Election day 4/3/07 in Crestwood!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I will not bore you with a favorite list of candidates for Alderman this year. However I will ask you to please look at each person closely, and vote for the best candidate out there in your ward!
I have been told that the turn out will be very light this April, but I pray that is not so! A great many men and women have given their lives to insure we have the right to vote for the person of our choice, and I urge you to do it! What finer tribute can you give them than to say today, I voted, thank you!
Remember the photo's from Iraq showing the "purple fingers?" Those people stood in line for hours in the face of threats to exercise their new found freedom, surely we can do no less.
Folk's, Crestwood is on the move again, please vote for the candidate that will keep her going in the right direction!
If any of the candidates would like to place a last minute item on the blog, please do so under this header.
Tom Ford
I have been told that the turn out will be very light this April, but I pray that is not so! A great many men and women have given their lives to insure we have the right to vote for the person of our choice, and I urge you to do it! What finer tribute can you give them than to say today, I voted, thank you!
Remember the photo's from Iraq showing the "purple fingers?" Those people stood in line for hours in the face of threats to exercise their new found freedom, surely we can do no less.
Folk's, Crestwood is on the move again, please vote for the candidate that will keep her going in the right direction!
If any of the candidates would like to place a last minute item on the blog, please do so under this header.
Tom Ford
Thank you Mr. Ford for reminding the Crestwood residents that a very important election is just around the corner. I agree that Crestwood is on the move again and it is important that the residents vote for the best candidates they believe will contribute to the future progress of our great city. As I walked the streets of Ward 2, I had the opportunity to engage residents about their hopes and concerns for the future of Crestwood. During my personal discussions, many residents exuded a spirit of civic pride and expressed a willingness to become involved in Crestwood’s continuing progress. However, they also mentioned a need for strong leadership to better direct their efforts and involvement. My vision for Crestwood involves a grass roots restoration of civic pride, implementation of sound fiscal policy and partnerships with solid entrepreneurs committed to the rebirth of our City… I am committed to growing our City’s budget through increased sales tax revenues, rather than by increasing property taxes. Crestwood Plaza is the cornerstone of this community’s fiscal foundation and our leadership must aggressively pursue alternative development proposals, rather than deferring to the “wait and see” time plan established by Westfield. My education in public policy and background working with the City of Clayton places me in good stead to work with developers on the revitalization of Crestwood Plaza and the City as a whole. It is now time to vote for the best candidate… and vote wisely. See you at the polls on Tuesday.
Danielle Oettle
Candidate, Ward 2 Alderman
Hi Tom,
I've recently moved to Crestwood from the Milwaukee area. Tomorrow in Wisconsin there are statewide elections in addition to municipal elections. I've been looking all over the web and I can't find any info about which offices are up for election tomorrow. Is it just city council and school board stuff tomorrow?
Yes Josh,
Just board of aldermen and school board elections tomorrow - nothing else.
Welcome to Crestwood!
Hello Josh, welcome to the best little community in St. Louis County, Crestwood!
I have been herwe for 38 years now, and I am very glad that we chose Crestwood as our home.
Welcome aboard!
Tom Ford
You can go here to find out what or who you are voting on:
"show time" folks! Pleaase get to the polls, and vote for the candidate of your choice!
The polls open at 0600, and close at 1900, so their is no excuse for not voting!
Let the games begin!
Tom Ford
Hay Josh! Went to your blog and just loved it! Move to Ward 4 so you can run for Alderman Miguels seat when he becomes Mayor in 2008. We could use you over here.
Alderman Miguel lives in Ward 3.
Josh, are you in Ward 2? You could run against Bland.
Sorry, I meant ward 1. But if you lived in Ward 2, you could run against Pickel.
The unofficial election results are in and it looks like Steve Knarr and John Foote will be joining Mac Mcgee and Jerry Miguel on the new board. Thank you to all who ran for these offices and for their desire to better Crestwood. I am proud to live in Crestwood and appreciative that all the candidates concentrated their focus on the issues and left the mud slinging and negative politics out of the process.
