Crestwood Board Of Alderman meeting agenda for 4/24/07
Please click on the header to be directed to the agenda for the up-coming BOA meeting. This is a good chance to see your Government in action, so why not attend.
Tom Ford
NO. 323
Tom Ford
NO. 323
Page 12 CITY OF CRESTWOOD JOURNAL October 22, 2002
Page 12 October 22, 2002
Mr. Leichliter stated a Boundary Adjustment Plat has been prepared by Stock & Associates. This
Boundary Adjustment Plat adjusts the property line between the Rosebrook Real Estate Company
property, a/k/a Crestwood Swim Club and the City of Crestwood. Specifically, Rosebrook Real
Estate Company will be transferring the western parking lot between the Crestwood police station and tennis courts to the City’s ownership. Further, the City Attorney prepared an ordinance
authorizing the Mayor to execute the Boundary Adjustment Plat and General Warranty Deed on
behalf of the City. This process is a necessary step in bringing the Kohl’s redevelopment project to
completion. The Mayor will not sign the Boundary Adjustment Plat nor the General Warranty Deed
until such time as THF Realty acquires the property located within the redevelopment area.
Where is the deed transfer between THF Real Estate Company and the City of Crestwood?
Page 7 CITY OF CRESTWOOD JOURNAL August 28, 2001
Page 7 August 28, 2001
Alderman Trueblood asked the City Attorney about the business format of Rosebrook Real Estate
Rob Golterman stated it was his understanding that it is simply a holding company that owns the
real property. He stated he had been told this but had not done a search through the Secretary of
State’s Office.
Page 7 CITY OF CRESTWOOD JOURNAL August 28, 2001
Page 7 August 28, 2001
Alderman Vincent stated he was the President of Rosebrook Real Estate Company and the company owns one asset, the Crestwood Swim Club.
He stated it was formed at the same time the swim club was formed...
Page 7 CITY OF CRESTWOOD JOURNAL August 28, 2001
Page 7 August 28, 2001
Mr. Leichliter stated that no city funds are involved in financing this project. He stated the
developer of the Sappington/Watson area will be able to re-coup the cost of what they pay for the
pool property from an additional sales tax that is levied on the tenant in the new development.
He indicated the tax was estimated to be three-fourths of one percent. He reiterated the money was not city money and it would never come to the city. It is specifically levied to allow the developer to re-coup the costs of the property.
Both parcels or one parcel!
Now, Kohl's has a one percent sales tax!
Page 7 CITY OF CRESTWOOD JOURNAL August 28, 2001
Page 7 August 28, 2001
Alderman Breeding stated he understood that when the amount of money representing the cost of
the property has been collected through this sales tax, the tax would then cease.
Mr. Leichliter replied in the affirmative. He stated that as he understood it, the city will contract to handle the funds with the money actually going to a trustee bank account so it can only be used to repay the cost the developer expended for the Crestwood Swim Club property.
So, is Mr. Leichliter personally laible?
If he is, our current Mayor will let him off the hook again.
Our Current Mayor may need to review the City of Crestwood Oath!
Did anyone attend the BOA meeting? Any word about the outcome? Did any Alderman NOT vote?
Poster 10:21, hellooo, can you hear me?? The meeting you are so worried about isn't until TOMORROW night, you know the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month?
No wonder Roy got elected, with well informed voters like this who believed he was going to bring Crestwood back.
Then, maybe you should go to a meeting and see your heroes in action.
Real classy.
I thought it did add a touch of class to the site, glad you agreed with me!
Where did you get your manners? From a Ward 2 alderman?
Nope, they are too classy to read this blog
Yeah, uh huh, sure. Yes indeedy.
Well the mayor showed his class last night, NOT. I could not believe that none of the outgoing Alderman were publically recognized! Two of the Alderman served many years, prior to the mayor's presence and should have been recognized. At this point, I guess I should not be surprised. Embarrassing to say the least.
Also, I am sure glad Alderman Neider can read minds - seems he knew exactly why citizens attended the meeting!
All three outgoing aldermen, Breeding, Duwe, and Kelleher, were given proclamations or resolutions. Those proclamations were read by the mayor and each outgoing alderman was given a chance to speak. All 3 did. In addition, the meeting was briefly adjourned and refreshments were provided.
I'm not sure where you got your information.
Alderman Nieder does something that works quite well. He communicates with his constituents.
How does Alderman Nieder communicate, I have never heard a thing from him?
Maybe you weren't listening.
I guess when an Alderman does not have the same view as you do - they don't communicate with their constituents. Doubt it, just the majority of the constituents don't have the same view on issues as you. Simple, or very narrow minded.
How do you know my views or for that matter how does the Alderman know them? How would I know the Alderman's views if he doesnt share them with me? Does this mean Alderman Nieder only represents those who agree with him? That could make for a very unhappy minority that could turn into a majority someday.
Are you stating that those who agree with the Alderman are simple minded?
If your post was an attempt to defend he Alderman, you missed the point as he wasn't attacked, just haven't heard from him so how does he know my views?
Is he sending out letters or emails to his Ward? If so I haven't gotten them.
Since he ran unopposed how does anyone know where he stands on anything, unless he has had a Ward 4 Hall meeting. Has he had a meeting in the 12 months he has been in office? Maybe he should announce to his Ward that he is having one if he hasn't already.
Wow, you jumped to his defense almost as fast as those who defend the Mayor on this blog, talk about thin skinned!
