Thursday, April 19, 2007

Now this is something to see! A Woman defending her belief!

Please click on the header for the video. No, Crestwood has nothing to do with this, or on a larger scale does it?

"Audemus Jura Nostra Defendere" (we dare defend our rights!)

Tom Ford



Anonymous Anonymous said...

July 20th, 2004
on former Mayor Fagan's flyer running for Mayor of Crestwood

The Top Five Myths regarding the City of Crestwood

2. The Lie: The City paid too much money for the new Crestwood Swim Club

2. The Truth: THF Realty purchased Crestwood Swim Club property and half of the City parking lot. The Crestwood Point Transportation Development District will buy the parking lot via a TDD from THF. The shoppers at Kohl's will pay for the parking lot. The City did not pay a single dollar of it's own money for the pool to move.

How can you include a private real estate sale in public monies?

Please explain the law and post a copy of the government document that backs this up.

Please do not post all of the affidavits by former Assistant to City Administrator Matt Conley, Attorney Gary Vincent, and THF staff.

9:46 PM, April 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crestwood Point TDD board meets April 19, 2007 by Burke Wasson

THF Realty will receive a minimum of $295,000 from Crestwood Point TDD funds to be reimbursed for the $850,000 purchase of former Swim Club property from Rosebrook Real Estate in 2002. The parcel for which THF Realty sought reimbursement now is used as the Crestwood Government Center's back parking lot, which encompasses roughly two-thirds of an acre.

Where is the two-thirds of an acre?

Please post a copy of the city's parking lot map to show the proof.

9:49 PM, April 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is it true that THF Realty wanted $755,000 but was willing to split the difference with the Kohl's TDD board without any paperwork?

I thought Alderman Miguel had a MBA from Washington University.

I thought an accounting auditor is suppose to look for a papertrail and substantiate the evidence.

Now, who is liable for the $295,000 for THF's private real estate deal with Rosebrook.

Check out Marian Nunn's bio at THF Realty
"Most view her as the "glue" which makes THF Realty run like a fine tuned machine. Nunn's forte is handling large-scale debt..
an auditor at Arthur Andersen & Co."

Check out Ian Silberman's Bio
"..has handled everything from planning, zoning, design of public improvements, and tax increment financing...
Ian is a graduate of Washington University earning his degree in Business Administration.

I am getting worried on what Washington University is actually teaching in their business classes.

Is Washington University buying the loans for the Kohl's project?

10:07 PM, April 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Matt Conley's wife Attorney Lean A. Conley with Wilson and Associates?

10:14 PM, April 19, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Batman in love with Robin?

7:02 AM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doesn't it confuse anyone but me about the term Crestwood Swim Club being paid for by the city of Crestwood. Didn't the City of Crestwood build and pay for their City's pool and named it Whitecliff. Did Crestwood actually pay for two swimming pools in the same area in the same time frame? So if the Crestwood Swim Club is 'indeed' a private club with lots of members not even living in Crestwood, why would Crestwood pay 'anything' toward a private pool. Wouldn't you think the originators of the private pool and those who invest to keep it private would pay for the entire debt and that city taxes would pay for the Whitecliff pool? Does the private swim club have any members other than the 'white' community? There seems to be a lot of confusion about this safe pool. What is more confusing is that our aldermen who are members of this private pool continue to vote of matters pertaining to it. Will they be legally allowed to vote on who pays what to whom for what on next Tuesday's BOA meeting? Does nobody have a set of the rules or bills or are we just paying out our money on somebody's 'just trust me!" An overview of how things are being done is becoming like a poorly oiled machine.

8:07 AM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How many times has THF Realty been reimbursed for no written contract with all of their TIF's, TDD's, CID's, Intergovernmental Agreeement's, and Reimbursement Agreement's?

Does Armstrong Teasdale represent THF Realty?

8:24 AM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did Rosebrook Real Estate Company sell their parking spaces to the City of Crestwood for a $1.00 after their received $850,000?