Chris Pickel has been an outstanding alderman. We would be LUCKy if he ran for office again.
I would like to thank everyone who supported me through this election. Going into this, I did not know many of you, but this election gave me the chance to get out and meet my neighbors. I tried to talk to as many people as possible, and those of you I did get a chance to talk to, I had so much fun! I met some really wonderful people who share my vision for Crestwood and desire to contribute to the future of our City. I plan to see many of you in the future and hope to work with you to better our City. There is always 2009!
Danielle Oettle
Thank you Danielle. Please stay active. Crestwood needs you.
Danielle, Why not consider the open slot on the Planning & zoning board that will be vacated by Mr. Knarr?
It's a great way to prepair for 09. If you want it just fill out the form on the City web site, or ask the City Clerk for one.
You did a 4.0 job on the race!
Tom Ford
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What say I liberal? In a word, GOODBY!
Tom Ford
Do we know why the city is seeking to backfill the economic development position? It was supposed to be a trial position.
The Economic Development position should remain open for awhile and not become a permanent position until such time as the city is flush. Sorry, but city hall should just make do for as long as possible remembering that we voted for the tax increase to bring things around, not to continue tax and spend. Already since our old Dev. employee left, I see lots of signs of development and no one ever told us exactly what that lady did when she was here. Anyone want to enlighten us. The position pays too much and we are not in a position right now for this kind of payout. Mr. Myers, Aldermen, this is still a little burb and we still have debt. Please quit dreaming up ways to spend money and robbing peter to pay paul. Let's got for a safety net/cash reserve and make do with what we have for a while. Creative ways to spend money are just not going to impress residents.
Danielle would make a great candidate for a committee position or on P and Z.
And 8:01
I agree completely!
Proving an economic developers success is like saying that because I went to the baseball game and cheered the Cardinals won.
The only thing Crestwood can do to get Westfield off it's can is to wave some tax tools in their face.
If you want investment in Crestwood you have to get a more favorable demo. The resident age needs to go down and the household income needs to go up. Quality housing is the long term solution.
There are some ways the success or effectiveness of an economic development person can be measured. Does he/she have good working relationships or contacts with regional business groups and business owners that may want to locate in the city? Has he/she put together a good marketing plan or package together to attract business owners to the city? Does he/she have a good working relationship with EXISTING business owners? How many inquiries from business owners does the city get? Has he/she lured any businesses to the city during his/her tenure? Has he/she helped the city become ‘business friendly’ in a manner that the city benefits as well?
If Westfield is looking to sell, no amount of waving tax tools will do the trick. In fact, the city should be ‘open’ to help the current or future mall owner, but not lay all its cards out on the table. The city needs to try negotiation. It’s embarrassing that a developer can come in and get a 2 million CID without offering ANYTHING in return (promises or projections of investment or something) by saying the development is “not a spreadsheet development”, yet at the same time, other existing business owners have difficulty with the city getting their signs changed or upgraded.
Your third point is right on: quality housing and additional disposable income.
Yes, this administration has been a disappointment when it comes to the treatment of CURRENT business in Crestwood. It's almost like the only business they care for are the large ones, not the small stores. Such a shame but not to be unexpected from a person who worked most of their life for the biggest business of all, the US Government.
I would say previous administrations too, and this one could certainly do better.
Your last point is way off base -
"Such a shame but not to be unexpected from a person who worked most of their life for the biggest business of all, the US Government."
So are you saying that anyone who has worked for government all of their life does not have business sense??? Is that what you are saying??? So I guess that would include anyone in our military??? And Dick Cheney, who's made a fortune off of Haliburton??? If you wish to attack Roy Robinson, please use valid points.
I am saying that I see nothing in this Mayors background to make me believe he knows anything about running a small business. The only "private" business he ran employed two people, including himself and he had to close it because he couldn't make a go of it. The rest of his working career he was an employee of a very large business,"Federal Govt.". His wife runs a small business but interestingly enough, she did not employee him.
