Thursday, March 08, 2007

Crestwood Point TDD meeting date.

I spoke with City Hall today reference the next date for a meeting of the Crestwood Point TDD board (Kohl's, the swim club, City parking lot deal.) I was advised that while no firm date or time has been selected as of yet, the TDD board is shooting for the week of March 26, 2007.

I will post the exact day and time when I receive it so you can set the time aside to attend this important meeting.

Tom Ford

NO. 301


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks, Tom. If the results of the appraisal are to be presented, then this should be an interesting meeting.

Martha Duchild

9:47 PM, March 08, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

While this has nothing to do with the topic at hand, I felt this was as good a place to post it, as "free money giveaways" seem to go hand in hand!

I was in Wildwood today off State Rd. doing the engineering load calculations for a permit from St. Louis County to do the HVAC portion of the job.

So what you say? Well this "house" will have ten tons of air conditioning when completed. Now again you say, so what?

Well, please remember we, the super rich citizens of Crestwood are sending poor, down trodden Wildwood almost a million dollars per year because they don't have a "tax center!"

This is silly, why there is not a house out there (on Ridge Rd.) that is under $500,000.00, and yet we send them money to plow their roads!

This is the idiocy that must stop if we are going to get ahead. When did the teachings of Karl Marx enter into St. Louis county politics?

As for me, if you want to live in Wildwood, fine but pay your own way, and leave my tax monies alone!

Tom Ford

6:07 PM, March 09, 2007  

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