The Tuesday, April 10th meeting of the BOA
"A quick point about the Kohl's project. My package indicated a proposal to modify the intergovernmental Coop Agreement to allow the TDD board to reimburse Kohl's for 295,000 or such amount approved by the TTD board will be introduced Tuesday the 10th of April."
I would suggest interested citizens should show up to hear this debate and make their opinions known.
Folks, let's try to be there, please!
Tom Ford
NO. 317
I would suggest interested citizens should show up to hear this debate and make their opinions known.
Folks, let's try to be there, please!
Tom Ford
NO. 317
Where is the paperwork to allow a private real estate transaction between THF and Rosebrook Real Estate Company?
Since when is the Intergovernmental Agreement managed by the Kohl's TDD Board versus the City of Crestwood?
The purpose of an Intergovernmental Agreement is to allow the City of Crestwood maintain the 1% Kohl's sales taxes to reimburse the TDD after it pays 50% to the Kohl's TIF. One percent of the 1% sales tax is kept by the city of Crestwood for maintaining the TDD monies.
So, the Kohl's TDD Board is going to reimburse THF private Real Estate Transaction with the 1% of the $3 million in TDD monies which is around $300,000.
So, the City of Crestwood is giving up their Intergovernmental fee to THF for buying the old Crestwood Swim Club pool because there is no legal paperwork to support this private transaction with the St. Louis Circuit paperwork in Creating the Kohl's TDD?
Another shell game with the public sales taxe dollars!
How is this chess game going to end?
Explanation of the Chess Game
1. Kohl' TIF - Attorney Robert Golterman on committee before City of Crestwood Attorney
2. Kohl's TDD - Attorney Robert Klahr from Armstrong Teasdale reviewed Kohl's TDD paperwork but forgot to verify that Crestwood Swim Club was a private pool not owned by the City of Crestwood. All of the TDD paperwork does not mention a private swim club.
3. Kohl's CID - As of today, we have not received all of the documents to the new sewer lines and cleanup of asbestos and underground buried tanks from Wuellner's service station
4. Kohl's Intergovernmental Agreement is a way for the City of Crestwood to collect the TDD and CID monies to pay off the bonds with the sales taxes from Kohl's and communicate to these governmental entities.
5. Whitechliff may have some information on building a new City Hall parking lot.
Two swimming pools were being built in Crestwood at the same time. Crestwood Swim Club and Whitecliff Pool!
If only the City of Crestwood had purchased the two parcels owned by Rosebrook, then THF would have their money.
But how can the City of Crestwood purchase the land twice from Rosebrook like in 1972! This is called Land Irregularities with the IRS law!
By the way, has anyone verified where the TDD bond money is actually borrowed from which Federal entity?
Who can audit an Intergovernmental Agreement? Crestwood BOA, Missouri Auditor, or Federal SEC
I want to personally thank Attorney Robert Golterman for coming up with the idea of reimbursing THF for a private sale with Rosebrook/Crestwood Swim club with the Intergovernmental Agreement money collected by the City of Crestwood for managing the Kohl's TDD bonds.
Can you please explain this transaction to the City of Crestwood citizens on how this is legal to take sales tax monies to give for a private real estate sales transactions?
Is the $295,000 the interest that THF has been paying for the $3 million in Kohl's TDD expenditures?
post 2:27 why should you be allowed to see the paperwork of a private real estate transaction?
post 2:34 why shouldn't the agreement be managed by Kohl's TDD board?
post 2:43 Why hasn't the FBI and the attorney general of the state of MO. jumped in on this if it is the fraud you claim it to be? And who is "we" who is asking for documents? Would you give anything to any one know only as "anonymous"? Who have you all asked?
Ms K. Barrett wants to know!!
7:29 PM blogger: Well, I for one would like to see the "answers" to those questions.
And as for the "who are you" remark, well I am a tax payer, living right here in Crestwood who want's to know where the funds are going!
Private real estate transactions do not involve Tax payer money, now do they. So since there is a TDD attached to this, I think I have every right to see it, and so do the taxpayers in Crestwood!
Come to the meeting on Tuesday and explain to me like I am a three year old how this works, if you can!
And in closing please let me inform you that until a bond is sold there will be no investigation. Why? Well because until a bond is sold, there is no need for one. Kind of like if I say I am going to bop someone, no crime has been committed, but when I do, well different story.
Tom Ford
1. Was this a "private" transaction if one entity will get reimbursed for said transaction through public funds?
2. I don't dislike the Crestwood Swim Club. In fact, I'm quite envious. I would like to know how to get reimbursed 8-10 times the value of my property!
3. I would like to know who originated this transaction. I would like to know why THF was willing to pay that amount for the property.
hay, wake up and read the post of 2:27 pm on 4/7/07 they are the ones who said it was a private real estate transaction. I just asked if it was private why anonymous thought they had a right to see the paperwork.
If you want to know why THF was willing to pay what they did, ask THF. If they are a stock held company buy some of their stock and as a stock holder demand to know the answers to your questions. This is not 007 spy stuff, you can find out what you want on your own with out having to rely on the blog.
I did wake up and roll out of the hay!
could have fooled me!'s not that difficult to do.
you should know, you have been fooling a lot of people in Crestwood for years!
You have quite the imagination. You can't defend or change the legacy, it's already made.
yep and you are a part of it
I'm just one of the many trying to clean up the messes left over.
Wrong again-
Didn't vote for the police station, didn't vote for all those taxes, didn't like to see the city begin to crumble.
6:03 you said it best, you sat and did nothing, but now act like the City owes you something.
That is the legacy you have, nothing.
Wrong again. At least you're consistent!
The city owes me nothing. But I would like a free membership to that fancy swim club!!!
poster 8:56 PM
What are you saying? That voting FOR the police station was doing something? Nice try, no sale.
11:41, You must have be one of the few citizens who knew what they were voting for when it came to extending the Sunset on the capital improvments tax. Care to comment on why you were smart enough and others in Crestwood were not? You seem to be smart enough on everything else. What is your method?
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