Technically, the $295,000 should be going to Rosebrook Real Estate not THF if you base everything on the St. Louis County Recorder's of Deeds!

The deed was transferred from Rosebrook Real Estate to City of Crestwood for $1.00.

Where is THF Realty deed transfer for the Rosebrook Real Estate parking spaces?

8:31 AM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is catherine barrett?

9:26 AM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be great if the pool ended up with the $295,000!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

9:46 AM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tom, could you please trace the blogger who continues to make baseless racial allegations regarding the nature of the membership of Crestwood Swim Club and post their name on the blog? THanks.

10:31 AM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:02 AM

I don't think so. I think they have mutual respect for each other.
I myself wondered if I would look good in tights and a cape.

12:09 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

At no time did anyone from the Kohl's TDD board prove a transaction trully exists.

City's responsibility for city officials getting an in-house Agreement. paid agreement done, people getting paid.

Is this Legal Embezzlement?

City Paying out for something they already owed!

Prove that sold it!

Where is the Legal Deed?

Proof of Money passing


Support your Statements for $295,000 and $515,000!

Is the City Administrator personally liable for Embezzlement?

8:44 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where is the land legally registered?

Where did the land deeds go?

Documents can be followed.

8:49 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If legal documents exist that our Public Officials was part of it,

Whoever they are -- Mayor, City Administrator, Alderman, City Staff -- saying those things happened on an Affavidit,

The city is liable for those costs!

A Copy of all Affavidits show who is involved will be seen by the Mayor, City Administrator, Board of Alderman, City Staff and the press.

St. Louis County Land Transfer records will be presented to the Mayor, City Administrator, Board of Alderman, and City Staff from the beginning of the first U.S. Surveys to show the Land Transfer with all historical plats.

I'll making everyone involved pay for it.

If this is illegal, I will help the city show what is illegal.

If Officials of City of Crestwood will not prosecute, then State of Missouri prosecute to protect Citizens of Crestwood from Embezzlement.

I will Seek prosecution.

If you are going to stop questions of how to get transfer of deeds, I will seek people to be proscecuted for Embezzling from City and
compensation to the city for others involved.

8:57 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No proof!

No pudding!

9:03 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rosebrook Real Estate filed documents.

Gary Vincent is president of Rosebrook Real Estate since 1986 and former alderman of Crestwood and William Duwe was an officer of Rosebrook Real Estate Company in 1955, which is the deceased husband of Pat Duwe, a current alderwoman of Crestwood.

10:12 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Notice two separate Locator Numbers!

St. Louis County Department of Revenue
Locator No. 25M621280
Rosebrook Real Estate Company
1475 S. Sappington Road

St. Louis County Department of Revenue
Locator No. 25M621213
Rosebrook Real Estate Company904 Rayburn Ave (where new pool is located, old tennis courts, and 54 parking spaces)

10:14 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will the $295,000 and $515,000 go to rebuilding a new Retaining Wall?

10:16 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Kohl's TDD 5 projects listed on St. Louis Circuit Court Creation Papers for Kohl's TDD

Where is the Rosebrook Real Estate and Crestwood Swim Club Parking lot and old pool for $850,000)

(1) a. demolition and reconstructio of an existing parking lot on property owned by the City

(2) b.improvements to Sappington Road, including a dual left-hand turn lane from southbound Sappington to eastbound Watson

(3) c. construction of cross access between Watson Plaza and a commercial development to be constructed within the District

(4) d. relocation of a curb cut on Watson Road serving as the entrance to the commercial development to be constructed within the District

(5) e. accompanying grading, drainage, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, stormwater facilities, structures (including any architectural treatments related thereto), signing, lighting, traffic signals or other similar or related infrastructure or improvement in connection with items (a) through (d)

10:24 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Darn, she's on a roll tonight!!