I have been reading with interest the post's on why the Mayor is not qualified since he worked for the GOVERNMENT!
Think about it, he worked for the GOVERNMENT! What better qualifications could a person have than knowledge of governmental workings?
There are those who say he never ran a business, well I am reminded of Ross Peroit's comment "Just cause you can run the corner store, doesn't mean you can run Wall Mart!"
I have watched the Mayor as he brought in qualified people to assist him (as he should,)and so far the City has turned the corner quite nicely, so where is the problem?
You may not like him, but you cannot fault his leadership of Crestwood to date with any sort of credibility. That said, it's your right to say what you wish, but please look at all the pie before you comment on how good or bad it is.
Tom Ford
Yeah and because of Ross Peroit we got two terms of your favorite President, Bill Clinton and how there is the possibility of his spouse becoming Prez! Ross Peroit, just the kind of guy you would quote in defense of the Mayor.
Black helicopters buzzing his home and ninjas dressed in black interrupting his daughters wedding. The use of Peroit explains a lot about the followers of this Mayor!
So now you are in favor of big government? Like I always thought, Tom you are a closet liberal and don't know it.
Ross Peroit, my gawd, a hand grenade with a bad hair cut.
Your description of Perot is quite humorous!
I do not understand someone who claims to be anti liberal like Mr. Ford does, could use any quote by Ross Perot in the defense of someone who, from reading this blog, he supports IE: the Mayor. All of this within days of quoting from Atlas Shrugged, Mr. Ford quotes Perot the man who, I believe, gave us as much as any one did, the 8 years of the liberal from Arkansas.
This is an example why I believe so much of what Mr. Ford says about the current Mayor, and the Crestwood Swim Club/Kohl's is made up of whole cloth. Nothing more than rumors and dreams.
I also think it supports my idea that most of those who support the Mayor, and think as Mr. Ford does were Perot supporters and are now ashamed to admit it.
Broad based assumption that's mostly erroneous. Try again.
Many voters/residents did not like the direction the city was going toward with the former mayor - in massive debt, with a proposed beautiful police station. So Robinson was voted in. It's amazing to me that Crestwood is still cleaning up messes left over from previous administrations.
If you wish to discuss "liberal", talk about the amount of debt and new taxes proposed from 2000-2005.
Another thing, had Bush Sr. played his campaign right in '92, he could have beat Clinton and Perot.
gee, wonder why you forgot about the tax increases in 2006? Wonder why you overlook the overspending based on substandard reporting before 2000?
Must be nice for the Mayor of a City the size of Crestwood to have a full time p/r staff.
Spin Spin Spin.
Didn't forget about the tax increase in 2006. Didn't forget about the spending either. As far as 'substandard reporting', are you continuing the blame game? pointing fingers? You want spin? We had plenty of it from 2000-2005!
have you ever wondered what would have been Crestwood's current situtation if Roy had won the first time he ran for mayor against Pat? What would he have done that would have made today any different?
Run with that old spin master.
I can't. I'm too spun out from the years 2000-2005. Don't like Roy, don't vote for him - plain and simple. But don't blame him for the mess that occurred before his watch.
9:16PM blogger:
Anonymous said...
"I do not understand someone who claims to be anti liberal like Mr. Ford does, could use any quote by Ross Perot in the defense of someone who, from reading this blog, he supports IE: the Mayor. All of this within days of quoting from Atlas Shrugged, Mr. Ford quotes Perot the man who, I believe, gave us as much as any one did, the 8 years of the liberal from Arkansas."
I don't claim to be, I am anti liberal! Now for quoting Mr. Perot, well as a matter of fact, that was the only statement I ever heard him make that made any sense to me, so I used it here.
8 Liberal years, you bet, and if were not carful, we could see worse yet in 08! That said however, Perot was not the cause of the Bush 1 defeat by a long shot. Mr. Bush allowed Democrats to bamboozle him into believing "we all can get along" so the tax increase was passed, and that's what did him in!
