the victims from exploitation and oppression by the villains.
The libertarian structure of ordered liberty grounded in basic property and contract rights allows the villains to exploit the victims.
The Modern Parental State will eliminate these individual rights and create a new political architecture for a secure society modeled on the loving nurturing family.
These and related themes of deprivation and neglect, exploitation and abuse, domination and control, blaming and punishing, caring and caretaking, protection and security, rescuing and nurturing all are the radical liberal minds unconscious projections of early childhood dynamics transferred into the political arenas of adult life. These projections define the transference neurosis of the radical liberal mind:
They are the liberals projections of a painful neurotic disorder; they are the legacy of his childhood.
They represent his desperate longings for attachment, attention, affection, empathy, significance, esteem, adoration, recognition, indulgence, relatedness, guidance, direction, belonging and love.
They represent his desperate efforts to heal real emotional wounds that he suffered when he was, in fact, significantly deprived, neglected, exploited or abused.
They are his efforts to defend against his suffering by constructing an idealized world of loving care and exemption from responsibility; he seeks a world that will compensate him for the traumas of his childhood, relieve his neediness, indulge his impulses and heal the enduring wounds to his soul.
They are distorted perceptions of the real world of economic, social and political processes; the liberal agenda is based on these transference perceptions.
Unfortunately, all of the radical liberals efforts based on these perceptions are badly misguided.
Because he does not understand the childhood origins of his pain, he projects his neurosis into a contemporary world of imagined villains, victims and heroes. Once he locates himself in this world, he hopes to find in the ministrations of the Modern Parental State what he missed as a child. He may not admit to himself or others that he did, in fact, suffer early wounds. If he does admit this fact, he will not realize that his wounds drive his political views. If he realizes this causal connection, he will not admit it to others.
Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr, MD is the author of The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.
Tom Ford
Radical Liberal Psychosis
By Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr, MD
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Certain neurotic themes are dominant in the radical liberal minds perceptions of the world. All of them portray the citizen as a suffering child who is victimized, helpless and in need of rescue. All are evident in various liberal platforms. They represent the liberal minds transference of childhood dynamics into the world of adult relationships. As expressed in his most passionate political pronouncements, the radical liberal mind believes that:
A very large portion of the population is suffering; they are suffering because they are deprived, neglected, exploited or abused.
They are suffering because of certain injustices inflicted upon them.
They are helpless to stop their suffering.
Bad people, such as capitalists and the rich, cause the victims to suffer by depriving, neglecting, exploiting and abusing them.
These bad people are villains who must be stopped from preying on their victims.
The villains are ruthless, powerful, selfish, cruel and mean spirited.
The bad institutions supported by the villains are economic, social and political in nature; they include free market capitalism, basic property rights, strict moral and ethical accountability, reasonable social decorum, personal and financial responsibility, individual sovereignty, and justice based on merit and desert.
These bad institutions promote economic enslavement, social discrimination, political disenfranchisement, exploitation of minorities, forced pregnancies, and coercive advertising, among other things.
The people are innocent victims; they have no important role in causing their suffering.
Modern liberals see themselves as heroes whose mission is to rescue the victims from the villains.
Modern liberals in their own minds are compassionate, wise, empathetic and nurturing.
Modern liberals are devoted to saving the victims from the villains just as nurturing parents protect their children from harm by others.
Like children, most citizens cannot adequately direct or manage their own lives.
Most citizens need a powerful liberal government to direct and manage their lives.
Because the villains and their institutions are ruthless and powerful, the people need a powerful liberal government, The Modern Parental State, to protect them from the villains and the institutions supported by the villains, and additionally, to protect the citizens from themselves by controlling objects and substances that could be harmful to the populace.
The Modern Parental Nanny-State is the answer to problems created by the villains as well as the probelms created by the citizens themselves.
The Modern Parental State will rescue the people and protect them from the villains and from other misfortunes brought about by the citizes doing things that are not in their own best interests.
The Modern Parental State will nurture the people by providing for all their needs and desires.
The Modern Parental State will blame and punish the villains for their deprivation, neglect, abuse and exploitation of the victims.
Much of the suffering of the victims comes from too much freedom in economic markets, which allows the villains to exploit the victims for unjust gain.
Proper controls instituted by The Modern Parental State to regulate the markets will prevent the villains from economically exploiting the victims.