10:27 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Judgment and Order Organizing a Transportation Development District Filed 5/15/03
signed by Judge Barbara Crancer

In the Circuit Court of the County of St. Louis 21st Judicial Circuit Cause No. 03CC-000941
Division No. 31
Re: THF Crestwood Point Development and City of Crestwood
St. Louis County and MoDOT

Exhibit D Transportation Project listed (Kohl's) TDD 5 projects

Where is the Rosebrook Real Estate and Crestwood Swim Club Parking lot and old pool for $850,000)

(1) a. demolition and reconstructio of an existing parking lot on property owned by the City

(2) b.improvements to Sappington Road, including a dual left-hand turn lane from southbound Sappington to eastbound Watson

(3) c. construction of cross access between Watson Plaza and a commercial development to be constructed within the District

(4) d. relocation of a curb cut on Watson Road serving as the entrance to the commercial development to be constructed within the District

(5) e. accompanying grading, drainage, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, stormwater facilities, structures (including any architectural treatments related thereto), signing, lighting, traffic signals or other similar or related infrastructure or improvement in connection with items (a) through (d)

15-May-03 Affidavit for City Property Filed 5/15/03 by Donald E. Greer, City Administrator on 5/13/03
15-May-03 Affidavit for City Property Filed 5/15/03 by Michael H. Staenberg, Manager for THF Crestwood Point Development on 5/14/03

Is former City Administrator Don Greer responsible for the $295,000 and $515,000?

10:34 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the old Crestwood Swim Club and Rosebrook Real Estate property or the 54 parking spaces?

Book 3432 Page 488-489

General Warranty Deed between John Narzinski and Lillian Narzinski and Rosebrook Real Estate Company

10:36 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was this the 54 parking spaces and tennis courts or the old Crestwood Swim Club owned by Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club?

Book 3877
Page 608-609

General Warranty Deed between Bernard T. Fresenburg and Agnes L. Fresenburg and Rosebrook Real Estate Company.
Hartwell G. Crain, former Senator for Missouri in 1949 was Mrs. Agnes L. Fresenburg witness.

10:39 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was this property?

Was this two thirds of an acre?

Ordinance 1351

An ordinance approving a contract with Rosebrook Real Estate Company for the Purchase of a Parcel of Ground Presently Part of the Crestwood Swimming Club parking lot, located adjacent to the present city hall property providing certain conditions and authorizing the Mayor to execute said contract on behalf o the city. Adjacent to the Present City Hall Property providing Certain Conditions

Sales Price $12,000 from the City of Crestwood with certain benefits

10:41 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where was the exact location of this property?

Book 6593 Page 2347-2348

General Warranty deed between Rosebrook Real Estate Company and City of Crestwood at 1495 S. Sappington Road

signed by William G. Knopf, president of Rosebrook Real Estate Company

10:42 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

When was the deed transferred into THF Realty and then transferred back to Rosebrook Real Estate Company and then to the City of Crestwood for $1.00?

Is this the 54 parking spaces?

Ordinance 3749

An ordinance approving a General Warranty deed between Rosebrook Real Estate Company and the City of Crestwood, Missouri and authorizing the Mayor to execute same on behalf of the city

Conveyance of Parking Lot (adjacent to City Hall parking)

10:50 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Sales Price $12,000 from the City of Crestwood with certain benefits "

Where did that come from? There was no sale for $12,000.
Talk about not knowing the facts. This is pretty funny. (unless you can back up your statement)

11:53 PM, April 20, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:22 AM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

$12,000 is in Ordinance 1351

dated 13-Jun-72

Ask your President, Gary Vincent.

Go to City Hall and see for yourself!

Ask you Mayor Roy Robinson

2:23 AM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Yawn!

Where is your evidence for $295,000 and $515,000?

Gary Vincent's new house or your new pool?

2:24 AM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Batman and Robin are working together to find all of the deeds to see
who owns what, where, and when!

All for $1.00!

2:27 AM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Have you read the South County Time article by Eilleen Duggan on Kohl's TDD that has incorrect information?

