Did the Mayor actually say " he would not vote for a TDD, TIF, CID?
I have been searching my memory for a hint of that from Mayor Robinson's campaign speeches, literature, or comment's to no avail! There are those who post here that say he said it, and if he did, well, I can't find it!
I am at a loss as to how that statement could be made by anyone running for public office when they have no way to see into the future. There may indeed be times when it could be very necessary to grant such a "tool" to a developer for a really large project (No the pool deal wasn't one of them,) to insure success.
I doubt that it will matter much anymore as the State Legislature has passed a bill that grants the County's the power to do so, and not the cities! This bill will go to the Governor for his signature soon, and will no doubt end the in-fighting for new developments between local communities. Is it a good thing? I have no idea, but it should be very interesting to watch!
Tom Ford
NO. 335
I am at a loss as to how that statement could be made by anyone running for public office when they have no way to see into the future. There may indeed be times when it could be very necessary to grant such a "tool" to a developer for a really large project (No the pool deal wasn't one of them,) to insure success.
I doubt that it will matter much anymore as the State Legislature has passed a bill that grants the County's the power to do so, and not the cities! This bill will go to the Governor for his signature soon, and will no doubt end the in-fighting for new developments between local communities. Is it a good thing? I have no idea, but it should be very interesting to watch!
Tom Ford
NO. 335
Nice Tom, really nice, ask Ms. Barrett if about Roy's promises to her, ask Mr. & Mrs Clark about his promises to them.
So what you are saying is if he never promised to stop the TDD going to the THF, his action was the right one?
Are the Clarks and Barretts more important than everyone else in Crestwood? Please advise.
10:23 PM BLOGGER: No I was just asking a question. In my mind I can see no justification what so ever in giving THF anything.
Why the board voted to do so is something only they can tell us. I am a bit interested in the the lawyers voting for the money, as they work for THF and as such, I think that's a conflict of interest on their part.
Well, it is what it is as they say, so let's see if any further interest is taken by other parties outside of this deal.
Tom Ford
They better be to Roy if he wants their support in 2008
Did members of the board who are also members of the swim club recuse themselves from this vote??? Did the city attorney decline, as well??? Because, bottom line, the deal was predicted on the sale of the swim club (Rosebrook Realty) or there would be no Kohl's. If they did not recuse themselves, why and if not would the 295,000 payoff had passed???
Thank YOu.
Since the Mayor know this why didnt he veto the bill but instead he supported the $295,000 payoff?
The buck stops with him, all 295,000 of them.
Your welcome!
finally somebody used the term recuse correctly and spelled it properly. The most butchered word of the year in 2006.
9:47--so you say the Kohl's would not exist if if were not for the Pool deal--is it a bad thing that Kohl's is in Crestwood?
To claim that Kohl's would not exist without the Rosebrook (Crestwood Swim Club) deal is a little far-fetched.
Martha Duchild
The mayor should have and could have vetoed the Pool Deal, why didn't he?
Martha, Kohl's might have walked away without the additional parking spaces (over and obove city and county requirements per sq ft). The BOA did not want to take that chance since that property was vacant for such an extended number of years. I guess you were not as involved with the BOA meetings during that period of time.
Kohl's "might have" walked away. Then again, they might not have. The majority of their parking is in front of the store.
How many parking spaces are required for a commercial building in the City of Crestwood?
Ask former Mayor Brasfield if the Rosebrook Property was in the original deal for Kohl's?
Who suggested to use a TDD to build a new private pool after Sam's used a TDD to build an intersection? Matt Conley? Tim Trueblood?
Was it true that the Kohl's deal was all for a new police station and the new private pool was a last minute deal?
Whatever happened to the $2 million spent on architecture drawings for a new police station?
Roy (the Mayor) should have listened to his supporters and vetoed the deal, why didnt he?
7:06 a.m. May 26th
Why not go to a board meeting and ask him? The only person who can tell you why he voted the way he did is the mayor himself.
The mayor is free to disagree with his supporters, just as they are free to disagree with him. He obviously felt his reasons for supporting it were more compelling than others' were for opposing it.
As for Kohl's parking, here's a quote from PGAV's April 9, 2001 report designating the swim club properties as a chapter 353 area: "Retailers today require that the parking field be easily accessible and IN FRONT OF THE BUILDING." (my caps) Parking spaces in front a necessity? YES Parking spaces in the rear a necessity? NO.
Martha Duchild
So even PGAV felt the Pool Deal was a bad deal, the question still not answered by their supporters is why did the Mayor and Alderman Miguel vote for the Pool Deal? Did they know something that we haven't know that forced them to vote the way they did?
As for attending meetings, I'm a bit like Mr. Ford, I'd rather ask questions here instead of going to Alderman meetings. Don't know what Tom's reason for not going is but I find them a bit depressing. Maybe it's the lighting in the room.
Speaking of depressing, that is some real depressing news in the Times about Ms.Tate leaving Crestwood. I know that Tom depended on her for a lot of information.
Strange thing is she is the 5TH woman to leave her job at City Hall in the two years Roy has been Mayor,
Ms. Madrid
Ms. Cottle
Ms. Daily
Ms. Johnson
Ms. Tate
That's a lot of turn over, do they all know something we arent being told?
6:28 PM blogger: Ok, for once and for all, and to clear up some mis-information out there about me, I shall tell you why I don't go to BOA meetings.
The number one reason is that I am very hard of hearing, and we have the worst sound system on the planet for that type of malody!
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I speak very loudly, but can't hear a cannon go off next to me!
This is no doubt a direct result of my day's in the Navy (the VA agrees, and is working with me on hearing aids.) In thoes days I worked the flight deck, and sometimes flew off the Carrer Bennington (CVS-20,) we had no hearing protection as they do today, so we were subject to aircraft, 5" AAA fire, and whatever else (catapult, arresting gear) noise you can imagine.
Number two is that I have lost the sight in my right eye making it diffucult to see in low light conditions, such as in the BOA room.
Number three is my inhanced work scheduel, if I am not still in the field at meeting time, I am on the computer writing reports to the factory. For that very reason, I have tendered my resignation to the Mayor (ET AL) reference my being on the P & Z board.
As you may now begin to understand, my lack of attendence has no nafarious side to it, it just is what it is, nothing more, nothing less!
Now reference the female employees we have lost, well two of them moved with their husbands to another state, one moved to a higher position in another town, one was asked to leave, and the last one, I have no idea.
I hope this answers some of your ouestion's, but if not, well ask away!
The one eyed, deaf, old fat man,
Tom Ford
Marth, it does not matter what the PGAV's April 9, 2001 report stated. Kohl's is the party that was requiring the old pool land for additional parking.
Tom, after reading about your reasons for not attending meetings, why on earth do you think you would have done a good job as an Alderman under those conditions? AMAZING!
11:40 PM blogger: I would have done my best! That's all anyone can do, isn't it? I was willing to try which is more than most anyone else will do.
What is amazing is that we never have seen you place your name in nomination. Why is that?
Tom Ford
11:47 May 27th
Do you think there is a chance that this "requirement" might have been renegotiated had THF known they were not going to be reimbursed by the TDD for the old swim pool acquisition? THF had no reason to question the amount of money spent to acquire the swim club property because they assumed they were going to be reimbursed for almost all of it.
All I am suggesting is that had THF known from the start that the acquisition price of the swim club was not eligible for reimbursement by the TDD, they may have approached this development differently.
Martha Duchild
I don't understand how the city's parking lot could have been included at all.
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