Indeed I supported the Mayor, I still support the Mayor, and if he runs again, I will still support the Mayor! I Voted for him just as I voted for Mr. Bush (1,)and I see no shame in that. I am however curious as to why all his detractors never tell us who they supported, and voted for. Can it because they are ashamed to admit they supported a man (and his willing accomplices) who would have spent Crestwood into oblivion?
Tom Ford
Does Alderman Miguel know you will support the Mayor vs. him when he runs? I sense trouble in paradise.
Miguel will probably not run for mayor. You might though.
There very people that complain about the rich getting richer are the ones giving away the money to wealthy developers to perform routine maintenance on so called "blighted" properties and then calling it "Improvements". I can't believe a national chain retailer would spend good money to lease a substandard piece of property.
At least Westfield didn't ask for tax money to maintain their property (Or for the Alderman..make improvements).
After all the years of doing nothing to the mall, do you really think that they will move forward with rennovations without asking for tax money???? Looking through rose colored glasses????? Me thinks so.
Why would any company who has to answer to its stockholders pour money into the Mall in Crestwood when,
the City's population is in decline,
the City's avg age is getting older and more therefore, are on fixed incomes and have less to spend
the City's mayor and his supporters are against any tax assistance for the mall,
the City is no longer on a major highway for traffic
the City now has competition in the new younger markets
the Mall's foot print is outdated
the Mall is as old as the avg citizen living in Crestwood and way past it's prime,
I agree with the two previous posters, it is time to forget about sales taxes as the tax source for Crestwood. Time for some outside the box thinking from the elected officials and the staff at City Hall and I do not mean some half baked, construction paper, preschool style tree!
Maybe a sign allowing the person with the guts to ask for more property taxes a private parking spot would do?
8:59 PM blogger: I do believe he is aware of that, and I doubt he would run anyway!
Tom Ford
To the 6:54 blogger
I don't know whose glasses you borrowed to view our city. But my neighborhood has a wonderful age mixture. Perfect Balance! All my Crestwood friends agree with this description.
I see new housing, new families, schools remodeling, Grants Trail, and lately new stores. Somehow I don't relate this to decline. I also see the elderly walking and landscaping and maintaining nice homes and it would be very hard to say Crestwood is not blithly rebounding. To say otherwise is not only negative but not true. I also see the young families integrating beautifully already making sound contributions to the life of Crestwood. Pleased to be part of it.
Besides this, it is some of the more senior residents who united to stop the politics and the excessive spending and city hall's ethics and moral problem carryovers. And in this way get our city back on track to be a great landing spot and welcoming venue for all ages. I am grateful for this contribution. They did a yeomans job. I signed their petition to stop the 14.5 M dollar city hall rehab and supported the measure to keep term limits and maintain the city's Charter. This grassroots effort was an amazing tribute to a wonderful city. One that I am proud to be a part of.
Shop in our city, go out to eat in our city, jump into action and keep the momentum going. The last few years have been a breath of clean air and I think enthusiasm is becomming contagious. Say what you will, the Mayor is doing fine.
Maybe there is another community more to your suiting. If you would move, maybe you could sell your home to a newcomer who would be happy to share our community spirit. Please remember, this is a city of brick homes, moderate, well kept brick homes, a bedroom community. Perhaps your expectations are a little high. However, I see few homes for sale.
Work on positive. Negative no longer fits.
Amazing,"negative no longer fits", how quaint, how head in the sand, how expected as the answer to any problems.
There is a blight in this community though, the Crestwood Swim Club. This is dragging our whole city down. It must be destroyed.
Followed by St.E no less I am sure.
8:56 AM blogger: Well, you and I know that there are members of the swim club who have had no part of the "sweetheart deal" worked by?
That said however, I think we need a State audit of the TDD, TIF, CID, intergovernmental agreement to put this to rest for once and for all!
For those of you who say "there is nothing to see here," that shouldent be a problem, now should it. And for those who say there is a problem here, well that's darn sure no problem, is it?