The Modern Parental State will cure the deprivation, neglect, exploitation and abuse of the victims by taking the wealth, power and status of the villains away from them and redistributing it to the victims.
Some of the suffering of the victims comes from too much personal freedom but too little social freedom and too many restrictions on behavior in social situations.
The Modern Parental State will lower the standards of social conduct in order to free the victimized citizen from guilt and from adverse legal consequences when he acts criminally, irresponsibly or offensively. But those who tend to work hard an play by the rules need to have their activities closly restricted because by acting responsibly they forfeit their victim status.
By remaking the institutions of society, The Modern Parental State will liberate the victims from exploitation and oppression by the villains.
The libertarian structure of ordered liberty grounded in basic property and contract rights allows the villains to exploit the victims.
The Modern Parental State will eliminate these individual rights and create a new political architecture for a secure society modeled on the loving nurturing family.
These and related themes of deprivation and neglect, exploitation and abuse, domination and control, blaming and punishing, caring and caretaking, protection and security, rescuing and nurturing all are the radical liberal minds unconscious projections of early childhood dynamics transferred into the political arenas of adult life. These projections define the transference neurosis of the radical liberal mind:
They are the liberals projections of a painful neurotic disorder; they are the legacy of his childhood.
They represent his desperate longings for attachment, attention, affection, empathy, significance, esteem, adoration, recognition, indulgence, relatedness, guidance, direction, belonging and love.
They represent his desperate efforts to heal real emotional wounds that he suffered when he was, in fact, significantly deprived, neglected, exploited or abused.
They are his efforts to defend against his suffering by constructing an idealized world of loving care and exemption from responsibility; he seeks a world that will compensate him for the traumas of his childhood, relieve his neediness, indulge his impulses and heal the enduring wounds to his soul.
They are distorted perceptions of the real world of economic, social and political processes; the liberal agenda is based on these transference perceptions.
Unfortunately, all of the radical liberals efforts based on these perceptions are badly misguided.
Because he does not understand the childhood origins of his pain, he projects his neurosis into a contemporary world of imagined villains, victims and heroes. Once he locates himself in this world, he hopes to find in the ministrations of the Modern Parental State what he missed as a child. He may not admit to himself or others that he did, in fact, suffer early wounds. If he does admit this fact, he will not realize that his wounds drive his political views. If he realizes this causal connection, he will not admit it to others.
Lyle H. Rossiter, Jr, MD is the author of The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.
Tom Ford
Wow! No one interested in psychology on the blog? I would have thought otherwise from some of the read's.
Tom Ford
Mr. Rossiter sounds like just another whacko out there. Let's talk about the swim club instead.
Republican, Democrat, Conservative, Liberal, Left, Right, all titles that the politicians like us to choose to label ourselves to further their control of the government. They are all sleeping in the same bed, collecting the same big retirements, soothing the same big egos by running for office, becoming as notable as movie stars, and wasting all of our tax dollars.
Politicians like to see the country dividied into political camps to keep their two-party system running so no one questions what they are (or aren't) doing.
They are creating hate, pure and simple. If you have an opinion about an issue, then you MUST idenfity yourself as belonging to one party or another. NOT right.
Only WE can put an end to this by demanding we no longer be labelled or label others, and not hate others for their views.
Ok, the "swim Club" issue is in the Call this week, so have at it!
Tom Ford
Ah, some more liberal bashing from the extreme right. You know what the problem is with this little privileged PHD's assessment of the horrors of liberal thought? Most of the rest of the civilized world thinks that way i.e. socialized health care, pensions and utilities of Europe. It's really quite simple: Those who despise and ridicule liberal thought usually fall into one of two (psychological?) categories: Either the privileged wealthy and powerful, born that way, who want to stay that way, or 2) the wannabe's of the world who believe that if they just work a little harder, they, too, can be rich and powerful. What it all boils down to is it keeps the rich and powerful in power! Liberal thought, on the other hand, tries to equalize opportunity and resources among all the people, not just the rich and/or wannabe rich folks. In America, for instance, it is probably true that most people are victims of our economy (over 50% anyway, who work far too hard for what economic rewards they receive for it), but alas we do not see that in well-heeled Crestwood (consisting methinks more of the wannabes than the actually wealthy - and remember, Mr. and Mrs. Bush Conservative, my definition of "wealthy" for the purpose of my diatribe here is not $75,000 a year, as some of you want to believe - another mark of the wannabe? You see, "wealthy" in America means more like $7 to $75 MILLION a year - I guess you have more work to do!)