In Article with an Error:
Essentially, sales tax collected from the Kohl's store will pay for the parking lot acquisition...
... purchase of property for the city parking lot from Crestwood Swim Club and a $631,700 renovation of the lot.

Kohl's 1% sales tax is suppose to pay for only the 5 Projects listed on the Kohl's TDD legal paperwork..
...purchase of property for the city parking lot owned by Rosebrook Real Estate and Crestwood Swim Club was not listed in the Kohl's TDD legal paperwork

Please read the facts

Judgment and Order Organizing a Transportation Development District Filed 5/15/03
signed by Judge Barbara Crancer

In the Circuit Court of the County of St. Louis 21st Judicial Circuit Cause No. 03CC-000941
Division No. 31
Re: THF Crestwood Point Development and City of Crestwood
St. Louis County and MoDOT

Exhibit D Transportation Project listed (Kohl's) TDD 5 projects

Where is the Rosebrook Real Estate and Crestwood Swim Club Parking lot and old pool for $850,000)

(1) a. demolition and reconstructio of an existing parking lot on property owned by the City

(2) b.improvements to Sappington Road, including a dual left-hand turn lane from southbound Sappington to eastbound Watson

(3) c. construction of cross access between Watson Plaza and a commercial development to be constructed within the District

(4) d. relocation of a curb cut on Watson Road serving as the entrance to the commercial development to be constructed within the District

(5) e. accompanying grading, drainage, pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, stormwater facilities, structures (including any architectural treatments related thereto), signing, lighting, traffic signals or other similar or related infrastructure or improvement in connection with items (a) through (d)

In Article with an Error:
The amended agreement would reduce the amount to be reimbursed to the developer for the parking lot purchase from the original $800,000 to about $295,000 based on a recent appraisal.

Correction: The amended Intergovernmental Agreement would reduce the amount to be reimbursed to the THF Realty Developer for two parcels of land which include the parking lot of 54 spaces from the original $850,000 to about $295,000 based on a recent appraisal of both parcels of $755,000 and was split in half.

Former City Administrator Don Greer added the $800,000 to the Kohl's TDD for a private Real Estate Transaction between THF and Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club members.

3:21 AM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the South County Times has an error? I am shaken to the very marrow of my being to have heard that occurring!!
Ms. Duggan is noted for her "error" filled articles while her paper when this is pointed out to them, NEVER issue a correction. A great example of the liberal media if I do say so myself.

7:18 AM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can anyone guess who is frantically researching public information and cutting and pasting it all over this blog? Her keyboard must be smokin'hot!

7:40 AM, April 21, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Wow! Now that's some digging! The best part is that the writer back's up every comment with an ordinance, a file, or a county plat!

Sort of hard to refute these facts, but I am sure we will see someone try, good luck!

Tom Ford

7:42 AM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did SLU sell its Jesuit soul for a sports arena?
By Tim Townsend

"...The Missouri Constitution prohibits public funding to support any "… college, university, or other institution of learning controlled by any religious creed, church or sectarian denomination whatever."

What about Crestwood Swim Club?

7:21 PM, April 21, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No, they just sold their former property, that was needed for a development to proceed in that location. The asking price was high enough to enable them to rebuild their pool. It is what any intelligent person or organization would do. As an example, lets consider this scenario: What if Tom Fords home was located on the site of the former Crestwood Swim CLub? The developer Really needed that piece of property for Kohls to sign on because Kohl's requires overflow parking for busy seasons. They offered Tom $350,000 for his property so that he could rebuild his home. Tom says "no, that is not fair, I only want the assessed value of my home, please tear up your $350,000 check and rewrite it for $175,000. I do not want any Kohl's shopper to pay for my new home and I only want the assessed value for my home...DO NOT GIVE me the market value--the increased market value due to the prime location of my home. I want to put Crestwood first, not my home." How close to reality is that? That is exactly what happened.

10:12 AM, April 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Anyone wish to answer the 10:12 blogger? I think this can make for interesting give and take here!