So, let's start a petition for the State Auditor to investigate this deal, and put it to rest for once, and for all!
What say you?
Tom Ford
what say you Tom Ford--Crestwood's answer to Don Imus?
What say I? Interesting, well let me start out by saying I don't listen to Imus, nor have I since he became a liberal over three years ago!
I am wondering though if we can expect a "Mia Culpa" from the Reverund's Jackson, and Sharpton to the Duke La Cross team for going down there and calling those kids, racist's, and rapists? For over 369 day's these kid's faced un-true charges, their lives were runed, their families spent un-told ammounts of money to clear their names, and what do we get from the aforementioned? A complete refusal to say I'm sorry!
The liberals need to understand that you can't have it both ways! If you wish to brand someone a "racist" you need to be above reproach, and it would appear your not!
If you look at the 2006 application for the Crestwood Swim Club you will find that it asks for a "4x6 family photo" to be sent with your application. I have never seen a club ask for a photo before you were admitted, after yes, before, no.
Are we to consider that "racism?" Well I don't, but there are plenty of prople out there that would, and there would be no defence for it!
By now I hope you get my drift, If you look at my site you will find links to African American churches, as well as other sites of interest. The call of "racism" anymore is like the little boy who called "wolf," one day it will be there, and how are we know when to respond to it?
Tom Ford
You can't really give up on sales tax as the City's source of revenue. The city established itself as a point-of-sale city years ago, and that is how the city is able to fund the services it provides for its residents. I too agree that we have a nice age mixture of people living in our city. Our city is located in one of the best school districts in the state, and in one of the most central areas in the St. Louis Metro region. Our homes are nicely maintained by the property owners, for the most part, and you should want to be a part of reviving the city, not downing it! Yeah, let's increase property taxes, that is a sure way to get more people to move to our city! How about working with what we have and making improvements like many other local municipalities in the area. Look at Maplewood! I say let's invest in what we have and get involved.
5:30 Bass Pro doesn't agree with you, they are opening in South County Mall.
Westfield doesn't agree with you, they are spending large amounts of $$ to build a new exit ramp off I55 for their new South County Mall store, Bass Pro.
Macy's doesn't agree with you, they are now on a month to month lease with Westfield in the Crestwood Mall.
Work with other Municipalities in the area? Like Sunset Hills after what our Mayor said about their attempted development.
Invest in what we have, invest what? Tax incentives to open here, not going to happen with the current Board and Mayor.
Work with developers, like Jon Brown and THF, you think they will ever spend another dime in Crestwood after how our Mayor and Aldermen treated them and their business? But we treat Grewe like a king because he gave money to help elect the Mayor.
Central area of the county? Wrong again, we by our own website state we are in the southwest part of the County.
The fact that you look up to Maplewood shows how far we have slid as a city, nice homes or not.
Solution, let's close it down and become a part of the County, because like you said, we don't want to increase our property taxes to stay a City. Problem is, can we do that with the outstanding debt incurred with the "notes"?
7:27 blogger I don't agree with you.
Well 7:27 PM blogger, you tell us. It sounds to me as though you may have backed the people who gave us those notes, so what now?
Tom Ford
Sure I backed the Mayor, he was the one who gave us the "notes" that are due this fall. Haven't I read on your blog your own statement where you back the mayor and will vote for him if he runs again?
The point is (and it is OK to disagree with my position as poster 8:00 did in an adult manner) that the trends are against us to remain a sales tax funded city. That is what I am trying to get your readers to understand. And every day, every week, every month that goes by with the majority of the readers of this blog wrapped up in the Kohl's/TDD/ Club dealie is one moment less that can be spent on address the real future problems of our city. And that is what my bullet points were trying to get across to the readers.
If you feel that the Swim Club/TDD/Kohls deal is the anti-Christ of Crestwood, our mayor sits on the TDD Committee, kick him in the rear to do something now to end the bickering and spend our energy on what is really our future problem.