Anyway, now that I've got that out, this is my first post (and I'm sure to make a lot of friends with it!) but I also want to thank Tom for sponsoring this, it is a great method of communicating issues important to Crestwood.
Getting back to Crestwood, how about all those tax handouts of our hard-earned taxes to rich developers to build stuff? Ah, the stuff of conservative thought i.e. if we just give this rich guy a break, maybe we little people will somehow profit from it. Ha! Gets back to my wannabe theory. In fact, these rich developers are laughing all the way to the bank with each new TIF.
I, for one, would like to see a return to government, both in America and here in Crestwood, that represents ALL people and not just the wealthy developers. That, my friends, would do more towards all of our prosperity than any TIF.
Thanks, and for now I shall remain anonymous. But I do plan to be at the animal control ordinance meeting, so maybe I'll meet some of you there!
Oh my gosh, all that white space taken up to make a point about Liberals. So general this statement. He has crawled into the minds of us readers - right and deposited his grief. But, then, this is America and all is fair in Love and War.
Now, if this man can just help us with a few generic problems. Say, for instance, how can we handle the influx of illegal immigrants many of whom are weakening our system? Or, perhaps, how can American Car companies compete with foreign car companies? They like to blame unions, but never consider the fact that these workers are WORKING not BUMMING and are technical in their jobs. If the CEO's didn't empty the pot, the salaries could be contended with. However, the rich would not be so rich. Is that a problem? Then, there is the war. Untold millions unaccounted for. This is charity for WHO? The poor. I don't think so. Health Care! Where? When? How? AGain, the money climbs to the top. The cost of college is out of control, not all can afford college. Low paying jobs don't handle everything. These people make choices everyday we never have to. Campaign Finance, Give Me A Break! The lobbyists are ruling America. The melting Antarticia. who has time for this worry. There is plenty to go around for both Liberals and conservatives. WE know this guy does is a name caller. But, he should now turn his attention and energy to the general problem here in America. We are letting politics ruin our country, our young men are dying and we still don't have a clue why. So, how about a dialog on when all of us can get a grip on our national situation and stop all the critiques. What can we do to save America? Cause the way things are going we are all going to be on charity.
Name one person who made under $75,000 that provided you a job that paid for your needs. The rich man is the one who does that, but instead of understand this, the liberal wants to take more of their money from them in taxes and spread that money around after the govt takes their cut in administration fees. Effect is the rich man doesnt have the money left to hire the poor man, who now has to depend on big govt. for their daily bread that was taken from the rich. Yet the amount given from the rich is not as much as the poor person could get if they worked fo the rich man. go figure, the liberals punish the very people who provide the jobs needed to support big govt.
The more govt. becomes involved in the running of our economy the more it gets screwed up. Case in point, medicar. Before it the cost of a dr visit and treatment was as a % of avg income less tahn it is today. Reason, with all the big govt. rules and regulations, drs. have to hire more staff to file the paper work needed to be paid by bigf govt. Before medicar, Medical expense as a % of avg household income was less than it is today, including the cost of medical insurance.
The only hand out I want from government is their hand out of my pocket.
Right, and it starts right here in Crestwood City. I want Crestwood's City Gov't to keep their hands out of my pocket and run things as efficiently as possible. Use those new taxes so well they squeak.
They are doing a much better job than before and whittling things down. We don't need to be overstaffed. We are a small community. No more studies.
And, for my opinion I think employees should not save up comp time. This is inefficient. Dept. Managers and CA need to manage better. When the former CA left he left with a ton of money he said was accrued. Howeever, he was the one keeping the books. Interesting. $48,000 ?????
Both former C/A's left with a ton of money from not used vacation and sick days. As did former head of parks dept and former director of public works and Mr. Wubbels. it was the way things were done back then.
This being the case, it behooves the aldermen to stop this practice (saing up comp and vacation time). It is the result of poor management and planning for one thing and for another, not affordable. Cut out this practice and cut down on all overtime. When the Chrysler and Ford plants all have to close or cut down, they don't spend weeks bickering over it, they do it.