Tom Ford

11:18 AM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why don't you be the first to answer it tom---it is your blog--and there is one more consideration for the scenario--if you DON't sell, there is the threat of eminent domain to take your property anyway. Your thoughts.....

11:45 AM, April 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Ok 11:45AM blogger: First of all I see the difference as being this.

If an "invester" wanted my property, the bid would have been at "Fair market value," per the appraisal completed by a qualified appraiser, and audited by the bank.

Now we have a "bench mark" price the "invester" will pay for the property. If said property is valued at $170,000.00 the "invester" will need to offer at least that ammount, and possibly 20% more if they really want it. (that's the real world for the "little guy.")

Now the swim club property was "blighted," and appraised at $88,000.00, and the "invester paid $850,000.00, or 88% more that the bank or anyone else would have loaned on that property.

They say that property was the "deal breaker," I don't know if that is true, but I do know they were offered over $250,000.00 and were turned down.

As far as the threat of eminent donain is concerned, what would the City then have to pay me for the property, assessed value? One thing is for sure the City cannot throw me, or you off our property without recompense, the only Government agency that can do that is the IRS, and they are having a hard time of it themselves.


The issue here is not what THF was willing to, and did pay for the property, the issue is why is Crestwood so willing to use public tax money to re-pay them for a purchase that was obvously out of line with the appraised value of the property.

Last but not least, this transaction is tax money being used for a private club, and as such is at odd's with the Missouri State Constitution (please look it up!)

That's my view of the question you asked, I hope I answered to your satisfaction.

Tom Ford

1:56 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


First answer where is the deed transfer between THF Realty and the City of Crestwood for 54 parking spaces that is two thirds of an acre.

What a sweet deal!

3:54 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is the current and previous City Administrator's personally liable for allowing embezzlement with public monies for a private swim club?

Justice is due on the Kohl's deal.

Game is over for being nice guy.

Our City is not "safe" when our Crestwood Policeman cannot write tickets and do their job but the private swim club is "safe" as stated by their members at a Board of Alderman meeting. I guess they have their own "security life guards."

How many tickets have been issued for illegal parking on the City's parking lot and illegally crossing the Sappington street?

Our Crestwood Policeman can write tickets at Whitecliff Pool and in the City Park!

So which pool would you have your child swim?

I want our Crestwood Policeman to write tickets for all violations to ALL people to protect the citizens of Crestwood and to protect our guests.

What do you want?

Do you want to live in a city of exceptions and "it depends"?

Come to the Tuesday, April 24th meeting to hear how THF Realty Company will receive $295,000 for the 54 parking spaces without a deed transfer but allows the private swim club free parking year round.

Can we move the City Hall to Whitecliff?

There is enough land to build a new City Hall and Police Station.

The City of Crestwood can transfer all of their property to Rosebrook Real Estate for $1.00 so the private swim club can have more parking and more parties.

This will give the private swim club privacy.

I feel "safe" there because the law is enforced.

4:06 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ask the Rosebrook Real Estate and Crestwood Swim Club members why they use the term "safe" at a public Board of Alderman meeting.


Please post their names.

4:07 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

City Attorney Robert Golterman will give all of Mayor and Board of Alderman to vote due to the City of Crestwood Charter on conflict of Interest.

How can our City Attorney Robert Golterman allow our Mayor and Board of Alderman to vote on a real estate transaction without a deed transfer between THF Realty Company and City of Crestwood?

Now, will our City Administrator, Frank Myers and City Attorney Robert Golterman be personally liable for embezzlement for a private swim club.

Is embezzlement accepted in the Crestwood's charter?

Does the State of Missouri allow verbal real estate transactions to be enforced in a court of law?

4:12 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Don't worry!

Justice always prevails.

How many times has THF Realty Company, Armstrong Teasdale Law Firm, and Gilmore Bell Law Firm allow for reimbursement of public monies for no deed transfer?