No amount of nice homes, mixed age population, good schools is going to pay the Cities bills, it takes $$$.
So, do we dream of the return of yesterday or do we face the issues with a hint of reality. Hell, I don't want to pay more taxes, not by one little bit do I. But if the majority of Crestwoods people believe that there is still more fat to cut, more savings out there, that there is $$ not found, well, then we are doomed to go bankrupt. Don't agree with me on that, then ask the Mayor, ask Mr. Myer, is there any more fat to cut, are there any more savings out there, ask them for yourself.
If we go bankrupt, then what happens? Does the State step in and raise our property taxes to pay off the outstanding debts, while the Police and Fire depts are close down and we are disbanded as a City if we go bankrupt? Does the State sell our assets IE Whitecliff and Crestwood Park to pay our debts? I don't know the answers but someone who in running this City better find the answers and tell us the Citizens what is in store for us.
Because folks, it's gonna come and it's gonna come soon.
9:35 pm - Well stated. Me thinks current administration has their head in the sand.
9:35 pm - Correct. Without the line of credit, the remainder of the year will be interesting. Notice how never once last year did the citizens get a disclosure by month of the usage of the line of credit. Not sure how the cash flow situation is going to be handled without the line of credit. The only way I can think of is to rob peter to pay paul. Isn't that how it was done in the past....I guess the individual funds will never be individual after all. That's not what I voted for when it came to the extention of the Capital Improvement fund, etc. Cash flow in a city is the name of the game. Time will tell....
OK, let me see if I get this. Rob knows Peter and Paul and they are all using credit and wasn't the name of the game an Abba song? Why would Abba want to vote for the Capital Improvements fund? Would that have been a capital idea??
9:35 That is why I worry about the money collected so far from the Kohls'TDD tax, is it safe from being used for the line of cash flow needs?
Correct me if I'm wrong, and I may be very wrong, but isn't the TDD still in its formation? I'm assuming that there is no TDD taxes being collected as of yet.
Ask the Mayor.
I'd like to ask the original architects of this thing. Where are they now?
Kent L and Mayor Brasfield still live in Crestwood, I am sure however, that our current Mayor is on top of this and can answer any questions about this issue if you just ask him.
If he doesnt know the answers then he needs to find them. He is good friends with both men, and when he asks them they will be happy to talk to him.
Thank you!
The Crestwood Mall has 29 empty stores out of 100 spots. Is that a normal rate of vacancy for a Mall? Why all the stink about TTD/Kohl's and Swim Club, our property taxes are going to have to go up to fund the City and the services we get if the Mall continues to decline. Is there no one at City Hall or on this blog who gives a darn about that! Maybe the name of this blog be change to:
Crestwood Pool Dependent
because that is the ONLY ISSUE that gets any posts?
No word about the possible sale of Crestwood Plaza. I talked to store clerks there - all they have heard are rumors. Don't forget about Jim Butler closing - LoneStar Steakhouse is gone. We'll have some vacant gaps on the western end of Crestwood. Not sure if Ace Hardware will make it. Home Depot and Lowe's are within a 2 mile radius. If spending continues, property taxes are sure to go up. Crestwood will cease being the bargain it has claimed to be.
FOR THE LAST TIME! Jim Butler leaving is not that big of a deal! We won't be losing that much! They have been a great neighbor but we get minimal from them as far as taxes! Lets go over this AGAIN! Lets say you live in Sunset Hills, and you buy a brand new Chevy at Jim Butler Chevrolet. Do you know where the tax on that purchase goes? SUNSET HILLS! It goes where the buyer lives you idiot! Sorry I get so mad but some of you people want to be so negative (including you Tom) that it gets so frustrating!
Gee poster 10:16, whose leaving Crestwood should we get upset about?
10:16 PM
Maybe you don't get it. The Jim Butler Chevrolet tax income is not the whole issue. Why would people want to come to Crestwood to shop when the variety of choices is so limited? Why would someone go to an area just for one particular store, when other areas offer far more choices? I doubt the amount of revenue would be enough, even if all Crestwood citizens just shopped in Crestwood and no where else. Crestwood needs to attrack citizens from other communities. I don't see this happening.