Hi, all I said (12:26) is that he communicates with his constituents. If I email or call, he calls me right back. Nothing more, nothing less. I don't know who the other three entries were from.
Dumb and dumber. To the writer who said none of the three outgoing aldermen were recognized? Either this writer left early or was not paying attention to the meeting. I thought Roy Robinson did a very good job of complimenting the three outgoing aldermen. All three acted graciously and were smiling and seemed happy. I was disappointed that Mr. Kelleher choose not to shake the Mayors hand. But its a country of free will, so thats okay! And how about Robbie voting for the other candidate rather than himself. Class, pure class! Hope everyone recognized it.
Maybe Mr. Kelleher would have shaken the Mayor's hand if that very hand hadn't turned off his microphone when he was speaking?
If he ad not turned off Mr. Kellehers mike, Lord knows what we would have heard!
The Mayor was right, Mr. Kelleher was what he has been since he was first elected, a complete house organ for the swim club, and his own agenda. Thank goodness he is gone!
He was elected by the voters of his Ward and regardless of what you or the Mayor think of them or Mr. Kelleher, they have a right to be represented. And by turning off the mic, the Mayor was obstructing the freedom of speech protected by the laws of our land and also was preventing an elected offical from doing their job. You can disagree with Mr. Kellehers position all you want but what the Mayor did was shameful, against the law and an abuse of his power.
Hey $:26! He did not run unopposed!
7:57 AM
Kelleher's behavior was shameful on the dias. He was rude to the mayor, rude to fellow aldermen, and rude to residents who spoke before the board. He did not deserve a proclamation.
Everyone is entitled to their own opionion--that is yours--we have heard it--now you can keep it to yourself---let's talk about Jerry Miguel and his shameful grandstanding...
12:12 PM, April 26, 2007
The mayor's behavior is shameful. He was rude to the Alderman, and rude to residents who spoke before the board. Even though it the BOA meeting, not the Mayor's. (someone should tell him that, I believe he still thinks it is his meeting. Maybe he should take a class on the Roberts Rule of Order) He does not deserve any type of proclamation or pat on the back.
The Mayor acts like school yard bully who backs down if you stand up to him. It is not the MAYOR'S meeting the but the Alderman's meeting, his job is to recognize those who want to speak and run them by Roberts Rules of Orders, something which the Aldermen just ordered him to do.
It is not his job to protect the Aldermen who agree with him from those who do not. He may have been a great Sargent when he was in the service, but this is not the service and the rules he operated under then do not apply here. It is not his way or the highway.
If he could speak in public as well as he wrote(?) his letter to Call newspaper this week, we would all be better off.
Kelleher is rude and did not deserve a proclamation. Miguel grandstanding? Do you even know what grandstanding means? The mayor needs to learn Roberts Rules and exercise some courtesy himself.
Kelleher was only rude to the crybabies and crackpots of Crestwood--of which there are many--the people who have nothing better to do in their life but stir up controversy where their is none and ruminate over oddball consipiracy theories--go back to Denny's and keep your shenanigans to yourself.
Got that right poster 5:19, now that Swim club deal looks to be over and not in their favor, the Crank Citizens of Crestwood (CCC) are trying to destroy Kelleher even after he has left office. Is there no end to their hatefulness?
Poster 4:59 are you saying the Mayor's letter to the Call was written by someone else? I'd have to agree, I've never heard him talk the way that letter was written. Anyone got any ideas who wrote it for him?
5:19 blogger: Mr. Kelleher was, and is what he is. There will be no change, so why beat a dead horse?
His era is over, so, please let's let the memory go quietly!
Tom Ford
6:33 PM
Go to Value City and buy yourself a clue.
We should all chip in and buy Kelleher a waterproof bow tie so he can wear it at the swim club.
Kelleher will easily go down in history as the worst Alderman the city has ever experienced. His behavior alone speaks to this fact. I know of no one who even slightly considered him more than a bully with a bow tie, which apparently cut off the circulation to his face and his brain. His postings on this site have, however, given me many a laugh, many a time. This kind of hate and discontent will eventually eat him alive. Try as I may, I can find no accurate positive type adjective to describe this person, no contribution he made to our city nada,zip,zero. Small, this person is small. Let's hope he has a wonderful summer at the pool and cools off. Good lord, somone told me he would not shake hands with the Mayor on receipt of his proclamation. Me thinks this tells the whole story. How sad! Yawn, Yawn, Yawn. Dontcha just know our Mayor cried all night over this.
Why would he want to shake the hand of an unsincere person? I'm sure we can all agree that the mayor did not care for Alderman Kelleher. Politics
I'd include insecure as well as insincere when you talk about the Mayor.
LISTEN UP ! ! LAST WEEK in the STL POST DISP. I read the following:
April 24, 07 COUNTY school districts brace for fallout
April 25, Girl 5 left on Special Education School Dist bus
April 26, Mother backs over 15 mo toddler, killing him
and the SO COUNTY TIMES reporter stated that FAYE CLARK was
speaking on behalf of CATHEY BARRETT. . WHAT ! I was AT that meeting
to the reporter afterwards, I do not know. I totally agree with CATHEY
that this MUST be addressed and clarified HOWEVER we need to keep the
news in perspective and resolve the things we can and hope we do not have
issues we cannot resolve. TOM ...consider this as my request to put this on the
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