Missouri Attorney General is aware of all of 300 TIF's and 70 TDD's.

4:16 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why did PGAV document in the 1998 Redevelopment Plan for Kohl's the location of a service station different from St. Louis County?

What else has discrepancies in the 1998 Redevelopment Plan for Kohl's for whose gain?

Dip into the Crestwood Swim Pool that is paid by the Kohl's shoppers!

So was the Hazardous Waste every cleaned up under Kohl's?

Parcel Map No. 3
Restaurant & Retail
Marvin Mishkin;
9725 Watson Road: St. Louis, MO 63126 c/o 18 Spoede Lane
(According to St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds, parcel map number three is number four parcel)

Parcel Map No. 4
Former Filling Station
Schnucks Twenty-Five Inc., et al; 9715 Watson Road; St. Louis, MO 63126; c/o Paul Blasé-Controller 11420 Lackland, St. Louis, MO 63146
(According to St. Louis County Recorder of Deeds, parcel map number three is number four parcel)

4:20 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Give up explaining to everyone that Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club and the City of Crestwood are separate entitites!

In the minds of the Rosebrook Real Estate Company and Crestwood Swim Club members, these three entities are operating as one entity because of our Public Officials being members and owning stock.

They do not understand your logically explanation because the two businesses are operating as one with the City of Crestwood as shadow government of protecting them.

You understand the law and why it is written for all citizens.

They only know the law to help them get a new pool of public money for their private club.

This is a form of embezzlement!

4:26 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


What if the newspaper staff are members of the private pool?

4:27 PM, April 22, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Well, I said this would be a topic of interest, so who is next?

This BOA meeting will be better than a pro. tennis match (back and forth,) and best of all it's free!

Tom Ford

4:37 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:27 PM

Well, they will have a beautiful place to cool off and relax this summer.

5:20 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said... finally caught us...the Crestwood Swim Club is THE shadow government that operates out of an undisclosed location all winter...then in the summer it does its evil business adjacent to the snack bar, just to the south of the fish-shaped baby pool...nothing but pure, unadulterated evil.

6:13 PM, April 22, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is Attorney Robert Golterman salary as the City of Crestwood City Attorney?

What is Attorney Robert Golterman hourly rate for the City of Crestwood?

Was Attorney Robert Golterman on the Kohl's TIF Commission?

How many Real Estate Classes has Attorney Robert Golterman had in Law School?

10:34 AM, April 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck chucked wood?

4:18 PM, April 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No wonder the spouse of the Rosebrook guy did not want him to run for alderman again. Sorta sticky!

4:37 PM, April 24, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

4:18PM blogger: I thought it was "How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?"

Tom Ford

5:36 PM, April 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much for my poetry efforts, let the record show Mr. Ford is correct, it is not chucked but chuck is what a woodchuck could chuck if they could chuck wood. Or is it if they up chucked from eating from the chuck wagon?
This is why I love the English language!

5:49 PM, April 24, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question: What if the chuck wagon chucked wood? Would we have to chuck it?

11:41 AM, April 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:20 PM, April 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one! You answered my question.

1:43 PM, April 25, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

If the chuckwagon chucked wood, and the wood was chucked at the woodchuck, would the woodchuck then have to re-chuck it?

Tom Ford

6:23 PM, April 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll have to ask my friend Chuck!

6:25 PM, April 25, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Please give us his answer when you get it!

Tom Ford

6:51 PM, April 25, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Charlie said he didnt have a clue what the hell you were talking about and returned to his chopping fire wood.

7:17 PM, April 25, 2007  
Blogger Crestwood Independent said...

Does "Charlie" chuck the wood after he chop's it?

Tom Ford

4:33 PM, April 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Chuck chucks it cheeringly!

5:06 PM, April 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, just chuck it all! I just broke a wheel in a CHUCK HOLE.

6:34 PM, April 26, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Woa! I'm not sure if I want to go there.

6:48 PM, April 26, 2007  

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