10:16 PM
I know that Crestwood doesn't see a lot of tax revenue from car dealerships. I also know that the sales tax from the car purchaser goes to the purchaser's community. What I do know is that once Butler is gone, you will have a big lot empty. What's going in there, anyone know? Has the economic development commission worked to attract any occupants? Has anyone from the city talked to Butler? I'm not being negative, I'm just thinking ahead. What can we do to fill that location?
"It goes where the buyer lives you idiot! Sorry I get so mad but some of you people want to be so negative (including you Tom) that it gets so frustrating!
10:16 PM, April 14, 2007"
Now that's the type of spirit that will attract new businesses and new residents to the city!!! You should be so proud!
All bloggers: We only have so much room in Crestwood to put a new business, and or development. I think we all want to see the "most bang for the buck" when we issue new permits, don't we?
As far as a car dealer is concerned the tax on the car goes to the City the buyer lives in. However the tax on ALL PARTS goes to the City the dealership is in.
Butler has been a wonderful neighbor for a long time now, but they need room to expand, we don't have it. Now what do we do with that vacant property when they leave?
I'll tell you now that whatever we do with it, we won't need TIF'S, CID'S, or TDD'S to attract a vibrant business to Crestwood! Some say I am "negitive," I don't think so! We live in CRESTWOOD people, one of the best communities, and school districts in Missouri! Why should we have to beg someone to build here?
In the last few years there has been a lot of vitriol spewed from all sides reference this "swim club." That's coming to a head now, and it will go where it goes, so how about we start to focus on new business for a while?
Sure there are issues that will surface from time to time, but the greatest issue we all have is Crestwood! What do we do together to insure a vibrant future for our kids, and grand kids, and our CITY?
Tom Ford
How long will you be willing to leave the Butler property empty before supporting the use of TID, CID, TDD, to attract a vibrant business to go in there?
If Crestwood has so much room for business to expand into like you claim, how come Butler didn't expand here? With all our "room" why did Bass Pro chose South County Mall over Crestwood?
Poster 10:47 understands how business works and is right on the mark with their post.
Is it true that the Mall has close to 30% vacancy rate? What is the current administration doing to replace the lost sales tax income from the empty stores? Cut more services or ask for another tax increase?
If nothing else we can always forget about these real issues that effect us by instead focusing on the hated Swim Club, THF issue. The time wasted on this "issue" is time we can never get back. Along with the message it is sending to any future developer about what to expect when you do business with Crestwood should just about be enough to seal our fate for the future.
Thank you for your fine service!
So we should use TIF, TDD, and CID for every development?
Poster 9:27 If a developer has to have them to open in Crestwood what would you do?
Or, we could forget these real problems and get back on the SwimClub/THF issue. There is something that will advance our City in the eyes of developers!
What are you answers to the questions I asked?
How long would you allow Butler to remain empty before being ok with TDD, TIF or CDD?
If we have so much room for development, how come Butler and Bass Pro didn't use it?
How is the City going to replace the lost sales tax income from the near 30% empty rate of the Mall? Cut more services, increase more fees, increase property tax?
What should the Current Admistration do?
"All bloggers: We only have so much room in Crestwood to put a new business, and or development."
No offence, but did you read my post? See above, there was no room at that location to expand!
How long would I wait? Well you feel business dosen't want to come to Crestwood, I disagree, so I would wait until the negoations before I offered anything (we may not need it.) What's wrong with that?
Also if you read further you would see that I too suggested we move past the "hated swim club" into fresh areas!
You spoke of people being negitive, well this is your chance to change that, how will you use it?
And, oh by the way thank you for your comments!
Tom Ford
I am positive that our income from Sale Tax will soon decline to a point that in order to provide current level of service and pay the "note" due this fall, we will be asked again to increase our property tax rates.