I think also that reporting of gifts is totally appropriate, drug testing a today thing making our city less liable. No relatives should work at city hall if they have a politician in the family.
Times they are a 'changin. This city is due for a revamp and sounds like they are working on doing just that. Better hang onto that tax money cause if the belt gets loose again, residents are not going to go into bail out mode.
Save, plan ahead and get over the politics. It's crunch time.
The policy was changed under Greer, for future employees, problem is City would have a tough time taking away what current employes have earned and saved under the old rules. Most likley a court case that would be lost.
Some very good points have been made. There is only one, in reference to my Anonymous comment regarding $75,000 not really being the rich liberals talk about when we say "tax the rich" (obviously this writer didn't get it!), that I must re-comment: I want the hand of private enterprise profiteering and huge bonuses out of my pocket.
You see, they are taking a MUCH bigger chunk of change out of your pocket than welfare for the poor, any day of the week. And should someone making $10 million a year pay more in taxes as a percentage than I do, making $75,000 a year? You bet your sweet bippy they should (remember Laugh-In?) But, alas, today they don't. And it's not because of liberals, that's for sure.
One of the biggest perceptions driving the current conservative trend is that we are paying through the nose to support lazy poor people who just won't work for a living (I know - I have several friends like that - if only those darn poor people wouldn't get so much, my taxes would be lower and I'd be rich). It is the biggest lie of all. Just look where your tax money goes, both nationally and right here in Crestwood - huge war budgets for giant-size Boeing and oil company profits and bonuses for executives, obscene payoffs for drug and health insurance companies with HUGE HUGE profits, and bonuses and big life-long pay for a few years of work for your local government, right here in Crestwood. It's not the poor with their hand in your pocket. Get it straight - it's the man in the Big House and the Hummer with his/her hand in your pocket, make no mistake about it.
THAT is the hand out I want.
That's a very interesting take on the liberal / conservitive comment. I was struck by the fact that you noted the man in the big house with the Hummer in the drive.
I am wondering where you would draw the line on salary's? What is fair, and what's excessive?
I believe that in America we all should be able to make as high a salary as we can given our knowledge and talents.
I am running a business that grosses over 2.2 Million per year in sales in Illinois, but my salary is nowhere near the executive level. I draw down enough to pay the heat ETC. and we live in a modest Crestwood home (37 years, same house.)
Are you saying that if were to draw dowm, let's say $200,000.00 per year I would be part of the problem? Or are you defining a certian level at which I would become part of the problem?
My fear is that if we place salary caps on any job in this Country we will stifle a persons will to get ahead, or to prosper on their own.
I know that the mantra is that management makes all the money, and greed is their motto, but in my case, that's just not so.
What do you say to people like me who could get a larger pay check, but do no not for whatever reason?
My friend when you start to limit salary's, you limit productivity, and growth! When that happens your getting very close to the theory of a man named Karl Marx, and we all know what he stood for (I hope!)
Tom Ford
If you don't want enterprise in your pocket, don't buy from them. it is a free market economy, unlike the controlled types of Cuba, N. Korea and the USSR, oops, forgot, the evil empire was brought down by President Reagan.
Why should some one who makes more money than you have to pay more taxes than you do? Who good do you get out of punishing the producers of the Country
One of the things liberals overlook is the fact that our Constitution called for the Federal Govt. to spend money on defense of the people and the States. It did not call for an Education Dept that has yet to educate a student, or a War on Poverty that has yet to have one victory, not on Tax Credit Income which sends "tax" refunds to those who do not earn enough money to be taxed. (Now there is an incentive to go out and improve ones self) I am not saying that the 4% of those who can not work for health or mental reasons should not be taken care of. I say send them a check for $100,000 a year tax free and give them free medical care, instead of what we do now which is employee 500 Govt. workers for them to have to go through to get their $14,000 a year and 1/4 medical care cost taken care of. It would be much more efficient and cost effective to send the check directly and reduce the number of Govt. employees we currently have who are not producting anything in the way of goods or services or deliverying the mail or in our Armed Services, for their income.
I posted 4:17, 6:51 and 6:52 and my name is
tim trueblood
and I voted against the Kohl's TIF.
7:19 PM blogger: Thank you Tim, well said, and thank's for your nay vote on the TIF,TDD,CID!
It was a very bad idea then, and it's a much worse idea now!
Tom Ford
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