I am positive that when this happens our Mayor will blame someone else and that Mr. Myers will be on the chopping block.
I am positive that when all is said and done, the "issue" of the SwimClub/THF will leave both sides damaged and unsatisfied with the resolution reached.
I am positive that the average age of a Crestwood Citizen will continue to climb to a point where the majority of the citizens will be retired and on fixed incomes.
I am positive that when that happens development will come to a standstill not due to the age factor but the fixed income concern.
I am positive that this post will bring out a swarm of replies defending the Mayor, the retired people of Crestwood and the anti/pro-pool crowd, but not one will address what needs to be done other than to be against the use of TIF, TDD, CDD.
I am positive that Crestwood's current physical location is good but that the western/southern movement of the St. Louis population will soon leave us in the backwater of the County.
I am positive that the best thing that could have happened to Crestwood would have been the completion of the development in Sunset Hills, as it would have slowed down the above migration.
I am positive that Crestwood blew a great chance to partner up with Sunset Hills when they announced their development, we should have jumped on board and started to move our commercial district off Watson to Interstate I44.
I am positive that an opportunity like that will not be soon coming again.
12:07 PM blogger: Well one thing's for sure, no one can accuse you of not being "positive!"
Sorry, the devil made me do it!
Tom Ford
The power of positive thinking?
I actually agree on several of your points.
1. I would imagine our sales tax is declining. If nothing happens with Crestwood Plaza and other areas remain vacant, it probably will continue to decline. I'm not sure if the new Sappington Square development will be enough to keep Crestwood out of debt. I also agree taxes will have to be raised, especially with the amount of spending taking place.
2. The blame game? It seems to be a tradition in our fair city.
3. Neither side will be satisfied with the TDD resolution; on this I agree also.
4. The average age in Crestwood will probably increase. Our older folks are top notch, seasoned citizens. I'm almost there myself. But younger folk tend to spend more, especially with younger families. Older folks have established households. Younger folks are working to establish theirs. Nothing against older folks, just a different spending demographic.
5. I kind of think development is almost at a standstill now.
6. and the rest. You lost me with the Sunset Hills development-not saying that I disagree, just don't get your point. Please expand.
Poster 12:48, just got our Internet service back up from Charter. In real estate the key word is location. There is nothing too wrong with our Mall other than it's location, the one thing that can't be changed. One of the main reasons the people in Sunset Hills sold to the developer was their homes location close to I44. The sale made for most a great way to improve their life, same happened in Crestwood with the people who lived where SAMs is now. Crestwood shares a common border with I44 and Sunset Hills, with many citizens who live along I44, unhappy with the lack of a sound wall and the way the highway effects their lives.
A developer who wanted to offer them more money than what the private market would pay would have found a majority of the owners happy to do business with him, just like it was in Sunset Hills.
We lost that chance by going against the development instead of working with the developer to look east into Crestwood. This would have provided us the land for the big box stores that are killing us in the other shopping districts. And at the same time helping those who want to move. The Mall then would have died the death it's gonna die anyway, but the City would have had a new source of Sale's Taxes to operate with.
Why didn't we do this? Ask the current Mayor why, as he ran at that time against the use of TIF, TDD, DID and eminent domain, all of which would have had to been used to have made this happen. But what if that had not been the case? What if he had been forward thinking enough to see this vision and it's possibilities?
Instead we have now earned the reputation of an anti business city.
Closing note, I am glad you understood my comments about the avg age in the manner of which I meant it. Not a slam on any one's age, just the facts that go along with an aging population from a developers view point.
p.s. Tom, I am positive you are forgiven for that one.
8:18 PM blogger: Repreved at last! There are those who say that aging is better than the alternitive.
There are some days when I have to be on a three story roof, I wonder if that's correct or not!
Yes, we will all grow older, and yes some of us old goats will still live in Crestwood, but that's a good thing, no?
For any community to thrive we will need the young, and the old to work, and inspire so we can all meet our common goals.
Tom Ford
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